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lawyer n /ˈlɔːjə(r)/ právník/právnička I need to consult a lawyer.<br />

mother-in-law n /ˈmʌðər ɪn lɔː/ tchyně I get on very well with my mother-in-law.<br />

mud n /mʌd/ bláto He came home from the football match covered in mud.<br />

one day /wʌn deɪ/ jednou One day, I will travel to India.<br />

peace n /piːs/ mír The two communities live together in peace.<br />

polite adj /pəˈlaɪt/ slušný, zdvořilý The shop assistants are helpful and polite.<br />

poor adj /pɔː(r)/ chudý The family was too poor to buy new clothes.<br />

popular adj /ˈpɒpjələ(r)/ populární, bulvární The popular newspapers seem more interested in<br />

scandal than news.<br />

procession n /prəˈseʃn/ průvod, procesí At midday there is a procession to the beach.<br />

race v /reɪs/ závodit s kým/čím We raced up the stairs.<br />

snake n /sneɪk/ had I am scared of snakes.<br />

stage n /steɪdʒ/ divadlo Kate Winslet is an actress on stage and screen.<br />

statue n /ˈstætʃuː/ socha The Sapporo Snow Festival features huge ice statues.<br />

sugar cane n /ˈʃʊɡə keɪn/ cukrová třtina The elephants were fed sugar cane.<br />

ton n /tʌn/ (přen.) tuna, spousta I’ve got tons of homework to do.<br />

tribe n /traɪb/ kmen There were people from 80 different tribes.<br />

tropical adj /ˈtrɒpɪkl/ tropický They come from tropical places like Hawaii and<br />

Singapore.<br />

unfortunately adv /ʌnˈfɔːtʃənətli/ bohužel, naneštěstí Unfortunately there’s nothing I can do to help.<br />

war n /wɔː(r)/ válka The Prime Minister announced that the country was<br />

at war.<br />

watermelon n /ˈwɔːtəmelən/ (vodní) meloun The watermelon is a fruit with green <strong>sk</strong>in.<br />

wish v /wɪʃ/ přát si I wish that I knew what was going to happen.<br />

Unit 12 Phrases<br />

give somebody a hand /ɡɪv ˈsʌmbədi ə hænd/ pomoct komu<br />

idea of fun /aɪˈdɪə ɒv fʌn/ to, co člověka baví<br />

in a hurry /ɪn ə ˈhʌri/ ve spĕchu<br />

just in case /dʒʌst ɪn keɪs/ pro každý případ<br />

live and let live /lɪv ænd let lɪv/ žij a nech žít jiné<br />

sorry to trouble you /ˈsɒri tə ˈtrʌbl ju/ omlouvám se, že obtěžuji<br />

stand up straight /stænd ʌp streɪt/ stát rovně<br />

Would you mind ...? /wəd ju maɪnd/ Vadilo by vám, kdyby …?<br />

Yours sincerely /ˌjɔːz sɪnˈsɪəli/ S úctou<br />

Translations based on the Oxford studijní slovník: výkladový slovník angličtiny s če<strong>sk</strong>ým překladem<br />

© 2010 (ISBN: 9780194306539)<br />

<strong>English</strong> Result Pre-intermediate Czech Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2010 24<br />


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