Aldine I.S.D. Teacher Handbook - Aldine Independent School District

Aldine I.S.D. Teacher Handbook - Aldine Independent School District

Aldine I.S.D. Teacher Handbook - Aldine Independent School District


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1. Overdue fines are assessed for students in grades 5 and 6.<br />

<strong>Teacher</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> 2012-2013 84<br />

a. A ten ($.10) cent overdue fine will be charged per book, per day, excluding<br />

weekends and holidays.<br />

b. The total overdue fine may not exceed $2.00 per book.<br />

c. Payment is required even when a student leaves one <strong>Aldine</strong> campus and enrolls at<br />

another school in <strong>Aldine</strong> ISD or withdraws to attend school in another district.<br />

d. It is not necessary to write student receipts for small library fines; but, when the<br />

information literacy specialist turns in a sum of money to the office, it is to be<br />

receipted.<br />

e. <strong>School</strong> policy also determines if students with long overdue books or outstanding<br />

fines are to be restricted in their use of the Library Media Center.<br />

All students enrolled in <strong>Aldine</strong> ISD are responsible for paying the replacement cost of lost or<br />

damaged library materials in a timely manner.<br />

Specific policies regarding lost or damaged library materials are:<br />

1. Payment is required even when a student leaves one <strong>Aldine</strong> campus and enrolls at another<br />

school in <strong>Aldine</strong> ISD or withdraws to attend school in another district.<br />

2. When a lost item has been paid for and then is found and returned in good condition before<br />

a replacement is purchased, the school owning the material will issue a refund to the<br />

student.<br />

3. The student does not need to be enrolled in the school owning the item at the time it was<br />

lost to receive a refund.<br />

4. The information literacy specialist and the principal have the option to assess a damage<br />

and/or overdue fine when a lost and paid item is returned to the library. An overdue fine<br />

cannot exceed $2.00 per item.<br />

5. If the lost item is paid for, and then returned in an unacceptable condition, the<br />

information literacy specialist and the principal may decide not to issue a refund. In<br />

this case, all identification marks should be removed or blocked out and the item should<br />

be returned to the student.<br />

6. After a replacement title has been purchased, the student is not entitled to a refund if the<br />

item is found and returned. The item then belongs to the student. In this case, all<br />

identification marks should be removed or blocked out.<br />

7. After a student has paid for a book damaged beyond repair, it is his or her property. In<br />

this case, all identification marks should be removed or blocked out.<br />

8. Students are also responsible for paying damage fees, according to the fee schedule below,<br />

for repairable damage to library items.<br />

Missing barcode and/or spine label and/or date due slip – up to $2.00<br />

Torn pages – up to 25% of cost of book<br />

Ink or pencil marks (minor) - $1.00 per page<br />

Ink or pencil marks (major) – 25% of cost of book<br />

Loose bindings (due to misuse) – 50% of cost of book<br />

Missing pages – 100% of cost of book<br />

Obscenities (drawn or written) – 100% of cost of book<br />

Damages that prevent re-issuing book – 100% of cost of book<br />

Procedures:<br />

NOTE: If a student pays for a book in full (100%), he/she is entitled to keep that book.<br />

1. A pre-numbered <strong>Aldine</strong> ISD receipt must be issued to the student when a lost or damaged<br />

item is paid for.<br />

2. Money collected for lost or damaged library items must be turned in to the school<br />

bookkeeper for deposit.<br />

3. A receipt confirming the amount deposited must be given to the information literacy<br />


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