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National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

59. Sustainable Watershed Development by Refilled Continuous Contour<br />

Trenching Technology”<br />

* Parag A. Sadgir *G. K. Patil *V. G. Takalkar<br />


Environment has been considered as the aggregate of all external conditions and<br />

influences affecting the life and development of an organism. Development without regard<br />

to the ecological equilibrium has led to an environmental crisis in the recent past. About<br />

2.7 per cent of the total water available on the earth is fresh water of which about 75.2 per<br />

cent lies frozen in Polar Regions and another 22.6 per cent is present as ground water.<br />

Based on per capita renewable water availability, India—the second most populous country<br />

in the world—has water enough to meet its people’s needs. But despite an estimated 2,464<br />

cubic meters per person per year, many of its nearly 900 million people suffer severe water<br />

shortages, in part as a result of uneven availability of water. Sustainable development of<br />

watershed area is the need of the hour not only for soil conservation, ground water<br />

conservation but it also has impact on national economy and solution for employment<br />

problem. For balancing of the balance of the VASUNDHARA, it is necessary to maintain at<br />

least 33% forest coverage of the available land in each country. In draught prone area,<br />

there are two critical factors: water and soil. So in such areas main objective is to conserve<br />

the soil and conserve water. Once soil and water conserved, vegetative growth sustain<br />

easily. For the same to satisfy this objective economically and efficiently, REFILLED<br />

CONTINUOUS CONTOUR TRENCHING (RCCT) Technology is the solution for sustainable<br />

watershed development.<br />


Based on per capita renewable water<br />

availability, India—the second most populous<br />

country in the world—has water enough to meet its<br />

people’s needs. But despite an estimated 2,464 cubic<br />

meters per person per year, many of its nearly 1<br />

billion people suffer severe water shortages, in part<br />

as a result of uneven availability of water. Most<br />

rainfall comes during the monsoon season, from<br />

June to September, and levels of precipitation vary<br />

from 100 millimeters a year in the western parts of<br />

Rajasthan to over 9,000 millimeters in the<br />

northeastern state of Meghalaya. Floods and<br />

droughts are both common throughout the country.<br />

While the number of people with access to safe<br />

drinking water and adequate sanitation increased<br />

between 1980 and 1990, population growth erased<br />

any substantial gain, especially in urban areas.<br />

Between 1990 and 2000 an additional 900 million<br />

people are projected to be born in regions without<br />

access to safe water and sanitation. India’s<br />

vulnerability to regional water scarcity is well<br />

illustrated by the case of Rajasthan, a state in<br />

northwest India. Situated in one of the most<br />

inhospitable arid zones in the world, Rajasthan’s<br />

northwest corner extends into the vast Thar Desert.<br />

With a wide range of temperatures and an<br />

unpredictable monsoon climate, drought and<br />

desertification are common, and water is a scarce<br />

commodity. Even those who live in areas of high<br />

rainfall in India often face drought because<br />

landscapes have been denuded. Soil is compacted<br />

* Lecturer in Civil Engineering Department, Govt. College of Engineering, Aurangabad<br />

e-mail : gkpl13@rediffmail.com<br />


and most rainfall runs off before it can sink into the<br />

ground, increasing flooding. The region of<br />

Cheerapunji in Meghalaya, for example, receives<br />

among the highest levels of mean rainfall recorded<br />

in the world. Yet because of intense seasonal rainfall<br />

and the fact that the area’s forests have been cleared<br />

in the past few decades to meet growing demands<br />

for agricultural land and housing, much of the runoff<br />

cannot be captured. The region now suffers from<br />

excessive flooding for three or four months and<br />

frequent droughts the rest of the year.<br />


Quantity (Cu.Km)<br />

Precipitation Volume<br />

(Including snowfall 4000<br />

Annual Potential flow in Rivers 1869<br />

Water Availability (1997) 1967<br />

Utilizable Water Resources 1122<br />

After decades of work by governments and<br />

organization to bring potable water to poorer people<br />

of the world, the situation is still dire. The reasons<br />

are many and varied. The poor of the world cannot<br />

afford the capital intensive and technically complex<br />

traditional water supply systems which are widely<br />

promoted by government and agencies throughout<br />

the world. Water is the key of life, presence of water<br />

and its absence determine the fertility of the bareness<br />

of the land and the ecosystem that surrounds it. Soil<br />

erosion takes place on steep slope because no<br />

obstruction to flowing water. “Water is explosive;<br />

not to shunt loose”<br />

In degraded watershed, which lacks forests<br />

and cropland conservation measures, water running<br />

downhill too fast erodes soils and washes out crops.<br />

It pollutes streams or fills lakes with sediment. It<br />

causes frequent flash floods and contributes to<br />

bigger floods downstream. In a well managed<br />

watershed, most of the storm water soaks into the<br />

soil, increasing groundwater supplies and providing<br />

crops, pastures and trees with needed moisture.<br />

Floods are controlled. The overall objectives of all<br />

watershed management programmes are:<br />

� To increase infiltration into soil<br />

� To control damaging excess runoff<br />

� To manage and utilize runoff for useful<br />

332<br />

purposes<br />

In India out of about 328 million hectares,<br />

about 175 million hectares of land is classified as<br />

wasteland. Most of this wasteland can be<br />

transformed into a precious and bountiful natural<br />

capital in order to overcome this water crisis. The<br />

denuded forestlands have great potential for<br />

producing fodder, fuel and low quality timber. To<br />

achieve this, it is necessary to adopt the different<br />

soil and water conservation engineering measures,<br />

supplemented with proper afforestation techniques,<br />

grassland development. In the top portion of<br />

catchment area, Contour trenches are excavated all<br />

along a uniform level across of the slope of the land.<br />

Bunds are formed downstream along the trenches<br />

with material taken out of them to create more<br />

favourable moisture conditions and thus accelerate<br />

the growth of vegetation. Contour trenches break<br />

the velocity of runoff. The rainwater percolates<br />

through the soil slowly and travels down and<br />

benefits the better types of land in the middle and<br />

lower sections of the catchments REFILLED<br />


(RCCT ) method is the solution for watershed<br />

management: soil conservation and water<br />

conservation.<br />



The RCCT work starts from top to the<br />

bottom of the hill, so that total area is covered with<br />

not only retention of soil in it’s own place but also<br />

arrests every drop of water and infiltrate into the<br />

subsoil instead of flowing as surface water with<br />

evaporation losses making soil erosion. It recharges<br />

downstream water sources e.g. nalla, dug wells, tube<br />

wells etc. This particular technique has proved most<br />

effective. Principle behind this technique can be<br />

narrated as<br />


TO WALK;<br />


TO STOP;<br />



When rainwater is in excess, allow it to pass<br />

through subsoil to down below drains. This gives<br />

desired effect of zero to minimum soil erosion and

once subsoil water starts draining due to obstruction,<br />

moisture detain for more period which is in term<br />

available for plant growth. This RCCT Technology<br />

reduces soil erosion to minimum level and the plant<br />

growth on such trenches is very promising with 90%<br />

to 95% survival rate with increase in height of plant<br />

from 45 cm basic height to 2m within only 6 months.<br />

This method can be adopted in low rainfall area to<br />

high rainfall area up to 3200mm and from flat area<br />

to hilly area with 65% steep slope. This method is<br />

suitable for plantation of all species and easy, simple<br />

for laborers and comparatively less record keeping.<br />

The most advantage of this method is easy and detail<br />

checking is possible at a glance.<br />

RCCT has proven that the wasteland can<br />

be transformed into natural capital at very low cost,<br />

within a short span of time and with guaranteed and<br />

instantaneous results. RCCT is proven to be<br />

applicable to diverse agro-climatic zones for<br />

watershed development, soil conservation and<br />

forestation. RCCT isbased on knowkedge input as<br />

against costly material and capital inputs used in<br />

other conventional techniques of watershed<br />

development.<br />

In Maharashtra state (INDIA), within last<br />

eight years 30,000 hectares forest area is covered<br />

with this RCCT Technology. The average length of<br />

RCCT is 1200m per hectare. The number of plants<br />

actually planted in the above mentioned area is 540<br />

lakhs with average survival rate 94.25%. The rainfall<br />

ranges from 200 mm to 3200 mm. The approximate<br />

quantity of water conservation is 89.155 million<br />

cubic meters. Considering 50% evaporation and<br />

other losses, 44.58 million cubic meter is infiltrated<br />

into the soil strata.<br />


Assumption :<br />

For the watershed area with soil cover more<br />

than 30 cm to be treated, average length of CCT per<br />

hectare is 1200 meter gives good result. Similarly<br />

for soil cover in between 10 cm to 30 cm, average<br />

length of CCT per hectare is 1060 meter and for the<br />

area with soil covers less than 10 cm, average length<br />

of CCT is 200 meter assumed.<br />

Collection Of Data :<br />

After selection of area where afforestation<br />

activity to be carried out, first of all detail inspection<br />

333<br />

of the total area is necessary for collection of data<br />

about<br />

1. Available depth of soil cover<br />

2. Width and length of the streams in selected area<br />

3. Area and definate boundary marking<br />

4. Ground levels at bottom and top of the hills,<br />

5. Horizontal distance between bottom and top<br />

of the hill<br />

Theory :<br />

1. From the collected data and map of the area,<br />

total work to be carried out can be worked out.<br />

Similarly possible minimum and maximum<br />

length of CCT can be worked out.<br />

2. From that data, average length of the trench can<br />

be calculated.<br />

3. umber of CCT line is calculated by using the<br />

relation,<br />

No. of CCT line == Total work to be done /<br />

average length of CCT<br />

4. Hight difference between top and bottom of the<br />

hill is calculated by using the collected data.<br />

5. Contour interval can be calculated by using the<br />

relation,<br />

Contour interval == Total height difference /<br />

no. of CCT line.<br />

Instruments : Following equipment are used<br />

1. CONTOUR MARKER: Contour marker<br />

consists of two staff members of 1meter to 1.50<br />

meter height with piezometric transparent tube<br />

of 12 meter length to show the level difference<br />

between two points. Every staff member<br />

consists of scale of 1meter or 1.50 meter. Each<br />

centimeter of scale is divided into four parts<br />

with accuracy of 0.25 cm. This instrument is<br />

used for finding out contour interval as well as<br />

to lay out the contour.<br />

2. CENTRELINE MARKER: Centerline marker<br />

is simple instrument having two edges about<br />

35 cm apart with handle at center. Centerline<br />

of CCT is marked with the help of centerline<br />

marker.<br />

3. SPACEMENT MARKER is the instrument<br />

used for marking position of plantation at<br />

specified spacing. The instrument consists of<br />

three pegs at equidistant at specified spacing of<br />

plantation with handle at center. The spacement<br />

marker is operated across the centerline starting

from one end with reference to the last point as<br />

first point for the next position. The point where<br />

cross line matches to the centerline, point is for<br />

plantation.<br />

Process of Laying Out Contour :<br />

The process starts from top of the hill.<br />

Contour marker is the instrument for laying of<br />

contour and marking of contour lines at calculated<br />

contour interval. One staff member at one point and<br />

another staff member at fullest length which is<br />

roughly 12 meter. Once reading is same at both<br />

points, two points are marked. First person with staff<br />

or follower has not to move till the contouring<br />

between two points is completed. Once farthest two<br />

points marked, person “LEADER” again come back<br />

close to follower & goes on selecting & fixing points<br />

of equal height till he reaches to the original farthest<br />

point. This method of measurement is called “<br />

Whole to Part”. In this method, error is minimized<br />

or avoided completely and check is obtained. Once<br />

LEADER reaches his original point, then follower<br />

becomes LEADER. The process continues till<br />

completion of that particular CCT line. For change<br />

in CCT line, contour interval is taken into<br />

consideration. Similarly the total CCT lines are<br />

marked.<br />

Simultaneously, number of CCT lines can<br />

be operated for speedy completion of work. All spots<br />

are marked with lime or by putting a small stone to<br />

avoid confusion. Once lines are marked, digging of<br />

trench operation is started. To maintain accuracy in<br />

digging original marking is kept untouched & about<br />

5cm apart . Size of trenches is 60 cm * 30 cm. Upper<br />

fertile layer of soil is deposited on uphill side of the<br />

trench & remaining material like murum, boulder<br />

of size more than 20 cm on downhill side. Wherever<br />

plenty of stones are available, contour bunds are<br />

constructed on downhill side in advance and then<br />

digging of trench is started on up hillside of bund.<br />

Trenches are kept expose to weather for about two<br />

months. After this operation, refilling operation<br />

starts. In this operation, for refilling good quality<br />

comparatively fertile soil, which is stored on uphill<br />

with topsoil layer upto 1meter width of that area, is<br />

utilized. It is necessary to develop the perfect shape<br />

with 55cm to 60cm central depths as shown in figure<br />

no.3.<br />

During transportation of plants from<br />

nursery, it is necessary to provide cushion layer of<br />

grass to avoid damage to the plants due to shocks.<br />

The plants should be arranged in vertical position<br />

in two layers maximum. At the time of unloading,<br />

it is necessary to take utmost care of seedlings so<br />

that minimum damages or injury to the plants. Plants<br />

are to be unloaded at convenient places where from<br />

transport to actual planting site is easy. They should<br />

be arranged in upright position.<br />

Plantation Procedure:<br />

In draught prone area, Nature is very tricky;<br />

it may rain torrential or may not at all for longer<br />

period. And even it rains, there is large dry spell.<br />

This is the most critical point to be thought at the<br />

time of planting. In order to have success, it is<br />

essential to protect the plant at initial stage of<br />

transplantation during dry spells.<br />

The plantation operation is carried out with<br />

optimum management of man power and time. The<br />

plantation team consists of 15 persons with<br />

plantation of 750 plants/day. The plantation<br />

operation is divided in following stages;<br />

Centerline marker 1 To mark the centerline<br />

Spacement marker 1 To mark the cross line<br />

Digger 1 For digging polypot<br />

Excavator 3 For removing the soil from polypot<br />

Fertiliserer 1 For specified dosing of fertilizer<br />

Cutter 1 For taking cut from the top to centerline of bottom of one side of polybag<br />

Planter 3 For plantation of plants by removing the plastic polybag Taking the plant on<br />

forearm and gently put in polypot pit filling the vacuum with adjoining soil<br />

and gentle press is given with hands<br />

Porter 3 For transportation of plants to actual plantation site<br />

Drainer 1 For wetting the plants till it is saturated<br />


The plantation process starts with formation of<br />

groups of 15 persons in each group. The plantation<br />

area is distributed in the formed groups. After<br />

draining of seedlings, every person transports the<br />

plants to plantation site while proceeding for on site.<br />

Then three persons are allotted separately for<br />

transportation of plants. In order to have success, it<br />

is essential to protect the plant at initial stage of<br />

transplantation during dry spells. For that the poly<br />

plants is fully drained with water till all air bubbles<br />

from bag are out and the surrounding soil is fully<br />

saturated. The excess water from polybag is<br />

removed.<br />

Centerline of CCT is marked with the help<br />

of CENTERLINE marker. The SPACEMENT<br />

marker is operated across the centerline starting<br />

from one end with reference to the last point as first<br />

point for the next position. The point where cross<br />

line matches to the centerline, that point is for<br />

plantation. Simultaneously drained seedlings are<br />

transported and laid all along ridge of the contour<br />

on the upper side of the cross, which is actual<br />

plantation spot. The digger digs it to the specified<br />

size followed by the excavator. Excavator excavate<br />

the pit to the size required for plantation followed<br />

Human resources per hectare :<br />

Cost structure per hectare :<br />

by cutter, who is taking cut from the top to centerline<br />

of bottom of one side of polybag. Fertiliserer, who<br />

is spreading the specified dose of fertilizer in the<br />

pit, follows cutter. Then planter is planting the plants<br />

by removing the plastic polybag and taking the<br />

plant on forearm and gently put in polypot pit.<br />

Filling the vacuum with adjoining soil and gentle<br />

press is given with hands. This process continues<br />

till completion of plantation.<br />

The economics of this RCCT technology is<br />

very interesting. One milliliter rainfall in one hectare<br />

area in which RCCT works are completed collects<br />

10,000 liter water. If the annual average rainfall in<br />

that area is 500 milliliter and considering 50%<br />

evaporation losses, 2.5 million liters of water is<br />

infiltrated in subsoil to recharge down below water<br />

sources. Now a day in hilly areas, drinking water<br />

problem is so sever that water tanker supply is<br />

compulsory for survival of people. Considering<br />

capacity of tanker 10,000 liter and cost of one trip<br />

from water source to needy area is Rs. 500 per trip<br />

average, RCCT works supply 250 tanker/hectare/<br />

year worth cost Rs. 1,25,000. The expenditure for<br />

one hectare is approximately Rs. 30,000 in four<br />

Sr No Description Man days<br />

1 Laying contours 8-10<br />

2 Digging contours 200<br />

3 Raising seedling in the nursery 30<br />

4 Refilling contours and planting 175<br />

5 Maintaining plantation 60 + 25 + 15 +10<br />

Sr No Description Cost per hectare<br />

1 Development cost per labourers Rs. 31500.00<br />

2 Seeds, jute bags & soil mixture Rs. 600.00<br />

3 contengencies Rs. 948.00<br />

4 Labour amenities Rs.1264.00<br />

5 overheads Rs.5688.00<br />

6 Total cost Rs. 40000.00<br />


years. So that benefit cost ratio comes 4.17 from<br />

indirect benefits for one year only. The cost of water<br />

conservation for RCCT is Rs.6.00/M3 comparing<br />

with percolation tank, Rs.25/ M3 and major<br />

irrigation project RS.35/ M3.There is no<br />

displacement of tribal, no water logging problem,<br />

no mosquito breeding site created, no pumping<br />

required, less water treatment require. This is<br />

decentralized water conservation technique.<br />

Considering the micro watershed, necessary<br />

treatment is applied. This removes root cause of soil<br />

erosion and depleting ground water levels. The<br />

production of grass in one hectare is approximately<br />

2 to 3 MT/hectare costing Rs. 1000/MT and thinning<br />

operation gives firewood and other products of<br />

worth cost approximately Rs. 6400/hectare.<br />

Appreciation of land due to his woks increases in<br />

three fold because the no irrigated land gets<br />

converted into well irrigated land. Farmers are<br />

taking double season cash crops in place of single<br />

crop.<br />


1. Barren land gets permanent biomass cover<br />

and soil protection<br />

2. Soil loss in cultivable area becomes nil<br />

3. Every drop of rain is held in situ<br />

4. Augmentation of ground water without<br />

grouting<br />

5. Good soil moisture and good ground water<br />

available in the wells, tube wells and tanks<br />

6. Increase in life of dams, prevention of floods<br />

by avoiding silting<br />

7. No displacement of communities or creation<br />

of environmental refugees and hence no<br />

rehabilitation costs<br />

8. No migration of villagers to cities as the local<br />

water availability ensures livelihood<br />

sustainability<br />

9. Decentralized and democratic water<br />

management<br />

10. Evaporation losses are negligible as compared<br />

to tanks and dams<br />

11. No separate nullah bunding, gully plugging<br />

and such other civil structures<br />

12. Accelerates soil formation and natural<br />

succession dramatically<br />

13. Increases fodder resources for feeding cattle<br />

and livestock<br />

336<br />

14. Increased agricultural and biomass production<br />

15. Guaranteed mass employment generation to<br />

rural people at their doorstep<br />

16. Land value increases significantly<br />

17. Increases crop intensity and biodiversity<br />

18. Women free from the drudgery of finding<br />

and fetching water, fuel and fodder from<br />

distant places<br />

19. Clean water for drinking purposes.<br />


1. Very tedious and laborious for alignment<br />

2. Time consuming<br />

3. Requirement of accuracy skilled labours and<br />

instruments like contour marker.<br />

4. There is potential danger of water flowing<br />

along the upper edge in case the trench breaks.<br />

CASE STUDY : Dolasane, Tal. Sangamner, Dist.<br />

Ahmednagar (Maharashtra) India<br />

Dolasane village has an forest area of<br />

524.40 ha. Total 145 ha. Area was treated with<br />

RCCT method.<br />

The impact of RCCT work on village has<br />

been clearly indicated;<br />

• Agriculture: yield per acre increased from 50<br />

kg to 500 kg per acre of bajra and wheat.<br />

• Irrigation : 95% agriculture is rainfed has<br />

changed to well irrigated due to increase in<br />

water level of wells.<br />

• Grazing :cattle population is reduced from<br />

6358 to 1115 with increase in milk production.<br />

• Control of soil erosion & flash floods<br />

• Income generation: farmers with four acre<br />

land can make a profit of Rs. One lakh<br />

minimum per year.<br />

No. Description Data<br />

1 Name of village Dolasane<br />

2 Village area 1185 ha<br />

3 Number of households 271<br />

4 Annual rainfall 293 mm<br />

4 Average number of members 05<br />

5 Total population 1356<br />

5a Men 533<br />

5b Women 434<br />

5c Children 389



1 Name of the work WGS Scheme<br />

2 Year of plantation 1995-96 (soil treatment work 1994-95)<br />

3 Location FS no.208 Nasik—Pune Highway<br />

4 Area in hectares 40<br />

4A zone I Soil layer



1 Original habitant species/trees/bushes Tarvad (Cassia auriculata),babhul<br />

(Acacia nilotica spp. indica), henkal<br />

(Gymonsporia montana)<br />

2 Presence of natural forest/trees/bushes in past Yes<br />

3 Approximate years of deforestation 25 years<br />

3A Reason for deforestation Heavy grazing & illicit cutting<br />

4 Selected species for plantation GIRTH HIGHT SURVIVAL<br />

4A Neem( Azadirachta indica) —17729 4/5cm 2.50m 100%<br />

4B Sisso(Dalbergia sissoo) —4629 4/5cm 2.00m 100%<br />

4C Siras(Albizia lebbek)—3175 2/3cm 1.00m 50%<br />

4D Bor(Zizyphus mauritiana)—3175 2/3cm 1.00m 50%<br />

4E Subabhul( Leucenia lucocephala)— 17729 6cm 4.00m 100%<br />

4F Sitaphal(Anona squamosa)—1550 3/4cm 0.60m 50%<br />

4G A.Tortolis—4700 4/5cm 2.00m 100%<br />

4H Nilgiri (Eucalyptus)—500 6/7cm 4.00m 100%<br />

5 Spacing for plantation 0.67m<br />

6 Total number of plants 53187<br />

7 Total number of plants/hectare 1715<br />

8 Grass plantation Dinanath 30kg, hemata-25kg,ber-10kg,<br />

shed-15kg<br />

Details of Water Levels in Wells Downstream Of the Area Where RCCT Work Is Carried Out<br />

Name of Village Depth of Water level in m<br />

farmer well in m 01.05.97 01.10.97 01.03.98 01.05.98 01.07.98<br />

S.R.Jadhav Dolasane 6.6 0.9 3.5 4.5 1.4 4.5<br />

R.S.Gadekar Dolasane 10.5 150 9 6 5 8<br />

R.L.Vajhe Dolasane 10.5 1.5 5.3 6 5.1 6.5<br />

S.B.Kadone Chandanapuri 17 — — 5 1.7 7<br />

R.V.Rahane Chandanapuri 18 — — 5 2 9<br />

S.V.Rahane Chandanapuri 20 — — 2.7 1.1 10<br />

V.M.Momin Varude 12 5.5 10 6.5 5.5 5.5<br />

B.S.Bhagwan Varude 12 1.8 11 8.5 8.1 8.15<br />

B.S.Jadhav Karjule 11 3.6 7.1 7 6 7.2<br />


The CCT helps to increase the water levels in the surrounding areas/ dug wells and tube wells which<br />

increases the yield of farms due to change in crop pattern from food grains to cash crops. This will also avoid<br />

loss of soil due to erosion , increase the grass coverage which will helpful for soil stabilization. Due to CCT<br />

tree development is better than any other type of trenching.<br />

� � �<br />


National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

60. Planning and Design of a Rain Water Harvesting System<br />

for a Watershed of Uttaranchal<br />


In modern concept of planning and<br />

implementation of programmes for enhancing and<br />

sustaining the land productivity and efficient<br />

rainwater utilization; watershed - a geographical unit<br />

has been accepted as the most rational unit. The<br />

word ‘watershed’, introduced in 1920, was used for<br />

the ‘water parting boundaries’. Watershed is that<br />

land area which drains or contributes runoff to a<br />

common outlet. In physical terms, a watershed refer<br />

to the area lying above a given drainage point.<br />

Watershed management involves management of<br />

land surface and vegetation so as to conserve the<br />

soil and water for immediate and long-term benefits<br />

to the farmers, community and society as a whole.<br />

It is an integration of technologies within the natural<br />

*P. K. Gupta *H.C. Sharma *Vinod Kumar<br />


The Henwal watershed is located in Tehri Garhwal district of Uttaranchal,<br />

between 30° 15' to 30° 20' N latitude and 78° 25' to 78° 30' E longitude, at an altitude<br />

of about 1500 m above msl. Most of the area is under rainfed agriculture, due to lack<br />

of irrigation facilities. The daily rainfall data of 14 years, of the watershed area, were<br />

analyzed for probability distribution at different levels. The analysis of estimated daily<br />

runoff values for 14 years showed that the annual runoff, more than 500 mm, was<br />

observed in 4 years, between 400 mm and 500 mm in 5 years and less than 400 mm in<br />

4 years. The average annual and seasonal runoffs were found to be 431.7 mm and<br />

292.4 mm, respectively. The average seasonal runoff was found to be 70 per cent of<br />

annual runoff. The expected runoff and seasonal runoff during the first excess period<br />

was 665000 m 3 and for second excess period was 175000 m 3 . On the basis of above the<br />

rainwater-harvesting pond was designed for Henwal watershed having a catchment<br />

area of 351 ha and command area of 315 ha. The bottom width, top length and height<br />

of the designed pond were 2.5, 16.6 and 3 m, respectively. The pond would have a<br />

storage capacity of 5027.4 m 3 . The total cost (excavation cost, LDPE sheet and stone<br />

pitching) of the pond was estimated to be Rs. 146689 and the cost per m 3 of stored<br />

water comes to be Rs. 29/m 3 .<br />

boundaries of drainage area for optimum<br />

development of land, water and plant resources to<br />

meet the basic needs of people in a sustained<br />

manner. The main objective of watershed<br />

management is “Proper use of all the available<br />

resources of a watershed for optimum production<br />

with minimum hazards to natural resources”. How<br />

can we, under such constraints, manage to boost<br />

agricultural production in these areas in order to<br />

satisfy the multiplying food demand of our growing<br />

population, whereas, irrigation would certainly be<br />

the best method, it requires much water, which is<br />

scare in arid and semi-arid countries. Water<br />

harvesting may be one of the solutions to overcome<br />

the problem of scarcity of water for irrigation. Water<br />

harvesting in its broadest sense may be defined as<br />

Department of Irrigation & Drainage Engineering, College of Technology<br />

G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar- 263145, District Udham Singh Nagar (<br />

Uttaranchal)<br />


“Collection of runoff for its productive use”. Runoff<br />

may be harvested from roofs and ground surfaces<br />

as well as from intermittent watercourses.<br />

Productive use includes provision of domestic and<br />

stock water, concentration of runoff for crops,<br />

fodder and tree production and less frequently water<br />

supply for fish and duck ponds.<br />


Study Area<br />

The Henwal watershed belongs to the<br />

central part of district Tehri Garhwal and is located<br />

adjacent to Hill Campus, G.B. Pant University of<br />

Agriculture and Technology, Ranichauri, between<br />

30 0 15' to 30 0 20' N latitude and 78 0 25' to 78 0 30' E<br />

longitude, at an altitude of 1500 m above msl (Fig.<br />

1). The climate of the area is monsoonic. Mean<br />

Hill Campus, G.B. Pant University of<br />

Agriculture and Technology, Ranichauri<br />

Fig. 1. Index map of the study area<br />

340<br />

maximum temperature ranged from 10.6 0 C<br />

(January) to 25.5 0 C (May). The mean minimum<br />

temperature varied from 1.9 0 C (January) to 14.9<br />

0 C (August). Humidity, as recorded at 2 P.M., was<br />

minimum (30.4%) during April and maximum<br />

(83%) during August. Mean annual rainfall was<br />

about 1271 mm. The average monthly rainfall<br />

ranged between 12 mm (during November) to 266<br />

mm (during August). Based on temperature, rainfall<br />

and humidity characteristics, the year could be<br />

divided into three different seasons viz. summer,<br />

rainy and winter. Total geographical area of the<br />

watershed is 666 ha. Most of the area is under<br />

rainfed agriculture, due to lack of irrigation<br />

facilities. On the basis of revenue records of the<br />

area, the average land use is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Present land use of watershed.<br />

Area under Area under Area not available<br />

Forest (%) cultivation (%) for agricultural<br />

use (Roads,<br />

habitation and<br />

waste land) (%)<br />

34.7 62.37 2.93<br />

The information on crops being grown in<br />

the watershed was collected by interviewing farmers<br />

of the catchment area and from the revenue records.<br />

Maize, sorghum and black-gram were the commonly<br />

grown crops in kharif season, whereas, in rabi<br />

season, wheat, barley, gram and mustard were the<br />

commonly grown crops.<br />

Probability Analysis of Rainfall<br />

The daily rainfall data of 14 years, of the<br />

watershed area under study, were collected from the<br />

agro-meteorological observatory, Ranichauri. The<br />

collected rainfall data were analyzed for probability<br />

distribution at different levels, using the technique<br />

proposed by Weibull (1939).<br />

Surface Runoff and Irrigation Water<br />

Requirement<br />

The surface runoff from the watershed area<br />

and irrigation water requirement were estimated by<br />

SCS Curve Number Method and CROPWAT<br />

software, respectively. Crop evapo-transpiration and<br />

effective rainfall were also determined by using the<br />

CROPWAT software. The whole year was divided<br />

into four periods i.e. mid-June to mid-September,<br />

mid-September to December, January to March and<br />

April to mid June. The first and third periods are<br />

surplus ones while second (autumn) and fourth<br />

(summer) are the deficit ones. Thus, the irrigation<br />

is required mainly during autumn and summer,<br />

except in abnormal years when irrigation may be<br />

required due to prolonged dry spell during surplus<br />

period.<br />

Water Harvesting System<br />

Due to wide variability in terrain and<br />

topography in hilly region, a single design cannot<br />

serve the purpose and harvesting water efficiently.<br />

Keeping this in view, following two types of<br />

irrigation systems were designed to suit different<br />

341<br />

topographic conditions :<br />

i. irrigation system based on runoff recycling; and<br />

ii. irrigation system based on very low discharge<br />

springs and streams (1 to 10 lpm).<br />

i) Irrigation System Based on Runoff<br />

Recycling<br />

The design criteria of runoff recycling based<br />

irrigation system includes size of tanks and<br />

catchment command area ratio (n). The final size<br />

of tank can be determined as follows :<br />

VT = IA * A + Losses<br />

...(1)<br />

Subjected to<br />

RW * N * A > IS*<br />

A + losses<br />

where<br />

V = capacity of tank (liter);<br />

T<br />

I = gross irrigation requirement during summer<br />

S<br />

crop (April to mid June) (mm);<br />

A = command area (m2 );<br />

R = runoff during winter surplus season;<br />

W<br />

N = catchment command ratio; and<br />

I = gross irrigation requirement during autumn<br />

A<br />

...(2) crop.<br />

It is assumed that the tank will be full after<br />

monsoon, and the water needed during summer will<br />

be met by runoff during winter.<br />

Model development for optimal pond design :<br />

The pond is considered as partially<br />

excavated and partially embankment type. Thus is<br />

mainly to avoid unnecessary disposal of spoil and<br />

transporting extra earth from borrow pits. Therefore,<br />

the volume of excavation is considered to be equal<br />

to the volume of embankment to design<br />

economically. This was considered as one constraint<br />

for the optimization model. The geometrical<br />

formulae used for determination of design<br />

components were derived based on principle of solid<br />

geometry.<br />

The classical optimization model, using<br />

Lagrange multiplier, was used to obtain the optimal<br />

design of pond. The objective function of the model<br />

is to maximize, the storage capacity of pond subject<br />

to the constraints that the volume of earthwork is<br />

equal to volume of embankment. Mathematically,

the model may be represented as :<br />

Maximize<br />

Subject to<br />

where<br />

⎛ D + H ⎞<br />

Vsc<br />

= ⎜ ⎟[ CX<br />

⎝ 3 ⎠<br />

D 2<br />

Vdug<br />

= [ CX<br />

3<br />

To obtain the necessary conditions for<br />

maxima / minima, the augmented Lagrange function<br />

is derived as :<br />

where ë is Lagrange multiplier differentiating<br />

equation (13) with respect to H and λ, and applying<br />

the necessary conditions for optimization the<br />

following equation in terms of H is obtained as:<br />

where,<br />

P = 24Z + 2CXZ + 2XZ + 8DZ<br />

Q = 4CX + 4X + 16DZ + 16<br />

2<br />

(C + 2) + 2Z(D + H) (2CX + X + 2Z(D + H))]<br />

(C + 2) + 2DZ(2CX + X + 2DZ)]<br />

3 2<br />

AH + PH + QH + R = 0<br />

25<br />

A =<br />

3<br />

2<br />

Z<br />

2<br />

...(9)<br />

...( 10)<br />

...( 11)<br />

...(12)<br />

...(3)<br />

…(<br />

4)<br />

...(5)<br />

….(6)<br />

…(7)<br />

1 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 4 3 2<br />

R = - ( C DX + CDX + CD XZ + D XZ + D Z )<br />

3<br />

3 3 3 3<br />

...(13)<br />

X= bottom width (m), Y= bottom length (m), D=<br />

excavated depth (m), H= height of embankment (m),<br />

Z=side slopes (H : V), T = top width of the<br />

embankment (m), V = storage capacity (m SC 3 ), Vdug = dug volume (m3 ), V = volume of embankment<br />

emb<br />

( m3 ), A = wetted surface area, m w 2 and A = s<br />

exposed surface area (m2 ).<br />

The value of the top width of the<br />

embankment (T) is taken as 2 m for all sides of the<br />

embankment. The bed length is transformed into<br />

ratio (C) to facilitate the computation i.e. C = Y/X<br />

where Y and X are bed length and bed width,<br />

respectively.<br />

General design procedure : The general steps<br />

followed in the design of water harvesting<br />

structures are :<br />

a). Hydrologic design, b). Hydraulic design, and<br />

c). Structural design.<br />

Hydrologic design : It involves the estimation of<br />

peak rate of runoff required to be passed safely<br />

through a given structure and runoff volume or water<br />

yield required to be stored in a pond. The choice of<br />

design frequency depends upon the type of structure,<br />

whether temporary, semi-permanent or permanent.<br />

Intensity- duration- frequency relationship is<br />

necessary to calculate risk and design a structure<br />

that will accommodate the largest rain storm<br />

expected during a particular length of time. Rational<br />

method is generally used for the estimation of peak<br />

rate of discharge.<br />

2<br />

2 1 3 2<br />

VL(H.<br />

...( Zemb8 = ) V2[{T<br />

λsc)<br />

+ = ZH} VH]<br />

sc [{X(C - λ (V + 1) + dug 4Z(D−<br />

+ VH)}]<br />

emb + [4T ) H + 4TH Z + H Z ]<br />

3<br />

VHydraulic = Vemb<br />

Design : Hydraulic design includes the<br />

determination of a). storage capacity and storage<br />

dimensions of water harvesting structure; and b).<br />

fixing of spillway dimensions for safe disposal of<br />

design peak flow (water should flow through the<br />

structure safely without overtopping the bank and<br />

when it leaves the structure its energy should be<br />

dissipated).<br />

342<br />

dug …<br />

The selection of site should begin with<br />

preliminary studies of possible sites. The site should<br />

have enough catchments of provide runoff sufficient<br />

to fill the pond. The low point of a natural depression<br />

is considered a good location. From economic point<br />

of view, a pond should be located where a largest<br />

volume can be obtained with least earthwork.<br />

Location should also have a favorable outlet<br />

condition for excess runoff disposal from the pond.<br />

The sub-soil should allow minimum seepage as far<br />

as possible. In case the seepage rate at the site are<br />

excessive, good fill material or lining material<br />

should be available in the vicinity. The design of<br />

dugout pond for supplemental irrigation envisages<br />

...(3)<br />

( 4)<br />

the determination of specification for the (a) storage<br />

capacity, (b) shape, (c) dimensions (top bottom,<br />

depth, side slope), (d) inlet, and (e) outlet.<br />

The monthly mean pan evaporation data<br />

obtained from the Ranichauri meteorological<br />

observatory was multiplied with a factor 0.7 to get<br />

pond surface area and evaporation (Duggal and<br />

Soni, 1996). The volume of the water evaporated<br />

from the surface of the pond was determined by<br />

multiplying the corrected evaporation with the<br />

average surface area of the pond. 10% of storage<br />

capacity was kept as provisions for the loss in<br />

storage capacity due to siltation.<br />

ii) Irrigation System Based on Very Low<br />

Discharge Spring / Stream<br />

It has been found that low discharge springs<br />

and streams having discharge between 1 to 10 lpm<br />

are very common in hills and they are either<br />

unutilized or grossly under utilized for irrigation<br />

because of a high proportion of application loss due<br />

to low discharge. If the cost of storage tank is low,<br />

this discharge can be stored in tanks and used when<br />

required at a reasonably low cost.<br />

The first and for most components in design<br />

of any irrigation system is the determination of total<br />

irrigation requirement. Since vegetable cultivation<br />

is the most profitable, in the region under irrigation<br />

conditions, only vegetable rotation was considered<br />

for this system. The analysis showed that irrigation<br />

was required during two seasons: (a). autumn<br />

(October to December), and (b). summer (late March<br />

to early June). Since these two irrigation seasons<br />

are preceded by wet season i.e. rainy and winter,<br />

the discharge during this period is surplus and goes<br />

waste. If the water is carried over to deficit season<br />

by storing, the command area can be increased.<br />


Hydrological Analysis<br />

Rainfall : Rainfall data of Ranichauri for the years<br />

1988 to 2002 were analyzed. The maximum annual<br />

rainfall value during the period of study was found<br />

to be 1840 mm in 1998 and the minimum was 719<br />

mm in 2001. The maximum seasonal rainfall during<br />

monsoon season was 1061 mm in 1995 and<br />

minimum 367 in 2001. The highest rainfall was<br />

found in the month of August and lowest rainfall<br />

was in the month of November. The highest value<br />

of weekly rainfall was observed in the 33 th standard<br />

meteorological week and 43 rd had lowest rainfall in<br />

the whole monsoon period. The seasonal rainfall in<br />

terms of percent of annual rainfall is shown in Table<br />

2. From this table, it is evident that the average<br />

seasonal rainfall was about 63 per cent of annual<br />

rainfall. The probabilities and recurrence interval<br />

of annual, seasonal and maximum weekly rainfalls<br />

for the period 1988-2002 are shown in Table 3. The<br />

excepted annual rainfall at different per cent<br />

probability levels are shown in Fig. 2.<br />

Table 2. Seasonal rainfall in terms of percent of annual rainfall at Henwal watershed.<br />

Year Annual Seasonal Seasonal Year Annual Seasonal Seasonal<br />

rainfall rainfall rainfall as rainfall rainfall rainfall<br />

(mm) (mm) % of annual (mm) (mm) as % of<br />

rainfall annual rainfall<br />

1988 1452.34 1000.24 68.87 1994 1175.50 866.30 73.70<br />

1989 1185.00 718.60 60.64 1995 1386.80 1061.40 76.54<br />

1990 1542.20 787.00 51.03 1998 1840.20 1005.50 54.64<br />

1991 1056.70 698.30 66.08 2000 1334.40 902.70 67.65<br />

1992 855.30 541.70 63.33 2001 719.10 367.80 51.15<br />

1993 1452.20 995.40 68.54 2002 1255.40 664.40 52.92<br />


Table 3. Probability and recurrence interval of seasonal rainfall during monsoon period at<br />

Henwal watershed.<br />

No. Year Seasonal Rainfall in P = T = 1/P P (%)<br />

rainfall (mm) decreasing order N/(M+1)<br />

1 1988 1000.24 1061.40 0.08 13.00 7.69<br />

2 1989 718.60 1005.50 0.15 6.50 15.38<br />

3 1990 787.00 1000.24 0.23 4.33 23.08<br />

4 1991 698.30 995.40 0.31 3.25 30.77<br />

5 1992 541.70 902.70 0.38 2.60 38.46<br />

6 1993 995.40 866.30 0.46 2.17 46.15<br />

7 1994 866.30 787.00 0.54 1.86 53.85<br />

8 1995 1061.40 718.60 0.62 1.63 61.54<br />

9 1998 1005.50 698.30 0.69 1.44 69.23<br />

10 2000 902.70 664.40 0.77 1.30 76.92<br />

11 2001 367.80 541.70 0.85 1.18 84.62<br />

12 2002 664.40 367.80 0.92 1.08 92.31<br />

The climate balance based on rainfall and<br />

evapo-transpiration data showed that there were two<br />

excess and two deficit periods (Fig 3). The first<br />

excess period was from the 28 th week to 38 th week<br />

and second from the 2 nd week to the 8 th week. It is<br />

evident from Fig. 3 that crops face moisture stress<br />

from 39 th to 1 st standard meteorological week and<br />

from 9 th week to 27 th week. The first spell coincided<br />

with the sowing of rabi crop and its first critical<br />

stage of irrigation. Thus irrigation is required to<br />

mitigate moisture stress in this critical period.<br />

Rainfall, mm<br />

2000<br />

1800<br />

1600<br />

1400<br />

1200<br />

1000<br />

800<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

0<br />

Estimation and Analysis of Runoff : On the basis<br />

of the daily runoff values for 14 years, estimated by<br />

ANN model, the annual runoff and seasonal runoff<br />

values were computed for each year and are shown<br />

in Table 4. The annual runoff more than 500 mm<br />

was observed in 4 years, between 400 mm and<br />

500 mm in 5 years, and less than 400 mm in 4 years.<br />

The average annual and seasonal runoff was found<br />

to be 431.7 mm and 292.4 mm, respectively. The<br />

average seasonal runoff was found to be 70 per cent<br />

of annual runoff. The expected runoff and seasonal<br />

runoff during the first excess period was 665000<br />

m 3 and for second excess period was 175000 m 3 .<br />

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100<br />

Probability (%)<br />

Fig. 2 : Annual rainfall at different probability levels.<br />


Hydrological Parameters (mm)<br />

140<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

Open pan evaporation Rainfall Runoff<br />

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51<br />

Standard meteorological week number.<br />

Fig. 3 : Climatic balance of Henwal watershed<br />

Irrigation Water Requirement<br />

The monthly reference evapo-transpiration (ET o ) was estimated by ‘Cropwat’ software. From Table<br />

5, it is evident that the ET o is maximum (4.85 mm/day) in May and minimum (1.37 mm/day) in January.<br />

Total reference evapo-transpiration (ETo) for complete year was found to be is about 1098.02 mm. Total<br />

crop evapo-transpiration (ET c ) for different crops such as maize, sorghum, small vegetables, barley, potato<br />

and pulses was 500 mm, the total irrigation requirement was found to be 189.78 mm. Gross irrigation<br />

requirement in summer season (I S ) (March to mid June) was found to be 12.67 mm and in autumn season in<br />

September to December (I A ) it was 133 mm.<br />

Table 4 : Year-wise annual rainfall, annual runoff and seasonal runoff.<br />

Year Annual Seasonal Seasonal Year Annual Seasonal Seasonal<br />

runoff runoff runoff as runoff runoff runoff as<br />

(mm) (mm) % of annual (mm) (mm) % of annual<br />

runoff runoff<br />

1988 550.57 411.08 74.66 1995 536.24 431.9 80.54<br />

1989 440.33 260.19 59.09 1998 654.24 342.73 52.39<br />

1990 510.3 285.6 55.97 2000 473.71 339.29 71.62<br />

1991 343.46 239.14 69.63 2001 112.77 59.00 52.32<br />

1992 254.3 174.34 68.56 2002 481.84 258.37 53.62<br />

1993 397.02 368.53 92.82<br />

1994 425.48 338.93 79.66 Average 431.69 292.43 67.74<br />


Table 5. Monthly reference<br />

evapotranspiration (E T 0 ).<br />

Month ET0 (mm/d)<br />

Month ET0 (mm/d)<br />

January 1.37 July 3.92<br />

February 1.86 August 2.62<br />

March 3.09 September 2.84<br />

April 3.98 October 3.37<br />

May 4.85 November 2.01<br />

June 4.42 December 1.53<br />

Design of Water Harvesting System for Henwal<br />

Watershed<br />

The geometrical relationships and classical<br />

optimization techniques with an objective function<br />

of maximizing the storage capacity of the pond,<br />

satisfying the given constraints that the volume of<br />

excavated earth equals the volume of fill required<br />

for embankment were used for design of pond.<br />

Pond design and regression analysis<br />

The relationships of bed width (X), vs<br />

storage capacity (V SC ), and bed width vs height of<br />

embankment (H), were established for c = 1 (square<br />

pond) and Z = 1 :1.5 for medium soil fitting to<br />

polynomial and Weebull equations, respectively.<br />

The relationship of bed width (X) Vs storage<br />

capacity (V sc ) as as follows:<br />

The relationship of height of embankment<br />

versus bed width may be written as<br />

Pond design and cost estimates based on runoff<br />

recycle<br />

The pond was designed for a catchment<br />

area of 351 ha and command area of 315 ha. The<br />

bottom length, top length and height was 2.5, 16.6<br />

and 3 m, respectively. The pond had a storage<br />

capacity of 5027.4 m 3 , the total cost (excavation<br />

cost, LDPE sheet and stone pitching) of pond was<br />

estimated to be Rs. 146689.125 and the cost per<br />

m 3 of stored water comes to be Rs. 29/m 3 .<br />


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regions. Annals of Arid Zone, 33: 95-104.<br />

• Sharda, V.N. and Shrimali, S.S., 1994. Water<br />

harvesting and recycling in northern hilly<br />

region. Indian J. of Soil Cons., 22(1-2): 84-93.<br />

• Shrivastava, R.C., 2001. Methodology for<br />

design of water harvesting system for high<br />

rainfall areas. Agril. Water Management, 47: 37-<br />

53.<br />

• Shrivastava, S.K.; Upadhyay, A.P.; Sahu, A.K.<br />

and Dubey, A.K., 2000. Rainfall characteristics<br />

and rainfall based cropping strategy for Jabalpur<br />

region. Jl. of Soil Cons., 28 (3): 204-211.

National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

61. Pressurized Irrigation System : An Advanced Irrigation Water<br />

Management Technique For Bitter Gourd (Momordica Charentia)<br />

*V. K. Pandey *Jai Prakash Bhart<br />


Water being a limited resource, optimum utilization by efficient water management<br />

techniques, is the key for food security in coming days. Pressurized irrigation is the only<br />

tool for solving problem of water scarcity for Indian agriculture especially horticultural<br />

crops. In the present investigation water requirement of Bitter Gourd (Momordica charentia)<br />

under pressurized irrigation systems i.e. drip (8 lph and 4 lph) and micro sprinkler was<br />

determined using climatological approach. Evapotranspiration (ET) values for various crop<br />

growth stages like initial, developmental, mid season and late season stages were determined<br />

as 164.4, 296.7, 220.9 and 119.3 mm respectively. Thus total ET for crop period was found<br />

to be 801.3 mm. The seasonal water use of Bitter Gourd under 8 lph drip, 4 lph drip and<br />

micro sprinkler were found to be 755.25 mm, 747.50 mm and 790.00 mm respectively. The<br />

highest water use efficiency was found to be from 8 lph (50.7 kg/ha-mm), followed by 4 lph<br />

drip (46.8 kg/ha-mm) and micro sprinkler (29.7 kg/ha-mm) as compared to conventional<br />

method of irrigation. It was concluded that the drip system with drippers of 8 lph discharge<br />

was found to be the most economical for the cultivation of summer bitter gourd for the<br />

Chhattisgarh plain region.<br />

Key words: Evapotranspiration, Pressurized irrigation, Water management, Water use<br />

efficiency<br />


Drip and micro sprinkler irrigation systems are<br />

advanced methods of irrigation through which water<br />

is applied directly to root zone around the plant<br />

through a pipe network with the help of emitters<br />

and micro sprinklers, near consumptive use of the<br />

plant. Drip and micro sprinkler irrigation saves<br />

irrigation water to the extent of 30 - 80% (NCPA,<br />

1998) and enhance the crop yield by 30 to 100%<br />

(Sivanappan, 1998). These can reduce the<br />

consumption by 30 to 50% as compared to the<br />

conventional methods of irrigation. (Narayanmoorty,<br />

1992). The overall application efficiency around<br />

90% can be achieved by drip and micro sprinkler<br />

irrigation where as the same was found to be 25 to<br />

30% while using surface irrigation.<br />

In India, the area under drip irrigation is only<br />

about 0.25 Mha, which is very meager. India has<br />

36% of the total irrigated area of the world where<br />

the drip irrigation area is only 0.8%. Development<br />

of irrigation is considered as the principal means of<br />

removing the climatic constraints of water scarcity<br />

for agricultural productions considering economical<br />

status of the farmers. The area under drip irrigation<br />

in the country has increased from a meagre 1500 ha<br />

to about 70,000 ha and it was estimated that the area<br />

under drip irrigation will be about one lack ha in<br />

1998. More than 80% area has been covered by only<br />

three states i.e. Maharastra (46.64%), Andhra<br />

Pradesh (16.4%) and Karnataka (16.17%) in drip<br />

irrigation.<br />


Field investigations were conducted during<br />

* Department of Soil and Water Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering,<br />

Indira Gandhi Agricultural University, Raipur - 492006 (CG)<br />


March to July, 2004 in the field size of 21 m x 14 m.<br />

The sub main was laid along the width and the<br />

laterals were laid along the length of the<br />

experimental field. Pressure gauge, gate valve and<br />

the filter unit were installed outside the pump house.<br />

Submain of size 63 mm was connected to the filter<br />

outlet with the help of bends, socket, and elbow.<br />

The laterals were laid along the length of the field.<br />

Micro sprinklers and drippers were connected on<br />

laterals at specify spacing.<br />

Monoblock pump (capacity 7.5 hp), pressure<br />

gauge (range 0.0– 6.0 kg/sq cm) and gate valve (65<br />

mm diameter) were used to control water supply<br />

during the experiments. Water from the tube well<br />

was collected in a tank constructed on the ground<br />

surface. The water supply was bifurcated through<br />

two pipes, one to the point source of application<br />

and another was used as an outlet. A pressure<br />

regulator was provided on this pipe to control the<br />

water supply. Experimental details are presented in<br />

the (Table 1).<br />

Measurement of discharge<br />

Micro sprinklers and drip assemblies were<br />

subjected to five different pressures (0.50, 0.75, 1.00,<br />

1.25 and 1.50 kg/cm 2 ) using 16 mm diameter lateral.<br />

The water supplied for the experiment was a closed<br />

loop. A 63 mm diameter PVC pipe was placed over<br />

stake assembly and drippers to confine the discharge<br />

into the plastic container directly. Irrigation water<br />

was supplied from a well, filtered through an inline,<br />

100 mesh screen. Test times varied with pressure,<br />

drippers, micro sprinkler and laterals length used.<br />

The water collected in the containers was measured<br />

with the help of measuring cylinder. The specified<br />

pressure was maintained during the tests within ±<br />

5% of the base value as specified in ASAE standard.<br />

Design parameters<br />

The manifold and its laterals were designed<br />

and operated as double unified system. The micro<br />

sprinkler and drip irrigation system, which were<br />

controlled by a single valve and inline filter. The<br />

details of various design parameters were worked<br />

out as follows:<br />

Area : 12 m x 14 m = 168 m 2 ,<br />

Water source : Tube well fed water tank,<br />

Crop : Bitter Gourd, Climate: Semi-humid,<br />

Wind : 2.5 kmph (acceptable limit),<br />

349<br />

Rainfall : 278.7 mm (during crop growing period),<br />

Soil type : Sandy clay loam,<br />

Infiltration rate : Average 12 mm/hr, ET crop : 10.23<br />

mm, Ground water contribution: Nil<br />

Effective root zoon depth (D): 0.4 m, Field capacity<br />

of soil (FC) : 32 % (by weight)<br />

Permanent wilting point (PWP) : 18% (by weight),<br />

Critical point for system (CP): 0.85 (allowable<br />

moisture depletion 15%), Available moisture<br />

content: 27% (by weight)<br />

Area for micro sprinkler design: 6 m x 14 m = 84<br />

m 2 , Distribution efficiency (ç d ): 50%<br />

Application efficiency ( ç a ): 85%, Lateral<br />

spacing ( S r ): 1.5 m, Emitter spacing (S p ): 0.5 m<br />

Bulk density (W): 1.38 g/cm 3 , Fraction of wetted<br />

area ( W p ) : 0.4<br />

Length of lateral (L 1 ): 14 m, Width of the field (W):<br />

6 m, Spacing between two<br />

laterals (S l ) : 1.5 m, Micro sprinkler spacing (S m ):<br />

2.0 m<br />

Design of drop and Micro Sprinkler<br />

From the above mentioned parameter and field<br />

data, the various parameters of micro sprinkler and<br />

drip irrigation design were worked out separately.<br />

Net depth (d ) of water to be applied in one<br />

net<br />

irrigation<br />

FC − PWP<br />

dnet = × W × ( 1 − CP)<br />

× D × 1000<br />

100<br />

= 11.59 mm<br />

Gross depth (d ) of water to be applied<br />

gross<br />

dnet<br />

d gross = = 13.63 mm<br />

Ea<br />

Irrigation interval<br />

dgross<br />

=<br />

ET<br />

= 1 day<br />

crop<br />

ETcrop crop<br />

= peak ET + losses = 10.2 + 2.2<br />

= 12.4 mm<br />

System capacity<br />

It was assumed that 168 m 2 area will be<br />

irrigated in two hrs in one day and fraction of the<br />

total area wetted = 0.5<br />

The main line was designed using Williams and

Hazens equations<br />

Sub main: Area = 168 x 0.5 = 84 m 2<br />

d gross = 0.01363 m, = 7200 sec.<br />

Capacity (flow rate)<br />

Q = (0.01363 x 84) / 7200<br />

= 1.59 Õ 10 -4 m 3 /sec or = 572.46 lph<br />

length of lateral - 14 m; Number of lateral - 8<br />

Capacity of each lateral<br />

Q lat = 572.46 / 8 = 71.55 lph<br />

Emitter discharge<br />

=<br />

Gross depth of water × wetted area of<br />

Duration of application<br />

d gross At<br />

q<br />

t<br />

×<br />

= ,<br />

= 2.55 lph<br />

0 . 01363 × 0.<br />

5 × 1.<br />

5 × 0.<br />

4<br />

= ,<br />

2<br />

Daily water requirement :<br />

The daily water requirement of crop grown<br />

under drip irrigation method was estimated by using<br />

the formula.<br />

V = ET × S p × Sr<br />

× Wp , = 10.2 x 0.5 x 1.5 x 0.4<br />

= 3.06 litre per plant<br />

Required discharge for micro sprinkler:<br />

Application depth, Di = 0.50 x Mc x dr, = 0.50 x<br />

0.27 x 0.40, = 5.4 cm<br />

Number of laterals, ln = W/ S = 6/ 1.5, = 4<br />

1,<br />

Discharge of a lateral,<br />

Q<br />

Q × η × η<br />

=<br />

d a<br />

1 ,<br />

S n × ln<br />

= 0.0318 lps<br />

Discharge of a micro sprinkler,<br />

Qs = Q1<br />

× S s / L1<br />

, = (70.318 x 2) / 14<br />

= 0.045 lps<br />

one plant<br />

Estimation of quantity of water<br />

The crop water requirement in drip and micro<br />

sprinkler irrigation treatment was based on the<br />

formula referred by Indian National Committee on<br />

Irrigation and Drainage (INCID) in drip irrigation<br />

in India (Anonymous, 1994) as:<br />

V1 = E p × Kc<br />

× K p × A × N<br />

Net volume of water to be applied,<br />

350<br />

Vn = V1<br />

− Re<br />

× A<br />

Number of operating hours of system (T) during a<br />

week.<br />

T =<br />

Vn × Wp<br />

no.<br />

of dripper/<br />

plant × no.<br />

of plants × dripper discharge<br />

T<br />

Operating hours per application =<br />

N.<br />

m<br />

Where,<br />

V = volume of water applied in (litres), E = mean<br />

1 p<br />

pan evaporation for the week in (mm/day), K = the c<br />

crop factor, K = the pan factor, A = the area to be<br />

p<br />

irrigated in (sq m), N = no. of days in a week, R = e<br />

the effective rainfall in (mm), W = percentage<br />

p<br />

wetting<br />

Nm = No. of application / week , T = No. of operation<br />

hour/week<br />

Water use, Crop yield and Water use efficiency<br />

The seasonal water use of different irrigation<br />

methods was worked out by simple water budgeting<br />

method over the growing season under two modes<br />

of irrigation. This facilitated the comparison of<br />

seasonal water use of all irrigation methods. The<br />

water use efficiency of different irrigation treatments<br />

was worked out in order to evaluate its performances<br />

in terms of per unit of water used. The irrigation<br />

schedule adopted in the surface irrigation was based<br />

on 50% depletion of available soil moisture at the<br />

root zone depth.<br />


Crop Water Requirement for Bitter Gourd<br />

The value of ET peak and crop coefficient for<br />

initial stage, development stage, mid season stage<br />

and late season stage were found to be 7.3, 7.8, 6.5,<br />

4.7 and 0.79, 0.94, 1.18, 1.14 respectively. The ET<br />

values for these four stages were determined as<br />

164.4, 296.7, 220.9 and 119.3 mm respectively. Thus<br />

ET for whole crop period was found to be 801.3<br />

mm and presented in the (Table 2).<br />

Seasonal Water Use<br />

The seasonal water use for the crop was<br />

determined with all the irrigation treatments. The<br />

lowest seasonal water use was found to be 747.5

mm in 4 lph drip followed by 755.25 mm in 8 lph drip<br />

irrigation and 790 mm in micro sprinkler. (Table<br />

3).<br />

The percent saving in seasonal water use with<br />

4 lph drip irrigation, 8lph drip irrigation and micro<br />

sprinkler irrigation was calculated as 30.14%,<br />

29.41% and 26.16% respectively, as compared to<br />

the surface method of irrigation. These findings are<br />

also supported by Magar et at. (1985) and<br />

Sivanappan and Padmakumari (1980).<br />

Yield parameter<br />

The crop yield was evaluated with all the<br />

irrigation treatments and compared to surface<br />

irrigation. The highest yields from 8 lph was found<br />

(212.49 q/ha), followed by 4 lph (202.79 q/ha) and<br />

from micro sprinkler irrigation (169.17 q/ha)<br />

presented in (Table 4). The percent increase yield<br />

with 8 lph drip, 4 lph and micro sprinkler irrigation<br />

was recorded as 36.89%, 30.60% and 8.98%<br />

respectively as compared to surface method of<br />

irrigation. These results are supported by<br />

Sivanappan and padmakumari (1980) and Magar et<br />

al. (1985).<br />

Water Use Efficiency<br />

The water use efficiency with 8 lph drip, 4 lph<br />

drip and micro sprinkler was calculated and<br />

compared to the surface irrigation. The highest water<br />

use efficiency (50.7 kg/ha-mm) was found from 8<br />

lph, followed by 4 lph drip (46.8 kg/ha-mm) and<br />

from micro sprinkler (29.7 kg/ha-mm). The results<br />

presented in the (Table 5).<br />


The ET values for the initial stage,<br />

development stage, mid season stage and late season<br />

stage of Bitter Gourd were determined as 164.4,<br />

296.7, 220.9 and 119.3 mm respectively. Thus total<br />

ET for crop period was found to be 801.3 mm. The<br />

seasonal water use of bitter gourd under micro<br />

sprinkler, 8 lph drip and 4 lph drip was found to be<br />

790 mm, 755.25 mm and 747.50 mm respectively.<br />

The water use efficiency of Bitter Gourd under micro<br />

sprinkler, 8 lph drip and 4 lph drip was found to be<br />

29.7, 50.7 and 46.8 kg /ha-mm respectively. The<br />

benefit-cost ratio for 8 lph drip, 4 lph drip and micro<br />

sprinkler irrigation were found to be 4.26: 1, 3.69:<br />

1 and 1.15: 1 respectively.<br />

351<br />


• Anonymous, 1994. Drip irrigation in India. Indian<br />

National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage, July<br />

1994, New Delhi.<br />

• Berthelot, P. B. and Robertson, C. A. 1990. “A<br />

comparative study of the financial and economic<br />

viability of drip and overhead irrigation of sugarcane<br />

in Mauritius.” Agric. Water Manage, 17: 307 - 315.<br />

Battawar, H. B., Shukla, S. P. and Sachidanand, B.<br />

1983. Evaluation of evapotranspiration and crop<br />

coefficient values for vegetable and wheat, mousum.<br />

34 (1): 51-54.<br />

• Chaudhary, J. L. Sastri, A. S. R. A. S. 1992. The<br />

evaporation and water requirement of important crops<br />

in Chhattisgarh region. Bagirath., Vol. 19, No-1: 3-6.<br />

• Darade, R. S. and Shinde U.R. 1993. Field<br />

evaluation of hydraulic performances of static micro<br />

sprinkler irrigation system, unpublished B. Tech.<br />

(Agril. Engg) thesis submitted to Mahatma Phule Krishi<br />

vidyapeeth, Rahuri, (M.S.).<br />

• Goel, A. K., Gupta, R. K. and Rajinder kumar.<br />

1993. Water use efficiency and yield of potato under<br />

drip and furrow irrigation systems. All India seminar<br />

on sprinkler and drip irrigation, Dec. (9 th and 10 th ):<br />

86-88.<br />

• Magar, S. S., Mane, T. A. and Shinde, S. H. 1985.<br />

Development of drip irrigation in vertisol under water<br />

resource constraints. Journal of IWRS, Roorkee, 5(2):<br />

39-44.<br />

• Prabhaker, M. 1997. Drip irrigation in vegetables.<br />

Drip irrigation. Pub. Agronomy club, UAS, Dharward.<br />

• Post, S. C., Peck D. E., Brender R. A., Sakovich<br />

N. J. and Waddle. 1986. Evaluation of low flow<br />

sprinkler irrigation, J. California Agril. University,<br />

California, July-Aug.: 27-29.<br />

• Sharma, H.G., Verma. V.P., Rajput, S.S. and<br />

Pandey, V.K. 1998. Comparative performance of drip<br />

and suface methods of irrigation in banana cv.<br />

Chakrakeli. Proc. of the national seminar on micro<br />

irrigation research in India: status and prospectives<br />

for the 21 st century, Bhubaneswar, July 27- 28: 237-<br />

241.<br />

• Sivanappan, R.K., and Padmakumari, O. 1980.<br />

Drip irrigation. TNAU, Coimbatore, SVNP report 87:<br />

15.<br />

• Westarp, S. V., Cheing, S. and Schreier, H. 2003.<br />

“A comparison between low-cost drip irrigation,<br />

conventional drip irrigation, and hand watering in<br />

Nepal”. Agric. Water Manage. 64: 143-160.

