1 a vizier's daughter - Hazara.net

1 a vizier's daughter - Hazara.net

1 a vizier's daughter - Hazara.net


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the clothes they wear, the rock or the mud that gives them shelter, and<br />

the next morsel the y can get to stuff down their throats.”<br />

“It is their Kismet,” Gul Begum said , “what can they do ?”<br />

“What, indeed? Pa y taxes to the Ameer of Kabul, forsooth, we who are<br />

free, as free as he. Let him pay taxes to us; we do far more for him<br />

than ever he does for us.”<br />

“What is this about paying taxes, father? Who can demand taxes from<br />

us who are free and owe tribute to none?”<br />

“That you may well ask. Who devastated the hillsides for miles? Who<br />

destro yed half the villages around Jellalabad? Who made a tower of<br />

Shinwaris heads? Who does these deeds of blood?”<br />

“Ah, there you are unjust, father; the iron hand that swept these<br />

robbers off the face of the earth brought peace and safet y to thousands<br />

of honest traders and herdsmen; there is nothing to regret in the<br />

destruction of the Shinwaris. We must be just. The wives and mothers<br />

and children of those robbers may have suffered, but for all others in<br />

was a gain. We must be just, I say.”<br />

“True enough,” her father retorted pensively. “The world lost nothing<br />

in the Shinwaris. But the man who overthrew Jadu and Dadu can<br />

overthrow others too, and he will, too, if they oppose him.”<br />

“Who is talking of opposing him?” the girl questioned eagerly, half<br />

guessing the truth.<br />

“I am,” her father said. “I refuse to pay him the tribute he has sent to<br />

demand.”<br />

“Why does he suddenly ask tribute of us, father; what have we done to<br />

gain his displeasure? How have we excited his wrath?”<br />

“What have we done? Just what we’ve done for hundreds of years, no<br />

more, no less; we have lived free among our own hills untrammelled ,<br />

now and again carr ying off some Afghan girls and cattle in return for<br />

some the y have carried off of ours. Just vengeance.”<br />

“Just vengeance, indeed; who would do less?”<br />

“No man, that’s just the point; but this Iron Ameer, he would fain be<br />

the only man in all the land, and bids all the other men be women. He<br />

had forbidden feuds, and vengeance. He is no Mohamedan, he had<br />

forgotten the ancient law, ‘an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,’ and<br />

he says there is to be peace. The men that make raids upon their<br />

neighbours are to be exterminated, root and branch, and because our<br />

neighbours here made a raid down into an Afghan village last week,<br />

and carried off three women, two children, seven cows and some sheep,<br />

he demands restitution, and promises (if we pay him taxes) to protect

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