Summer Rampage 2012 Rules.pdf - Privateer Press

Summer Rampage 2012 Rules.pdf - Privateer Press Summer Rampage 2012 Rules.pdf - Privateer Press
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www. p r A converted model must contain a majority of parts from the WARMACHINE or HORDES model for which the rules were written. For example, a Testament of Menoth conversion must be composed mostly of parts from the Testament of Menoth model. The end result of any conversion must be clearly identifiable as the intended miniature and accurately represent its weapons and equipment as listed in its rules. Any conversions must be clearly pointed out to your opponent before the game to avoid confusion. On warrior models, converting and swapping weapons is acceptable provided the new weapon represents the same type of weapon replaced (like swapping one sword for another). Anything relating to a weapon’s specific rules must be maintained to avoid confusion on the tabletop. For example, a weapon with Chain Weapon must still be modeled as a chain-style weapon, and a weapon’s length must be considered when converting weapons with Reach. Weapons cannot be swapped on warjack and warbeast models. Since many of the ’jacks and beasts utilize the same chassis or torso, the weapons are the most identifiable part of the model when looking across the tabletop. Converting warjacks and warbeasts is still encouraged, but the aesthetics of the weapons must be maintained. Modifying weapons is permitted, as long as the end result is easily identifiable as the intended warjack or warbeast’s proper weapon. Models/units with upgrade blisters are an exception to the standard model conversion rules in a number of ways. Because the parts in these blisters define an entirely separate set of stats and abilities, the upgrade parts must be clearly visible on the model/unit matching the upgrade stat card in order to be legal for tournament use. For example, a helljack with one claw and one harpoon is not Malice. The model must have the correct head, harpoon blade, and all three spirit parts from the Malice upgrade in order to be considered Malice. Additionally, once a model/unit has been converted, it can be fielded only as that model/unit. For example, a Warpwolf with the parts from the Ghetorix upgrade is not an acceptable “conversion” for use with a Warpwolf Stalker stat card. Lastly, in the case of unit attachment or weapon attachment upgrade, the model(s) that use the upgrade stat card must follow these rules to be legal for tournament use, but the base unit follows the standard conversion policy for warrior model conversions, above. For example, a Black Dragon Officer & Standard must always use the Black Dragon upgrade stat card and an Iron Fang Pikemen Officer & Standard must always use the Iron Fang Pikemen Officer & Standard stat card, but an Iron Fang Pikeman unit without a UA uses its standard stat card whether or not they have Black Dragon shields (or any other reasonable conversion). Miniatures must be on their appropriately sized WARMACHINE/HORDES base, but scenic details can be added. The base’s perimeter must always be considered when modeling scenic details. While it is acceptable for scenic elements to overhang the base’s edge, the base itself and not the scenic elements is used for all measurements. The edge of a model’s base must not obscured to the point that accurate measuring becomes difficult or impossible. sPortsManshiP A fair and honest in-game environment is required in order for everyone to have fun. Players must accurately execute the rules of the game and fully cooperate with opponents to honestly answer any questions that arise before and during the game. Players are also responsible for holding their opponents to the same standards. The EO will not be able to observe every game. If your opponent is doing something that is making you uncomfortable— stalling, bending the rules, or outright cheating—tell your opponent about it. Explain what he can do to remedy the situation in order to maintain a fair, honest, and fun in-game environment. If the behavior continues or a dispute arises, call the EO and explain the situation. The EO always has the final word on rules questions or debates. Players must accept all rulings made by the EO whether or not they agree. Players must present a mature and polite demeanor to their opponents and the EO. Failure to do so will result in immediate disqualification. An EO can also disqualify a player for any incident that is deemed unsporting. This includes, but is not limited to, offensive or abusive conduct, bullying, cheating, constant rules arguments, improper play, stalling, and other inappropriate actions. Disqualified players are not eligible for any awards or prizes and are barred from further participation in the event and any other related events. event rules This event uses a free-play format that awards players Tumultuous Trials points for accomplishments in games, army construction, and modeling. All games must be played at the 35-point level or greater. Armies must be built with Fight Club restrictions: For every 10 army points of warjack or warbeast models in a Fight Club army list, the list can contain only 5 points of warrior models. Warjacks that would become inert and warbeasts that would become wild instead become autonomous (see WARMACHINE: Prime Mk II, p. 80). Score sheets are provided to track points gained by fulfilling certain requirements. All games should be played using the event scenario. There is no limit to how many games a player may play during the course of the event. Players are welcome to play different factions during the event. summer rampage 2012

