P acific Ocean - Stanford Alumni Association - Stanford University

P acific Ocean - Stanford Alumni Association - Stanford University

P acific Ocean - Stanford Alumni Association - Stanford University


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S T A N F O R D T R A V E L / S T U D Y<br />

a program of the stanford<br />

alumni association<br />

Yunnan<br />

& Tibet<br />

China’s Western Frontiers<br />

September 1 to 20, 2012

Many Chinese will tell you (and some<br />

will dispute) that James Hilton’s mythical utopia,<br />

“Shangri-la”, is located n the northern corner of<br />

Yunnan. This seminar provides an opportunity to<br />

decide for yourself while exploring some of China’s<br />

most spectacular and diverse regions. As you<br />

travel southwest from Shanghai to Yunnan and<br />

then ever higher to Lhasa, Gyangtse and Shigatse,<br />

you’ll meet many of China’s ethnic minorities,<br />

some of which are in danger of fading away. You<br />

will experience the rich complexity of Buddhism<br />

and culture in Tibet, as well as confronting the<br />

competing claims of Chinese authorities and<br />

Tibetan exiles. Your guide is Professor Lyman<br />

Van Slyke: China scholar and veteran of more<br />

than 30 Travel/Study trips, including many to this<br />

fascinating region. Join us on the extraordinary<br />

adventure!<br />


Highlights<br />

DISCoVER diversity in<br />

Dali, one of the most colorful<br />

cities in Yunnan Province,<br />

which is home to some<br />

25 of China’s 56 officially<br />

designated ethnic groups.<br />

Potala Palace, tibet<br />

MARVEL at Tiger Leaping<br />

Gorge, hewn over the<br />

millennia by the Yangtze<br />

River, flowing hundreds of<br />

feet below the gorge’s rim.<br />

VIEW the Himalayas as we<br />

fly to Lhasa, where we tour<br />

the iconic Potala Palace, visit<br />

the huge Jokhang Temple<br />

and explore the Barkhor<br />


Tanggula Pass C HINA<br />

TIBE T<br />

Shigatse Lhasa<br />

Chengdu<br />

NEPAL<br />

Gyangtse Zhongdian<br />

INDIA<br />


Lijiang<br />

Dali<br />

Kunming<br />

Bay of<br />

Bengal<br />

Itinerary<br />


SEPTEMBER 1 & 2<br />

DePart U.s. / roMe, U.s. italY / /<br />

sHaNGHai, cortoNa cHiNa<br />

Depart the on flights U.S. on to overnight Shanghai,<br />

crossing flights to Rome. the international Upon arrival date<br />

line at Rome’s in flight. fiumicino Upon arrival Airport, on<br />

Sunday, transfer to transfer the Tuscan to our hill luxury town<br />

hotel, of Cortona, situated on on the banks<br />

of the the border Huang of Tuscany Pu River and Um-<br />

overlooking bria, where we the spend historic the Bund next<br />

waterfront three nights lined at a with town Victoran palazzo.<br />

and Gather art this deco evening buildings with from fellow the<br />

European walkers for colonial a wine reception. era of the late<br />

19th HOTEL and SAN early MICHELE 20th (D) centuries.<br />



MONDAY, cortoNa SEPTEMBER 3<br />

sHaNGHai<br />

Today we drive a short distance<br />

The and bustling begin walking metropolis along and a<br />

seaport Roman road of Shanghai back down is China’s to<br />

most Cortona, vibrant where city we and explore home to<br />

some this ancient 18 million town, people. one of This the<br />

morning oldest in enjoy Italy. Paintings a walking by tour Luca of<br />

the Signorelli classical and Yu fra Gardens Angelico, located<br />

in as Shanghai’s well as Etruscan old town jewelry area.<br />

After and pottery, lunch, head are just to People’s some of<br />

Square the treasures and view to be the found city’s in<br />

