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English - readers.sk

English - readers.sk


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Unit 1<br />

adjective n /ˈædʒɪktɪv/ přídavné jméno What adjective would you use to describe her?<br />

along adv /əˈlɒŋ/ po I walked slowly along the road.<br />

anaconda n /ˌænəˈkɒndə/ anakonda The anaconda is a type of snake.<br />

badge n /bædʒ/ odznak, placka The players all have jackets with the club badge on.<br />

because conj /bɪˈkəz/ protože They didn’t go for a walk because it was raining.<br />

boss n /bɒs/ šéf I’m going to a<strong>sk</strong> the boss for a day off work.<br />

both pron /bəʊθ/ oba Both of them are learning <strong>English</strong>.<br />

capital letter n /ˌkæpitl ˈletə(r)/ velké písmeno First names always use a capital letter.<br />

card n /kɑːd/ vizitka Here’s my business card in case you need to contact me.<br />

check v /tʃek/ kontrolovat Check your work for mistakes before you hand it in.<br />

corridor n /ˈkɒrɪdɔː(r)/ chodba The classroom is at the end of that corridor.<br />

coursebook n /ˈkɔːsbʊk/ učebnice What coursebook are you using?<br />

credit card n /ˈkredɪt kɑːd/ kreditní karta Can I pay by credit card?<br />

definition n /ˌdefɪˈnɪʃn/ definice Read the quiz and decide which definition is wrong.<br />

dictionary n /ˈdɪkʃənri/ slovník Look up the word in a dictionary.<br />

driving licence n /ˈdraɪvɪŋ laɪsns/ řidič<strong>sk</strong>ý průkaz You can’t drive without a driving licence.<br />

envelope n /ˈenvələʊp/ obálka Do you have an envelope I could use, please?<br />

first name n /ˈfɜːst neɪm/ křestní jméno ‘What’s Mr Munn’s first name?’ ‘Robert, I think.’<br />

how adv /haʊ/ jak Can you show me how to use this machine?<br />

ID card n /ˌaɪˈdiː kɑːd/ průkaz totožnosti You have to show your ID card.<br />

initials n pl /ɪˈnɪʃlz/ iniciály My name is Anna Conde. My initials are AC.<br />

letter n /ˈletə(r)/ písmeno I got a letter from Matthew this morning.<br />

like v /laɪk/ mít rád; líbit se He’s nice. I like him a lot.<br />

Mali n /ˈmɑːli/ Mali I want to travel to Mali next year.<br />

mean v /miːn/ znamenat What does this word mean?<br />

meaning n /ˈmiːnɪŋ/ význam This word has two different meanings in <strong>English</strong>.<br />

middle name n /ˌmɪdl ˈneɪm/ prostřední jméno My middle name is Michael.<br />

nickname n /ˈnɪkneɪm/ přezdívka Anna Conde’s nickname is Anaconda.<br />

note n /nəʊt/ krátké psaní, vzkaz It’s just a note to thank you for having us to dinner.<br />

noun n /naʊn/ podstatné jméno ‘Water’, ‘James’ and ‘France’ are nouns.<br />

passport n /ˈpɑːspɔːt/ (cestovní) pas You need a valid passport to travel abroad.<br />

past adj /pɑːst/ minulý He’s had to work very hard during the past year.<br />

plural n /ˈplʊərəl/ množné číslo The plural of ‘boat’ is ‘boats’.<br />

probably adv /ˈprɒbəbli/ pravděpodobně I will probably call you tomorrow.<br />

Senegal n /ˌsenɪˈɡɔːl/ Senegal I am from Senegal in Africa.<br />

similar adj /ˈsɪmələ(r)/ podobný Your glasses are similar to mine.<br />

surname n /ˈsɜːneɪm/ příjmení ‘What’s your surname?’ ‘Jones.’<br />

system n /ˈsɪstəm/ systém We have a new computerized system in the library.<br />

technician n /tekˈnɪʃn/ technik/technička I’m a computer technician.<br />

ticket n /ˈtɪkɪt/ lístek, vstupenka I have tickets to see Coldplay.<br />

uncountable adj /ʌnˈkaʊntəbl/ nepočitatelný ‘Water’ is an uncountable noun.<br />

verb n /vɜːb/ sloveso ‘Run’, ‘move’ and ‘watch’ are all verbs.<br />

virus n /ˈvaɪrəs/ počítačový vir(us) I think your computer has a virus.<br />

vocabulary n /vəˈkæbjələri/ slovní zásoba There are ways to increase your <strong>English</strong> vocabulary.<br />

West Africa n /west ˈæfrɪkə/ západní Afrika It’s the most important language in West Africa.<br />

what pron /wɒt/ co What time is it?<br />

when adv /wen/ kdy When did she arrive?<br />

where adv /weə(r)/ kde Where can I buy a newspaper?<br />

which det /wɪtʃ/ který Which hand do you write with?<br />

who pron /huː/ kdo Who was on the phone?<br />

why adv /waɪ/ proč Why was she so late?<br />

<strong>English</strong> Result Pre-intermediate Czech Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2010 2

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