Accepted Papers - 3.pdf - UNESCO

Accepted Papers - 3.pdf - UNESCO Accepted Papers - 3.pdf - UNESCO
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percent (6 families).Hence, majority of farmers will be interested in farm development activities. • Priority analysis- Priority analysis was worked out through the data generated from Participatory rural appraisal and Basic survey of village. So after prioritization of problems, an action plan was prepared for Sanio and Dedag villages. Water harvesting , soil management and farm production were the issues of the prime concern to farmers. The order of important priorities identified by the farmers has been given in figure. • Execution of Programme– User group of beneficiaries was formed at village level, which submitted resolution w.r.t Consent, Participation, Viability of project, Area to be covered and other Social benefits, to Watershed Executive Committee for approval. The work was then executed through community action by the members of user group Sanio, and Dedag under technical guidance of Soil Conservation Department experts 4.2. Developmental and technical Aspects � Technical programme (Survey, Design etc.)- After doing the priority analysis by the farmers, technical program was made in consultation with the expert of Irrigation and public health or engineer of soil conservation department for different water harvesting ,conveyance and storage structures. Before executing the work, this technical program was got duly approved from the experts. � Farm Production system interventions— • Farm Production system interventions were finalized by the farmers in consultation with the agricultural expert. The analysis of data was done as per the statistical procedure by Gomes and Gomes (1992) and suggested by CSWCRTI Dehradun and 440 Sunabeda, Orissa . • Crop fertilization index was calculated as ratio of quantity of fertilizer used by the farmer per hectare to the recommended fertilizer dose per hectare . • Crop productivity Index was determined as ratio of yield obtained by farmers per hectare to recommended level of yield per hectare • People participation Index was calculated as percent of mean participation Score to maximum participation Score. • Economic analysis-To identify, quantify and value the social advantages (benefits) and disadvantages (costs)in terms of common monetary units various interventions were analyzed for gross returns, net returns and benefit cost analysis. 5.0 Results and discussion - During the course of study various interventions were demonstrated in the watershed through participatory approach and the results obtained are as below. 5.1. Intervention 1 - Rain water harvesting and conveyance system from base or surface flow at Sanio and its Socio- economic benefits. 5.2. History of Water source – This water source is perennial one and has average water discharge of 20-25 thousand liters per day during normal months (having no rain fall) but the discharge increases to 85-90 thousand liter per day during rainy season(June- September). The farmers were taking this water to their fields by open channel i.e traditional delivery system locally called Bandha, there were heavy conveyance losses as the channel was infested with weeds, broken at several places and the movement of water was very slow. The farmers were not getting good recovery of water from the system. With time this water delivery system became faulty. Since good amount of money was involved for its maintenance hence no body came forward to maintain it. The source was used only by 2-3 influential and economically sound farmers and they were taking this small amount of water through their own delivery system i.e. plastic pipes of 1.0- 1.5" to irrigate their fields and they were able to irrigate only 1-2 ha area and 50 plus families were deprived off from this facility from source which

was having potential to irrigate 15-20 ha area. So every one in the village was concerned to develop it and to harvest every drop of water from the source and also to capture additional discharge resulting from rains during rainy season in tanks They were also fascinated to install effective water conveyance and storage system if some funds were made available to them. 5.3 Execution of work- Since it was a community asset and every farmer wanted to develop it. A group of beneficiaries called User group Sanio was constituted under the leadership of Mr Partap Chauhan and a Concept of People participation was introduced. 5.4. Technical Details of water harvesting- The work was executed by the members of user group Sanio. The farmers cleaned the water source and the discharge was taken to a small storage cum siltation tank. GI pipe ( 3 inch) was selected as conveyance system by the irrigation expert since the discharge was comparatively less than the irrigation demands of command area so other option like open channels as conveyance system was not preferred. People also wanted that every drop of water harvested should reach to the last point (750meters away from source). Farmers laid out the pipe under expert supervision and after every interval of 150 meters gate valve was provided to supply water for the agricultural fields. There were three old tanks in the fields and after minor repairs they were made functional. One new tank has also been constructed from the project funds. Now the water is being stored in these tanks (2.0 lac liters cumulative capacity) and is not allowed to go waste during night hours or surplus period . Since the flow of water is continuous and the conveyance system is passing through village Sanio, two another out lets have been provided in the village and farmers meet out their domestic water demands from these taps. The topography of the area also benefitted the villagers as the conveyance system is running on the top of village boundary and farmers are getting the water by gravity to their roof tanks by plastic pipes for domestic needs. The source of water is clean and is being taken in a covered pipe line, the farmers are using this water for drinking also. The work in this module has been taken in three components 441 1. Collection of water in a small storage cum siltation tank. 2. Conveyance system for water transport from source to fields. 3. Storage of water from source in big tanks for irrigation purpose. The total expenditure incurred to make this module operational was Rs 3,63,000=00 The tanks were made of RCC material and GI pipes were used for conveyance system. The farmers contributed 10-15 % share in the shape of labour, time, local material and devoted lot of time and energy for supervising the work. 5.5. Findings- By instinct, we tend to protect something, on which we have invested. The farmers have invested their labour and time in construction and maintenance of the system. So they all worked for the success of this module. This module is now operational and the farmers are getting every drop of water harvested and there is virtually no wastage. The socio- economic effects of water harvesting module have been studied as below - 5.5.1. Rain water harvesting and its availability to society - The day, this module became functional the water availability in the village and fields is round the clock as the water is flowing continuously from the source to tanks and to farmers fields. The average availability of water is now 2.0 ha-m to 2.4 ha-m. annually as against 0.03 to 0.04 ha-m in the past . The area has also been increased from merely 2-3 ha annually to 15.0 ha every crop season under irrigation and the beneficiary families are now more than 50 as against 2-3 in the past. Earlier the water losses were more than 85 % which are now below five percent.(Table 1.) The resource poor and weaker section farmers were having no access to this water but now they are comfortable and getting water for irrigation and other needs. The sowing of crops which used to be dependent on rains is now at the wish of farmers. The availability of irrigation has improved the crop stand and growth. The farmers are getting higher yields .The rain water harvesting module has turned out to be a social asset to the farmers of Sanio Village.