dramatic Cortona’s new churches civic center. and its Then local<br />

visit museum. the Shanghai Those who Museum prefer with a<br />

cultural longer walk relics can and continue classical this art<br />

treasures afternoon spanning to the isolated more castle than<br />

5,000 of Montecchio. years. This HOTEL evening, SAN join<br />

fellow MICHELE travelers (B,L,D) for a welcome<br />

reception Approx. hours and of a walking: performance by<br />

the Option Shanghai I: 3.5 hours; Acrobatics Option II: Troupe. 5 hours<br />


BURMA<br />

(MYANMAR)<br />

Lanzhou<br />


LAOS<br />


sHaNGHai TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER / Dali 4<br />

Depart cortoNa Shanghai / areZZo via Kunming /<br />

this cortoNa morning and fly to Yunnan<br />

Province Drive to the in southwestern nearby provincial China<br />

bordering capital of Arezzo, Burma, where Laos and we<br />

Vietnam. visit another Arrive Etruscan in Dali, site, capital this<br />

of one the also Dali well-known Bai Autonomous as the<br />

Region, birthplace in of the the late 14th-century afternoon.<br />

Dali poet, sits Petrarch. at 6,232 our feet walk between follows<br />

the paths 12,000-foot-high through delightful Cangshan Tuscan<br />

mountain scenery dotted range with and cypress Erhai Lake.<br />

LINDEN trees and CENTRE past (B,L,D) Etruscan walls<br />

to the town itself. Here we visit<br />

WEDNESDAY, the church of San SEPTEMBER francesco, 5<br />

Dali which contains one of Italy’s<br />

Arrive greatest at fresco the Bai cycles, villages Piero of<br />

Xizhou della francesca’s and Zhoucheng magisterial to view<br />

their Legend traditional of the True houses Cross. and for<br />

explore those preferring the lively a local longer market. hike,<br />

In begin the afternoon by climbing visit up the into multi- the<br />

roofed hills behind San Ta Arezzo Pagodas, where a we Dali<br />

landmark have magnificent and among views south- over the<br />

west valley. China’s After a oldest picnic structures. lunch high<br />

Explore in the Dali’s ancient historic<br />

quarter hills, descend by foot; this its afternoon quaint stone<br />

houses back to and the town. narrow streets<br />

offer HOTEL a SAN rare MICHELE look into (B,L,D) the China<br />

of Approx. centuries hours past. of walking:<br />

LINDEN Option I: CENTRE 2 hours; (B,L,D) Option II: 5 hours<br />


Dali cortoNa / liJiaNG / assisi /<br />

This Norcia morning enjoy a scenic<br />

boat Start ride the day on Erhai with a Lake, drive to the<br />

catching town of Assisi, sight of set the against fishing the<br />

junks dramatic that landscape ply these broad, of Monte<br />

shallow Subasio, waters. and enjoy Then a morning explore<br />

a walk Bai through fishing village. the town. This In after- the<br />

noon afternoon drive visit to Lijiang, the Basilica capital of<br />

Beijing<br />

Ya n g t z e R i v e r<br />

Shangh<br />

Hong<br />

Kong<br />

P a c i f i c<br />

of Saint the francis Naxi Autonomous and marvel at its<br />

Prefecture. great frescoes Named of the a Saint’s UNESCo<br />

World life by Giotto, Heritage one site of in the 1997, master<br />

7,872-foot-high painters of Italy’s Lijiang late Middle boasts<br />

a Ages. charming for those old town wishing district to take<br />

made a longer up walk, of cobblestone cross the slopes streets,<br />

canals of the famous and stone Monte bridges Subasio dating<br />

from in the the footsteps Ming Dynasty. of Saint francis<br />

GUANFANG before picnicing HOTEL high (B,L,D) above the<br />

