Phoenix 1987

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<strong>1987</strong> <strong>Phoenix</strong>

George Washington L niverslty<br />

Liorary<br />

Special (jollections<br />




Mount Vernon College<br />

2100 Foxhall Road North West<br />

Washington,<br />

DC 20007<br />

* * I* 14 U<br />

Title Page 1

President Jane Evans<br />

Alma Mater<br />

I<br />

Our Alma Mater glorious,<br />

With loving hearts and proud.<br />

We crown thee all victorious<br />

And sing thy praise aloud.<br />

In loyalty we serve thee<br />

And strive to heed thy call,<br />

Mount Vernon, O, Mount Vernon!<br />

Through self to conquer all.<br />

II<br />

You give unfailing kindness<br />

If trouble meets us here;<br />

You foster all our pleasures<br />

And make them seem more dear.<br />

I^or time, nor care, nor sorrow<br />

Can these fair days erase.<br />

But they, with each to-morrow<br />

Help<br />

us new tasks to face.<br />

2 Presidents Address<br />

Like Breath of Spring's fresh morning<br />

That lifts the heart to song.<br />

When courage droops and wavers<br />

And paths seem gray and long.<br />

Will come thy dauntless spirit<br />

To help us on the way.<br />

Mount Vernon, O, Mount Vernon!<br />

Hold fast thy tender sway.<br />

IV<br />

The changing years may bring us<br />

Some longed for dream of bliss.<br />

Yet memory will cherish<br />

A sympathy we miss.<br />

In hours of joy or sadness,<br />

Whate'er our need may be.<br />

Mount Vemon, O, Mount Vernon!<br />

Thy<br />

children turn to thee.

Mt. Vernon 3

4 Convocation<br />

1 . Faculty members look over an article before con- chapel. 4. A student and a faculty member preparing<br />

vocation. 2. SR. class members line up to march in for convocation. 5. Srs. pose together after convocathe<br />

chapel. 3. President Evans ahiout to enter the tion.

1 . Faculty members prepare to march in the chapel for<br />

convocation. 2. Presenting Academic Honors, are<br />

Dean Carroll, President Evans, and Reverend Johnson.<br />

3. Delwering the convocation address is Dr. Elizabeth<br />

Tidball. 4. Modeling senior robes are Mimi Maechling,<br />

Louise Rookee, and Pam Widge.<br />


Convocation is the official opening of the<br />

school year. It is the first occasion for the<br />

seniors to be recognized by wearing their caps<br />

and gowns. The faculty<br />

and administration<br />

also dress in gowns and come into the cere<br />

mony in a processional. The convocation ex<br />

ercises recognize students with academic<br />

honors and scholarship recipients. The cere<br />

mony is held in the chapel and is conducted<br />

with esteem and respect. Students approach<br />

the upcoming academic year with enthusiasm<br />

because of this tradition.<br />

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Convocation 5

Welcome Back<br />

Orientation week was filled with many fun<br />

activities including the Welcome Back<br />

Party at the Pub. There were many return<br />

ing upperclassmen<br />

as well as new and exci<br />

ted freshmen. The Pub featured a band<br />

called the SPARKPLUGS who played a<br />

variety of music to suit almost everyone's<br />

tastes. Many people were there from Mt.<br />

Vernon as well as many eligible young men<br />

from surrounding colleges.<br />

The atmo<br />

sphere around the pub seemed to be quite<br />

cheerful as everyone talked about their<br />

summers, past school years, and ex<br />

pectations for the following year. The fresh<br />

men, anxious and excited, mingled with<br />

friends they had made during orientation<br />

and new friends they<br />

Overall, Pub night<br />

had met at the Pub.<br />

was a full success and<br />

everyone had a nice time talking with<br />

friends and listening to the band.<br />

6 Pub Party<br />

1 . Francis, Patice and Kim are among the enthusiasts<br />

at the pub night 2. Mary looks like she's up to some<br />

thing.<br />

3. Solid Gold dancers! Put em on T.V. 4. Lee<br />

Riddle and friend Joe are sitting back to enjoy happy<br />

hour. 5. Dancing the night av^ay; Kitty and company fill<br />

the dance floor.