Table 1 : Experimental Details<br />

Table 2: Stage wise crop water requirement for bitter gourd<br />


Table 3 : Seasonal water use (mm) in drip (8 lph), drip (4 lph)<br />

and micro sprinkler irrigation for bitter gourd<br />

Table 4: Crop yields in q ha -1 micro sprinkler, drip (8 lph), drip (4 lph) and surface irrigation<br />


Table 5: Water use efficiency (kg/ha mm) in drip (8 lph), drip (4 lph)<br />

and micro sprinkler irrigation<br />

� � �<br />


National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

62. Urban Stormwater Management Through Sustainable Urban Drainage<br />

Systems - A Unified Approach Through Constructed Wetland using<br />

Macrophytes<br />

* M. N. V. Prasad<br />

Abstract<br />

Stormwater is a important water resource. Stormwater treatment and management is<br />

an important topics in tropical countries. In the wake of 2005 Bangalore and Mumbai urban<br />

flash floods all concerned authorities must examine the feasibility of implementing “ Sustainable<br />

Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS)” a well established and operationalized in developed counties.<br />

This is a neglected area in Indian scenario. In this paper stormwater treatment and management<br />

using macrophytes is described. A glossary of terms is also attached at the end.<br />


Pollutants that originate mainly from nonpoint<br />

sources, which are difficult to control.<br />

Constructed wetlands are designed to intercept and<br />

remove a wide range of contaminants from waste<br />

water. These wetlands can save time and money by<br />

using natural mechanisms to treat non-point source<br />

pollution before it reaches lakes, rivers, and oceans.<br />

Conventional wastewater treatment plants can<br />

effectively remove non-point source pollution, but<br />

are expensive to build and operate. Therefore, Local<br />

waste water treatment plants are desirable to reuse<br />

water.<br />






The use of aquatic plants in water quality<br />

assessment has been common for years as in-situ<br />

biomonitors and for in situ remediatio. The<br />

occurrence of aquatic macrophytes is<br />

unambiguously related to water chemistry and using<br />

these plant species or communities as indicators or<br />

biomonitors has been an objective for surveying<br />

water quality. Aquatic plants have also been used<br />

frequently to remove suspended solids, nutrients,<br />

heavy metals, toxic organics and bacteria from acid<br />

mine drainage, agricultural landfill and urban stormwater<br />

runoff. In addition considerable research has<br />

been focused on determining the usefulness of<br />

macrophytes, as biomonitors of polluted<br />

environments and as bioremediative agents in waste<br />

water treatments. The response of an organism to<br />

deficient or excess levels of metal (i.e. bioassays)<br />

can be used to estimate metal impact. Such studies<br />

done under defined experimental conditions can<br />

provide results that can be extrapolated to natural<br />

environment. There are multifold advantages in<br />

using an aquatic macrophyte as a study material.<br />

Macrophytes are cost-effective universally available<br />

aquatic plants and with their ability to survive<br />

adverse conditions and high colonization rates, are<br />

excellent tools for studies of phytoremediation.<br />

Rooted macrophytes especially play an important<br />

role in metal bioavailability through rhizosphere<br />

secretions and exchange processes. This naturally<br />

facilitates metal uptake by other floating and<br />

emergent forms of macrophytes. Macrophytes<br />

readily take up metals in their reduced form from<br />

sediments, which exist in anaerobic situations due<br />

to lack of oxygen and oxidize them in the plant<br />

tissues making them immobile and bioconcentrate<br />

* Department of Plant Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046, India.<br />

Tel: +91-40-23011604, 23134509 Fax: +91-40-23010120, 23010145 E-mail: mnvsl@uohyd.ernet.in<br />


them to a great extent. Metals concentrated within<br />

macrophytes are available for grazing by fish. These<br />

may also be available for epiphytic phytoplankton,<br />

herbivorous and detrivorous invertebrates. This may<br />

be a major route for incorporating metals in the<br />

aquatic food chain. It is therefore of interest to assess<br />

the levels of heavy metals in macrophytes due to<br />

their importance in ecological processes. The<br />

immobile nature of macrophytes makes them a<br />

particularly effective bio-indicator of metal<br />

pollution, as they represent real levels present at<br />

that site. Data on phytotoxicity studies are<br />

considered in the development of water quality<br />

criteria to protect aquatic life, the toxicity evaluation<br />

of municipal and industrial effluents (APHA.<br />

American Public Health Association. (1998). In<br />

addition aquatic plants have been used to assess the<br />

toxicity of contaminated sediment elutriates and<br />

hazardous waste leachates.<br />

In the past research with macrophytes has<br />

centered mainly on determinig effective eradication<br />

techniques for nuisance growth of several species<br />

such as Elodea Canadensis, Eichhornia crassipes,<br />

Ceratophyllum demersum etc… Scientific literature<br />

exists for the use of wide diversity of macrophytes<br />

in toxicity tests designed to evaluate the hazard of<br />

potential pollutants, but the test species used is quite<br />

scattered. Similarly literature concerning the<br />

phytotoxicity tests to be used, test methods and the<br />

value of the result data is scattered. Estuarine and<br />

marine plant species are being used considerably<br />

less than freshwater species in toxicity tests<br />

conducted for regulatory reasons. The suitability of<br />

a test species is usually based on the specimen<br />

bioavailability, sensitivity to toxicant, reported data<br />

and the like. Table 1. uptades the variety of test<br />

species used for phytotoxicity studies. The<br />

sensitivity of various plants to metals was found to<br />

be species and chemical specific, differing in the<br />

uptake as well as toxicity of metals. Many<br />

submersed plants have been used as test species,<br />

but there is no widely used single species. In a<br />

literature survey only 7% of 528 reported<br />

phytotoxicity tests used macrophytic species. Their<br />

use in microcosm and mesocosm studies is even<br />

rarer and has been highly recommended. Several<br />

plant species like Lemna, Myriophyllum,<br />

Potamogeton have been exhaustively used in<br />

phytotoxicity assessment, but several others have<br />

356<br />

been given less importance as a bioassay tool.<br />

Duckweeds have recieved the greatest attention for<br />

toxicity tests as they are relevant ot many aquatic<br />

environments, including lakes, streams, effluents.<br />

Duckweeds comprise Spirodela, Wolfiella, Lemna<br />

and Wolffia, of which Lemna has been almost<br />

exhaustively studied.<br />


The most important role of plants in wetlands<br />

is that they increase the residence time of water,<br />

which means that they reduce the velocity and<br />

thereby increase the sedimentation of particles and<br />

associated pollutants. Thus they are indirect<br />

involved in water cleaning. Plants also add oxygen<br />

providing a physical site of microbial attachment<br />

to the roots generating positive conditions for<br />

microbes and bioremediation. For efficient removal<br />

of pollutants a high biomass per volume of water of<br />

the submerged plants is necessary. Uptake of metals<br />

in emergent plants only accounts for 5% or less of<br />

the total removal capacity in wetlands. Not many<br />

studies have been performed on submerged plants,<br />

however, higher concentration of metals in<br />

submerged than emerged plants has been found and<br />

in microcosm wetland the removal by Elodea<br />

canadensis and Potamogeton natans showed up to<br />

69 % removal of Zn. (Kadlec 1995; Kadlec and<br />

Knight 1996).<br />

Constructed and engineered wetlands for water<br />

treatment (Figures 1-5; Okurut et al 1999).<br />

Natural wetlands<br />

used for wastewater treatment for centuries<br />

uncontrolled discharge irreversible degradation.<br />

Constructed wetlands<br />

effective in treating organic matter, nitrogen,<br />

phosphorus, decrease the concentrations of heavy<br />

metals, organic chemicals, and pathogens.<br />




Phytoremediation is defined as the use of<br />

plants for environmental cleanup. Aquatic<br />

macrophytes have paramount significance in the<br />

monitoring of metals in aquatic ecosystems<br />

(eg: Lemna minor, Eichhornia crassipes, Azolla

pinnata) Aquatic plants are represented by a variety<br />

of macrophytic including algal species that occur<br />

in various habitats. They are important in nutrient<br />

cycling, control of water quality, sediment<br />

stabilization and provision of habitat for aquatic<br />

organisms. The use of aquatic macrophytes in water<br />

quality assessment has been a common practice<br />

employing in-situ biomonitors (Sobolewski 1999)<br />

The submerged aquatic macrophytes have<br />

very thin cuticle and therefore readily take up metals<br />

from water through the entire surface. Hence the<br />

integrated amounts of bioavailable metals in water<br />

and sediment can be indicated to some extent by<br />

using macrophytes. Macrophytes with their ability<br />

to survive adverse conditions and high colonization<br />

rate are excellent tools for phytoremediation.<br />

Further they redistribute metals from sediments to<br />

water and finally take up in the plant tissues and<br />

hence maintain circulation. Benthic rooted<br />

macrophytes (both submerged and emergent) play<br />

an important role in metal bioavailability from<br />

sediments through rhizosphere exchanges and other<br />

carrier chelates. This naturally facilitates metal<br />

uptake by other floating and emergent forms of<br />

macrophytes Macrophytes readily take up metals<br />

in their reduced form from sediments, which exist<br />

in anaerobic situations due to lack of oxygen and<br />

oxidize them in the plant tissues making them<br />

immobile and hence bioconcentrate them to a high<br />

extent Okurut et al 1999)<br />

Constructed wetlands are man-made wetlands<br />

designed to intercept and remove a wide range of<br />

contaminants from water. These wetlands can save<br />

you time and money by using natural mechanisms<br />

to treat non-point source pollution before it reaches<br />

our lakes, rivers, and oceans. oils, nutrients,<br />

suspended solids, and other substances. These<br />

pollutants originate mainly from non-point sources,<br />

which are difficult to control. Conventional<br />

wastewater treatment plants can effectively remove<br />

non-point source pollution, but are expensive to<br />

build and operate.<br />

Treatment mechanisms<br />

Filtration and uptake of contaminants.<br />

Settling of suspended solids due to decreased Water<br />

velocity and trapping action of plants, leaves, and<br />

stems.<br />

Precipitation, adsorption, and sequestration of<br />

357<br />

metals.<br />

Microbial decomposition of petroleum<br />

hydrocarbons and other organics.<br />

Benefits<br />

Cost-effective treatment of non-point source<br />

pollution.<br />

Compliance with water quality goals.<br />

Reduction of operation and maintenance costs<br />

relative to conventional water treatment plants.<br />

Conservation of natural resources.<br />

Reduction of flood hazard and erosion.<br />

Creation of wildlife habitat and aesthetic resource.<br />

Plants may reduce element leakage from<br />

submerged mine tailings by phytostabilisation.<br />

However, high shoot concentrations of elements<br />

might disperse them and could be harmful to grazing<br />

animals. Plants that are tolerant to elements of high<br />

concentrations have been found useful for<br />

reclamation of dry mine tailings containing elevated<br />

levels of metals and other elements. Mine tailings<br />

rich in sulphides, e.g. pyrite, can form acid mine<br />

drainage (AMD) if it reacts with atmospheric<br />

oxygen and water, which may also promote the<br />

release of metals and As. To prevent AMD<br />

formation, mine tailings rich in sulphides may be<br />

saturated with water to reduce the penetration of<br />

atmospheric oxygen. An organic layer with plants<br />

on top of the mine tailings would consume oxygen,<br />

as would plant roots through respiration.<br />

Thus, phytostabilisation on water-covered<br />

mine tailings may further reduce the oxygen<br />

penetration into the mine tailings and prevent the<br />

release of elevated levels of elements into the<br />

surroundings. Metal tolerance can be evolutionarily<br />

developed while some plant species seem to have<br />

an inherent tolerance to heavy metals. . Since, some<br />

wetland plant species have been found with the latter<br />

property, for example Thypha latifolia, Glyceria<br />

fluitans and Phragmites australis, wetland<br />

communities may easily establish on submerged<br />

mine tailings, without prior development of metal<br />

tolerance. The relationships between element<br />

concentrations in plants and concentrations in the<br />

substrate differ between plant species. Some plant<br />

species have mechanisms that make it possible to<br />

cope with high external levels of elements. Lowaccumulators<br />

are plants that can reduce the uptake

when the substrate has high element concentrations,<br />

or have a high net efflux of the element in question,<br />

thus the plant tissue concentration of the element is<br />

low even though the concentration in the substrate<br />

is high (Williams 2002., Wood and Mcatamney<br />

1994, Woulds and Ngwenya 2004, and Ye et al 2001)<br />


Surface flow constructed wetlands are being<br />

designed for the treatment of municipal waste waters<br />

in developed nations. Use of constructed wetlands<br />

is spreading rapidly in developed nations how ever,<br />

in tropical nations due to water scarcity and high<br />

surface evapotranspitration the constructed<br />

wetlands for treatment of waste waters is not gaining<br />

significance. Further due to water scarcity wetland<br />

technology is not supported. However, in tropical<br />

contries the mine drainage, agricultural waste waters<br />

and flood water regulation there is considerable<br />

scope due to rich plant diversity.<br />


Attenuation<br />

Reduction of peak flow and increased duration of a<br />

flow event.<br />

Balancing pond<br />

A pond designed to attenuate flows by storing runoff<br />

during the peak flow and releasing it at a controlled<br />

rate during and after the peak flow has passed. The<br />

pond always contains water. Also known as wet<br />

detention pond.<br />

Basin<br />

Flow control or water treatment structure that is<br />

normally dry.<br />

Biodegradation<br />

Decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms<br />

and other living things.<br />

Bioretention area<br />

A depressed landscaping area that is allowed to<br />

collect runoff so it percolates through the soil below<br />

the area into an underdrain, thereby promoting<br />

pollutant removal.<br />

Catchment<br />

The area contributing surface water flow to a point<br />

on a drainage or river system. Can be divided into<br />

sub-catchments.<br />

Combined sewer<br />

A sewer designed to carry foul sewage and surface<br />

runoff in the same pipe.<br />

358<br />

Controlled waters<br />

Waters defined and protected under the Water<br />

Resources Act 1991. Any relevant territorial waters<br />

that extend seaward for 3 miles from the baselines,<br />

any coastal waters that extend inland from those<br />

baselines to the limit of the highest tide or the<br />

freshwater limit of any river or watercourse, any<br />

enclosed dock that adjoins coastal waters, inland<br />

freshwaters, including rivers, watercourses, and<br />

ponds and lakes with discharges and groundwaters<br />

(waters contained in underground strata).For the full<br />

definition refer to the Water Resources Act 1991.<br />

Detention basin<br />

A vegetated depression, normally is dry except after<br />

storm events constructed to store water temporarily<br />

to attenuate flows. May allow infiltration of water<br />

to the ground.<br />

Diffuse pollution<br />

Pollution arising from land-use activities (urban and<br />

rural) that are dispersed across a catchment, or subcatchment,<br />

and do not arise as a process effluent,<br />

municipal sewage effluent, or an effluent discharge<br />

from farm buildings.<br />

Environmental management<br />

A management agreement for an area or project set<br />

up to plan and make sure the declared management<br />

objectives for the area or project are met.<br />

Environmental Management Plans are often<br />

undertaken as part of an environmental impact<br />

assessment and are set out in several stages with<br />

responsibilities clearly defined and environmental<br />

monitoring procedures in place to show compliance<br />

with the plan.<br />

Evapotranspiration<br />

The process by which the Earth’s surface or soil<br />

loses moisture by evaporation of water and by<br />

uptake and then transpiration from plants.<br />

Extended detention basin<br />

A detention basin in which the runoff is stored<br />

beyond the time normally required for attenuation.<br />

This provides extra time for natural processes to<br />

remove some of the pollutants in the water.<br />

FEH<br />

Flood estimation handbook, produced by Centre for<br />

Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford (formerly the<br />

Institute of Hydrology)<br />

Filter drain<br />

A linear drain consisting of a trench filled with a<br />

permeable material, often with a perforated pipe in

the base of the trench to assist drainage, to store<br />

and conduct water, but may also be designed to<br />

permit infiltration.<br />

Filter strip<br />

A vegetated area of gently sloping ground designed<br />

to drain water evenly off impermeable areas and<br />

filter out silt and other particulates.<br />

Filtration<br />

The act of removing sediment or other particles from<br />

a fluid by passing it through a filter.<br />

Flood frequency<br />

The probability of a flowrate being equalled or<br />

exceeded in any year.<br />

Greenfield runoff<br />

This is the surface water runoff regime from a site<br />

before development, or the existing site conditions<br />

for brownfield redevelopment sites.<br />

Green roof<br />

A roof with plants growing on its surface, which<br />

contributes to local biodiversity. The vegetated<br />

surface provides a degree of retention, attenuation<br />

and treatment of rainwater, and promotes<br />

evapotranspiration. (Sometimes referred to as an<br />

alternative roof).<br />

Greywater<br />

Wastewater from sinks, baths, showers and domestic<br />

appliances this water before it reaches the sewer<br />

(or septic tank system).<br />

Groundwater<br />

Water that is below the surface of ground in the<br />

saturation zone.<br />

Highway drain<br />

A conduit draining the highway. On a highways<br />

maintainable at the public expense it is vested in<br />

the highway authority.<br />

HOST (Hydrology of Soil Types)<br />

A classification used to indicate the permeability<br />

of the soil and the percentage runoff from a<br />

particular area<br />

Impermeable<br />

Will not allow water to pass through it.<br />

Impermeable surface<br />

An artificial non- porous surface that generates a<br />

surface water runoff after rainfall.<br />

Infiltration - to the ground<br />

The passage of surface water though the surface of<br />

the ground.<br />

Infiltration - to a sewer<br />

The entry of groundwater to a sewer.<br />

359<br />

Infiltration basin<br />

A dry basin designed to promote infiltration of<br />

surface water to the ground.<br />

Infiltration device<br />

A device specifically designed to aid infiltration of<br />

surface water into the ground.<br />

Infiltration potential<br />

The rate at which water flows through a soil (mm/h).<br />

Infiltration trench<br />

A trench, usually filled with stone, designed to<br />

promote infiltration of surface water to the ground.<br />

Interflow<br />

Shallow infiltration to the soil, from where it may<br />

infiltrate vertically to an aquifer, move horizontally<br />

to a watercourse or be stored and subsequently<br />

evaporated.<br />

Interim Code of Practice<br />

An agreed provisional document within the existing<br />

legislative framework that establishes good practice.<br />

Lagoon<br />

A pond designed for the settlement of suspended<br />

solids.<br />

Lateral drain<br />

(a) That part of a drain which runs from the curtilage<br />

of a building (or buildings or yards within the same<br />

curtilage) to the sewer with which the drain<br />

communicates or is to communicate; or<br />

(b) (if different and the context so requires) the part<br />

of a drain identified in a declaration of vesting made<br />

under section 102 or in an agreement made under<br />

section 104.<br />

Offstream<br />

Dry weather flow bypasses the storage area<br />

Onstream<br />

Dry weather flow passes through the storage area.<br />

Permeability<br />

A measure of the ease with which a fluid can flow<br />

through a porous medium. It depends on the physical<br />

properties of the medium, for example grain size,<br />

porosity and pore shape.<br />

Permeable pavement<br />

A paved surface that allows the passage of water<br />

through voids between the paving blocks/slabs. 10<br />

Permeable surface<br />

A surface formed of material that is itself impervious<br />

to water but, by virtue of voids formed through the<br />

surface, allows infiltration of water to the sub-base<br />

through the pattern of voids, eg concrete block<br />


Pervious surface<br />

A surface that allows inflow of rainwater into the<br />

underlying construction or soil.<br />

Piped system<br />

Conduits generally located below ground to conduct<br />

water to a suitable location for treatment and/or<br />

disposal.<br />

Pollution<br />

A change in the physical, chemical, radiological or<br />

biological quality of a resource (air, water or land)<br />

caused by man or man’s activities that is injurious<br />

to existing, intended or potential uses of the<br />

resource.<br />

Pond<br />

Permanently wet basin designed to retain<br />

stormwater and permit settlement of suspended<br />

solids and biological removal of pollutants.<br />

Porous paving<br />

A permeable surface allowing the passage of water<br />

through voids within, rather than between, the<br />

paving blocks/slabs.<br />

Porous surface<br />

A surface that infiltrates water to the sub-base across<br />

the entire surface of the material forming the<br />

surface, for example grass and gravel surfaces,<br />

porous concrete and porous asphalt.<br />

Prevention<br />

Site design and management to stop or reduce the<br />

occurrence of pollution and to reduce the volume<br />

of runoff by reducing impermeable areas.<br />

Public sewer<br />

A sewer that is vested in and maintained by a<br />

sewerage undertaker.<br />

Rainwater harvesting or rainwater use system<br />

A system that collects rainwater from where it falls<br />

rather than allowing it to drain away. It includes<br />

water that is collected within the boundaries of a<br />

property, from roofs and surrounding surfaces.<br />

Recurrence interval<br />

The average time between runoff events that have<br />

a certain flow rate, e.g. a flow of 2 m/s might have<br />

a recurrence interval of two years in a particular<br />

catchment.<br />

Retention pond<br />

A pond where runoff is detained (e.g. for several<br />

days) to allow settlement and biological treatment<br />

of some pollutants.<br />

Runoff<br />

Water flow over the ground surface to the drainage<br />

360<br />

system. This occurs if the ground is impermeable, is<br />

saturated or if rainfall is particularly intense.<br />

Separate sewer<br />

A sewer for surface water or foul sewage, but not a<br />

combination of both.<br />

Sewer<br />

A pipe or channel taking domestic foul and/or<br />

surface water from buildings and associated paths<br />

and hardstandings from two or more curtilages and<br />

having a proper outfall.<br />

Sewerage undertaker<br />

This is a collective term relating to the statutory<br />

undertaking of water companies that are responsible<br />

for sewerage and sewage disposal including surface<br />

water from roofs and yards of premises.<br />

Sewers for Adoption<br />

A guide agreed between sewerage undertakers and<br />

developers (through the House Builders Federation)<br />

specifying the standards to which private sewers<br />

need to be constructed to facilitate adoption.<br />

Site and regional controls<br />

Manage runoff drained fro several sub-catchments.<br />

The controls deal with runoff on a catchment scale<br />

rather than at source.<br />

Soil<br />

Soil Index Value obtained from the WRAP soil<br />

classification, used in the Wallingford Procedure<br />

to calculate the treatment volume.<br />

Source control<br />

The control of runoff or pollution at or near its<br />

source.<br />

STORM<br />

A computer model based on equations used in the<br />

California Stormwater Best Management Practice<br />

Handbook. Used to assess detention basin<br />

performance.<br />

Sub-base<br />

A layer of material on the sub-grade that provides a<br />

foundation for a pavement surface.<br />

Sub-catchment<br />

A division of a catchment, allowing runoff<br />

management as near to the source as is reasonable.<br />

Sub-grade<br />

The surface of an excavation prepared to support a<br />

pavement.<br />

Subsidiarity<br />

The principle that an issue should be managed as<br />

close as is reasonable to its source.

SUDS (Sustainable Drainage Systems)<br />

Sustainable drainage systems or sustainable (urban)<br />

drainage systems: a sequence of management<br />

practices and control structures designed to drain<br />

surface water in a more sustainable fashion than<br />

some conventional techniques (may also be referred<br />

to as SuDS).<br />

Surface water management<br />

The management of runoff in stages as it drains from<br />

a site.<br />

Suspended solids<br />

Undissolved particles in a liquid.<br />

Swale<br />

A shallow vegetated channel designed to conduct<br />

and retain water, but may also permit infiltration;<br />

the vegetation filters particulate matter.<br />

Treatment<br />

Improving the quality of water by physical, chemical<br />

and/or biological means.<br />

Treatment volume<br />

The volume of surface runoff containing the most<br />

polluted portion of the flow from a rainfall event.<br />

Watercourse<br />

A term including all rivers, streams ditches drains<br />

cuts culverts dykes sluices and passages through<br />

which water flows.<br />

WRAP (Winter Rain Acceptance Potential)<br />

Classification used to calculate the permeability of<br />

soils and the percentage run-off from a particular<br />

area.<br />

Wet<br />

Containing water under dry weather conditions.<br />

Wetland<br />

A pond that has a high proportion of emergent<br />

vegetation in relation to open water.<br />


APHA. American Public Health Association. (1998).<br />

Standard methods for estimation of water and wastewater.<br />

20 ed. Ed: Eaton, D. D., Clesceri, L. S. and Greenberg,<br />

A. E. Washington D.C.<br />

361<br />

KADLEC, R.H. and KNIGHT, R.L. (Eds.) (1996) Treatment<br />

Wetlands. Lewis Publishers,Boca Raton. 893p.<br />

KADLEC, R.H., 1995. Overview: Surface flow<br />

constructed wetlands. Water Science and Technology 32<br />

(3), 1–12.<br />


AND DALHAMMAR, G. (2004). A comparative study<br />

of Cyperus papyrus and Miscanthidium violaceum-based<br />

constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in a<br />

tropical country. Water Research 38: 475-485.<br />

LIENARD, A., DUCHENE, P. and GORINI, D. (1995)<br />

A study of activated sludgedewatering in experimental<br />

reed-planted or unplanted sludge drying beds. Wat. Sci.<br />

Techn. 32, 251-261.<br />

LIN, Y.-F., JING, S.-R., LEE, D.-Y. AND WANG, T.-W.<br />

(2002). Nutrient removal from aquaculture wastewater<br />

using a constructed wetlands system. Aquaculture 209:<br />

169-184.<br />

MUNGUR, A.S., SHUTES, R.B.E., REVITT, D.M. and<br />

HOUSE, M.A. (1995) Anassessment of metal removal<br />

from highway runoff by a natural wetland. Wat. Sci.Tech.,<br />

32, 169-175. 14<br />


J. J. A. (1999). Design and performance of experimental<br />

constructed wetlands in Unganda, planted with Cyperus<br />

papyrus and Phragmites mauritianus. Water Science and<br />

Technology 40 (3): 265-271.<br />

SOBOLEWSKI, A., 1999. A review of processes<br />

responsible for metal removal in wetlands treating<br />

contaminated mine drainage. International Journal of<br />

Phytoremediation 1 (1), 19–51.<br />

WILLIAMS, J.B, 2002. Phytoremediation in wetland<br />

ecosystems: progress, problems, and potential. Critical<br />

Reviews in Plant Sciences 21 (6), 607–635.<br />

WOOD, B., MCATAMNEY, C., 1994. The use of<br />

macrophytes in bioremediation. Biotechnology Advances<br />

12, 653–662.<br />

WOULDS, C., NGWENYA, B.T., 2004. Geochemical<br />

processes governing the performance of a constructed<br />

wetland treating acid mine drainage, Central Scotland.<br />

Applied Geochemistry 19 (11), 1773–1783.<br />

YE, Z.H., WHITING, S.N., QIAN, J.H., LYTLE, C.M.,<br />

LIN, Z.Q., TERRY, N., 2001. Wetlands and aquatic<br />

processes, trace elements removal from coal ash leachate<br />

by a 10 year old constructed wetland. Journal of<br />

Environmental Quality 30, 1710–1719.

Figure 1 :<br />

Removal of Arsenic from ground water using macrophytes by phytovolatilization<br />

Figure 2 :<br />

Constructed wetland technology for treatment of municipal waste waters using macrophytes.<br />


Figure 3 :<br />

Cascade model of constructed Aquaplant with cmmon reed beds or grasses for the removal<br />

of xenobiotics and treatment of saline waste streams. The commonly used grasses for the<br />

treatment of saline waste strems are Spartina alterniflora = Cord grass, Sporolobus virginicus<br />

= Coastal dropseed; Salicornia virginica = Perennial glasswort; Cladium jamaicense =<br />

Sawgrass; Salicornia alterniflora = Vermillon cordgrass; and Scirpus validus = Great bulrush<br />

Figure 4 :<br />

Constructed wtland for removal waste water treatment<br />

(Vertical flow system with macrophytes)<br />


Figure 5 :<br />

Constructed wtland for removal waste water treatment<br />

(Horozontal flow with macrophytes)<br />

� � �<br />


National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

63. Suggested Design Approach for Planning<br />

and Designing Recharge Wells and Systems<br />

� Introduction<br />

It is needless to mention that it is already a<br />

high time that high priority and importance is<br />

assigned to systematically start planning and<br />

executing recharge projects in all the areas to prevent<br />

the ground water depletion and create a systematic<br />

and scientific battery for ground water storage for<br />

use throughout the year. If systematically planned<br />

and executed on coastal belt the recharge wells can<br />

prove to be a very useful barrier to sea water<br />

intrusion.<br />

Lot of efforts are being made and lot of talks<br />

are being done all around in various bodies<br />

connected with ground water about recharge<br />

structures. In many places even regulations are being<br />

made for making it compulsory to make recharge<br />

wells in societies etc. In some of the states like<br />

Karnataka, Kerala much importance is already being<br />

given to rain water harvesting which requires a<br />

recharge well ultimately to percolate the rain water<br />

into the ground to recharge the aquifers.<br />

Hence the recharge well is the core mechanism<br />

of recharging the ground water for all kinds of water<br />

collection methods – check dams, rain/roof water<br />

harvesting, water logging areas etc.<br />

It is also seen that different types of designs of<br />

recharge well is being adopted by different bodies<br />

and there does not seem to be a commonly accepted<br />

design proven to be the optimum for achieving the<br />

maximum efficiency of recharge.<br />

Hence a need was felt to develop a standard<br />

design approach giving clear guidelines for<br />

designing the recharge well. This article attempts to<br />

initiate the process of defining the design criterion<br />

and a general design approach and further work<br />

needs to be done to make it more and more specific.<br />

*Dharmesh Mashru<br />

What is a recharge well<br />

Even at the cost of some repetition of what we<br />

already know let us define clearly what a recharge<br />

well is supposed to do and how it works in very<br />

simple terms. A recharge well is a natural injection<br />

well to inject the water supplied to it by recharge<br />

mechanism into the desired aquifer to be recharged.<br />

The water collected in recharge catchments<br />

mechanism enters the pipe assembly of well and acts<br />

against the already present hydrostatic pressure of<br />

water already available in the aquifer, overcomes<br />

the friction of the well casing, screen slots, gravel<br />

pack and formation and tries to penetrate thru the<br />

formation to start storing more water in the available<br />

voids in an unsaturated aquifer till the time the<br />

aquifer is saturated. Very simple as it sounds but<br />

equally challenging if one wants to give full justice<br />

to the design.<br />

Important considerations for designing a<br />

recharge mechanism<br />

Following are the important aspects for planning<br />

a recharge mechanism project<br />

� The location of recharge mechanism<br />

This is a very important aspect and much study<br />

is required to be done before selecting a recharge<br />

site. It is seen that presently the only consideration<br />

given while selecting the site is the natural collection<br />

of water – either a lake or a pond or a water logging<br />

spot or building check dams across flowing river<br />

etc.<br />

But, to create an efficient and sustainable site for<br />

recharge following approach is recommended –<br />

� Common recharge site shall be planned for a<br />

*Chief Operating Officer, Johnson Screens (India) Ltd.- Ahmedabad<br />


particular command area in which the ground water<br />

is to be recharged.<br />

� Conduct a study of pumping wells under use<br />

in the command area and find out total pumping<br />

quantity per day and main aquifers used.<br />

� Study the types of aquifers from the point of<br />

view of their permeability and hydrostatic pressure<br />

and select the aquifers needed to be recharged.<br />

� It is a known fact that the aquifers form long<br />

linkages to longer distances and may have different<br />

elevations at different points. Map the linkages of<br />

selected aquifers around command area.<br />

� It is well known that the ground water<br />

movements in the aquifer occur from a place where<br />

the ground water has higher energy to the places of<br />

low energy. Theoretically as per the Bernoulli<br />

equation the energy contained in ground water<br />

comprises of – Pressure, Velocity and Elevation. But,<br />

practically the pressure remaining more or less same<br />

at various points and the velocity energy being<br />

negligibly small the significant one is the elevation<br />

energy. As per this concept the ground water<br />

movement will be more from a point of higher<br />

elevation to a lower elevation and velocity of<br />

movement is directly proportional to the difference<br />

in elevations of the two points. According to this<br />

argument select a recharge site location having<br />

maximum possible elevation on the aquifer map as<br />

compared to the average elevation of the same<br />

aquifer at the pumping wells in the command area.<br />

While doing this care must be taken not to increase<br />

the distance to be traveled and care shall also to be<br />

taken to avoid any blockage or drainage in the path.<br />

� Basically a trade is to be achieved between the<br />

elevation, distance and possibility of getting enough<br />

rain water while making a final selection. If any dam<br />

if available in the vicinity it may be a good idea to<br />

make a diversion from dam at certain height to an<br />

artificial recharge structure so that when the water<br />

level rises above certain level in the dam during<br />

monsoon the recharge collection pond is filled at<br />

higher elevation.<br />

� Having selected the site make an artificial<br />

catchment for collecting the rain water. The storage<br />

capacity shall be decided based on the data of water<br />

drawal from the selected aquifers by the pumping<br />

wells in the command area and availability of<br />

recharge water.<br />

� The design of the catchment shall be deeper<br />

366<br />

and narrower. We will study the reason later in the<br />

article.<br />

� Design of recharge well<br />

Having selected the site to give optimum<br />

ground water movement from recharge point to the<br />

pumping point the next crucial step is to design a<br />

recharge well to achieve optimum recharging<br />

efficiency and make use of the natural water energy<br />

to the maximum extent possible. To understand the<br />

phenomena taking place let us first understand the<br />

well hydraulics concept. (Please note that only the<br />

concept is highlighted and not the exact calculations<br />

to simplify the topic for ease of understanding the<br />

basic concept before going into the intricacies of<br />

calculations).<br />

� Well hydraulics<br />

The fundamental principle : Simplifying the whole<br />

process the recharge is basically to inject water into<br />

the aquifers by utilizing the static head of the water<br />

above the aquifer level. It is a sort of Injection well<br />

where no positive pumping is used to inject the<br />

water. This means that the possibility and rate at<br />

which the water will be injected into the aquifer is<br />

basically a function of available static head above<br />

the aquifer being recharged. This can be explained<br />

as a short expression as follows –<br />

The Rate of Recharge Q R á Effective Head H eff<br />

………………(1)<br />

The Effective Head H eff : The effective head is the<br />

useful injection pressure available. In a recharge well<br />

condition there is a head of recharge water collected<br />

above the well which is the distance between the<br />

top of the water level in the recharge structure and<br />

the bottom of the aquifer being recharged<br />

(henceforth termed as H R and there is a hydrostatic<br />

pressure of water already available in the aquifer<br />

acting opposite to each other and there are several<br />

points of frictional head losses (henceforth termed<br />

as H f ) which consume the available head. The<br />

hydrostatic pressure of water inside the aquifer is<br />

the distance between the static water level in the<br />

well in absence of recharge water and the bottom of<br />

the aquifer being recharged (henceforth termed as<br />

H aq ). Fig. 1 clarifies the terminology. Accordingly<br />

the effective head can be expressed as follows –

H eff = H R – H aq – H f …….. ……… ….. (2)<br />

A simple guideline can be inferred from this is<br />

“Higher the recharge head, lower the static head of<br />

aquifer and lesser the frictional head losses higher<br />

is the Effective head and higher is the recharge rate”.<br />

The Frictional Head Losses H f : Following are the<br />

points causing frictional loss of head in a recharge<br />

well –<br />

� Filter pit Media<br />

Every recharge well must have a filter pit to reduce<br />

the turbidity of water entering the well to reduce<br />

the chocking of screens, filter pack (i.e. gravel pack)<br />

and formation. The sand media bed used in the filter<br />

pit will cause frictional head loss (henceforth termed<br />

as H fpm ). This is dependent upon the permeability of<br />

the sand media and its grain size and depth of media<br />

bed.<br />

� Filter pit Underdrain system<br />

At the bottom of the sand media there has to be an<br />

underdrain system for collection of percolated water<br />

and direct it inside the well pipe assembly and to<br />

retain the filter pit media. This causes some frictional<br />

head loss (henceforth termed as H fpu ).<br />

� Well casing<br />

When the water flows down the casing friction with<br />

the casing wall will cause frictional head loss<br />

(henceforth termed as H fc ).<br />

� Screens<br />

When the water passes thru the slots of well casing<br />

frictional head loss takes place which is dependent<br />

on the permeability of the screens used (Henceforth<br />

termed as H fs ). Higher the screen permeability<br />

lesser is the frictional head loss.<br />

� Filter pack (Gravel pack)<br />

The gravel packing around the screen will cause<br />

some frictional head loss depending upon its<br />

permeability and grain size. (Henceforth termed as<br />

H fg ).<br />

� The Aquifer formation<br />

The water has to then travel thru the aquifer<br />

formation and there could be significant head loss<br />

367<br />

due to friction of the formation material. This is<br />

dependent upon the permeability of the aquifer<br />

material, the aquifer thickness and aquifer depth<br />

from the well wall which is variable. This is<br />

henceforth termed as H fformation .<br />

• Hydraulic equilibrium and radius of<br />

influence<br />

When the water enters the aquifer it would have<br />

already suffered all the frictional losses as explained<br />

above and will have residual effective head pressure<br />

H effR =H R - H aq – H fpm -H fpu -H fc -H fs -H fg .<br />

The water then will keep penetrating the<br />

aquifer till the time its residual effective head is<br />

completely decayed by the formation friction. In<br />

other words the penetration will continue till the<br />

residual effective head becomes zero. This will be<br />

state of hydraulic equilibrium and recharging beyond<br />

this point in the aquifer will not take place. Hence<br />

this point will be the extreme point of recharge<br />

influence and hence the distance of this point to the<br />

center of the well can be termed as “The Radius of<br />

Influence”.<br />

It can be inferred from this discussion that “the<br />

radius of influence of recharge is the distance<br />

between a point away from the wall of the well (i.e.<br />

outer surface of the gravel pack) at which the total<br />

frictional head of the aquifer formation of thickness<br />

b equals the residual effective head and the center<br />

of the well casing”.<br />

Cone of Recharge, Draw up and radius of<br />

influence<br />

A cone of depression gets formed in a pumping<br />

well and draw down occurs when the pumping is<br />

started. Similarly in a recharge well an inverted cone<br />

is formed and draw up (henceforth termed as H du<br />

takes place whereby the water level rises up above<br />

the static water level and radius of influence is the<br />

radius of the cone or the distance of the point of no<br />

draw up to the center of the well. The formula for<br />

estimating the rate of recharge based on cone of<br />

recharge is as follows:<br />

Q R = KbH du /(528*log(r o /r w ))<br />

Where,<br />

Q R = Rate of recharge in gpm<br />

K = Hydraulic conductivity in gpd/ft 2

= Aquifer thickness in ft.<br />

H du = Draw up in ft.<br />

r o = Radius of influence in ft.<br />

r w = Radius of well in ft.<br />

Diminishing rate of recharge :<br />

Based on above discussion it can be said that<br />

the recharge will stop when the effective head H eff<br />

becomes zero. This will happen due to several<br />

reasons – (1) Increasing aquifer hydrostatic pressure<br />

H aq (2)Falling recharge water level H R (3) Increasing<br />

frictional losses due to choking of filter pit media,<br />

screens, rusting of casing pipes, chocking of gravel<br />

pack and formation.<br />

Assuming all other factors remaining same an<br />

important phenomena takes place continuously is<br />

that with the recharging of aquifer the hydrostatic<br />

pressure of the aquifer keeps increasing if there is<br />

no pumping from that aquifer or if the rate of<br />

transportation of water from the recharge point to<br />

the pumping point in the command area is lesser<br />

than the recharge rate. This will cause diminishing<br />

rate of recharge whereby the rate of recharge will<br />

gradually keep falling upto a point where it equals<br />

the rate of transportation of water from the recharge<br />

point to the pumping point. At this point an<br />

equilibrium state will occur and recharge will<br />

continue at this rate if all other conditions remain<br />

constant.<br />

Therefore for a sustainable recharge rate our<br />

site selection must ensure the rate of transportation<br />

of water from the recharge point to the point of use<br />

as close as possible to the recharge rate.<br />

Upper limit of Recharge pressure on aquifer :<br />

The maximum pressure of recharge water being<br />

injected into the aquifer shall be such that it does<br />

not cause fracturing of the formation of the aquifer.<br />

If fracturing occurs then there is usually a severe<br />

loss in hydraulic conductivity because the bedding<br />

planes are disturbed. On the other hand while<br />

recharging into massive consolidated rock formation<br />

fracturing may increase the rate of recharge (ref.<br />

Howard and Fast,1970). The pressure that will cause<br />

fracturing varies widely depending upon the nature<br />

of formation and the designer must determine this<br />

prior to designing the recharge system.<br />

Fracturing pressure ranges from as low as 11.3<br />

k Pa/Meter for poorly consolidated coastal plain<br />

368<br />

sediments to 27.1 k Pa/Meter for crystalline rock.<br />

(Warner and Lehr,1981).<br />

As a general guideline the for most recharge<br />

wells in unconsolidated sediments the recharge<br />

pressure shall be controlled so that the positive head<br />

does not exceed a value equal to 0.2 times the depth<br />

from the ground level to the top of the screen or<br />

filter pack. (Olsthoorn, 1982).<br />

� Design considerations : Following are the<br />

major elements of a recharge well –<br />

• The Filter pit or collection pit as it is popularly<br />

known.<br />

• Well casing<br />

• Well screens<br />

• Filter/Gravel pack<br />

Now we will discuss important design<br />

considerations while designing these elements-<br />

The Filter pit<br />


• Main function is to reduce turbidity of raw<br />

water to reduce chocking of gravel pack<br />

• Keep feeding filtered water to Recharge well<br />


• To sustain the Recharge process<br />

• To maintain the Recharge rate<br />


• Filter media should not get clogged<br />

• The System to collect percolated water should<br />

have following features –<br />

1. Large % open area for minimal frictional head<br />

loss.<br />

2. Facility for cleaning or backwash<br />

3. It is preferred to be made from non-corrosive<br />

material because during the period of no recharge<br />

this will be exposed to atmosphere.<br />


1. Vertical flow filter pit<br />

2. Horizontal flow filter<br />



• Layers of gravel/media laid horizontally in filter<br />

pit<br />

• Some collection system is at bottom<br />

• Water percolates vertically downwards thru<br />

filter media and goes into the well assembly.<br />



• Highly susceptible to clogging due to vertically<br />

settling impurities in water and floating matters<br />

which reduces permeability of filter media.<br />

• Difficult to clean or back wash.<br />

• No water holding facility<br />

• Lot of manpower and cost required to clean<br />

the media.<br />

• Recharge tubewell cannot be used as a pumping<br />

well during summer<br />

• Monitoring the recharge process is very<br />

difficult.<br />

• The life and effectiveness of such filter pit is<br />

not very long.<br />


DESIGN<br />

369<br />

• Two cylindrical V-wire screen are fitted<br />

concentric to each other<br />

• Annular space is filled with graded gravel/<br />

coarse sand<br />

• The central screen is fitted directly to the<br />

assembly of well<br />

• The water by its head pressure –flow thru outer<br />

screen via the gravel pack and pass thru the fine<br />

screen and enter the well assembly<br />


FILTER<br />

• The floating matter will float on the water and<br />

will not block the screen.<br />

• The heavy matter and silt will be settled at<br />

bottom of the pit not clogging the filter media and<br />

can be easily cleaned.<br />

• The outer screen will not allow clogging of the<br />

filter media<br />

• Easy to clean by back washing or by removing<br />

the gravels<br />

• The filter media can be changed very fast.<br />

• The filter pit has the facility to hold the water.<br />

• The recharge process can be measured very<br />

easily.<br />

• The recharge tube well can be used as a<br />

pumping well during summer.<br />

• The recharge tube well can be used as a monitor<br />

well for getting the details for underground water<br />

quality/quantity.<br />

Well Casing -<br />

The casing shall have smooth inner surface for<br />

minimum friction. The casing diameter shall be<br />

selected based on the targeted recharge rate so as to<br />

keep the down hole velocity within a maximum limit<br />

of 1.5 Meter/Sec.<br />

Well Screens -<br />

This is another important element, which has<br />

great bearing on the frictional loss and sustenance<br />

of recharge well and its mechanical life.<br />

Following are peculiar phenomena in a<br />

recharge well as compared to a pumping well which<br />

puts more responsibility on the well screens –<br />

� In a pumping well the sediment sand that is<br />

smaller than the screen slot is pumped out of the<br />

aquifer and gravel pack and the well is cleaned after

some pumping. Where as in a recharge well the raw<br />

water impurities smaller than screen slot is fed into<br />

the gravel pack and is never pumped out but it<br />

gradually chokes the gravel pack reducing its<br />

permeability over a period of time.<br />

� The raw water collected from rain or river<br />

generally has higher mineral contents and hence<br />

causes more incrustation which causes the blockage<br />

of screen and gravel pack over a period of time.<br />

Hence, it is recommended that double the<br />

length of screen shall be used in a recharge well<br />

as compared to a pumping well of the same size<br />

to have higher cushion in screen length and to<br />

control the entrance velocity to reduce<br />

incrustation. The maximum entrance velocity<br />

recommended for a recharge well is 0.015 Meters/<br />

Sec.<br />

Now, we cannot use length of the screens<br />

higher than the thickness of available aquifer as there<br />

will be no practical meaning of it. Therefore we must<br />

use screen design that offers sufficiently large %<br />

open area to restrict the entrance velocity within the<br />

maximum limit with the available thickness of the<br />

aquifer.<br />

This makes V-Wire screens the ideal choice<br />

for an efficient and long lasting recharge well.<br />

Moreover to restore the permeability of screen<br />

and gravel pack the recharge well shall be<br />

redeveloped after every monsoon. The most<br />

effective method of removing incrustation is acid<br />

treatment. Hence if the material of construction for<br />

screens is such that it allows acid treatment without<br />

any mechanical failure than it significantly helps to<br />

keep restoring the recharge capacity of the well and<br />

ultimately increases the useful life of the recharge<br />

well significantly.<br />

Hence it is recommended that SS 304<br />

Stainless steel, which allows acid treatment, shall<br />

be used for screens.<br />

� � �<br />

370<br />

Fine Gravel/ coarse sand pack-<br />

Fine Gravel/coarse sand pack design can be<br />

done in the same way as for a pumping well. The<br />

particle size distribution for fine gravel/coarse sand<br />

shall be decided based on the sediment size<br />

distribution and screen slot.<br />

� Conclusions :<br />

� It is of utmost importance and priority to plan<br />

systematic artificial recharge projects for identified<br />

command areas and water drawal rates.<br />

� Selection of recharge structure site shall be<br />

carefully done to achieve optimum transport of<br />

recharge water from the recharge point to the point<br />

of usage on a sustainable basis keeping in view the<br />

phenomena of diminishing recharge as explained in<br />

this article.<br />

� Selection of aquifers to be recharged shall be<br />

carefully done based on the usage (high) ,<br />

permeability (high) and hydrostatic pressure (Low).<br />

� The recharge water collection structure shall be<br />

designed to provide required head to achieve the<br />

desired recharge rate.<br />

� Design of all the elements of recharge well shall<br />

be done so as to have optimum frictional losses and<br />

reduction in raw water turbidity for higher recharge<br />

rate for a longer duration.<br />

� SS 304 Stainless steel V-Wire screen technology<br />

be used in filter pit as well screen for minimal<br />

frictional losses, lesser entrance velocity, reduced<br />

incrustation, acid cleaning and longer corrosion life<br />

for a long lasting efficient recharge well.<br />

� This article is an attempt to provide guidelines<br />

and approach in planning a recharge project which<br />

shall be applied judiciously by the planner<br />

depending upon the actual site conditions from case<br />

to case. Further research work remains to be carried<br />

out on the guidelines given in this article to arrive<br />

at exact hydraulic expressions to estimate the<br />

theoretical recharge rate and conduct laboratory<br />

studies to verify the theory.

