Transformation of Applicative Specifications into Imperative ...

Transformation of Applicative Specifications into Imperative ... Transformation of Applicative Specifications into Imperative ...


CHAPTER 8. SPECIFICATIONS the lack of this property would be revealed during the justification of the implementation relation. 96

Chapter 9 Implementation of the Transformer The implementation of the transformer is rather special as different tools have been used and exploited. This process and the resulting structure of the transformer are described in this chapter. Furthermore, a discussion of one of the tools used are given. Finally, an overview of the implemented functionality is offered. 9.1 The RSL2Java Tool The implementation of the transformer is based on the RSL2Java tool, which is build in another master thesis project, [Hja04]. The RSL2Java tool can translate the subset RSL1 of RSL into Java. It consists of a front end, a translation module, a back end and a control module. • The front end consists of a lexer, which performs lexical analysis of the given RSL specification, and a parser, which parses the specification into an RSL AST. • The translation module does the actual translation from the RSL AST of an RSL specification into a corresponding Java AST. This is done by decorating the RSL AST with types and then performing the translation on the type decorated RSL AST. • The back end translates the Java AST into actual Java code. • The control module binds the three other modules together. In order not to confuse the parts of the RSL2Java tool with the parts of the transformer all parts belonging to the RSL2Java tool are prefixed with the word RSL2Java tool, e.g. RSL2Java tool front end. 97


the lack <strong>of</strong> this property would be revealed during the justification <strong>of</strong> the<br />

implementation relation.<br />


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