L Kim and Bugs give the O-TAV to the photo<br />

grapher. 2. Martha is more than happy to welcome<br />

people to the pub. 3. Mary Carol, Allison, and their<br />

friend Duane chat while listening to the Sparkplugs. 4.<br />

Rcture Perfect! 5. Happy to be back the first pub party<br />

brought old friends back together.<br />

Pub Party 7

BIG<br />

SISTER<br />

LITTLE<br />

SISTER<br />

On September 19, 1986 many freshmen<br />

and seniors gathered for the Big/Little Sis<br />

ter reception at Peiham dorm. Many chat<br />

ted about the exciting new school year.<br />

Each freshman was given a pretty red car<br />

nation. The final moment came when each<br />

senior pulled<br />

a freshman name out of a hat.<br />

The other half of the reception was spent<br />

getting to know one's big or little sister.<br />

to find out that<br />

Many students were happy<br />

they had many things<br />

another.<br />

in common with one<br />

8 Big Sister/Little Sister Reception<br />

2. There is nothing like a hug from your big sister. 3. Senior big sister<br />

Ann. smiles as she receives her corsage.

1. Tracey Jones worked hard to make the reception a<br />

success. 2. Dani, Kitty, Caria and Danielle want everyone<br />

to know how much fun they had at the reception. 3. The<br />

search had begun for a big sister. 4. Freshman, Usa<br />

Lackovic pinned on her own corsage given to her by her<br />

big sister.<br />

Big Sister/Little Sister Reception 9

The student life here is not<br />

limited in any way. The on<br />

campus activities such as fiag<br />

football and soccer keep the<br />

students busy. The on campus<br />

pub, now called the Agora Club<br />

specializes in happy hour every<br />

Friday where students from<br />

Georgetown, A.G., Maryland,<br />

George Washington, and<br />

others come to socialize with<br />

Mt. Vernon women. DJ.'s and<br />

live bands keep<br />

entertained as they<br />


the students<br />

sit back and<br />

enjoy a few beers. It's a great<br />

place to meet people. During<br />

the fall and spring seasons, the<br />

pool is a favorite spot<br />

for those<br />

10 Student Life<br />

warm days.<br />

Student life is not just limited<br />

to on campus activifies. Since<br />

Georgetown is right<br />

road, many<br />

advantage<br />

down the<br />

of the students take<br />

of it. A favorite bar is<br />

the Third Edition as well as a<br />

number of other pubs<br />

in the<br />

area. Might life is not the only<br />

reason students go to George<br />

town. Georgetown Park is a<br />

great place to get some shop<br />

done. Students do not<br />

ping<br />

stop at Georgetown because<br />

just a few miles away is down<br />

town Washington, D.C. There<br />

students can enjoy such sights<br />

as the monuments, White<br />

1 . Tracy and Betsy toast to the new year.<br />

2. Cha and Bugs post with their new<br />

found Inends. 3. Studying in the library<br />

is common because of the noise in the<br />

dorms.<br />

House and the capitol just to<br />

name a few. Another attraction<br />

is the mall grounds which is<br />

surrounded by all the Smith<br />

sonian museums. This is a<br />

favorite spot<br />

when one has<br />

some free time. The National<br />

Zoo is popular among the<br />

students as well. There one can<br />

see the famous panda bears<br />

Ling-Ling and Sing-Sing.<br />

All of these attractions in the<br />

area keep the students busy<br />

taking advantage<br />

of their loca<br />

tion. There is so much to do<br />

and see that it can wear the<br />

students out All in all, student<br />

life is in no way dull.<br />

\<br />

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Student Life 1 1

Candids<br />

1 . Within<br />

the first week the transfer students went dessert hopping to get to know<br />

one another. 2. Barbara Gorski takes the opportunity to play with the camera while<br />

watching the Ted Koppel show. 3. Getting to know new people the object of the pub<br />

parties. 4. Relaxing before class this girl smiles for the camera. 5. Hey, Everyone<br />

loves the camera.