National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

64. Solar Ponds : An Effective Method of Power (Energy) Generation and<br />

Water Conservation<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Water is a wellspring of our lives. Our Earth<br />

seems to be unique among the other known celestial<br />

bodies. With two thirds of the earth’s surface covered<br />

by water and the human body consisting of 75<br />

percent of it, it is evidently clear that water is one of<br />

the prime elements responsible for life on earth.<br />

Water regenerates and is redistributed through<br />

evaporation, making it seem endlessly renewable.<br />

It is a resource, which communities managed with<br />

*Ishan Purohit *M. L. Dewal *V. N. Kala<br />

Abstract<br />

Energy and Electricity generation from water through hydro electric power plants is<br />

an effective, efficient and environmentally renewable energy technology. But power<br />

generation from water through this method is very expansive due to involvement of huge<br />

economical/capital investment, process of migration, construction and infrastructure, high<br />

transmission and distribution losses, etc. In addition, in the mechanism of power generation<br />

using the effect of tides i.e. tidal energy water is the primary resource. Water is also used for<br />

power generation in steam (coal based) and nuclear power plants which contribute a huge<br />

fraction of emissions (Fly ash, SOx, NOx and GHG) and hence create the serious<br />

environmental problems. A large amount of water is needed as a heat transfer media between<br />

boiler and turbine for electricity generation in steam power plants which contributes more<br />

than 70% of installed power generation capacity of India.<br />

Utilizing the energy of sun; electricity can also be generated from water on small<br />

scale using solar ponds. In the present article the electricity generation and generation of<br />

industrial process heat from solar pond has been introduced. The present scenario of the<br />

world primary energy demand, availability and its projection has ben outlined on the basis<br />

of review of the International Energy Outlook 2006. The other domestic and commercial<br />

applications based on solar pond technology have also been highlighted. The design,<br />

development, modern trends and potential along with their present status in the country<br />

with other applications has been discussed in the present study. Generation of heat and<br />

electricity through solar pond technology may effectively contribute to water conservation,<br />

waste water treatment and hence the protection of environment.<br />

Key Words: Solar radiation, solar pond, industrial process heat, convective and nonconvective<br />

solar ponds.<br />

remarkable skill over many generations. About 97%<br />

is salty sea water, and 2% is frozen in glaciers and<br />

polar ice caps. Thus that 1% of the world’s water<br />

supply is a precious commodity necessary for our<br />

survival. Supply of drinking water can be solved<br />

adopting the technologies based on evaporation like<br />

solar distillation and commercial desalination etc.<br />

India is blessed with good water resource availability<br />

as the primary factor for human survival and growth.<br />

The country has a vast costal area and its northern<br />

*G. B. Pant Engineering College Ghurdauri, Pauri, Uttaranchal 246 001, INDIA<br />

Fax: 01368-2280330, Telephone: +91-9411050117 E-mail: purohit_ishan@yahoo.com<br />


Himalayan region is the source of a number of rivers<br />

which are the major of sweet and potable water used<br />

for drinking, domestic, industrial, transportation and<br />

agricultural applications. But due to the expansion<br />

of industries, uncontrolled population, huge infractural<br />

development and exponentially increasing<br />

demand energy and resource parameters for<br />

sustainable living, entire world is suffering from<br />

water crisis.<br />

On the other hand energy is also an essential<br />

requirement for human survival and growth.<br />

Electricity is the most utilizable form of energy and<br />

widely used for domestic and industrial applications.<br />

Water is not only used in domestic and agricultural<br />

sectors but more of available fraction is used by<br />

industrial sector. Due to the unutilisability of salty<br />

water in domestic/agriculture and industrial (due to<br />

the corrosion problem by salts gradients in water)<br />

sectors; the demand of potable of pure water is<br />

rapidly increasing. In industries a large amount of<br />

water is required for the applications based on<br />

evaporative cooling in power plants, thermal<br />

industries and buildings, boiler feed water, process<br />

water, irrigation of surrounds of industries etc.<br />

In the power sector of the country more than<br />

70 % of the electricity is generated through steam<br />

power plants where coal is used as the primary fuel<br />

and water is used as the evaporative medium for<br />

heat transfer. Similarly in nuclear and gas based<br />

power plants; water is needed. Electricity generation<br />

from hydro power plants is in the second position<br />

in the country and is accepted to increase gradually.<br />

Water is also an essential requirement of refineries<br />

and manufacturing industries. The remaining<br />

processed water of the power plants, industries and<br />

other sectors creates serious water and hence<br />

environmental problem. Some developed countries<br />

of the world already shifted towards refining of the<br />

waste water to fulfill the water demand; but refining<br />

technologies are quite expansive especially the<br />

developing countries like India; where around 40%<br />

population is still below the poverty line. Only the<br />

proper planning and implacable policies can provide<br />

the solution of water conservation and utilization<br />

of waste water for other application. Solar pond can<br />

be an effective technology towards the electricity<br />

generation, water & energy conservation and hence<br />

the protection of environment.<br />

372<br />

2. International Energy Outlook: World Energy<br />

Scenario<br />

According to the International Energy Outlook<br />

2005 (IEO2005) world primary energy consumption<br />

is projected to increase by 57% from 2002 to 2025.<br />

In its reference case, world marketed energy<br />

consumption is projected to increase on average by<br />

2.0 percent per year over the 23-year forecast<br />

horizon from 2002 to 2025-slightly lower than the<br />

2.2 percent average annual growth rate from 1970<br />

to 2002. Worldwide, total energy use in projected<br />

to grow from 412 quadrillion British Thermal units<br />

(Btu) in 2002 to 553 quadrillion Btu in 2015 and<br />

645 quadrillion Btu in 2025.<br />

2.1 World Primary Energy Resources<br />

Use of all energy sources increases over the<br />

forecast period. Fossil fuels (oil, natural gas and<br />

coal) continue to supply much of the energy used<br />

worldwide, and oil remains the dominant energy<br />

source, given its importance in the transportation<br />

and industrial end-use sectors. World OIL use is<br />

expected to grow from 78 million barrels/day in<br />

2002 to 103 million barrels/day in 2015 and 119<br />

million barrels/day in 2025. The projected increment<br />

in worldwide oil use would require an increment in<br />

world oil production capacity of 42 million barrels/<br />

day over 2002 levels.<br />

Natural GAS is projected to be the fastest<br />

growing component of world primary energy<br />

consumption in IEO2005. Consumption of natural<br />

gas worldwide increases in the forecast by an<br />

average of 2.3 % annually from 2002 to 2025,<br />

compared with projected annual growth rates of 1.9<br />

% for oil consumption and 2.0 % for coal<br />

consumption. From 2002 to 2025, consumption of<br />

natural gas is projected to increase by 69 %, from<br />

92 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) to 156 Tcf, and its share<br />

of total energy consumption is projected to grow<br />

from 23 %to 25%. The electric power sector<br />

accounts for 51 % of the total incremental growth<br />

in worldwide natural gas demand over the forecast<br />

period.<br />

World COAL consumption is projected to<br />

increase from 5,262 million short tons (Mst) in 2002<br />

to 7,245 Mst in 2015, at an average rate of 2.5<br />

percent per year. From 2015 to 2025, the projected<br />

rate of increase in world coal consumption slows to

1.3 % annually, and the total energy consumption in<br />

2025 is projected at 8,226 Mst. Of the coal produced<br />

worldwide in 2002, 65 %was supplied to electric<br />

power producers and 31 % to industrial consumers.<br />

In the industrial sector coal is an important input for<br />

the manufacture of steel and for the production for<br />

the manufacture of steel and for the production of<br />

steam and direct heat for other industrial applications.<br />

Coal is expected to maintain its importance as an<br />

energy source in both the electric power and industrial<br />

sectors, with the two sectors combined accounting<br />

for virtually all the growth in coal use in the midterm<br />

forecast.<br />

World net electricity consumption nearly<br />

doubles in the reference case forecast, 14,275 billion<br />

kilowatt-hours in 2002 to 21,400 billion kilowatthours<br />

in 2015 and 26,018 billion kilowatt-hours in<br />

2025. Coal and natural gas are expected to remain<br />

the most important fuels for electricity generation<br />

throughout the forecast, accounting for 62 percent<br />

of the energy used for electricity production in 2025.<br />

2.2 Environmental Aspects<br />

Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) is one of the most<br />

relevant greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.<br />

Anthropogenic i.e. human caused emissions of<br />

carbon dioxide result primarily from the combustion<br />

of fossil fuels for energy, and as a result world energy<br />

use has emerged at the center of the climate change<br />

debate. The world carbon dioxide emissions are<br />

projected to rise from 24.4 billion metric tons (Bmt)<br />

in 2002 to 30.2 Bmt in 2010 and 38.8 Bmt in 2025.<br />

According to this projection, world CO 2 emissions<br />

in 2025 would exceed 1990 levels by 72 %. Much<br />

of the projected increase in carbon dioxide emissions<br />

occurs among the emerging nations, accompanying<br />

large increase in fossil fuel use. The economics<br />

account for 68 percent of the projected increment<br />

in carbon dioxide emissions between 2002 and 2025.<br />

Combustion of petroleum products contributes 5,733<br />

(Mmt) to the projected increase from 2001, coal<br />

4,120 MmT and natural gas the remaining 3,374<br />

Mmt. As a result, the absolute increment in CO 2<br />

emissions from coal combustion is larger than the<br />

increment in emissions from natural gas<br />

combustion. CO 2 emissions from energy use in the<br />

industrialized countries are expected to increase by<br />

4,009 Mmt, to 15,643 Mmt in 2025, or by about<br />

1.2% per year. Emissions from the combustion of<br />

373<br />

petroleum products account for about 42% of the<br />

total increment expected for the industrialized world,<br />

gas 33 %, and coal 24%.<br />

3. Energy Consumption in India<br />

Owing to population growth and economic<br />

development, India’s energy consumption has been<br />

increasing at one of the fastest rates in the world.<br />

India, the world’s sixth largest energy consumer,<br />

plans major energy infrastructure investments to<br />

keep up with increasing demand-particularly for<br />

electric power. India is the world’s third-largest<br />

producer of coal, and relies on coal for more than<br />

half of its total energy needs. India’s economic<br />

growth is continuing its recovery from a slowdown<br />

that took place in 2002, which was mainly<br />

attributable to weak demand for manufactured<br />

exports and the effects of a drought on agricultural<br />

output. Real growth in the country’s gross domestic<br />

product (GDP) was 4.0% for 2002, surging to 8.2%<br />

in 2003 and a projected 6.4% for 2004 and 6.2% for<br />

2005. Oil accounts for about 30% of India’s total<br />

energy consumption. India’s average oil production<br />

level (total liquids) for 2003 was 819,000 bbl/d, of<br />

which 6, 60, 000 bbl/d was crude oil. India had net<br />

oil imports of over 1.5 million bbl/d in 2004. Indian<br />

consumption of natural gas has risen faster than any<br />

other fuel in recent years. From only 0.6 Tcf per<br />

year in 1995, natural gas use was nearly 0.9 Tcf in<br />

2002 and is projected to reach 1.2 Tcf in 2010 and<br />

1.6 Tcf in 2015. Coal is the dominant commercial<br />

fuel in India, satisfying more than 70% India’s<br />

energy demand. Power generation accounts for<br />

about 70% of India’s coal consumption, followed<br />

by heavy industry. Coal consumption is projected<br />

in the International Energy Annual 2004 to increase<br />

to 430 million short tons in 2010, up from 359 Mst<br />

in 2000.<br />

India is trying to expand electric power<br />

generation capacity, as current generation is<br />

seriously below peak demand. Although about 80%<br />

of the population has access to electricity, power<br />

outages are common, and the unreliability of<br />

electricity supplies is severe enough to constitute a<br />

constraint on the country’s overall economic<br />

development. As of January 2004, total installed<br />

Indian power generating capacity was 126,000 MW.<br />

The country needs 9% of the annual growth in<br />

electricity. This needs a huge economic investment

in power sector which is very difficult in developing<br />

country like India.<br />

It has been concluded by IEO2005 that the<br />

developing countries mainly China and India will<br />

be the major energy consumer in coming 10-15 years<br />

due to the betterment in economy and rapid<br />

infrastructural development. At present, the<br />

changing phase of world economic policy i.e.<br />

globalization, privatization and liberalization the<br />

infrastructural development is going on in a very<br />

rapid speed hence the energy demand is continuously<br />

increasing. In developing countries like India every<br />

sector is strongly being affected by energy policy of<br />

the country. Therefore the gap between demand and<br />

supply side is increasing. The traditional energy<br />

sources also creating huge environmental pollutions<br />

and causing greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion<br />

etc. India being a CDM (bounded by Kyoto Protocol)<br />

country can not go through only coal based power<br />

generation. Therefore alternating and environmental<br />

friendly energy sources are very necessary for<br />

sustainable development in the country like India.<br />

Non-conventional energy resources can play an<br />

important role in this direction.<br />

3. Solar Energy : The Best Renewable Energy<br />

Option for India<br />

The sun is the largest source of renewable<br />

energy and this energy is abundantly available in<br />

all parts of the earth. It is in fact one of the best<br />

alternatives to the non-renewable sources of energy.<br />

One way to tap solar energy is through the use of<br />

solar ponds. Solar ponds are large-scale energy<br />

collectors with integral heat storage for supplying<br />

thermal energy. It can be use for various applications,<br />

such as process heating, water desalination,<br />

refrigeration, drying and power generation.<br />

Renewable energy is considered a suitable<br />

alternative for variety of applications. Efforts are<br />

continuously being stepped up on global basis to<br />

harness renewable energy sources for the benefit of<br />

peoples and also the society as a whole. In view of<br />

this, solar energy technologies have attracted<br />

significant attention of the researchers all over the<br />

world. The sun is the primary source for most forms<br />

of energy found on Earth. Solar energy is clean,<br />

abundant, widespread, and renewable. These include<br />

solar thermal as well as photovoltaic technologies<br />

while the latter represents direct conversion of solar<br />

374<br />

energy into electricity, the former refers to the<br />

applications where solar energy is used as heat. India<br />

being a tropical country is blessed with good<br />

sunshine over most parts, and the number of clear<br />

sunny days in a year also being quite high. India is<br />

in the sunny belt of the world. The country receives<br />

solar energy equivalent to more than 5,000 trillion<br />

kWh per year, which is far more than its total annual<br />

energy consumption. The daily average global<br />

radiation is around 5.0 k Wh/m 2 in northeastern and<br />

hilly areas to about 7.0 kWh/m 2 in western regions<br />

and cold dessert areas with the sunshine hours<br />

ranging between 2300 and 3200 per year.<br />

4. Solar Ponds<br />

A solar pond refers to a segment (except<br />

charging and discharging operations) large body of<br />

water with black bottom and capable of collecting<br />

and storing solar energy. The solar pond combines<br />

solar energy collection and sensible heat storage.<br />

Temperature inversions have been observed in<br />

natural lakes having high concentration gradients<br />

of dissolved salts (i.e. concentrated solution at<br />

bottom and dilute solution at the top). This<br />

phenomenon suggested the possibility of<br />

constructing large-scale horizontal solar collectors<br />

as ponds. Non-convective solar ponds have been<br />

proposed as a simple relatively inexpensive method<br />

of collecting and storing solar energy on a large<br />

scale. The two most fundamental characteristics of<br />

solar energy, namely its diluteness and intermittent<br />

nature, are also the reasons why it is not being<br />

harnessed on a large scale at present. The solar pond<br />

works on a very simple principle. It is well-known<br />

that water or air is heated they become lighter and<br />

rise upward e.g. a hot air balloon. Similarly, in an<br />

ordinary pond, the sun’s rays heat the water and the<br />

heated water from within the pond rises and reaches<br />

the top but loses the heat into the atmosphere. The<br />

net result is that the pond water remains at the<br />

atmospheric temperature. The solar pond restricts<br />

this tendency by dissolving salt in the bottom layer<br />

of the pond making it too heavy to rise.<br />

A solar pond serves the dual purpose of<br />

collection and storage of solar energy. In the solar<br />

ponds, water is the medium for the storage and direct<br />

absorption of solar radiation and solar pond is<br />

categorized generally convective as well as nonconvective<br />

ponds. Natural ponds convert solar

Figure 1a. Schematic diagram of solar pond<br />

Figure 1b. Energy extraction through solar pond<br />

radiation into heat, but the heat is quickly lost through<br />

convection in the pond and evaporation from the<br />

surface. These are large-scale energy collectors with<br />

integral heat storage for supplying thermal energy.<br />

It can be use for various applications, such as process<br />

heating, water desalination, refrigeration, drying and<br />

Figure 2. Various temperature zones of a solar pond<br />

375<br />

power generation.<br />

A solar pond has three zones. The top zone is<br />

the surface zone, or UCZ (Upper Convective Zone),<br />

which is at atmospheric temperature and has little<br />

salt content. The bottom zone is very hot, 70°– 85°<br />

C, and is very salty. It is this zone that collects and<br />

stores solar energy in the form of heat, and is,<br />

therefore, known as the storage zone or LCZ (Lower<br />

Convective Zone). Separating these two zones is the<br />

important gradient zone or NCZ (Non-Convective<br />

Zone). Here the salt content increases as depth<br />

increases, thereby creating a salinity or density<br />

gradient. If we consider a particular layer in this<br />

zone, water of that layer cannot rise, as the layer of<br />

water above has less salt content and is, therefore,<br />

lighter. Similarly, the water from this layer cannot<br />

fall as the water layer below has a higher salt content<br />

and is, therefore, heavier. This gradient zone acts as<br />

a transparent insulator permitting sunlight to reach<br />

the bottom zone but also entrapping it there. The<br />

trapped (solar) energy is then withdrawn from the<br />

pond in the form of hot brine from the storage zone.<br />

4.1 Convective Solar Pond<br />

The convective solar pond reduces heat loss<br />

by being covered by a transparent membrane or<br />

glazing. One type of solar pond uses a plastic tube<br />

filled with water. Each pond module includes a long<br />

narrow plastic bag measuring container water 5-10<br />

cm deep. The bag has a transparent top to allow<br />

transmission of sunlight and to prevent evaporation<br />

losses. The bottom of bag is black to absorb sunlight.<br />

An insulation layer is provided beneath the plastic<br />

bag to minimize heat losses to the ground. One or<br />

two layers may be arched over the bag of water to<br />

suppress convective and radiative losses. In this type

of solar pond, the hot water is removed late in the<br />

afternoon and stored in insulated reservoirs. Glazing<br />

materials for the solar pond may include Polyvinyl<br />

Chloride (PVC) film and clear acrylic panels. The<br />

panels covering the plastic bags screen out<br />

ultraviolet (UV) radiation and greatly increase the<br />

life of the plastic bags.<br />

Figure 2. Cross section of a shallow solar pond<br />

4.2 Non-convective Solar Ponds<br />

These solar ponds prevent heat losses by<br />

inhibiting the convection to forces caused by thermal<br />

buoyancy. In convective solar ponds, solar radiation<br />

is transmitted through the water to the bottom, where<br />

it is absorbed; in turn, the water adjacent to the<br />

bottom is heated. Natural buoyancy forces cause the<br />

heated water to rise, and the heat is ultimately<br />

released to the atmosphere. The collector of pond<br />

will be much more effective if the convective heat<br />

dissipation is impeded. The non convective solar<br />

pond is similar to the convective one but a layer of<br />

still water is used as an insulator rather than the<br />

normal glazing and air space. The three methods to<br />

accomplish the non-convecting mode of the pond<br />

and to maintain its stability.<br />

Figure 3. Schematic of a solar pond with vertical<br />

concentration gradient<br />

4.2.1 Salt Stabilized Pond<br />

It is a non-convecting body of fluid contained<br />

by an impervious bottom liner. An artificial salt<br />

solution density gradient is achieved by<br />

376<br />

superimposing layers of decreasing salinity. Batches<br />

of brine can be mixed in a small evaporation pond,<br />

and than pumped into the solar pond through a<br />

horizontal diffuser floating on the surface, which is<br />

a non-convective zone. The incident solar radiation<br />

penetrates the water surface and a fraction of it<br />

reaches the bottom after crossing the layers of<br />

varying density. This energy is trapped near the<br />

bottom due to opaqueness of water for far-infrared<br />

gradient. The main advantages of salt-stabilized<br />

ponds are; it serves as an efficient storage,<br />

convective heat dissipation is suppressed without<br />

any additives, membrane etc.<br />

Figure 4a. Cross section of a non-convective salt solar<br />

pond (with tedlar cover)<br />

Figure 4b. Cross section of a prototype economic kind<br />

of non-convective salt solar pond<br />

Figure 4<br />

4.2.2 Partitioned Salt stabilized pond<br />

This pond was proposed for space heating<br />

applications. In these ponds the convecting and nonconvecting<br />

zones are separated by a transparent<br />

membrane or partition. The use of partition allows<br />

a fresh water convecting zone which can reduce the<br />

extraction problems and reduces the salt<br />

requirement. The main advantages of these type of<br />

solar ponds are; they are collection-cum-storage type<br />

ponds, bottom and top insulations are not required,<br />

in-pond heat exchanger may be practical.

Figure 5. Cross-section of partitioned<br />

salt-stabilized solar pond<br />

4.2.3 Viscosity Stabilized Pond<br />

This type of pond is based on a similar concept<br />

to that of the partitioned salt-stabilized pond except<br />

that in this case of non-convecting layer contains<br />

thickeners for stabilization rather than a salt gradient.<br />

Polymers and detergents, oil, water gels are<br />

considered to be the required thickeners. The main<br />

advantages of these type of solar ponds are; separate<br />

storage and bottom insulation is not required, it has<br />

reduces diffusion effect and in pond heat exchanger<br />

is practical and energy extraction is simpler.<br />

Figure 6. Cross sectional view of golled solar pond<br />

5. Applications of Solar Pond<br />

5.1 Electricity Generation<br />

A solar pond can effectively be used to generate<br />

electricity by driving a thermo electric device or an<br />

organic Rankine Cycle engine – a turbine powered<br />

by evaporating an organic fluid with a low boiling<br />

point. The concept of solar pond for power<br />

production holds great promise in those areas where<br />

there is sufficient incident solar radiation and terrain<br />

and soil conditions allow for construction and<br />

377<br />

operation of large area solar pond necessary to<br />

generate meaningful quantities of electrical energy.<br />

Even low temperatures heat that is obtained from<br />

solar pond can be converted into electrical power.<br />

5.1 Space Heating<br />

In space heating, salt gradient pond proves to<br />

be cheaper than the conventional collector and<br />

storage system. A pond can carry the entire heat load,<br />

without depending upon supplementary sources. It<br />

is very useful in crop drying; where a large quantity<br />

of heat is required for a short period; and heating<br />

from buildings. Unusually low temperature heat is<br />

required for many of these applications, thus it is<br />

necessary to ensure simple and reliable operation<br />

of the pond by identifying problems and finding the<br />

practical solutions.<br />

5.2 Green House Solar Pond Heating System<br />

In this process heat is taken from the bottom<br />

of solar pond by circulating pond brine through<br />

plastic pipe to the shell and tube heat exchanger.<br />

Brine piping is preferred to an in-pond heat<br />

exchanger, as large in-pond heat exchanger surfaces<br />

would be necessary at low pond temperatures. The<br />

heating system is so designed that when the pond is<br />

between 40 o C to 80 o C, fresh water in the tube of the<br />

shell and tube heat exchanger is circulated to a waterto-air<br />

discharge heat exchanger in the greenhouse.<br />

When the pond is between 5 o C to 40 o C; fresh water<br />

from the tubes of the shell and the tube heat<br />

exchanger is pumped through the evaporator of a<br />

heat pump to keep the temperature of the water,<br />

being delivered to greenhouse, slightly above 40 o C.<br />

In addition to above applications, a nonconvective<br />

solar pond can also be used for salt and<br />

mineral production, solar absorption refrigeration,<br />

Rankine cycle solar engines, heating an outdoor<br />

swimming pools, drying of agricultural products and<br />

produces, hot water production for industries,<br />

distillation, industrial process heat, biomass<br />

conversion, food processing etc.<br />

5.3 Solar Pond at Bhuj (INDIA)<br />

The Bhuj Solar Pond was a research,<br />

development, and demonstration project. The<br />

construction of the 6000 m 2 pond started in 1987 at<br />

Kutch Dairy, Bhuj as a collaborative effort between<br />

Gujarat Energy Development Agency, Gujarat Dairy

Development Corporation Limited, and Tata Energy<br />

Research Institute (TERI) under the National Solar<br />

Pond programme of the Ministry of Non-<br />

Conventional Energy Sources. TERI carried out<br />

execution, operation, and maintenance of the Bhuj<br />

Solar Pond. The solar pond is 100 m long and 60 m<br />

wide and has a depth of 3.5 m. To prevent seepage<br />

of saline water, a specially developed lining scheme,<br />

comprising locally available material, has been<br />

adopted. The pond was then filled with water and<br />

4000 tonnes of common salt was dissolved in it to<br />

make dense brine. A salinity gradient was established<br />

and wave suppression nets, a sampling platform,<br />

diffuses for suction and discharge of hot brine, etc.<br />

were also installed. This pond has been successfully<br />

supplying processed heat to the dairy since<br />

September 1993, and is, at present, the largest<br />

operating solar pond in the world.<br />

6. Conclusions :<br />

Though solar ponds can be constructed<br />

anywhere, it is economical to construct them at<br />

places where there is low cost salt and bittern, good<br />

supply of sea water or water for filling and flushing,<br />

high solar radiation, and availability of land at low<br />

cost. Coastal areas in Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Andhra<br />

Pradesh, and Orissa are ideally suited for such solar<br />

ponds. In India a number of solar ponds have been<br />

installed by MNES for the generation of electricity<br />

� � �<br />

378<br />

as well as industrial process heat. The technology is<br />

in initially phase but have a large potential for power<br />

generation as well as other domestic and industrial<br />

applications.<br />

Bibliography<br />

1. Annual Report, Ministry of Non-Conventional<br />

Energy Sources, New Delhi, 2004.<br />

2. Annual Report, Ministry of Non-Conventional<br />

Energy Sources, New Delhi, 2005.<br />

3. Duffie J. A. and Beckman, Solar Engineering of<br />

thermal processes, John Welly and Sons, New York.<br />

4. Garg H. P. and J., Prakash, Solar Energy:<br />

Fundamentals and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill, New<br />

Delhi.<br />

5. IEO, International Energy Outlook: 2005,<br />

Official Energy Statistics from the U.S. Government,<br />

Washington, 2005.<br />

6. Purohit I., Testing of Solar Thermal Devices and<br />

Systems, Ph. D. Thesis, India.<br />

7. Putting Energy in the Spot Light, BP Statistical<br />

Review of World Energy, June 2005<br />

8. Sukhatme S. P., Solar Energy, Tata McGraw Hill,<br />

New Delhi, 1996.<br />

9. Tiwari G. N., (2002) Solar Energy: Fundamentals,<br />

Design Modeling and Application, Narosa Publishing<br />

House, New Delhi, India.<br />

10. www.mnes.nic.in<br />

11. www.teri.res.in<br />


National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

65. An Overview of Electronic Probes for Water-Level Measurements<br />

and Recording for Agricultural and Environmental Studies<br />

Preamble<br />

Hydrologic soil examination, such as<br />

determination of the groundwater level, direction<br />

of the current of groundwater, porosity of soils, for<br />

agricultural and environmental studies needs waterlevel<br />

measurements. While various devices are<br />

available for measuring and recording water-levels<br />

in open waters, water wells, tanks, boreholes, etc.,<br />

recent probes [ 1, 2 ] based on electronically<br />

measuring and registering water-levels with data<br />

logging facility are the state-of-the-art devices. Such<br />

probes are based on pressure measurements. By<br />

attaching additional sensors, these probes also<br />

measure and record temperature and electrical<br />

conductivity of water. An overview of commercially<br />

available water-level probes and some of their<br />

properties are presented.<br />

Water-Level Measurements by Sounding Probes<br />

Sounding probes are provided with a measuring<br />

tape with graduation in centimeters. The probe is<br />

*Prof. ( Mrs.) Vijaya Agarwal<br />


State-of-the-art electronic probes for water-level measurements and recording are<br />

presented. By providing additional sensors, the probes can measure temperature and<br />

conductivity of water besides the levels. The readings can be data logged. The probes are<br />

self-contained with built-in battery, sensors and data logger encased in a hermetically<br />

sealed casing. The data logging function is software programmed and the readings are<br />

downloadable to a computer. Very low battery drain gives the battery life of 8 to10 years.<br />

Commercial availability of the probes facilitates their easy adoption for agricultural and<br />

environmental studies.<br />

Key words : Water level measurements and recording, sounding probes, electronic probes,<br />

data logging.<br />

lowered in a well or a borehole. When the probe<br />

touches the water, an audible or light signal is<br />

produced. If the cable it lifted a little, the signal<br />

disappears. At this point the depth can be directly<br />

read from the measuring tape. Accuracy is of the<br />

order of +/- 0.5 cm and depends on the quality of<br />

the tape used.. The probes are available with<br />

measuring tape in several lengths mounted on a reel.<br />

Such probes are manually operated and normally<br />

non-recoding type. A few water-level sounding<br />

probes are depicted in Fig. 1.<br />

Electronic Probes<br />

Developments in microelectronics have lead<br />

to commercial availability of probes with advanced<br />

features. Electronic probes’ working is based on<br />

pressure measurement with the help of a precision<br />

pressure sensor. The pressure sensor is provided with<br />

dynamic compensation for ambient temperature and<br />

barometric pressure changes. Additional features,<br />

measurements of water conductivity and<br />

temperature, and data logging function can be<br />

*Selection Grade Assistant Professor ( Electrical Engineering ), Department of Agricultural Structures and<br />

Environmental Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University<br />

Krishi Nagar, Adhartal P.O., Jabalpur 482 004 E-mail : vijaya.agarwal @ gmail.com Ph. : 0761 – 2681820<br />


incorporated in a single probe.<br />

The probe is provided with a hermetically<br />

sealed casing for protection against moisture. The<br />

casing also serves as a Faraday cage to make the<br />

probe insensitive to external electrical disturbances.<br />

It is installed in a monitoring well by suspending it<br />

by a steel wire. The probe automatically measures<br />

and registers the level, temperature and conductivity<br />

of water and stores readings in the internal memory<br />

of the data logger. As current drain is very low, the<br />

built-in battery has a lifespan of 8 to 10 years.<br />

Technical specifications of a typical probe [ 2 ] are<br />

given in Table 1. Fig. 2 depicts a typical electronic<br />

probe and Fig. 3 its field installation.<br />

Advantages of Electronic Probes<br />

The electronic probes have the following<br />

advantages:<br />

• Small diameter, the probes can be installed in<br />

small boreholes.<br />

• Hermetically sealed casing for protection<br />

against moisture and<br />

external electrical disturbances.<br />

• Accurate measurements for level, temperature<br />

and conductivity<br />

TABLE 1 : Technical Specifications<br />

380<br />

• Internal battery life 8 - 10 years.<br />

• Dynamic compensation for ambient<br />

temperature and barometric<br />

pressure changes.<br />

• Logging function programmed by a software,<br />

readings downloadable<br />

to a computer.<br />

References<br />

[1] Global Water Instrumentation (2005). WL-16<br />

Water level logger. Global Water Instrumentation<br />

Inc., Gold River, California, USA <<br />

www.globalw.com ><br />

[2] Eijkelkamp (2006). Divers – minidiver,<br />

microdiver, ceradiver and CTD diver, Product<br />

Specification Sheet, Eijkelkamp Agrisearch<br />

Equipment, Giesbeek, Netherlands.<br />

< www.eijelkamp.com ><br />

Note : Photographs of the probes from websites /<br />

product literature. Disclaimer: No preference to any<br />

particular firm by the author.<br />

With Table 1, Fig. 1 (a) – (d), Fig. 2, & Fig. 3.<br />

Physical dimensions & weight :<br />

18 to 22 mm (dia) x 90 to 183 mm (length), 55 to 150 gm (size and weight varies<br />

with model). Pressure sensor, temperature sensor, conductivity sensor, data logger<br />

and battery are encapsulated in a hermetically sealed stainless steel/ceramic housing.<br />

Power supply :<br />

Built-in battery (very low drain), typical life 8 - 10 years.<br />

Measuring ranges & accuracies :<br />

Water-level (depth) : 10 / 30 / 100 meters, +/- 0.1% of full scale.<br />

Temperature : minus 20 to plus 80 deg C, +/- 0.1 deg C.<br />

Conductivity : upto 80 mS/cm, +/- 1% of measured value.<br />

Data logging :<br />

16,000 to 48,000 measurements, at measurement frequency of 0.5 sec to 99 hours<br />

(software programmed).

Fig. 1 (a) – (d) : Water Level Sounding Probes<br />

( a ) (b ) ( c )<br />

( d )<br />

Fig. 2 : A typical Electronic Probe Fig. 3 : Installation of Electronic Probe in<br />

boreholes and in field for automatic measurement and<br />

logging of the readings<br />

� � �<br />


National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

66. New Drinking Water Resources with Fiber Plastic Bed Rainwater<br />

Harvesting Plants to Solve Water Scarcity Problem<br />


Not only for human beings but for all living<br />

beings the basic requirements are food, shelter and<br />

clothing. A nation, that satisfies all these basic needs,<br />

is a developed nation. But many countries are not<br />

able to develop due to the scarcity of water and the<br />

problems of flood.<br />

Today, the water received through rain is stored<br />

in dams, ponds, wells, lakes, rivers and also in the<br />

form of underground water table. Water satisfies<br />

all the needs such as agricultural, industrial and<br />

drinking. But because of the red, brown, or milky<br />

color of water in ponds and lakes, it is unfit for<br />

drinking. Even though the ground water is colorless,<br />

it may be tasty, tasteless or salty. Only in very few<br />

places the groundwater is fit for drinking purpose.<br />

Day by day, depletion of water level occurs because<br />

huge quantity of water is sucked forth from<br />

underground water table.<br />

Besides lakes, wells, ponds and underground<br />

water, water from dams are also used by a large<br />

number of people for the purpose of drinking,<br />

*Veerappan. J<br />

Abstract<br />

Today tremendous development has taken place in different disciplines such as<br />

medicine, arts, literature, science, electricity, transport, computers and<br />

telecommunications etc. But one of the major unsolved problems in many countries is<br />

‘the water scarcity and flooding problem’. At this juncture, a Project is developed to<br />

give solution to this water scarcity problem. In this project, each fiber plastic bed<br />

plant can be extended to any extent and any type of land as required. So, through<br />

these plants sufficient drinking water can be derived in small villages, big towns and<br />

cities. This paper reports the constructed model of a Rainwater Collection Plant of<br />

this project and its performance. This paper also reports multipurpose applications of<br />

this project such as drinking, irrigation, as well as for benefit of animals. Finally, this<br />

paper sums up that all living beings essentially require water for sustenance and to a<br />

great extent this project would help in harnessing the enormous amount of rainwater<br />

and thereby ensuring good storage of surface water and ground water perennially.<br />

agricultural and industrial purposes. But these dams<br />

do not have enough water to be supplied to the<br />

regions which are far away from the dams. Also the<br />

population near the dam area has increased rapidly<br />

due to migration of people from water scarce regions.<br />

Hence people belonging to dam region are not able<br />

to meet their annual water requirements. A famous<br />

Tamil Idiom says ‘Give only when you have excess’.<br />

Thus people of dam region cannot supply water to<br />

dry region even though they are very closer to them,<br />

as they themselves do not have enough water. This<br />

may be one of the reasons that the National River<br />

Interlinking Project is delayed.<br />

These water crises are partly solved in villages<br />

of very low population with the help of Government<br />

subsidiary funds through various beneficial projects.<br />

(In India, ‘Swajaladhara’, ‘Rajiv Gandhi Drinking<br />

Water Mission’, ‘Power pump scheme’, etc.) [1].<br />

But the towns and big cities suffer due to severe<br />

water shortage, as they are located far away from<br />

the dams. In these places, water is not available<br />

even for drinking, then how hospitals, agricultural<br />

*Asst.Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, K.L.N College of Engineering<br />

(Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai), Pottapalayam, Tamil Nadu State- 630611, INDIA.<br />

Phone No. 0452-2698971, Fax: 0452-2698280, E.mail:veerappanna@yahoo.co.in<br />


farms and industries hope to get adequate water.<br />

The same situation prevails in many other countries<br />

as well. Even though these towns and cities suffer<br />

from water shortage, they are well-advanced in<br />

various fields such as medicine, art, literature,<br />

electricity, telecommunications, transports, and<br />

computers etc. But these improvements lose their<br />

significance when these places are confronted with<br />

inadequate water availability.<br />

Even though nature provides sufficient water<br />

through rain, People and Governments of many<br />

countries are not able to utilize water efficiently to<br />

solve the water crises. If the same situation continues,<br />

this water crisis all over the world may lead to world<br />

war for the cause of water in future. [2].<br />

Therefore a project is developed and named<br />

as ‘ new drinking water resources with fiber plastic<br />

bed rainwater collection plants to solve water scarcity<br />

problem’. This project envisages through the<br />

construction of many artificial water resources to<br />

collect and store water from rain, considering<br />

people’s water requirements. Each plant of this<br />

project involves collecting rainwater from forests<br />

and lands using Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP)<br />

sheets and saving water in modern lakes, which have<br />

very low water evaporation. Here rainwater is<br />

collected carefully avoiding contact with the soil. So<br />

the collected water is colorless and odorless.<br />

Therefore it is fit for drinking after simple filtrations.<br />

Each plant of this project can be extended over<br />

a large extent of land easily and quickly with low<br />

capital investments. Therefore this project is very<br />

useful in hot/poor countries, deserts, islands,<br />

seashores etc. Through this project, millions and<br />

millions of people can get water for their annual<br />

water requirements.<br />

This plant can withstand heavy solar radiations<br />

and high velocity winds. They can resist the damages<br />

caused by small animals like rodents and rats.<br />

Therefore, lifetime of this plant will be comparatively<br />

longer. This project is cheaper, cost effective and<br />

viable to implement, when compared with other<br />

projects like National River Interlinking Project,<br />

Seawater Desalination Project etc.<br />

This paper reports the constructed model of a new<br />

drinking water resource with land Rainwater<br />

Collection Plant of this project and its performance.<br />

The research paper also reports the future works<br />

and developments of this plant such as a successful<br />

modern lake design, which reduces the rate of water<br />

evaporation, even though it is open. It also reports<br />

on the multipurpose applications of this project such<br />

as drinking, irrigation, as well as for the benefit of<br />

animals.<br />

383<br />


MODEL<br />

The ‘Rainwater Collection Plant’ helps in<br />

collecting rainwater from forest and land using fiber<br />

plastic sheets and storing water in modern lakes,<br />

which has very low water evaporation rate. The<br />

fig.1(a & b) shows a model of this Plant, which has<br />

been implemented at K.L.N. College of Engineering,<br />

Pottapalayam, Sivagangai (Dist), Tamilnadu, India.<br />

It consists of three sections namely<br />

· Rainwater collection bed<br />

· Water reservoir<br />

· Protection valley.<br />

1. a. Rainwater collection bed<br />

This rainwater collection bed (fig.1) has been<br />

constructed (6.1*6.5m 2 ) using sand, stones, fiber<br />

plastic sheets, plastic gutters etc. For this bed<br />

construction, initially the land with the required slope<br />

was prepared (76.2mm deep) and 50 to 100mm of<br />

sand is filled on that lands. Then fiber plastic sheets<br />

were spread on the sand. The rainwater falling on<br />

this fiber plastic sheets was collected into water<br />

reservoir (lake) through plastic gutters. In order to<br />

protect the fiber plastic sheets from wind, Stones<br />

(38.1mm) were spread evenly on the fiber plastic<br />

sheets. These stones also act as the filtration layer,<br />

i.e., stones, filtering the water from dust, which falls<br />

on the fiber plastic sheets.<br />

1. b. Water Storage Reservoir (lake)<br />

The rainwater collected from the collection bed<br />

is stored in this water reservoir [lake]. Table.1 shows<br />

the Quality of the water stored in this reservoir<br />

(1.5*2.4*1.96m 3 ), and Table.2 shows the period<br />

during which rainwater was collected & stored.<br />

Table.3 shows the Quantity of water collected in<br />

one year.<br />

· To prevent the water from evaporation and<br />

dust, the reservoir is covered by a roof made of fiber<br />

plastic sheets and wooden reapers. The water falling<br />

on reservoir roof is also collected. But this type of<br />

roofing is not possible for lake. The depth of the<br />

reservoir can be maintained between 20ft to 30ft so<br />

as to save 80% of water from evaporation when it<br />

is open.<br />

1. c. Protection valley<br />

To protect the rainwater collection bed and<br />

water reservoir from animals, they should be covered<br />

by protection valley (7.6*9.1m 2 ) (fig1&2).<br />


A model of Rainwater Collection Plant (fig 1a<br />

& 1b) of this project is constructed at K.L.N. College

of Engineering, Pottapalayam, Sivagangai (Dist),<br />

Tamilnadu, India. Table.1 shows the Quality of the<br />

water stored in this reservoir, and Table.2 shows<br />

period during which rainwater was saved. Table.3<br />

shows the Quantity of water collected in one year.<br />

The observation reports that in this plant almost all<br />

the rainwater falling on the fiber plastic sheets is<br />

collected. This is one way to collect rainwater<br />

without wastage. So this plant collects huge quantity<br />

of water even during small rain. Here rainwater is<br />

collected without bringing it in contact with the soil.<br />

So the collected water is colorless and odorless<br />

(table1). Therefore it is fit for drinking after simple<br />

filtrations.<br />

The observation reports that in this reservoir<br />

the average depth of evaporation per month is<br />

0.152m (without roof) and 0.108m (with roof).<br />

During the observation period (one year) the<br />

collection bed and reservoir roof plastic fiber sheets<br />

withstand heavy solar radiation, high velocity winds<br />

and are also not damaged by any small animals like<br />

rats and rodents. So this project can withstand all<br />

kinds of natural disasters like lightning, fire and<br />

earthquakes. Therefore, lifetime of this project will<br />

be more. Since the proposed drinking water plant<br />

has longer operational lifetime, it is not only beneficial<br />

now but also for the posterity.<br />

As seen in this water plant model, Table.4&5<br />

shows the quantity of water collected and supplied<br />

from this water plant, constructed from one acre to<br />

one thousand acres. From the observation, more<br />

water could be stored near small villages, big towns<br />

and cities using many plants of this project. Also this<br />

project can be implemented in any type of<br />

demographic region, be it arid, watershed or any other<br />

type. This project is easier to implement when<br />

compared with other projects like National River<br />

Interlink Project, Seawater Desalination Project etc.<br />


• The water plant of this project can be used as<br />

one of the drinking water resources at villages and<br />

towns of dry countries.<br />

• The plastic fiber collection bed of this plant<br />

alone can increase the quantity of water and enhance<br />

the existing water resources.<br />

• This water plant, with some modifications, can<br />

provide copious water for agricultural and animal<br />

husbandry requirements.<br />

• The Water Plant could be constructed near<br />

forest areas for benefits of wild animals too.<br />

• All types of heavy industries can solve their<br />

water requirements with the help of water plants of<br />

this project. Same can be implemented at University,<br />

� � �<br />

384<br />

College, School, Hospital, Hostel and other<br />

Organizations as well.<br />


• While normal rainwater structures are meant<br />

to recharge ground water, this helps to collect water<br />

for immediate use.<br />

• The fiber plastic sheets have longer life as they<br />

are temperature resistant and even rodents could<br />

not damage them.<br />

• The depth of the reservoir can be maintained<br />

between 20ft to 30ft so as to save 80% of water<br />

from evaporation.<br />

• The usual tasteless rainwater is made tasty by<br />

the mixing of saline water in appropriate ratio.<br />

• Further, it could be protected from being polluted<br />

by animals through simple fencing.<br />

• Last but not the least, due to its techno-free<br />

working mechanism it is so called the “layman’s<br />

method”.<br />


This paper projects that water scarcity related<br />

problems would be minimized with the installation of<br />

new water resources with fiber plastic bed land<br />

rainwater harvesting plants of this project. This<br />

project can be implemented in every country to meet<br />

its own water scarcity problems. It would give long<br />

term solutions too by enhancing both surface and<br />

ground water reserve table. This paper ensures that<br />

this project collects huge quantity of water and also<br />

the lifetime of this project will be more. The<br />

knowledge and the expertise available from the<br />

technical know-how of the project would help<br />

mankind live a life of plenty enjoying copious water<br />

availability.<br />


The author acknowledges his debt of immense<br />

gratitude to the Principal and the Management of<br />

KLN College of Engineering, Pottapalayam,<br />

Madurai, India, who supported and offered the funds<br />

required for implementation of this project and<br />

offering sustained moral encouragement and<br />

inspiration in making the dream project not only a<br />

reality but as a success as well.<br />


[1] “Review of 2004-05 “Water Resources<br />

Development” (India), Annual Report.<br />

[2] “Rainwater Roof Catchment Systems”, Information<br />

and Training for low-cost water supply and sanitation,<br />

E.J.Schiller and B.G.Lwatham, editor:D.Trattles, etc.

National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

67. Approach to Rainwater Harvesting & Artificial Recharge using<br />

Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System<br />

A Case Study of Naini Watershed, Mahasamund District,<br />

Chhattisgarh State<br />

Introduction<br />

The natural resources like land and water are<br />

under tremendous pressure to meet the requirement<br />

of ever increasing population, which results in<br />

degradation of land as well as depletion of water<br />

table. The problem gets further aggravated due to<br />

vagaries of monsoon. Under this situation water<br />

conservation measures assumes great importance to<br />

achieve the objective of sustainable source of<br />

drinking water even in the event of persistent<br />

drought. Realising this situation the Government of<br />

Chhattisgarh, Public Health Engineering<br />

Department, conceptualized a project for statewide<br />

implementation of “Rainwater harvesting and<br />

*Shekhar D. Bhole **Anand P. Pradhan<br />

Abstract<br />

Realising the importance of watershed development for providing the sustainable source<br />

of drinking water, various state governments are implementing this programme on large scale.<br />

However in order to have realistic development plan a systematic study based on resources<br />

database is necessary. The situation calls for integration of database in GIS environment,<br />

which, facilitate identification of priority area as well as appropriate sites for construction of<br />

water conservation structures. The Govt. of Chhattisgarh has also taken up construction of<br />

water recharging structures on a large scale. Under the project ADCC Infocad has carried out<br />

studies in Mahasamund district. A case study of Naini watershed in Mahasamund district is<br />

presented in detail in the following papers.<br />

A sound resources database using remote sensing and GIS technique has been generated<br />

to understand the resources situation which was then followed by critical analysis of ground<br />

water scenario to arrive at identification of appropriate site for construction of water<br />

conservation structure. A detailed Engineering survey was carried out for preparation of cost<br />

estimate of recommended measures. Based on the study water conservation structures for<br />

Naini watershed has been suggested. The paper deals with study carried out for Naini watershed.<br />

385<br />

artificial recharge on watershed basis”. The Public<br />

Heath Engineering Department, Govt. of<br />

Chhattisgarh awarded a project of preparation of<br />

Draft Project Report of construction of water<br />

conservation measures in Mahasamund district. In<br />

accordance with the objectives of the project Naini<br />

watershed of Mahasamund Assembly Constituency<br />

from Mahasamund district has been identified for<br />

preparation of implement able action plan for<br />

rainwater Harvesting and Artificial Recharge.<br />

Study Area<br />

The Naini watershed is located in the east<br />

bank of River Mahanadi and stretched between<br />

*Director (Technical) **Manager<br />

ADCC Infocad Pvt. Ltd., 10/5, IT Park, Opp. VNIT, Nagpur - 440 022<br />

Telefax : 0712-2249605 / 358 / 033 / 930 E-mail : infocad_ngp@sancharnet.in

Latitudes 21º12’39": 21º23’20" North and Longitudes<br />

82º11’22": 82º22’00" East. The district HQ<br />

Mahasamund is situated on S-W boundary of the<br />

watershed. Mahasamund town is located at 65<br />

Kilometers East of the state capital, Raipur. The area<br />

is well connected with National Highway and<br />

Railway with Raipur.<br />

The location and spatial extent of the<br />

Watershed is taken from Toposheet 63K/3 & 63 K/<br />

4. The Naini watershed is a part of National level<br />

Watershed category (as per the Watershed Atlas of<br />

India) 4G2F4. The watershed covers an area of<br />

125.82 sq. km. comprising of 29 villages.<br />

Methodology<br />

The success of the water conservation<br />

measures depends on critical analysis of natural<br />

resources vis-a-vis requirement o water for the<br />

population of the watershed. Therefore a sound<br />

resources database on natural resources such as<br />

Landuse, Hydro-geomorphology, has been prepared<br />

Remote Sensing Data<br />

by using remote sensing technique in which Multi<br />

date satellite imagery of IRS-1C for the years of<br />

2002-2003 on 1:50,000 scale was used for the<br />

preparation of resources maps for watershed area.<br />

False Colour Composite (FCC) of the imagery was<br />

generated and used for better identification of<br />

categories through visual interpretation. Date of<br />

pass, path/row of satellite image data used for the<br />

resources mapping is given in the table.<br />

Landuse Landcover of Study Area<br />

LISS-III standard FCC on 1:50,000 scale for<br />

the identification of different land use / land cover<br />

classes based on image interpretation characteristics.<br />

Using a minimum mappable unit of 3x3 mm and a<br />

broad image interpretation key, which was<br />

developed by Dr. N.C. Gautam, was followed for<br />

mapping. The classification system used for the same<br />

was also a standard one, a 22-fold classification<br />

developed by NRSA. Refer map 1.1<br />

No. Satellite Data Path / Row Date of Pass Toposheet Coverage Mapping Scale<br />

1 IRS-1C. LISS-III 103-57 2 nd Oct 2002 & 64K/3, 64K/4 1:50,000<br />

(20%SAT) 4 th Feb 03<br />

Resources Scenario in Naini Watershed<br />

8%<br />

24%<br />

40%<br />

7%<br />

4%<br />

1%<br />

3%<br />

8%<br />

Kharif<br />

Landwithout scrub<br />

Waterbody<br />

Close forest<br />

1%<br />

4%<br />

Double crop<br />

Landwith scrub<br />

Degrated Forest<br />

Current fellow<br />

Settlement<br />

Open forest<br />

Fig. 1 : Landuse Landcover Details of Naini Watershed<br />


Geology of Area<br />

The area is a part of Chhattisgarh Meta<br />

Sediments and thus, is a part of Chhattisgarh Super<br />

Group, which belongs to Proterozoic formation of<br />

Pre-Cambrian age. The area shows presence of<br />

mainly three Geological formations viz, Bundeli<br />

Table-1 : Geology of Study Area<br />

Granitoid the oldest overlaid by Chandarpur<br />

Sandstone and Charmuria Limestone. The major part<br />

of watershed is covered by Bundeli granitoid. The<br />

Central part by Chandarpur Sandstone and NW part<br />

by Charmuria Limestone. Geological succession as<br />

observed is shown in the below given table-1.<br />

No. Age Stage Lithology Locality<br />

1 Pre-Cambrian Charmuria Cream pinkish grey, fine to Covers NW part of<br />

(Chhattisgarh Formation medium grained, bedded hard watershed area.<br />

Super Group) and compact limestone with<br />

Upper Proterozoic intercalation of shale, dolomite,<br />

cherty and phosphatic<br />

Chandarpur Fine Grained quartztic and Exposed in Central<br />

Sandstone ferruginous Sandstone. part of watershed.<br />

Bundeli Fine to medium grained rocks Major SW part of<br />

Granitoid with quartz and feldspar and watershed.<br />

varients like hornblende and<br />

biotite.<br />

Map-1 : Landuse Landcover Map of Naini Watershed<br />


Geomorphology of Area<br />

Landform can be described as a geomorphic<br />

unit that is produced on the surface of the earth by<br />

the action of various geological agencies working<br />

on it. The resultant form is also the representative<br />

of geological agencies by which it has been produced<br />

in the geological past. Geomorphological features<br />

influence the occurrence, storage and movement of<br />

groundwater and therefore the study of<br />

geomorphology is eminent in groundwater<br />

prospecting. In view of this a geomorphological map<br />

of the area has been prepared using an IRS 1c, LISS-<br />

III Satellite Image. Since the area is covered with<br />

older geological formations it exhibits mostly<br />

denudational landforms along with depositional<br />

landforms of fluvial origin and residual landforms<br />

of recent age. Refer map 1.2<br />

Groundwater Potential<br />

The aquifer characteristics such as yield,<br />

specific capacity, and transmissivity and storage<br />

coefficient have been assessed through well<br />

Map-2 : Geomorphology Map of Naini<br />

388<br />

inventory and aquifer performance tests. During this<br />

process it has been observed that the yield of the<br />

wells ranges from 18 to 54 kiloliters/day during<br />

winters while the same is as low as 15 to 25 kiloliters/<br />

day during summers. Two major geological<br />

formations of the area, viz., limestone, sandstone is<br />

acting as prominent aquifers. The limestone with<br />

its fractured and jointed nature has rendered it as<br />

prominent aquifer. The sandstone because of its<br />

porosity is acting as a prominent aquifer. Eight<br />

aquifer performance tests were conducted on dug<br />

wells in the watershed and the results of the aquifer<br />

performance tests are given. (Aquifer Performance<br />

of Naini Watershed) which shows that the specific<br />

capacity of the well is from 1.57 to 519.8 liters/<br />

minute/meter of drawdown. The transmmisivity is<br />

3.94 to 94.45 sq meter/meter of aquifer width per<br />

day. The storage coefficient is 0.01 to 0.05<br />

Analytical Study<br />

The resources situation described above has<br />

been critically analysed with factors controlling the

ground water recharge, which includes analysis of<br />

rainfall data for 12 years to assess recurrence and<br />

magnitude of drought then, water requirement for<br />

irrigation and drinking water, surface runoff, surplus<br />

and deficit situation has also been analysed. The<br />

findings are presented below.<br />

Rainfall Details<br />

The area receives rainfall from southwest<br />

monsoon and to some extent eastern depressions<br />

bring rainfall to the district. Average annual rainfall<br />

in the district is 1363mm. However, the rainfall data<br />

of last 12 years (1992-2004) indicates a low average<br />

rainfall of 1063.21 mm. The average rainfall of<br />

Mahasamund Tehsil is lowest i.e., 750.8 mm<br />

followed by Basna 1142.1 mm and Saraipali 1296.65<br />

mm. Twelve years average annual rainfall in<br />

Mahasamund Tehsil of the district is shown in<br />

Table - 2<br />

The rainfall data of last 12 years are already<br />

presented Table-1, which indicates that the average<br />

rainfall in the watershed is 750.8 mm during the last<br />

decade. The analysis of the above data indicates that<br />

the area is drought prone as there are 8 years in the<br />

last decade, wherein, the rainfall was lower than the<br />

decadal average of 750.8 mm, in which the rainfall<br />

in 1999 was 378.3 mm. However, in the 4 years the<br />

rainfall was above average and in the year 2003 the<br />

rainfall was as high as 1841.2 mm. Thus, there are<br />

three distinct situations, i.e., year of very low rainfall,<br />

moderate rainfall and high rainfall.<br />

Ground Water Recharge Assessment<br />

In view of this the ground water recharge in<br />

the study area has been worked out based on aquifer<br />

characters.<br />

[A] Recharge in mcm<br />

(Through Rainfall) = Area of the watershed (in<br />

sq km) x Aquifer thickness (in meters) x<br />

Storage coefficient<br />

= 125.82 x 3 x 0.03<br />

= 11.32 mcm<br />

[B] Recharge in mcm<br />

(Through Water Bodies) = Water spread Area<br />

(in sq km) x Recharge factor (in meters)<br />

= 1.77 x 0.60<br />

= 1.06 mcm<br />

[C] Total Recharge<br />

(in mcm) = A +B<br />

= 12.38 mcm<br />

Table-2<br />

Tehsil Mahasamund Twelve Years Monthly Rainfall<br />

Tehsil Mahasamund Years<br />

Since the recharge is directly related with the<br />

amount of rainfall, there exists 3 distinct recharge<br />

situations also, in which the recharge in drought year<br />

is expected to be very low, in view of this it is<br />

essential to asses the annual recharge for all the three<br />

rainfall situations. In accordance with this annual<br />

recharge for three situations has been worked out as<br />

under. The recharge is calculated by rainfall method<br />

using recharge coefficient factor as 15%. (As per<br />

the recommendation of groundwater estimation<br />

committee of GOI 1997).<br />

Month 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Jun 63.9 88 322.4 149.7 20.9 33.7 87.3 129.2 107.7 438.3 117.6 250.2<br />