town. In the afternoon descend<br />

FRIDAY, on foot to SEPTEMBER the town and 7take<br />

in a<br />

liJiaNG brief view of the basilica before<br />

Begin<br />

continuing<br />

our exploration<br />

to the tiny town<br />

of Lijiang<br />

of<br />

with<br />

Norcia<br />

visits<br />

by road.<br />

to the Black Dragon<br />

Pool, HOTEL the PALAZZO Naxi Cultural SENECA Museum, (B,L,D)<br />

the Approx. Mu hours mansion, of walking: the Nature<br />

Conservancy Option I: city walking; and Lijiang’s Option II: town<br />

square. 5 hours After lunch, ascend by<br />

cable car to Spruce Meadow on<br />

the THURSDAY, Yunshan SEPTEMBER Plateau from where 6<br />

we Norcia can view towering mountains<br />

with Today’s age-old dramatic glaciers walk tucked takes in<br />

their us through creases. the Monti Sibillini<br />

GUANFANG and up to the HOTEL Piano (B,L,D) Grande,<br />

a high plateau that affords<br />

SATURDAY, us a view of one SEPTEMBER of the most 8<br />

liJiaNG marvelous panoramas in<br />

After Italy. This visiting afternoon the Yu feng we drive<br />

Temple, back down continue to our to hotel Ngulukou in<br />

Village Norcia. to This view charming the former town<br />

home is famous of the as eccentric the birthplace Austrian- of<br />

American St. Benedict naturalist, and today Joseph has a<br />

Rock. reputation Enjoy throughout a free afternoon Italy as<br />

of a gastronomic independent center. exploration HOTEL<br />

and PALAZZO this evening SENECA (B,L,D) take in a<br />

performance Approx. hours of walking: traditional<br />

Naxi Option music I: 3 hours; and Option dance. II: 6 hours<br />



Norcia / PerUGia

ai<br />

TAIWAN<br />

O c e a n<br />

MU MaNsioN, liJiaNG<br />

SUNDAY, our walk today SEPTEMBER takes place 9 in<br />

liJiaNG the valley that / ZHoNGDiaN<br />

leads from Norcia<br />

Head to north this morning through<br />

picturesque the beautiful countryside little Abbey of toward San<br />

the Eutizio. Tibetan After plateau, lunch we enjoying continue<br />

views down the of Jade Valnerina Dragon valley Snow as<br />

Mountain we make our and way stopping to Perugia, at Stone<br />

Drum the principal Village, town Tiger of Leaping Umbria<br />

Gorge and one and of the other great points medieval of interest<br />

cities along of Italy. the Here upper we reaches stay at the<br />

of Brufani the great Palace Yangtze in the River. center of<br />

Late the old today town. arrive at the town<br />

of HOTEL Zhongdian BRUFANI at PALACE an altitude (B,L,D) of<br />

10,000 Approx. hours feet; of its walking: county was<br />

renamed Option I: 3 hours; Shangri-La Option in II: 2001. 5 hours<br />



GUbbio<br />

Today we drive northeast to the<br />

austere medieval mountain town<br />

of Gubbio, isolated from much<br />

of the region. We walk above the<br />

town on Monte Ingino, still home<br />

to a few wolves, descendants of<br />

the very beast charmed by Saint<br />

francis eight centuries ago.<br />

Those choosing the shorter walk<br />

will visit the town itself, a huge<br />

imposing bastion on the edge<br />

of the Marche region. Its fine<br />

Palazzo dei Consoli houses the<br />

famed Eugubine Tablets, a rare<br />

remnant of the ancient Umbrian<br />

language. Return to Perugia by<br />

road.<br />


Approx. hours of walking:<br />

Option I: 3 hours; Option II: 5 hours<br />


ZHoNGDiaN<br />

PerUGia<br />

Located Today enjoy on a high free plain, day in Zhongdian<br />

Perugia is home with time to the to Tibetans visit the of<br />

the Galleria Kham Nazionale region, noted dell’Umbria, for their<br />