1 . Eleanor Burke and friends sit and relax in the Agora<br />

Club. 2. Heidi smiles for the camera. 3. Bugs says Hi! to<br />

everyone. 4. Everyone that went to the Ted Koppel<br />

show posed for a picture.

14 Candids<br />

1 . Close friends by the first day Mara and Magda kept a<br />

couple balloons to remind them of the first day of<br />

school. 2. Lori wanted a few of the first fallen leaves of<br />

fall. 3. At the International Buffet there was a variety of<br />

foods to choose from. 4. Denise, Kim, Whitney and<br />

friend want everyone to know what good buds they

I . Even the workers had fun at the first pub party of the year. 2. The field is a popular<br />

place for both athletes and studiers. 3. There is nothing like picking up the first fallen<br />

leaves. 4. Dean's List recipients received special honors at the reception held in<br />

their honor 5. Dancing and socializing were the main reasons the first pub party<br />

was such a success.<br />

Candids 15


The Internship Fair took place on<br />

Wednesday October 8, 1986 in Post Hall.<br />

This highly publicized event drew out many<br />

students and about 15 employers.<br />

"The purpose of the Internship Fair is to<br />

provide students with an opportunity to ex<br />

plore careers and internship opportunities<br />

"<br />

in the Washington, D.C. area, states Lucy<br />

Hoffman, coordinator of career planning.<br />

Ms. Hoffman goes on to say that "both<br />

students and the organization representa<br />

tives are benefited by the fair. The represen<br />

tatives are eager to meet students and hire<br />

them as interns or even part-time em<br />

ployees.<br />

"<br />

Internships are extremely important to a<br />

student's future career. Internships often<br />

lead to a permanent position in a specific<br />

field. They are rewarding jobs which also<br />

give credit toward the student's degree.<br />

All in all, the Internship Fair was a great<br />

success. It generated a lot of interest out of<br />

the students and gave them the chance to<br />

talk with different representatives of various<br />

fields.<br />

16 Internship Fair<br />

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WHST i-a.ilVATION<br />


18 Seniors<br />

Elizabeth Baron<br />

Business Marketing<br />

Ann Cefaratti, Staci Balasco, and Mara Moussoui (it's good to have friends)!!

Paige Canaday<br />

'Comnnunlcations with Honors."<br />

Ann Cefaratti<br />

A thank you to all my friends and the memories the><br />

have made for me. They'll never be a place like the<br />

Third Edition, Foxfield, or New York when we're not all<br />

there together. 1 love ya'll.<br />

To my mother and father who have constantly suppor<br />

ted me in every endeavor I have encountered. I love<br />

you both for the opportunities you have given me . . .<br />

and your constant love.<br />

Thanks Mom and Daddy! Love to Rob and my<br />

Anthony, you too Phil (for babysitting). Dr. Qalper and<br />

Peggy Trossen thanks for putting up with my big<br />

mouth and excuses and for pushing me through<br />

college. Gin. cef-bud, Phil, stress. 9-20-4, we studied<br />

real hard, Matthewson and Frasinel! Sompsie and the<br />

. . .<br />

Galp. Barb, Joe, and Rob datsuns too! Staci, Curtis,<br />

Allison (Cagney's) and Deb here's to late nights.<br />

(early morning's)! Phil. Happy hours. Julie, we're<br />

finished! Don't worry Gin and Unda your day will<br />

come. Mount Vernon was a blast!<br />

Seniors 1

Maria A. Contreras<br />

Business Administration/<br />

Information systems<br />

Sara D'Agostino<br />

Human Development<br />

20 Seniors<br />

Thanks Mom and Dad. Love, Marie<br />

I would like to dedicate my page to Mom and Dad because without you none of this would be possible. I love<br />

