Transformation of Applicative Specifications into Imperative ...

Transformation of Applicative Specifications into Imperative ... Transformation of Applicative Specifications into Imperative ...



Chapter 11 Test This chapter contains descriptions of the different kinds of tests performed on the transformer. Furthermore, discussions on the choice of test methods are given. 11.1 Test Methods The purpose of testing a software system is to render probable that the system fulfills the requirements and works as expected. It is impossible to show that software systems of even limited size have no errors, but testing a system thoroughly can minimize the likelihood of errors. The different parts of the transformer are developed differently, some directly and some using code generating tools. This calls for different kinds of test methods of the different parts. Furthermore, some of the parts are reused from the RSL2Java tool as described in Chapter 9, and these parts have been tested in advance. There are two kinds of tests to consider, black box tests and white box tests. The purpose of a black box test is to test that the functionality of the program works as expected and that the program fulfills the requirements. This is without considering the structure and inner workings of the program. In a white box test the program is tested by basing the test data on the logic of the program. When dealing with automatically generated code, white box testing is very complicated and time-consuming due to the often complicated structure of automatically generated code. On the other hand a black box test can be too limited. A solution to this problem could be to perform a black box test using test data constructed based on the knowledge of the code and the problems that can arise. This could be called a grey box test. In the following the different parts of the program are considered in order to find the most appropriate way to test the transformer. 119



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