fierce the Duomo character and the and National superb<br />

horsemanship. Archaeological Museum. This morning A<br />

tour walk the through spectacular Perugia’s Ganden “buried<br />

Sumsanling city” along Via Monastery Baglione where<br />

more offers than glimpses 800 monks of medieval live and<br />

practice. underground In the structures afternoon buried walk<br />

around beneath Shudu the present Lake through city.<br />

the HOTEL wildflower BRUFANI meadows PALACE (B) where<br />

yaks City walking and horses graze among<br />

the rhododendrons.<br />


PerUGia / saN<br />

sePolcro / PerUGia<br />

This morning we drive to the little<br />

town of San Sepolcro, famous<br />

as Renaissance artist Piero della<br />

francesca’s birthplace. our walk<br />

leads to the convent of Monte<br />

Casale with views over the Tiber<br />

Valley before we descend into<br />

the town to visit the Pinacoteca<br />

to view the famous Resurrection<br />

painted by Piero. for our longer<br />

option, there’s a beautiful<br />

descent through a leafy valley<br />

before continuing on foot to<br />

San Sepolcro. This afternoon<br />

return by road to Perugia.<br />


Approx. hours of walking:<br />

Option I: 2 hours; Option II: 4 hours<br />


ZHoNGDiaN PerUGia / orVieto / lHasa<br />

fly Today over we some follow of delightful the most for- paths<br />

bidding across the and picturesque remote mountain Umbrian<br />

territory scenery in between the world two to lovely Lhasa,<br />

capital villages of as the we Tibet walk Autonomous<br />

uphill from<br />

Region, Bevagna with to Montefalco. an elevation Those of<br />

about opting 13,000 for the feet. shorter This walk after- will<br />

noon have time visit the to visit Tibet the Museum, museum<br />

which that hosts offers great extensive Renaissance displays<br />

of frescoes Tibetan by scrolls Benozzo and the Gozzoli. gold<br />

seal Later of this the afternoon fifth Dalai we Lama. drive on<br />

FOUR to the POINTS ancient SHERATON town of orvieto (B,L,D)<br />

where we spend our last two<br />

WEDNESDAY, nights. SEPTEMBER 12<br />

lHasa HOTEL LA BADIA (B,L,D)<br />

Begin Approx. exploring hours of walking: this Tibetan<br />

“Holy Option City” I: 3.5 hours; at its hallmark Option II: 5 hours<br />

structure: the immense Potala<br />

Palace. WEDNESDAY, Thirteen SEPTEMBER stories high 12<br />

and orVieto purportedly comprised<br />

of We more walk than up into 1,000 orvieto rooms, for a full<br />

the day Potala in this delightful contains the Etruscan Dalai<br />

Lama’s and medieval former town, residences, which<br />

immense sits on a high tombs, volcanic numerous tufa<br />

prayer plug rising halls suddenly and storage out of areas. the<br />

This countryside. afternoon, orvieto’s visit the principal heart of<br />

Lhasa attraction and is its its most cathedral, important with a<br />

pilgrimage glittering mosaic site, the and Jokhang<br />

Temple, carved stone founded façade in 642 and and an<br />

now exceptional a World interior Heritage painting site.<br />

Explore of the Last the Judgment. Barkhor, a After vibrant<br />

and exploring exotic the market/bazaar town on our own, that<br />

surrounds return to our the hotel Jokhang this evening Temple.<br />

FOUR for a wine POINTS reception SHERATON and (B,L,D) elegant<br />

farewell dinner. HOTEL LA BADIA<br />


lHasa City walking<br />

Another full day in Lhasa allows<br />

us THURSDAY, the opportunity SEPTEMBER to visit the<br />


liJiaNG<br />

great Drepung Monastery,<br />

where approximately 800 monks<br />