you very much.<br />

In sober mind and state 1 leave the follov^ng:<br />

Ginny you get the broom. Honor you get the crush, Linus you get a bigger appetite. Louise you get a potatoe<br />

head. Lynn you get less spontaneity. Hardie you get a banana rang rang. Tina you get John. Amy you get more<br />

days in a week for dates. Mimi you get me from the knees down. Lucy you get to give me your looks. Fonnie you<br />

get my wonderful writing ability.<br />

To all you guys we have had some great times! It wouldn't have been the same without you all, I'll miss all those<br />

nights at the 3rd. Frantically waiting for our crushes to come in. By no I'm sure I'm . . . saying Roger? Roge'<br />

who??? At least Id better be. Everyone keep in touch and I love you all!! By the way did we ever have that great<br />

party we planned? Bye Bye everyone!!<br />

P.S. The three lonely b will soon be reunited

Katherine Estes<br />

Arts and Humanties<br />

Cathy Gray<br />

Mow we take our time so nonchalant And<br />

spend our nights so t)oy vivant We dress our<br />

days in silken robes The money comes the<br />

money goes We know its all a passing phase<br />

We light our lamps for atmosphere And hang<br />

string of pearls,<br />

our hop)es on chandeliers ... A<br />

a foreign car to change our ... jaded ways<br />

so<br />

before we end and then begin We II drink a<br />

toast to how it's been A few more hours to be<br />

complete a few more nights on satin sheets A<br />

few more times that 1 can say I've loved these<br />

"<br />

days. Billy Joel<br />

Don Johnson, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Sam<br />

. . . . . .<br />

. . . . . .<br />

. . . . . .<br />

... Shepard and JC!!! Mexico ... Meeting<br />

John Denver Internships on the Hill The<br />

Presidential Dinner Tassos Allison and<br />

Adam<br />

D.C.<br />

Georgetown and Washington,<br />

Seniors 21

^ ^<br />

Virginia Insley SENIORS<br />

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22 Seniors<br />

Lauris Ann Jackson<br />

Marketing<br />

L.auris Ann Jackson and Paige Canaday, and a friend.<br />

want to thank<br />

After five years, I've finally made it! Maybe I'll go for another three?!? ... I<br />

everyone for helping me t^urie and Chris for being such great roommates, Paige<br />

and Sue for being great fiatmates, and Pendleton for being fuzzy and loyal. I especially<br />

want to thank Mom, Dad, Jane and Big M, for believing in me and for London, Paigers<br />

and Theresa for always being there for me, and TCB for giving me great memories and<br />

for being you. I love you all!

Elizabeth Ann<br />

Jackson<br />

Business Administration<br />

Maria Knutson<br />

To Dave and Kristen Knutson to who 1 owe my degree<br />

'To everyone who I've come in contact with these past four years<br />

I thank you for all the laughter, tears, and<br />

good times!! Especially to my family who without their love and support 1 would never have made it!! 1 love you<br />

all!!!!<br />

Dave and Kristen Knutson<br />

Seniors 23

Dad, Mom, and Jeff: 1 couldn't have made it<br />

wdthout you. I love you.<br />

Special thanks to Sherri L Rose, who is not<br />

only a top notch professor but also a good fri<br />

end, and to my room-mate Diane Sanchez,<br />

who shared with me very special moments. My<br />

love to Mari, Cyntha and Peblo.<br />

Maria E. Lenna Jeff<br />

Thanks to Mom, Dad, Diddy, Bruce, Stan, Jan, Gran, Bye to Donna, Mana, Dr Galper, and my good friend Dr.<br />

