Transformation of Applicative Specifications into Imperative ...

Transformation of Applicative Specifications into Imperative ... Transformation of Applicative Specifications into Imperative ...


CHAPTER 8. SPECIFICATIONS out, that using this approach made updating of the map more difficult than the selected solution. The TYPES Map The TYPES map is defined as follows: TYPES = Binding →m ExpType, ExpType == Known(type_expr : TypeExpr) | Unknown The TYPES map maps value names to their corresponding expected type if known. It is used both during the check for transformability and during the transformation phase to decide if value names are of the type of interest. As for the ENV map, the TYPES map is related to a function and not to the entire specification. The initial value of the TYPES map is computed in the functions CheckValueDef and TRValueDef when dealing with explicit function definitions. 8.3.2 The Structure of a Transformation The main function of the transformer is TRRSLAst which as arguments takes an applicative RSL AST, a new scheme id and a TRANS map and returns the corresponding imperative RSL AST, if the applicative RSL AST is transformable. In some cases the applicative specification cannot be transformed either because it is not transformable or because it is not within RSLA. This requires the result of the transformation to be specified as a variant definition: TRResult == RSLast_transformable(result : RSLAst) | RSLast_not_transformable The transformation of an applicative RSL AST is divided into three parts: 1. The TYPINGS map and FUNC map are established. 2. A check for transformability is performed. 3. If the specification is transformable the actual transformation is done. First the two maps TYPINGS and FUNC are established. Then the transformer starts from the top of the RSL AST and then moves down the RSL AST until the whole RSL AST has been processed checking for transformability and transforming the RSL AST on its way. In the following the structure of the check for transformability and the transformation will be described. 78

The Check for Transformability 8.3. SPECIFICATION OF THE TRANSFORMER The check for transformability is simply a check to see whether the special scope rules defined in Chapter 5 are fulfilled. This check is done using the ENV map, which is updated such that it at all times shows which value names of the type of interest that are in the scope at a certain point of execution, cf. Section 8.3.1. During the check for transformability it is also checked whether the specification fulfills the non-syntactically constraints listed in Chapter 4. To get an idea of how this is done, the main function CheckTypeDef for checking if a type definition is transformable is shown in Specification 8.1. Specification 8.1 – Check for transformability of a type definition CheckTypeDef : TypeDef × TYPINGS × FUNC × TRANS → Bool CheckTypeDef(td, typings, func, trans) ≡ case td of SortDef(id) → id ∈ dom trans, VariantDef(id, vl) → CheckVariantList(id, vl, typings, func, trans) ∧ id ∈ elems typings(id), ShortRecordDef(id, cl) → CheckComponentKindList( id, cl, typings, func, trans) ∧ id ∈ elems typings(id), AbbreviationDef(id, te) → CheckTypeExpr(te, typings, func, trans) ∧ id ∈ elems typings(id) end As can be seen in Specification 8.1 the check of a type definition is made by casing over the kind of type definitions. For sort type definitions it is checked whether the type is not of the type of interest using the TRANS map. For the other kinds of type definitions it is checked whether they are not recursively defined using the TYPINGS map and it is checked if the contents of the type definitions fulfill the constraints given in Chapter 4 using the functions CheckVariantList, CheckComponentKindList and CheckTypeExpr. The Actual Transformation The actual transformation of the RSL AST is done walking through the constructs of the RSL AST and whenever needed changing the applicative 79


out, that using this approach made updating <strong>of</strong> the map more difficult than<br />

the selected solution.<br />

The TYPES Map<br />

The TYPES map is defined as follows:<br />

TYPES = Binding →m ExpType,<br />

ExpType == Known(type_expr : TypeExpr) | Unknown<br />

The TYPES map maps value names to their corresponding expected type<br />

if known. It is used both during the check for transformability and during<br />

the transformation phase to decide if value names are <strong>of</strong> the type <strong>of</strong> interest.<br />

As for the ENV map, the TYPES map is related to a function and not to<br />

the entire specification. The initial value <strong>of</strong> the TYPES map is computed<br />

in the functions CheckValueDef and TRValueDef when dealing with explicit<br />

function definitions.<br />

8.3.2 The Structure <strong>of</strong> a <strong>Transformation</strong><br />

The main function <strong>of</strong> the transformer is TRRSLAst which as arguments<br />

takes an applicative RSL AST, a new scheme id and a TRANS map and returns<br />

the corresponding imperative RSL AST, if the applicative RSL AST is<br />

transformable. In some cases the applicative specification cannot be transformed<br />

either because it is not transformable or because it is not within<br />

RSLA. This requires the result <strong>of</strong> the transformation to be specified as a<br />

variant definition:<br />

TRResult ==<br />

RSLast_transformable(result : RSLAst) |<br />

RSLast_not_transformable<br />

The transformation <strong>of</strong> an applicative RSL AST is divided <strong>into</strong> three parts:<br />

1. The TYPINGS map and FUNC map are established.<br />

2. A check for transformability is performed.<br />

3. If the specification is transformable the actual transformation is done.<br />

First the two maps TYPINGS and FUNC are established. Then the<br />

transformer starts from the top <strong>of</strong> the RSL AST and then moves down the<br />

RSL AST until the whole RSL AST has been processed checking for transformability<br />

and transforming the RSL AST on its way.<br />

In the following the structure <strong>of</strong> the check for transformability and the<br />

transformation will be described.<br />


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