reside. Continue to Sera Monastery<br />

in the afternoon to watch<br />

the lively debating sessions<br />

and conclude our day at the<br />

Norbulingka Summer Palace.<br />



lHasa / GYaNGtse<br />

Embark today by coach for<br />

an overland drive crossing the<br />

Ganba-la Pass en route to<br />

Yamdrok Lake tucked amongst<br />

the mountains of the Tibetan<br />

Plateau, where we enjoy a picnic<br />

lunch. Today’s stunning drive<br />

affords many dramatic views of<br />

the harsh mountain landscape,<br />

studded with alpine lakes and<br />

immense, melting glaciers.<br />



GYaNGtse / sHiGatse<br />

Visit Pelkor Chode Monastery,<br />

which includes the Kumbun<br />

Chorten complex, one of Tibet’s<br />

great pilgrimage sites. Kumbun<br />

Chorten houses 108 chapels,<br />

each of which is elaborately<br />

decorated with historic frescoes.<br />

View the dzong, or fortress, in<br />

Gyangtse, which sits on a hilltop<br />

surrounded by spectacular<br />

landscapes. A two-hour drive<br />

through more dramatic scenery<br />

brings us to Shigatse late this<br />

afternoon. SHIGATSE HOTEL (B,L,D)<br />

saiNt sHaNGHai fraNcis of assisi<br />


sHiGatse / lHasa<br />

formerly the political center of<br />

the Tsang region, Shigatse is<br />

also the spiritual home of the<br />

Panchen Lama, second only to<br />

the Dali Lama in the hierarchy<br />

of the Gelugpa “Yellow Hat”<br />

sect, the largest and most<br />

influential of Tibetan Buddhist<br />

denominations. Explore the<br />

impressive complex of temples,<br />

prayer halls and residences<br />

at the Tashilumpo Monastery,<br />

where the great 86-foot-tall<br />

Maitreiya Buddha figure sits<br />

covered with over 600 pounds<br />

of pure gold, gems and precious<br />

stones. Return to Lhasa this<br />

afternoon, traveling overland<br />

on the friendship Highway<br />

through the awe-inspiring<br />

Tibetan landscape.<br />



lHasa<br />

Revisit the Barkhor Market<br />

area today and take advantage<br />

of an entire free afternoon to<br />

explore one of the world’s most<br />

enigmatic and ancient cities.<br />

Alternatively, those participants<br />

who have opted to take the<br />

train from Lhasa to Lanzhou<br />

(details will be sent to confirmed<br />

participants) will transfer this<br />

morning to the train station.<br />


(B,L,D)<br />

basilica traDitioNal of saN Naxi fraNcesco, Dress assisi<br />


lHasa / beiJiNG<br />

fly from Lhasa to Beijing via<br />

Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan<br />

Province, and arrive in Beijing,<br />

China’s burgeoning capital city,<br />

late this afternoon. Alternatively,<br />

those participants who have<br />

opted to take the train will disembark<br />

in Lanzhou and transfer<br />

to a local restaurant for lunch.<br />

Enjoy an afternoon excursion to<br />

the Gansu Provincial Museum,<br />

then transfer to the airport for<br />

an evening flight to Beijing.<br />



beiJiNG<br />

Today enjoy a tour of Beijing’s<br />

most famous landmarks:<br />

the ancient forbidden City,<br />

the world’s largest palace<br />

complex; Tiananmen Square;<br />

and the Lama Temple of<br />

Tibetan Buddhism, formerly<br />

an imperial residence. This<br />

evening, join fellow travelers<br />

for a farewell reception and<br />

dinner at our hotel.<br />



beiJiNG / U.s.<br />

Transfer this morning to Beijing’s<br />

acclaimed new international<br />

airport terminal for our outbound<br />

flights. Cross the international<br />

date line en route and arrive<br />

home the same day. (B)