Mathewson see you in the working world Annie, Linda, Gin, Serrals, Dag, and Chris K mad women (Sub<br />

human person).<br />

I'm thankful that I learned so much while I was here . . . I'm thankful that I met so many good people while I was<br />

here .1 am thankful that I had the opportunities 1 did while I was here ... 1 am thankful that I'm graduating very<br />

soon . . . But most of all 1 am thankful to my Dad. Without his pushing, intuition, support, and love I'd have<br />

nothing to be thankful for. Thank you Dad!!!!<br />


Barbra Levine<br />

Human Development<br />

24 Seniors

Melinda Meeks<br />

v.- VV..<br />

Sue McDonough<br />

International Studies<br />



Seniors 25

Kyle<br />

'^"<br />


Kathleen Moran<br />

Carla Murphy<br />

Arts and Humanities<br />

26 Seniors<br />

/<br />

"^ii<br />

_N li^i^.rf*f*M<br />

23<br />

^^^^^^^^^K<br />

>, ^H '^<br />


Mara Moussouri<br />

Elizabeth Orlando<br />


Rambo, President Reagan, an Arabian, and the Devil all out on<br />

Halloween evening at the Agora Club.<br />

Thanks to my friends and family, who have<br />

demonstrated their love, and patience repeat<br />

edly. 1 dedicate the success of my four years<br />

here to the strength of my mother and father.<br />

Seniors 27

28 Seniors<br />

^"^i<br />

I saw and felt what happened in Western Europe when<br />

the Nazis were morning. You learn that politics is<br />

woman Sala<br />

everybody's business Congress<br />

Burton<br />

Nancy Pelosi SENIORS<br />

International Studies<br />

Nell Perry SENIORS

Virginia Scanlon SENIORS<br />

Linda Vanderslice SENIORS<br />

Seniors 29

30 Seniors<br />

Rhiannon Cassady<br />

Anna Maria Crabtree<br />

Thanks Mom and Dad. potatoe and Jon.<br />

think I know who Jonh Gait is Dad, he said.<br />

"The road is cleared, we are going back to the world"<br />

And then he raised his hand over the desolate<br />

earth and traced in space the sign of the dollar.<br />

The end.<br />

P.S. There are no second acts in American lives.<br />

F. Scott Fitzgerald The Last Tycoon

Honor Dentz<br />

Arts and Humanities<br />

Pamela Ann Wedge<br />

Gold Key Student 1983 84<br />

Jr. Class SecretaryATreasurer 1985-86<br />

Judiciary Board Member 1985-86<br />

RA 1985-87<br />

Who's Who Among American College Students<br />

<strong>1987</strong><br />

Inter at DNC for Vice Chair Lynn Cutler<br />

Favorite Song<br />

"The Greatest Love of All<br />

"<br />

"Love. Life, and Energy.<br />

Nothing that comes from the heart is ever gone<br />

from this earth. All that matters is that you are my<br />

father and I will always love you.<br />

To all my friends, thanks for the love and the car<br />

ing.<br />

"<br />

Seniors 31

a<br />

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E<br />

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L<br />

A<br />

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S<br />

M<br />

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N<br />

32 Underclassmen<br />

Mary Clark<br />

Felicity Colangelo Stacey Dell<br />

Margot Dement Nelly Eskandary

Rita Bloom Kim Butterfield<br />

Elizabeth Button Rosemary Campanale<br />

Regina Chung<br />

Elise Clark<br />

a<br />

N<br />

D<br />

E<br />

R<br />

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L<br />

A<br />

S<br />

S<br />

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Underclassmen 33

a<br />

N<br />

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S<br />

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34 Underclassmen<br />

Katherine Estes<br />

Tanya Ferris<br />

Kate Goodridge<br />

Pam Ferrari<br />

Ann Golden<br />

Lakin Graham

Kimberly Halloran Christine Hartley<br />

Amy Hutchins Heidi llgenfritz<br />

Susan Jeffery<br />

Jennifer Jennings<br />

u<br />

N<br />

D<br />

E<br />

R<br />

C<br />

L<br />

A<br />

S<br />

S<br />

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Underclassmen 35

a<br />

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8<br />

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36 Underclassmen<br />

