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predict v /prɪˈdɪkt/ předpovědět Scientists cannot predict exactly when earthquakes<br />

will happen.<br />

prison n /ˈprɪzn/ vězení He was sent to prison for two years.<br />

receive v /rɪˈsiːv/ obdržet I received a letter from an old friend last week.<br />

recycle bin n /ˌriːˈsaɪkl bɪn/ nádoba na tříděný Please put all plastic, glass and cardboard in the<br />

odpad<br />

recycle bin.<br />

robot n /ˈrəʊbɒt/ robot These cars are built by robots.<br />

roll v /rəʊl/ hodit (kostkou) It’s your turn to roll the dice.<br />

round adv /raʊnd/ dokola The wheels spun round but the car wouldn’t move.<br />

security n /sɪˈkjʊərəti/ bezpečnostní služba If you see a suspicious bag, contact security<br />

immediately.<br />

shape n /ʃeɪp/ tvar, podoba I could just make out a dark shape in the distance.<br />

shout v /ʃaʊt/ křičet There’s no need to shout – I can hear you.<br />

square n /<strong>sk</strong>weə(r)/ čtverec, čtvercové pole There are 64 squares on a chess board.<br />

stick v /stɪk/ zapíchnout Stick a fork into the meat to see if it’s ready.<br />

thief n /θiːf/ zloděj/-ka The thief stole her watch and purse.<br />

thin adj /θɪn/ hubený You need to eat more. You’re too thin!<br />

trivia n /ˈtrɪviə/ zajímavé maličkosti The book had a lot of trivia about making pencils.<br />

virus n /ˈvaɪrəs/ počítačový vir The email contained a virus.<br />

Wi-fi n /ˈwaɪ faɪ/ wi-fi (lokální<br />

bezdrátová síť)<br />

Wi-fi is available in the airport.<br />

wireless network n /ˈwaɪələs<br />

ˈnetwɜːk/<br />

bezdrátová síť A wireless network works without cables.<br />

wood n /wʊd/ dřevo He chopped some wood for the fire.<br />

worry v /ˈwʌri/ starat se There’s nothing to worry about.<br />

Unit 8 Phrases<br />

Best Regards /best rɪˈɡɑːdz/ S pozdravem<br />

by mistake /baɪ mɪˈsteɪk/ omylem<br />

go online /ɡəʊ ˌɒnˈlaɪn/ publikovat na webu; být online<br />

Internet access /ˈɪntənet ˈækses/ internetové připojení<br />

waste of money /weɪst ɒv ˈmʌni/ plýtvání peněz<br />

without thinking /wɪˈðaʊt ˈθɪŋkɪŋ/ bez rozmyslu<br />

Unit 9<br />

baked potato n /beɪkt pəˈteɪtəʊ/ plnĕný brambor pečený I really fancy a baked potato for lunch.<br />

ve slupce<br />

barbecue n /ˈbɑːbɪkjuː/ barbecue Let’s have a barbecue on the beach.<br />

barbecued meat n /ˈbɑːbɪkjuːd<br />

miːt/<br />

grilované maso The barbecued meat was delicious.<br />

boil v /bɔɪl/ vařit (se) Put the potatoes on to boil, please.<br />

boiled egg n /bɔɪld eɡ/ vařené vejce I had a boiled egg for breakfast.<br />

bone n /bəʊn/ kost This fish has got a lot of bones in it.<br />

bottled adj /ˈbɒtld/ lahvovaný Can I have bottled water please?<br />

bowl n /bəʊl/ mi<strong>sk</strong>a, hluboký talíř I usually have a bowl of cereal for breakfast.<br />

cabbage n /ˈkæbɪdʒ/ zelí Do you like cabbage?<br />

calcium supplement n /ˈkælsiəm doplněk s obsahem You should eat dairy or calcium supplements every<br />

ˈsʌplɪmənt/<br />

vápníku<br />

day.<br />

century n /ˈsentʃəri/ století We live in the 21st century.<br />

cereal n /ˈsɪəriəl/ obilnina Wheat, barley and rye are cereals.<br />

chestnut n /ˈtʃesnʌt/ kaštan Roasted chestnuts remind me of Christmas.<br />

chop v /tʃɒp/ krájet (nadrobno) Chop the onions up into small pieces.<br />

corn n /kɔːn/ kukuřice I like corn on the cob with lots of butter.<br />

<strong>English</strong> Result Pre-intermediate Czech Wordlist © Oxford University Press 2010 18

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