www. p r bounties Bounties are plentiful in Summer Rampage. Whether it’s destroying a model on a huge base with a warjack or using your warlock to slay the opposing warcaster, there’s probably a bounty for you! There are two basic types of bounties: unlimited and limited. Unlimited bounties can be scored multiple times. Limited bounties can be scored once. Finishing moves and rampages are limited bounties and are scored once. Even though they can be scored only once, finishing moves and rampages can be performed any number of times throughout the event. Unlimited BoUnties • Game On – Play a game (1 pt) • A New Challenger – Play a game against a new opponent (1 pt) • Crush Them All – Play a game against a new faction (1 pt) • Victory – Win a game (1 pt) • All In – Play an Unbound game (8 pts) limited BoUnties • Masterpiece – Play with a fully painted army (2 pts) • Epic Duel – Warcaster/warlock under your control destroys one or more enemy warcasters/warlocks with an attack (2 pts) • Recon – A warcaster/warlock under your control enters your opponent’s deployment zone (2 pts) • Massacre – Destroy ten of your opponent’s models in one turn (2 pts) • Endangered Species – All your opponent’s warbeasts/warjacks are destroyed or removed from play by the end of the game (2 pts) • Genocide – All your opponent’s trooper models are destroyed or removed from play by the end of the game (2 pts) • Safari – A warcaster/warlock under your control destroys one or more enemy warbeasts/warjacks with a melee attack (2 pts) • Arcane Might - A warcaster/warlock under your control destroys one or more enemy warbeasts/warbeasts with an offensive spell (2 pts) • Old School – Play with only a battlegroup (2 pts) • The Bigger They Are – A warjack/warbeast under your control destroys one or more models on a huge base (2 pts) • The Harder They Hit – A huge-based model under your control destroys one or more warlocks/warcasters or warbeasts/warjacks (2 pts) • Theme Machine – Play a game with a Tier 4 Theme Force (1 pt) • Blitz – End a game with no friendly models remaining on your half of the table (1 pt) • Clean Sweep – End a game with no enemy models remaining on your half of the table (1 pt) Warjack destrUction Finishing moves (limited BoUnties) When a warjack or warbeast destroys a warjack, its controller may choose to make one of the following finishing moves: • Cortex Crusher (1 pt) – The attacker destroys its victim with a brutal blow and sends a deadly shockwave back to its controller through the severed link between the battlegroup. The controlling warcaster of a warjack destroyed with a Cortex Crusher finishing move suffers d3 damage. • Depressurizer (1 pt) – Tearing into the warjack’s boiler, the attacker directs a blast of steam at nearby targets. After placing a warjack wreck marker, the attacker can immediately make a ranged attack if it is not engaged. This attack is a RNG SP 6 and POW 10 and is Damage Type: Fire . • Heck of a Hat (1 pt) – The attacker violently rips pipes and mechanika from the warjack’s hull with a teeth-shattering screech of metal . . . and then proudly wears the remnants as a hat. The attacker gains +1 ARM for one round. • Just A Bit Outside (1 pt) – The attacker rips the head off an enemy warjack and throws it at an enemy model. After placing a warjack wreck marker, the attacker can immediately make a ranged attack if it is not engaged. This attack is a RNG 8, POW 0 ranged attack with the Thrown ability. (Add a model’s STR to the POW of its ranged attack with a thrown weapon.) • Disastrous Detonation (1 pt) – The warjack detonates with explosive force. Before replacing the destroyed warjack with a wreck marker, all models within 1˝ of the warjack other than the model performing the Disastrous Detonation are pushed d3˝ directly away from the destroyed warjack. WarBeast destrUction Finishing moves (limited BoUnties) When a warjack or warbeast destroys an enemy warbeast, its controller can choose to make one of the following finishing moves: • A Leg Up (1 pt) – The attacking model rips a leg off its victim and uses it to smash other foes. The improvised weapon is an additional melee weapon with POW 3 (so P+S equal to STR+3) with Reach. The model can immediately make one attack with this weapon without spending focus or being forced. A Leg Up lasts for one turn. • Crushed Spirit (1 pt) – The warbeast’s death is so brutal that it can have a violent effect on the creature’s controlling warlock. If a model makes a Crushed Spirit finishing move, an enemy warlock that reaves fury points from the destroyed warbeast suffers 1 point of damage per fury point reaved. • Meat Shield (1 pt) – The attacker holds up the warbeast’s dead carcass and uses it as a meat shield. The attacker gains +2 ARM against damage that does not originate in its back arc. Meat Shield lasts for one round. • Skull Crusher (1 pt) – With a sickening pop, the warbeast explodes in a tide of blood and gore. Before removing the destroyed warbeast from play, all models within 1˝ of the warbeast other than the model performing the Skull Crusher are knocked down. summer rampage 2012