percent (6 families).Hence, majority of farmers will<br />

be interested in farm development activities.<br />

• Priority analysis-<br />

Priority analysis was worked out through the<br />

data generated from Participatory rural appraisal and<br />

Basic survey of village. So after prioritization of<br />

problems, an action plan was prepared for Sanio and<br />

Dedag villages. Water harvesting , soil management<br />

and farm production were the issues of the prime<br />

concern to farmers. The order of important priorities<br />

identified by the farmers has been given in figure.<br />

• Execution of Programme–<br />

User group of beneficiaries was formed at village<br />

level, which submitted resolution w.r.t Consent,<br />

Participation, Viability of project, Area to be covered<br />

and other Social benefits, to Watershed Executive<br />

Committee for approval. The work was then<br />

executed through community action by the members<br />

of user group Sanio, and Dedag under technical<br />

guidance of Soil Conservation Department experts<br />

4.2. Developmental and technical Aspects<br />

� Technical programme (Survey, Design etc.)-<br />

After doing the priority analysis by the farmers,<br />

technical program was made in consultation with<br />

the expert of Irrigation and public health or engineer<br />

of soil conservation department for different water<br />

harvesting ,conveyance and storage structures.<br />

Before executing the work, this technical program<br />

was got duly approved from the experts.<br />

� Farm Production system interventions—<br />

• Farm Production system interventions were<br />

finalized by the farmers in consultation with the<br />

agricultural expert. The analysis of data was done<br />

as per the statistical procedure by Gomes and Gomes<br />

(1992) and suggested by CSWCRTI Dehradun and<br />

440<br />

Sunabeda, Orissa .<br />

• Crop fertilization index was calculated as ratio<br />

of quantity of fertilizer used by the farmer per hectare<br />

to the recommended fertilizer dose per hectare .<br />

• Crop productivity Index was determined as<br />

ratio of yield obtained by farmers per hectare to<br />

recommended level of yield per hectare<br />

• People participation Index was calculated as<br />

percent of mean participation Score to<br />

maximum participation Score.<br />

• Economic analysis-To identify, quantify and<br />

value the social advantages (benefits) and<br />

disadvantages (costs)in terms of common monetary<br />

units various interventions were analyzed for gross<br />

returns, net returns and benefit cost analysis.<br />

5.0 Results and discussion -<br />

During the course of study various interventions<br />

were demonstrated in the watershed through<br />

participatory approach and the results obtained are<br />

as below.<br />

5.1. Intervention 1 - Rain water harvesting and<br />

conveyance system from base or surface flow<br />

at Sanio and its Socio- economic benefits.<br />

5.2. History of Water source –<br />

This water source is perennial one and has<br />

average water discharge of 20-25 thousand liters<br />

per day during normal months (having no rain<br />

fall) but the discharge increases to 85-90<br />

thousand liter per day during rainy season(June-<br />

September). The farmers were taking this water to<br />

their fields by open channel i.e traditional delivery<br />

system locally called Bandha, there were heavy<br />

conveyance losses as the channel was infested<br />

with weeds, broken at several places and the<br />

movement of water was very slow. The farmers<br />

were not getting good recovery of water from the<br />

system. With time this water delivery system<br />

became faulty. Since good amount of money was<br />

involved for its maintenance hence no body came<br />

forward to maintain it. The source was used only by<br />

2-3 influential and economically sound farmers and<br />

they were taking this small amount of water through<br />

their own delivery system i.e. plastic pipes of 1.0-<br />

1.5" to irrigate their fields and they were able to<br />

irrigate only 1-2 ha area and 50 plus families were<br />

deprived off from this facility from source which

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