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chin n /tʃɪn/ brada The make-up artists used material to change the<br />

shape of his chin.<br />

compare v /kəmˈpeə(r)/ porovnat Her last film was brilliant but this one simply doesn’t<br />

compare.<br />

complaint n /kəmˈpleɪnt/ reklamace You should make a complaint to the company that<br />

made the machine.<br />

contact lenses n pl /ˈkɒntækt<br />

lenzɪz/<br />

kontaktní čočky The contact lenses changed the colour of his eyes.<br />

cough n /kɒf/ kašel He told the doctor that he had a bad cough.<br />

decide v /dɪˈsaɪd/ rozhodnout (se) There are so many to choose from – I can’t decide!<br />

disabled adj /dɪsˈeɪbld/ (tělesně/mentálně)<br />

postižený<br />

A car accident left her permanently disabled.<br />

dose n /dəʊs/ dávka (léku) You must take the recommended dose of medicine.<br />

ear n /ɪə(r)/ ucho Emma has had her ears pierced.<br />

effective relief n /ɪˈfektɪv rɪˈliːf/ účinná úleva The tablets should provide effective relief for your<br />

backache.<br />

exactly adv /ɪɡˈzæktli/ přesně I found exactly what I wanted.<br />

expiry date n /ɪkˈspaɪəri deɪt/ datum <strong>sk</strong>ončení<br />

použitelnosti<br />

The expiry date on this yoghurt was 20th November.<br />

eyebrows n pl /ˈaɪbraʊz/ obočí To change his appearance they shaved his eyebrows.<br />

eyelashes n pl /ˈaɪlæʃɪz/ řasy Mascara makes your eyelashes look longer.<br />

feel sick v /fiːl sɪk/ cítit se mizerně I feel sick. I think I have the flu.<br />

fever n /ˈfiːvə(r)/ horečka A high fever can be dangerous, especially in children.<br />

fight n /faɪt/ rvačka, hádka Don’t get into a fight at school, will you?<br />

forehead n /ˈfɔːhed/ čelo Emma was worried about wrinkles on her forehead.<br />

forget v /fəˈɡet/ zapomenout Don’t forget to do your homework!<br />

heart n /hɑːt/ srdce When you exercise your heart beats faster.<br />

hope v /həʊp/ doufat I hope that someone will find a cure for this disease.<br />

imagine v /ɪˈmædʒɪn/ představit si Imagine that you’re lying on a beach.<br />

lips n pl /lɪps/ rty She licked her lips after eating the ice-cream.<br />

lonely adj /ˈləʊnli/ osamělý The woman in the painting looks sad and lonely.<br />

make-up n /ˈmeɪk ʌp/ make-up To prepare for the role the actor had to wear make-up.<br />

maximum adj /ˈmæksɪməm/ maximální The bus can carry a maximum of 40 people.<br />

medical advice n /ˈmedɪkl lékař<strong>sk</strong>á pomoc If you take more than the recommended dose, seek<br />

ədˈvaɪs/<br />

medical advice.<br />

medicine n /ˈmedɪsn/ lék The doctor prescribed some medicine.<br />

model n /ˈmɒdl/ model/-ka The model for the portrait was a young girl.<br />

neck n /nek/ krk She wrapped a scarf around her neck.<br />

nose n /nəʊz/ nos They changed the shape of his nose to make it bigger.<br />

pain n /peɪn/ bolest He screamed with pain.<br />

paint v /peɪnt/ malovat It took a long time for the artist to paint the portrait.<br />

patient n /ˈpeɪʃnt/ pacient/-ka He’s one of Dr Waters’ patients.<br />

pill n /pɪl/ tableta, prášek Take one pill, three times a day after meals.<br />

plan v /plæn/ plánovat, zamýšlet We plan to arrive at about 4 o’clock.<br />

portrait n /ˈpɔːtreɪt/ portrét The portrait captured the loneliness of the young woman.<br />

prefer v /prɪˈfɜː(r)/ mít raději, dávat<br />

přednost čemu<br />

Would you prefer tea or coffee?<br />

pregnancy n /ˈpreɡnənsi/ těhotenství Do not use these tablets during pregnancy.<br />

pregnancy test n /ˈpreɡnənsi test/ těhoten<strong>sk</strong>ý test The doctor a<strong>sk</strong>ed me to take a pregnancy test.<br />

prescription n /prɪˈ<strong>sk</strong>rɪpʃn/ předpis Some medicines are only available on prescription.<br />

pretend v /prɪˈtend/ předstírat You can’t just pretend that the problem doesn’t exist.<br />

process n /ˈprəʊses/ proces, průběh We are in the process of moving house.<br />

promise v /ˈprɒmɪs/ slíbit I want you to promise that you won’t do that again.<br />

reason n /ˈriːzn/ důvod Is there any reason why you couldn’t tell me this<br />

before?<br />

<strong>English</strong> Result Pre-intermediate Czech Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2010 22

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