Aldine I.S.D. Teacher Handbook - Aldine Independent School District

Aldine I.S.D. Teacher Handbook - Aldine Independent School District

Aldine I.S.D. Teacher Handbook - Aldine Independent School District


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Administrative interventions will be employed for students who do not demonstrate<br />

reasonable effort in the completion of major assignments.<br />

Daily Work<br />

Students are expected to complete daily assignments.<br />

If students do not complete daily work, then teachers must use the appropriate<br />

interventions to help students practice and demonstrate mastery of skills.<br />

<strong>Teacher</strong>s must begin intervention strategies to assist students in completing the<br />

assignment. Strategies must be aligned to individual campus strategies.<br />

Students may submit late work with ten points deducted for each day after the due date.<br />

After the third school day the highest grade will be a 70.<br />

<strong>Teacher</strong>s/departments have the option to extend the deadline or date to accept late daily<br />

work beyond the third day for a maximum of 70 points possible.<br />

Administrative interventions will be employed for students who do not demonstrate<br />

reasonable effort in the completion of daily assignments.<br />

Homework<br />

Students are expected to complete homework. Students who come to class without<br />

homework will complete the assignment according to the school’s system for<br />

completing work.<br />

Opportunities to complete homework include but are not limited to the following<br />

options:<br />

1. complete the work in after school tutoring/study session<br />

2. complete the work at home to turn in the next day for minus 10 points.<br />

7. Make-up Work<br />

Conduct Grades<br />

Work assigned on the day of an excused absence must be completed and given to the<br />

teacher. It is the responsibility of the teacher to provide make-up work when the<br />

student returns to class. The student is expected to complete and submit the make-up<br />

work.<br />

No penalty is to be attached to make-up work turned in within three school days of<br />

returning to class for any absence.<br />

For extended absences of more than three school days, special arrangements need to<br />

be made with the teacher for makeup work.<br />

When students are absent for several days, the school will help in getting assignments from<br />

teachers. Parents will need to call a day in advance to make these arrangements.<br />

Conduct grading is as follows:<br />

E = Excellent – The student has an excellent attitude, is very cooperative, and conforms to all<br />

school rules and regulations.<br />

S= Satisfactory – The student's behavior is generally acceptable.<br />

N = Needs Improvement – The student is uncooperative and his attitude is unacceptable.<br />

Parents must be contacted before an N is given.<br />

U = Unsatisfactory – The student is insubordinate and unwilling to conform to school rules and<br />

regulations. The principal or assistant principal is consulted in giving this grade. The parent is<br />

contacted. The student is subject to removal.<br />

Instructional Intervention – Re-Teaching/Reassessment Policy<br />

Re-teaching and re-assessment is appropriate for all instructional objectives assessed as major grades<br />

as recorded in the teacher’s gradebook regardless of the original assessment grade. It should be a<br />

<strong>Teacher</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> 2012-2013 98

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