Information<br />

Dates<br />

September 1 to 20, 2012 (20 days)<br />

size<br />

Limited to 38 participants<br />

Cost*<br />

$8,795 per person, double occupancy<br />

$10,545 per person, single occupancy<br />

*<strong>Association</strong> nonmembers add $200 per person<br />

inCluDeD<br />

18 nights of best-available hotel<br />

accommodations 18 breakfasts,<br />

17 lunches and 16 dinners Welcome<br />

and farewell cocktail receptions<br />

Bottled water on excursions Gratuities<br />

to porters, guides and drivers for<br />

all group activities Domestic flights<br />

within China All tours and excursions<br />

as described in the itinerary<br />

Chinese visa fees Transfers and<br />

baggage handling for participants on<br />

program arrival and departure days<br />

optional train ride from Lhasa to Lanzhou<br />

Minimal medical, accident and<br />

evacuation insurance Educational<br />

program with lecture series and predeparture<br />

materials, including recommended<br />

reading list, a selected book,<br />

map and travel information Services<br />

of our professional tour manager to<br />

assist you throughout the program<br />

Terms and Conditions<br />

Deposit anD Final<br />

payment<br />

A $1,000 deposit is required to hold<br />

space for this program. Complete and<br />

return the attached reservation form<br />

or place your deposit online. final payment<br />

is due 120 days prior to departure.<br />

As a condition of participation, all<br />

confirmed participants are required to<br />

sign a Release of Liability.<br />

CanCellations<br />

anD ReFunDs<br />

Deposits and any payments are fully<br />

refundable, less a $500-per-person<br />

cancellation fee, until 120 days prior<br />

to departure. After that date, refunds<br />

can be made only if the program is<br />

sold out and your place(s) can be<br />

resold, in which case a $1,000-perperson<br />

cancellation fee will apply. We<br />

recommend trip-cancellation insurance;<br />

applications will be sent to you.<br />

insuRanCe<br />

<strong>Stanford</strong> Travel/Study provides all<br />

travelers who are U.S. or Canadian<br />

citizens with minimal medical, accident<br />

and evacuation coverage under our<br />

group-travel insurance policy. our<br />

group policy is intended to provide<br />

minimal levels of protection while you are<br />

traveling on this program. We strongly<br />

recommend that you subscribe to<br />

optional baggage and trip-cancellation<br />

insurance. A brochure offering such<br />

insurance will be mailed with your confir-<br />

not inCluDeD<br />

International and U.S. domestic airfare<br />

Passport fees Immunization costs<br />

Meals and beverages other than<br />

those specified as included Transfers<br />

and baggage handling for those not<br />

arriving or departing on recommended<br />

flight itinerary Trip-cancellation/<br />

interruption and baggage insurance<br />

Excess-baggage charges Personal<br />

items such as email, telephone and<br />

fax calls, laundry and gratuities for<br />

nongroup services<br />

aiR aRRangements<br />

International and U.S. domestic airfare<br />

is not included in the program cost.<br />

Round-trip, economy-class airfare on<br />

United Airlines from San francisco to<br />

Shanghai with return from Beijing is<br />

approximately $1,495 as of December<br />

2011 and is subject to change without<br />

notice. The recommended flight itinerary<br />

will be sent by our designated agent.<br />

WHat to eXpeCt<br />

We consider this Seminar to be a<br />

fast-paced, strenuous program.<br />

Participants must be physically fit,<br />

active and in good health. While<br />

we do not do any serious trekking,<br />

this program is at times physically<br />

demanding and very busy.<br />

mation about one week after we receive<br />

your deposit. The product offered in this<br />

brochure includes a special Waiver of<br />

Pre-Existing Conditions and coverage<br />

for financial Insolvency and Terrorist<br />

Acts if you postmark your insurance<br />

payment within 15 days of the date<br />

listed on the confirmation letter.<br />

eligibility<br />

We encourage membership in the<br />

<strong>Alumni</strong> <strong>Association</strong> as the program<br />

cost for nonmembers is $200 more<br />

than the members’ price. Parents and<br />

their children under 21 may travel on<br />

one membership. for more information<br />

or to purchase a membership, visit<br />

alumni.stanford.edu/goto/membership<br />

or call (650) 725-0692.<br />

Responsibility<br />

The <strong>Stanford</strong> <strong>Alumni</strong> <strong>Association</strong>,<br />

