Conducting Educational Research




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Your child is invited to be in a research study about test anxiety and academic self<br />

esteem. I am asking for your child’s participation to assist in my research for the<br />

completion of my Master of Education degree as your child is currently enrolled in<br />

my class. I ask that you read this form and ask any questions you may have before<br />

agreeing to have your child in this study. I can be reached at the school at 555-1234<br />

or at home at 555-1111 (please no calls after 9:00pm).<br />

The study: The purpose of this study is to determine if there is a relationship<br />

between a students’ academic self-esteem and the presence of test anxiety. If you<br />

agree to have your child in this study, your child will be asked to complete two<br />

questionnaires. Your child will be asked to rate to what degree they feel anxiety<br />

coming into a test situation (on a rating scale of never, almost never, almost always<br />

and always) and the second will evaluate their level of academic self-esteem (by<br />

responding yes and no to different items). The questionnaires will take approximately<br />

20 to 45 minutes to complete.<br />

Risks/benefits: I feel there is little risk to the students. They are merely reporting<br />

their feelings in an anonymous setting. Individual students may feel like I will be<br />

scrutinizing them, but after explaining how the anonymity of the study works,<br />

hopefully their fears will be put to rest. Each student participating in this study will<br />

receive a fun pen or pencil, regardless of whether or not she or he completes the<br />

questionnaires.<br />

Confidentiality: The records of this study will be kept private. Questionnaires will<br />

be coded to maintain anonymity and only I shall have access to the information.<br />

The coding is only done so that the data from the questionnaire can be sorted based<br />

on different demographic criteria. In the finished project, it will be impossible to<br />

identify subjects by name. Consent forms will be kept securely along with questionnaire<br />

results for 1 year after the completion of this study.<br />

Voluntary nature/questions: Your decision whether or not to participate will not<br />

affect current or future relations with me or the school. This is a personal endeavor<br />

to help me better understand how my students think. If you decide to allow your<br />

child to participate, I would greatly appreciate the assistance. Again, I welcome<br />

any questions or concerns and look forward to getting started, so please feel free to<br />

contact me if you have concerns.<br />

Tia Martini<br />

Name of Child ________________________________________<br />

Signature of Parent/Guardian _______________________________ Date _______<br />

Figure 2.1. Sample letter of informed consent that needs to be signed.<br />


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