Modified by: Ahmed Abu-Hajar, Ph.D. Lecture #10 - DIGITAVID

Modified by: Ahmed Abu-Hajar, Ph.D. Lecture #10 - DIGITAVID

Modified by: Ahmed Abu-Hajar, Ph.D. Lecture #10 - DIGITAVID


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<strong>Modified</strong> <strong>by</strong>: <strong>Ahmed</strong> <strong>Abu</strong>-<strong>Hajar</strong>, <strong>Ph</strong>.D.<br />

<strong>Lecture</strong> <strong>#10</strong>

Outline<br />

Subroutines<br />

D-BUG12 Utility Tool

Subroutines<br />

Subroutines: Separate, independent module of the<br />

program<br />

Performs a specific task<br />

Shortens code, provide “reusable code”<br />

Good subroutine:<br />

Independence: does not depend on other codes<br />

Registers: Stores/restores key registers upon<br />

entrance/exit using PSH and PUL commands (Store Key<br />

registers on the Stack)<br />

Data and code independent: Local variables do not use<br />

direct and extended addressing modes

Subroutines<br />

How to Call a Subroutine?<br />

• The main program exist with<br />

sequential execution order.<br />

Call Subroutine <strong>by</strong> changing PC<br />

to the subroutine location<br />

This is done <strong>by</strong> using Branching<br />

(BSR or JSR)<br />

BSR limited <strong>by</strong> (-128- 127}<br />

JSR jumps anywhere<br />

Before Branching Must store all<br />

key registers including PC in<br />

memory (or Stack)<br />

Once the subroutine finished, PC<br />

goes back to the next step.<br />

RTS is used to return.<br />

Every subroutine MUST have RTS.<br />

Program (*.asm)<br />

Main Program:<br />

Call Subroutine 1<br />

Subroutine 1<br />


Subroutine: Example<br />

STACKTOP = $8000<br />

_main::<br />

LDS #STACKTOP ;initialize SP<br />

JSR DOIT ;jump to subroutine<br />


DOIT: PSHA ;store key registers on stack<br />

PSHB<br />

: ;subroutine actions<br />

PULB ;restore key register values<br />

PULA<br />

RTS ;return from subroutine

Subroutine:<br />

Passing Parameters: Pass parameter to the<br />

subroutine when the program calls that<br />

subroutine<br />

Two types of calls<br />

Call <strong>by</strong> Value: pass the actual value of the<br />

parameter to the subroutine<br />

Call <strong>by</strong> Reference: pass the memory address which<br />

contains the parameter’s address

Subroutine:<br />

Example of call <strong>by</strong> Value<br />

This Example Swaps the values of<br />

two consecutive memory locations<br />

Org $4000<br />

BASE EQU $4000<br />

Num_ONE FCB $23<br />

NUM_TWO FCB $3F<br />

ORG $4100<br />

LDS #$8000<br />

LDX #BASE<br />

LDAA $0,X<br />

LDAB $1,X<br />

BSR SWAP<br />



END<br />


PUSB<br />

PULA<br />

PULB<br />

RTS<br />

Note: The opcode EXG A, B would<br />

swap A& B. We did it here to<br />

show how to use subroutine

Subroutine:<br />

Example of call <strong>by</strong> Reference<br />

Copy the ten consecutive values from<br />

location $5000 to $6000<br />

FIRST EQU $5000<br />

SECON EQU $6000<br />

ORG $4000<br />

NUM_DATA FCB $0A<br />

ORG $4100<br />

LDS #$8000<br />

LDX #BASE<br />


LDX #FIRST<br />


JSR COPY<br />

END<br />

COPY COMPA #S00<br />

BEQ DONE<br />

LDAB 1,X+<br />

STAB 1,Y+<br />

DECA<br />

BRA COPY<br />


D-BUG12 Utility<br />

Subroutines for HC12<br />

D-BUG12: Contains built-in subroutines for to monitor and or<br />

debug the program.<br />

Stored within ROM of the controller<br />

Allows the programmer to alter memory locations or modify<br />

registers or debug the program.<br />

Contains 18 utility subroutines which are listed as follows:<br />

Routine vector Address Comment<br />

Main() $FE00 ;Start the D-Bug12 monitor program<br />

getchar() $FE02 ;Fetch Character form Keyboard<br />

Putchar() $FE04 ;Display Character form on Screen<br />

printf() $FE06 ;Display formatted string on screen<br />

GetCmdLine() $FE08 ;Fetch a command from keyboard<br />

Scanhex() $FE0A ;Convert Hexadecimal to integer<br />

isXdigit() $FE0C ;Check for hexadecimal digit<br />

toupper() $FE0E ;Converts lowercase to uppercase

D-BUG12 Utility<br />

Subroutines for HC12<br />

Continue: Utility subroutines<br />

Routine vector Address Comment<br />

isalpha() $FE10 ;Check for alphabet character<br />

strlen() $FE12 ;Return the length of the string<br />

Srtcpy() $FE14 ;copies a string to another string<br />

out2hex() $FE16 ;Output a <strong>by</strong>te of a two hexadecimal<br />

;number<br />

Out4hex() $FE18 ;Output two <strong>by</strong>te of four hexadecimal ;<br />

;Numbers<br />

setUserVector() $FE1A ;set user-specified ISR routine address<br />

IWriteEEByte() $FE1C ;write a <strong>by</strong>te to the on chip EEPROM<br />

EraseEE() $FE1E ;Erase a block of on-chip EEPROM<br />

ReadMem() $FE20 ;Read Data From Memory<br />

WriteMem() $FE22 ;Write data to memory

D-BUG12 Utility<br />

Subroutines for HC12<br />

For D-BUG12 routines, the 68HC12 insists on using<br />

stack to transfer parameter variables<br />

Treat parameters as 16-bit values<br />

Parameters must be pushed onto the stack<br />

Starting with parameter n to 1<br />

Load vector address of the subroutine in index<br />

register X

D-BUG12 Utility: Example<br />

Use out2hex() utility subroutine to display $45 on<br />

the computer screen<br />

Store $0045 to stack before calling subroutine<br />

LDD #$45 ;value for display<br />

PSHD<br />

LDX #$FE16 ;16-bit addr of subr<br />

JSR 0,X ;call the subroutine<br />

PULX ;clean up the stack

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