<strong>Stanford</strong> <strong>University</strong> and our operators<br />

act only as agents for the passenger<br />

with respect to transportation and<br />

exercise every care possible in doing<br />

so. However, we can assume no liability<br />

for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay<br />

or irregularity in connection with the<br />

service of any automobile, motorcoach,<br />

launch or any other conveyance used in<br />

carrying out this program or for the acts<br />

or defaults of any company or person<br />

engaged in conveying the passenger<br />

or in carrying out the arrangements of<br />

the program. We cannot accept any<br />

responsibility for losses or additional<br />

California Seller of Travel Program Registration #2048 523-50<br />

tel (650) 725-1093 FaX (650) 725-8675 email travelstudy@stanfordalumni.org<br />



Temperatures will range from the<br />

mid 30s (˚f) to the low 70s, with low<br />

levels of humidity in Tibet and higher<br />

levels of humidity in Shanghai and<br />

Yunnan Province. The itinerary involves<br />

spending time at high altitudes, which<br />

reach a maximum of 16,000 feet,<br />

including sustained stays at 13,000<br />

feet while in Lhasa. Daily excursions<br />

involve one to three miles of walking,<br />

including negotiating stairs, high<br />

thresholds and cobbled paths without<br />

handrails. Many days have long coach<br />

rides (of up to 6 hours) over very rough<br />

terrain.<br />

Accommodations are the best-available<br />

at each destination. It is important to<br />

note that China’s tourism infrastructure<br />

is at times basic and is not to be<br />

compared with western standards.<br />

Accommodations in Shanghai, Lijiang,<br />

Zhongdian and Lhasa are four- and<br />

five-star properties, and the hotels in<br />

Dali, Gyangtse and Shigatse are threestar<br />

properties. Acceptance of the<br />

unexpected is part of the excitement<br />

of traveling in China, and we ask that<br />

you be prepared for changes or delays<br />

in scheduled activities. We welcome<br />

travelers 15 years of age and older on<br />

this program.<br />

expenses due to delay or changes in<br />

air or other services, sickness, weather,<br />

strike, war, quarantine, force majeure<br />

or other causes beyond our control.<br />

All such losses or expenses will have<br />

to be borne by the passenger as<br />

tour rates provide arrangements only<br />

for the time stated. We reserve the<br />

right to make such alterations to this<br />

published itinerary as may be deemed<br />

necessary. The right is reserved to<br />

cancel any program prior to departure<br />

in which case the entire payment will be<br />

refunded without further obligation on<br />

our part. The right is also reserved to<br />

decline to accept or retain any person<br />

as a member of the program. No refund<br />

will be made for an unused portion of<br />

any tour unless arrangements are made<br />

in sufficient time to avoid penalties.<br />

Baggage is carried at the owner’s risk<br />

entirely. The airlines concerned are<br />

not to be held responsible for any act,<br />

omission or event during the time that<br />

passengers are not onboard their plane<br />

or conveyance. Neither the <strong>Alumni</strong><br />

<strong>Association</strong>, <strong>Stanford</strong> <strong>University</strong> nor<br />

our operators accept liability for any<br />

carrier’s cancellation penalty incurred<br />

by the purchase of a nonrefundable<br />

ticket in connection with the tour.<br />

Program price is based on rates in<br />

effect in December 2011 and is subject<br />

to change without notice to reflect<br />

fluctuations in exchange rates, tariffs or<br />

fuel charges.

