Aldine I.S.D. Teacher Handbook - Aldine Independent School District

Aldine I.S.D. Teacher Handbook - Aldine Independent School District

Aldine I.S.D. Teacher Handbook - Aldine Independent School District


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NINTH GRADERS - may be exempt from no more than one final exam in a semester as<br />

determined by the student and parents. A student may not be exempt from more than one<br />

final in any two-semester course in the same school year.<br />

NOTE: Students may not exempt out of Successmaker, Graduation Prep, or Star Lab<br />

courses.<br />

TENTH GRADERS - may be exempt from no more than two final exams in a semester as<br />

determined by the student and parents. A student may not be exempt from more than one<br />

final in any two-semester course in the same school year.<br />

NOTE: Students may not exempt out of Successmaker, Graduation Prep, or Star Lab<br />

courses.<br />

ELEVENTH GRADERS - may be exempt from no more than three final exams in a semester<br />

as determined by the student and parents. A student may not be exempt from more than one<br />

final in any two-semester course in the same school year.<br />

NOTE: Students may not exempt out of Successmaker, Cosmetology, Dual Credit,<br />

Graduation Review, Graduation Prep, or Star Lab courses.<br />

TWELFTH GRADERS - may be exempt from no more than four final exams in a semester as<br />

determined by the student and parents. A student may not be exempt from more than one<br />

final in any two semester course in the same school year. Exception: Graduating seniors<br />

who are in their final semester may exempt from all final exams except for the Graduation<br />

Review, Graduation Prep, or Star Lab finals if all eligibility criteria are satisfied.<br />

Other qualifications:<br />

• <strong>School</strong> related absences do not count for purposes of this rule.<br />

• Students may not have any unexcused absences.<br />

• An exemption from a final exam will not be granted if the student is placed in In-<br />

<strong>School</strong> Suspension or suspended from school.<br />

• Students who register after the second day of a semester are not eligible for final exam<br />

exemptions. Transfer students have the responsibility to provide attendance and<br />

disciplinary information from the previous school to be considered for exemptions.<br />

On final exam testing days, exempt students who do not attend for the full instructional day<br />

are absent. Students may not “sign in” at attendance time to be counted present. Students<br />

exempt from the second test of the day may not be dismissed by the campus after the first<br />

test. These absences do not count against the student for BG or perfect attendance<br />

purposes.<br />

On exit level TAKS/STAAR testing days, if a TAKS/STAAR waiver is in place to take<br />

attendance at a set time after testing, non-testing students may be counted present if in<br />

attendance at the waiver attendance time. The purpose of this waiver is not to increase the<br />

percent of attendance but to improve the testing environment; however, it may have the<br />

effect of improving the percent of attendance.<br />

Any student who qualifies for an exemption has the option to take the final exam. However,<br />

the grade received on the exam will be computed in the final term average. The final exam<br />

is weighted at 15% of the term grade. The numerical average for the term will be the term<br />

grade if the student is exempt and does not take the final.<br />

3. Examinations<br />

1. Adequate number will be given according to the testing schedule.<br />

2. Nine-weeks tests, Benchmark Target Assessments and final examinations will be<br />

scheduled by the office. Final exams will be kept on file until the end of the next<br />

semester/session.<br />

3. Homebound students must take final examinations.<br />

<strong>Teacher</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> 2012-2013 123

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