Accepted Papers - 3.pdf - UNESCO

Accepted Papers - 3.pdf - UNESCO

Accepted Papers - 3.pdf - UNESCO


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in fact the base of energy in Tajikistan both now and<br />

in visible perspective will be hydropower. More that<br />

it is quite probable that on Tajik hydro – resources<br />

the neighboring countries will orientate in future. And<br />

apparently this export potential will be already in next<br />

future claimed in region. Already now the volume of<br />

hydropower export – import of Tajikistan makes up<br />

3,5 – 5,0 bln. kWt. h./year.<br />

Even with account of coal, the total found out<br />

stocks of mineral fuel in region, on which based the<br />

energetic of all other republics beside Tajikistan are<br />

rather restricted – in general about 8,45 bln. t.<br />

specific fuel (s. f.) including in Tajikistan – 0,5 bln.<br />

t. s. f. Therefore at the level of power resources<br />

consumption, proper in 1990 to 2,6 t. s. f./year pro<br />

person and restrained growing of population number<br />

providing of region with mineral fuel equals to 60<br />

years. Taking into account expected economical<br />

growth and also that all given estimation ware done<br />

15-20 year ago; in fact this term can reduce to 30<br />

and less years.<br />

Thus, even in average all regions are provided<br />

with mineral fuel only in tern almost comparable<br />

with term of building large hydro unit type of<br />

Nurek’s. What about Tajikistan so for it even<br />

theoretically the stocks of or necessary needs of the<br />

state?<br />

Tajikistan owns very insignificant stocks of oil<br />

and gas as absolute size so in comparison with<br />

another republic of Central Asia. The stocks of coal<br />

in republic are quite significant, but they are located<br />

mainly in small not necessary areas for building<br />

large thermo stations and transportation network is<br />

not developed.<br />

Besides, the use of coal requires the large<br />

outstripped expenses for exploring and organizing<br />

of fields. All these prove very restricted<br />

opportunities of industrial use of coal.<br />

Less possibilities of industrial use of non –<br />

traditional renewable sources of energy are in<br />

Tajikistan.<br />

Wind – power is quite expensive, the small in<br />

capacity wind – installations require estrangement<br />

of large areas (about 100 m 2 for capacity of 1 kWt),<br />

and the large installations emerge serious ecological<br />

problems. Besides, all of them are very complex in<br />

exploitation. In result of it even in the countries<br />

where it initially got spreading, interest to wind –<br />

power decreased gradually.<br />

465<br />

Tajikistan is located in more favorable zone in relation<br />

to solar energy, between 37 th and 41 st degrees of<br />

northern latitude and fully comes into so called, world<br />

solar belt (45 0 n. l. – 45 0 s. l.). Theoretically at 100<br />

% use of solar energy, from 1 m 2 area about 1700<br />

kWt. h./year can be obtained. That is essentially<br />

more than it is used in everyday life pro person.<br />

But technology of direct convert energy into<br />

electrical current is nowadays still very difficult and<br />

expensive. Therefore even in high developed<br />

industrial countries it is used on too districted scales.<br />

Thus, in Tajikistan now to consider solar energy as<br />

reliable source for receiving energy in industrial<br />

scale is not real. Its use possible and expedient only<br />

for obtaining low – potential thermo – energy which<br />

use in everyday life.<br />

Atomic energy on purely technical plan could<br />

have in Central Asian and in Tajikistan good<br />

perspective, but really in next future its development<br />

is problematical. First of all it is connected with<br />

high schismatic of region and high cost, their energy<br />

significantly high even energy of thermal stations,<br />

holing to say about hydraulic. And finally the<br />

building of atomic station in any republic, all the<br />

more so in Tajikistan requires agreements with<br />

neighboring countries, not only with the closes, but<br />

also with the fares that in nowadays condition it is<br />

hardly possible.<br />

Even less perspectives of industrial use of bio<br />

– energy in Tajikistan.<br />

Tajikistan possesses large, simply unique stocks<br />

of hydropower resources. The republic is in the<br />

eighth place in the world with its total stock – 527<br />

bln.<br />

kWt. h. after China, Russia, USA, Brazil, Zaire,<br />

India and Canada. What about specific showers, so<br />

on hydropower potential per capita (87,8 th. kWt.<br />

h./year/person) it is in the first – second place and<br />

with potential stock of hydropower per one square<br />

kilometer of territory (3682,7 th. kWt. h./year/km 2 )<br />

the first place in the world much for outstripping<br />

the followings after it countries.<br />

Thus not only the republic itself but all regions<br />

as a whole will e forced increasingly to orientate on<br />

hydropower of Tajikistan in visible perspective.<br />

It is necessary to mention that such structure of<br />

hydropower based on hydropower resources besides<br />

all others it is more economical effective.<br />

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