“Van has been<br />

our best faculty<br />

to date. He is<br />

extremely know-<br />

ledgeable and<br />

very accessible.<br />

He deserves<br />

a medal!”<br />

Claude leglise,<br />

MBa ’82, Yunnan<br />

and TiBeT, 2009<br />

Faculty Leader<br />

LYMAN P. VAN SLYKE, <strong>Stanford</strong> professor of history,<br />

emeritus, served aboard aircraft carriers on two 10-month Navy<br />

tours in the early 1950s. This exposure to Korea, Japan, Hong<br />

Kong and the Philippines was a turning point in his life. His<br />

desire to stay in the Bay Area and to pursue this new passion<br />

led him to UC-Berkeley, where he obtained advanced degrees<br />

in Asian studies, specializing on modern China. During these<br />

years, he and his family lived for three years in Taiwan. In what<br />

he calls “a stroke of remarkable good fortune,” he was invited to<br />

join <strong>Stanford</strong>’s history faculty in 1963 and that same year helped<br />

to establish the Inter-<strong>University</strong> Program for Chinese Language<br />

Studies in Taipei. He was also named director of <strong>Stanford</strong>’s<br />

Center for East Asian Studies. Professor Van Slyke has led more<br />

than 30 Travel/Study programs to every corner of China, as well<br />

as Tibet, the Silk Road and Southeast Asia.<br />

AT STANfoRD:<br />

Professor of history, 1963–1997; three-term director,<br />

Center for East Asian Studies<br />

Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1984<br />

Department Award for Excellence in Graduate<br />

Teaching, 2003 (shared with Harold L. Kahn)<br />

Recipient of the <strong>Alumni</strong> <strong>Association</strong>’s Richard W. Lyman<br />

Award for faculty volunteer service<br />

Honorary doctorate, Carleton College, 2004<br />

BA, Carleton College, 1951; MA, East Asian studies,<br />

1958; and PhD, history (China), UC-Berkeley, 1964<br />

S T A N F O R D T R A V E L / S T U D Y<br />

Reservation Form Yunnan & Tibet<br />

MR. / MRS. / MS.<br />

MISS / DR. / PRof.<br />

NAME<br />

MR. / MRS. / MS.<br />

MISS / DR. / PRof.<br />

NAME<br />


CITY / STATE / ZIP<br />

CELL / WoRK / HoME<br />

PHoNE<br />


I/We have read the Terms and Conditions for the program<br />

and agree to them.<br />


If this is a reservation for one person, please indicate:<br />

I wish to have single accommodations.<br />

oR I plan to share accommodations with:<br />

_____________________________________________<br />

oR I’d like to know about possible roommates.<br />


Twins Double<br />

Here is my deposit of $________ ($1,000 per<br />

person) for _____ space(s)<br />

Enclosed is my check<br />

(payable to <strong>Stanford</strong> <strong>Alumni</strong> <strong>Association</strong>) oR<br />

Charge my deposit to my:<br />

Visa MasterCard American Express<br />

CARD #<br />


sign uP<br />

Online!<br />


Mail completed form to address on mail panel<br />

or fax to (650) 725-8675 or place your deposit<br />

online at alumni.stanford.edu/trip?tibet2012.<br />

Please submit your reservation only once to<br />

avoid multiple charges to your account.<br />


Nonprofit Org.<br />

U.S. Postage<br />

P A I D<br />

<strong>Stanford</strong> <strong>Alumni</strong><br />

<strong>Association</strong><br />

<strong>Stanford</strong> Travel/Study<br />

Frances C. Arrillaga <strong>Alumni</strong> Center<br />

326 Galvez Street<br />

<strong>Stanford</strong>, CA 94305-6105<br />

(650) 725-1093<br />

“One of the most memorable of the 15<br />

<strong>Stanford</strong> Travel/Study trips we have taken, in<br />

more ways than can be easily described.”<br />

HarveY gurMan, Yunnan and TiBeT, 2009<br />

S T A N F O R D T R A V E L / S T U D Y<br />

rice terraces<br />

Yunnan<br />

& Tibet<br />

China’s Western Frontiers<br />

September 1 to 20, 2012

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