Accepted Papers - 3.pdf - UNESCO

Accepted Papers - 3.pdf - UNESCO

Accepted Papers - 3.pdf - UNESCO


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REPORT<br />

NBA and particularly Ms. Arun Dhatti Ray<br />

even dared to censor their lords for Ms. Ray was<br />

token imprisoned for a day ‘being a lady’. Later-on,<br />

Ms. Medha Patkar (main spirit behind NBA) became<br />

judge of World Commission on Dams (WCD) and<br />

her spokesperson Sh. Jain ( nominee of NBA in<br />

Govt. of India Committee) was appointed Vicechairman<br />

of WCD. Total reliance in INDIA<br />

COUNTRY STUDY REPORT (ICSR) was laid on<br />

the figures given by the NGOs especially regarding<br />

the displaced persons, submerged forests or the<br />

effective command; on the other hand, the<br />

government figures were stated to be unreliable<br />

inferring that such departments interpret and present<br />

the data to promote their own interests best. The<br />

achievement of water resources development of last<br />

50 years in India have been totally neglected in<br />

ICSD. Large beneficial environmental and social<br />

impacts of the Bhakra Dam, Hirakud Dam, Ukai<br />

Dam, Nagarjuna Sagar Dam, Pong Dam, Ramganga<br />

Dam and several other major dams were available<br />

in numerous publications. Tremendous environmental<br />

and social benefits of Brindavan Garden (Krishna<br />

Raj Sagar Dam), Ukai & Ramganga Gardens,<br />

Periyar wildlife resorts, Kalindi Kunj, as by-products<br />

of large dams and improved environmental and social<br />

conditions in Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana and<br />

western UP after the construction of large dams<br />

were left out in the study report. On the other hand,<br />

the three on-going projects namely, the Tehri, Indira<br />

Sagar and Sardar Sarovar Projects were cited,<br />

without associating the project authorities but laying<br />

total reliance on the views of activists fighting against<br />

these three projects.<br />

Thus ICSR was a true malafide play enacted<br />

under the shadow of the WCD. Surprisingly,<br />

against all norms of decency and law, the<br />

litigants and their prime supporters in Indian<br />

Supreme Court against the Sardar Sarovar and<br />

Tehri Dam Projects were either positioned as<br />

Commissioners of the World Commission on Dams<br />

or authors of India Country Study Report. Sh.<br />

Shekhar Singh, a lecturer in IIPA (petitioner<br />

against Tehri Dam) and Sh. Ramaswami R. Iyer (<br />

an IAAS officer who was connected with water<br />

for about 2 years only as Union Secretary Water<br />

Resources) were commissioned as authors of<br />

India Country Study Report (ICSR) for WCD.<br />

499<br />

WCD report was critically reviewed by 3 top<br />

International Professional Organisations<br />

International Commission on Large Dams<br />

(ICOLD), International Commission on Irrigation<br />

& Drainage (ICID), International Association of<br />

Hydropower Association (IHPPA). Their valuable<br />

observations were conveyed to prominent<br />

international organizations, professional bodies<br />

and Governments of various countries. They<br />

pointed out serious flaws & ambiguities in WCD<br />

Report and impracticability of the WCD<br />

recommendations.<br />

How can WCD recommendations regarding<br />

joint negotiations with the stake holders leading<br />

towards negotiated agreements at national and<br />

international levels, be accepted by India; in view<br />

of the massive programme for utilization of water,<br />

power and environmental resources; for<br />

accelerated economic development. Govt. of<br />

India had to very rightly reject the WCD Report<br />

since the report was not only being biased &<br />

ambiguous but also due to one-sided India<br />

Country Study Report wherein, the minor adverse<br />

environmental impacts of large dams were highly<br />

blown up and tremendous socio-economic and<br />

environmental benefits of even major dams like<br />

Bhakra, BSL, IGNP, Damodar, Ramganga,<br />

Nagarjunasagar, etc. were omitted.<br />


A series of smaller dams, even if feasible, would<br />

entail higher costs, greater submergence, far more<br />

displacement, greater evaporation losses, increased<br />

maintenance cost and far less benefits. Small dams<br />

are prone to fall in critical years of drought because<br />

they depend on tiny catchments. Moreover, a large<br />

dam site is a natural resource depending on the rock<br />

formation, geometry of valley, foundation-conditions<br />

and hydrological features. Medium and small water<br />

projects as well as water harvesting schemes cannot<br />

substitute the need of large water storages but can<br />

at best complement the larger projects. This, too,<br />

depends upon the hydrological, geological,<br />

topographical and regional limitations. A large dam<br />

site is a natural resource depending on rocks<br />

formation, geometry of valley, foundations and<br />

hydrological features. Catchment area treatment<br />

and watershed management are development<br />

projects in their own right and should be planned<br />

and executed as such independently without putting<br />

undue financial burden on water resources projects.<br />

At best, treatment of direct draining sub-watersheds

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