1 a vizier's daughter - Hazara.net

1 a vizier's daughter - Hazara.net 1 a vizier's daughter - Hazara.net


164 A VIZIER’S DAUGHTER – A TALE OF THE HAZARA WAR which she did not yet understand. It was the dim consciousness that a place that had been empty was being filled, and that by her, unobserved by ever y one, even those most concerned perhaps, but that was no matter. She had found a new care – a new duty that was to fill the place that her father and little sister had alwa ys occupied. But it was the first dawn of something more than that; of the passion than which no stronger or holier can animate a woman’s breast, the first dawn of an unselfish, self-sacrificing lo ve, ready to give all, and to ask for nothing in return. But Gul Begum knew nothing of that; she would only sit and watch the sky as she has watched the shadows on the Hazara hills, and dream and dream, or rather let unformed dreams just filter through her brain, for they left nothing behind, and an hour later had any one said, “What were you thinking of as you watched the sky?” she could truthfully have answered, “Nothing,” for she was conscious of nothing but a feeling of rest, and hope, and trust, in something that was above and beyond her. And that hour at dawn was a time she was quite sure to get all to herself. That was the hour in the twent y-four when All Kabul slept. The Court often did not close till one, or even two or three, or even later, but b y dawn the last straggler had almost alwa ys found his way home; and when the Court slept the whole town slept, and when the Court rose the whole town rose. Clocks there were and plent y, and there was the bell that rang to warn the workmen that it was time to assemble in the various factories. But that was the foreigners’ signal, and that of the prisoners and workmen who served the Government under them. It had nothing whatever to do with the good townsfolk. It was only for ignorant villagers and tillers of the soil to get up at daybreak, not for respectable, well-to-do tradesmen and private gentlemen, and as for the officials, it was their only time of repose, this time while the Ameer slept, so that throughout the cit y every sound was stilled until the cocks and the wild dogs awoke to the consciousness that day had dawned, and that it was time for them to try and wake to world, even if the world choose not to be awakened by them.

165 A VIZIER’S DAUGHTER – A TALE OF THE HAZARA WAR CHAPTER XXX VISITORS AS weeks and months succeeded one another, visitors occasionally broke the monotony of the dull routine of daily life in the Chief Secretar y’s house. Gul Begum’s mother was attached to a household close by, and being an elderly woman, was often sent out on certain messages, more readily executed by her than by a man. So she dropped in ever y now and then to see her daughter and niece, generally sta ying for a meal more

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AS weeks and months succeeded one another, visitors occasionally<br />

broke the monotony of the dull routine of daily life in the Chief<br />

Secretar y’s house.<br />

Gul Begum’s mother was attached to a household close by, and being<br />

an elderly woman, was often sent out on certain messages, more readily<br />

executed by her than by a man. So she dropped in ever y now and then<br />

to see her <strong>daughter</strong> and niece, generally sta ying for a meal more

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