VILNIUS - In Your Pocket

VILNIUS - In Your Pocket

VILNIUS - In Your Pocket


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Not surprisingly for a capital city there’s a lot of culture to<br />

be had in Vilnius including some cracking classical music,<br />

a bit of worthy contemporary art and the occasional faded<br />

Western rock star.<br />

Arts & Crafts<br />

Amatų Gildija B-4, Pranciškonų 6, tel. (+370) 5 212<br />

05 20, www.amatugildija.lt. The ceramic artist Mindaugas<br />

Rutkauskas is almost completely blind yet manages to produce<br />

some great ceramics from classic earthenware crockery<br />

to complete ceramic stoves. He shares this workshop with<br />

several other artists. Feel free to have a look around. Most<br />

of the work on display is for sale. Also at S. Skapo 3 - 34.<br />

QOpen 11:00 - 19:00. Closed Mon, Sun. J<br />

Jonas Bugailiškis Art Studio C-5, Aušros Vartų 17-<br />

10, tel. (+370) 652 366 13. A local mini-celebrity knocking<br />

out all manner of fabulous wooden eccentricities based on a<br />

combination of traditional Lithuanian folk art and the contents<br />

of a very unique mind. Q By appointment only. J<br />

Meno Niša A-3, J. Basanavičiaus 1/13, tel. (+370) 5<br />

231 38 11, www.menonisa.lt. Art to hang on your body<br />

as opposed to your wall, this combined gallery and workshop<br />

presents some of the best examples of the work of Lithuanian<br />

goldsmiths. QOpen 12:00 - 18:00, Sat 12:00 - 16:00.<br />

Closed Mon, Sun. J<br />

Molio Laumė A-4/5, Naugarduko 20, tel. (+370) 699<br />

424 56, www.ceramics.w3.lt. The ancient art of black<br />

ceramics brought to life inside this intriguing little hands-on<br />

gallery. Buy examples of the craft or attend one of their regular<br />

workshops. QOpen 14:00 - 17:00. Closed Sat, Sun. J<br />

Tautodailininko Dirbtuvė G-4, J. Basanavičiaus 29, tel.<br />

(+370) 687 906 50, www.klaidaspapercuts.lt. Folk artist<br />

Klaidas Navickas works as a lawyer during the day and creates<br />

some exquisite works of art using just a scalpel and piece of<br />

paper in his spare time. Known in Lithuanian as karpiniai,<br />

this old craft, which has been used to decorate homes during<br />

special celebrations for centuries, is available for sale, or<br />

with patience and a steady hand you can learn how to do it<br />

yourself. Q Open 17:00 - 20:00, Fri 16:00 - 19:00. Sat, Sun<br />

call in advance.<br />

Užupio Galerija D-3, Užupio 3-1, tel. (+370) 5 231 23<br />

18, www.uzupiogalerija.lt. A tiny gallery dealing in exclusive<br />

metal and enamel works from a range of Lithuanian artists. A<br />

combined workshop and gallery, you’ll usually find somebody<br />

working there, who’ll be only too pleased to explain what<br />

they’re up to. QOpen 11:00 - 18:00, Sat 11:00 - 16:00.<br />

Closed Mon, Sun. JA<br />

Užupio Kalvystės Galerija - Muziejus I-4, Užupio 26,<br />

tel. (+370) 687 512 55, www.vilniauskalviai.lt. A small<br />

working gallery dedicated to the art of the blacksmith. Watch<br />

people at work, buy something as a unique gift or souvenir or<br />

ask about their regular workshops. QOpen 10:30 - 18:30,<br />

Sat 10:30 - 16:00. Closed Mon, Sun.<br />

Cinemas<br />

Films are usually shown in their original language with<br />

Lithuanian subtitles.<br />

Forum Cinemas Vingis G-4, Savanorių 7, tel. 1567,<br />

www.forumcinemas.lt. Mostly popular Hollywood films<br />

inside a dedicated multiplex close to the city centre. Also at<br />

Ozo 25 (Akropolis). QOpen 10:30 - 22:00.<br />

Multikino H-1, Ozo 18 (Ozas), tel. (+370) 5 219 53 78,<br />

www.multikino.lt. Hollywood blockbusters inside a large<br />

shopping centre. QOpen 10:00 - 22:00.<br />

Pasaka B-3, Šv. Ignoto 4/3, tel. (+370) 5 261 15 16,<br />

www.kinopasaka.lt. A compact Old Town cinema specialising<br />

in predominantly independent and/or arthouse films<br />

vilnius.inyourpocket.com<br />

Culture<br />