Jul 217 155.1 341.2 342.4 258.6 211.6 158.2 143.1 217.4 69.1 379.9 371.9<br />

Aug 175 199.7 259.6 201.9 142 290 63.4 92.7 107.8 235.8 680.3 218<br />

Sept 53.9 96.8 82.6 42 29.1 67.6 67.4 108.4 38 159.4 571 124.3<br />

Oct 7 2 51.1 38.7 92.4 38.2<br />

510 539.6 1005.8 736 457.6 602.9 378.3 524.5 470.9 941.3 1841.2 1002.6<br />


(1) Recharge in low = Area of the watershed<br />

(in sq Km) x Average Rainfall in meters<br />

Rainfall Year x Recharge Coefficient<br />

= 125.82 X .400 X .15<br />

= 7.54 mcm<br />

(2) Recharge in Normal = Area of the watershed<br />

(in sq Km) x Average Rainfall in Rainfall Year<br />

Mtrs X Recharge Coefficient<br />

= 125.82 X .700 X .15<br />

= 13.21 mcm<br />

(3) Recharge in Good = Area of the watershed<br />

(in sq Km) x Average Rainfall in Rainfall Year<br />

meters X Recharge Coefficient<br />

= 125.82 X 1.0 X .15<br />

= 18.87 mcm<br />

Runoff Estimation<br />

Before recommending water conservation<br />

measures it is necessary to evaluate runoff potential<br />

of the watershed and it is the main input for<br />

recharging the ground water. Therefore micro<br />

watershed based run-off potential of the watershed<br />

corresponding to normal rainfall of the area. The<br />

runoff is assessed for each micro-watershed based<br />

on its geomorphic character. In a process a weighted<br />

average value for runoff coefficient has been<br />

considered, and based on that entire calculation was<br />

done. The total run-off is 8.46 mcm, (calculated for<br />

616mm (10 years Average since 2003-04 rainfall<br />

were exceptionally high) of rainfall using Strangers<br />

Table), which is available for harnessing to meet<br />

the future demand. It is essential to arrest runoff by<br />

constructing suitable recharge structures at<br />

appropriate locations.<br />

Assessment of water availability Situation<br />

Since the project is aimed at preparation of<br />

action plan for rain water harvesting and artificial<br />

recharge it is eminent to assess the water requirement<br />

visa vis water availability to identify the priority<br />

areas for implementation. Considering this the<br />

drinking water requirement for human and cattle<br />

population, based on projected population of 2011<br />

and also water requirement for irrigation has been<br />

assessed and the findings of the same are as under.<br />

390<br />

Water Requirement<br />

A] Drinking Water<br />

The total drinking water requirement of the<br />

watershed as per 2011 population has been worked<br />

out where in it is observed that the water requirement<br />

is 0.713 mcm for a population of 19818 souls and<br />

drinking water demand for cattle is 0.356 mcm<br />

(considering 50% of the human requirement) The<br />

total drinking water requirement is 1.069 mcm<br />

B] Irrigation<br />

The area is predominantly rice growing, which<br />

is a rainfed and grown in Kharif season, however,<br />

with the availability of power supply the farmers<br />

are inclined to raise double crop as a result rice is<br />

also grown in Rabi and summer through irrigation<br />

dug wells and bore wells. The land Use statistics of<br />

the area indicates that the area under Rabi and<br />

summer cultivation is around 136 ha. Considering<br />

the above figures the water requirement for irrigation<br />

would be @ 0.010 mcm per hectare i.e.1.36 mcm.<br />

The demand for irrigation is also expected to go<br />

higher as currently only 1.08% of the cultivable land<br />

is under irrigation. The expected future irrigated area<br />

would be around 10% of the cultivable land.<br />

Considering this the future demand for irrigation<br />

would be 6.22 mcm.<br />

Thus, the total future water demand of the<br />

watershed would be 7.28 mcm.<br />

Result and Discussion<br />

In view of the above situation, the drainage<br />

lines have been thoroughly explored in which, it is<br />

observed that the 1 st and 2 nd order streams are very<br />

shallow and have been explored for paddy<br />

cultivation leaving no scope for construction of any<br />

structure. However, 3 rd and 4 th orders of the streams<br />

were found to be suitable for construction of water<br />

harvesting structures. To this, at favorable locations<br />

Masonry Stop Dams, Boulder Check Dams,<br />

Desiltation tanks, Rooftop Rain water harvesting<br />

structures, Sub-Surface Dykes and Percolation Tank<br />

have been suggested. Refer Map 2.1<br />

Considering the local needs only maintenance<br />

free permanent structures have been suggested. The<br />

detailed engineering design and cost estimates have<br />

been prepared for each site. Based on this following<br />

structures have been suggested at appropriate<br />


Table - 3 : Salient features of the recommended structures<br />

No Type of Structure/Practice Total Structures Total Cost Estimated Storage<br />

(in Lac. Rupees) (in mcm)<br />

1 Boulder Check Dam cum 04 15.24 0.06<br />

2 Masonry Stop Dam 02 68.13 0.06<br />

3. Sub Surface Dykes 04 12.18 0.048<br />

4. Desiltation of Tanks 04 0.78 0.002<br />

5. Roof Top Structures 01 0.18 —<br />

6. Percolation Tank 01 0.015<br />

7 Silt Traps 02 —<br />

Total 18 104.02 0.185<br />

Thus, in all 07 different types of structures have been suggested and the estimated cost of these structures<br />

in Rs.1.05 Crore The cost will ensure an additional surface storage of 0.185 mcm, over and above recharge<br />

through existing tank (1.06 mcm) will be added. Thus total water availability will be 1.24 mcm.<br />

Map-3 : Final Structure Map of Naini Watershed<br />


Publishing House, Mathura.<br />

• NRSA Ground Water Prospect Maps of District<br />

Conclusions<br />

1] It is observed that the resources mapping has<br />

Mahasamund on 1:50,000 scale, prepared by National<br />

Remote Sensing Agency, Hyderabad.<br />

a great role in preparation of development plan,<br />

which helps in identification of appropriate location<br />

NRSA (1991): Technical Guidelines, Integrated<br />

mission for sustainable development.<br />

of particular structure. The plan so prepared is<br />

therefore cost effective and realistic.<br />

• Schedule of Rates for Works of Water Resources<br />

Department, Government of Chhattisgarh (2003): In force<br />

2] The generation of spatial and non-spatial<br />

database in GIS environment is prerequisite for<br />

from 01-12-2003, Engineer In Chief, Water Resources<br />

Department, and Raipur.<br />

preparation of developmental plans. This approach<br />

facilitates integration of database.<br />

• Singh, A.K. & Rathore P.S. (1995): Space Ship<br />

Earth and Remote Sensing- A catastrophic View, pub.<br />

Paper in the proceeding of the NAGI, Udaipur.<br />

• Rathore, N.S. & Rathore P.S. (1996): Land Use<br />

3] Assessment of water requirement as well as<br />

surface runoff is very essential for achieving the<br />

change in Udaipur Basin, pub. Paper in the proceeding<br />

of the NAGI, Shillong.<br />

objective of sustainable development of watershed.<br />

• Rathore, P S (2002), Application of Remote<br />

Sensing and Geographic Information System for District<br />

References<br />

• Alan, B. & Carlos R. V. (1991): Remote Sensing<br />

Level Planning -A Case Study of Rajsamand District<br />

(Raj.), unpublished PhD Thesis,<br />

and GIS for Resource Management in Developing<br />

Countries, Kluwer Academic Publisher, and London.<br />

• Verma, J R (2003), Management of Water through<br />

Conservation and Artificial Recharge in Gajara Sub<br />

• AIS&LUS, (1971): Soil Survey Manual,<br />

Publication, All India Soil and Land Use Survey,<br />

Watershed of Kharun Watershed, Durg District,<br />

Chhattisgarh – A Case Study, Proceedings of the<br />

I.A.R.I., New Delhi.<br />

• Behera, G., Balakrishnan P., Nageswara Rao, P.P.,<br />

Workshop on Emerging Challenges in Water Resources<br />

before Chhattisgarh state, held on Dec.12th 2003.<br />

Dutt, C.B.S., Ganesh Raj, Brian Goodall and Andrew<br />

Kirby (1979): Resources and Planning, Pergamon<br />

• Soil Information Source: SYS Sea Land<br />

Evaluation, University of Ghent, and Beljium<br />

Press Limited, Headington Hill Hall, Oxford, England.<br />

• Gautam N.C & Narayanan, L.R.A. (1985):<br />

• Soil Source : Land Resource Atlas of Nagpur,<br />

District Publication No –22 Internet Sources; Planning<br />

Comission.nic.in Ecological Feature of Chhattisgarh.<br />

Suggested Land Use/land Cover Classification System<br />

for India Using Remote Sensing Techniques, Pink<br />

� � �<br />


National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

68. Experimental Hydro-Geochemical Reactions In Shallow Water Table<br />

Brackish ASR Well With Successive Number Of Cycles<br />

*Y. S. Saharawat *R. S. Malik *B. S. Jhorar *N. Chaudhary *T. Streck<br />

Abstract<br />

Better understanding of mixing and geo-chemical reactions would help<br />

in installation, operation and sustaining in aquifer storage recovery ASR system.<br />

Four successive cycles of 2000 m3 recharge and 2000 m3 recovery in each cycle<br />

were conducted in a cavity type brackish ASR well. Simple mixing as represented<br />

by chloride cumulative native water percentage in the recovered water at 100 %<br />

recovery M*(Cl- ) increased with recovery percentage (I) for all the quality<br />

parameters. It decreased linearly with successive number of cycles (SC) [M*(Cl- ) = -1.58 SC + 21.95; r2 = 0.99]. Calcite dissolution also<br />

decreased with successive number of cycles. Groundwater quality of the<br />

recovered water was better than that of native water. Potassium concentration<br />

of the recovered water was more than that of recharged water in all cycles.<br />

Potassium and borate released from Illite and Tourmaline mineral respectively<br />

were 1653 and 231 moles in 2000 m3 of recovered water during first ASR cycle.<br />

The study would find its application in conserving and better utilization of the<br />

scarce water resources in semi arid regions.<br />

Key words : Hydro geochemistry, Cavity ASR well, Interactions, successive ASR<br />

cycles<br />

� � �<br />

* Dr. Yashpal Singh Saharawat, IRRI-India office, 1 st floor CG block, NASC complex DPS Marg Pusa New Delhi<br />

India-110012, Ph: +91 11 25843802 FAX = +91 11 2584180 e-mail: ysaharawat@cgiar.org<br />

* Prof. R.S. Malik, Chief Scientist water Management, deptt of Soil Science, CCS HAU Hisar Haryana India<br />

Ph: +91 1662 227538 e-mail: malikrs1@rediffmail.com<br />

* Prof. B.S. Jhorar, Deptt. of Soil Science, CCS HAU Hisar Haryana India Ph: +91 1662 227538<br />

e-mail: cswm@hau.ernet.in<br />

* Dr. Neelam Chaudhary, Deptt. of Zoology, CCS HAU Hisar Haryana India Ph: +91 9891007818<br />

e-mail: n.chaudhary@rediffmail.com<br />

* Prof. Thilo Streckm, Biogeophysics Section, Universitat Hohenheim, Stuttgart Germany<br />

e-mail: tstreck@uni-hohenheim.de<br />


National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

69. Design and Development of a Roof-Top Rainwater Harvesting<br />

Structure for Drinking Water Supply<br />

*Lala I. P. Ray **S. Senthilvel<br />

Abstract<br />

In the present era of virtually ‘mining’ of the ‘liquid gold – WATER’ in rural<br />

areas for increased agricultural production and meeting the acute water shortage<br />

in urban areas for drinking and industrial water needs, rainwater harvesting seems<br />

to be a feasible solution. The present study focuses on the role of rooftop rainwater<br />

harvesting (RTWH) to supplement the local water demands of Tamil Nadu<br />

Agricultural University (TNAU) campus, as a representative unit of evaluation.<br />

The micro level experimentation conducted on a 624 m 2 projected area resulted in<br />

encouraging results, indicating a good potential for harvesting rainwater. The<br />

workshop complex, selected as the study plot, could effectively generate 8.6 m 3 of<br />

water per annum from its rooftop during the rainy season and the volume of water<br />

collected was found to cater to the water requirement of the hydraulics laboratory,<br />

drinking water needs, washing water needs and the consumptive water use<br />

requirement of the Theme park. A harvesting structure consisting of a collecting<br />

unit, a filtering unit and a storage tank was designed to store the rain water for<br />

drinking purpose. The designed structure works well to supply the drinking water<br />

demand of the workshop complex.<br />

Key Words: Roof-top rainwater harvesting, Collecting unit, Filtering unit, Storage<br />

structures.<br />

� � �<br />

*Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur - 721302<br />

**Professor, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore - 641003<br />

Research Scholar, Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur-721 302. West Bengal<br />

Email: lalaipray@agfe.iitkgp.ernet.in<br />


National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

70. Rainwater Harvesting System<br />

– A glance at Operation & Maintenance<br />

*Dr. A. I. Wasif **Mr. M. B. Chougule ***Mr. B. R. Kulkarni<br />

Abstract<br />

The application of an appropriate rainwater harvesting technology can<br />

make possible the utilization of rainwater as a valuable and in many cases,<br />

necessary water resources. Rainwater harvesting is necessary in areas having<br />

significant rainfall but lacking any kind of conventional, centralized government<br />

supply system and also in areas where good quality fresh surface water or ground<br />

water is lacking.<br />

Rainwater harvesting systems require few skills and supervision to operate.<br />

Major concerns are the prevention of contamination of tank during construction<br />

and while it is being replenished during a rainfall. Contamination of water supply<br />

as a result of contact with some material can be avoided by the use of proper<br />

material during construction of system.<br />

The main sources of external contamination are pollution from air, bird<br />

and animal droppings and insects. Bacterial contamination may be minimized by<br />

keeping roof surfaces and drains clean but can not be completely eliminated. If<br />

the water is to be used for drinking purposes, filtration, chlorination or disinfection<br />

by other means is necessary. This paper focuses on various ways of operation<br />

and maintenance of rainwater harvesting system so that water can be stored safely<br />

and can be utilized for drinking purpose.<br />

� � �<br />

*Dr.A.I.Wasif, Dy.Director, T.E.I. Ichalkaranji Email: aiwasif@gmail.com<br />

**Mr. M.B. Chougule, Sr.Lecturer, T.E.I. Ichalkaranji Email: mbcdkte@gmail.com<br />

***Mr.B.R.Kulkarni, Lecturer, T.E.I. Ichalkaranji, Email: bhupesh.kulkarni@gmail.com<br />


National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

71. A Simulation Model To Quantify The Impacts Of Rainwater Harvesting<br />

In A Catchment<br />

* C. Glendenning W. Vervoort<br />

Abstract :<br />

A framework for examining the hydrological impact of rural community based<br />

rainwater harvesting structures at a catchment scale is proposed. In India investment<br />

in rainwater harvesting for groundwater recharge is increasing. However literature<br />

is extremely limited on the hydrological impacts of rainwater harvesting at a river<br />

basin scale. This is important to know because, although rainwater harvesting is a<br />

small-scale operation, when implemented across a catchment the impact on<br />

downstream flow could be significant. However there is currently no study that has<br />

comprehensively quantified the impact of rainwater harvesting on local groundwater<br />

and at a catchment scale. This paper therefore proposes a conceptual model using<br />

a simple water balance approach to explore groundwater recharge from rainwater<br />

harvesting. This will be expanded into a model of a real catchment in future<br />

research. Modelling provides a quick way to predict catchment hydrology behaviour,<br />

where field studies for the same objective would be data intensive, expensive and<br />

take more time. The model divides a catchment into subcatchments and is based on<br />

the concept of hydrological response units (HRUs). Within each subcatchment,<br />

HRUs are identified on the basis of landuse and soil characteristics. Hydraulic soil<br />

properties are determined using pedotransfer functions based on texture classes;<br />

runoff is calculated using the USDA-SCS curve number method. For each HRU a<br />

lumped water balance is completed on a daily time step for ten years. A daily time<br />

step will more accurately represent the process of recharge which is episodic in<br />

nature. The water balance for rainwater harvesting structures are calculated<br />

assuming no runoff, but with overflow and no irrigation. The recharge and runoff<br />

for each HRU is divided by its area within the subcatchment. The values for each<br />

HRU are then added to give the total recharge, and runoff estimates for the<br />

subcatchment. The final output is streamflow which includes baseflow, runoff<br />

reaching the stream and overflow from rainwater harvesting structures. Different<br />

scenarios of land use and levels of rainwater harvesting are explored to quantify<br />

the hydrological impact on the catchment. Using the conceptual model, a case<br />

study of the sustainability and resilience of rainwater harvesting will be<br />

demonstrated.<br />

� � �<br />

Hydrology Research Laboratory,<br />

Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, The University of Sydney<br />


National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

72. Physico-Chemical Investigation of Waste Water from Electroplating<br />

Industry at Agra and Technologies for Metal Removal<br />

and Recovery of Water<br />

Introduction<br />

Present era of industrialization and<br />

development also brings some fall backs, which<br />

needs immediate attention to overcome their effects<br />

on living beings and the ecosystems. One of these<br />

is release of toxic metals bearing industrial effluents<br />

which has become a primary challenge for last few<br />

decades(Dahiya et al, 2003).These metals can be<br />

introduced in to aquatic system through effluent<br />

discharges from various industrial operations<br />

including mining, chemical manufacture and<br />

electroplating (Gupta et al., 2001) and their<br />

increased concentration in aqueous environment<br />

is capable of causing phytotoxicity,<br />

*Monika Singh *Susan Verghese<br />

Abstract<br />

Industrialization and urbanization have led to discharge of industrial effluents, which<br />

in turn pollute the ecosystem. The disposal of effluents has become a serious technoeconomic<br />

problem particularly due to rising cost of disposal and growing awareness of<br />

pollution hazards. Out of all waste water discharges, effluents from industries such as<br />

electroplating, textiles, oil paints etc pose a threat as these waste water are usually dumped<br />

into natural water resources like river, lakes and make the same unfit for human, plant and<br />

animal consumption as well as for industrial use.<br />

The present paper focuses on the waste water management of effluents from<br />

electroplating industry which is a great water consumer and as a consequence, one of the<br />

biggest producers of liquid effluent. This industry presents one of the most critical industrial<br />

waste problems. Paper deals with the analysis of waste water quality from electroplating<br />

units of Agra city , by determining parameters such as pH by digital pH meter, BOD by<br />

titration method and COD by dichromate reflux method. Heavy metal analysis was done<br />

on an Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (Perkin- Elmer A. Analyst 100). Analysis was done<br />

for a period of one year and highest BOD (118 ppm), COD(424 ppm), certain toxic metals<br />

Ni (27 ppm ) and (24 ppm) concentrations clearly indicate towards the seriousness and<br />

immediate action towards developing methods for reclaiming metals from plating waste<br />

stream. The paper also discusses different membrane technology for recovery of water<br />

and different natural and cheap adsorbents for removal of toxic heavy metals.<br />

bioconcentration and biomagnification by<br />

organisms (Joshi, 2000).<br />

In India there are over 50,000 large, medium<br />

and small electroplating units mostly scattered in<br />

the urban areas (Upadhyay, et al. 1992). Plating<br />

waste water contains heavy metal, oil, grease and<br />

suspended solids at levels that might be considered<br />

hazardous to the environment and could pose risk<br />

to public health. Because of the high toxicity and<br />

corrosiveness of plating waste streams, plating<br />

facilities are required to pretreat waste water prior<br />

to discharge in accordance with national pollutant<br />

discharge elimination system (NPDES) permits as<br />

required by clean water act (CWA).<br />

*School of Chemical Sciences, Department of Chemistry, St John’s College, Agra, India<br />


The plating process typically involves, alkaline<br />

cleaning, acid pickling, plating and rinsing. Copious<br />

amounts of waste water are generated through these<br />

steps, especially during rinsing. Additionally, batch<br />

dumping, spent acid and cleaning solutions<br />

contributes to the complexity of waste treatment.<br />

With greater quantities of waste water produced and<br />

discharge standards becoming more stringent, there<br />

is a need for more efficient and cost effective<br />

methods for removing heavy metals.<br />

Membrane processes are capable of removing<br />

many materials from water that are typically treated<br />

using unit processes ranging from sand filtration to<br />

carbon adsorption to ion exchange. Membrane<br />

technology is one option for a nonpolluting process.<br />

In order to increase the removal efficiency and<br />

reduce the operating cost, membrane technology can<br />

also be used together with other treatment processes<br />

(Srisuwan, G. et al., 2002). Studying the heavy<br />

metals removal from water using membrane,<br />

Kosarek found that efficiencies of removal of As,<br />

Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, Se and Zn were 75-98%. The<br />

results also showed that for water treatment with<br />

polymer prior to chemical treatment, the percentage<br />

removal increased to 90-99 %( Kosarek, L.J. 1981).<br />

For the fractional separation of heavy metals from<br />

electroplating waste streams, the coupling of two<br />

or more techniques may result in better performance<br />

than using either unit operation individually. By<br />

combining the membrane techniques with other<br />

physical and chemical processes the effectiveness<br />

of the operation can be improved. Precipitation of<br />

sparingly soluble metal compounds and micro-or<br />

ultra filtration is the suitable and economical hybrid<br />

operation for the removal and recovery of heavy<br />

metals from waste streams. For selective removal<br />

and recovery of the metals like Cd, Cu, Fe in<br />

cadmium electroplating bath (containing high<br />

amounts of Cd, Zn, Cu, Fe and small amounts of<br />

Ni, Co, Mn), hybrid precipitation- polymer<br />

enhanced ultra filtration based separation scheme<br />

was developed and effective separation of heavy<br />

metals from industrial wastes was achieved (Sezin<br />

Islamoglu et al., 2001).<br />

The present paper draws attention towards<br />

effective technologies involved and of use in<br />

successfully removing heavy metal in waste water,<br />

recommends natural, cheap adsorbents for removing<br />

each of heavy metal (Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn) analyzed<br />

398<br />

in waste water from four electroplating sites (AB 1 ,<br />

AB 2 , AB 3 and AB 4 ) of Agra city, apart from<br />

determination of pH, BOD, COD and heavy metal<br />

concentration for analyzing the waste water quality<br />

discharged from such units.<br />

Material and Method<br />

Waste water from four electroplating sites AB 1 ,<br />

AB 2 , AB 3 and AB 4 of Agra city were assessed for<br />

heavy metals Cu (II), Fe (II), Ni (II), Zn (II)<br />

concentrations and other physico-chemical<br />

parameters (pH, BOD& COD). One major<br />

electroplating industry was also among the sampling<br />

site, which is believed to contribute largely in<br />

electroplating waste of Agra. Two sites were small<br />

electroplating shops in main city and one<br />

electroplating site was medium scale industry in the<br />

exterior of the city. pH was measured within two<br />

hours from collection on laboratory arrival.<br />

Chemical and physical analysis of sample<br />

water was done following the procedure<br />

recommended by APHA, pH is measured with the<br />

help of pH meter after calibration of the respective<br />

instrument. BOD (biological oxygen demand), COD<br />

(chemical oxygen demand) is determined by<br />

titration method.<br />

The metal analysis was performed on an<br />

Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (Perkin-Elmer A.<br />

Analyst 100), following the condition of operation<br />

for the instrument. For the metals analysis Atomic<br />

Absorption Spectrometer uses acetylene and air as<br />

fuel and oxidant respectively. The standard solution<br />

of each metal (Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn) was made using<br />

analytical grade reagents for calibration purpose,<br />

samples were filtered and digested with nitric acid<br />

before determination of the metal concentration.<br />

Wavelengths used for particular metals were as<br />

follows: Copper (324.8 nm), Iron (248.3 nm), Nickel<br />

(232.0 nm) and Zinc (213.9 nm).<br />

Result and Discussion<br />

Physico-chemical characteristics (pH, BOD<br />

and COD) of waste water collected from different<br />

electroplating sites are given in Table 1. pH, varies<br />

differently in all the four sites. Waste water sample<br />

of site AB 1 has the pH value of 12.02, and was the<br />

most alkaline sample water, pH above 7 is due to<br />

presence of sufficient quantity of carbonates. Site<br />

AB 2 waste water was acidic among value of pH

eing 6.08, pH value of AB 3 and AB 4 site were close<br />

to each other values being 5.02 and 4.15<br />

respectively. Thus pH values in decreasing order<br />

were as follows: AB 1 > AB 2 >AB 3 >AB 4 . Digital pH<br />

meter NIG 333 was used for the determination of<br />

pH of sample water. Tolerance limits of pH for<br />

industrial effluents discharge in to inland surface<br />

waters (IS: 2490-1974) is 5.5 - 9.0. AB 1 pH value is<br />

above 9.0 and two site AB 3 and AB 4 pH value is<br />

below 5.5.<br />

Biological oxygen demand (BOD) is an index<br />

of organic pollution in water, it is the rate of removal<br />

of oxygen by microorganisms in aerobic degradation<br />

of dissolved or even particulate organic matter in<br />

water. All the four site’s waste water sample, have<br />

different BOD values. Site AB 1 has the highest<br />

BOD, value being 118 mg/l. Site AB 2 BOD value<br />

being 104 mg/l, AB 3 and AB 4 site sample BOD<br />

values were 46 mg/l and 54 mg/l respectively. BOD<br />

values in decreasing order were as follows:<br />

AB 1 >AB 2 >AB 4 > AB 3. Tolerance limit of BOD for<br />

industrial effluents discharged in to inland surface<br />

waters (IS:2490-1974) is 30 mg/l and in all the site<br />

samples BOD value crosses this value of 30 mg/l<br />

prescribed by Indian standard for discharge in to<br />

inland surface waters.<br />

Chemical oxygen demand (COD), the measure<br />

of oxygen required in oxidizing the organic<br />

compounds present in water by means of chemical<br />

reactions involving oxidizing substances such as<br />

potassium dichromate and potassium permanganate<br />

showed different values in all the waste water<br />

samples, site AB 2 COD value was the highest among<br />

the four site its value being 225 mg/l which crossed<br />

the tolerance limit for industrial effluents discharged<br />

in to inland surface waters (IS: 2490-1974) which<br />

is 250 mg/l , site AB 1 COD value(85 mg/l) was<br />

second highest, AB 3 and AB 4 COD values were 92<br />

mg/l and 80 mg/l respectively. All Site average COD<br />

values were below the ISI standards for discharge<br />

of industrial effluents in to inland surface waters.<br />

COD values in decreasing order were as follows:<br />

AB 2 >AB 1 >AB 3 >AB 4. All metals copper, iron, nickel<br />

and zinc analyzed are present at different level of<br />

concentrations in all the sites samples, Table3.<br />

Copper is industrial health hazard, excess of<br />

copper in human body is toxic and causes<br />

hypertension, sporadic fever, uremia, coma and even<br />

death. Copper also produces pathological changes<br />

399<br />

in brain tissue, copper concentration was highest in<br />

site AB 3 value being 12.04 mg/l , least in site AB 1<br />

4.24 mg/l , 7.2 mg/l and 9.4 mg/l in site AB 2 and<br />

AB 4 respectively, copper in decreasing order of<br />

concentration was as follows: AB 3 >AB 4 >AB 2 >AB 1 .<br />

All site samples value exceeded the tolerance limit<br />

for industrial effluents discharged in to inland<br />

surface waters (IS: 2490-1974) which is 3.0 mg/l .<br />

Membrane technology by which copper is removed<br />

efficiently up to 98 % is reverse osmosis and by<br />

nano filtration removal achieved is 90%. Suggested<br />

natural and cheap adsorbent for copper removal are<br />

fly ash, china clay, saw dust, jute, cow dung and<br />

coconut coir dust.<br />

More than 10 mg/kg level of iron causes rapid<br />

increase in pulse rates, congestion of blood vessels,<br />

hyper tension and drowsiness. 3.0 mg/l is the waste<br />

water discharge standard for iron prescribed by IS:<br />

2490-1974 and EPA. Highest concentration of iron<br />

was found in site AB 3 (8.82 mg/l), least in site AB 1<br />

(2.82 mg/l) .Concentration in site AB 2 and AB 4 was<br />

3.6 mg/l and 5.24 mg/l respectively. Concentration<br />

in decreasing order of concentration was as follows:<br />

AB 3 >AB 4 >AB 2 >AB 1 . Application of ultrafiltration<br />

membranes for treating waste water laden with iron<br />

concentration is effective, it does not require pretreatment,<br />

by using a combined treatment process<br />

and also provide a positive barrier to pathogens,<br />

such as cryptosporidium and giardia, and both<br />

organic and inorganic solids. Suggested natural and<br />

cheap adsorbent for iron removal are modified<br />

acacia bark, raw rice husk, and fly ash.<br />

Nickel concentration more than 30 mg causes<br />

change in muscle, lung, liver, brain and kidney and<br />

also can result in cancer. It also causes tremor,<br />

paralysis and even death. Nickel concentration was<br />

highest in site AB 3 (27 mg/l) and concentration in<br />

site AB 1 , AB2 and AB 4 was 5.64 mg/l , 12.2 mg/l<br />

and 18.6 mg/l respectively. Nickel in decreasing<br />

order of concentration was as follows:<br />

AB 3 >AB 4 >AB 2 >AB 1 . The nickel concentration in<br />

all the sites exceeded the tolerance limits for<br />

industrial effluent discharge in to inland surface<br />

waters which is 3.0 mg/l (IS: 2490-1974) and EPA.<br />

Surfactant-added powdered activated carbon/<br />

microfiltration (PAC/MF) hybrid process in the<br />

removal of nickel from water and wastewater is the<br />

latest, efficient, promising technology. Suggested<br />

natural and cheap adsorbent for nickel removal are

granular amorphous peat, fly ash, peanut skin, and<br />

coconut husk hull.<br />

Zinc salts heavy doses (165 mg) in<br />

continuation causes vomiting, renal damage, and<br />

cramps. Discharge standard as per EPA and I:S for<br />

zinc is 5.0 mg/l. Zinc concentration was highest in<br />

site AB 4 (24 mg/l), least in site AB 1 (2.08 mg/l).<br />

Concentration in site AB 2 and AB 3 was 6.52mg/l and<br />

14.2 mg/l respectively. Zinc in decreasing order of<br />

concentration was as follows: AB 4 >AB 3 >AB 2 >AB 1 .<br />

Nano filtration is effective membrane technology<br />

for the removal or separation of zinc in solution or<br />

waste waters. Suggested natural adsorbent for zinc<br />

adsorption are blast furnace slag, china clay waste<br />

tea leaves and cement matrix.<br />

Conclusion<br />

It is thus concluded that AB 1 waste water was<br />

alkaline , highly organically polluted indicated by<br />

high BOD and COD values and low in metal<br />

pollution, AB 2 site waste water was slightly acidic ,<br />

highest in organic pollution, second lowest in metal<br />

pollution, AB 3 waste water sample was acidic , with<br />

highest metal pollution and low organic pollution.<br />

AB 4 site waste water was highly acidic, lowest in<br />

organic pollution, and second highest in metal<br />

pollution. In all these electroplating units, certainly<br />

there is a need to treat the waste water for certain<br />

heavy metals and for chemical and organic pollution<br />

before it discharges in to open drains. As these<br />

effluents from electroplating units are highly<br />

corrosive due to the presence of acids and toxic<br />

metals, there discharge directly in to rivers (Yamuna<br />

river in case of Agra) without neutralization<br />

decreases the pH of river water and results in mass<br />

mortality of aquatic culture. Certainly there is a need<br />

for scientific disposal of effluents, which to certain<br />

extent can be achieved by membrane technologies<br />

and adsorbents referred in the present paper. Beside<br />

* All values except pH are in mg/l<br />

this sincere execution of policies which restrict the<br />

effluent discharge exceeding the tolerance limits<br />

prescribed by IS: Standards, CPCB and EPA for<br />

discharge of industrial effluents is urgently needed<br />

in case of present industry.<br />

References<br />

• APHA, AWWA and WEF. 1992. Standard<br />

Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater.<br />

18th ed. New York: American Public Health<br />

Association.<br />

• Dahiya, Sudhir Mishra D.G, Karpe Rupali and<br />

Gurg R.P 2003 Removal of lead and copper from<br />

aqueous solution using chemically activated<br />

sugarcane bagasse carbon. Proc.xii Natinal<br />

symposium on environment 400-406.<br />

• Gupta, K.V., Gupta , M., and Sharma, S. 2001.<br />

Process development for the removal of lead and<br />

chromiu- m from aqueous solutions using red mud<br />

an aluminium industry waste. Water Res 35, 1125-<br />

1134.<br />

• Joshi, Sandeep. 2000. Ecotechnological<br />

treatment for the industrial waste water containing<br />

heavy metals. J. IAEM 27: 98-102.<br />

• Kosarek, L.J. 1981. Removal of Various Toxic<br />

Heavy Metals and Cyanide from Water by<br />

Membrane Processes. J.Chemistry in Water Reuse<br />

, 261-280.<br />

• Sezin Islamoglu and levent yilmaz 2001.<br />

Removal and recovery of heavy metals from<br />

industrial waste streams by means of a hybrid<br />

precipitation and polymer enhanced ultrafiltration.<br />

Desalination. 105-110.<br />

• Srisuwan, G. and Thongchai, P. 2002. Removal<br />

of heavy metals from electroplating wastewater by<br />

membrane. J. Sci. Technol. 24(Suppl.) 965-976.<br />

• Upadhyay,Y.D., Upadhyay, S.N., Haribabu, E.<br />

1992. Removal of chromium (VI) by fly ash. Chem.<br />

Environ.Res1 (3): 289.<br />

Table 1. Indian Standards and average of readings observed for period from January-December<br />

for pH, BOD and COD *<br />


Table 2 : Tolerance limit for metals in industrial effluents discharged in to inland surface waters<br />

[IS: 2490-1974: EPA 1987: EPA 1989]*<br />

Table 3. Average metal concentration of heavy metal in electroplating waste water for a period<br />

from January - December *<br />

* Metal concentration is in mg/l<br />

Graphs 1-4 Representing metal concentration at each site in waste water from electroplating units<br />

� � �<br />


National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

73. A Case Study on Wastewater Treatment and<br />

Reuse of Waste Water<br />


Water is the nature’s gift and is available in<br />

various forms. Its use is universal. Pure water is<br />

never found in nature. Water available in the earth<br />

surface contains number of impurities such as<br />

organic, inorganic and various gases which may be<br />

harmful to the health of the public. Therefore it is<br />

very essential to remove such impurities so that<br />

water will be potable.<br />

Waste is anything discarded, rejected,<br />

surplused, abandoned or otherwise released into the<br />

environment that could have an impact on the<br />

environment. Waste affects our world’s<br />

environment, everything that surrounds us including<br />

air, water, land, plants and man made things. The<br />

waste, created has to be carefully controlled so that<br />

it does not harm our environment. Hence the effect<br />

of waste onto the environment can be controlled by<br />

practicing three R’s viz. Reduce, Recycle and Reuse.<br />

REDUCE<br />

Reduce or reduction is to make something<br />

smaller or useless, resulting in a smaller amount of<br />

waste. Source reduction is reducing waste which<br />

indicates conservation of natural resources wisely<br />

and using less than usual in order to avoid waste.<br />


Recycling denotes the process that would<br />

make waste into resource. Water can be recycled<br />

well. Water recycling is reusing the treated<br />

wastewater for beneficial purpose such as<br />

agriculture, landscape irrigation, industrial<br />

processes, toilet flushing and replenishing a ground<br />

*Mr. V. Karthikeyan **Mr. P. Venugopal<br />

water basin ( ground water recharge )<br />


• Water recycling can decrease diversion of fresh<br />

water from sensitive ecosystems.<br />

• Water recycling decreases discharge to sensitive<br />

water bodies.<br />

• Recycled water may be used to create or<br />

enhance wetlands and riparian habitats.<br />

• Water recycling can reduce and prevent<br />

pollution.<br />

REUSE<br />

Reuse is the process of repairing or giving<br />

it to someone who can repair. Reusing product, when<br />

possible, is even better than recycling because the<br />

item does not need to be reprocessed before it can<br />

be reused.<br />


Recycled water can satisfy most water<br />

demands, as long as it is adequately to ensure water<br />

quality appropriate for use. Recycled water is most<br />

commonly used for the purposes such as agriculture,<br />

landscape, public parks and golf course irrigation.<br />

Also it includes cooling water for power plants and<br />

oil refineries, industrial process water for such<br />

facilities as paper mill and carpet dyers, toilet<br />

flushing, dust control, construction activities,<br />

concrete mixing and artificial lakes. In ground water<br />

recharge projects, recycled water can be spread or<br />

injected into ground water aquifers to augment<br />

ground water supplies, and to prevent water<br />

intrusion in coastal areas.<br />

* Head of Civil Engg. Dept., Thiagarajar Polytechnic College, Salem & Hon. Secretary,<br />

Institutions of Engineers (India), Salem Local Centre<br />

**Lecturer in Civil Engg. Dept., Thiagarajar Polytechnic College, Salem<br />



The Salem Municipality in Tamilnadu was<br />

upgraded into the Corporation from the year 1994<br />

with an extents over an area of 100 sq.km. The<br />

Salem Corporation is divided into 4 zones with<br />

60 divisions and having the present population of<br />

10 lakhs. The Corporation is supplying drinking<br />

water to the community from Stanley Dam at Mettur<br />

in twice a week. But for domestic, commercial,<br />

industrial and other purpose, public depends upon<br />

subsurface water and thus resulting in fast depletion<br />

of ground water.<br />

Sona group of institutions such as<br />

Thiagarajar Polytechnic College and Sona College<br />

of Technology situated in the heart of city with<br />

sprawling campus of 50 acres. It is well equipped<br />

with all facilities like building, laboratories, sports<br />

complex, swimming pool, hostels, beautiful lawn<br />

and garden. At present, the campus habitated with<br />

about 3000 non-residential students pursuing their<br />

studies. In order to meet their demands of other than<br />

drinking purposes, water is being drawn from open<br />

well and bore wells. Daily a quantum of 75 kld of<br />

water is being drawn from the ground to meet<br />

various demands for kitchen, toilets, maintaining<br />

lawn and gardens. This huge amount of water will<br />

tends to bring down the water table in the ground to<br />

lower the level further and further. Hence our<br />

institution is thought of treating wastewater<br />

discharged from kitchen, bathroom and reuse the<br />

treated water for maintaining lawn and garden.<br />



Wastewaters, whether domestic or<br />

industrial have several undesirable components –<br />

organic and inorganic pollutants that are potentially<br />

harmful to the environment and the human health.<br />

The treatment of wastewater and its management<br />

has become a necessity in order to conserve this<br />

vital resource. The main aim of waste water<br />

treatment is removal of contaminants from water<br />

so that the treated water can be reused for beneficial<br />

purposes. The waste water treatment is carried out<br />

in three stages – Primary, Secondary and Tertiary<br />

or Advanced Waste treatment.<br />


The primary treatment is of general use and<br />

403<br />

is used for removing suspended solids, odour, colour<br />

and to neutralize the high or low P H . This stage<br />

exploits the physical or chemical properties of the<br />

contaminants and removes the suspended and<br />

floating matter by screening, sedimentation,<br />

floatation, filtration, precipitation.<br />


The secondary treatment or biological<br />

process of sewage involving, stabilizing and<br />

rendering harmless very fine suspended matter and<br />

solids of the waste water that remain after the<br />

primary treatment has been done. In biological<br />

treatment, organic matter is stabilized by bacteria<br />

under controlled conditions so that maximum<br />

amount of BOD is reduced in the treatment plant<br />

rather than in the water course. The biological waster<br />

treatment are commonly carried out by activated<br />

sludge system and biological film system.<br />



Usually the primary and the secondary<br />

treatment sufficient is to meet wastewater effluent<br />

standards. However advanced wastewater treatment<br />

is to be carried out when water after produced from<br />

primary and secondary treatment units is required<br />

to be of higher water quality standards ( in case the<br />

water to be put to some direct reuse ). This includes<br />

the further removal of suspended solids, dissolved<br />

solids, toxic substances, BOD, plant nutrients etc,.<br />


In our Institution, 3000 non-residential<br />

students are pursuing their Diploma and Degree<br />

programmes in Engineering. Daily, a huge amount<br />

of water is drawn from sub-surface and is being<br />

utilized for various purposes such as kitchen,<br />

washing, toilets, lawn and gardening etc,. (except<br />

drinking). The total amount of water is being<br />

supplied to the students community is given below.<br />

3000 students x 25 litres/day = 75000 litres/day (or)<br />

75 kld.<br />

Daily a quantum of 75 kld of water is being<br />

drawn from bore well or open well thus depleting<br />

the ground water very fast. The total quantity of<br />

water consumed is discharged as waste water from<br />

various points. Here it is assumed that, the total<br />

quantity of water supplied is taken as total quantity

of waste water generated. Hence the waste water<br />

treatment plant is designed for a capacity of<br />

treating 75 kld per day.<br />


• At the first step, the waste water discharged<br />

from the various points are collected and<br />

transported to the common collecting tank.<br />

• The floating material and foreign particles in<br />

the raw water are removed by means of<br />

installing bar screens before the collecting tank.<br />

• The raw water is collected in the equalization<br />

tank after regular screening is over.<br />

• The homogenous effluents is pumped into the<br />

aeration tank, where surface fixed aerator is<br />

provided for aeration purpose.<br />

• The outlet from the aeration tank is fed into<br />

the settling tank by gravity.<br />

• The settled biomass is again recirculated back<br />

into the aeration tank to maintain the mixed<br />

liquor suspended solids. If the biomass is<br />

excess, it is sent to the sludge drying beds for<br />

dewatering.<br />

• The dewatered effluent is again collected in the<br />

collection cum equalization tank for further<br />

treatment.<br />

• The supernatant clear effluent from settling<br />

tank flows by gravity and collected in the semi<br />

treated effluent collection tank.<br />

• From the semi treated effluent tank, the effluent<br />

is pumped through the Pressure Sand Filter<br />

followed by Activated Carbon Filter for<br />

removal of fine suspended particles and colour<br />

present in the treated effluent.<br />

• The outlet from the activated carbon filter is<br />

found to meet the standard limits and let out<br />

for collecting in the storage tank.<br />

• The collected water is pumped for utilizing<br />

gardening purpose.<br />

The method of treatment of effluent is shown<br />

in flow chart.<br />

404<br />












Re-cycle<br />

SLUDGE<br />

DRYING<br />

BED<br />


The sample of raw water was collected from<br />

the collecting tank to analyze the basic characteristic<br />

of sewage. The sample of water collected was given<br />

to the Tamilnadu Water Supply and Drainage Board<br />

testing laboratory for analysis. The results are given<br />

in the Table 1.<br />


WATER<br />

No. Parameter<br />

Characteristics<br />

Raw Sewage<br />

1 PH 7.40<br />

2 Total suspended solids 86<br />

3 Total dissolved solids 1722<br />

4 COD 184<br />

5 BOD 75

After analyzing the characteristic of raw<br />

waste water, the treatment system was so designed<br />

and layout of effluent treatment plant is shown<br />

below.<br />


PLANT<br />

1<br />

6 6<br />

2<br />

1. Inlet Chamber 6. Sludge drying bed<br />

2. Collection cum 7. Pressure sand filter<br />

equalization tank 8. Activated Carbon<br />

3. Aeration tank Filter<br />

4. Settling tank 9. Storage sump<br />

5. Treated effluent sump<br />

The sample of treated effluent was collected<br />

from the outlet of Activated Carbon Filter to analyze<br />

the characteristics of treated effluent. The tests are<br />

carried out and the results are given in Table 2.<br />



No. Parameter Result TNPCB<br />

Standards<br />

1 PH 7.2 6.5-7.5<br />

2 Total suspended solids 26 < 30 mg/l<br />

3 Total dissolved solids 1505 2100 mg/l<br />

4 COD 108 250 mg/l<br />

5 BOD 25 30 mg/l<br />

3<br />

9<br />

4<br />

5<br />

7<br />

8<br />

� � �<br />

405<br />


Comparing the actual results of treated<br />

effluent with Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board<br />

Standards, the treated effluent is meeting the<br />

standards of TNPCB and hence it is not harmful to<br />

the environment. The treated water can be used for<br />

gardening purpose and this will save the ground<br />

water from depletion and thus resulting effective<br />

usage of waste water.<br />

As water demands and environmental needs<br />

grow, water recycling play a greater role in our<br />

overall water supply. Water recycling has proven to<br />

be effective and successful in creating a new and<br />

reliable water supply. By working together to<br />

overcome obstacles, water recycling along with<br />

water conservation, can help us to conserve and<br />

sustainably manage our vital water resources<br />


The authors are thankful to the Sona group<br />

of Institutions ( Thiagarajar Polytechnic College &<br />

Soan College of Technology ), Salem, Tamilnadu<br />

and Tamilnadu Water Supply and Drainage Board,<br />

water testing lab for their kind support for carrying<br />

out this case study.<br />


1. Suresh.K. Dhameja, Environmental<br />

Engineering and Management, Published by<br />

S.K.Kataria and Sons, New Delhi.-pp110.<br />

2. Ronald L. Droste, Theory and practice of water<br />

and wastewater treatment, John Wiley & sons<br />

publications- pp 219-234<br />

3. Howard S. Peary, Donald R. Rowe, George<br />

Tehobanoglous, Environmental Enginneering,<br />

Mc Graw Hill Book Company- pp 302-314<br />

4. Santhosh Kumar Garg- Sewage disposal and Air<br />

Pollution Engg. – Khanna publisher, New<br />

Delhi-pp 275-287

National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

74. Managing Water Resources - Experience at Captive Power Plant<br />

of M/s NALCO<br />

Horse and carriage, love and marriage,<br />

water and energy are as intimately linked in all<br />

phases of their existence as any other couple.<br />

Separately, water and energy have much in<br />

common. Each is an essential input for<br />

productive, comfortable and healthy human<br />

societies. Both are also derived from natural<br />

resources, and their uses by humans create a<br />

series of impacts on the sustainability of<br />

ecosystems. Together, water and energy are also<br />

closely connected, based on two fundamental<br />

truths: Energy is Required to Make Use of Water<br />

& Water is Needed to Make Use of Energy. In<br />

many places, it is clear that vicious cycle of<br />

inefficiency in the management of either water<br />

or energy resources exacerbate shortages, waste<br />

and unsustainable patterns of use in the other.<br />

In the consumption of water to generate electrical<br />

power, power plant inefficiencies or lack of<br />

mitigation measures result in wasted water and<br />

greater degradation of water and other<br />

environmental resources. NALCO, which has<br />

always stood by sustainable development,<br />

envisages water as a precious gift of nature. In<br />

the power stations of NALCO at CPP, systematic<br />

steps have been taken through ISO9000,1400<br />

and OHSAS-18000 to preserve & conserve water<br />

by minimising wastage of water. Depending on<br />

the nature of requirement, water has been graded<br />

i.e. DM water, clarified water, ash slurry makeup<br />

water, service water etc .and the consumption<br />

is benchmarked. Stringent measures were also<br />

taken in each system to avoid leakages and<br />

wastages. The ethos thus has been to manage<br />

and optimize the utility of this precious natural<br />

resource – water.<br />

*P. K. Pattanaik **A. K. Mohapatra<br />

Introduction<br />

National Aluminum Company Limited<br />

(NALCO) is a 3.45 Million Tonne per annum<br />

aluminum producer. To produce such a huge quantity<br />

of aluminum, the power requirement is in the tune of<br />

720 MW. The Captive Power plant, installed at<br />

Angul, Orissa has an installed capacity of 960 MW<br />

to supply uninterrupted power to smelter. For this<br />

purpose, water is taken from river The Brahmani,<br />

which is located at a distance of 11 KM. The water<br />

intake requirements for the power plant is 6900 -<br />

7000 M 3 / Hr with 7 units running. Typical one time<br />

water requirement is as follows:-<br />

3075 - 3100 M 3 /hr………Ash disposal to ash pond<br />

2225- 2250 M 3 /hr………Cooling tower make up<br />

780 - 800 M 3 /hr…………Smelter and township<br />

445 - 450 M 3 /hr………Service water<br />

65 - 70 M 3 /hr…………Drinking water<br />

55 - 60 M 3 /hr…………DM water<br />

60 - 65 M 3 /hr…………Rural Water Supply to<br />

near by village<br />

50 - 55 M 3 / hr…………Coal yard Management<br />

quenching<br />

145 - 150 M 3 /hr…………Transit, production &<br />

other system loss<br />

NALCO, CPP has taken initiative for reduction<br />

of water consumption and to avoid environmental<br />

pollution. For the same, comprehensive water<br />

management strategies were taken to recycle back<br />

the effluents after proper treatment for use in areas<br />

of less importance and thus reducing the<br />

requirement of raw water consumption by 44%.<br />

Total 3090 M 3 /hr water is recycled back. The<br />

*Dy General Manager ( Mech) **Chief Manager ( Mech)<br />

Captive Power plant ,National Aluminum Company limited,Angul<br />


1. Ash Pond water recycling System - 80.90 % - 2500cum/hr<br />

2. Industrial drain recycling System - 18.23 % - 560 cum/hr<br />

3. Sewage water recycling system - 0.22 % - 8 cum/hr<br />

4. Sludge water recycling System - 0.22 % - 7 cum/hr<br />

5. Coal Dust Extraction Recycling System - 0.43 % - 13 cum/hr<br />

Recycling<br />

Water<br />

Transit &<br />

Other losses<br />

145-150 cub<br />

M/hr<br />

Smelter &<br />

Township<br />

780-820 cub M/hr<br />

Now - 3900 cub<br />

M/hr<br />

Cooling<br />

Tower<br />

Make-Up<br />

2225-2250 cub<br />

M/hr<br />

RIVER<br />


Dm Water<br />

Make-Up<br />

55-60 cub<br />

M/hr<br />

Systems installed for this purposes and the<br />

percentage of water recycled by each system with<br />

respect to total recycled water is given below.<br />

1. Ash Pond water Recycling System<br />

Through experience gained over the years,<br />

various concepts for ash water management have<br />

been evolved and are being applied in NALCO,CPP.<br />

The quality of effluent discharged from ash pond is<br />

controlled by multi-lagooning system, garlanding<br />

of ash pond with ash slurry discharge lines &<br />

effluents cascading before final effluent discharge<br />

etc.<br />

NALCO,CPP is consuming 672 T/hr of coal,<br />

thus generating 270 T/h ash. For transporting this<br />

amount of ash to the ash pond, installed at a distance<br />

of 7 km, 3000-3100 M 3 /hr of water is consumed.<br />

NALCO CPP has now adopted the concept of “Near<br />

Zero Effluent Discharge” wherein around 2500 M 3 /<br />

hr water is recycled back to the ash water pump<br />

house. For this purpose NALCO, CPP have installed<br />

Before - 7000 cub M/hr<br />

407<br />

RWSS<br />

60 - 65 cub M/hr<br />

Drinking<br />

Water In<br />

CPP<br />

65- 70 cub M/hr<br />

Service<br />

Water<br />

445-450 cub<br />

M/hr<br />

Coal Yard Fire<br />

Quenching<br />

50 – 55 cub M/hr<br />

a Pollution Control Unit at the Ash Pond.<br />

The slurry water mixture is pumped from the<br />

plant premises by ash slurry pumps to the Ash pond.<br />

The slurry is allowed to settle in the ash pond which<br />

acts as a sedimentary pond. The ash from the slurry<br />

is settled in the ash pond and the effluent<br />

overflowing from the ash pond carries some amount<br />

of suspended solids are transported by gravity to<br />

the Pollution Control Unit installed near the ash<br />

pond. The water enters the turbo circulators where<br />

alum, soda and polyelectrolyte are added to<br />

coagulate and flocculate the suspended solids, which<br />

ultimately settle in the floculator and scooped from<br />

the bottom part of the clarifloculator. The sludge<br />

generated is drawn periodically and sent back to<br />

the ash pond. Clear water overflows through the<br />

clarifloculator and goes to the treated water tank<br />

from where it is pumped out through vertical turbine<br />

recycling pumps to the ash water sump installed<br />

inside the plant @ 2500 M 3 /hr.

ASH<br />

ALURRY<br />

SLUDGE<br />

PUMP<br />

HOUSE<br />

ASH POND<br />


ASH POND-2<br />

Salient feature of the PCU are as below :<br />

1. Capacity of P.C.U. = 65 MLD.<br />

2. Inlet water quality<br />

a) pH of water = 6.5 – 7.6.<br />

b) TSS = Up to 320 ppm.<br />

c) Turbidity = Up to 225 NTU.<br />

3. Outlet water quality<br />

a) PH of water = 6.5 – 8.5.<br />

b) TSS = Less than 30 ppm.<br />

c) Turbidity = Less than 50 NTU.<br />

3. Turbo circulator features<br />

a) Diameter of the turbo circulator = 43 m.<br />

b) Depth of the turbo circulator = 5 m.<br />

c) Detention Time = 2.7 hrs.<br />

d) Capacity of turbo circulator = 2708 M 3 / hr.<br />

e) Type of chemical dosing = Alum dosing,<br />

Polyelectrolyte dosing and Lime / Soda dosing.<br />

f) Scrapper / Bridge rotation time = 1.25 Rph.<br />

4. Chemical solution tanks<br />

a) Lime Tank –03 8.12 cub M RCC with tiles.<br />




LIME<br />

DOSING<br />




DOSING<br />



408<br />

ASH<br />

ALURRY<br />






2500 cub M/hr<br />

b) Alum Tank – 03 32.5 cub M RCC with tiles.<br />

c) Poly Tank – 03 6.5 cub M HDPE.<br />

5. Recycle Pump House Features:<br />

a) Number of Recycle Pumps = 3.<br />

b) Type of Recycle Pump = Vertical Turbine<br />

Type.<br />

c) Rated Capacity = 1350 cub M / hr.<br />

d) Maximum Head = 30 m.<br />

2 Industrial Drain Water recycling System :<br />

The water from various drains of the plant<br />

including surface drains plus the cooling water<br />

overflow and neutralization pit discharge constitute<br />

the industrial drain. NALCO CPP has now installed<br />

Industrial Drain Water Recycling System. The<br />

insoluble solids and oil present in the industrial drain<br />

water is reduced to allowable limit and the treated<br />

water is used for controlling the coal yard fire and<br />

also as a make up for Ash Water. The salient points<br />

of the system are as below:-

Poly<br />

Electrolyte<br />

Dosing<br />


DRAIN<br />


MAKE UP<br />

S.n Description Input Value Output Value<br />

1 Flow (M3 /Hr) 600 560<br />

2 Total Suspended<br />

Solid ( PPM)<br />

1000 Max 30 Max<br />

3 pH 6.5 – 8.5 6.5 -8.5<br />

4 Oil ( PPM ) 50-100 5<br />

The whole plant can be divided into following<br />

Sub sections<br />

1. Pre-treatment Section<br />

2. Settling Basin section<br />

3. Dosing System<br />

The pretreatment section comprises of a coarse<br />

bar screen, fine bar screen, a concrete inlet channel<br />

& settling chamber and diffuser baffle. Effluent after<br />

passing through the coarse & fine bar screens will<br />

be free from larger particles/debris.<br />

Settling basin is a concrete underground water<br />



BASIN<br />



SUMP<br />

IRW PUMP<br />

HOUSE<br />

409<br />


PLANT<br />


FIRE<br />


DRAIN<br />


Oil<br />

Transported<br />

To Barrel<br />

retaining structure. The same has been designed with<br />

twin objective of removal of suspended solids and<br />

oil. The Settling basin is provided with traveling<br />

scrapper mechanism to sweep the floor and push<br />

the settled solids to the end of the compartment from<br />

where it can be drawn by sludge pumps. The<br />

scrapper during the return stroke in raised position<br />

skims the surface of water and pushes the oil/grease<br />

to the other end from where it is removed by a<br />

floating disc oil skimmer. The skimmer collects the<br />

oils and transfers the same to oil drums by an on–<br />

board pump. The treated effluent from the settling<br />

basin flows to the sump by three no of overflow<br />

pipes.<br />

The purpose of the dosing system is to dose<br />

the required polyelectrolyte to the settling basin at<br />

required concentration, which will settle the<br />

insoluble solid particles to the base of the Settling<br />

Basin, herby reducing the suspended solid<br />

concentration from 1000Max PPM to 30 Max PPM

3. Sewage Water Recycling System<br />

The objective of industrial liquid Sewage<br />

treatment plant (STP) is to treat the canteen waste<br />

and sewage from the power plants to meet<br />

environmental regulations and use the treated water<br />

for horticulture, thus reducing the load on the raw<br />

water from the river and the residue for land filling<br />

as a manure.<br />

In NALCO CPP, for an employee strength of<br />

3000 (including Contract worker) and for nearly 100<br />

quarters in the Vidyut Nagar Township around 18<br />

M 3 /hr sewage water is generated. The internal<br />

canteen and kiosks are generating around 3 M 3 /hr<br />

of canteen waste. The sewage Water recycling<br />

system is installed to recycle back 8 M 3 /hr of water<br />

from this area .<br />

After primary treatment at the source of their<br />

generation of the canteen waste by Garbodrain ,<br />

the effluents are sent to the STP for further treatment<br />

along with the sewage. The composite liquid effluent<br />

treatment plant has been designed to treat all liquid<br />

effluents, which originate within the power station<br />

and re-circulation of the treated effluent for various<br />

plant uses mainly for coal yard fire quenching and<br />

Horticulture purpose. The Capacity of the system<br />

is as below -<br />

a) FLOW :<br />

i) Canteen Waste - 3 M3 / hr<br />

ii) Sewage Flow - 18 M3 / hr<br />

Total - 21 M3 / hr<br />


i) Canteen Waste Water<br />

BOD 500 mg/lit<br />

SS 600 mg/lit<br />

Oil & Grease 50 – 100 mg / lit<br />

ii) Combined Waste Water<br />

BOD 600 mg/lit<br />

SS 1000 - 1500 mg/lit<br />

Oil & Grease 600 mg / lit<br />

410<br />


pH 7 – 7.5<br />

BOD < 30 mg/lit<br />

COD < 250 mg /Lit<br />

SS 100 mg/lit<br />

Oil & Grease < 10 mg / lit<br />

DO 0.20 mg/ Lit<br />

Residual Free Chlorine 1 mg/ Lit<br />

Process Description<br />

The canteen waste is processed through a<br />

GARBODRAIN, where the screened solids, grits<br />

and other kitchen waste are ground and then led to<br />

the BAR SCREEN –I. There, the Canteen<br />

wastewater is screened off and the floating matter<br />

is collected in a channel fitted with fine bar screen.<br />

The bar Screen consists of equispaced parallel bars<br />

inclined to horizontal. The screenings arrested on<br />

Bar Screens are raked manually at intervals. The<br />

raked screenings are collected on perforated<br />

platform to allow effluent to drip in to the channels.<br />

The semi-dried screenings are then carted out for<br />

land filling or incinerated. The canteen waste water<br />

is then conveyed to the GRIT REMOVAL<br />

CHANNEL, designed to remove grit consisting of<br />

sand, gravel or other heavy solids. The GRIT<br />

REMOVAL CHANNEL constructed in RCC is<br />

designed to maintain horizontal velocity close to<br />

0.6 m/sec. so as to settle the grit particles to bottom<br />

of the channel. Settled grits are scooped manually<br />

from bottom and collected in a wheel barrow and<br />

disposed off as land filling. The degrited canteen<br />

waste water is then passed to OIL REMOVAL<br />

UNIT for removal of oil. It consists of baffles and<br />

an Oil skimming pipe to skim off the floating oil<br />

into an oil drum.<br />

The raw sewage along with preliminary treated<br />

canteen waste water is screened Off in the BAR<br />

SCREEN-II .As in BAR SCREEN -1,,the<br />

screenings are arrested on bar screen and raked<br />

manually at interval depending on clogging frequency.<br />

The raked screenings are collected on perforated<br />

platform to allow sewage to drip in to the channels.<br />

The semidried screenings are then carted out for<br />

land filing or incinerated. The waste water is then

Canteen<br />

Waste<br />

Garbo-drain<br />

Bar Screen -1<br />

Grit Removal<br />

Channel-1<br />

Chemical<br />

Dozing (Chlorine)<br />

Oil<br />

Removal<br />

unit<br />

V<br />

NOTCH<br />

Treated<br />

Water<br />

8 cub M/hr<br />

conveyed to the GRIT REMOVAL CHANNEL-<br />

II, where grit consisting of sand, gravel, cinder or<br />

heavy solids are allowed to settle and are scooped<br />

out manually and used for land filling. Waste water<br />

is then led by gravity to the underground equalization<br />

Tank, where the contents are equalized by mixing<br />

action of FLOATING AERATOR and then led to<br />

AERATION TANK. In the Aeration tank, the<br />

microbes, biodegrades, the organic matter collected<br />

thus populating themselves and partly converting it<br />

Sewage<br />

From Toilets<br />

Sewage Collection<br />

Chamber<br />



Equalization Tank<br />

Raw Sewage Pump<br />

Aeration tank<br />

Secondary<br />

Clarifier<br />

411<br />

Sludge Pump<br />

SDB<br />

to end products like CO 2 , H 2 O etc, thus reducing<br />

BOD of the settled waste water. The Floating aerator<br />

spurge the water in air, there by producing droplets,<br />

which absorb the oxygen from atmosphere. The<br />

contents of the aeration tank is lead to the<br />

SECONDARY CLARIFIER for removal of<br />

suspended solids (MLSS).The underflow of the<br />

secondary clarifier is recycled back to aeration tank<br />


1. Sludge Pond water Management<br />

During the process of clarifloculation &<br />

separation and filtration at the Clarifloculators &<br />

Gravity filters at the Pre treatment plant of CPP<br />

sludge and Backwash waters are generated. During<br />

June-Sept around 300 M 3 /day waste water is<br />

generated. During the lean period this comes to 100<br />

M 3 /day. This water along with the fine silts and<br />

sludge are transported to the Sludge Pond located<br />

at the side of the Raw water reservoir. In the sludge<br />

pond, sludge, grit consisting of sand, gravel, or<br />

heavy solids are allowed to settle and around 270 -<br />

90 M 3 /day of water is recycled to the raw water<br />

reservoir, depending upon the prevailing season.<br />

412<br />


FROM<br />





1. Coal dust extraction water recycling<br />

System :<br />

During the process of grinding of the Coal at<br />

the Coal Crusher ( capacity 750 T/hr ) in the Coal<br />

Handling plant lot of fine dusts are generated. These<br />

dusts are sucked through two no of dust extractor<br />



fans ( Capacity 4700 SETTLING M POND<br />

3 /hr)In the Cyclone separator<br />

13 M3 /hr of water is sprayed on to it and a slurry is<br />

made.<br />

The slurry are then taken to the settling tank<br />

and passed through zigzag path, thus allowing<br />



PIT<br />

settling the coal dust. Clean water is then allowed<br />

to pass through open channels and are guided to the<br />

ash slurry sump no-1.<br />

RAW<br />

WATER<br />


11.2 – 3.75 cub<br />

M/hr<br />

BACK WAS<br />

FRO<br />





COAL<br />


ROOM<br />


BY TWO NO OF<br />






Other Measures taken in Water Conservations<br />

Various measureare already taken and some<br />

are in the pipeline for effective conservation of<br />

Water. NALCO, CPP is continually putting its effort<br />

to bring down the resource consumption by adopting<br />

new technology and retrofitting new system in place<br />

of old one. Some of them are<br />

1. In order to further reduce the water requirement<br />

in ash transportation NALCO, CPP is shifting<br />

towards dry evacuation of ash from the present wet<br />

type and already installed have taken the dry system<br />

in their Unit no-7 & 8. For Unit 1 to 6 dry disposals<br />

road map prepared and will be completed by 2011.<br />

Efforts are being taken to use the ash as cash, by<br />

selling it to cement plants and other end users.<br />

2. In the future project of Unit-9 & 10, NALCO,<br />

CPP is going for high concentration slurry disposal<br />

system (HCSD) to the ash pond where the water<br />

requirement will be substantially reduced.<br />


OF<br />


13 cub M/hr<br />

� � �<br />

413<br />

3. MAGALDI bottom ash disposal will be done<br />

for the forthcoming units no-9 & 10.<br />

4. In the present system for transportation of ash<br />

slurry from ESP, hydro sluicing system is provided.<br />

Jet cone measurement and quick action for replacing<br />

the defecting jets are done so as to optimize the water<br />

requirement in that area.<br />

Conclusion :<br />

Well designed measures, therefore have saved<br />

CPP, NALCO to conserve water to the tune of 3100<br />

M 3 /hr thus reducing the intake water flow from 7000<br />

to 3900 M 3 /hr. Apart from conserving this natural<br />

resources it also helps us directly to save energy<br />

which otherwise is required to pump from river<br />

Brahmani. The bountiful gift of nature in this part<br />

of the world notwithstanding, NALCONIANS<br />

understand life without water & therefore take all<br />

possible recourses to optimize the use of this<br />

precious gift of nature- Water.