Catherine Kimble Christi Jewett<br />

Patricia Jones<br />

Leslie Keller Siri Kent

Denise Mac Donald<br />

Molly McDaniel<br />

Kim Butterfield<br />

Courtney Malone<br />

Ann Larus McElory<br />

Mary McGee<br />

G<br />

N<br />

D<br />

E<br />

R<br />

C<br />

L<br />

A<br />

S<br />

S<br />

M<br />

E<br />

N<br />

Underclassmen 37

u<br />

N<br />

D<br />

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38 Underclassmen<br />

Fionuala McGlinchey<br />

Kelley Melendy<br />

Teresita Medrano<br />

Marissa Mercado<br />

Laura Messina Valinda Miller

Margaret Norris<br />

Allison Paladino<br />

Kim Phillips<br />

Aimee Norwood<br />

Margot Peterson<br />

Lee Price<br />

a<br />

N<br />

D<br />

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A<br />

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S<br />

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Underclassmen 39

a<br />

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8<br />

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40 Underclassmen<br />

Molly Reed<br />

Suzanne Rodiguez<br />

Nancy Santacruz<br />

British Robinson<br />

Maureen Ryan<br />

Adrine Schwartz

Natalie Sekaly<br />

Debbie Spears<br />

Missy Steiner<br />

Shelly Smith<br />

Abby Spencer<br />

Teddi Sturgis<br />

u<br />

N<br />

D<br />

E<br />

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L<br />

A<br />

8<br />

8<br />

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Underclassmen 41

a<br />

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42 Underclassmen<br />

Janet Sullivan<br />

Patty Thomas<br />

Elsa Travis<br />

Amy Tenet<br />

Dana Toukan<br />

Catherine Tuccio

Kim Tyne<br />

Kate Vaughan<br />

Arika Whatmore<br />

Victoria Vanloan<br />

Becky Veller<br />

Mimi Whitley<br />

a<br />

N<br />

D<br />

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A<br />

8<br />

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Underclassmen 43

44 Administration Lynn Canty, Phyllis Eisenson, Lynn Johnson, Barbara Gorski, Lucy Hoffman.

Faculty 45

The Admissions office works year round<br />

recruiting students. They look for student with<br />

must have<br />

potential for success. "Prospectives"<br />

good academic standing, an evenly distributed<br />

class curriculum and extracurricular activities.<br />

In recent years Admissions has been emphasiz<br />

ing the importance of extracurricular activities<br />

in their selection of new students. This provides<br />

for a well rounded student: exactly what the<br />

college wants.<br />

Students come from all over the country as<br />

well as many foreign countries. Each year the<br />

office receives about 350 applications. There<br />

are also a great many transfer students each<br />

year. Because the school is nationally<br />

recognized for its Interior Design Program,<br />

many<br />

their college<br />

looking<br />

women transfer into the school later in<br />

career. The Admissions office is<br />

for students that want an education in a<br />

small, personal environment<br />

\ \<br />

46 Faculty K "^

I<br />

Faculty 47

Mary Minners<br />

The academic structure is very strong and based on two important<br />

principles. MVC is a multi-disciplinary study program and an inter<br />

disciplinary study program. These methods structure the curri<br />

culum fiexibly: a student can create her own major. The Interior<br />

Design program as well as the Human Development program are<br />

two very competitive fields of study. Rigorous classes mixed with<br />

the internship experience make for a unique professional back<br />

ground.<br />

48 Faculty<br />

Art Cavanagh

Julie Stevens, Elizabeth Kaller, Phillis Eisenson,<br />

Sharon Fecter. Jean Folkerts.<br />

Faculty 49

50 Admissions<br />

Av/ards Luncheon<br />

Residence Hall Room Sign-CJp

Mary Margaret Savage, Mary Llaneza, Mel Williams, Beth Corter, Susan Barto, Shannon McCord, Monica Larrea, Jennifer Friedman, Cartney Malone, Lisa Lackovic Suzette<br />

