Transformation of Applicative Specifications into Imperative ...

Transformation of Applicative Specifications into Imperative ... Transformation of Applicative Specifications into Imperative ...


APPENDIX D. SPECIFICATION OF TRANSFORMER IN RSL1 Make_ValueLiteral(vl) → true, Make_ValueOrVariableName(vn) → true, Make_BasicExpr(be) → true, ProductExpr(vel) → CheckPreCondGenProduct(vel, func, trans, types), Make_SetExpr(setExpr) → CheckPreCondGenSet(setExpr, func, trans, types), Make_ListExpr(listExpr) → CheckPreCondGenList(listExpr, func, trans, types), Make_MapExpr(mapExpr) → CheckPreCondGenMap(mapExpr, func, trans, types), ApplicationExpr(ave, vl) → CheckPreCondApplicationExpr( ave, vl, func, trans, types), BracketedExpr(bve) → CheckPreCondGen(bve, func, trans, types), ValueInfixExpr(first, op, second) → and( CheckPreCondGen(first, func, trans, types), CheckPreCondGen(second, func, trans, types)), ValuePrefixExpr(op, operand) → CheckPreCondGen(operand, func, trans, types), LetExpr(ldl, lve) → and( CheckPreCondGenLetDef(ldl, func, trans, types), CheckPreCondGen(lve, func, trans, types)), Make_IfExpr(ie) → and( and( and( CheckPreCondGen( condition(ie), func, trans, types), CheckPreCondGen( if_case(ie), func, trans, types)), CheckPreCondGenElsif( elsif_list(ie), func, trans, types)), CheckPreCondGen( else_case(ie), func, trans, types)), CaseExpr(cond, cbl) → and( CheckPreCondGen(cond, func, trans, types), CheckPreCondGenCaseBranch( cbl, func, trans, types)) end, 320

D.2. FORMAL SPECIFICATION OF THE TRANSFORMER IN RSL1 CheckPreCondGenProduct : ValueExpr ∗ × FUNC × TRANS × TYPES → Bool CheckPreCondGenProduct(vel, func, trans, types) ≡ if vel = 〈〉 then true else and( CheckPreCondGen(hd vel, func, trans, types), CheckPreCondGenProduct( tl vel, func, trans, types)) end, CheckPreCondGenSet : SetExpr × FUNC × TRANS × TYPES → Bool CheckPreCondGenSet(se, func, trans, types) ≡ case se of RangedSetExpr(first, second) → and( CheckPreCondGen(first, func, trans, types), CheckPreCondGen(second, func, trans, types)), EnumeratedSetExpr(ovel) → case ovel of ValueExprList(vel) → CheckPreCondGenProduct( vel, func, trans, types), NoValueExprList → true end, ComprehendedSetExpr(ve, t, or) → and( CheckPreCondGen(ve, func, trans, types), CheckPreCondOptRestriction( or, func, trans, types)) end, CheckPreCondGenList : ListExpr × FUNC × TRANS × TYPES → Bool CheckPreCondGenList(le, func, trans, types) ≡ case le of RangedListExpr(first, second) → and( CheckPreCondGen(first, func, trans, types), CheckPreCondGen(second, func, trans, types)), EnumeratedListExpr(ovel) → case ovel of 321


CheckPreCondGenProduct :<br />

ValueExpr ∗ × FUNC × TRANS × TYPES → Bool<br />

CheckPreCondGenProduct(vel, func, trans, types) ≡<br />

if vel = 〈〉 then true<br />

else<br />

and(<br />

CheckPreCondGen(hd vel, func, trans, types),<br />

CheckPreCondGenProduct(<br />

tl vel, func, trans, types))<br />

end,<br />

CheckPreCondGenSet :<br />

SetExpr × FUNC × TRANS × TYPES → Bool<br />

CheckPreCondGenSet(se, func, trans, types) ≡<br />

case se <strong>of</strong><br />

RangedSetExpr(first, second) →<br />

and(<br />

CheckPreCondGen(first, func, trans, types),<br />

CheckPreCondGen(second, func, trans, types)),<br />

EnumeratedSetExpr(ovel) →<br />

case ovel <strong>of</strong><br />

ValueExprList(vel) →<br />

CheckPreCondGenProduct(<br />

vel, func, trans, types),<br />

NoValueExprList → true<br />

end,<br />

ComprehendedSetExpr(ve, t, or) →<br />

and(<br />

CheckPreCondGen(ve, func, trans, types),<br />

CheckPreCondOptRestriction(<br />

or, func, trans, types))<br />

end,<br />

CheckPreCondGenList :<br />

ListExpr × FUNC × TRANS × TYPES → Bool<br />

CheckPreCondGenList(le, func, trans, types) ≡<br />

case le <strong>of</strong><br />

RangedListExpr(first, second) →<br />

and(<br />

CheckPreCondGen(first, func, trans, types),<br />

CheckPreCondGen(second, func, trans, types)),<br />

EnumeratedListExpr(ovel) →<br />

case ovel <strong>of</strong><br />


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