www. p r<br />

A converted model must contain a majority of parts from the<br />

WARMACHINE or HORDES model for which the rules were<br />

written. For example, a Testament of Menoth conversion<br />

must be composed mostly of parts from the Testament of<br />

Menoth model. The end result of any conversion must be<br />

clearly identifiable as the intended miniature and accurately<br />

represent its weapons and equipment as listed in its rules.<br />

Any conversions must be clearly pointed out to your<br />

opponent before the game to avoid confusion.<br />

On warrior models, converting and swapping weapons is<br />

acceptable provided the new weapon represents the same<br />

type of weapon replaced (like swapping one sword for<br />

another). Anything relating to a weapon’s specific rules<br />

must be maintained to avoid confusion on the tabletop.<br />

For example, a weapon with Chain Weapon must still be<br />

modeled as a chain-style weapon, and a weapon’s length<br />

must be considered when converting weapons with Reach.<br />

Weapons cannot be swapped on warjack and warbeast<br />

models. Since many of the ’jacks and beasts utilize the same<br />

chassis or torso, the weapons are the most identifiable part<br />

of the model when looking across the tabletop. Converting<br />

warjacks and warbeasts is still encouraged, but the aesthetics<br />

of the weapons must be maintained. Modifying weapons is<br />

permitted, as long as the end result is easily identifiable as<br />

the intended warjack or warbeast’s proper weapon.<br />

Models/units with upgrade blisters are an exception to<br />

the standard model conversion rules in a number of ways.<br />

Because the parts in these blisters define an entirely separate<br />

set of stats and abilities, the upgrade parts must be clearly<br />

visible on the model/unit matching the upgrade stat card in<br />

order to be legal for tournament use. For example, a helljack<br />

with one claw and one harpoon is not Malice. The model<br />

must have the correct head, harpoon blade, and all three<br />

spirit parts from the Malice upgrade in order to be considered<br />

Malice. Additionally, once a model/unit has been converted,<br />

it can be fielded only as that model/unit. For example, a<br />

Warpwolf with the parts from the Ghetorix upgrade is not<br />

an acceptable “conversion” for use with a Warpwolf Stalker<br />

stat card. Lastly, in the case of unit attachment or weapon<br />

attachment upgrade, the model(s) that use the upgrade stat<br />

card must follow these rules to be legal for tournament use,<br />

but the base unit follows the standard conversion policy for<br />

warrior model conversions, above. For example, a Black<br />

Dragon Officer & Standard must always use the Black<br />

Dragon upgrade stat card and an Iron Fang Pikemen Officer<br />

& Standard must always use the Iron Fang Pikemen Officer<br />

& Standard stat card, but an Iron Fang Pikeman unit without<br />

a UA uses its standard stat card whether or not they have<br />

Black Dragon shields (or any other reasonable conversion).<br />

Miniatures must be on their appropriately sized<br />

WARMACHINE/HORDES base, but scenic details can be<br />

added. The base’s perimeter must always be considered<br />

when modeling scenic details. While it is acceptable for<br />

scenic elements to overhang the base’s edge, the base itself<br />

and not the scenic elements is used for all measurements. The<br />

edge of a model’s base must not obscured to the point that<br />

accurate measuring becomes difficult or impossible.<br />

sPortsManshiP<br />

A fair and honest in-game environment is required in order<br />

for everyone to have fun. Players must accurately execute<br />

the rules of the game and fully cooperate with opponents to<br />

honestly answer any questions that arise before and during<br />

the game. Players are also responsible for holding their<br />

opponents to the same standards.<br />

The EO will not be able to observe every game. If your opponent<br />

is doing something that is making you uncomfortable—<br />

stalling, bending the rules, or outright cheating—tell your<br />

opponent about it. Explain what he can do to remedy the<br />

situation in order to maintain a fair, honest, and fun in-game<br />

environment. If the behavior continues or a dispute arises, call<br />

the EO and explain the situation. The EO always has the final<br />

word on rules questions or debates. Players must accept all<br />

rulings made by the EO whether or not they agree.<br />

Players must present a mature and polite demeanor to<br />

their opponents and the EO. Failure to do so will result in<br />

immediate disqualification. An EO can also disqualify a player<br />

for any incident that is deemed unsporting. This includes,<br />

but is not limited to, offensive or abusive conduct, bullying,<br />

cheating, constant rules arguments, improper play, stalling,<br />

and other inappropriate actions. Disqualified players are not<br />

eligible for any awards or prizes and are barred from further<br />

participation in the event and any other related events.<br />

event rules<br />

This event uses a free-play format that awards players<br />

Tumultuous Trials points for accomplishments in games,<br />

army construction, and modeling. All games must be played<br />

at the 35-point level or greater. Armies must be built with<br />

Fight Club restrictions: For every 10 army points of warjack<br />

or warbeast models in a Fight Club army list, the list can<br />

contain only 5 points of warrior models. Warjacks that would<br />

become inert and warbeasts that would become wild instead<br />

become autonomous (see WARMACHINE: Prime Mk II, p. 80).<br />

Score sheets are provided to track points gained by fulfilling<br />

certain requirements. All games should be played using the<br />

event scenario. There is no limit to how many games a player<br />

may play during the course of the event. Players are welcome<br />

to play different factions during the event.<br />

summer rampage <strong>2012</strong>

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