Williams.<br />




52 The Young Rumblers<br />

Mary Whatmore okay you guys lets party.<br />

Okay everybody let's dance<br />

Okay Have 1 ever got a secret for you!<br />

Wilder and Tricia chatting.<br />

So how much is beer!<br />

S.P ' ' iM<br />

^<br />

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Denise McDonald as Mic Jager being accompanied<br />

the "Stones ".<br />

by<br />

Linda Vanderslice, Betsy Orlando and Buggs Hutchins<br />

can we talk?<br />

Lisa. Buggs, Trisha doing an interview for Follies.<br />

Kim and Buggs<br />

Follies<br />

"Let me entertain you."<br />

Follies was a great night of skits that no one will<br />

forget! Even though<br />

some would like us to!!!<br />

Even Dean Donna got into a little impromptu act<br />

ing. A spaghetti dinner and a funny show was a<br />

great sendoff for Thanksgiving vacation. Thanks<br />

Betsy and Bugs.<br />

Follies 53

54 SGA<br />

Student Government Association

56 Tennis<br />

Jiii M

Friends 57

58 Campus View<br />

J^^^'<br />

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Campus<br />

View 59

62 O.A. Groups<br />

Whitney Moretz, Tricia Posey, Alyce Couf. Elizabeth Btake, Carolyn Kolb, Shannon Mouton, Bonny Davis.<br />

Francis Betls. Anne Golden. Wilder Bishop. Ann Larus McElroy, Tasha Barclay. Laura Secord, Janet Sullivan,<br />

Cameron Gruebner. Emily Gebhard. Mary Whatnnore, Meredith Slavitt Sara KEnny, Fionuala McGIinchy.<br />

Franchesca Zuniga, Alice Corrigan, Emma Abnay, Heidi llgenfritz, Kelly Melendy, Margery Reed, Christine<br />

Lesniak, Marette Cordoba, Larissa Kundanmal, Lesli BartletL

Orientation<br />

Groups<br />

Adriane Sch*qrtz. Kendall Losle. Karla Knowies. (Jnsil fHo. Magda<br />

Fernandez, Dana Toukan. Jennifer Ratchford. Patti Thomas. Rosemary<br />

Thornton. Lisa Balcazar. Rene Houghland. Toshia Emmereth. Stacey<br />

Dell. Pnscilla Bishop, Mimi Whitley, Cathy Tuccio. Tami Willis. LaShan<br />

Branham. Leola Holiday, Laura Bickel. Kim Halloran, lldi Wittmann. Meg<br />

Morris. Katie Vaughan.<br />

Kate Goodridge. Onana Vargas. Irene Alahouzos. Tncia Jones. Mikki<br />

Kressler. Elizabeth Moeller, Marlene Everett, Kerstin Reweha.<br />

OA Groups 63

Laura Secord getting ready for a night on the town<br />

A spotless room<br />

Beth Corter talking on the phone and doing homework wow!<br />

Ann Leslie doing homework.<br />

64<br />

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LIFE<br />

By<br />


Toshia Emmereth catching up on her reading.<br />


Dress for success.<br />

Did someone call me? Beth Corter<br />

Give me 10 minutes. I'm almost ready lldi<br />

Wittmann<br />

Give me 5 minutes. Im almost ready lldi<br />

Wittmann<br />

Jane, Allison. Charlie and Anne. yes this is dorm<br />

life.<br />


68<br />

Lee Ann Taylor getting ready for the day.<br />

Kate Vaughan<br />

Tasha Barclay and lldi Witman studying^!?<br />

Ready to face the world.<br />

lldi Whittman working hard on a design project.

