VILNIUS - In Your Pocket

VILNIUS - In Your Pocket

VILNIUS - In Your Pocket


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4 Foreword<br />

As we go to press at the end of July the Gulf Stream<br />

continues to act like a spoilt child, refusing to<br />

share its toys and generally making a mockery<br />

of the word summer. On behalf of Mother Nature,<br />

Vilnius <strong>In</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Pocket</strong> would like to apologise for<br />

the gross inconvenience caused so far this year.<br />

Every cloud has a silver lining however, and the<br />

good news is that not only are you now reading a<br />

fully updated guide to everything you need to know<br />

about Vilnius for the next four months, the weather<br />

is set to improve, making the city’s glorious parks<br />

and gardens (see p.65) more tempting than ever.<br />

For those who need more from their lives than<br />

eating, drinking and chasing girls, we’ve also<br />

cobbled together a small feature about the tiny<br />

rural village of Keturiasdešimt Totorių (see p.61),<br />

where the residents once wrote Belarusian using<br />

the Arabic script and that still boasts a marvellous<br />

little mosque and cemetery. And you thought Vilnius<br />

was Lithuanian. Think again! Have a smashing<br />

time in Vilnius everyone, be good and come back<br />

soon. Enjoy the rest of the summer and the rest<br />

of this guide. Vilnius <strong>In</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Pocket</strong> welcomes all<br />

comments, suggestions, death threats, marriage<br />

proposals and anything else you can throw at us<br />

as usual. Write to us at vilnius.inyourpocket.com<br />

and see you again in December.<br />

Cover story<br />


Vilnius <strong>In</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Pocket</strong><br />

Bernardinų 9-4<br />

Vilnius, Lithuania, LT-01124<br />

mob. (+370) 610 468 64<br />

tel. (+370) 5 212 29 76<br />

fax (+370) 5 212 29 82<br />

vilnius@inyourpocket.com<br />

www.inyourpocket.com<br />

ISSN 1392-0057<br />

©UAB “VIYP”<br />

Printed by UAB “Lietuvos ryto”<br />

spaustuvė<br />

Published three times per year<br />

Print run 20,000<br />

Two tourists snapping images<br />

of the Cathedral-Basilica<br />

of St. Stanislaus & St.<br />

Ladislaus. Read about other<br />

famous and not-so famous<br />

things to see and visit in<br />

our What to see section<br />

on p.54.<br />

Editorial<br />

Editor Sco<br />

Research Vaida Kursevičiūtė<br />

Layout & Design Vaida Gudynaitė<br />

Cover Richard Schofield<br />

Sales & Circulation<br />

Publisher Vilnius <strong>In</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Pocket</strong><br />

General Manager Rūta Klimavičiūtė<br />

Accounting VšĮ “ACORDO”<br />

Sales Manager Rūta Klimavičiūtė<br />

This guidebook and all of our other<br />

Lithuanian guides are available for sale<br />

from kiosks, tourist information centres,<br />

the Vilnius <strong>In</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Pocket</strong> office and other<br />

outlets throughout Vilnius and Lithuania as<br />

well as online at www.inyourpocket.com.<br />

Complimentary copies of Vilnius <strong>In</strong> <strong>Your</strong><br />

<strong>Pocket</strong> are also available in many hotels.<br />

The World of <strong>In</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Pocket</strong><br />

Northern<br />

Ireland<br />

Ireland<br />

Netherlands<br />

Germany<br />

Poland<br />

Belgium<br />

Czech<br />

Republic<br />

Austria<br />

Switzerland<br />

Slovenia<br />

Romania<br />

Croatia<br />

Italy Bosnia<br />

Serbia<br />

Bulgaria<br />

Montenegro Kosovo<br />

FYR Macedonia<br />

Albania<br />

Greece<br />

It was 20 years ago this summer that the first <strong>In</strong><br />

<strong>Your</strong> <strong>Pocket</strong> hit the streets of Vilnius, Lithuania.<br />

Since then, we have grown to become the largest<br />

publisher of locally produced city guides in Europe.<br />

We now cover more than 75 cities across the<br />

continent (with Ghent, Belgium, the latest city to<br />

be pocketed) and the number of <strong>In</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Pocket</strong><br />

guides published each year is approaching an<br />

amazing five million.<br />

Always an innovative publisher, we have just<br />

launched a new version of our iPhone app, which<br />

can be downloaded for free from the AppStore.<br />

Search for ‘IYP Guides’ by name.<br />

To keep up to date with all that’s new at <strong>In</strong> <strong>Your</strong><br />

<strong>Pocket</strong>, like us on Facebook (facebook.com/<br />

inyourpocket) or follow us on Twitter (twitter.com/<br />

inyourpocket).<br />

Copyright notice<br />

Estonia<br />

Russia<br />

Latvia<br />

Lithuania<br />

Belarus<br />

Ukraine<br />

Text and photos copyright UAB VIYP<br />

1992-2012; some photos, LATGA-A;<br />

maps, cartographer. All rights reserved.<br />

No part of this publication may be<br />

reproduced in any form, except brief<br />

extracts for the purpose of review,<br />

without written permission from the<br />

publisher and copyright owner. The brand<br />

name <strong>In</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Pocket</strong> is used under license<br />

from UAB <strong>In</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Pocket</strong> (Bernardinų 9-4,<br />

Vilnius, Lithuania tel. (+370) 5 212 29 76).<br />

Editor’s note<br />

The editorial content of <strong>In</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Pocket</strong><br />

guides is independent from paid-for<br />

advertising. Sponsored listings are<br />

clearly marked as such. We welcome all<br />

readers’ comments and suggestions.<br />

We have made every effort to ensure<br />

the accuracy of the information at the<br />

time of going to press and assume no<br />

responsibility for changes and errors.<br />

Vilnius <strong>In</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Pocket</strong> vilnius.inyourpocket.com

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