National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

75. Innovative and Conventional Rain Water Harvesting Measures:<br />

A part of ongoing Integrated Water Resources Management Program<br />

by Gujarat Ambuja Cements Limited and Ambuja Cement Foundation<br />

Introduction<br />

A United Nations Environment Program<br />

(UNEP) estimate indicates that by the year 2025<br />

two third of the humanity will face shortage of fresh<br />

water. At present one third of the world population<br />

is already facing water stress. Another UNEP study<br />

states that nearly 40% of world’s population lives<br />

near the coastal regions, mostly within 60 kms. from<br />

the sea coast and it predicts that by the year 2010,<br />

*S. C. Parik **H. R. Mori<br />

Abstract<br />

Availability of fresh water is decreasing in most of the areas of our country on a<br />

perennial basis, despite experiencing fairly good average rainfall. As a result, fresh water<br />

has become a precious resource. Rain is the predominant source of all the fresh water and<br />

as such rain water harvesting measures provide the easiest and cheapest mode of collecting<br />

and conserving the fresh water. A variety of such measures are already known for their<br />

effective implementation, suiting to the requirements of any particular area, depending on<br />

the average rainfall, geographic location, land use pattern etc.<br />

Gujarat Ambuja Cements Limited, Ambujanagar, operating cement plants in coastal<br />

belt of Saurashtra region in Gujarat had realized the importance of fresh water more than<br />

a decade back and started taking initiatives to harvest rain water since then. A visionary<br />

initiative started more than a decade back on a small scale has today assumed the shape of<br />

major “Integrated Water Resource Management Program” in the Kodinar and Sutrapada<br />

Taluka of Junagadh district. It has yielded appreciable positive results in the form of<br />

increased water table, easy availability of quality fresh water, reduction in the salinity,<br />

increase of the crop yield etc.<br />

Through this paper, an effort has been made to provide a brief overview of the various<br />

measures taken by Gujarat Ambuja Cements Limited to innovatively harvest rain water in<br />

the mined out pits of its various mining areas. Also, the activities of Ambuja Cement<br />

Foundation (NGO), working in the areas surround the mines and plants on a very large<br />

scale, pertaining to rain water harvesting for community development and social upliftment<br />

have been included. Together, both the above organizations have made the difference and<br />

have established an example of how the industry can fulfill its Corporate Social<br />

Responsibilities.<br />

almost 80% of the world population will within 100<br />

kms. from the seacoast. The rural population in<br />

general faces water shortage for agriculture and<br />

other allied activities including drinking water. In<br />

the coastal regions, this problem gets further<br />

compounded because of salinity ingress,<br />

characterized by mixing of the fresh water and<br />

vertical saline water aquifers.<br />

*General Manager (Mines), Gujarat Ambuja Cements Limited, Ambujanagar (Gujarat)<br />

**Sr. Programme Manager, Ambuja Cement Foundation, Ambujanagar (Gujarat)<br />


In coastal areas of Gujarat, the villages located<br />

within 15-20 kms. from the seacoast are suffering<br />

severely from the problem of salinity ingress. In<br />

Kodinar taluka of Junagadh district (the area under<br />

reference), most of the rivulets like Goma, Somat,<br />

Sangavadi etc. are seasonal in nature and the water<br />

in these rivulets do not last beyond winters. Other<br />

water bodies like ponds that get water from these<br />

rivers also dries up by the month of October-<br />

November. As a result, over the years the problem<br />

of water shortage in the region has worsened.<br />

Participatory Rural Appraisals carried out<br />

confirm that the problem of salinity ingress actually<br />

started in the late seventies, basically due to the<br />

following reasons:<br />

� Over-exploitation of ground water to meet the<br />

increasing needs of the growing population.<br />

� Breaking up of joint family system into nuclear<br />

families has resulted in fragmentation of land, which<br />

lead to rampant increase of wells and extensive use<br />

of diesel and electrical pumps.<br />

� Cultivation of high water intensive crops like<br />

sugarcane, banana, betel nut, coconut etc. has<br />

resulted in lowering of water table and ingress of<br />

saline water into the groundwater.<br />

� Inefficient use and wastage of water by<br />

farmers.<br />

� Mismanagement of ground water due to overirrigation<br />

and water loss through high run-off.<br />

� Recurrent and worst droughts over the last few<br />

years in the region have further worsened situation<br />

in aquifers.<br />

This phenomenon is having long-term<br />

implications for both households and agriculture on<br />

which about 60% people are depended for their<br />

livelihoods. This has also meant an increased<br />

dependence on outside agencies like the state and<br />

other civil society organizations for basic needs such<br />

as drinking water and food. Since 1980s, conflicts<br />

have arisen over access to limited fresh water<br />

resources available in this region.<br />

With the objectives of contributing for the<br />

cause of Rain Water Harvesting in the region and<br />

provide the much needed succor to the society<br />

surround the mines and plants, Gujarat Ambuja<br />

Cements Limited, started formulating and<br />

implementing the Rain Water Harvesting Schemes<br />

through its community development wing Ambuja<br />

415<br />

Cement Foundation (NGO) since the year 1996.<br />

Having realized the success and positive social<br />

impact of the above ongoing measures, the company<br />

simultaneously formulated innovative schemes to<br />

utilize the exhausted mining pits to store rain water<br />

for the large scale benefits to the community and<br />

farmers surround the plant and mining areas.<br />

A. Water Harvesting in mined out pits by Gujarat<br />

Ambuja Cements Ltd :<br />

The company operates captive mechanized<br />

opencast mines to meet the prime raw material<br />

(Limestone and Marl) requirements for cement<br />

making from the areas adjoining the plants.<br />

Subsequent to the mining, wide pits, ranging in<br />

depth from 12-15 meters are created. These pits are<br />

to be put back in some useful land use form i.e.<br />

reclamation. The generally adopted practices are<br />

back filling the mined out area, afforestation,<br />

development of pastureland, creation of water<br />

bodies etc. The company has also implemented these<br />

techniques for various areas in suitable area.<br />

However, considering the location of the mines in<br />

coastal region, the importance of fresh water and<br />

rainwater harvesting, more emphasis has been<br />

accorded to converting the mined out pits into<br />

artificial lakes and reservoirs by diverting the<br />

surface run off. Over the years, these efforts have<br />

translated in successful harvesting of rainwater. As<br />

a matter of fact the quantum of water harvested each<br />

year in the mined out pits has been on the rise on a<br />

perennial basis. These efforts have been briefly<br />

described here, added with suitable schematic/<br />

photographic illustration, wherever possible.<br />

01. Diversion of the plant run off:<br />

Some of the mined out pits were located in<br />

close vicinity of the two plants of GACL. Taking<br />

advantage of the same, it was planned to divert the<br />

plant surface run-off, which was hitherto going<br />

waste, to one of such pit, way back in the year 1995.<br />

To enable the flow of water from plants, a 1000-m.<br />

long trench of 4 m width was excavated and<br />

connected to the pit. Apart from this, to increase to<br />

quantum of water collected, one of the nearby small<br />

nallah and the village run-off drain was also<br />

modified and connected to the pit. The schematic<br />

plan given below indicates the location and the<br />

arrangement of the above.

As a result, during the rainy season, both the<br />

plant and village run off could be diverted and<br />

collected in the selected mined out pit. The results<br />

have been over-whelming and resulted into creation<br />

of an artificial lake on the outskirts of the plant and<br />

nearby village. Over the years, the water collected<br />

in this lake, on a perennial basis, has helped in<br />

recharging the local aquifer, without much of the<br />

recurring expenses. The only care to be taken is premonsoon<br />

cleaning of the diversion channels to the<br />

pit. The pit has got a storage capacity of 0.50 mcm<br />

and except few of the draught years, rain water<br />

measuring 80-90% of the capacity has been<br />

collected in the said pit each year. The immediate<br />

beneficiaries have been the farmers within one km.<br />

radius of the pit, with water level in their wells going<br />

up and the wells yielding water even during the<br />

summer months.<br />

02. Diversion of water from seasonal nallah:<br />

The success of the scheme above motivated<br />

the company to create more such reservoirs/lakes.<br />

By the year 2004, more space was available to store<br />

large quantum of rainwater in the form of mined<br />

416<br />

Surface Flow Direction<br />

out pits at Ambujanagar. However, the only problem<br />

was “how to get rainwater in these pits and from<br />

where”? No such source was available in the close<br />

vicinity and the rains directly falling in the mined<br />

out areas was grossly inadequate to fill up the pits<br />

to desirable levels.<br />

Brainstorming sessions, survey of the nearby<br />

areas and suggestions from the elderly locals<br />

revealed the possibility of diverting water from a<br />

seasonal nallah flowing around 3.25 kms. north of<br />

these mined out pit. Fortunately, the local surface<br />

topography also favored the flow of water from the<br />

nallah to the pit.<br />

Encourage by the feasibility, a scheme was<br />

drawn to construct a diversion channel from the said<br />

nallah to enable the rainwater to flow to the<br />

designated mined out pit. The scheme and the<br />

resulting benefits were explained to the local<br />

villagers to solicit their views, suggestions and<br />

needful assistance. Simultaneously, needful and<br />

relevant permissions were obtained from the various<br />

govt. authorities for the same. The plan given below<br />

explains the schematic diagram of the arrangement.

Water diversion<br />

Channel<br />

The work for constructing the channel started<br />

in the month of January 2005 and with the cooperation<br />

of the local villagers, the 3.25 kms. long<br />

channel (lined canal) was completed before the<br />

onset of monsoon at a total cost of over Rs. 20 Lacs.<br />

Come rains and the results were there to be<br />

seen by every one. The mined out pits witnessed a<br />

continuous flow of surface runoff from the nallah<br />

for more than a week and two of the pits could get<br />

filled up to brim. A total of around 4 million cubic<br />

meters of water, which otherwise would have gone<br />

as waste to sea, could be collected in different pits.<br />

The collection of water had a positive impact of the<br />

surrounding water levels. The surrounding wells,<br />

which used to run dry by the months of March –<br />

April every year, yielded adequate water even during<br />

the peak summer.<br />

Considering the above success, one more pit<br />

417<br />

was inter-linked with the main water-receiving pit<br />

so as to transfer excess water in case of heavy rains.<br />

During this monsoon (2006), the scheme proved<br />

very successful and the excess water could be<br />

transferred to the above pit, which used to get very<br />

little water previously. This year over 5.50 million<br />

cubic meters of water could be collected through<br />

the above diversion canal.<br />

The farmers, having their fields within 2-3 kms.<br />

radius of the said pits are extremely happy. They<br />

are confident of getting water not only this year but<br />

on a perennial basis. Explains one of the farmers “<br />

now even one or two years of poor rain would not<br />

really bother us.”<br />

03. Connecting nearby nallah to the pit through<br />

pipe culvert:<br />

At Rampara mine of the company, one of the

seasonal nallah flows in close proximity of the pits.<br />

When the pit close to the nallah was completely<br />

mined out in the year 2005, it was considered to<br />

divert part of the water from the nallah to the pit to<br />

store surface run off and recharge the local aquifer.<br />

However, a peculiar problem was faced in this plan.<br />

What would happen if the pit gets filled up to the<br />

capacity and water starts overflowing to the adjacent<br />

fields? Any such possibility would have resulted in<br />

large-scale damage to the adjacent fields and<br />

problem for the company. Many options to control<br />

the inflow or implementing any other scheme were<br />

discussed but a foolproof method could not be<br />

arrived at. During the monsoon of 2005, a lot of<br />

water flowed through the nallah and the mining team<br />

at Rampara stood helplessly high and dry and felt<br />

dejected as all the water went to the sea as waste.<br />

However, the dejection led to few more<br />

brainstorming sessions and ultimately an idea of<br />

providing a outflow channel at the extreme end of<br />

the pit to carry away excess water from the pit to<br />

the same nallah down-stream caught the fancy of<br />

the mining team. The option was evaluated several<br />

times on various parameters and was found<br />

foolproof from all the angles.<br />

Excess Water<br />

Outflow Channel<br />

418<br />

Once again a scheme was drawn to provide<br />

inflow as well outflow channel for the pit, with the<br />

outflow channel having the capacity to carry water<br />

to the tune of three to four times that of the inflow<br />

channel. The scheme was explained to the local<br />

villagers and their doubts and apprehensions were<br />

clarified. Once everything was settled, 500 m long<br />

outflow channel was completed first. Subsequently<br />

the inflow channel, in the form of pipe culvert<br />

consisting of two nos. of 1 feet dia RCC pipes was<br />

constructed to divert the part of nallah water to the<br />

designated pit. The entire scheme around Rs. 5 lacs.<br />

The scheme is explained in the plan given below.<br />

During the recent monsoon, the pit could store<br />

around 0.75 million cubic meter of water in just<br />

around 20 days. A lot of percolation of the water<br />

also took place, recharging the local aquifer.<br />

However, the inflow continued and the excess water<br />

started flowing back to the nallah, perfectly as per<br />

the planned scheme. Once again a perennial water<br />

harvesting structure created with practically no<br />

recurring expenditure. Once again happy<br />

community nearby the mine, free of woes of ground<br />

water.<br />

Water inflow<br />

to the pit

04. Natural Water harvesting at Solaj Mine:<br />

The Solaj mine of the company is a very<br />

interesting example of natural water harvesting in<br />

the active mining pits. At Solaj, almost over 30 m.<br />

thick layer of impervious marl underlies the top<br />

capping of limestone (two to six meters thick).<br />

During the rainy season, once the limestone layer<br />

is saturated with water, the marl layer doesn’t allow<br />

percolation of the water below. Consequently, the<br />

water starts oozing out of the limestone, water<br />

logging the fields, damaging the crop and ultimately<br />

flowing away in the natural drains.<br />

Subsequent to the mining activities of the<br />

company at Solaj, the water started flowing from<br />

the opened up limestone mining faces into the active<br />

pits, eliminating water logging of the adjacent fields.<br />

As the pits advanced, both laterally & vertically,<br />

more amount of water started accumulating in the<br />

pits. The company planned the working in such a<br />

fashion that both limestone & marl could be<br />

excavated without resorting to any dewatering of<br />

the pits.<br />

Large amount of water started accumulating<br />

in the various pits at Solaj every year. Lateron, the<br />

villagers approached the company to allow them to<br />

draw water from the pits, using their own diesel<br />

pumps. This resulted in better crop yield to the<br />

adjacent farmers due to availability of water almost<br />

round the year. This year (2006), almost 1.50 million<br />

cubic meter of water could be collected in various<br />

pits at Solaj. Once again a perennial water<br />

harvesting system with no revenue expenditure. The<br />

villagers now consider the Solaj mine as less of a<br />

mine and more of a reservoir, contributing positive<br />

impacts to their lives.<br />

B. Water Resources Management by Ambuja<br />

Cement Foundation :<br />

Ambuja Cement Foundation (ACF), a Non-<br />

Government Foundation and community<br />

development wing of Gujarat Ambuja Cements<br />

Limited, formulates and implements various<br />

community development activities. Its mission is<br />

“to energize, involve and enable the communities<br />

to realize their potential.” It addresses the<br />

community land, water, forest and other issues<br />

through a large number of interventions such as<br />

water resources development including prevention<br />

of salinity ingress, watershed management,<br />

wasteland and pasture land development, farmer<br />

419<br />

friendly agricultural techniques, health and education<br />

needs etc. through various innovative programs<br />

managed by well qualified and trained dedicated and<br />

committed staff. Amongst all the above programs,<br />

water resources development, watershed<br />

management and prevention of salinity ingress are<br />

accorded highest priority.<br />

01. Recharging BARDA BHANDARA from<br />

Singoda river through underground pipe line :<br />

Near the company’s port facilities at<br />

Muldwarka, there exists a large Bhandara (tidal<br />

regulator), meant to store huge quantity of surface<br />

run off (capacity 4.67 MCM). However,<br />

unfortunately there was no large source of surface<br />

run off to this bhandara and the available facility<br />

could not be used fully for the desired gains. In the<br />

year 2001, ACF evaluated the possibility of bringing<br />

in water from the only source available nearby, the<br />

river Singoda. But the river was flowing at a distance<br />

of 1 km. from the bhandara and apparently no way<br />

seemed feasible to connect the river with the<br />

bhandara as the area in between was private<br />

agricultural lands. One of the possibilities that<br />

emerged was to lay an underground pipeline from<br />

the riverbank. However, it required digging up of<br />

the agricultural land and hence, consent and<br />

willingness of the farmers was critical. The detail<br />

scheme was formulated and explained to the nearby<br />

farmers of four villages, & specially to the ones<br />

whose fields would be required to be dug up for<br />

laying the pipeline. The perennial and long-term<br />

advantages of the scheme were also explained. After<br />

deliberating the issue for long, the villagers<br />

ultimately agreed for the implementation of the<br />

scheme.<br />

The 600 meters long underground pipeline of<br />

900 mm dia RCC pipe was laid from the river bank<br />

to the bhandara through the private agricultural<br />

fields and the line was again covered up with soil<br />

to repair the agricultural fields. Simultaneously, a<br />

checkdam was made across the river Singoda to<br />

enable transfer of water from the river to the<br />

bhandara under pressure. The entire work was<br />

completed in less than six month’s time at a cost of<br />

around Rs. 6 lacs. In the rainy season, the river water<br />

filled up the bhandara, like never before. It resulted<br />

in collection of around 4.67 MCM million cubic<br />

meters of rainwater in the bhandara for the first time<br />

in the monsoon of year 2002.

Work Done Storage No. of Area No. of Avg. Avg. Depth<br />

Cap.(MCM) wells benefited Farmers Depth of of water in<br />

benefited (Ha.) benefited water in wells (m)<br />

wells (m)<br />

Before After<br />

Water Diversion by<br />

Underground Pipeline 4.67 180 900 180 14.63 2.44<br />

The above arrangement also does not require<br />

any revenue expenditure on a perennial basis, except<br />

the checking and cleaning of the pipeline for any<br />

blockage. The schematic diagram of the<br />

arrangement and the photograph of the BARDA<br />

BHANDARA are given below. This project created<br />

an example of how the joint efforts of the<br />

community and NGO can make the positive<br />

difference. The adjoining farmers are now<br />

cultivating Rabi crops, which was distant dream for<br />

them previously.<br />

02. Inter-linking of waterbodies through link<br />

water channels :<br />

Taking a cue from the traditional wisdom and<br />

the much hyped “inter-linking of rivers” project,<br />

ACF initiated an innovative project called “interlinking<br />

of local rivers through open canals.” The<br />

basic concept behind the scheme is diverting water<br />

from surplus area to water deficit/scarce area.<br />

In Kodinar taluka, a lot of water from the rivers<br />

flows every year into the sea. These rivers drain the<br />

local watershed area and most of the water is lost to<br />

the sea. ACF studied the problem and a plan was<br />

conceptualized and formulated to divert water from<br />

excess zone to deficit zones and thereby minimize<br />

the outflow to the sea. Due care was taken in the<br />

scheme to include the network of existing water<br />

harvesting structures and water bodies like tidal<br />

regulators, ponds etc. At the same time, it was<br />

planned to help the water to remain within the area<br />

for a much longer period than the past for facilitating<br />

maximum recharge of the local aquifers.<br />

Studying the watershed dynamics and excess<br />

capacity in the existing rivers during monsoons, the<br />

potential sinks (rivulets, ponds, percolation tanks<br />

etc.) and the shortest possible route to these sinks<br />

were identified with the help of villagers by ACF.<br />

The direction and route the overflowing water<br />

420<br />

acquires was taken up for inter-linking with the water<br />

bodies. The local know how was utilized to the<br />

maximum extent to ensure that the local farmers<br />

benefit maximum from the proposed network and<br />

least amount of water is lost through run-off.<br />

The following steps have been undertaken for interlinking:<br />

� Inter-linking of existing tidal regulators<br />

through pipelines.<br />

� Construction of radial canals from existing<br />

tidal regulators.<br />

� Construction of canals from river to village<br />

ponds.<br />

� Deepening of ponds and rivers to increase the<br />

water holding capacity.<br />

� Building of check dams, waste-weirs or<br />

percolation tanks to increase the water recharging<br />

capacity in the watershed.<br />

� Linking up of water bodies like percolation<br />

tanks and ponds by constructing link water<br />

channels.<br />

Case of village Mitiaz, Devli, Kadodara, Damli and<br />

Pipli<br />

The above inter-linking project was started in<br />

1999-2000 involving above five adjacent villages<br />

to benefit from the excess water of river Goma. The<br />

village ponds in all these five villages were first<br />

deepened to increase the water holding capacity. An<br />

inter-linking canal was simultaneously constructed<br />

to connect these ponds.<br />

During monsoon, the Goma stream over flew<br />

and the water got collected in the Mitiaz pond. After<br />

the water level in this pond crossed the stipulated<br />

level, it automatically got diverted to the<br />

downstream village ponds one by one. The table<br />

below gives the details of the work done and their<br />


Work Done Storage No. of Area No. of Avg. Depth Avg. Depth<br />

Cap. wells benefited Farmers of water in of water in<br />

(MCM)# benefited (Ha.) $ benefited wells (m) wells (m)<br />

Before After<br />

River widening & Pond<br />

deepening Pipli 0.06 40 140 40 12.20 6.70<br />

Percolation Tank Mitiaz 0.07 132 462 121 16.75 2.40<br />

Well Recharging Mitiaz<br />

Percolation Tank &<br />

— 20 64 20 8.80 2.75<br />

Waste-weir Mitiaz 0.06 30 105 25 9.75 3.65<br />

Percolation Tank Kadodara 0.06 18 63 18 11.60 3.35<br />

Percolation Tank Damli 0.11 35 122 28 12.80 1.50<br />

Checkdam Renovation Pipli 0.01 32 93 32 9.75 6.10<br />

Percolation Tank Pipli 0.05 32 112 32 10.35 5.50<br />

TOTAL 0.42 339 1161 316<br />

# The figures represent the area benefited and not the increase of area under irrigation.<br />

$ The figures represent the storage capacity created. However, ground water recharge is more because of multiple<br />

filling of the structures, which further improves the water quality.<br />

During the year 2000-01 and 2002-03, deepening and widening of river Goma was undertaken in village<br />

Pipli. After the completion of the project, the salinity in the area has reduced, the ground water level has come<br />

up and the farmers benefit from three crops a year. Also due to reduction in the salinity, the farmers now<br />

require less quantity of seeds for sowing as compared with salinity-affected scenario.<br />

Panch Piplwa – Jantrakhadi Radial Canal<br />

The Government had constructed a tidal regulator near Panch Pipalwa village to act as a barrier between<br />

the agricultural land and salinity. During the good monsoon, excess water used to flow to the sea. To utilize<br />

this excess water, a 1.50 kms. long link canal was excavated through ACF in the year 2002 from Panch<br />

Pipalwa bhandara to Jantrakhadi village. The ponds at the village Pipalwa were also deepened in the year<br />

2000-01and 2002-03. The benefits of the project are illustrated in table below :<br />

Work Done Storage No. of Area No. of Avg. Depth Avg. Depth<br />

Cap. wells benefited Farmers of water in of water in<br />

(MCM)# benefited (Ha.) $ benefited wells (m) wells (m)<br />

Before After<br />

Reverse Water Channel 0.05 30 105 30 8.84 4.27<br />

Interlinking of Tidal regulators and Bhandaras (Water Bodice)<br />

Government of Gujarat has constructed Tidal Regulators and Bhandaras on fringe of coastline for<br />

preventing salinity ingress as well as create a fresh water buffer and fresh-saline water interface. Considering<br />

the positive impact of the interlinking of ponds described above, ACF planned and implemented a similar<br />

project to interlink three major rivers of Kodinar region by constructing spreading channel, parallel to<br />

seacoast. The details of the project are given below :<br />


Project Storage Cap. No. of wells Area No. of Farmers<br />

(MCM) benefited benefited (Ha.) benefited<br />

Spreading Channel<br />

Panch Pipalva Tidal 11.72 40 270 162<br />

Regulator to Sodam<br />

Bhandara<br />

Spreading Channel<br />

Muldwarka Tidal 1.84 126 655 398<br />

Regulator to<br />

Sodam Bhandara<br />

Radial Canals<br />

from Panch 1.32 67 410 244<br />

Pipalva Tidal<br />

Regulator Scheme<br />

Advantages<br />

The above inter-linking has meant that the water bodies contain water for a much longer period than in<br />

the past and also results in less wastage of available rainwater. Percolation of water has contributed to bring<br />

up the hitherto falling ground water levels. As a result the problem of salinity ingress has also been controlled<br />

to a fair extent in the region. Water quality has definitely improved considerably as a result of perennial<br />

recharging of the aquifer. Elderly farmers of the region happily explain that the present water table has<br />

reached the level that was seen three decades back only.<br />

Availability of drinking water has increased considerably, especially during the summers and drudgery<br />

of women and girls has come down significantly. Since women and girls are generally responsible for<br />

taking care of the animals as well, the increased availability of water and fodder has further helped their<br />

cause. In fact, the hygiene standards have also gone up in the area due to availability of the water.<br />

Details of Water Resources Management Activities by ACF, Ambujanagar<br />

Sr. Activities Unit Cumulative till 05-06<br />

1 Construction / Renovation of<br />

Checkdam & Causeway Nos. 128<br />

2 Recharging of Wells Nos. 783<br />

3 Percolation Tanks & Wells Nos. 98<br />

4 Construction of Wasteweirs Nos. 16<br />

5 Construction of Culverts Nos. 6<br />

6 Construction of Farm Ponds Nos. 717<br />

7 Construction of Link Channels Kms 52<br />

8 Construction of Nalaplugs Nos. 25<br />

9 Earthen Bunding Ha. 45<br />

10 Construction of RRWHS Nos. 1172<br />

11 Saline Well Renovation Nos. 26<br />

12 Drinking Water Wells Nos. 21<br />


Conclusions<br />

The process of rainwater harvesting through<br />

inter-linking is very cost effective, if implemented<br />

in a systematic and planned manner, as compared<br />

with other projects. It assists in maximizing the<br />

utilization of available structures since these are able<br />

to buffer the excess water flow. No land acquisition<br />

is generally required and hence it helps in people’s<br />

active participation that eliminates unwarranted<br />

conflicts. However, these type of projects could be<br />

possible only in limited geographical context where<br />

the inter-linking distances are small, surface<br />

topography is favorable and the possible impacts<br />

of such projects do not adversely affect large number<br />

of people.<br />

Similarly, the conversion of mined out pits into<br />

water reservoirs is one of the best ways to reclaim<br />

the area. The availability of large quantity of water<br />

not only improves the aesthetics of the area; it has a<br />

positive impact on the earning potential of the<br />

nearby farmers. As such it fits well into the objective<br />

� � �<br />

423<br />

of sustainable mine closure, need of the hour.<br />

These kind of micro-level interventions are<br />

proving viable, feasible and cost effective<br />

alternatives for macro-level replication for larger<br />

benefits. As a matter fact, the Government of Gujarat<br />

has recognized these efforts and ACF is now<br />

considered as nodal agency by the government to<br />

help replicate such models elsewhere in the state<br />

on a large scale.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

The authors express their sincere thanks to the<br />

management of GACL and ACF for kindly allowing<br />

to use the various informations, documents and<br />

references for inclusion this paper. Special thanks<br />

are due to Shri H S Patel, President; Gujarat Ambuja<br />

Cements Limited for his guidance and<br />

encouragement on the subject matter. The views<br />

expressed herein belong to authors and not<br />

necessarily that of their organizations.

National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

76. The Public Awareness on Rainwater Harvesting<br />

Voltaire has said, ‘necessity is the mother<br />

of invention’. In the face of fast depleting water<br />

resources re-inventing conservation techniques is<br />

no longer only a likely option but an essential<br />

imperative. Of all the options available for renewing<br />

water resources, rain water harvesting (RWH) is<br />

clearly the most ancient and viable option for India<br />

both in terms of implementation and cost-benefit<br />

analysis. The government, both at the centre and<br />

the state levels, has introduced policies to promote<br />

and even enforce RWH but unless the public is aware<br />

and consciously recognizes the need for RWH,<br />

implementation will pose problems. This paper<br />

explores various measures for creating public<br />

awareness about RWH both at the micro and the<br />

macro level in an attempt to inspire and motivate<br />

various urban citizen groups to undertake the same.<br />

This paper will restrict itself to the need as well as<br />

the benefits and viability of RWH in urban areas<br />

and the role that educational institutions and other<br />

organizations can play in spreading the awareness.<br />

Fr. Agnel Technical Education Complex will<br />

serve as a case study for RWH on the micro level.The<br />

Vashi unit of Agnel Seva Ashram(ASA)which is the<br />

social wing of this organization has already geared<br />

itself up to promote the concept of water<br />

conservation. Its impressive week-long programme,<br />

‘Save Electricity and Water Abhiyan’ (SEWA), which<br />

was launched as a multi-pronged attempt to impress<br />

upon our students the need to use these scarce<br />

resources judiciously, is fast gathering momentum.<br />

A seminar on Rain Water Harvesting and a pilot<br />

RWH project for the staff quarters of the complex<br />

are next on the anvil. The long term goal is to extend<br />

RWH to meet the water requirements of the entire<br />

complex and subsequently to other Fr. Agnel<br />

Complexes in the country. Through net-working<br />

*Bertha Fernandes **Sandip H. Deshmukh<br />

with other organizations(private and government<br />

as well as NGOs) each Fr. Agnel Complex could<br />

serve as a model and a centre of informative<br />

action for other institutions and organizations<br />

in their respective zones. As the old saying goes,<br />

example is always far more effective than precept.<br />

“Unutilized or underutilized plant capacity is<br />

the costliest form of waste in developing countries.<br />

Under developed countries are always under<br />

managed countries”, said a management guru. I<br />

think this statement very apt in the context of water<br />

because under utilized or unutilized water capacity<br />

is the costliest form of waste in any country. Most<br />

of the developed world has taken cognizance of this<br />

and has already got its water management systems<br />

in place but developing countries like ours have a<br />

long way to go in harnessing this waste. Despite<br />

being in a monsoon region, availability of water is<br />

already a serious problem in most Indian states<br />

irrespective of their physical terrain and other<br />

geographical features. Infact, Cherapunji which<br />

receives the highest rainfall in the country (1100mm<br />

annually) has serious drinking water shortages. This<br />

is a clear indication of mismanagement of natural<br />

water resources and this mismanagement is evident<br />

through the length and breadth of the country barring<br />

a few geographical pockets where communities have<br />

worked to put their resources to good use. We have<br />

heard of the recent farmer suicides in Vidharba<br />

because of drought related debt burdens. The<br />

Government finally took note of the situation and<br />

offered monetary assistance. But is this the real<br />

solution to the problem? “Give a man a fish and<br />

you give him a meal , Teach him to fish and you<br />

give him a living” , goes the familiar axiom. The<br />

need for and the techniques of rainwater harvesting<br />

are the ‘lessons’ that will give our farmers a living.<br />

*Sr.Lecturer ** Asst.Professor<br />

Fr.Agnel Technical Education Complex, Sector 9A, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400703<br />

E-mail: berthaf@gmail.com, sandiphk@rediffmail.com<br />


Infact, these are ‘lessons’ that cannot and must not<br />

be confined only to farmers but to all communities<br />

in all parts of the country – rural and urban because<br />

the availability of potable water is becoming<br />

increasingly scarce. In urban areas where people<br />

depend mainly on the municipal supply, residents<br />

of housing complexes shell out up to Rs. 1000/- per<br />

tanker to meet their hygiene and sanitation needs<br />

while educational institutions are often not able to<br />

maintain desirable standards of hygiene because of<br />

the lack of water. These are costly temporary<br />

solutions to permanent problems. Hence the need<br />

for Rain Water Harvesting which is not only much<br />

cheaper but also far more effective . Infact, it is I<br />

think, the only solution to present and future water<br />

problems – a solution that has its roots in our<br />

historical past. And this solution will not catch on<br />

unless a concentrated effort is made to create<br />

awareness of the benefits of the solution. Thus arises<br />

the need for a nation-wide collaborative effort to<br />

spread Public Awareness about Rain Water<br />

Harvesting. “Change”, it is said “is inevitable. The<br />

great question is whether it is by consent or by<br />

coercion”. Through Public Awareness we can<br />

ensure that it is by consent.<br />

Having touched on the general need for Public<br />

Awareness, the paper will focus on the modalities<br />

of Public Awareness campaigning at the macro and<br />

micro level. In an attempt to answer basic questions<br />

like what about rainwater harvesting needs to be<br />

publicized; to whom and how do we publicize, we<br />

have divided this paper into the following segments:<br />

a) The importance of public awareness.<br />

b) A brief historical perspective of rainwater<br />

harvesting from our ancient past to our present.<br />

c) The causes of water depletion.<br />

d) Methods of creating public awareness.<br />

e) Public awareness measures adopted by Agnel<br />

Seva Ashram (ASA) through its Save Electricity<br />

and Water Abhiyan (SEWA) at the Agnel Technical<br />

Education Complex, Vashi.<br />

The importance of public awareness :<br />

The Key component of rainwater harvesting<br />

is storage. In a Monsoon country like India “where<br />

on an average we get 100 hours of rain and then<br />

nothing for the remaining 8660 hours in a year 1 ,<br />

water has to be captured and stored in large<br />

catchments using tanks and ponds or as groundwater<br />

425<br />

by facilitating percolation. The centre for Science<br />

and Engineering (CSE) in its intensive study of<br />

rainwater harvesting has gathered strong scientific<br />

evidence to show “that village scale rainwater<br />

harvesting will yield much water than big or medium<br />

dams” 2. Due to loss through transmission for<br />

instance, Michael Evenari has conclusively proved<br />

that water collected from small watersheds per<br />

hectare of watershed area was much more in<br />

quantity than that collected from large watersheds.<br />

A study conducted by the Central Soil and Water<br />

Conservation Research Institute (CSWSRI) in<br />

Dehradun shows that just increasing the size of the<br />

catchment area from one hectare to two hectares<br />

reduces the water yield per hectare by as much as<br />

20%. Thus it is clear that rainwater harvesting in<br />

small catchments is the effective solution to our<br />

water problems. Such water structures call for a<br />

social process of self-management in village<br />

communities or co-operative housing societies and<br />

individual organizations in urban areas. This<br />

naturally implies social mobilization- creating<br />

awareness and confidence among all sections of<br />

the community that rainwater harvesting works.<br />

Another reason for creating public awareness<br />

is that the concerned community-rural or urban –<br />

must be closely involved at every stage of the<br />

decision making process regarding their rainwater<br />

harvesting system , right from the choice of the site<br />

and the technical and financial parameters of the<br />

construction to the equitable distribution of the<br />

collected water. This could go a long way not only<br />

in ensuring adequate water supply but also in<br />

generating a community spirit (- very essential in<br />

these strife–ridden times) and building up what<br />

economists call “ Social capital”.<br />

Measures to create public awareness must<br />

include Government bodies and political leaders.<br />

Apart from funds which the concerned communities<br />

can, by and large, generate for themselves as, for<br />

example, they did in Jamnagar, Rajkot and Aizawal<br />

in Chennai, Government support is essential in the<br />

form of incentives for implementation of rainwater<br />

harvesting schemes (The Municipal Corporation of<br />

Thane, for instance, gives property tax deductions).<br />

Even more significantly, Government assistance is<br />

required in the form of flexible Government rules<br />

that facilitate social mobilization. The Government<br />

will have to “review and revise old British-time laws

like the Indian Easement act which prevent public<br />

participation in water management” 3 . This means<br />

the Government should be vital link in the process<br />

of social mobilization and public awareness. For<br />

instance, the level of Government commitment to<br />

this cause rose significantly in the wake of the fourth<br />

convention on rainwater harvesting organized by<br />

the CSE. The Government must encourage not only<br />

the construction of new water storage systems but<br />

the revival and reuse of the rich legacy of water<br />

storage systems left to us by our leaders of yore. As<br />

Thomas Munro, British Governor of Madras (1820),<br />

said “to attempt the construction of new tanks is<br />

perhaps a more hopeless experiment than the repair<br />

of those which have been filled up (through<br />

siltation). For there is scarcely any place where a<br />

tank can be made to advantage that has not been<br />

applied to this purpose by the inhabitants 4 .<br />

A brief historical perspective of rainwater<br />

harvesting :<br />

Rainwater harvesting is an ancient tradition<br />

that in India dates back to a period even before the<br />

Harappan Civilization to as far back as 4500 B.C.<br />

in the Thar and Rajasthan deserts. It is an integral<br />

part of Indian identity and cultural history and<br />

helped define India. Wells known as ‘Kirs and Beris’<br />

were first built by caravans traveling when they<br />

traversed the desert. These still stand as testimony<br />

to their creative ways of collecting and storing<br />

rainwater not only for household needs but also for<br />

farm and irrigation purposes. The more developed<br />

versions of these-”Kundis” or “Kunds” are used for<br />

drinking water storage, as in Jaisalmer district, even<br />

today, while “Bundela” and “Chandela” with steps<br />

leading down into them were surrounded by gardens<br />

and orchards to glorify the King. There were systems<br />

for harvesting rain from rooftops and courtyards,<br />

for collecting monsoon run-off from the water of<br />

swollen streams or flooded rivers. Rainwater<br />

harvesting managers called “pallars” who inherited<br />

their knowledge and skills, and added to this body<br />

of experience based on careful day-to-day<br />

observation, introduced innovative solutions to<br />

water problems. In 1987 when the modern town of<br />

Chittor ran out of water, the fort of Chittor, equipped<br />

with our efficient water harvesting system, faced<br />

no problems.<br />

In the Moghul era various “Baolis” and<br />

426<br />

reservoirs were constructed, especially in Delhi.<br />

Most of these “Baolis” have since dried up 5 because<br />

of neglect and depleted ground water levels.<br />

Causes of Rainwater Depletion:<br />

In the wake of the Industrial Revolution and<br />

modern technological advancement, two major<br />

shifts took place in the management of water:<br />

a. The state replaced communities and<br />

households as the primary agents for the provision<br />

and management of water.<br />

b. A growing reliance on the use of surface and<br />

groundwater instead of the abundantly available<br />

rainwater and flood water.<br />

Gradually drinking water became very scarce<br />

and the number of villages with drinking water<br />

problems rose significantly. Though the ministry of<br />

rural development sanctioned money to alleviate the<br />

situation, the number of problem villages rose<br />

obviously because of the lack of sustainable use of<br />

land-water-vegetation resources. The causes range<br />

from the political to the social. Anil Agarwal, of<br />

CSE sums up, “ Corruption, lack of people’s interest<br />

in maintaining the Government schemes, land<br />

degradation leading to heavy runoff, heavy<br />

groundwater exploitation leading to lowering of<br />

groundwater levels, neglect of traditional water<br />

harvesting system and growing pollution 5 . The<br />

construction of large dams has augmented the<br />

problem by contributing to human displacement and<br />

forest degradation. Dependence on the state for<br />

water has resulted in complacency among people<br />

who squander state-subsidized water. Traditional<br />

water harvesting systems necessitated responsible<br />

involvement of people – the communities that<br />

managed the systems. Hence the need to restore<br />

those harvesting structures and revive those<br />

management systems through the sustained, perhaps<br />

even aggressive, publicity campaigns.<br />

Methods of Creating Public Awareness<br />

Seminars such as those conducted by the<br />

Institution of Engineers is testimony to the fact that<br />

a considerable degree of awareness about the need<br />

for Rainwater harvesting does exist. We have heard<br />

apparently pessimistic prophecies of the Third<br />

World war breaking out because of scarcity of water<br />

resources but this dismal scenario can be averted if

we get our act together and make water ever body’s<br />

business. This means redefining the role of the state,<br />

of households and of communities in the provision<br />

of water and the protection of water resources.<br />

Therefore nationwide awareness campaigns that aim<br />

at the entire spectrum of involved parties from the<br />

central and state governments to the rural and urban<br />

communities, is a must.<br />

How then does one conduct effective<br />

awareness campaigns?<br />

In our consideration of the various strategies and<br />

methods we will move from the macro to the micro<br />

levels.<br />

1) Government Participation and support : It<br />

is essential to keep the Government aware of the<br />

activities related to rainwater harvesting so that their<br />

support and assistance, if required , can be solicited<br />

. Government officials like District Collectors, Chief<br />

Ministers and even the President and The Prime<br />

Minister must be invited to seminars and workshops<br />

that aim at changing the political mind-set from a<br />

top-down bureaucratic form of governance to a<br />

participatory form of governance where rural and<br />

urban communities are empowered to manage their<br />

own water resources. The government can push for<br />

community based water management policies and<br />

develop legislation.<br />

2) Government Awards : The Government in<br />

different states could set up awards to encourage<br />

the implementation of rainwater harvesting<br />

schemes. The Delhi Government, for instance, has<br />

already announced two lakh rupees for institutions<br />

and housing societies and one lakh rupees for<br />

individuals who have set up effective rainwater<br />

harvesting systems. (No wonder rainwater<br />

harvesting has taken off in such a big way in<br />

educational institutions and housing societies in<br />

Delhi).<br />

3) Model rainwater harvesting projects :<br />

Efforts must be made with government assistance<br />

to establish rainwater harvesting projects which can<br />

serve as models worthy of emulation. Trips must be<br />

arranged for neighboring communities to these<br />

project sites. This can be a very effective and<br />

convincing way of educating people.<br />

427<br />

4) Rainwater Centers : Every region must set<br />

up rainwater harvesting centers to provide<br />

information to interested individuals and<br />

communities interested in setting up rainwater<br />

harvesting systems. The rainwater harvesting center<br />

at Chennai, in collaboration with Akash Ganga<br />

Trust, sets up exhibitions that seek to spread water<br />

literacy among urban Indians.<br />

5) Networking with other N.G.O.s: Several<br />

N.G.O.s have done a lot of work on rainwater<br />

harvesting. Pooling the efforts and information<br />

resources of these organizations would go a long<br />

way in making rainwater harvesting a nationwide<br />

movement. For example CSE has made some good<br />

film advertisements like, “The Rain catchers” and<br />

“Jal Yodha”, which have been made available to<br />

interested parties. CSE and Manav Adhikar Seva<br />

Samiti (MASS) organized a traveling film festival<br />

from 30 th Nov. – 1 st Dec. in 2005. On our own level,<br />

ASA plans on collaborating with Enviro Vigil to<br />

set up an exhibition on our campus.<br />

6) Print and Television Media: The Media is a<br />

powerful tool for public awareness.<br />

a) Establish web-based discussion groups with<br />

a FAQ section (Frequently Asked Questions) and a<br />

forum for network partners to share their<br />

experiences on local water harvesting practices.<br />

There is already an Orkut RWH group for online<br />

committees.<br />

b) Newsletters can also be an effective platform<br />

for dissemination of information. CSE newsletters<br />

(Jalvibadri in Hindi and Catchwater in English )<br />

are mouthpieces of the National Water Harvesting<br />

Network.<br />

c) Educational Institutions at the school and<br />

college levels can organize awareness campaigns<br />

in the form of poster competitions, elocution<br />

competitions and processions where pamphlets of<br />

RWH are distributed.<br />

d) Street Plays organized by N.G.O.s and<br />

educational institutions can also serve as a powerful<br />

medium.<br />

7) Individual Effort On the individual level we<br />

who are committed to this cause of rainwater<br />

harvesting, can encourage can encourage those<br />

within our sphere of influence to implement such

projects. Shri A.B. Patil, scientific officer in BARC,<br />

encouraged his brother, Shri Muralidhar B. Patil, to<br />

implement rain water harvesting to irrigate his<br />

cotton fields. As a teacher I encouraged a group of<br />

students to write a report on rainwater harvesting.<br />

Public Awareness measures adopted by ASA<br />

Through SEWA<br />

Agnel Seva Ashram, an interfaith association<br />

committed to social and environmental harmony<br />

organized a national seminar on “Responsible<br />

Citizenship for National Regeneration” in<br />

collaboration with the Dharma Bharathi National<br />

Foundation. As an action oriented follow-up to this<br />

seminar, SEWA was established at Vashi. Saving<br />

electricity and Water is one way of exhibiting<br />

responsible citizenship.<br />

SEWA organized a week-long save water<br />

campaign with thoughts for the day that provoked<br />

reflection on the judicious use of the vital resource.<br />

In addition several competitions, which attracted not<br />

only students but also staff, were organized in the<br />

campus at Vashi.<br />

A Jingle composed and performed by a<br />

committed student was sung on several days of the<br />

week.<br />

A Poster Competition was held.<br />

A Caption Competition in which pictures<br />

were displayed and participants were asked to give<br />

stimulating captions was held.<br />

A Problem-Solving Competition was also<br />

held. Here real-life water related problems were<br />

given to participants for viable concrete solutions.<br />

This week long onslaught of messages and activities<br />

had a significant impact on staff and students. There<br />

was a noticeable difference in staff-student approach<br />

to these valuable resources. We hope this translated<br />

into significant savings in the bills and a plan to<br />

actually monitor and measure these savings is<br />

underway.<br />

SEWA also organized a seminar on rain water<br />

harvesting with Mr. Walawalkar from Enviro-Vigil,<br />

giving us very valuable inputs. ASA encourages<br />

participation in seminars organized by others.<br />

A rainwater harvesting project has been<br />

proposed and planned for the Technical Education<br />

� � �<br />

428<br />

Complex at Vashi. We hope this will be the model<br />

for other educational institutions in and around<br />

Vashi as also for other ASA centers in the country.<br />

Conclusions<br />

Mihir Shah of the Samaj Pragati (M.P) said,<br />

“To be the vehicles of a fundamental social<br />

transformation, development programs must be<br />

conceptualized as part of a process of community<br />

Empowerment…. The aim must be to gradually<br />

move towards what has been recently described as<br />

the post-bureaucratic or interactive mode of<br />

implementation in which everyone takes<br />

responsibility for the whole” 6 . But for everyone to<br />

take responsibility all must know what they are<br />

taking responsibility for, why they are taking<br />

responsibility and how they can fulfill their<br />

responsibility. In other words, a high degree of<br />

conscientization is required. As our former President<br />

K.R. Narayanan said, “ For a people’s movement<br />

for good water management we will need a massive<br />

program to promote water literacy” 7 . Rain Water<br />

Harvesting must become a nation-wide movement<br />

through a multi-pronged public awareness campaign<br />

using different systems and methods of reaching the<br />

public.<br />

List of References<br />

• www.google.com.cpreec.org/04-pamphlets<br />

• Anil Agarwal, Sunita Narain and Indira<br />

Khurana Making Water Everybody’s Business;<br />

Practice and Policy of Rainwater Harvesting.<br />

• Making Water Everybody’s Business;<br />

Practice and Policy of Rainwater Harvesting.<br />

• Making Water Everybody’s Business;<br />

Practice and Policy of Rainwater Harvesting.<br />

Pg.5<br />

• Anil Agarwal, “Water Harvesting in a new<br />

age” Making Water Everybody’s Business; Pg.2<br />

• Mihir Shah, “Participatory watershed<br />

Development: An Institutional Framework”<br />

Making Water Everybody’s Business; Pg.219<br />

• Hon. President K R Narayanan in his inaugural<br />

speech at C.S.E.’s National Conference on the<br />

potential of water Harvesting(1998)

National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

77. Rain Water Harvesting to Improve Socio-economic conditions<br />

in Hilly Areas of Maharashtra<br />


The importance of water to the sustainable<br />

habitat is enormous. It can be best emphasized by<br />

acknowledging the fact that it is the prime mover<br />

for the existence of living being on our planet Earth.<br />

Realizing this importance, a large-scale<br />

development of surface water resources through<br />

major and minor projects has been taken up by the<br />

government to ensure water supply for drinking as<br />

well as for irrigation. The government has accorded<br />

highest priority to rural drinking water supply as a<br />

part of policy framework for ensuring universal<br />

access to all and to achieve the goal of reaching the<br />

unreached. For effective implementation of this<br />

policy, a number of hand pumps and water supply<br />

schemes are installed in villages, lacking water<br />

source. Despite of all these initiatives, the water<br />

supply system fails to sustain, thereby, leaving the<br />

inhabitants to reel under acute water shortage. Their<br />

life is full of poverty, deprivation and other miseries.<br />

*Sourabh Gupta<br />

Abstrct<br />

Poverty, disease, low agriculture productivity and poor moral, exacerbated by lack of<br />

water, are the common features of the hilly areas, which lead to hardship, deprivation for the<br />

habitants. A large part of hilly areas<br />

are generally found to be lacking suitable land for cultivation and adequate irrigation facilities,<br />

thus remain denied of high cropping intensity. Although, at places they experience heavy rains<br />

during monsoon but rainwater quickly runs away due to steep gradient & poor infiltration of<br />

the under lying rock. However, the quick replenishment of wells has normally been observed<br />

with the onset of monsoon but they start depleting quickly soon after the monsoon season, as the<br />

significant movement of water occurs from higher level to lower level due to high water table<br />

gradient which is well evident from the ground water monitoring structures such as dug wells<br />

and bore wells. As a result, the acute water shortage becomes imminent during summer.<br />

The diverse hydrogeological and rainfall conditions of these areas necessitate developing<br />

varied measures to tackle the water scarcity situation. Site specific Rainwater harvesting schemes<br />

like Tanks/ponds, Gully plugging, Contour bunding, bench terracing, Sub surface dams meant<br />

for water and soil conservation have quite successfully produced the desired results.<br />

