1 a vizier's daughter - Hazara.net

1 a vizier's daughter - Hazara.net 1 a vizier's daughter - Hazara.net


100 A VIZIER’S DAUGHTER – A TALE OF THE HAZARA WAR “Sit down there, then,” he said, “and I will go and see what can be done in the harem for these new arrivals. Come along with me,” he went on, as he preceded the women in the direction of the house, which was protected by a second enclosing wall. “Tell the Bibi that four women selected by Agha have been sent here from the camp,” he said to a slave girl, who met the party on the threshold. “Nam-e-Khuda, what are we to do with them?” the girl ejaculated; “we are already so crowded we have to sleep like sheep in a yard.” Then, turning to look at them, “Hazaras!” she said. “Oh, the y can sleep anywhere; put them in the stable.” “Peace, girl,” the old man said angrily, “and be more careful with that tongue of yours or you may find yourself without it some day. You don’t know what you are talking about. Take my message to the Bibi and tell her that one favoured by Ferad Shah, with free attendants, has arrived, and that a room must be cleared for them in the house. It can be quite small, the y are only four, and, coming late at night, must be satisfied with what the y can get.” The girl disappeared, to return presently. “Bibi sa ys she has had no orders about the arrival of any women, and that if you wish them housed, you must house them yourself.” The old man was ver y wroth. “Tell your mistress that I say the women are to be received and properly treated, fed, and clothed, or it will be the worse for her when Agha returns,” then he stooped and whispered something in her ear. The girl glanced at Gul Begum, who, almost unconscious of what was going on around her, was still gazing at the beauties of a semi-tropical garden in full bloom, the gigantic scarlet briar roses and the brilliant yellow and orange ones a little further on, and, above all, the beautiful spreading trees in which the turtle doves were cooing o ne another to sleep. She had never seen the like, never dreamt of such a glory of colour. Almost in equal wonder the slave girl gazed for a moment at the travelstained new arrival. It was not her beauty that impressed her, nor yet her size – there were plent y of girls as tall in the harem – she could not have said what it was. Perhaps it was the fearlessness that comes of freedom, the possession of a soul that could forget the physical discomforts of its shell in the contemplation of the simple beauties of nature. Perhaps it was her quiet dignity. Gul Begum was quite unconscious of having produced any impression, but the girl went quickly into the house, to return with a more civil

101 A VIZIER’S DAUGHTER – A TALE OF THE HAZARA WAR message. “The women must wait in the enclosure, and some food would be sent to them while a room was being cleared for their reception. It was late, the Bibi would see them on the morrow.” “That’s well,” the door-keeper said, addressing them; then in an undertone which obviously was meant to create a lasting impression, “I’ve done m y best for you, but for me you would have had to sleep out in the dew to-night. You will not forget to recall m y services when Agha returns, he will be back in about a week, I expect, but really we never know, especially since the war began.” Then he retired, and the women were left alo ne, or at least temporarily alone, for presently o ne woman came up, and then another, just to have a look at them and then pass on. “I wish the y would bring in some food,” Halima began. “I feel as if my thirst could never be assu aged,” Shereen went on, and she stooped and drank some of the water from the stream that ran through the enclosure. “That’s better,” she said with a sigh. “This Ferad Shah must be a rich man! M y goodness, look at his garde n, look at his house, and look at his servants! What mone y he must have to clothe and feed them all.” “God grant it that we ma y have peace here,” her mother said reverently. And then the food was brought. One large dish of mutton and rice with cranberries mixed up in it, and two small ones containing two different kinds of green vegetables. “That is all that is ready just now,” the girl said. “It is not much, but you were not expected.” A very dirt y cloth was laid upon the ground, and the women sat round it hungrily. None of them had had such a meal in all their lives, so well-cooked, so delicate in flavour, and yet the girl who brought it had made a sort of apology for it, as though it had been insufficient. “I’d sta y here for ever and work my fingers to the bone to get such good food,” Halima remarked, when first she paused in her endeavour to satisfy her hunger. “What rice!” her sister-in-law went on. “They must have some different way of growing it here. I have never seen the like.” The two girls had less to sa y, but both ate greedily. The y had had nothing but a piece of bread to eat since about that hour the night before. After the meal was over, it was long before any one came near them. The night was growing chilly and the moon stood high in the heavens when the slave girl they had first seen on their arrival came towards them.

100<br />


“Sit down there, then,” he said, “and I will go and see what can be<br />

done in the harem for these new arrivals. Come along with me,” he<br />

went on, as he preceded the women in the direction of the house, which<br />

was protected by a second enclosing wall.<br />

“Tell the Bibi that four women selected by Agha have been sent here<br />

from the camp,” he said to a slave girl, who met the party on the<br />

threshold.<br />

“Nam-e-Khuda, what are we to do with them?” the girl ejaculated; “we<br />

are already so crowded we have to sleep like sheep in a yard.” Then,<br />

turning to look at them, “<strong>Hazara</strong>s!” she said. “Oh, the y can sleep<br />

anywhere; put them in the stable.”<br />

“Peace, girl,” the old man said angrily, “and be more careful with that<br />

tongue of yours or you may find yourself without it some day. You<br />

don’t know what you are talking about. Take my message to the Bibi<br />

and tell her that one favoured by Ferad Shah, with free attendants, has<br />

arrived, and that a room must be cleared for them in the house. It can<br />

be quite small, the y are only four, and, coming late at night, must be<br />

satisfied with what the y can get.”<br />

The girl disappeared, to return presently.<br />

“Bibi sa ys she has had no orders about the arrival of any women, and<br />

that if you wish them housed, you must house them yourself.”<br />

The old man was ver y wroth. “Tell your mistress that I say the women<br />

are to be received and properly treated, fed, and clothed, or it will be<br />

the worse for her when Agha returns,” then he stooped and whispered<br />

something in her ear.<br />

The girl glanced at Gul Begum, who, almost unconscious of what was<br />

going on around her, was still gazing at the beauties of a semi-tropical<br />

garden in full bloom, the gigantic scarlet briar roses and the brilliant<br />

yellow and orange ones a little further on, and, above all, the beautiful<br />

spreading trees in which the turtle doves were cooing o ne another to<br />

sleep. She had never seen the like, never dreamt of such a glory of<br />

colour.<br />

Almost in equal wonder the slave girl gazed for a moment at the travelstained<br />

new arrival. It was not her beauty that impressed her, nor yet<br />

her size – there were plent y of girls as tall in the harem – she could not<br />

have said what it was. Perhaps it was the fearlessness that comes of<br />

freedom, the possession of a soul that could forget the physical<br />

discomforts of its shell in the contemplation of the simple beauties of<br />

nature. Perhaps it was her quiet dignity.<br />

Gul Begum was quite unconscious of having produced any impression,<br />

but the girl went quickly into the house, to return with a more civil

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