Jane Casper doing her laundry<br />

Allyson Avery almost ready<br />

Clothes laid out and ready to go<br />

Beth Corter just killing time by talking on the phone.<br />

70<br />


Whitnet Moretz, and Heidi llgenfritz socializing at the<br />

Agora Club<br />

Suzette Williams, and Martha Spencer enter the Agora<br />

Club for an evening of fun and frollic.<br />

Hillary Schweier and<br />

Rhonda Zoch<br />

British Robinson and<br />

friend having a good<br />

time at the Agora Club<br />

Lynne Canty, Allison<br />

Gregory, and Barbra<br />

Gorski just smiling<br />

pretty.<br />


72<br />


Debbie Spears and<br />

Leslie Bartlett model<br />

their evening dresses<br />

Suzette Williams and<br />

friend take a breather<br />

from all the action<br />

Eleanor Burke and fnend<br />

prepare to dance the<br />

night away<br />

1 ^B<br />

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Martha Spencer and Friend<br />

good time!<br />

yes we are having a

Ann Golden and her friend Charlie toast the evening.<br />

Erica Frank and Friend just taking it all in<br />

Maria and Dave Knutson<br />

Tracy Wallace and Friend<br />

Jenna Jennings and Friend<br />

Temple Patterson and friend smile honey!!<br />


Stacy Dell, and British Robinson celebrate the success of the Winter Formal<br />

Lynn and Gregg Canty dance the evening away.<br />


Annie,<br />

WE LOVE YOG!<br />

Mom, Dad, Lili, Grandmother, Mommom, and Granddad<br />

Mother, Daddy,<br />

Patricia Minniece<br />

WE LOVE YOG,<br />

Laurie, Gresham, and Joe<br />

Congratulations Janet<br />

Congratulations<br />

Cathy<br />

and the Class of <strong>1987</strong><br />

Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gray Jr.<br />


76<br />

Dear Melinda,<br />

My how you grew!<br />

Congratulations and much love as you graduate<br />

and start your new life.<br />

Love,<br />

John and Anita Meeks

May you be wise enough to know you only tapped the surface of<br />

is unshak-<br />

Congratulations knowledge, secure enough to know our love for you<br />

Paige Canaday able, and sensitive enough too know that happiness and joy are<br />

Who's Who Among Students in American Gniversities and all around you. Look no further than your heart<br />

Colleges, Beacon Honor Society, Alpha Chi Academic Honors, With love and Pride.<br />

Dean's List<br />

Mom and Dad<br />

Canaday 77

Congratulations Rhiannon<br />

love Mom and Dad

Congratulations Beth<br />

you made it!!<br />

We love you<br />

Mom, Dad, Steve, Tim, Laura, Bill, Kerry,<br />

and Dee.

Senior-Junior Embassy Party<br />

,1 r%! li

The 1 986-87 yearbook Staff<br />

Laura Bickle<br />

Tanya Ferris<br />

Lucy Anthony<br />

Susan Jeffery<br />

Allison Johnson<br />

Caroline Burnett<br />

Gail Reid<br />

Melinda Meeks<br />

Mimi Whitley<br />

Katie Wilson<br />

Lisa Lackovic Asst. Editor<br />

Christi Jewett Editor<br />

Mel Williams Editor<br />

The yearbook staff would like to give special thanks to our very special advisor,<br />

Lynne Canty.<br />


Sarah Russell<br />

Congratulations Ann<br />

Love, Mom and Dad<br />

Procrastinating<br />


D<br />

E<br />

D<br />

!<br />

C<br />

A<br />

T<br />

I<br />

O<br />

N<br />

DEAN<br />


We dedicate the <strong>1987</strong> Pheonix to Dean Donna Carroll. Your years of committment to us as students have helped<br />

You have gotten to know so many of us on a personal level. This kindness you<br />

appreciately say<br />

Thank you Dean Donna!!!<br />

D<br />

E<br />

D<br />

I<br />

C<br />

A<br />

T<br />

I<br />

O<br />

N<br />

have shown us has enriched our lives. We<br />

us to mature.

84<br />



BAHAMA<br />


PARTY!!!<br />

PARTY<br />


88 Banama Party

Banama Party 89

90 Autographs

Autographs 91

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