There are many villages, which have remained either<br />

with scarce water supply or without any source of<br />

water. Some of these villages are categorized as<br />

problem villages as the source of potable water is<br />

beyond 1.0 kilometre.. The women have to walk a<br />

distance of about 1.0 kms to reach up to the source<br />

of water. The virtually dry and dead water resources<br />

of hilly areas have led to acute water scarcity,<br />

affecting the socio -economic conditions of these<br />

villages. Such water scarcity conditions leads to<br />

poor agriculture productivity and thereby poor<br />

economic condition, which inevitably compels the<br />

villagers to migrate to cities in search of livelihood.<br />

Area Under Reference<br />

The hilly areas of Maharashtra referred in the<br />

context of above problem are (i) Western margin of<br />

Maharashtra Deccan plateau, which is bordered by<br />

elevated Sahyadri ranges (elevation from 600 to<br />

1600m.amsl), extending from north to south. The<br />

*Scientist “D”, CGWB, MSU, 247/11, Deccan College Road, Yerwada, Pune - 6<br />

E-mail : archsaugupta@yahoo.com<br />


high peaks in the Ghat region are in elevation from<br />

1646m.amsl, Kasuli (Nasik) in the north through<br />

1438m.amsl at Mahabaleshwar (Satara) in the<br />

central portion, 1024m amsl Panhala (Kolhapur)<br />

in the south. The elevation of drainage line varies<br />

between 600 to 900m.a.msl. at places. The other<br />

elevated ridges of the Deccan plateau are (ii) Satpura<br />

hill ranges at the northern bounder of the state<br />

(elevation 450-700m.amsl), (iii) Ajantha-Satmala-<br />

Buldhana ranges,located south of Purna –Tapi valley<br />

( elevation range 900-450m.amsl), (iv) Balaghat<br />

range ( elevation600-900.m.amsl ) extends through<br />

higher elevation of Harishchandra and Maneghat<br />

through Ahemadnagar to Manjhira plateau in Beed<br />

and Latur district, (v) Mahadev Range extends from<br />

higher Plateau around Mahabaleshwar towards hill<br />

range of Sangli –Satara district.<br />

Hydrogeology:<br />

These hilly areas are predominantly<br />

underlained by rocks belonging to Deccan Trap<br />

430<br />

basalts & laterites except the southern part of<br />

Sahyadhri range which is underlained by Archeans<br />

and Kaladgis. The Archeans are represented by<br />

Dharwarian metasediments and granite gneisses<br />

with mafic and ultra-mafic intrusives. The Kaladgis<br />

rest unconformabily over the Archeans and are<br />

comprised of conglomerate, grits, orthoquartzites<br />

and shales.<br />

The metasediment and intrusives do not<br />

possess any primary intra granular opening and thus<br />

practically have no primary porosity and<br />

permeability .The major aquifers are granitic<br />

gnessies having secondary porosity developed by<br />

weathering and presence of joints/fractures. The<br />

Kaladgis are jointed in diverse directions and<br />

jointing along with weathered impart the water<br />

bearing property. The Deccan basalts are massive<br />

in nature and occupy higher elevations. They do<br />

not form good aquifers except when they are<br />

weathered, jointed and fractured. These are capped<br />

by laterite at several places. The joints, fractures

and weathering also control the water bearing<br />

capacity of laterites. Numerous voids and joints/<br />

fractures present in laterites provide free flow of<br />

ground water whereas lithomargic clay acts as<br />

effective aquiclude.<br />

Perspective of the area<br />

These areas are characterized by inherently<br />

heterogeneous and low yielding formations either<br />

exposed on surface or under moderately thin cover<br />

of soil. The soil is generally fragile and prone to<br />

severe erosion from hill slopes. The soil is deep<br />

black having low permeability that can hold only a<br />

fraction of water that falls on it. The ground water<br />

recharge is mainly through fissures and joints in<br />

exposed rocky strata. Although some of the areas<br />

coincide with high rainfall (2000-3000mm), yet the<br />

high topographic gradient and massive nature of<br />

underlying formations generate a high runoff and<br />

less of ground water recharge. Thus, development<br />

of water table is not very pronounced. Water occurs<br />

only as a small under ground pool in the form of<br />

perched water table along the elevated regions.<br />

However, in moderately sloping areas, the<br />

development of water table is common, but of steep<br />

gradient. The steep gradient leads to outflow of<br />

significant quantity of ground water from higher<br />

level to lower level as effluent base flow into rivers.<br />

Thus, depletion of water level is very quick in dug<br />

wells as well as in bore wells, which results into<br />

water scarcity soon after the monsoon season. These<br />

adverse topographic and hydrogeological conditions<br />

are inconducive for ground water development.<br />

Hence, construction of dug wells and bore wells is<br />

not techno- economically viable.<br />

Measures to Tackle Water Scarcity<br />

The techniques and methods used to<br />

overcome water scarcity vary from region to region<br />

depending upon their specific problems, nature of<br />

terrain, climate, hydrogeological conditions etc.<br />

Some of the appropriate techniques in such areas<br />

are enumerated below;<br />

Rain Water Harvesting<br />

Rainwater harvesting is old concept as far as<br />

India is concerned. Our ancestors had been doing it<br />

according to the means available then. Nevertheless,<br />

slowly with the advent of tap water supply the<br />

431<br />

rainwater harvesting has lost its importance. As in<br />

areas where water scarcity has become a common<br />

feature due to inadequate availability of source<br />

water, rainwater harvesting has become most viable<br />

option. It is necessary to resort to long-term<br />

measures in harvesting the rainwater to meet the<br />

daily demand. Though the objective of water<br />

harvesting in most cases is to store water for lean<br />

part of the year it also imparts indirect benefits such<br />

as recharging drinking water wells and hand pumps.<br />

In hilly areas, where water harvesting has been<br />

practiced together with afforestation and other<br />

methods of watershed development and land<br />

improvement, desaturated aquifers have also been<br />

recharged and water is available in abundance from<br />

ground water sources. For the hilltop villages,<br />

especially those included in the list of tanker<br />

villages, the water harvesting system could be the<br />

best solution for meeting the water demand during<br />

the dry months by impounding water in reservoirs.<br />

The other alternatives, such as drilling or digging<br />

wells, are not appropriate. Various methods of water<br />

harvesting are feasible in hilly terrain are as<br />

discussed below.<br />

Roof Top Rain Water Harvesting<br />

This system is useful mainly for drinking<br />

water purposes. The system consists of three<br />

components i.e. collection of rainwater, conveyance<br />

and storage. In this system, rainwater falling on<br />

roof of houses and other buildings is collected and<br />

conveyed through a system of pipes and semicircular<br />

channels of galvanized iron or PVC and is<br />

stored in tanks suitably located on the ground or<br />

underground. The practice is in vogue at the<br />

individual household level in remote hilly areas with<br />

high rainfall and also in some areas of moderate to<br />

low rainfall. This type of tank storage is common<br />

in areas where under ground storage in aquifer is<br />

not feasible. Roof catchments have the advantage<br />

that they can be constructed directly near the users,<br />

if the roof is suitable for this purpose. The amount<br />

of harvested water depends on roof area and its<br />

nature, and rainfall regime.<br />

Masnory Storage Tank<br />

In hilly areas where rainfall is high and<br />

number of rainy days widely spread over long<br />

period, Masonry storage tank structures of various

shapes and sizes are built underground or over<br />

ground to collect rainwater for drinking purposes.<br />

These are constructed in a variety of places like<br />

court yards, in front of houses and temples, in open<br />

agricultural fields, barren lands etc. These are built<br />

both for individual households as well as for village<br />

communities using locally available materials.<br />

While some structures are built in stone masonry<br />

with stone slab coverings, others are built with only<br />

rudimentary plastering of bare soil surfaces of the<br />

tank with cement or lime and covering with<br />

Zizyphus Numularia thorns. Some Kuccha<br />

structures have a convex covering of local wood<br />

with mud plaster. Inlet holes are provided in the<br />

convex covering at the ground level to facilitate<br />

entry of rainwater into the tank. In case of Pacca<br />

structures the wall of the tank is kept projecting<br />

above the ground to provide inlet hole below :<br />

Roof catchments, for instance, are not suitable<br />

in small adivasi villages, as their huts have<br />

roofs, which are not suitable for collecting water.<br />

For these villages, the most appropriate solution is<br />

to construct paved ground catchments connected<br />

with underground storage tanks. Other rainwater<br />

harvesting technologies such as rock catchments and<br />

paved catchments could be appropriate in water<br />

scarcity villages. The catchments are connected with<br />

a storage tank as illustrated in the picture.<br />

432<br />

In constructing ground catchments, it will<br />

be necessary to take into consideration a number of<br />

factors, such as the rainfall regime, the number of<br />

days in a year that rain harvested water is required,<br />

number of users, appropriate catchments and<br />

reservoir design, operation and maintenance.<br />

Ground catchments are costly to install and require<br />

a careful maintenance. They provide fairly good<br />

quality water and satisfy the water needs of the<br />

entire community. To construct a ground catchments<br />

require, relatively large plots of land that may not<br />

always be available in hilltop villages. The size of<br />

the area to be cleared depends on the factors<br />

mentioned for the roof catchments. The cleared area<br />

should be graded to reduce losses due to evaporation<br />

and infiltration, to avoid soil erosion and to prevent<br />

silt content in the water. The type of paving and its<br />

cost depends on the type of material used (concrete,<br />

tiles, plastered flat stones, etc.) and its local<br />

availability. In USA chemicals are used for this<br />

purpose, such paraffin wax shredded and spread on<br />

the ground surface. Wax is melted by sunlight and<br />

seals soil pores, making a water repellent surface.<br />

Reinforced asphalt membranes are also used where<br />

this material is cheap. In Arizona, USA, the ground<br />

catchment is made impervious by lying polyethylene<br />

sheets covered with gravel for protection against<br />

damage and sunlight. Catchments are generally<br />

fenced.<br />

Ponds / Tanks<br />

This is by far the most commonly used<br />

method to collect and store rain water in dug ponds<br />

or tanks. Most ponds have their own catchments,<br />

which provide the requisite amount of water during<br />

the rainy season. Where the catchments are too small<br />

to provide enough water, water from nearby streams<br />

is diverted through open channels to fill the ponds.<br />

Spring Water Harvesting System<br />

Spring water is a highly desirable source<br />

of community water supply. Since the water emerges<br />

at the ground surface through cracks and loose joints<br />

in rocks under internal pressure of the ground water<br />

system, no pumping is required. More over the water<br />

is fresh and free from pollution obviating the need<br />

for artificial purification. However, such sources are<br />

available mostly in hilly terrain, foothill areas or<br />

intermontane valleys.

One relatively easy means of storing and<br />

distributing spring water is through a device known<br />

as a spring box. Built usually into a hillside and<br />

deep enough to access the spring-water source, this<br />

device allows water to enter from the bottom and<br />

fill up to a level established by an overflow or vent<br />

pipe. Hydraulic pressure then maintains the level<br />

in the spring box. The outflow pipe near the base of<br />

the device may be connected via pipe to a larger<br />

storage system (such as a tank) closer to the point<br />

of use or tapped directly at the location of the box.<br />

This device can be constructed using local materials,<br />

and if built carefully and protected can provide<br />

many years of reliable operation. Depending on local<br />

water requirements and conditions, a number of<br />

these spring boxes may be constructed to provide<br />

year-round supply or used to recharge other community<br />

water storage systems. Alternatively, a variation<br />

on the spring box concept may also be employed<br />

known generally as an infiltration gallery. A long<br />

perforated pipe or box (3 to 6 inches or more in<br />

diameter) may be placed across the water-bearing<br />

433<br />

layer of the hillside to gather spring water. Backfilled<br />

with gravel or another sufficiently porous<br />

medium, the pipe or box is connected to an outflow<br />

pipe(s).<br />

Hill Slope Collection<br />

In this system, which is in vogue in many hilly areas<br />

with good rainfall, lined channels are built across<br />

the hill slopes to intercept rainwater. These channels<br />

convey water for irrigating terraced agricultural<br />

fields. The water is also used to fill small ponds for<br />

domestic use and the cattle.<br />

Diversion Dams<br />

Water from hill streams are diverted through<br />

small excavated channels for domestic use and<br />

irrigation. The Springs are merely in the form of<br />

water trickling through layers and joints in<br />

rocks,discharge copiously can used both for drinking<br />

water supply and irrigation. Split bamboo channels<br />

are used to trap and convey water upto the village/<br />

hamlet for drinking purposes.

Modern Structures<br />

During the last 100 years there has been<br />

considerable technological development, interalia,<br />

in the design and construction of water harvesting<br />

structures for various purposes. In areas where<br />

source of water is only rainfall, entire efforts of water<br />

conservation are to be concentrated on insitu<br />

rainfall.. Gully plugging , Contour bunding, Bench<br />

terracing and Gabbion structures are the common<br />

water conservation structures applicable in run off<br />

zone. They are also part of watershed improvement<br />

works. These measures are multipurpose, mutually<br />

complementary and conducive to soil and water<br />

conservation. They help to increase forestation and<br />

agriculture productivity.<br />

Gully Plugging : These are the smallest soil and<br />

water conservation structures built across gullies in<br />

hilly areas carrying drainage of tiny catchments<br />

during rainy season. These are built with locally<br />

available materials like stone boulders, earth,<br />

weathered rock brushwood etc. Sand bags or<br />

brickwork may also be used to strengthen the bund.<br />

Gully plugs may be chosen wherever there is local<br />

break in slope to permit accumulation of adequate<br />

water behind the bund. The height of individual plug<br />

depend upon land slope may be between 2 to 3 m<br />

above nala bed and progressively taper off on side<br />

slope. A number of gully plugs may be provided on<br />

the same gully or nala, one below the other at every<br />

hundred-meter separation.<br />

Contour Bunding :<br />

These are small structures earthen bunds<br />

built horizontally in parallel rows across the hill<br />

slope. These help in augmenting soil moisture and<br />

prevent erosion of topsoil. This technique is suitable<br />

in low rainfall area where monsoon runoff can be<br />

impounded by constructing bunds on the slopping<br />

ground all along the contour of equal elevation. The<br />

434<br />

flowing water is intercepted before it attains the<br />

erosive velocity by keeping suitable spacing<br />

between the bunds. The Spacing of between two<br />

contour bunds depends on the slope of the area and<br />

the permeability of the soil. Contour bunding is<br />

suitable on land with moderate slope without<br />

involving terracing..<br />

Bench Terracing :<br />

Sloping land with surface gradient up to 8%<br />

having adequate soil cover can be leveled through<br />

bench terracing for bringing under cultivation. It<br />

helps in soil conservation and holding runoff water<br />

on terraced area for longer duration giving rise to<br />

increased infiltration recharge. The width of<br />

individual terrace should be fixed depending upon<br />

the slope of the land. The upland slope between two<br />

terraces should not be more than 1;10 and the terrace<br />

should be leveled.<br />

Gabbion Structure<br />

This kind of check dam commonly<br />

constructed across small streams to conserve stream<br />

flow with practically no submergence beyond<br />

stream course. Small bund across the stream is made<br />

by putting locally available boulder in a steel of<br />

mesh wires and anchored to the stream banks. The<br />

height of such structures is around 0.5 m and is<br />

normally used in the stream with width of less than<br />

10.0 m. The excess water overflows this structure<br />

storing some water to serve as source at recharge.<br />

The silt content of stream water in due course and<br />

with growth of vegetation, the bund becomes quite<br />

impermeable and helps in retaining surface water<br />

runoff for sufficient time affect rain to recharge the<br />

ground water body.

Ground Water Conservation Techniques<br />

The water recharged into aquifer is<br />

immediately governed by natural ground water flow<br />

regime. It start seeping away due the steep water<br />

table gradient and transmissivity 0f the aquifer.As<br />

a result the water is not available for exploitation<br />

during the summer season.The aim is to conserve<br />

water for later use.The under ground bhandara has<br />

proved to be the most successful technique for<br />

improvement of sustenance of water supply source<br />

Ground Water Dams<br />

It is a sub-surface barrier across stream, which<br />

retards the base flow and stores water upstream<br />

below ground surface. The water level in upstream<br />

part of ground water dam rises saturating otherwise<br />

dry part of aquifer site where sub-surface dyke is<br />

proposed should have shallow impervious layer with<br />

wide valley and narrow outlet. After selection of<br />

site, a trench of 1-2 m wide is dug across the breadth<br />

of the stream down to impermeable bed. The trench<br />

may be filled with clay or brick / concrete wall up<br />

to 0.5 m below the ground level. These structures<br />

are preferred down stream of existing water supply<br />

structure to sustain availability during the summer.<br />

� � �<br />

435<br />

Sum Up<br />

The poor accessibility, adverse<br />

hydrogeological condition, higher cost of<br />

development and thin size of population etc are the<br />

factors not suiting to the state government norms,<br />

and also the ignorant attitude towards thinly<br />

populated poor people, are certain inhibiting factors<br />

for long term solutions to this problem. As a result<br />

these hilly areas remain perpetually under water<br />

scarcity for most part of the year. . In such situation,<br />

water scarcity can only be tackled by supply oriented<br />

management practices. While other measures of<br />

development of ground water are not found technoeconomic<br />

viable, the conservation of both surface<br />

water and ground water are the most appropriate<br />

option. The cost of construction of these structures<br />

is quite low as they can be built using the local<br />

materials and also not much scientific skill is<br />

required to execute them.<br />

References<br />

Hydrogeology of Maharashtra(1994), Central<br />

Ground Water Board,Ministry of water<br />

Resources,Faridabad<br />

PP 4-7<br />

Jain,S.K.& Jain,P.K.(2001) Possibilities of Rain<br />

water Harvesting and Ground water Augmentation<br />

in Rajpura parliamentary constituency,<br />

MaharashtraPP 36-41<br />

Manual of Artificial Recharge of Ground Water<br />

(1994),Central Ground Water Board,Ministry of<br />

water Resources,Faridabad PP112-117<br />

Rain water Harvesting Techniques to Augment<br />

Ground water,(2003) Central Ground Water<br />

Board,Ministry of water Resources, Faridabad<br />


National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

78. Socio- Economic Upliftment of Farmers through Rainwater<br />

Harvesting at Dedag Watershed, Sirmour H.P.<br />

*Dr. Anirudh Manchanda *Dr. Pankaj Mittal *Dr. H.L.Thakur<br />

Abstract<br />

In Himachal Pradesh more than ninety percent of population lives in villages and<br />

earn its livelihood through farming. The farming in hills mainly depend on rainfall.<br />

Water in the hills is available through rain, snow, springs, surface flows and drainage<br />

courses. The hills of Sirmour receive 1670 mm as the average annual rainfall, still<br />

water is a scarce commodity in these areas, as more than 85% water is received during<br />

June-September, which goes waste as runoff due to inadequate harvesting and storage<br />

facilities. The excess rain water in shape of runoff takes away the fertile soil along<br />

with it. So in order to manage these natural resources watershed approach based on<br />

“community action” was adopted at Dedag under the National Watershed Development<br />

Program. The watershed is located at longitude 77 0 24’E and latitude 30 0 50’N with<br />

height varying from 1600-2348 meters above mean sea level in District Sirmour HP.<br />

The project has 570 ha of effective area from five villages supporting 145 families,<br />

with irrigation restricted to less than 15 % of the area. A Community managed system<br />

called “Jalagam Sangh” was constituted at watershed level, which helped in executing<br />

different modules through participatory approach.<br />

(a) Rain water harvesting from base or surface flow -The water source at Sanio<br />

contributed on an average 20-25 thousand litres of water per day under normal months<br />

but the discharge increased to 85-90 thousand litres per day during rainy season .This<br />

large volume of water resulting from rainfall was going waste .So, water storage and<br />

conveyance module was demonstrated to harvest every drop of water. This module has<br />

benefitted 55 families.<br />

(b) Rain water harvesting from roofs –The roofs of three houses were selected as<br />

catchments for the harvest of rain water at Dedag in the absence of natural catchments.<br />

The discharge from these roofs has been directed to a tank through PVC pipes and<br />

water yield of 2.0-2.5 lac litres is being harvested annually, which provides irrigation<br />

to 2-3 ha of land. This module has benefitted 6-7 families.<br />

The benefits and impacts of rain water harvesting can clearly be seen at watershed in<br />

shape of social-economic changes. The availability of water has been increased from<br />

0.3 ha-m to 2.4 ha-m annually and as result an increase has been observed in the<br />

yields of Potato, Pea ,Garlic and Maize (20-50%). The incremental gains were highest<br />

under Garlic Rs 70,000/ha followed by Potato Rs 61750/ha, Pea Rs 18900 /ha and<br />

maize Rs 7000/ha. Where as the Benefit :Cost ratio was highest in Pea(7.24) followed<br />

by Potato (5.63) , Garlic (3.56) and Maize (2.14). Higher values of Crop Fertilizer<br />

Index under Potato(0.50,0.44), Pea(0.40),Garlic (0.37,0.40) and Maize(0.50,0.60)<br />

clearly indicate that the farmers have started using NPK and Urea fertilizers at rates<br />

*CSK, HPKV. Hill Agric. Research and Extension Centre, Dhaulakuan. HP, INDIA anirudh_3322@hotmail.com<br />


anging from 37-60% of recommended doses. The higher values of Crop Productivity<br />

Index(58-87%) confirms the increase per unit area.<br />

The encouraging results of water harvesting have given confidence to farmers. They<br />

are now well organized in a system called “Jalagam Sangh”. The feeling of<br />

participation, cooperation and social justice can be seen among farmers. They are<br />

now governing the resources as per need, local rules and mutual understanding thus<br />

reducing social conflicts. These modules have given opportunity for women to<br />

participate in development programmes and have benefitted them by reducing drudgery<br />

and saving precious time. Women empowerment can be seen in the watershed as Ms<br />

Prem Lata is working as Watershed Secretary. General cleanliness and hygiene of<br />

village has also been improved. There is change in attitude, clothing and food habits.<br />

The people participatory index is also above 55 percent.<br />

Risk bearing capacity and financial empowerment can be seen in the farmers.<br />

Employment opportunities (1100 man days) have been generated due to different<br />

developmental works in progress. Economic equity is another positive point as weaker<br />

sections are being benefitted with wages and other interventions. The opportunities<br />

of livelihoods have also been increased.<br />

1.0 Introduction<br />

Himachal Pradesh is a hilly state and situated<br />

in the lap of Himalayan ranges in the north- west of<br />

India. It is situated between 30 0 -22’-40" to 33 0 -12’-<br />

40" N Latitude and 75 0 -47’-55" to 79 0 -04’22" E<br />

longitude (Anonymous,2002). Himachal Pradesh<br />

has twelve districts and more than 78 percent of<br />

cultivated area is rainfed. District Sirmour is situated<br />

at the south end and has its boundaries with<br />

Utranchal and Haryana state. As we move from<br />

valley to high hills in the district, we experience three<br />

different agro climatic zones (mid hill sub-tropical,<br />

mid hill-sub humid and high hill sub temperate zone<br />

). In Himachal Pradesh more than ninety percent<br />

of population lives in villages and earn its livelihood<br />

through farming . They are mainly involved in<br />

agriculture, horticulture and animal husbandry. The<br />

farming in hills mainly depend on rainfall. Water in<br />

the hills is available through rains, snow, springs,<br />

oozing water sources, surface flows and drainage<br />

courses. Major share of water is being used by<br />

agriculture followed by domestic and other sectors.<br />

The hills of Sirmour receive 1670 mm as the average<br />

annual rainfall, still water is a scarce commodity in<br />

these areas, as more than 85% water is received<br />

during June-September, which goes waste in the<br />

shape of runoff due to inadequate harvesting and<br />

storage facilities. The water resources in hills have<br />

high potential, which need harvesting on scientific<br />

lines to cater to the needs of hill farmers. The soil<br />

degradations is another problem in the hills as excess<br />

437<br />

rain water as run off takes away the fertile soil<br />

along with it.<br />

Agriculture production is the major livelihood<br />

concern of the inhabitants of fragile, complex, diverse<br />

and risk prone agro-ecosystem of the Himalayas.<br />

Stake holders of this region have poor resources ,<br />

inadequate infrastructures ,marginalized farming<br />

situations and uncertainties due to rainfed conditions.<br />

Efficient utilization of natural resources is essential<br />

to accomplish sustainability and stability of food,<br />

nutritional and environmental securities (Mishra<br />

,2001).The productivity levels in irrigated areas has<br />

attained a level and there is little scope for further<br />

increase. So, the opportunity lies in the development<br />

of rain fed areas . Rainfed agriculture is complex,<br />

diverse and risk prone and is characterized by low<br />

productivity and low input usage. The farmers of<br />

rainfed areas generally face scarcity of water as<br />

major problem i.e erratic and uncertain rains, which<br />

results in wide variation and instability in crop yields.<br />

So in order to have holistic and sustainable<br />

development of natural resources in rainfed areas<br />

“Watershed Approach based on community<br />

action” was adopted, which makes it an ideal<br />

planning unit for development and management of<br />

water and soil resources besides it also enables a<br />

holistic development of agriculture and allied<br />

activities.<br />

The main objectives of watershed approach<br />

1. Natural Resource Development.<br />

2. Farm Production System.

3. Socio-economic upliftment of farmers-<br />

Livelihood issues.<br />

2.0 Location and Watershed information<br />

Watershed Dedag, is situated on Rajgarh -<br />

Haripurdhar state highway, 10 km from Rajgarh<br />

town in H.P. The watershed is situated at 77 0 24’E<br />

and latitude 30 0 50’N with height varying from 1600-<br />

2348 meters above mean sea level. It has total<br />

effective area 570 ha.The watershed consists 180<br />

ha of total culturable area and only 116 ha is being<br />

cultivated presently. The irrigation facility at<br />

watershed is only restricted to 43 ha whereas rest<br />

of the area is un irrigated .The main source of<br />

irrigation is rainfall and natural springs. There are<br />

145 families (SC-67, Gen- 78) which has been<br />

covered under project from five villages namely<br />

Dedag, Sanio, Matari , Jelag,and Khanoteo. The<br />

total beneficiaries are 753 out of which 392 are male<br />

and 361 female. Most of the family member (719)<br />

are literate and majority families ( 90%) earn their<br />

livelihood from agriculture.<br />

3.0 Concept<br />

There is growing realization that technology<br />

generation, dissemination and adoption cannot be<br />

taken in isolation. So National watershed<br />

development project for rainfed areas, Dedag, has<br />

been conceptualized differently from other Extension<br />

and Developmental programmes to solve farmer’s<br />

problem in participatory mode and through<br />

community action. Participatory endeavour of<br />

watershed project is to bring about the socio<br />

economic transformations by way of diversifying hill<br />

farming for complete sustainability. So, a systematic<br />

approach is followed to achieve the objective.<br />

Participatory approach is an important initiative to<br />

decentralize decision making process and promote<br />

ownerness among the farming communities. These<br />

paradigms of development are required for<br />

sustainable improvement of socio economic condition<br />

of resource poor stakeholders.(Mishra,2001) In this<br />

process, the real issues are analyzed by sharing<br />

experiences and knowledge of local communities and<br />

external service providers. This empowers the<br />

people in decision making by sharing responsibilities<br />

and accountabilities of activities to be carried out.<br />

The bio-physical and socio-economic constraints,<br />

priorities and preferences of interventions were<br />

438<br />

identified before launching the program through<br />

agro-ecological system analysis. The professionals<br />

and stakeholders work jointly for problem solving<br />

and decision making processes. The service provider<br />

acts as facilitators and the stakeholders as actors<br />

while preparing the project in participatory mode.<br />

Technologies generated at institute were assessed<br />

and refined through adaptive research and<br />

disseminated to farmer’s field by conducting<br />

demonstrations in a participatory mode.<br />

4.0 Methodology<br />

The national watershed development project<br />

for rainfed areas is basically a Participatory<br />

programme based on a community managed system<br />

called- “Jalagam Sangh” and all the development<br />

work has to be executed by the farmers under the<br />

guidance of experts. Therefore to achieve this<br />

objective a team of experts from Hill Agriculture<br />

Research and Extension Centre (HAREC)<br />

Dhaulakuan.(H.P Agricultural University , Palampur)<br />

worked with the farmers on following lines.<br />

4.1 Social Aspects<br />

Community Organization<br />

Capacity Building<br />

Planning. Execution of programme.<br />

4.2 Developmental and technical Aspects<br />

Technical programme (Survey, Design etc.)<br />

Farm Production system interventions.<br />

4.1 Social Aspects<br />

Important socio-psychological components<br />

(confidence building ,motivation, aspiration, conflict<br />

resolution, learning and transparency) ,which play<br />

crucial role in accomplishing sustainability were

given priority before implementation of program.<br />

� Community Organization-<br />

According to the government previous policy,<br />

decision making process was in the hands of official<br />

hierarchy of the authorities with top-down strategy.<br />

Paradigm shift from top-down to bottom-up<br />

community interactive process is an appropriate<br />

approach, as this results in real participation of the<br />

beneficiary in the development process and desirable<br />

goals of food security and self sufficiency are<br />

achieved. Hence, for effective participation of<br />

farmers, awareness campaign among farmers was<br />

created and they were motivated to come forward<br />

to understand the concept of participation by our<br />

team of experts. All beneficiaries were made<br />

members by contributing Rs 50/= as membership<br />

fee and they were allowed to choose leader<br />

democratically to form executive body i.e President,<br />

Secretary, Volunteers, Community organizers. The<br />

association was then registered with registrar<br />

Societies as “Jalagam sangh” or Watershed<br />

Association. The user group of Sanio and Deadg<br />

were formed under leadership of Mr Partap<br />

Chauhan and Mr Ashok kumar.<br />

� Capacity Building-<br />

Once the teams or groups are formed it becomes<br />

important that team efforts are sustained and team<br />

spirit is maintained, hence for successful team work<br />

they needed training to acquire knowledge and skills<br />

w.r.t. Management, Leadership, Communication,<br />

Mutual trust and Power to take decisions etc.<br />

(Wani,2002). The members of association were<br />

given training on management , social and technical<br />

aspects.<br />

� Planning and execution of Project<br />

activities-For Planning and execution of project<br />

activities agro-ecosystem analysis, PRA and priority<br />

analysis was carried out.<br />

• Agro-ecosystem analysis-<br />

Agro-ecosystem analysis is a method of finding out<br />

problems and solutions related to socio-economic<br />

improvements. Agriculture problems are<br />

systematic in nature and are linked with each other<br />

due to varying agro-ecological and socio-economic<br />

conditions. The concept of agro-ecosystem analysis<br />

initiated by Conway (1985) involves a minimum set<br />

439<br />

of assumptions acceptable to all the disciplines of<br />

rural and agriculture development. The behavior of<br />

agro ecosystem is characterized by four properties<br />

i.e Productivity , Stability, Sustainability and<br />

equitability.<br />

• Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) and<br />

Surveys-<br />

After the capacity building phase the members<br />

of Watershed association conducted series of<br />

Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) exercises<br />

separately for each village to gather first hand<br />

information. Then information was confirmed by<br />

bench mark survey of individual village w.r.t Natural<br />

resources, Land use, Cropping pattern, Input use,<br />

Human resource, Animal resource, Socio-economic<br />

status of the families.<br />

The Sanio village has the following information<br />

w.r.t different resources.<br />

(a) The land use data revealed that out of total 150<br />

ha effective area,52 ha is culturable area and 40 ha<br />

is being cultivated presently. The irrigation facility is<br />

restricted to only 19 ha area. Main crops grown are<br />

Potato , Pea and Garlic. These are the main cash<br />

crops grown in watershed and their cultivation is<br />

restricted only to irrigated area.<br />

(b) The village Sanio has total 57 families and out<br />

of these 23 belong to Schedule caste. The femalemale<br />

ratio of watershed is 0.91, where as the literacy<br />

percent of the watershed is 98.3 The data on input<br />

use of watershed indicates that the input use is below<br />

fifty percent of recommendations.<br />

(c) The majority of the families(51) in the village<br />

are having agriculture as main occupation, where as<br />

service and business class constitute only 10.5

percent (6 families).Hence, majority of farmers will<br />

be interested in farm development activities.<br />

• Priority analysis-<br />

Priority analysis was worked out through the<br />

data generated from Participatory rural appraisal and<br />

Basic survey of village. So after prioritization of<br />

problems, an action plan was prepared for Sanio and<br />

Dedag villages. Water harvesting , soil management<br />

and farm production were the issues of the prime<br />

concern to farmers. The order of important priorities<br />

identified by the farmers has been given in figure.<br />

• Execution of Programme–<br />

User group of beneficiaries was formed at village<br />

level, which submitted resolution w.r.t Consent,<br />

Participation, Viability of project, Area to be covered<br />

and other Social benefits, to Watershed Executive<br />

Committee for approval. The work was then<br />

executed through community action by the members<br />

of user group Sanio, and Dedag under technical<br />

guidance of Soil Conservation Department experts<br />

4.2. Developmental and technical Aspects<br />

� Technical programme (Survey, Design etc.)-<br />

After doing the priority analysis by the farmers,<br />

technical program was made in consultation with<br />

the expert of Irrigation and public health or engineer<br />

of soil conservation department for different water<br />

harvesting ,conveyance and storage structures.<br />

Before executing the work, this technical program<br />

was got duly approved from the experts.<br />

� Farm Production system interventions—<br />

• Farm Production system interventions were<br />

finalized by the farmers in consultation with the<br />

agricultural expert. The analysis of data was done<br />

as per the statistical procedure by Gomes and Gomes<br />

(1992) and suggested by CSWCRTI Dehradun and<br />

440<br />

Sunabeda, Orissa .<br />

• Crop fertilization index was calculated as ratio<br />

of quantity of fertilizer used by the farmer per hectare<br />

to the recommended fertilizer dose per hectare .<br />

• Crop productivity Index was determined as<br />

ratio of yield obtained by farmers per hectare to<br />

recommended level of yield per hectare<br />

• People participation Index was calculated as<br />

percent of mean participation Score to<br />

maximum participation Score.<br />

• Economic analysis-To identify, quantify and<br />

value the social advantages (benefits) and<br />

disadvantages (costs)in terms of common monetary<br />

units various interventions were analyzed for gross<br />

returns, net returns and benefit cost analysis.<br />

5.0 Results and discussion -<br />

During the course of study various interventions<br />

were demonstrated in the watershed through<br />

participatory approach and the results obtained are<br />

as below.<br />

5.1. Intervention 1 - Rain water harvesting and<br />

conveyance system from base or surface flow<br />

at Sanio and its Socio- economic benefits.<br />

5.2. History of Water source –<br />

This water source is perennial one and has<br />

average water discharge of 20-25 thousand liters<br />

per day during normal months (having no rain<br />

fall) but the discharge increases to 85-90<br />

thousand liter per day during rainy season(June-<br />

September). The farmers were taking this water to<br />

their fields by open channel i.e traditional delivery<br />

system locally called Bandha, there were heavy<br />

conveyance losses as the channel was infested<br />

with weeds, broken at several places and the<br />

movement of water was very slow. The farmers<br />

were not getting good recovery of water from the<br />

system. With time this water delivery system<br />

became faulty. Since good amount of money was<br />

involved for its maintenance hence no body came<br />

forward to maintain it. The source was used only by<br />

2-3 influential and economically sound farmers and<br />

they were taking this small amount of water through<br />

their own delivery system i.e. plastic pipes of 1.0-<br />

1.5" to irrigate their fields and they were able to<br />

irrigate only 1-2 ha area and 50 plus families were<br />

deprived off from this facility from source which

was having potential to irrigate 15-20 ha area. So<br />

every one in the village was concerned to develop<br />

it and to harvest every drop of water from the<br />

source and also to capture additional discharge<br />

resulting from rains during rainy season in tanks<br />

They were also fascinated to install effective<br />

water conveyance and storage system if some<br />

funds were made available to them.<br />

5.3 Execution of work-<br />

Since it was a community asset and every<br />

farmer wanted to develop it. A group of beneficiaries<br />

called User group Sanio was constituted under the<br />

leadership of Mr Partap Chauhan and a Concept<br />

of People participation was introduced.<br />

5.4. Technical Details of water harvesting-<br />

The work was executed by the members of<br />

user group Sanio. The farmers cleaned the water<br />

source and the discharge was taken to a small storage<br />

cum siltation tank. GI pipe ( 3 inch) was selected as<br />

conveyance system by the irrigation expert since the<br />

discharge was comparatively less than the irrigation<br />

demands of command area so other option like open<br />

channels as conveyance system was not preferred.<br />

People also wanted that every drop of water<br />

harvested should reach to the last point (750meters<br />

away from source). Farmers laid out the pipe under<br />

expert supervision and after every interval of 150<br />

meters gate valve was provided to supply water for<br />

the agricultural fields. There were three old tanks<br />

in the fields and after minor repairs they were made<br />

functional. One new tank has also been constructed<br />

from the project funds. Now the water is being stored<br />

in these tanks (2.0 lac liters cumulative capacity)<br />

and is not allowed to go waste during night hours or<br />

surplus period . Since the flow of water is continuous<br />

and the conveyance system is passing through village<br />

Sanio, two another out lets have been provided in<br />

the village and farmers meet out their domestic water<br />

demands from these taps. The topography of the<br />

area also benefitted the villagers as the conveyance<br />

system is running on the top of village boundary and<br />

farmers are getting the water by gravity to their roof<br />

tanks by plastic pipes for domestic needs. The source<br />

of water is clean and is being taken in a covered<br />

pipe line, the farmers are using this water for drinking<br />

also. The work in this module has been taken in three<br />

components<br />

441<br />

1. Collection of water in a small storage cum<br />

siltation tank.<br />

2. Conveyance system for water transport from<br />

source to fields.<br />

3. Storage of water from source in big tanks for<br />

irrigation purpose.<br />

The total expenditure incurred to make this<br />

module operational was Rs 3,63,000=00 The tanks<br />

were made of RCC material and GI pipes were<br />

used for conveyance system. The farmers<br />

contributed 10-15 % share in the shape of labour,<br />

time, local material and devoted lot of time and energy<br />

for supervising the work.<br />

5.5. Findings-<br />

By instinct, we tend to protect something, on<br />

which we have invested. The farmers have invested<br />

their labour and time in construction and<br />

maintenance of the system. So they all worked for<br />

the success of this module. This module is now<br />

operational and the farmers are getting every drop<br />

of water harvested and there is virtually no wastage.<br />

The socio- economic effects of water harvesting<br />

module have been studied as below -<br />

5.5.1. Rain water harvesting and its<br />

availability to society -<br />

The day, this module became functional the<br />

water availability in the village and fields is round<br />

the clock as the water is flowing continuously from<br />

the source to tanks and to farmers fields.<br />

The average availability of water is now 2.0<br />

ha-m to 2.4 ha-m. annually as against 0.03 to 0.04<br />

ha-m in the past . The area has also been increased<br />

from merely 2-3 ha annually to 15.0 ha every crop<br />

season under irrigation and the beneficiary families<br />

are now more than 50 as against 2-3 in the past.<br />

Earlier the water losses were more than 85 % which<br />

are now below five percent.(Table 1.) The resource<br />

poor and weaker section farmers were having no<br />

access to this water but now they are comfortable<br />

and getting water for irrigation and other needs.<br />

The sowing of crops which used to be dependent on<br />

rains is now at the wish of farmers. The availability<br />

of irrigation has improved the crop stand and growth.<br />

The farmers are getting higher yields .The rain<br />

water harvesting module has turned out to be a<br />

social asset to the farmers of Sanio Village.

Table.1 Water availability status at Sanio village<br />

No Observation Before Project After Project<br />

1. Water availability Few days Round the clock<br />

2 Water availability( annually) 0.3-0.4 ha-m 2.0-2.4 ha-m<br />

3 Area covered 2-3 hectare >15 hectare each season<br />

4 Number of beneficiaries 2-3 >50<br />

5 Water losses >85%

water, use of improved seed and balanced fertilizers<br />

and agronomic practices. (Table.2 )<br />

( c) Input use-The benchmark survey indicated<br />

that farmers were using agricultural inputs at lower<br />

rates ranging from 30-50% of recommended doses<br />

and as a result low crop yields. The farm production<br />

interventions inspired the farmers and as a result<br />

the use of agricultural inputs increased, which has<br />

been reflected in the higher values of Crop fertilization<br />

index(CFI) & Crop productivity index(CPI). Higher<br />

CFI was observed under Potato(0.50,0.44),<br />

Pea(0.40),Garlic (0.37,0.40) and Maize(0.50,0.60)<br />

which clearly indicated that the farmers have started<br />

using NPK and Urea fertilizers at higher rates<br />

ranging from 37-60% of recommended doses.<br />

.(Table.3) The farmers have now recognized the<br />

balanced use of NPK fertilizers and their role in crop<br />

production.<br />

(d) Productivity-Before the start of project the<br />

crop productivity index in the village was below 54%<br />

under Potato, Garlic and Maize crops except Pea<br />

69%. The farmers were not harvesting good yield<br />

as per the potential of these crops so there was<br />

scope for improvement. Higher and judicious use of<br />

inputs along with assured irrigation has increased<br />

the yield of almost all the crops which comes as<br />

confirmation from the increasing trend of Crop<br />

Productivity Index registered under various crops at<br />

village Sanio.(Table .3)<br />


The water source which was not managed<br />

earlier has been developed by people and the user<br />

group Sanio is maintaining its functioning. The<br />

farmers have now developed a system at their own<br />

and every user is to abide the rules and regulations<br />

fixed by all members as below.<br />

� No person will be allowed to pollute the water<br />

source in any shape.<br />

� Members will be storing the water in tanks<br />

when it is surplus or at night time.<br />

� Farmers will be using their own plastic pipes<br />

as conveyance system to irrigate field.<br />

� Flood irrigation has been discouraged as it leads<br />

to losses and less water use efficiency.<br />

� Small amount has been fixed as user charge/<br />

fees and defaulter if any, will be fined by user group<br />

members.<br />

� All the members of user group are authorized<br />

to inspect the working and maintenance of system<br />

Table 3 – Effect of water harvesting on Crop fertilization index and Crop Productivity index<br />

S.No Crop Crop Fertilization Index(CFI) Crop Productivity Index(CPI)<br />

Before (2003) After(2005) Before (2003) After(2005)<br />

1 Potato 0.54 0.68<br />

NPK 0.4 0.5<br />

Urea 0.38 0.44<br />

2 Pea 0.69 0.87<br />

NPK 0.33 0.4<br />

3 Garlic 0.47 0.58<br />

NPK 0.31 0.37 - -<br />

urea 0.32 0.4 - -<br />

4 Maize 0.5 0.75<br />

NPK 0.4 0.5<br />

Urea 0.5 0.6<br />


5.5.3 Water harvesting benefits the women<br />

of Sanio- Women empowerment.<br />

The women in the village are ignorant ,undernourished,<br />

week and overburdened with farm and<br />

house hold work. The involvement of women was<br />

very essential to meet the gender neutrality and for<br />

betterment of society as well as realistic planning of<br />

watershed. There fore overall empowerment of farm<br />

women was attempted through following ways.<br />

� The watershed secretary, is a key position in<br />

the watershed and the person is responsible for<br />

maintenance of records, accounts, supervision of all<br />

works and community related activities. Ms Prem<br />

Lata from Village Sanio is working as<br />

Watershed Secretary and is the example of<br />

women empowerment .<br />

� Reduction in women drudgery has been<br />

achieved through water harvesting module which<br />

has come as a boon to village Women folk.<br />

� The average water requirement for a family<br />

of five in Sanio village was worked out to be 233<br />

litre /day(46.7 Liter/day/person) plus 40-50 litre for<br />

animals. The women of village used to spend on an<br />

average 3 hrs daily (1095 hrs annually) for bringing<br />

water to meet the domestic needs viz Cooking,<br />

Washing of cloths,Cleaning, Bathing and Sanitary.<br />

� Now these valuable hours have been saved<br />

and the women are spending this time for the<br />

welfare of their children and self care. The<br />

women are now happy and relaxed a lot , as water<br />

is available round the clock and they can plan the<br />

work according to their comfort and mood.<br />

� Regular health camps are also being organized<br />

to benefit the women.<br />

444<br />

� Women of the watershed have been included<br />

in the community institutions Viz-Watershed<br />

Committee, Watershed association SHG,User<br />

groups, Mahila mandal and they are encouraged to<br />

participate and express their needs, problems and<br />

priorities.<br />

5.5.4 Water harvesting and its Impact on the<br />

general hygiene of the village.<br />

� Due to shortage of water the overall cleanliness<br />

was poor in the village.<br />

� The farmers were not washing their clothes<br />

very frequently but now the situation has been<br />

improved.<br />

� The older people were not comfortable at all<br />

as the water source was far away and they had<br />

limited access to it. The conveyance system of this<br />

module is running through the village and catering<br />

the needs of all sections of the society.<br />

� The scheduled caste and other weaker<br />

sections in the village were not comfortable on<br />

the water issues but present scenario has reversed<br />

the situation and water is available to every body in<br />

plenty.<br />

� The availability of water has improved the<br />

General Hygiene in the village .<br />

5.5.5 Water harvesting introduced Social<br />

changes in community<br />

Participatory endeavour of watershed project<br />

is to bring about the socio economic transformations<br />

by way of diversifying hill farming for complete<br />

sustainability. This systematic approach has achieved<br />

the following objectives.<br />

� The people are now coordinated and they have<br />

developed the feeling of ownerness<br />

� The empowerment of people has come in<br />

decision making by sharing responsibilities and<br />

accountabilities of activities to be carried out and<br />

decision making process is now decentralized.<br />

� There is a new experience of working. The<br />

professionals and stakeholders jointly work in<br />

problem solving and decision making processes.<br />

� The service provider acts only as facilitator and<br />

the stakeholders as real actors while preparing the<br />

project in participatory mode.<br />

� The higher values of participatory index at<br />

different phases of project show that farmers are<br />

taking more interest in different activities and it is

the result of the success they have achieved under<br />

participatory approach. The overall score of people<br />

participatory index was 55% at Sanio.<br />

5.5.6 Economic Benefits- Impact of water<br />

harvesting on the economy of people.<br />

Right from the start of the project the members have<br />

been benefitted economicly as-<br />

� Yield Increase-The results of demonstration<br />

revealed that Av. Yield of 165.0 and 170.0 qtl/ha<br />

was harvested in Potato demonstrations which was<br />

22.2 & 25.9 % higher than control plots . Garlic<br />

demonstrations harvested 105.0 and 103.0 qtl/ha and<br />

was 21.1&23.5 % higher than control plots. Pea<br />

demonstration also resulted in 20-26 % higher yield<br />

than control plots. Maize demonstration registered<br />

an increase of 35-50% grain yield under<br />

demonstrations.<br />

� Monetary gains-The highest incremental<br />

gains (Rs/ha) were under Garlic Rs70,000 followed<br />

by Potato Rs 61750 , Pea Rs 18900 and maize Rs<br />

7000.<br />

� Where as the B :C ratio was highest in Pea7.24<br />

followed by Potato 5.63 , Garlic 3.56 and Maize 2.14.<br />

The increase in the productivity of crops was mainly<br />

attributed to higher availability of water for irrigation,<br />

use of improved seed and balanced fertilizers and<br />

agronomic practices.<br />

� Employment Generation-More than 1100<br />

man days were generated as employment from<br />

project activities.<br />

� The flow of funds have created confidence<br />

among farmers and now they are having better risk<br />

bearing capacity .They are now in a position to<br />

decide the rates with the dealers where as earlier<br />

the dealers had upper hand and they used to dictate<br />

their terms and conditions.<br />

� Assets Possessions and Consumer<br />

durables-The farmers have also added assets to<br />

the village viz-New houses (6), Radio sets(15),<br />

Television(7), Dish TV(7), Gas connection (15),<br />

Livestock (10), Agricultural equipment(8),<br />

Latrines(3) which indicates the economic growth of<br />

farmers.<br />

� Sustainability and Replicabilty-The<br />

enthusiastic participation of farmers across the<br />

developmental stages of the project added to<br />

sustainability dimension of the modules. Now the<br />

farmers are trained and have capacity to replicate<br />

445<br />

the work at other places.<br />

6.2. Intervention.2. -”Rain water harvesting<br />

from roofs through community managed system<br />

at village Dedag, Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh”.<br />

6 .2.1 Execution of work and technical Details-<br />

The roofs of three houses were selected as<br />

catchments for the harvest of rain water at Dedag<br />

in the absence of natural catchments. The discharge<br />

from these roofs has been directed to a tank through<br />

PVC pipes and water yield to a tune of 2.0-2.5 lac<br />

liters is being harvested annually, which provides<br />

irrigation to 2-3 ha of land. This module has benefitted<br />

6-7 families. The results of demonstration revealed<br />

that Av. Yield of 138.0 qtl/ha, 38.0 qtl/ha and 91.0<br />

qtl/ha were recorded under Potato, Pea and garlic<br />

which was higher than control by 15.0% in<br />

Potato,13.0% in Peas and 21.0% in Garlic The<br />

system has been developed under community<br />

managed system under leadership of Mr Ashok<br />

Kumar User Group Dedag with the main objective<br />

to harvest rain water for irrigation purpose. Being<br />

first year ,the data on the yield has been presented

where as data on socio economic impacts will be<br />

available for presentation after second year.<br />

7.0 Conclusion :<br />

The rain water harvesting through community<br />

managed system at Dedag watershed has benefitted<br />

the farmers of Sanio and Dedag villages by providing<br />

water for irrigating and other domestic purposes.<br />

The availability of water has increased the<br />

productivity of crops and in turn better monetary<br />

returns. The economic gains have made the farmers<br />

more comfortable and confident .The women<br />

empowerment can be seen in the watershed as<br />

women are involved at every stage of development<br />

and their opinion is given due importance. Reduction<br />

in women drudgery is another out come of the<br />

project. The weaker sections have also been<br />

involved in the watershed and they have been<br />

provided employment opportunities in the watershed.<br />

� � �<br />

446<br />

8.0 References :<br />

1. Anonymous (2002). Annual Season and Crop<br />

Report. Directorate of land records H.P.Shimla<br />

India.<br />

2. Conway,G.R.,1985.Agroecosystem analysis.<br />

Agricultural Administration .20(1):31.<br />

3. Gomez. A.K and Gomez.A.A (1981). Statistical<br />

procedures for agricultural research 2 nd edition An<br />

IRRI publication..<br />

4. Mishra A.S (2001) Social concept and<br />

participatory approaches in watershed<br />

development.Procedings of workshop on watershed<br />

development. CSWCRTI Dehradun.pp-103-111.<br />

5. Wani,S.P.,T.J.Rego and P Pathak (2002)<br />

Improving management of natural resources for<br />

sustainable rainfed agriculture. ICRISAT.<br />

Proceedings of workshop on “On farm participatory<br />

Research Methodology”P:1-61

National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

79. Rain water harvesting –Public awareness<br />

* Pradeep S. Bhalge<br />

Abstract<br />

Indian ancestors realized that water is very ephemeral resource for them. They<br />

began to love the monsoon season. They realized that human society couldn’t grow without<br />

extending the bounties of monsoon water from the wet months to the dry months. They<br />

slowly grew the extraordinary traditions of rainwater harvesting in myriad form in different<br />

parts of India. Ancestors have given holistic approach to the water. India is the only<br />

country in the world where water is called as “Tirth”. “Tirth” means the holy water. Due<br />

to this concept in mind no body was wasting the available water and dared to add impurities<br />

to the water resources. Unfortunately today, peoples are forgetting the water heritage,<br />

water culture, and the sustainable technology. This results in to impure and scare water.<br />