from a wide range of directors including Woody Allen and the<br />

interesting Lithuanian film maker Janina Lapinskaitė. J<br />

Skalvija H-3, A. Goštauto 2/15, tel. (+370) 5 261 05<br />

05, www.skalvija.lt. The best place in the city for arthouse<br />

and underground cinema and meeting people who like it in<br />

the attached café-bar. J<br />

Concert halls<br />

Lithuanian Music & Theatre Academy (Lietuvos<br />

Muzikos ir Teatro Akademija) G-3, Gedimino 42, tel.<br />

(+370) 5 261 26 91, www.lmta.lt. The place to come and<br />

see performances by the cream of the country’s next generation<br />

of professional musicians. Concerts including established<br />

performers and conductors from Lithuania and abroad also<br />

take place here from time to time. J<br />

Lithuanian National Philharmonic (Lietuvos<br />

Nacionalinė Filharmonija) C-5, Aušros Vartų 5, tel.<br />

(+370) 5 266 52 33, www.nationalphilharmonic.eu.<br />

Featuring a concert hall and a smaller chamber hall, the<br />

Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra was established in<br />

1940. Concerts are performed by a range of ensembles including<br />

the aforementioned orchestra as well as the Čiurlionis<br />

String Quartet and the chamber ensemble Musica Humana<br />

to name but a few. Q Box office open 10:00 - 19:00, Sun<br />

10:00 - 12:00. Closed Mon. JA<br />

Piano.lt B-4, Trakų 9/1 (entrance on Kėdainių), tel.<br />

(+370) 5 203 28 91, www.piano.lt. Hidden away down an<br />

Old Town backstreet, this small concert hall arranges concerts<br />

of many types including classical and jazz. J<br />

Pramogų Arena E-2, Ąžuolyno 9, tel. (+370) 5 242 44<br />

44, www.pramoguarena.lt. A large ice-skating rink on the<br />

outskirts of the city that also hosts the occasional concert.<br />

Siemens Arena H-1, Ozo 14, tel. 1588, www.siemensarena.lt.<br />

The quintessential all-purpose arena staging<br />

everything from international basketball matches to big name<br />

rock concerts. A<br />

St. Catherine’s Church (Šv. Kotrynos Bažnyčia)<br />

B-3, Vilniaus 30, tel. (+370) 5 262 04 21, www.kultura.<br />

lt. A city-owned concert space inside a magnificent, converted<br />

18th-century Baroque church. Concerts are varied<br />

and often very good indeed. J<br />

Ūkio Banko Teatro Arena I-3, Olimpiečių 3, tel. (+370)<br />

683 773 57, www.teatroarena.lt. The main venue for the<br />

OKT theatre company (see Theatres), this large place on the<br />

edge of town is also a concert venue among other things.<br />

Vilnius Congress Hall (Vilniaus Kongresų Rūmai) B-1,<br />

Vilniaus 6/14, tel. (+370) 5 261 88 28, www.lvso.lt. Home<br />

to the Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestra, this city-centre<br />

venue features some fine acoustics and organises everything<br />

from serious classical concerts to shows for children. Q Box office<br />

open 12:00 - 19:00, Sat 11:00 - 16:00. Closed Sun. JA<br />

Galleries<br />

Academy (Akademija) C-3, Pilies 44/2, tel. (+370)<br />

5 261 20 94, www.vda.lt. The gallery of the Vilnius Art<br />

Academy hosts all manner of contemporary shows by artists<br />

from home and abroad and is always worth a look inside.<br />

Q Open 12:00 - 18:00. Closed Sun. J<br />

Contemporary Arts Centre (Šiuolaikinio Meno<br />

Centras) C-4, Vokiečių 2, tel. (+370) 5 212 19 45,<br />

www.cac.lt. Vilnius’ very own monstrous carbuncle on the<br />

face of an old friend, this 1968 concrete masterpiece conceals<br />

one of the country’s leading galleries for both Lithuanian<br />

and international contemporary art. Surplus to the 2,400<br />

square metres of exhibition space, the Contemporary Arts<br />

Centre also organises conferences and lectures, features a<br />

superb reading room and hosts a rather good bar. QOpen<br />

12:00 - 20:00. Closed Mon. Admission 8/4Lt. JU<br />

August - November 2012<br />


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