1 a vizier's daughter - Hazara.net

1 a vizier's daughter - Hazara.net 1 a vizier's daughter - Hazara.net


102 A VIZIER’S DAUGHTER – A TALE OF THE HAZARA WAR “What! still sitting here?” she said. “How is this, Nam-e-Khuda? You must have been forgotten. There are too many mistresses in this house and too few servants. God knows what it’ll all leading us to. Fine trouble there will be when Agha comes home. Here, come with me. I told a lot of girls to clear out a little room at the side for you, but I don’t exact they’ve done it.” The wanderers rose with some difficult y. The y had walked far and had fallen half asleep, in the damp night air, but they managed to follow their guide through the doorway and up a few steps, then into a little room, but the guide stumbled as she entered, and an angry, sleepy voice called out :- “Here, what are you doing? Look where you’re going. Am I a dog that you walk over me?” For answer the speaker got a smart rap on the side of the head. “What are you doing here, tripping me up?” the new arrival said. “What business have you here at all? Didn’t I tell you, you were to find quarters elsewhere and leave this room for the strangers?” “There’s nowhere else to go. There’s not an inch to sleep on anywhere. I’ve been to see.” “Then go and lose yourself,” the woman replied, “but clear out of here at once. Is there any one else here?” “Yes, two or three. Are we all to turn out for these accursed strangers?” “Do what you’re told,” the woman who was evidently in authorit y replied sharply, “and take’ these other women with you. Now, be sharp, or I’ll get the stick to you.” Slowly and sulkily they rose, taking their mats on which they had been lying and their pillows with them. “Cursed be their fathers!” the slave girl went on as they retired. “Not one of them is worth the food she eats. Sta y here and I’ll fetc h you some bedding that will do for to-night. I shan’t be a moment,” and she disappeared, to return with a hu ge bundle which she threw down on the ground, leaving the new arrivals to make the best the y could of it. It was more than they had seen for many a long day, and in almost less time than could be credited the y were all four sound asleep.

103 A VIZIER’S DAUGHTER – A TALE OF THE HAZARA WAR CHAPTER XIX AN INMATE OF AN AFGHAN HAREM THE sun was visible above the wall of the enclosure which bound their horizon when the party from the Hazara hills awoke on the fo llowing morning. “Nam-e-Khuda! What must these people be thinking of us!” Halima exclaimed, as she pulled her shawl from over her head to admit the full light of day to her still sleepy e yes. “They can only think that we have traveller far, which indeed we have, and were ver y much fatigued, which indeed we were,” her sister-in-law

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THE sun was visible above the wall of the enclosure which bound their<br />

horizon when the party from the <strong>Hazara</strong> hills awoke on the fo llowing<br />

morning.<br />

“Nam-e-Khuda! What must these people be thinking of us!” Halima<br />

exclaimed, as she pulled her shawl from over her head to admit the full<br />

light of day to her still sleepy e yes.<br />

“They can only think that we have traveller far, which indeed we have,<br />

and were ver y much fatigued, which indeed we were,” her sister-in-law

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