In the past days the peoples/ community always had an important role in constructing and<br />

managing the traditional water harvesting systems. This was the reason of the prosperity<br />

in the olden days. This paper deals with the public awareness about the traditional rainwater<br />

harvesting techniques, and importance of people’s participation for efficient use of available<br />

water resources.<br />

Introduction<br />

Once upon a time India was known for surplus<br />

production in the field of agriculture. The prosperity<br />

at that time was depends upon the Agricultural<br />

production and the agriculture was depends upon<br />

the wise full management of available water<br />

resources. Indian agriculture is a monsoon feed<br />

agriculture. The monsoon is known for its vagaries.<br />

One cannot predict anything about its quantity,<br />

extent, intensity, and period of stress. Some times<br />

it rains so heavily, at others it does not rain at all.<br />

To overcome these uncertainties the fore fathers<br />

invented various devices of water conservation.<br />

Some of them are still functioning in different parts<br />

of the country, while the others are waiting for<br />

getting restored. Water is prerequisite of life and<br />

there is no substitute for water. Hence the by gone<br />

scientist realized the essence of water. They made<br />

entire society aware of it. They made conservation<br />

and preservation of water the concern of every-body<br />

and hold every body responsible for its misuse. The<br />

wrong done were severely punished. Ancient stories<br />

description and the narrations written by the foreign<br />

visitors describe the prosperity of our nation at that<br />

time. The prosperity was depending upon the wise<br />

full management of water resources. Prosperity was<br />

attended in the period of dynasty like Gupta’s,<br />

Satwahana’s, Morvay’s,Yadava’s, Hinu dynast of<br />

Vijaynagram, and others. In that period we were<br />

far ahead of other nations in agriculture science.<br />

Information about the few glimpses of Traditional<br />

wisdom in water management is given below.<br />

Water as Tirth<br />

India is the only country where water is<br />

honored as ‘Lok Mata’ i.e. folk mother. They are<br />

hence worshiped as goddesses. Water of rivers and<br />

scared hydraulic bodies was given the status of<br />

‘tirtha” i.e. holistic drink. Tirtha has great respect<br />

in the society. On every religious occasion water is<br />

worshiped at the beginning of the ceremony. On<br />

the third day of Vaishkh a ritual of Akshaya Tritiya<br />

is observed though out the country. Rivers like<br />

Ganga, Yamuna, Sindhu, Sarswati, etc. and<br />

hydraulic bodies like lakes and reservoirs, step<br />

wells, and hot water springs were honored<br />

* Assistant Engineer Gr .II, Jayakwadi Project Circle, Aurangabad.<br />


throughout the country. Water is assumed as god’s<br />

gift. This assumption helps to maintain the purity<br />

of water, its efficient use and also helps in<br />

maintenance of the water structure. The traditions<br />

are still vogue. Special Melas (Festivals) are<br />

organized in honor of them. Indians have given<br />

importance not only for the collection of rainwater<br />

but equally importance to the purity of the water.<br />

India is mining Ground water, which may be as<br />

much as 7000 years old. They had respect of water<br />

and they loved water and handled it with great<br />

sensitivity and wisdom. Almost all-small rivers,<br />

springs, and other water bodies including tanks, are<br />

attributed some degree of holiness and associated<br />

with the local pantheon of Hindu god and goddesses.<br />

The digging of tank was considered to be one of<br />

the seven great meritorious acts a person has to<br />

perform during a lifetime.<br />

Traditional method of rain water harvesting<br />

The base of Indian civilization has ever since<br />

remained agriculture; however the technique of<br />

irrigation differs according to climatic diversion.<br />

Therefore it has very long tradition in the<br />

development of water bodies like, surface and<br />

subsurface (ranging from small to large), river works<br />

such as diversion weirs, diversion canals, flood<br />

canals, diversion of river courses, inter basin transfer<br />

of water, constructing of underground tunnels<br />

(through soft or hard strata), underground channels<br />

(lined or unlined), digging open well and step well,<br />

laying pipeline on ground or under ground, tapping<br />

sub soil water through tunnels and infiltration<br />

galleries, transforming water over long distance<br />

through open or closed conveyance system for rain<br />

water harvesting etc. Few examples of the systems<br />

are given below.<br />

Lakes and reservoirs<br />

India has been rightly known to be the country<br />

of lakes. At every village there was at least one lake.<br />

The man made tanks or lakes were devised for<br />

different objectives such as irrigation, fishery,<br />

religion, recharging ground water, drinking water,<br />

tanks for cattle’s etc. These hydraulic bodies were<br />

developed in almost all part of India with active<br />

support and encouragement from beneficiaries.<br />

There was a common belief that this type of pious<br />

deed could secure a place in heaven. Many of such<br />

448<br />

works are still functioning. The best examples are,<br />

reservoirs at Bhopal, Jodhapur, Bikaner, Chittod,<br />

Rajkot, Devas Jaipur-Ajamer, Jaisalmer,<br />

Budhelkhand, Anhillpattn etc. were constructed in<br />

this distributed historical span.<br />

Step well<br />

The ancestors were taken care of recharging<br />

of these well. Techniques of rainwater harvesting<br />

are used here to improve the ground water level. At<br />

many sites water tank were constructed to recharge<br />

the ground water. The recharge ground water is then<br />

enters slowly in to the step well. That is the reason<br />

of the centuries old steep wells are still functioning.<br />

The steps wells are found all over India. It is an<br />

extraordinary form of the underground water<br />

conservation system. Few examples of the best step<br />

wells are, Adalaj near Ahmedabad in Gujarat, Rani’s<br />

Barav at Patan in Gujarat, Ahilyabai’s Barav at<br />

Chandavad near Nasik, in Maharashtra etc.<br />

Water harvesting from the hill slope<br />

Devagiri- Daultabad is situated in a hilly<br />

terrain known for water scarcity where no river<br />

flows, assuring perennial source of water. Being a<br />

capatial and metropolitan nature of the centre, it<br />

required ample water for its daily needs. The huge<br />

magnitude of the population with sizable number<br />

of animals including elephant, camels, and<br />

residential quarters would have necessitated an<br />

ample supply of water. They introduced number of<br />

rainwater harvesting schemes. The wisdom they<br />

used since long remain to be the unique in nature.<br />

The hill on the left side of the highway going<br />

towards Ellora, situated well above the level of the<br />

palace complex in the fort. The average annual<br />

rainfall in this region is around 600 mm. The<br />

rainwater running down the slope of the hill is<br />

guided to a collecting chamber by a guide wall cum<br />

bund. The thickness of the bund is 450 mm, height<br />

is 750 mm. and length is 2000 meter. Two pipelines,<br />

one of them stoneware pipe line 400 mm in diameter<br />

and other earthenware pipeline 200 mm diameter,<br />

were provided. These two pipelines were taken<br />

through the valley at about 35 m below the inlet<br />

level and let in to the rock mot running around the<br />

foot of the hill, over which the fort stands. The out<br />

let is about 11 meter below the inlet level. The two<br />

pipe lines thus acted as syphons and collecting the

un off from one hill and conveying to other hill by<br />

crossing the valley between the two. An estimated<br />

yield of 173000 cubic meter of water is obtained<br />

from this source. This single example is sufficient<br />

to prove the Indian wisdom in hydraulic faculty.<br />

Water thus brought and collected in a water tank<br />

inside the moat of size 20 m x 10 m x 200 m length<br />

section is separated from the body of the moat by<br />

rock cut diaphragms left deliberately uncut while<br />

excavating the moat section. From this tank water<br />

was supplied to the neighboring guesthouse<br />

complex. Bullock operated arrangements locally<br />

known as ‘Moat’ was provided to lift the water from<br />

the tank in moat. The lifted water then conveyed to<br />

the palace complex.<br />

Peoples Participation-Phad System of Irrigation<br />

The community managed Phad irrigation<br />

system is prevalent in northwest Maharashtra i.e.<br />

part of Dhule and Nasik districts. Each independent<br />

Phad system comprises of a diversion weir, a canal<br />

on the bank and distributaries for irrigation. The<br />

technique of construction of weirs and diverting the<br />

river water for irrigation were developed form the<br />

dynast Morya’s period (300 BC). The average<br />

rainfall in this area is 674 mm. Most of them receive<br />

in between June to September. The land is fertile.<br />

Surface irrigation is boon for this area. A Weir/<br />

Bandhara may supplies water to more than one<br />

village. The right to water has been fixed by<br />

tradition, which is strictly adhering to. Phad<br />

irrigation system can be set a good example of<br />

equitable distribution of available water and its<br />

proper management. At few places the Fad irrigation<br />

system is still in existence. Fad irrigation is unique.<br />

King or Ruler supported the capital costs for<br />

construction of weirs. The distribution network is<br />

to be prepared by the irrigators. The maintenance<br />

works were the collective responsibility of the<br />

irrigators. And they had performed in such a way<br />

that the system runs years to gather. The wisdom in<br />

the management is very attractive. All the<br />

stakeholders in the irrigation limits are the members<br />

of the organization. Their elected punch- committee<br />

(Executive body) is to discharge day to day working.<br />

There is annual gathering of all the members on the<br />

eve of first day of Hindu calendar year. The<br />

members of the committee are honorary workers,<br />

to executive the duties they were assisted by<br />

449<br />

irrigation staff which includes.<br />

1. Havaldar- Vigilant officer and responsible for<br />

maintenance of the system. Observation of rotation<br />

and distribution of water are his prime concerns.<br />

Generally he is an outsider and paid in cash.<br />

2. Patakari- Working on canal distribution<br />

3. Barekari- In charge of rotation and crop<br />

patterns.<br />

The miraculous Kazana well<br />

Beed is a district head quarter, situated in<br />

Maharashtra state of India. The city is situated in<br />

the scanty rainfall zone. The average rainfall in this<br />

region is about 750mm. The rain is irregular. In such<br />

a situation Kazana well was constructed to supply<br />

water for irrigation. This well is situated on the bank<br />

of the Bindusara River. It is 5 Km. away from the<br />

Beed City.<br />

The details of the well are given in the table below<br />

Year of construction 1572<br />

Material of construction<br />

Diameter inside up to<br />

Coursed rubble<br />

masonry in lime mortar<br />

5m depth from the top<br />

Diameter inside form 5m<br />

19.7meter<br />

to 8depth from the top 13.0meter<br />

Diameter outside 20.6 meter<br />

There are three underground tunnels inside<br />

the well. All the three tunnels are at the same level.<br />

The length of the southeast tunnel is not known.<br />

Only 5.40meter length is seen, the rest of it is filled<br />

with earth. Water does not come from this side. The<br />

southwest tunnel is having length 540meter as per<br />

Government record. This tunnel is constructed<br />

below the riverbed and joins the Kazana well. The<br />

water flowing in the river recharges the ground<br />

water and saturates the subsurface layers. The tunnel<br />

is passing through these saturated layers. The water<br />

in these layers enters the tunnel through the holes<br />

provided on the walls of the tunnels. The water<br />

collected in the tunnel, then flows towards the well<br />

due to gravity. This much water is sufficient to<br />

irrigate 212 ha of lands with traditional flow<br />

irrigation methods, which is miraculous and unique<br />

of its kind. An irrigation tunnel 2.42 Km long is<br />

provided on the north side of the well. Since 1572,

without much expenditure this scheme is running<br />

well and irrigating 212 ha. It also fulfills the needs<br />

of drinking water of the rural and new urban area<br />

of Beed City. Given the unreliability of the Indian<br />

monsoon, the seasonality of surface water sources<br />

and the expenditure involved in the supply of piped<br />

water, water-harvesting structures can play a useful<br />

role in meeting the survival needs of the people<br />

Water management<br />

Find out how much water is available in your<br />

village. An example and one table are given below.<br />

Water requirement of village under<br />

consideration<br />

Area = 1000 haPopulation =1000 no. Animals =<br />

600 no.<br />

Water will be required for 1.Drinking ( people +<br />

cattel) 2.Irrigation 3.Forest 4.Industries<br />

1. Calculation of annual water requirement for<br />

drinking purpose for peoples<br />

=365 days x 100 liter per day requirement x<br />

population 1000 =3,65,00,000 liters.<br />

2. Calculation of water requirement for drinking<br />

purpose for peoples<br />

=365 days x 150 liter per day requirement x No. of<br />

animals 600 =3,28,50,000 liters<br />

Total= 365 00 000 + 328 00 000= 693 50 000 liters<br />

=6.9 ha-m = 7 ha-m<br />

3. Calculation of annual water requirement for<br />

irrigation purpose<br />

For one rotation 100 mm (0.1 mater) water<br />

will be required. Generally 60% of the area is under<br />

cultivation. Thus the cultivated land of our village<br />

will be 60% of 1000 ha. i.e. 600 ha. Out of which<br />

50% will be assumed under irrigation (300 ha).<br />

450<br />

Assuming one rotation in Kharif and four rotation<br />

in Rabi the tatol water requirment for 300 ha will<br />

be<br />

= 300ha x 5 rotation x 0.1 meter =150 ha-m.<br />

4. Calculation of annual water requirement for<br />

Jungle purpos e<br />

Plants in the jungle or Horticulture garden<br />

require 100 liters of water per week. There are 52<br />

weeks in a year. Let us not consider 2 rainy weeks.<br />

Then assuming water requirement of 50 weeks only.<br />

Let there are 200 no trees in a hectare, and the<br />

plantation is on 100-hectare area. Then total number<br />

of trees will be<br />

= 200 no per ha x 100 ha area = 20 000 Nos.<br />

Water requirement of 20 000 trees will be<br />

= 20 000 no x 100 liters per week x 50 weeks<br />

= 100000000 liters = 10 ha-m<br />

5. Calculation of annual water requirement<br />

for Industrial purpose<br />

There will be production of vegetables,<br />

flowers, and fruits. It can be sale directly or some<br />

times it is to be preserved in cooling plants. Or some<br />

times it may process. For that purpose canning<br />

centers are required. Water requirement of various<br />

small-scale industries will be assumed to be<br />

=13 ha-m.<br />

6. Assumption of annual water requirement<br />

for Garden around the School = 5 ha-m<br />

Thus the total annual water requirement will be<br />

= 7+150+10+13+5 =185 ha-m<br />

Available annual water from rainfall over 1000<br />

hectare area and 600 mm annual rainfall will be<br />

(From above table) = 210 ha-m<br />

This is more than the annual water requirement of<br />

a village under consideration.<br />

Thus it is found that the water scarcity is not<br />

natural, it is due to the mismanagement. Rainwater

harvest will certainly solve the water problems in any village. Thus we can overcome the erratic nature of<br />

rain. For that purpose we should leave the nature of dependence on the others. Then only we can stop the<br />

tanker for water supply.<br />

Comparison of India with Other nations<br />

Water availability per head in different River Basins in India<br />

General Information of Maharashtra: ( 1996-1997)<br />

(Reference : Maharashtra Irrigation Commission)<br />

( If gross availability is assumed as 125936 M cum)<br />


Sub basin wise water availability per head and per hectare in Maharashtra<br />

( Reference : Maharashtra State water and irrigation commission)<br />


If the rain precipitation in a village is kept in<br />

the village then all the problems will solve. Roof<br />

water should be diverted in to the Bore well or open<br />

well. Install a hand pump over it. The rain<br />

precipitated over the fields shall be filtered and<br />

diverted in to the open dug well, will improve the<br />

water table in the vicinity of the well.<br />

Conclusion<br />

The area getting heavy rains have water<br />

scarcity in summer days; the reason behind is that<br />

efforts are not taken to make the water to percolate<br />

in to the ground. “catchment’s area development”<br />

is necessary for solving the water problems.<br />

Generally pumping of ground water is more than<br />

the naturally percolated water in to the ground. As<br />

the money is deposited first in to the bank and then<br />

utilized, in the same way Allow pumping of that<br />

much amount of water, which is replenished in the<br />

preceding rainy season. This attitude will solve the<br />

water scarcity problems.<br />

Irrigated area of Different Nations<br />

[Reference: World Irrigation Statistics 2002- IWMI]<br />

District wise average annual rainfall in Maharashtra state in millimeter<br />

(Reference : Maharashtra State water and irrigation commission)<br />

� � �<br />

453<br />

There may not be have suitable geology to<br />

store underground water at all places. In such places<br />

store the rainwater in surface storage structures like<br />

field tanks, village tanks, storage tanks, weirs etc.<br />

Otherwise, every year, water scarcity problem gets<br />

severe and severe. By construction of very simple<br />

structure the rainwater can make to percolate in to<br />

the ground.<br />

References<br />

1. Zopale Ajun Mal : Santosh Gondhalekar<br />

2. Maharasshtra water commission repot : President –<br />

Madhav Atamaram Chitale<br />

3. Param Vaibhawacha Tappa Ala Prof. Ramesh Pandav<br />

4.Aaj Bhee Khare Hia Talab : Anupam Misara<br />

5. Pani sarvasathi : Pradeep Bhalge<br />

<strong>Papers</strong><br />

1. Few Glimpses of Indian Water and Culture : Dr. R.S.<br />

Morwanchikar<br />

2. Glimpses of Water History of India : Dr. D.M. More<br />

3. Well water management in India : Pradeep Bhalge

National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

80. Involvement of People for Flood and Drought Control<br />

*Rahiman pani Rakhiye, bin pani sab soon, pani<br />

gaye na ubren, moti manas chune*<br />

When Rahim says and explain in two lines in<br />

the year —— there were no water scarcity, nor water<br />

was polluted , even at that time he was well aware,<br />

that this gift of nature is how precious, for the<br />

existence of the planet which believes that there is<br />

only earth, where the life is ,we can see how limited<br />

the availability of water ,which we are using without<br />

even thinking, about the fact that this can not be<br />

produced in any factory, except through the nature<br />

itself ,we hardly feel its importance ,however<br />

whenever there is a scarcity of water we realize how<br />

useful it is in our day-to-day life ,apart from our<br />

daily use ,we depend on water, to fulfill our other<br />

requirements ,A large amount of water is used in<br />

agriculture, to produce food, also industries use<br />

water, to carry out various processes ,increasing<br />

demand of electricity is also needs water Although<br />

the earth has a huge stock of water, the amount of<br />

water that can be used by human beings and other<br />

animals is very small.<br />

The figure shows about the availability of fresh<br />

*A. K. Charles<br />

water —as per diagram shown below——of the total<br />

water available on earth , 97.40%is in the oceans.<br />

due to its salinity it cannot be used by human beings<br />

most of the fresh water is frozen in the polar , how<br />

important this precious gift of nature in early days<br />

traditional Indian culture was for the betterment of<br />

the society not for personal ,every where from<br />

Kashmir to Kanyakumari we can see Amrais, Talab,<br />

Dharamshala , wells etc. now the old tradition has<br />

gone and seemed outdated ,nobody wants to<br />

maintain that type of community places and the<br />

result is, all these structures are being ruined ,no<br />

public involvement ,lack of interest to manage are<br />

the main problem nowadays, at the other hand we<br />

are not aware of this fact that day by day situation<br />

is going worst, if the attention will not pay timely<br />

we have to pay enormous damage to the society and<br />

then we will not be able to check then, this is the<br />

right time when we should fully involved ourselves<br />

and get it done with war foot level in this context<br />

our very first priority is to maintain groundwater<br />

level which is going down with alarming speed ,<br />

cautious about its cleanliness aware about its<br />

*Wainganga Samudayik Vikas Kendra, Dhapewara,Kumhari,Balaghat, M.P. 481022, Mo.9893217825<br />

E-mail –charles_ ak@rediffmail.com<br />


echarging , A study of world wide fund in the year<br />

2006 shows that all the developed countries are<br />

using water as the other resources , the fact is this<br />

that these countries are facing acute water shortage.<br />

When we Actually look in the field, and we<br />

are really interested to change the situation<br />

everybody get involve and within very short span<br />

of time, we can watch the difference, we have<br />

already very suitable and dynamic example of Tarun<br />

Bharat Sangh when Mr. Rajendra singh started water<br />

conservation works in the Rajasthan everybody<br />

including local people of the area laughed and<br />

nobody can believe, now the changes we are<br />

looking, that is the result of ones deep sense of love<br />

and affection to the nature his dedication whole<br />

heartedly working in that kind of worst situation, it<br />

changed the whole economy of the area ,and once<br />

the area where even fodder was not available for<br />

cattle’s, now the farmers are busy with farming<br />

activities and getting three crops in a year.<br />

And the works leads Mr. Rajendra Singh to<br />

won the Megsese Award for his outstanding works<br />

in the field of water conservation.Another example<br />

is Mr. Anna sahib hajare, position of the village<br />

Ralegaon sindhi was just like any other village of<br />

Maharashtra state and when he started his work on<br />

conservation of water with the help of local people<br />

he got Padam shri and Padam vir awards.<br />

In the state of MP when Mandideep near<br />

Bhopal,was identified to develop as industrial estate<br />

there was acute water shortage and AKVN took<br />

initiative to develop water bodies in the area now<br />

Mandideep become self supported water bodies<br />

which are not only feeding its peoples drinking water<br />

but also providing water for industries ,all these three<br />

case studies shows us the work done by locals<br />

themselves and we can see the result whether it is a<br />

question of involvement of peoples like in our first<br />

two cases or it is a dedicated work of government<br />

agencies, the important thing is to start with a good<br />

intention ,result oriented zeal dedication and ready<br />

to complete timely .<br />

One National level studies shows when there<br />

were only one thousand tube wells, in the year 1947<br />

now there are more then sixty lacs tube wells are in<br />

the country , when MP Government with a very good<br />

intention to the farmers of the state, decided to clear<br />

all the loans and provided free electricity farmers<br />

over exploited this facility and 8 districts poured<br />

455<br />

water more then the capacity which damaged the<br />

reserve store which cannot be restored anyway, this<br />

is the position when in the 80’s all the wells were<br />

capable to provide water in the summer season now<br />

seventy-five percent of the wells are drying in the<br />

month of December ten percent in the January ,ten<br />

percent in the February only two percent of the wells<br />

of MP has the capacity to feed in the summer, this<br />

is only because of the tube wells, one tube well dried<br />

ten wells of surrounding area,<br />

Now even environmentalist and geologist are<br />

agree with this fact that one tube well damaged 5 to<br />

10 nearby wells , Officers of the water conservation<br />

authority says due to digging up to 300 feet all the<br />

underwater current disturbed and diverted the<br />

ground water layers.<br />

Madhya Pradesh plays a very critical role in<br />

this context all the rivers originating from MP are<br />

because of the forest and ground water sources<br />

unlike the rivers of the northern part which are the<br />

result of ice melting of Himalaya ,rivers of MP needs<br />

proper attention to conserve forest ,rainwater<br />

harvesting techniques should be the integral part<br />

of our planning thus only we will be able to fight<br />

with this great manmade disaster of the country other<br />

wise this will damage the ecosystem of the whole<br />

country .we need proper attention of local people<br />

and general public to involve in the whole process<br />

of conservation of water like if we follow these very<br />

simple techniques in our daily life how much our<br />

contribution in the field of water conservation we<br />

can observe ourselves .<br />

It is a very common fact that next world war<br />

will be for water as we are observing, all the rich<br />

and developed countries are facing acute water<br />

shortage and when the position will be beyond their<br />

limit they will sure try to exploit undeveloped and<br />

underdeveloped countries to fetch water for the<br />

citizens, even now many multinational companies<br />

has already started various plants, which needs<br />

plenty of water and spreading pollution in the<br />

surrounding area, thus this is the right time to start<br />

not thinking but functioning from top to bottom we<br />

have to start from every nook and corner in this<br />

situation we need awareness ,Training ,Skill<br />

development ,methodology ,and last but not least<br />

funds within a fixed time frame which involves short<br />

term, medium and long term plans, all the<br />

recommendation and conclusion depends upon the

SN Activity If tap is on Water used If use this way Water used Saving<br />

1 Brushing 5 minuets 20 Ltr. Mug /Glass 0.5Ltr. 19.5 Ltr.<br />

2 Shaving 2 minuets 10 Ltr. Mug 0.25Ltr. 9.75 Ltr<br />

3 Bathing 30 minuets 90 Ltr. Bucket 30Ltr. 60 Ltr<br />

4 Toilet 10 minuets 30-40 L. Using flush 7.5Ltr 20-30 Ltr<br />

5 Home Cleaning 10 minuets 50 Ltr. Mug/ Bucket 20 Ltr 20-30 Ltr<br />

6 Two wheeler 10 minuets 70-90 L. Bucket/ Mug 20 Ltr 50-70 Ltr<br />

7 Car wash 30 minuets 300 Ltr. Bucket/ Mug 50 Ltr 200-250Ltr<br />

availability of resources ,Human, Technical ,and<br />

Financial are important for that .Major cause of the<br />

floods and draught in the area like Balaghat which<br />

is paddy growing area is that due to traditional<br />

knowledge and practice, all the fields filled with<br />

water for crop, in this process the whole area of<br />

agriculture convert in a kind of blockage which don’t<br />

allow water to absorb in the mansoon which<br />

ultimately create draught in summer.<br />

Some of the recommendations are as follows :<br />

1. All the data available at government, non<br />

government Academic and Research institutions<br />

should be compiled and made available to<br />

everybody on internet.<br />

2. All the latest Rainwater harvesting techniques<br />

should be compiled and made available to all<br />

interested individual and institutions from panchayat<br />

to national level.<br />

3. All the works from traditional knowledge to<br />

the latest one should be collected and made available<br />

to everybody.<br />

4. This is a work which needs involvement of<br />

everybody at every level so the planning, Execution,<br />

media should also come together and work with<br />

target and result oriented strategy.<br />

5. Develop some systematic plan with the help<br />

and guidance of planning commission to suit every<br />

body and every sector.<br />

6. formation of high power committees from<br />

National to village level with the involvement of<br />

every sector.<br />

7. All the Government, Nongovernment,<br />

Panchayat, Cooperatives, Media, Technical<br />

institutions should be the members of this<br />

committee.<br />

8. proper feed back systems are very essential for<br />

the monitoring and follow up.<br />

9. Near railway lines, Roadsides, canals<br />

plantation work should be encouraged.<br />

10. Some special Award can be launched for proper<br />

implementation, as this is very positive way to<br />

recognize for their outstanding works in the field.<br />

11. All the Panchayats should be involved to take<br />

necessary works related rainwater harvesting these<br />

grass root agencies are very effective for such works.<br />

When rahim says these words in the year —<br />

— there were no water scarcity, nor water was<br />

polluted, even at that time he was well aware, that<br />

the gift of nature is how precious, for the existence<br />

of the planet which believes that there is only earth,<br />

where the life is, we can see how limited the<br />

availability of water, which we are using without<br />

even thinking, about the fact that this can not be<br />

produced in any factory, except through the nature<br />

itself, we hardly feel its importance, however<br />

whenever there is a scarcity of water we realize how<br />

useful it is in our day-to-day life ,apart from our<br />

daily use ,we depend on water, to fulfill our other<br />

requirements ,A large amount of water is used in<br />

agriculture, to produce food, also industries use<br />

water, to carry out various processes ,increasing<br />

demand of electricity is also needs water Although<br />

the earth has a huge stock of water, the amount of<br />

water that can be used by human beings and other<br />

animals is very small. The figure shows about the<br />

availability of fresh water —as per diagram shown<br />

below——of the total water available on earth,<br />

97.40%is in the oceans. Due to its salinity it cannot<br />

be used by human beings most of the fresh water is<br />

frozen in the polar.<br />

� � �<br />


National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

81. Public Awareness on Rain Water Harvesting<br />

- A Case Study in Chennai City<br />


Water is life and blood of our environment and<br />

without water no living being can survive. Water is<br />

finite resource and cannot be replaced/duplicated<br />

and produced on commercial scale. Ground water<br />

is the largest reservoir of fresh water on the planet.<br />

It immensely contributes to India’s development and<br />

economy. It meets 85% of drinking water needs of<br />

rural India. It sustains 60% of irrigated agriculture<br />

and plays an important role in social equity and<br />

poverty reduction.<br />

The phenomenon of human induced ground<br />

water extraction due to excessive development led<br />

* A. Jebamalar **Dr. G. Ravikumar<br />


Any initiative involving the public in a mass scale will be successful only when the<br />

public themselves are consulted and are participating in every process. As the stakeholders,<br />

their involvement has been necessitated, in the recent times, in any water related initiative.<br />

This paper attempts to bring out the importance of public awareness in the implementation<br />

of rain water harvesting. Government, though it represents the public, may not be in a<br />

position to deal with such water related issues out and out by itself. Understanding this,<br />

Tamil Nadu Government made rain water harvesting (RWH) as mandatory by the public.<br />

This paper focuses on public awareness for RWH implementation in Padmavathi Nagar of<br />

Chennai City.<br />

A nondisquised structured questionnaire was prepared in Tamil & English and the<br />

questionnaire survey was conducted at 38 households of the study area. It is a 5 page<br />

questionnaire contains three major parts. The first part is about general information<br />

regarding the resident’s personal details, No. of persons in the family, area of the premises,<br />

soil details, awareness about RWH system and their willingness towards this survey. The<br />

second part contains water resources engineering aspects, with water availability, water<br />

usage, quality of water and the sufficiency of the available water at their premises. The<br />

third part contains the details of the RWH systems like type of the system, features and their<br />

opinion about the RWH systems.<br />

Coding sheet was prepared and the information like awareness about RWH system,<br />

its purpose & its impact, willingness to conduct study and their opinion about RWH were<br />

studied. This will help to study the involvement of the public in implementing RWH system.<br />

to decline in ground water level, resulting in water<br />

scarcity in some areas. There are a lot of impacts<br />

associated with falling water levels such as sea water<br />

intrusion, land subsidence, depletion of surface<br />

water, high pumping cost, etc. So, ground water<br />

resources should be managed in such a way that the<br />

recharge is kept at pace with the with drawls through<br />

artificial recharge of rain water. Hence, artificial<br />

recharging of ground water by Rain Water<br />

Harvesting is the solution to improve ground water<br />

potential in order to maintain the sustainable water<br />

resource.<br />

*Sr.lecturer, Velammal Engg. College, Ambattur, Chennai-66<br />

**Asst. Professor, Centre for Water Resources, College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, Chennai – 25<br />




Chennai gets an average of 1300 mm of rainfall<br />

every year. But, this rainfall occurs in short spells<br />

of a high intensity and nearly 65 percent of the<br />

rainfall is lost due to surface runoff to the sea and<br />

evaporation. With the open space area around<br />

houses and buildings being cemented, rain water,<br />

which drains off from terraces and the roofs is not<br />

percolating into the soil. Therefore, precious rainfall<br />

is being squandered, as it drains into sea eventually.<br />

If better methods like roof top rain water harvesting<br />

techniques are adopted, will have proper recharge<br />

and the water will be available throughout the year.<br />

RWH means catch the rain water where it falls.<br />

It is the activity of direct collection of rain water.<br />

Rain water can be stored for direct use or can be<br />

recharged in to the ground water for later use. In<br />

cities, due to shrinking of open spaces, rain water<br />

can be harvested and recharged to the ground water.<br />

So, the Government of Tamil Nadu made RWH<br />

mandatory in all the houses. With the participation<br />

of the public in RWH, roof top rain water can be<br />

collected and stored in the place of generation itself.<br />

This will improve the self-sustainability in fulfilling<br />

the day to day water requirement of the public.<br />


INDIA<br />

Deepak Khare et al (2004) have reviewed the<br />

impact assessment of RWH on ground water quality<br />

at Indore and Dewas, India. The impact assessment<br />

of roof top rainwater harvesting on ground water<br />

was carried out with the help working tube wells to<br />

improve the quality and quantity of ground water.<br />

The roof top rainwater was used to put into the<br />

ground using sand filter as pretreatment system. This<br />

lead to a reduction in the concentration of pollutants<br />

in ground water which indicated the effectiveness<br />

of increased recharge of aquifer by roof top rain<br />

water. He observes that in certain areas, the amount<br />

of total and faecal coliform were observed high in<br />

harvested tube well water than normal tube well<br />

water. The reason of this increase was poor<br />

cleanliness of roof top and poor efficiency of filter<br />

for bacterial removal. The author concludes that<br />

quality mounting of rainwater harvesting is an<br />

essential prerequisite before using it for ground<br />

water recharge.<br />

458<br />

Venkateswara Rao (1996) in his article has<br />

reviewed the importance of artificial recharge of<br />

rainfall water for Hyderabad city water supply.<br />

Rainfall water from the roof tops of the buildings<br />

recharged through specially designed recharge pits<br />

in order to augment the ground water resource in<br />

the city. This water meets almost 80% of domestic<br />

water requirements, storm run off from the public<br />

places like roads, parks, play grounds etc., is<br />

recharged through naturally existing tank within the<br />

city by not allowing municipal sewage and industrial<br />

effluents in these tanks. He finally suggests that,<br />

wherever natural tanks are not existing, community<br />

recharge pits are to be constructed at hydro<br />

geologically suitable location.<br />

Sharma and Jain (1997) describe the ground<br />

water recharge through roof top rain water<br />

harvesting in urban habitation. In Nagpur city an<br />

experiment was conducted where 80,000 litres of<br />

water collected from the roof top of 100 m2 area<br />

was recharged at the expense of Rs.1500/-. The rise<br />

in water level up to one meter was recorded in the<br />

recharge well and adjusting dug wells. The quality<br />

of ground water was also improved as nitrate<br />

concentrations got diluted considerably to desirable<br />

limit. They conclude that such a practice, if<br />

replicated on a large scale can bring out sustainable<br />

augmentation to ground water reservoir.<br />

Sekar Raghavan (2004) in his paper deals with<br />

survey on constructions of roof top RWH structures<br />

at Gandhi Nagar. He analyzed the RWH system<br />

based on completeness viz., roof top and open space<br />

RWH, apportioning of roof water, design of<br />

structures and maintenance of RWH system. Finally<br />

he concludes that 15% of the systems were very<br />

good, 35% were good, 30% were satisfactory and<br />

20 % were bad.<br />


Indira Khurana and Suresh Babu explained the<br />

experiences in community based water harvesting.<br />

Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) had<br />

been promoting the concept of rain water harvesting<br />

doing research on community based water<br />

harvesting. Some of the case studies from Alwar<br />

and Laoriya in Rajasthan, Ralegaon<br />

Siddhi,Darewadi and Hivare Bazar in<br />

Maharastra,Raj-Samadiyala in Gujarat and Jhabua<br />

in Madhya Pradesh are discussed in their article. In

these villages, the people themselves are managing<br />

their water resources and have set an example for<br />

the rest of the country.<br />

Gurunathan and Karuppusamy made an<br />

attempt to share DHAN Foundation’s experience<br />

in one of the water starved districts,<br />

Ramanathapuram in Tamil Nadu State, about the<br />

people participatory oorani development and<br />

management in people’s drinking water for survival.<br />

The authors confidently argue that deepening or<br />

construction of oorani in Ramanathapuram district<br />

is the simple and very effective RWH method, which<br />

can cater the drinking water needs of the people<br />

throughout the year even during the scarce situation.<br />

In Chennai, the RWH was initiated by Chennai<br />

Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board<br />

(CMWSSB) and Tamil Nadu Water Supply and<br />

Drainage Board (TWAD).<br />


RWH is the important task to be done in war<br />

foot urgency in order to augment the degrading<br />

ground water in terms of quantity and quality. This<br />

RWH should be done from the topmost level to<br />

lowermost level viz Government to individual. To<br />

increase the use of RWH system, the knowledge<br />

about it with the public must be analyzed. For this,<br />

the Questionnaire survey is the best methodology.<br />

It will give both qualitative and quantitative<br />

information from public. An attempt is made to<br />

study the public awareness in RWH in Padmavathi<br />

Nagar of Chennai city with the help of<br />

Questionnaire. From the results obtained, any<br />

improvement activity can be decided and<br />

implemented in RWH with the help of public<br />

participation.<br />

This paper focuses on Public awareness in<br />

RWH in Padmavathi Nagar, Chennai. Padmavathi<br />

Nagar is located in between Vadapalani and<br />

Virugampakkam, having a plot area of 16,556 m 2<br />

and roof area of 8,584 m 2 approximately. The lay<br />

out map is shown in Figure 1. It has 69 plots out of<br />

which 59 were constructed with buildings. In that,<br />

10 are apartments containing an average of 10 flats.<br />

The soil condition of this area is clayey in nature<br />

up to 5 feet and after that it is sandy in nature. The<br />

average depth of water table from ground level is<br />

8.5 m. The water colour is yellow. In this area, all<br />

the houses have only roof top RWH systems. Most<br />

459<br />

of the RWH systems are connected to open wells<br />

through filters. Awareness was created among the<br />

residents of Padmavathi Nagar on one to one basis<br />

on the need for efficient RWH structures.<br />


Slesinger and Stephenson in the Encyclopedia<br />

define research “as the manipulation of things,<br />

concepts of symbols for the purpose of generalizing<br />

to extend, correct or verify knowledge, whether that<br />

knowledge aids in construction of theory or in the<br />

practice of an art”. Research methodology is a way<br />

to systematically solve the research problem.<br />

Research design is a basic plan that guides the data<br />

collection and analysis of a research project. “A<br />

Research Design is the arrangement of conditions<br />

for collection and analysis of data in a manner that<br />

aims to combine relevance to the research purpose<br />

with economy in procedure.” This research falls<br />

under the category of descriptive research of<br />

conclusive nature.<br />


Descriptive research studies are those studies,<br />

which are concerned with describing the<br />

characteristics of a particular individual or of a<br />

group. Descriptive Research is characterised by a<br />

carefully planned and structured research design.<br />

Poate and Daplyn explained the questionnaire<br />

design, which consists of six principles.<br />

i) Content: include the minimum number of<br />

topics to meet the objectives;<br />

ii) Time for the interview must be kept reasonable;<br />

iii) The question should be easy to use as an<br />

interview guide for the enumerator and as an<br />

instrument for recording answers;<br />

iv) It should be self contained;<br />

v) Coding for analysis should be done directly<br />

on the form; and<br />

vi) Smart presentation, careful thought should be<br />

given to the quality of the paper, clarity of printing<br />

& presentation and the spaces provided for<br />

recording answers. They also explained about the<br />

coding system in the text book.<br />


To know about the public awareness in RWH<br />

system, a nondisquised structured questionnaire was<br />

prepared both in English and Tamil. The

questionnaire contains three major parts. The first<br />

contains general information regarding the residents<br />

personal details, No of persons in the family, area<br />

of the premises, soil details, awareness about RWH<br />

system and their willingness towards this survey.<br />

The second part contains water resources<br />

engineering which has water availability, water<br />

usage, quality of water and the sufficiency of the<br />

available water at their premises. The third part<br />

contains the details of the RWH systems like type<br />

of the system, features and their opinion about the<br />

RWH systems.<br />

The Questionnaire survey was conducted at<br />

Padmavathi Nagar. It was conducted in 38 houses<br />

out of which 23 residents accepted for taking water<br />

levels in every fortnight for conducting impact study.<br />

To derive the information, coding sheet was<br />

prepared and it was analysed.<br />


Awareness<br />

The residents were asked whether they are<br />

aware of RWH and its purpose. All respondents<br />

reported that they are aware of RWH and its purpose.<br />

With this response, certainly the purpose of<br />

implementing RWH will be achieved. Then<br />

awareness regarding all the structures like sump,<br />

source well, recharge well, percolation pit and<br />

recharge well cum bore pit were enquired. All<br />

respondents were aware of structures like sump &<br />

source well.<br />

The awareness was low for structures like<br />

Percolation pit & Recharge well cum Bore pit.<br />

Percentage of awareness about RWH structures in<br />

Padmavathi Nagar is presented in Table 1 and the<br />

graph is shown in Figure 2.<br />

All respondents were aware of structures like<br />

sump & source well.<br />

The awareness was low for structures like<br />

Percolation pit & Recharge well cum Bore pit.<br />

People may be educated by the different soil<br />

conditions and their suitability of different types of<br />

RWH structures in order to improve the efficiency.<br />

They were also asked whether they are aware of<br />

impact of RWH. All respondents are aware of impact<br />

of RWH. They were reported that RWH will<br />

Table 1 : Percentage of awareness about RWH Structures in Padmavathi Nagar<br />

Awarness in %<br />

No. Structure Awareness<br />

Percentage<br />

1 Sump 36 100<br />

2 Source well (Open well/bore well) 36 100<br />

3 Recharge well 35 97.22<br />

4 Percolation pit 25 69.44<br />

5 Recharge well cum Bore pit 20 55.55<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

Sum p Source well Recharge w ell Percolation pit Recharge w ell cum Bore pit<br />

Figure. 2 Percentage of awareness about RWH Structures in Padmavathi Nagar<br />


improve the quantity and the quality of the ground<br />

water.<br />

Willingness<br />

The respondents were asked to express their<br />

willingness for the RWH impact study to be<br />

conducted in their houses. The percentage of<br />

willingness to conduct RWH Study is shown in<br />

Table 2 and the graph is shown in Figure 3.<br />

Table 2 : Percentage of Willingness to Conduct<br />

Study in Padmavathi Nagar<br />

No. Willingness No. of<br />

People<br />

Percentage<br />

1 To conduct study 21 58.33<br />

2 Not to conduct study 15 41.66<br />

41.66 To conduct study<br />

58.33<br />

Not to conduct study<br />

Figure 3 : Percentage of Willingness to Conduct<br />

Study in Padmavathi Nagar<br />

Around 58 % of the respondents expressed<br />

their willingness to conduct a study in RWH while<br />

others did not give their consent. They are also asked<br />

about their interest to improve the existing design<br />

through advice from Centre for Water Resources,<br />

Anna University. About 62 % of the respondents<br />

are interested to improve their existing design, while<br />

rest of them expressed their inability to afford for<br />

the modification.<br />

Implemented in %<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

RWH Implementation<br />

The Respondents are also asked about the cost<br />

of implementation, time of implementation, designer<br />

details and the type of the RWH structures. Only<br />

53% of the respondents are implemented during the<br />

year 2003, rest of them implemented before 2003.<br />

They have spent Rs. 2000 to 4000 on an average.<br />

About 62% of the RWH structures are designed and<br />

constructed by the local plumbers and all of them<br />

have done only roof top RWH. The details of<br />

implemented RWH structures in roof top harvesting<br />

are shown in Table 3 and the graph is shown in<br />

Figure 4.<br />

Table 3. Type of RWH structures in Padmavathi Nagar<br />

No. Type No. of<br />

houses<br />

Percentage<br />

1 Source well<br />

(Open well/ bore well) 31 86.11<br />

2 Recharge well 0 0<br />

3 Percolation pit 5 13.88<br />

4 Recharge well cum<br />

Bore pit<br />

0 0<br />

Most of the respondents reported that they had<br />

implemented RWH using the open well through<br />

filter while few had resorted to percolation pit. RWH<br />

system like recharge well, recharge cum bore pit<br />

were not implemented. RWH through open well is<br />

common because the top soil is clayey in nature<br />

and if any other structure would be effective only if<br />

implemented at high depth.<br />

Source w ell( Open w ell/ bore w ell) Recharge w ell Percolation pit Recharge w ell cum Bore pit<br />

Figure 4 : Type of RWH structures in Padmavathi Nagar<br />


Filter details<br />

Recharge of Source Well through filter : 90%<br />

Recharge of Source Well without filter : 10%<br />

Average Filter depth : 3 ft<br />

Type of filter : Sand and Pebble are mostly used<br />

Location of filter : Near to storage structure<br />

Almost 90% of the respondents used sand & a<br />

pebble filters before the source well. Filter was<br />

located near to storage structure. 10% had not used<br />

filter before the source well. Most of the respondents<br />

felt that filters are needed because open well water<br />

was used by them.<br />

Opinion in %<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

Maintenance<br />

The respondents are also asked about the<br />

method of maintenance and the frequency of<br />

maintenance of the RWH structures. Only 70% of<br />

them are maintaining their RWH structures by<br />

cleaning and desilting once in a year.<br />


To know the opinion of the public about the<br />

RWH structures, four questions are asked to the<br />

public and their views are represented in the<br />

following graphs. The opinion of the public for the<br />

question “RWH will improve ground water level?”<br />

is shown in the following Figure 5.<br />

Strongly agree Agree Neither Agree nor Dis agree Disagree Strongly Disagree<br />

The opinion of the public for the question “An improper structure will affect the<br />

efficacy of RWH?” is shown in the following Figure 6.<br />

Opinion in %<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

Strongly agree Agree Neither Agree nor Dis agree Disagree Strongly Disagree<br />

The opinion of the public for the question “RWH is the best method to solve water<br />

crisis?” is shown in the following Figure 7<br />

Opinion in %<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

Strongly agree Agree Neither Agree nor Dis agree Disagree Strongly Disagree<br />


The opinion of the public for the question “RWH will improve the quality of water?” is shown in the<br />

following Figure 8.<br />

Opinion in %<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

Strongly agree Agree Neither Agree nor Dis agree Disagre e Strongly Disagree<br />


An attempt is made to study the<br />

public awareness in RWH in<br />

Padmavathi Nagar of Chennai City.<br />

This study shows that the people are<br />

100% aware of RWH, its purpose and<br />

its impact. Public involvement in RWH<br />

implementation is also good. People<br />

feel that RWH will improve the ground<br />

water quantity and quality. Further<br />

studies can be made to check the<br />

efficacy of implemented RWH in<br />

terms of improving both quantity and<br />

quality of ground water.<br />


• Agarwal, A., Narain, S and Khurana, I.<br />

“Making Water Everybody’s Business-<br />

Practice and Policy of water harvesting”,<br />

Centre for science and Environment, New<br />

Delhi.<br />

• Poate, C.D and Daplyn, P.F, “Data for<br />

Agrarian Development”, Cambridge<br />

University Press,Edition, 1993.<br />

• Indira Khurana and Suresh Babu,<br />

S.V.(2001), “Experiences in Community<br />

based Water Harvesting”, National<br />

Workshop on Water Resources and Water<br />

Quality Management for Sustainable<br />

Drinking Water Supply, pp.1- 7.<br />

• Gurunathan, A., and Karuppusamy,<br />

N.(2001), “Water for All - Making a reality”,<br />

National Workshop on Water Resources<br />

Fig. 1 : Layout map of Padmavathi Nagar, Virugambakkam<br />

and Water Quality Management for Sustainable Drinking Water Supply, pp.v5-v11.<br />

• “Manual on Rain Water Harvesting”, (2001), Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board.<br />

• “Manual on Rain Water Harvesting in Urban Areas”, Rain Centre, Akash Ganga Trust, Chennai.<br />

� � �<br />


National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

82. Modern Water – Energetic Resources Use Problems<br />

and Perspectives of Tajikistan on Conditions<br />

of Global Non-Stability Climate<br />

*Nurmahmad Shermatov *Inom Normatov *Georgy Petrov<br />

The beginning of irrigated farming in Central Asia<br />

belongs to sixth – seventh century b. c. Since that<br />

time and up to now its role constantly grew, the area<br />

of irrigated lands increased and the methods<br />

improved. To the beginning of 20 th century about<br />

3,5 mln. ha was irrigated in region. Particularly the<br />

intensive development of irrigation in region began<br />

in period of USSR existence (mainly from, 60-s up<br />

to 90-s). Occurring in this time interference on<br />

nature and its achievement could be named as<br />

unique in world practice in such experiments. In<br />

the result to 90-s the total area of irrigated lands in<br />

region increased to 8,8 mln. ha.<br />

The same abrupt drawing in soviet time was<br />

also observed in hydropower. As a matter of fact<br />

beginning from the 30-s of XX century in the region<br />

the perfectly new base branch – hydropower was<br />

founded. The total fixed capacity of all power<br />

stations in region reached to the middle of 90-s –<br />

37,8 mln. kWt.<br />

Unfortunately all these impressive results also<br />

led to negative consequences. Intensity of ecological<br />

balance breach processes in region sharply<br />

increased, particularly hard it showed itself in zone<br />

of Aral Sea, the salting of lands and their becoming<br />

deserted increased, the quality of water became<br />

worse practically in all sources. With it already to<br />

70-s the water resources of Syrdarya river basin<br />

proved quite fully to be exhausted. Practically all<br />

these turn into the global ecological problem of<br />

region and according to Aral Sea – to ecological<br />

catastrophe. The rapid growth of population<br />

negatively influenced upon it.<br />

In integrated view anthropogenesis influence of<br />

people in nature shows itself on change of climate.<br />

The conception of “Climate” includes aggregate of<br />

physical and geographical processes happening in<br />

atmosphere at their interaction with surrounds.<br />

Climate is the main factor from the condition of<br />

which depends to existence of all olives on the Earth.<br />

The Earth itself and its components form under the<br />

operation of climate change.<br />

Generalized parameters of climate change from<br />

the hydropower point of view are the temperature<br />

and almond of precipitation.<br />

In the article the results of researches on<br />

vulnerability of hydropower of Tajikistan from<br />

climate changes the possible consequences of it and<br />

necessary measures on decreasing such influences<br />

as on hydropower itself so on surrounds as a whole<br />

are presented.<br />

Vulnerability on its definition is the opportunity<br />

to get negative consequences at influence of some<br />

factors. There are two sides at consideration of<br />

vulnerability problem – objects, which are under<br />

influence and influenced factors themselves.<br />

First we consider objects of influence. In our<br />

case it is hydropower. But the common conception<br />

itself does not tell anything concrete, so as energetic<br />

can be very different. There are important its type,<br />

technical state, location, conditions of exploitation<br />

etc.<br />

Peculiarity of modern energetic of Tajikistan is<br />

its quite full orientation on hydropower resources.<br />

If the share of power stations on common structure<br />

of capacity and working out energy makes up about<br />

9% in average in the world, so in Tajikistan it equal<br />

to 92% now on capacity and more 95% on<br />

production.<br />

The analysis made above convince shows that<br />

*Institute of Water Problems, Hydropower and Ecology Academy of Sciences Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe,<br />

Tajikistan<br />


in fact the base of energy in Tajikistan both now and<br />

in visible perspective will be hydropower. More that<br />

it is quite probable that on Tajik hydro – resources<br />

the neighboring countries will orientate in future. And<br />

apparently this export potential will be already in next<br />

future claimed in region. Already now the volume of<br />

hydropower export – import of Tajikistan makes up<br />

3,5 – 5,0 bln. kWt. h./year.<br />

Even with account of coal, the total found out<br />

stocks of mineral fuel in region, on which based the<br />

energetic of all other republics beside Tajikistan are<br />

rather restricted – in general about 8,45 bln. t.<br />

specific fuel (s. f.) including in Tajikistan – 0,5 bln.<br />

t. s. f. Therefore at the level of power resources<br />

consumption, proper in 1990 to 2,6 t. s. f./year pro<br />

person and restrained growing of population number<br />

providing of region with mineral fuel equals to 60<br />

years. Taking into account expected economical<br />

growth and also that all given estimation ware done<br />

15-20 year ago; in fact this term can reduce to 30<br />

and less years.<br />

Thus, even in average all regions are provided<br />

with mineral fuel only in tern almost comparable<br />

with term of building large hydro unit type of<br />

Nurek’s. What about Tajikistan so for it even<br />

theoretically the stocks of or necessary needs of the<br />

state?<br />

Tajikistan owns very insignificant stocks of oil<br />

and gas as absolute size so in comparison with<br />

another republic of Central Asia. The stocks of coal<br />

in republic are quite significant, but they are located<br />

mainly in small not necessary areas for building<br />

large thermo stations and transportation network is<br />

not developed.<br />

Besides, the use of coal requires the large<br />

outstripped expenses for exploring and organizing<br />

of fields. All these prove very restricted<br />

opportunities of industrial use of coal.<br />

Less possibilities of industrial use of non –<br />

traditional renewable sources of energy are in<br />

Tajikistan.<br />

Wind – power is quite expensive, the small in<br />

capacity wind – installations require estrangement<br />

of large areas (about 100 m 2 for capacity of 1 kWt),<br />

and the large installations emerge serious ecological<br />

problems. Besides, all of them are very complex in<br />

exploitation. In result of it even in the countries<br />

where it initially got spreading, interest to wind –<br />

power decreased gradually.<br />

465<br />

Tajikistan is located in more favorable zone in relation<br />

to solar energy, between 37 th and 41 st degrees of<br />

northern latitude and fully comes into so called, world<br />

solar belt (45 0 n. l. – 45 0 s. l.). Theoretically at 100<br />

% use of solar energy, from 1 m 2 area about 1700<br />

kWt. h./year can be obtained. That is essentially<br />

more than it is used in everyday life pro person.<br />

But technology of direct convert energy into<br />

electrical current is nowadays still very difficult and<br />

expensive. Therefore even in high developed<br />

industrial countries it is used on too districted scales.<br />

Thus, in Tajikistan now to consider solar energy as<br />

reliable source for receiving energy in industrial<br />

scale is not real. Its use possible and expedient only<br />

for obtaining low – potential thermo – energy which<br />

use in everyday life.<br />

Atomic energy on purely technical plan could<br />

have in Central Asian and in Tajikistan good<br />

perspective, but really in next future its development<br />

is problematical. First of all it is connected with<br />

high schismatic of region and high cost, their energy<br />

significantly high even energy of thermal stations,<br />

holing to say about hydraulic. And finally the<br />

building of atomic station in any republic, all the<br />

more so in Tajikistan requires agreements with<br />

neighboring countries, not only with the closes, but<br />

also with the fares that in nowadays condition it is<br />

hardly possible.<br />

Even less perspectives of industrial use of bio<br />

– energy in Tajikistan.<br />

Tajikistan possesses large, simply unique stocks<br />

of hydropower resources. The republic is in the<br />

eighth place in the world with its total stock – 527<br />

bln.<br />

kWt. h. after China, Russia, USA, Brazil, Zaire,<br />

India and Canada. What about specific showers, so<br />

on hydropower potential per capita (87,8 th. kWt.<br />

h./year/person) it is in the first – second place and<br />

with potential stock of hydropower per one square<br />

kilometer of territory (3682,7 th. kWt. h./year/km 2 )<br />

the first place in the world much for outstripping<br />

the followings after it countries.<br />

Thus not only the republic itself but all regions<br />

as a whole will e forced increasingly to orientate on<br />

hydropower of Tajikistan in visible perspective.<br />

It is necessary to mention that such structure of<br />

hydropower based on hydropower resources besides<br />

all others it is more economical effective.<br />

It is determined by following:

• hydropower does not have in structure of its<br />

exploitation expenses fuel<br />

making up in our conditions with account of<br />

transport even now equal to about 2 cent/kWt. h.<br />

Therefore the cost price of hydropower production<br />

equals to only 0,1cent/kWt. h. when on thermal<br />

stations 2,1 – 2,5 cent/kWt. h.;<br />

• the term of hydropower station constructions<br />

service, such as dam, water<br />

overflows, HPS building are essentially more than<br />

TPS constructions;<br />

• specific number of exploitation personal on<br />

HPS also twice – three time<br />

more than in TPS.<br />

For that it is necessary to take into account the<br />

following factors :<br />

Hydropower resources of Tajikistan are used<br />

now on only about 5%. Therefore there is not<br />

absolutely any real danger of their exhausting or<br />

deficit in very for respective and at very<br />

optimistically scenes in development of hydropower<br />

as in republic itself so in all region. It can be said<br />

that practically hydropower resources of Tajikistan<br />

are inexhaustible.<br />

Besides apprehension on intensive melting of<br />

glaziers and sharp on 30% change of their volume<br />

in last quarter of century, apparently is rather<br />

overstatement. We will make a simple account. The<br />

total volume of Tajikistan glaciers ice as know<br />

equals to 456,9 km 3 . At their decreasing on 30%<br />

during 25 years, annual volume of formed after it<br />

water would be equal to :<br />

456,9 × 0,3 : 25 = 5,48 km 3<br />

All this water might river flow, formed in<br />

territory of republic, increasing it in this period on<br />

average about 10%. This is quite serious addition<br />

and it can not be mentioned. But in fact water –<br />

platy off all rivers of Tajikistan for last 25 years has<br />

been on norm limits.<br />

Any hydropower and Tajik’s also in relation to<br />

this is not exception, first forms with per pose of<br />

regulation river flow leveling its natural and<br />

occasional vibrations: in slit of days, season, year<br />

and many years periods. It is in other way we can<br />

say that one of the main conditions at energetic<br />

assimilation of hydro-resources is decreasing<br />

vulnerability of all objects in relation to<br />

changeability of river flow parameters that in its turn,<br />

466<br />

of course, are determined by climatic factors.<br />

As an example it can be brought the fact, that all<br />

constructions of hydropower are planned on expense<br />

of water many times increasing their average<br />

meaning. Particularly flood expenses with repeating<br />

once in thousand years for normal and once in ten<br />

thousand years for extreme conditions of<br />

exploitation are takes as account for objects of<br />

higher class of capital to which belongs, for<br />

example, Nurek’s HPS. The large stocks are founded<br />

also in constructive elements of buildings – land,<br />

concrete and metal.<br />

Hydropower has very large stocks in relation<br />

to capacity of their stations and aggregates. For<br />

example, the number of hours on using fixed<br />

capacity of Tajikistan’s power-system equals 3401<br />

hours/year at total number of hours 8760 annual, so<br />

the stock is more than 2,5 times.<br />

At this guaranteed, that is minimum capacity,<br />

on which the whole people’s economy expects, is<br />

also twice – three time less than fixed.<br />

At summary all objects of hydropower differ<br />

with very high reliability on connation to all<br />

influencing factors, including climatic.<br />

It has been shown above that hydropower differs<br />

with high reliability and very small vulnerability<br />

on relation to main climatic factors – expenses of<br />

waters on rivers. But all these at first belong to<br />

safeness, protection from possible accident.<br />

What about exploitation showers (electric,<br />

power production, its distribution on seasons,<br />

regimes of work etc.), here hydropower of Tajikistan<br />

vice versa is very sensitive to climate changes,<br />

displaying – in form of river flow’s water regime. It<br />

is well shown by two last years of 1999 and 2000<br />

when because of low water level in republic a sharp<br />

deficit of electric power was observed.<br />

Such situation is not expected. It connects with<br />

the fact that formation of Tajikistan’s hydropower<br />

does not yet finish. It is not able to realize many<br />

year regulation of flow with its parameters. For this<br />

it is not enough the total capacity of reservoirs.<br />

Summary volume of all reservoirs in Tajikistan<br />

makes up only 14,4 km 3 at general river flow,<br />

forming in republic of 61,8 km 3 and flowing about<br />

80 km 3 . For many year regulations volume of<br />

reservoirs should be as minimum equal to half of<br />

this size, it is 30 – 40 km 2 .And has hydropower of<br />

republic has the such task. For its decision in the

end of 80’s building of Roghun’s HPS was started<br />

with volume of reservoir more than 13 km 3 and a<br />

number of other HPS with reservoirs.<br />

Arising now in the world ideas practically<br />

synonymously value possible in perspective changes<br />

of climate. It is connected with degradation of<br />

glaciers, drying up of Aral Sea and forming of salt<br />

winds, spreading right up to Pamir’s mountains<br />

cutting off woods, erosion of river banks etc. In this<br />

case the valuation hesitates from moderate –<br />

pessimistic up to apocalyptic.<br />

Unfortunately all these are weakly confirmed<br />

by actual materials. The systematical observations<br />

on glaciers in republic are not carried out since 1986<br />

yet and as it is shown above the point of view about<br />

their sharp restriction are not based enough. There<br />

is not any data on salt wind. The connection of<br />

another analogical factor with climate is not<br />

unambiguous.<br />

change of temperature, 0 С<br />

scenario 1<br />

scenario 3<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2,5<br />

2<br />

1,5<br />

1<br />

0,5<br />

In these conditions it is necessary use of many<br />

– factor mathematical models for obtaining<br />

objective and reliable valuation of climate changes.<br />

We have for models scenarios of climate change<br />

now developed by west specialists: 1. CCC – EQ;<br />

2. UK – TR; 3. GFDL – model of geophysical hydro<br />

dynamic laboratory of USA; 4. Had CM2 – model<br />

of United Kingdom.<br />

All these are based on accounting of emission<br />

influence of green gases and gives valuation of<br />

climate change on main parameters – temperature<br />

of surrounds and atmosphere precipitation to the<br />

end of 50 – year’s period. Their very big difference<br />

from each other can be noted.<br />

In general view matrix of climate change on all<br />

four scenarios as a whole for republic, but for<br />

difference periods of year is sown in table 1 and<br />

fig. 1.<br />

Matrixes have analogical view for other zones of<br />

Table 1. Matrix of climate change for different scenarios<br />

Scenario Change of temperatures Change of precipitation<br />

year winter summer year winter summer<br />

1 2,6 3,0 2,3 -4,0 1,0 -8,9<br />

2 2,5 2,5 2,5 4,8 2,1 7,6<br />

3 2,0 1,9 2,1 -1,9 2,4 -6,3<br />

4 1,9 1,8 1,9 17,1 16,0 18,2<br />

scenario 2<br />

0<br />

-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20<br />

change of quantity raining, mm/year<br />

Fig. 1 : Diapason of the climate changes on various scenarios<br />

467<br />

scenario 4

Tajikistan. It can be mentioned that sparseness of<br />

parameters for various scenarios, especially on<br />

relation to temperature is very large and doesn’t let<br />

to make unambiguous valuation. As a matter of fact<br />

these scenarios help too less on prognosis of climate<br />

change, since preliminary choice some of them are<br />

required without enough criteria for it. This<br />

conclusion by the way, fully is affirmed by<br />

Convention Framework of UNO on climate change<br />

in 1992, in which are marked numerous indefinites<br />

of climate change prognoses, particularly in relation<br />

to their terms, scales and regional features.<br />

In these conditions for valuation real possibilities<br />

of climate changes connected with technogen’s<br />

activity of people and the most essential their<br />

influence on such hydrological characteristics of river<br />

flow as common water – plenty and flood expenses<br />

being the main factors determining vulnerability of<br />

hydropower in relation to climate, we consider passed<br />

yet period of 1960 – 1990. By the way such analysis<br />

can help and also on choice of more suitable scenario<br />

of climate change, considered in previous section.<br />

This period is characterized by sharp, dynamic<br />

development economics of Tajikistan, the main<br />

statistics of which are given in table 2.<br />

It is seen, that gross product of industry<br />

increased in this period more then five times<br />

Table 2. Common index of economy development of Republic of Tajikistan<br />

1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1989<br />

Production of energy, mln. kWt’”h 125 143 314 459 1351 14746 13340<br />

Production of oil, th. t 17 47 181 391 387 190<br />

Production of gas, mln. m3 52 388 222 303 194<br />

Production of coal, th. t 854 904 887 832 516 515<br />

Population, th. man 2032 2468,8 2899,6 3391,8 3900,9 4499,3 5108,6<br />

change of temperaure, o C<br />

change of raining, mm<br />

1,00<br />

0,50<br />

0,00<br />

-0,50<br />

-1,00<br />

-1,50<br />

1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990<br />

yeas<br />

Fig. 2. Factual change of temperature for the Republic of Tajikistan as a whole.<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

0<br />

-50<br />

-100<br />

-150<br />

1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990<br />

years<br />

Fig. 3. Factual change of precipitation (from average meaning for period)<br />


consumption of oil on 11 times more, gas – about<br />

four times, hydropower – more than 100 times. Two<br />

and a half times the population number of republic<br />

increased. Moreover approximately such growth of<br />

all these statistics was observed also in region<br />

around and in the world.<br />

Now the rates of economics growth of Tajikistan<br />

and Central Asia Region essentially have lowered.<br />

Therefore from the point of view of technogen’s<br />

influence on climate period of 1960 - 1990 is more<br />

introductive.<br />

Unfortunately, the reality foes not confer evenly<br />

for Tajikistan presence of large influence of<br />

technogen’s activity of people on climate. In the<br />

fig.2,3 are given actual data on average – annual<br />

meanings change of air temperature and atmosphere<br />

Waterness, shares, unit<br />

1,5<br />

1,4<br />

1,3<br />

1,2<br />

1,1<br />

1<br />

0,9<br />

0,8<br />

0,7<br />

change of charg, m 3 /second.<br />

1961<br />

1000<br />

800<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

1963<br />

0<br />

-200<br />

-400<br />

-600<br />

1965<br />

1967<br />

1969<br />

1971<br />

1973<br />

1975<br />

years<br />

Fig. 4 : Waterness of rivers of Tajikistan<br />

precipitations.<br />

It can be noted that in average for all considered<br />

period these climatic statistics remained practically<br />

unchangeable. It tells that it is necessary to refer<br />

with big care to propose above scenarists of climate<br />

changes evenly for period in several decades.<br />

This conclusion belongs to the all period of<br />

observation (1960 - 1990) in average. At the same<br />

time in separate shorter periods such changes of<br />

climate parameters (precipitations and temperature)<br />

were felt more. They let us to evaluate influence of<br />

climate change (not important by which reasons<br />

happened) on hydrological parameters of river flow,<br />

determining conditions of functioning hydropower.<br />

In given on fig.2, 3 prophets three periods with stable<br />

trends of parameters changes can be divided: 1964<br />

1977<br />

r. Vakhsh Average w aterliness on republic Polinominal (average w aterliness on republic)<br />

-800<br />

1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990<br />

Fig. 5 : Factual changes of climatic parameters of Tajikistan (averae of the period)<br />

469<br />

years<br />

1979<br />

1981<br />

1983<br />

1985<br />

1987<br />


– 1972, 1973 – 1982, and 1983 – 1988.<br />

As comments to climate changes, determining<br />

vulnerability of hydropower, as it was mentioned;<br />

we accepted water – plenty of river flow and flood<br />

expenses. Appropriate data are given in fig.4,5.<br />

The analysis of flood expenses in the fig.5 is<br />

made for Vakhsh river, since its relative water –<br />

plenty and water – plenty of all reveres in average<br />

on republic practically identify (fig. 4). The<br />

explanation of this fact can be that Vakhsh river<br />

flowing through all republic from one its border to<br />

another crosses all climatic and high-rise zones.<br />

It can be seen that in these diagrams as<br />

characteristically also three periods are divided:<br />

1964 – 1972, 1973 – 1982, and 1983 – 1988.<br />

For further analysis on the Table 3 is given the<br />

matrix of actual changes of climate and appropriate<br />

comments to it in form of hydrological<br />

characteristics of Vakhsh river. Comparing it with<br />

matrix of climate change scenarios 1 – 4, it can be<br />

mentioned that it covers significantly big range with<br />

rainfall and essentially less with temperature. Thus<br />

by all these essential varieties scenario 4 – model<br />

Had CM2 and then scenario 3 are closer scenarios<br />

for local vibration of climate in Tajikistan and its<br />

fluctuation.<br />

These statistics show that there are enough close<br />

connection between change of river flow and flood<br />

expenses from one side and change of atmosphere<br />

rainfall quantity from another. They are given in<br />

fig.6,7.<br />

According to made analysis increasing of rainfall<br />

quantity increases the common water – plenty of<br />

Table 3 : Matrix of actual climate change and Vakhsh river water regime<br />

Periods Climate change Water regime, m 3 /year<br />

Temperature Precipitation Water full change, Spring floods<br />

change, °C change, mm/year km 3 /year change, m 3 /s<br />

1964-72 -0,2 14,4 0,71 49,7<br />

1973-82 -0,01 -8,37 -0,35 129,2<br />

1,0<br />

1983-88 0,16 28,1 0,91 -38,6<br />

change of waterness of Vakhsh km 3 years<br />

0,8<br />

0,6<br />

0,4<br />

0,2<br />

0,0<br />

-0,2<br />

-0,4<br />

Fig. 6. Dependence of waterness of Vakhsh River due to the rainfall<br />

470<br />

-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20<br />

change of raining, mm/year

change waterness charge o Vakhsh m 3 /sec<br />

140<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

-20<br />

-40<br />

-60<br />

-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30<br />

rivers, but decreases flood expenses. The last is<br />

explained by distribution of water – plenty change<br />

and temperature on year, leading to their more<br />

leveling on seasons. At the right time, such position<br />

in mentioned in scenarios of climate change 1 – 4,<br />

examined above.<br />

In difference of atmosphere rainfall changes,<br />

in relation to actual changes of temperature, any<br />

district connection with hydrological parameters of<br />

rivers is not possible to expose. It is connected with<br />

thing that observed changes of temperature are not<br />

very meaningful, their total range equal 0,36 0 C. But<br />

it does not have particular meaning for us. Since<br />

comments to climate change are for us hydrological<br />

parameters of river flow so more suitable description<br />

of climate change itself naturally is accepted change<br />

of atmosphere precipitation quantity. Connections<br />

between them, as shown above are revealed clear<br />

enough.<br />

We examine now what kind of influence could<br />

have climate changes on hydropower.<br />

It is necessary to mention that hydropower of<br />

Tajikistan really in determined measure is<br />

vulnerable in relation to climatic influences. It is<br />

well show by examples of accidents, happened in<br />

last decades. Of course, the main reason of these<br />

accidents are the hard economical state of energy<br />

system and connected with this large use up of its<br />

channge of raining,mm/year<br />

Fig. 7. Depend of change waterness charge o Vakhsh region from changing raining<br />

471<br />

main founds, but a definite role played also climatic<br />

factors. The lists of such common accidents are<br />

given below:<br />

• In 1993 the up – river building dam of Rogun’s<br />

HPS on Vakhsh river 40 m<br />

the main reason of accident was over – accounted<br />

flood, horded by slides phenomena and mashes.<br />

• In 1994 the Watergate construction of Vanj HPS<br />

was fully destroyed which<br />

was maid up of concrete water – overflow two bay<br />

dam with segment water – gates. The reasons of<br />

accident were high flood and wash – out of<br />

foundation on tail water.<br />

• Beginning from 1990 and up to now Aksu HPS<br />

practically is in permanent<br />

accidental state. All concrete construction of head<br />

water – gate unit and head pool last stability.<br />

Concrete revetment of derivative channel and<br />

happen regular washing out of its sides. The main<br />

reasons of accidents are hard winter climatic<br />

condition, ice marshes and frost swelling of ground.<br />

• In 1992 and in 2002 in result of mighty slides<br />

of Baypazin’s HPS tail water the course of river<br />

partially dammed and the building of HPS was<br />

flooded. Station’s way out of operation was<br />

succeeded to avoid only due to stripping of slides<br />

by explosion including use of military aviation. The<br />

reason of accident was water satiety of landslide

slope due to atmosphere precipitation.<br />

• In 1999 downfalls of Nurek’s HPS foundation<br />

were formed that already during more than 25 years<br />

testing rise of deformation. The reason is carts –<br />

formation and washing out of salt layers by surface<br />

and underground waters.<br />

It can be mentioned that actually all these<br />

accidents in some measure are connected with<br />

climate phenomena clearer with their sharp<br />

vibration. It proves that hydropower is vulnerable,<br />

first of all not to stable changes of climate, but to its<br />

occasional fluctuations.<br />

In purpose of number estimation of hydro –<br />

power vulnerability degree as the first very<br />

approximates the following dependences can be<br />

proposed:<br />

• For estimation of vulnerability directly only<br />

from climatic factors change:<br />

V cl. = P n = 0,9999 10 = 0,999;<br />

P – probability of hydropower construction (objects)<br />

normal work in conditions of stable unchanged<br />

climate with rated characteristics of climatic factors.<br />

For our case P = 0,9999<br />

1<br />

1 − = 0,<br />

9999<br />

10000 ;<br />

n – multiples increasing possibility of rising rated<br />

parameters of climatic factors (as the stables so<br />

occasional). We conditionally accept for our case n<br />

= 10.<br />

• For estimation of vulnerability directly only<br />

from technical condition of<br />

hydropower object (from degree of their way out):<br />

V<br />

tech<br />

T 10<br />

= 1 − = 1−<br />

=<br />

t<br />

25<br />


0,<br />

6;<br />

Where :<br />

T – actual term of exploitation more vulnerable<br />

elements of energy – system – technical equipment<br />

without normative through repairs. In our case T =<br />

10 years.<br />

t service – normative term of technological equipment<br />

service without thorough repairs. For HPS t service =<br />

472<br />

25 years.<br />

• For estimation of energy – system vulnerability<br />

connected with its functional<br />

features, first of all with regimes of work:<br />

W 14,<br />

4 3<br />

r−<br />

s<br />

km<br />

V = = = 0,<br />

23<br />

W 61,<br />

8<br />

;<br />

flow<br />

3<br />

km<br />

Where:<br />

W r-s – total volume of system regulating reservoirs.<br />

W flow – average - annual volume of river flow,<br />

forming on all water – gathering area of republic.<br />

Meaning “V” – factor of vulnerability<br />

nominated and changes for all there cases from 1 –<br />

that corresponds non-practical vulnerability or<br />

absolute degree of adaptation, up to O – that<br />

corresponds absolute vulnerability or zero degree<br />

of adaptation. Execution of estimation confirm made<br />

earlier stated conclusions that hydropower<br />

vulnerability of Tajikistan now is, determined by<br />

its technical descriptions: by insufficient volume of<br />

reservoirs and way out degree, that eguals 0,6 – this<br />

is it approaches to state of neutrality degree (0,5),<br />

when probability of normal work and accident are<br />

equal.<br />

In common case all objects of hydropower<br />

subjected to influence of climatic changes can be<br />

divided on two groups. These are resource base of<br />

hydropower and objects of system itself, its<br />

constructions.<br />

The resource base of Tajikistan power industry,<br />

as shown earlier, now end in really invisible<br />

perspective is hydropower. Here it is necessary to<br />

mention two moments.<br />

First taking into account that now resources of<br />

hydropower are used only not more than 5%, one<br />

can be confident that at any possible changes of<br />

climatic, hydropower will be always able to provide<br />

any development strategy of republic, both in case<br />

of orientation on own consumption and on export.<br />

Second as shown above, not change of absolute<br />

hydropower stocks, but if it is possible to express,<br />

their quality, under which is understood, first of all,<br />

vibration of hydrological parameters of river flow<br />

– many years, seasonal occasional are the most<br />

important for considered problem.<br />

Object of power system itself are characterized<br />

by their parameters and features, the mains of which

are following:<br />

a) Compound of constructions. In power – system<br />

of Tajikistan as the mains, most impotents can be<br />

picked out:<br />

• Dams;<br />

• Reservoirs;<br />

• Water – gate and water outflow constructions;<br />

• Channels and tunnels;<br />

• Power – transfer lines of various tentions and<br />

transformations under–stations.<br />

The dams are the most massive, initiative<br />

constructions. They are the simplest on construction<br />

and naturally insert to natural landscape. But from<br />

another side dams have one of the lowest, is not the<br />

lowest coefficient of stocks from all other<br />

existences. For example, for Nurek’s dam 30m<br />

height the stare of its height (increasing of top core<br />

above maximum level of reservoir) makes up only<br />

3m, that is coefficient of its stock is only 1 %. There<br />

are nowhere such examples in technique. It tells of<br />

very high sensibility of dams, doth the smalls, and<br />

the larges to parameters of flow, first of all to their<br />

prognoses and exploitation level.<br />

Reservoirs – these are the constructions with<br />

constant changing parameters. They are constantly<br />

in working regime – filling. The reform their<br />

sensibility to climate change is first of all sensibility<br />

to prognoses of hydrological parameters and<br />

regimes. Besides, regime of alluviums objects large<br />

meaning to their work, their silting.<br />

From the point of sensibility new to climatic<br />

changes both individual parameters of separate<br />

reservoirs and their summary units have meaning.<br />

Water-gate and water-outflow constructions,<br />

channel and tunnels also as reservoirs are sensitive<br />

to change of calculating hydrological parameters<br />

and prognoses. The change of flow is very important<br />

for them/ Their water – letting in ability may be not<br />

enough at its increasing that either leads to<br />

accidental situation or requires extra water –<br />

outflow. Power – transfer lines and transformator<br />

under – stations are sensitive mainly to second<br />

displays of climatic changes – landslide, avalanche,<br />

downpour and other similar phenomena.<br />

b) Parameters of constructions. The main<br />

parameter of constructions, determining degree of<br />

sensibility to climatic changes is their size. From<br />

the most general reasoning it can be established that<br />

at this case there is reserve dependence between<br />

473<br />

size of construction and subjection of them to danger<br />

from climatic changes. It is aggravated also by worse<br />

quality of building work at construction of smaller<br />

stations and less strict control after them.<br />

c) Quantity of objects. Influence of objects<br />

quantities on vulnerability of them in relation to<br />

climatic change is unsynonymous. It is positive<br />

factor for large hydro – units with reservoirs,<br />

because it provides large possibilities for regulation<br />

of river flow. More quantity of them, on the contrary,<br />

for small hydro – units carry to necessity of use<br />

along with the better also worse areas and as<br />

consequence, lead to large danger of arising cascade<br />

accidents.<br />

d) Technical state of construction is one of the<br />

main parameters determining their sensibility to<br />

climatic changes. It is defined first of all by level of<br />

project and building which up to last time were<br />

enough high and the very main by degree of way<br />

out. Namely way out of construction (as shown<br />

above) now is one of the main dangers.<br />

e) Locating of construction. It is completely<br />

obvious, that degree of objects danger to relation<br />

of any negative sequence influence including<br />

climatic will be different at locating their on<br />

mountainous districts and volleys. In mountains<br />

there are more harsh base conditions and more scope<br />

of all climatic parameters vibration.<br />

In all these cases and similarly for all objects of<br />

power – system of concrete climatic influence,<br />

degree of this influence can be arisen in different<br />

kind, different forms and in different levels. As the<br />

mains six such levels can be assigned:<br />

The first level: Changes of technical states,<br />

connected with inevitable, non – managed factors<br />

that change parameters of constructions. Here for<br />

example, silting of large reservoirs suspended and<br />

drown; by river alluviums belongs to silting, as the<br />

rule, has quite significant amounts, it is impossible<br />

to manage it and necessary simply to take into<br />

account at exploitation, accordingly correcting<br />

regime of reservoirs and HPS work.<br />

The second level: Changes of technical states,<br />

connected with technogene factors and house – hold<br />

conditions. HPS as one of the such kind of factor’s<br />

example economy assimilation of tail water of<br />

Nurek’s can be given in result of which water let in<br />

ability of Vakhsh river course in this area reduced<br />

up to 2000 m 3 /sec. In these conditions letting in

through Nurek’s HPS normal account flood with<br />

expenses of 5400 m 3 /sec inevitably lead to<br />

catastrophic sequences. Another example can be<br />

Kayrakum’s hydro – unit which safety and<br />

prediction of flowing regime to it existent raised<br />

due to building on upper flow of river Narin –<br />

Sirdarya’s cascade of HPS.<br />

The 3 – rd level: Changes of technical states,<br />

connected with changes of natural – climatic<br />

conditions. Here it is necessary to put as well as<br />

climate change, change of geological conditions.<br />

Besides changes of natural – climatic condition con<br />

be connected with their irregular estimation or under<br />

– estimation of some factors on stage of project. As<br />

examples underestimation of cars – rising in toil<br />

water of Nurek’s HPS and modern processes of<br />

course formation on GBAO rivers con be given.<br />

The 4 – th level: Changes of technical states,<br />

connected with change of planning and exploitation<br />

norms of hydro – technical constructions. Such<br />

changes are quite normal and determined by<br />

development of science and techniques and also<br />

world experience, gained in process of exploitation<br />

existent hydro – technical constructions. Here, first<br />

of all it is necessary to mention change of common<br />

approach to letting in flood trough constructions.<br />

With standards act at USSR for this purpose had<br />

been taken into account all water – outlets, including<br />

HPS turbines. Now, according to world standards<br />

there are only special water – outflows. It frequently<br />

lead to necessity of full reconstruction hydro – units<br />

and building in them new extra water – outflows.<br />

Now the standards of endurance and dam’s firmness<br />

accounts, including with taking into account seismic<br />

influence, are changed.<br />

The 5 – th level: Changes of technical states,<br />

connected with natural way out of constructions,<br />

shock – absorption main founds. These factors are<br />

well known and detail developed norms of their<br />

account exist. In our case the special interest has<br />

not total way out itself, determining by term of<br />

construction’s service, that good enough is<br />

conditional, but that part of it which can be<br />

liquidated at expense of it major repairs . the<br />

experience shows that real form of constructions<br />

service can be extended due to well – timed repairs.<br />

In power – system of Tajikistan the normal repairs<br />

are not realized during the last 10 year already. Of<br />

course the main reason of it is the hard economical<br />

� � �<br />

474<br />

statement of water – power complexes.<br />

The 6 – th level: Changes of technical states,<br />

connected with accidental situations. It is undoable<br />

the most dangerous level,. But unfortunately, it is<br />

not possible to avoid it now. It is shown particularly<br />

by all given above examples of accidents. No one<br />

of them is liquidated finally and all these<br />

construction are continued to exploration under the<br />

danger of further development of accidental<br />

situation.<br />

First of all it is connected with instrumental and<br />

natural observation after the constructions. The<br />

system of KNA establishing at building of hydro –<br />

units is not finished, up to now in mend cases<br />

automatized assembly and even initial processing<br />

of statistics are lacking.<br />

The serious technical analyses of them are not<br />

absolutely realized, since such functions were<br />

entrusted on specialized scientific and planning<br />

institutions of other GIS republics, connection with<br />

them has broken now. For adaptation of Tajikistan’s<br />

power – industry to sequences of climate changes<br />

is necessary for account all these levels of influence.<br />

In this case the determining role belongs to<br />

management and organizing forms.<br />

In this connection it is very important the<br />

question of carried out now in power – industry<br />

reforms, connected with transition to marked<br />

economies. Planned according to approvable by<br />

President of Republic of Tajikistan E. Sh. Rahmonov<br />

joint – stock and privatizing program of power –<br />

industry objects increases its competition ability and<br />

efficiency. But at this case it is important not to lose<br />

manageability and as consequence reliability of<br />

functioning.<br />

For this purpose in October 2000 the Ministry<br />

of power – industry was formed in Tajikistan. Its<br />

main objectives are to carry out state policy in area<br />

of power – industry control and management after<br />

all enterprises, interpedently from their form of<br />

property. The low on power – industry was passed<br />

in republic, the low on safety of hydro – technical<br />

construction is in stage of preparation. There are<br />

introduced the system of activity licensing in power<br />

– industry and experting of all projects. The question<br />

of introducing for enterprises declaration on safety<br />

is on agenda.

National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

83. Water Harvesting and Management for Increasing Agricultural<br />

Production and Household Water Supply in Bangladesh<br />

*Dr. Md. Abdul Ghani<br />


Bangladesh receives annually about 795,000 cubic meter of water through surface<br />

flow and about 2 meter (200 cm) from rainfall, which will bring the entire country under<br />

about 7.5 meter water depth if there was no flow to the Bay of Bengal. Therefore, Bangladesh<br />

does not need to be concerned for water management as total annual available water may<br />

be enough for year-round use. However, rainfall distribution pattern and onrush of surface<br />

water over the year, makes a complex water environment in the country and causes flooding<br />

almost every year sometime during June to September. During this period of the year, the<br />

country receives over 90% of surface flow and rainfall thereby affects assured harvest of<br />

most crops during October to April without irrigation and due to flooding during June to<br />

September. Therefore, the country is to deal with too much and too little water environments<br />

during certain time of the year and thereby faces challenges for water management for<br />

sustainable agricultural production, safety of infrastructures and safe water for household<br />

purposes. In this paper, water harvesting has been selected in place of rainwater harvesting<br />

intentionally as under Bangladesh context it is not possible to separate water volumes<br />

received from these two sources during June to September when the country receives about<br />

90% of total annual water. Conservation and effective use of this huge water volume is very<br />

important for sustainable agricultural development and reliable safe drinking water supply<br />

over reaming period of the year.<br />

Through conjunctive use of ground and surface water, about 76% of the cultivable<br />

area can be irrigated of which about 60% are presently under irrigation. About 75% of the<br />

irrigated area use groundwater since the country does not have full control over surface<br />

water flow. Unfortunately, in recent years, water quality during the dry season is deteriorated<br />

due to arsenic contamination of groundwater and deserves immediate action for its<br />

mitigation. Rainfall distribution and surface water availability pattern, salinity in coastal<br />

area and arsenic contamination during dry months have become a limiting factor for supply<br />

of good quality water for drinking purpose in Bangladesh. With possible low cost treatment/<br />

purification this can be solved specially during the rainy season (May to October).<br />

Conservation of excess water received during rainy season and effective use of rain water<br />

and infrastructure developed so far can play important role in improving water availability<br />

in dry season if comprehensive use of the facilities are ensured. Improved management at<br />

local and national levels through government and social interventions can solve the problem<br />

and can ensure clean water for all.<br />

In coastal area, increased salinity during the dry months (February to May) causes<br />

problem in availability of good quality water both for human consumption and for<br />

*Executive Director, Center for Research and Development, Eastern University and Life Fellow, Institution of<br />

Engineers Bangladesh (IEB), House 15/2, Road 3, Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh. Telephone: (88 02)<br />

9677523 & 8621419 Ext.301, Residence Phone (88 02) 9113832, Fax: (88 02) 9675981, E-mail:<br />

maghani@bdonline.com and maghani@easternuni.edu.bd<br />


agricultural use. Water conservation through storage of excess rainwater during the<br />

monsoon and surface flow in the existing low areas, canals and smaller rivers is possible.<br />

Cultivation of irrigated second crop with the stored water during the winter/dry season<br />

can change fate of the coastal people. Excavation of ponds and re-excavation of existing<br />

canals will increase storage capacity for subsequent use of water for irrigating the second<br />

crop. New ponds and re-excavated canals can also be used for fish cultivation. Fish<br />

cultivation alone in the ponds and re-excavated canals will be cost effective.<br />

Rainfall contributes a significant portion of water requirements for most crops in<br />

Bangladesh, even in most of the irrigation projects especially during the monsoon. But<br />

rainfall is unpredictable and sometimes uncontrollable at the field level beyond certain<br />

amount in a day or a week. Often excess rainfall drains out of the command area of the<br />

irrigation systems or crop fields. Rainfall can be more beneficially utilized if storage or<br />

pump suspension can adjust irrigation deliveries for maximum use of rainfall. In field<br />

conditions, effectiveness of rainfall is more important than the total amount of rainfall for<br />

a day, week, month and season. Studies conducted in Bangladesh for determination of<br />

effective rainfall since 1970s indicate that about 70 to 95 percent of total rainfall is effective<br />

during Aman ((Second Kharif) season. Effective rainfall in these studies was determined<br />

by using 10 to 15 cm levee heights and semi-empirical method suggested by Dastane with<br />

3-day grouping for loamy soils. Study conducted in a pump cum gravity irrigation system<br />

indicates that pump operation can be suspended for 40 to 45 days during rainy season<br />

without any yield reduction, which will reduce operation cost and will encourage and<br />

influence farmers in timely planting of rice (Aman).<br />

An understanding of the characteristics of rainfall in relation to crop growth stages<br />

and soil condition are required for successful crop planning and for maximum utilization<br />

of rainwater. The onset of monsoon determines planting time and subsequent distribution<br />

of rainfall influences growth and development of crop. Rainwater management strategies<br />

should be considered depending on need and suitability in the wet season. Rainwater<br />

harvesting for stabilizing T. Aman production should get top priority in Bangladesh. In<br />

plain land, it could be achieved by means of a suitable ditch constructed at one corner of a<br />

plot. In hilly and Barind areas, the ditch can be located at a suitable place of the catchments.<br />

Studies conducted with 5m x 5m x 2m trapezoidal ditch found to be appropriate for storing<br />

rainwater enough for one supplemental irrigation of about 6cm depth. It has also been<br />

observed that a ditch size of 5% (2m deep) of the rice plot is required to conserve enough<br />

rainwater for sustaining rice productivity in wet season in Bangladesh. Benefit-cost (B-C)<br />

ratio of ditch irrigations were calculated for five years during early 1980s and the highest<br />

B-C ratio of 6.8 were found for the study in 1983. Five years average B-C ratio of 2.4<br />

indicates that permanent ditch is profitable even if there is drought once in every five year<br />

cycle. Fish cultivation in the ditch will help to increase benefit from the ditch, which will<br />

require cleaning once in every three years. Studies conducted in Bangladesh confirmed<br />

that well managed 15 cm high levees could help to conserve significant amount of rainwater<br />

(91%) which can be beneficially used to obtain a good T. Aman crop if there is short<br />

duration drought.<br />

Rain water and part of surface flow during later part of monsoon can be stored in lowlying<br />

area, canals and ponds for supplemental irrigation of rice crops. There are<br />

opportunities to use pond water for supplemental irrigation to stabilize yield of Aman crop<br />

and for dry season irrigation. Observations have also been made that with one ha of pond<br />

about 10 hectare lands can be brought under supplemental irrigation for rice. The same<br />

pond can also be used for irrigating about 10 hectare of dry season non-rice crops.<br />

Excavation of ponds and re-excavation of existing canals will increase storage capacity<br />


for subsequent use of water for irrigating the second crop. New ponds and re-excavated<br />

canals can also be used for fish cultivation (personal communication with fisheries experts).<br />

Fish cultivation alone in the ponds and re-excavated canals will be cost effective.<br />

Rivers especially smaller rivers can be compartmentalized to series of seasonal ponds<br />

during November to May through appropriate water conservation structures like weirs<br />

and rubber dams. Community based fisheries management system can be introduced in the<br />

seasonal ponds following the Common Property Resource Management Procedure of the<br />

country. Fisheries experts confirmed that these seasonal ponds could be brought under<br />

profitable fish cultivation program through stakeholder participation and on an average,<br />

0.5 to 1.0 ton fish can be harvested per hectare of water body. Moreover, water stored in<br />

the seasonal ponds/riverbeds will be a continuous source for groundwater recharge, which<br />

subsequently can be used for irrigation using deep and shallow tubewells without severe<br />

lowering of groundwater table. River water conservation will also contribute to afforestation<br />

program along the riverbanks, irrigation development using low lift pumps for the lands<br />

adjacent to the rivers and availability of drinking water and bathing place for cattle. Success<br />

of this approach in one river may be replicated in other area of the country, which will<br />

contribute to its overall development.<br />

The national development plan should be to maximize utilization of rainfall, surface<br />

and ground water through conjunctive use of these resources. The development strategy<br />

will be to increase production per unit of land, unit of water and unit of time.<br />


Bangladesh is blessed with excellent quality of<br />

ground and surface water for irrigation, which is in<br />

abundance for the year-round use. However,<br />

distribution pattern of surface water availability over<br />

the years makes a complex condition for its<br />

profitable use and causes flooding almost every year<br />

sometime during June to September. The country<br />

receives about 90% of the surface water resources<br />

during June to October through rainfall and river<br />

flows, most of which flows to the Bay of Bengal.<br />

With management alternatives, part of it can be<br />

retained in crop fields (especially rice), rivers, canals<br />

and low areas and can be effectively used for<br />

agricultural (crop and fish production) and nonagricultural<br />

purposes during the lean period,<br />

November to May. Through conjunctive use of<br />

ground and surface water, about 76% of the<br />

cultivable area can be irrigated (MPO 1991 and<br />

WARPO 2000), of which about 60% are presently<br />

under irrigation (MOA 2005). Out of the present<br />

irrigated area of 60%, about 90% is irrigated using<br />

deep tubewells (DTWs), shallow tubewells (STWs),<br />

manually operated and low lift pumps (LLPs) which<br />

are popularly known as minor irrigation in<br />

Bangladesh. Rainfall distribution pattern indicate<br />

that water requirement for most crops be met from<br />

477<br />

rainfall only during May to September, since monthly<br />

rainfall during these months on an average is more<br />

than 200 mm. Therefore, sustainable crop production<br />

can only be expected with rainfall only during these<br />

months and irrigation is essential during other eight<br />

months of the year.<br />

Water conservation and management strategy<br />

of Bangladesh should be based on water availability<br />

conditions and improvement potential of different<br />

regions of the country and integrated management<br />

of flood control, drainage and irrigation (FCDI)<br />

infrastructure. The country may be divided into four<br />

zones depending on water availability, land<br />

capability, subject to annual flooding and<br />

agricultural practices. These are; Northwest, Coastal<br />

area, Central Flood plain and Hilly area. The specific<br />

areas considered under different zones in this paper<br />

are; (i) Northwest which includes area under present<br />

Rajshahi division and greater Kushtia and Jessore<br />

districts, (ii) coastal area, (iii) central flood plain<br />

which includes most part of central flood plain and<br />

remaining area of coastal belt where saline water<br />

inundation is rare, and (iv) hilly area of Chittagong,<br />

Sylhet, Comilla and Chittagong Hill tract.<br />

Development options through integrated land and<br />

water resources of these zones and FCDI<br />

infrastructure are explored and implementation

strategies are suggested in this paper which may<br />

make significant contribution to the overall<br />

agricultural development of the country.<br />

Professional experiences indicate that if crop water<br />

requirements can be met, household water supply<br />

may not be a problem, as agriculture is the major<br />

user of water resources.<br />


Land area especially cultivable area and water<br />

resources, which include rain, surface, and ground<br />

water of the above zones to be carefully estimated.<br />

Land area of each zone should be further estimated<br />

in relation to flooding conditions (Fo to F4 types of<br />

lands). Potential crops for the zones and its specific<br />

localities to be selected reviewing farming system<br />

research data from the research institutes and<br />

extension department. Production maximization<br />

packages to be developed with assistance of the<br />

farmers and extension agents. Government<br />

machinery to provide advisory services for input<br />

supports and market information. No price support<br />

or subsidy is expected from the government but<br />

facilitating roles are expected. Agricultural<br />

production, which includes crop, fishery, forestry<br />

and livestock, can be increased through integrated<br />

use of water and land resources. The strategy should<br />

be to increase production per unit of land, unit of<br />

water and unit of time. In this paper, water<br />

conservation cum water harvesting methods is dealt<br />

with separately for each region as the regions have<br />

unique water environments.<br />

Northwest Region<br />

Northwest region covers the area under present<br />

Rajshahi division and greater Kushtia and Jessore<br />

districts which coincides with full of NW and part<br />

of SW of the Hydrological Regions (Table 1)<br />

suggested by the Water Resources Planning<br />

Organization (WARPO). Most part of this area has<br />

low rainfall but fewer subjects to flood damages.<br />

However, this area which has net cultivable area<br />

(NCA) of about 2.94 Mha, has dependable<br />

groundwater and can be brought under double/triple<br />

cropping with conjunctive use and improved<br />

management of water resources. This is the most<br />

potential area for agricultural development and may<br />

be subdivided into Barind tract, Atrai basin and the<br />

remaining area as NW plain land.<br />

478<br />

Barind tract: The Barind tract is located in the low<br />

rainfall area (about 125 cm /year) of Bangladesh<br />

and has hard red soil. High temperature in the<br />

summer (which goes above 40 degrees Celsius) with<br />

low humidity and rainfall has distinguished Barind<br />

tract of about 1.4 Mha from other parts of the<br />

country. There is very limited source of surface<br />

water and water availability in the dry season is a<br />

major constraint for crop cultivation in the area.<br />

Groundwater is a dependable source of irrigation<br />

in the area and can cover about 60% of the Brind<br />

tract. However, groundwater level goes below<br />

suction limit especially during the dry months<br />

(March to May), therefore, high cost tubewells are<br />

required for providing irrigation. Moreover, part of<br />

the area is showing symptom of arsenic<br />

contamination and will require especial attention<br />

for water management and year-round use of<br />

groundwater. However, surface water conservation<br />

is possible in the rivers, low-lying areas including<br />

beels and ponds. This is also required for other areas<br />

of the country as out of 32 agro-ecological-region<br />

(AER), only 13 have ample surface water for year<br />

round use (UNDP & FAO, 1988)<br />

There are about 32,000 ponds in the Barind<br />

Multipurpose Development Authority (BMDA)<br />

project area and about 70,000 ponds in the entire<br />

Barind area (personal communication with BMDA).<br />

These ponds were used for supplemental irrigation<br />

for transplanted Aman ( transplanted paddy grown<br />

during June/July to November) during earlier days.<br />

Most of the ponds are silted and will require reexcavation<br />

for their effective use. The project<br />

management have program of re-excavating all the<br />

ponds. These ponds vary in size and their waterbody<br />

varies from 0.13 to 0.40 ha. These ponds after<br />

re-excavation can be used for accumulating excess<br />

rainwater during the rainy season and can be<br />

subsequently used for supplemental irrigation,<br />

household uses and fish cultivation. Banks and the<br />

adjacent land area around the ponds can be used<br />

for afforestation and vegetable cultivation through<br />

participatory management with local poor people<br />

which will further help in poverty reduction in<br />

addition to water conservation for agricultural and<br />

household uses.<br />

There are about 25 major beels (low lying areas)<br />

in Barind area which retain adequate water over the<br />

year in most years except during the abnormally dry

years. These beels can also be converted to water<br />

reservoirs through modifications and adding water<br />

retention structures. These will also help in<br />

increasing fish cultivation, groundwater recharge,<br />

improved environment and poverty reduction in<br />

addition to water conservation for agricultural and<br />

household uses.<br />

Atrai Basin : The Atrai river basin broadly covers<br />

the Lower Atrai river basin. The major internal rivers<br />

coming into the basin are Atrai-Gur-Gumni<br />

(commonly known as Atrai River) and its tributaries:<br />

Little Jamuna, Tulshi Ganga, Nagar, and Badai on<br />

the left bank and Sib-Barnai and Nandakuja on the<br />

right bank. Fakirni is a link channel between the<br />

Atrai and the Barnai and the Baral is the spill<br />

channel of the Ganges to the Atrai River. Besides,<br />

there are many other smaller channels draining the<br />

isolated basins formed between the fore-going main<br />

regional channels. Atrai, the major channel of the<br />

area, rising from the Himalayan foot hill in India<br />

flows through part of Bangladesh (Panchagar and<br />

Dinajpur districts) and again to India then to the<br />

Chalan Beel area at Mohadevpur in Bangladesh.The<br />

catchment’s area following the second entry of the<br />

Atrai river in Bangladesh is considered Atrai river<br />

basin and is also called Chalan Beel area or Lower<br />

Atrai river basin. The river Atrai is subject to<br />

occasional spillage from the Teesta at times of<br />

exceptional high flood. Gross area of the basin is<br />

about 600,000 hectare (ha). About 14 flood control,<br />

drainage and irrigation (FCDI) projects have been<br />

developed in this area which cover net area of about<br />

500,000 ha. However, these projects are not able to<br />

provide full benefit to the area since those are not<br />

complete and are not inter-linked with each other.<br />

In this paper an attempt has been made to<br />

explore opportunities for potential development of<br />

the Atrai river basin through comprehensive<br />

development of its land and water resources. In the<br />

Atrai river basin, 20 to 90 percent areas are subject<br />

to annual flood, sometime during June to October.<br />

Whereas, the annual average rainfall of the area is<br />

about 125 cm compared to national annual average<br />

of about 200 cm. About 90 percent of the annual<br />

rainfall occurs during June to October, which is the<br />

possible period of floods in the area. River water<br />

starts receding from November and by the end of<br />

February most rivers of the area become unsuitable<br />

479<br />

for navigation and become completely dry during end<br />

of March to May. Therefore, without access to<br />

irrigation, crop production in the area during<br />

November to May is uncertain and crops grown<br />

during June to October may be damaged if flood<br />

control and drainage (FCD) facilities do not function<br />

properly. Therefore, water conservation in the rivers<br />

for the dry season uses are of utmost importance.<br />

Effective flood control during the monsoon/rainy<br />

season will provide opportunities for water<br />

harvesting and agricultural development of the area.<br />

Rivers in the area can be compartmentalized to<br />

series of seasonal ponds during November to May<br />

through appropriate water conservation structures<br />

like weirs and rubber dams. Community based<br />

fisheries management system can be introduced in<br />

the seasonal ponds following the Common Property<br />

Resource management procedure of the country.<br />

Fisheries experts confirmed that these seasonal<br />

ponds could be brought under profitable fish<br />

cultivation program through stakeholder<br />

participation and on an average 0.5 to 1.0 ton fish<br />

can be harvested per hectare of water body.<br />

Moreover, water stored in the seasonal ponds/<br />

riverbeds will be a continuous source for<br />

groundwater recharge, which subsequently can be<br />

used for irrigation using deep and shallow tubewells<br />

without severe lowering of groundwater table. River<br />

water conservation will also contribute to<br />

afforestation program along the riverbanks,<br />

irrigation development using low lift pumps for the<br />

lands adjacent to the rivers and availability of<br />

drinking water and bathing place for cattle. Success<br />

of this approach in the Atrai river basin may be<br />

replicated in other area of the country, which will<br />

contribute to its overall development.<br />

Coastal Area<br />

Coastal area consists of about 2.0 Mha<br />

cultivable area and falls under SW, SC, RE and SE<br />

regions. The entire area is mostly under single crop<br />

(Aman) due to limited sweet water, which is most<br />

often considered suitable for irrigation. The coastal<br />

area can be a potential area for increasing crop<br />

production through better management of land and<br />

water resources. On an average, Bangladesh faces<br />

annual food deficit by about 2 million ton (however,<br />

the situation has improved since 2000). If an<br />

additional crop can be harvested in the coastal area

of 2 Mha with average yield of even 1 ton/ha, the<br />

country may remain self-sufficient in food grain.<br />

With available water resources, its management and<br />

technical knowledge, it is possible to introduce a<br />

second crop in the coastal area, which may produce<br />

more than three ton/ha. Water conservation through<br />

storage of excess rainwater during the monsoon and<br />

surface flow in the existing low areas, canals and<br />

smaller rivers has been proved possible. Proper use<br />

of the stored water for irrigating the second crop<br />

during the winter/dry season, fate of the coastal<br />

people can be changed. Excavation of ponds and<br />

re-excavation of existing canals will increase storage<br />

capacity for subsequent use of water for household<br />

uses and irrigating the second crop. New ponds and<br />

re-excavated canals can also be used for fish<br />

cultivation. Fish cultivation alone in the ponds and<br />

re-excavated canals will be cost effective (Personal<br />

communication with fishery experts). Irrigation<br />

from these additional water bodies during dry season<br />

and supplemental irrigation in the wet season will<br />

provide added benefit. Appropriate methodology for<br />

conjunctive use of water and multiple uses (ricefish<br />

cultivation) in the storage facilities can be<br />

determined through water management related<br />

research. Integrated water management in the polder<br />

area can also contribute significantly in increasing<br />

agricultural production in the coastal area.<br />

Hill Tracts<br />

Hill tracts cover about 1.94 Mha of which only<br />

about 0.34 Mha is net cultivated area (NCA), has<br />

unique water availability and land topographic<br />

conditions. This area comes under the EH (Eastern<br />

Hills) of Hydrological Regions. Hill slopes can be<br />

brought under fruits, vegetables and fodder<br />

cultivation. Plain lands can be used for suitable crop<br />

production and low lands and riverbeds can be used<br />

for fish cultivation through appropriate water<br />

conservation and fish production practices.<br />

Initiatives of water conservation have started in this<br />

region with rubber dams and are proved to be<br />

successful. However, all these innovative practices<br />

should be developed through beneficiary<br />

participation and provision of operation and<br />

maintenance and cost recovery. This approach can<br />

be expanded to other hilly areas of Chittagong,<br />

Sylhet, and Comilla districts.<br />

480<br />

Flood Plains<br />

Flood plain area in this paper covers most part<br />

of the central flood plain and remaining area of the<br />

coastal belt where saline water inundation is rare.<br />

With reference to the Hydrological Regions, NE,<br />

NC and part of SW and SC falls under this category.<br />

Annual floods affect this area and FCDI facilities<br />

have been created for saving lives and properties of<br />

the people. Multiple uses of the FCDI facilities will<br />

facilitate improved water management and<br />

integrated agricultural production in flood plains.<br />

On an average, about 22 percent of Bangladesh<br />

is flooded annually (FPCO 1995). In the eastern<br />

regions, flash floods are hazards in the early summer<br />

and cause extensive damage to the Boro 3 rice crop.<br />

In coastal areas, tidal floods and cyclone surges<br />

cause damage to the lives and properties of coastal<br />

area people. Moreover, when the peak flows of the<br />

Ganges and Brahmaputra coincides, as they did in<br />

1988, about 60% of the country is inundated.<br />

Therefore, the country needs some type of<br />

infrastructure for minimizing flood damages and<br />

creating favorable environment for agricultural<br />

development.<br />

River Basin Management Approach<br />

On an average, the country receives annual<br />

rainfall of about 200 cm, almost 90% of it is during<br />

the monsoon. Rainfall and surface water if<br />

accumulated will result to a water body of about<br />

7.5 meters depth over the country if not flowing to<br />

the Bay of Bengal. But the country faces water<br />

shortage during November to May every year due<br />

to uneven distribution of river flows and rainfall.<br />

Most of the Northwest and Southwest regions<br />

become dry especially during March to May. Rivers<br />

in these areas become dead during this part of the<br />

year and become alive with onset of monsoon.<br />

Rivers in the central area and eastern part of<br />

Bangladesh have better access to water due to tidal<br />

flows from the Bay of Bengal at least during high<br />

tides. In this paper, approaches have been suggested<br />

to keep rivers in Atrai and Baral basins (Figure 1)<br />

alive for the whole year through improved<br />

management (Atrai and Baral basin is selected as<br />

examples for improvement through water<br />

harvesting). This will further assist in incremental<br />

crop and fish production. Healthy rivers in Atrai<br />

and Baral basins will contribute to creation of water

ody through water conservation and management<br />

especially from the end of monsoon and will provide<br />

opportunities for groundwater recharge in the area.<br />

This may further contribute to expansion of irrigated<br />

area and minimizing level of arsenic contamination<br />

of groundwater. There will be better environment<br />

through increased vegetation and available water<br />

body during dry months (November to May). During<br />

June to October, all rivers in Bangladesh including<br />

those in the Atria and Baral basins have very healthy<br />

life and often cause flood. Flood problem is not<br />

covered in this paper as it involves bigger dimension<br />

of the problem, which is also required for overall<br />

improved agricultural production environment,<br />

safety of people and infrastructures. Development<br />

options for maintaining healthy life of the rivers and<br />

improved production environment through<br />

integrated land and water resources are explained<br />

for the Atrai and Baral river basins, which is part of<br />

the Northwest region of Bangladesh.<br />

The Baral river basin area is comprised of the<br />

river systems: Baral-Nandakuja, Musakhan, Narod<br />

and Godai and about 16 minor channels from Baral-<br />

Nandakujs rivers. The Baral is an off take of the<br />

Ganges originating at Charghat (Figure1), flows<br />

towards East and Northeast and discharges into the<br />

Atrai – Gur - Gimini river system (BETS and HCL,<br />

1997). Therefore, Baral serves a spill channel for<br />

diversion of excess flows from the Ganges to Atari.<br />

This is why, Atrai and Baral basins are dealt together<br />

in this paper as these are interlinked and separation<br />

of basins covered by these rivers is difficult. The<br />

entire Baral basin is covered by interconnecting river<br />

channels. Bangladesh Water Development Board<br />

constructed a 3-vent regulator at Charghat and a 5vent<br />

regulator at Atghori. Construction of regulator<br />

at Charghat has reduced flow of Baral river from<br />

567 cubic meter per second (20,000 cfs) to 142 cubic<br />

meters per second (5,000 cfs) but construction of<br />

these two regulators has created environment of<br />

water conservation and improved water<br />

management for Baral basin and can be utilized for<br />

improving crops, fish and forestry products in the<br />

benefited area of about 86,000 ha (BETS and HCL,<br />

1997).<br />

Rivers listed in Table 2 are passing through and<br />

covers most part of Atrai and Baral Basin areas<br />

generally of narrow widths and can be<br />

compartmentalized to series of seasonal ponds<br />

481<br />

during November to May through appropriate water<br />

conservation structures like weirs and rubber dams.<br />

With planned water conservation and appropriate<br />

management from end of monsoon when most river<br />

water become clean and silt free, water can be stored<br />

to full supply level. This will augment surface water<br />

availability and will serve as supplemental source<br />

of irrigation water for the area. Augmentation of<br />

surface water is required to irrigate the entire area<br />

under these basins since with groundwater, only<br />

about 60% of the area can be irrigated. With the<br />

suggested water conservation in the rivers and canals<br />

and conservation of rainwater in ponds and low<br />

lying area (beels, low lying areas expected to have<br />

standing water even during the dry months) during<br />

the rainy season, almost 100% of the basins can be<br />

irrigated and year-round crop cultivation may be<br />

introduced. Moreover, water stored in the seasonal<br />

ponds/riverbeds will be a continuous source for<br />

groundwater recharge, which subsequently can be<br />

used for irrigation using deep and shallow tubewells<br />

without severe lowering of groundwater table. River<br />

water conservation will also contribute to<br />

afforestation program along the riverbanks.<br />

Irrigation development using low lift pumps for the<br />

lands adjacent to the rivers will be facilitated and<br />

availability of drinking water will improve. Water<br />

bodies can also be used as bathing place for cattle.<br />

Community based fisheries management system<br />

can be introduced in the seasonal ponds following<br />

the Common Property Resource management<br />

procedure of the country. Fisheries experts<br />

confirmed that these seasonal ponds could be<br />

brought under profitable fish cultivation program<br />

through stakeholder participation and on an average,<br />

0.5 to 1.0 ton fish can be harvested per hectare of<br />

water body. In the Baral basin alone, about 3348<br />

metric tons of additional fish can be produced,<br />

which will be worth of Taka 146.3 million<br />

equivalents to about US$3 million as of 1997 price<br />

(Table 3).<br />

Survey results indicate that there are 9 major<br />

canals in Atrai basin area, with water area varying<br />

from 900 to 3900 hectares and having water<br />

conservation structures, 1 to 3 vents (Table 4). These<br />

drainage canals can also be used for water harvesting<br />

and for fish cultivation in addition to irrigation and<br />

household water supply. Success of this approach<br />

may be replicated in other area of the country, which

will contribute to its overall development and will<br />

ensure healthy life of the rivers in Bangladesh.<br />

Lessons learned may be transferred to other part of<br />

East and Southeast Asia with local adjustment.<br />

Other Areas<br />

Local Government Engineering Department<br />

(LGED) undertook development, maintenance and<br />

management of small scale water resources schemes<br />

up to command area of 1000 hectare (ha) or less.<br />

LGED implemented 280 against target of 300<br />

subprojects under the first small scale water<br />

resources development sector project (SSWRDSP)<br />

during1995-2002. The completed 280 subprojects<br />

are covering 165,000 ha of cultivated land that<br />

benefit about 142,000 farm families (SSWRD<br />

update of June 2005, LGED). In the second small<br />

scale water resources development sector project<br />

(SSWRDSP), LGED targets to implement 300<br />

subprojects during 2002 to 2009 for providing<br />

benefit of sustainable water management to about<br />

180, 000 ha of cultivated land and to about 280,000<br />

farm families. The second SSWRDSP activities are<br />

grouped under broad heads; (i) mobilization of<br />

beneficiary participation, (ii) community based<br />

infrastructure development, (iii) water resources<br />

oriented support programs, (iv) monitoring and<br />

quality control, and (v) institutional strengthening<br />

of small-scale water resources sector. Water<br />

resources oriented support programs are based on<br />

the principles of water harvesting for all over<br />

Bangladesh through beneficiary participation and<br />

institutional development for sustainable use of the<br />

infrastructures.<br />

Compartmentalization of Rivers, Water<br />

Conservation and Opportunities for its Multiple<br />

Uses<br />

Rivers especially smaller rivers can be<br />

compartmentalized to series of seasonal ponds<br />

during November to May through appropriate water<br />

conservation structures like weirs and rubber dams.<br />

Bangladesh has river area of 12,790 square km<br />

(WARPO 2000) of which about 1890 square km<br />

have width between 25 to 100 meter. These narrow<br />

rivers can be converted to temporary water<br />

reservoirs with rubber dam or any other suitable<br />

water conservation structures and will provide<br />

additional water body of about 189,000 ha. Water<br />

482<br />

conservation in the narrow rivers and irrigation and<br />

drainage canals especially during the lean period<br />

(November to May) will provide opportunities for<br />

storing water over additional area of about 192,000<br />

(189,000 + 2000 + 800) ha. With about one meter<br />

depth, these water bodies can be used for fish<br />

cultivation in addition to their normal use. Water<br />

conservation structures on the rivers and irrigation<br />

and drainage canals will also help in conserving<br />

water in the adjacent low lying areas (beels). This<br />

will further assist in increasing total water storage<br />

capacity of the country. These water bodies, which<br />

are not existing, at least in planned way can<br />

contribute to groundwater recharge, development<br />

of additional irrigation facilities during the dry<br />

season and will also contribute to better<br />

environment. Fisheries experts confirmed that these<br />

seasonal ponds could be brought under profitable<br />

fish cultivation program through stakeholder<br />

participation and on an average, 0.5 to 1.0 ton fish<br />

can be harvested per hectare of water body.<br />

Moreover, water stored in the seasonal ponds/<br />

riverbeds will be a continuous source for<br />

groundwater recharge, which subsequently can be<br />

used for irrigation using deep and shallow tubewells<br />

without severe lowering of groundwater table.<br />

Success of this approach in any river may be<br />

replicated in other area of the country, which will<br />

contribute to its overall development.<br />


Post monsoon river water can be stored to full<br />

supply level through appropriate water conservation<br />

structures in river basins. This will make the rivers<br />

healthy, otherwise most of the rivers will remain<br />

dead during later part of the dry season, February<br />

to May. Water stored to the full supply level at the<br />

end of the monsoon (end of October or early<br />

November) will last till beginning of the following<br />

monsoon and will conserve water for subsequent<br />

use. Beels connected to rivers will have adequate<br />

water during the dry season. These water bodies<br />

will facilitate recharge of groundwater even during<br />

the dry season and lowering of water table beyond<br />

suction limit during later part of the dry season may<br />

not occur. Irrigation facilities using stored surface<br />

water will expand and groundwater based irrigation<br />

will be more cost effective as pumping depth will<br />

be reduced. Additional water bodies will also

contribute to increased fish production, improved<br />

environment and supporting sustainable<br />

afforestation along river banks and FCDI<br />

infrastructures. Additional fish production, trees and<br />

vegetation will provide job opportunities and added<br />

income to the stakeholders and will contribute to<br />

improved livelihood and poverty reduction in the<br />

river basins. Rain water stored in the existing and<br />

excavated ponds and even low areas in the rice fields<br />

in a planned way will assist in overcoming affects<br />

of short duration drought by using water resources<br />

for supplemental irrigation.<br />


1. Abedin, D. S. S and Alam, A, F. M., 2000. Chalan<br />

Beel Project: Problems and Prospects. Paper presented<br />

in the workshop on Chalan Beel Area Development on<br />

April 6, 2002 at Natore Zila Council Hall, Natore.<br />

Bangladesh Water Development Board, WAPDA<br />

Building, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka, Bangladesh.<br />

2. Bangladesh Engineering and Technical Services<br />

(BETS) and House of Consultants Limited (HCL), 1997.<br />

Feasibility Study of Baral Basin Development Project,<br />

Final Report. Bangladesh Water Development Board,<br />

WAPDA Building, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka, Bangladesh.<br />

3. Flood Plan Coordination Organization (FPCO), 1995.<br />

Bangladesh Water and Flood Management Strategy.<br />

Ministry of Water Resources, Bangladesh Secretariat,<br />

Dhaka.<br />

4. Master Plan Organization (MPO), 1991. National<br />

Water Plan Project Phase II. Ministry of Water<br />

Resources, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka.<br />

5. Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), 2005. Minor<br />

Irrigation Survey Report 2004-2005. Bangladesh<br />

Secretariat, Dhaka.<br />

6. UNDP & FAO, 1988. Land Resources Appraisal of<br />

Bangladesh for Agricultural Development. Report 2,<br />

Agro-Ecological Regions of Bangladesh. Ministry of<br />

Agriculture, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka.<br />

7. Water Resources Planning Organization (WARPO),<br />

2000. Technical Paper No. 7: Land and Water<br />

Resources. Saimon Centre, House No. 4A, Road No. 22,<br />

Gulshan – 1, Dhaka 1212.<br />

Table 1 : Present and Projected Regional Distribution of Net Cultivated Area (NCA)<br />

and Irrigated Area in Million Hectares (Mha)<br />

Region Total 1994 2025 Irrigated Area*<br />

Area NCA NCA 2000 2025 Maximum Dev.<br />

(Mha) (Mha) (Mha) Area<br />

(Mha)<br />

% Area % Area %<br />

NE 2.01 1.16 1.14 0.48 41 0.91 80 1.08 95<br />

NC 1.60 1.06 0.99 0.55 52 0.89 90 0.98 99<br />

NW 3.16 2.30 2.23 1.47 64 2.12 95 2.21 99<br />

SW 2.43 1.28 1.24 0.59 46 0.99 80 1.19 96<br />

SC 1.25 0.82 0.80 0.12 15 0.56 70 0.76 95<br />

SE 1.01 0.68 0.65 0.32 48 0.58 90 0.62 96<br />

RE 0.59 0.33 0.31 0.13 37 0.27 80 0.32 95<br />

EH 1.93 0.34 0.33 0.11 33 0.23 75 0.29 95<br />

TOTAL 13.98 7.97 7.69 3.77 47 6.55 7.45<br />

Note : Total irrigated area as of 2004-2005 was 4.8 ha (MOA), but distribution by Region is not elaborated.<br />

* Irrigated area is estimated based on water availability during November to May period of the respective time.<br />

NE=Northeast, NC=North Central, NW=Northwest, SW=Southwest, SC=South Central,<br />

SE=Southeast, RE=Rivers and Estuaries, EH=Eastern Hills.<br />

Source: Technical Paper No. 7: Land and Water Resources, Water Resources Planning Organization (WARPO), June 2000. WARPO<br />

could not update it as there is no funding support for such work (personal communication with WARPO management).<br />


Table 2 : Major Rivers, those are flowing through Atrai and Baral Basins<br />

Rivers Length (Km)<br />

Atrai 51.41<br />

Jamuna 46.59<br />

Nagar 41.13<br />

Nandakuja 21.68<br />

Fakirni 18.48<br />

Gur 24.10<br />

Gohala 22.49<br />

Barnai 39.36<br />

Gumani 43.68<br />

Baral 83.54<br />

Sundai 30.51<br />

Source : Chalan Beel Project: Problems and Prospects.<br />

Table 3 : Extent of Water Body and Prospect of Fish Production in Baral Basin.<br />

Fish habitat No. in basin Area in ha Annual fish Annual Fish Fish value<br />

Production Production (In Million<br />

(t/ha) (MT) Taka)<br />

(1997 price)<br />

Perennial Ponds 7000 670 2.70 1800 78.3<br />

Beels 12 269 0.41 110 4.7<br />

Baral river 1 13700 0.11 1438 63.3<br />

Total 14639 0.23 3348 146.3<br />

Source: Feasibility Study of Baral Basin Development Project, Final Report.<br />

Table 4 : Drainage Structures for Water Conservation in Atrai Basin.<br />

No. Name of drain Length in km Area in ha Discharge in No. of vent &<br />

(cubic feet/sec) opening size<br />

(1.52m x 1.83m)<br />

1 Shimultali 4.50 900 10.19 1-vent<br />

2 Udaysiri 4.00 1942 20.37 2-vent<br />

3 Mohatala 2.00 1000 10.19 1-vent<br />

4 Satbeela 1.50 1850 21.69 2-vent<br />

5 Sonadanga 3.00 1833 21.69 2-vent<br />

6 Katabari 2.00 3200 31.10 3-vent<br />

7 Mohishbathan 1.50 2800 31.10 3-vent<br />

8 Ramcharan 2.00 3560 31.10 3-vent<br />

9 Biddyapur 6.00 3800 32.00 3-vent<br />

Source: Feasibility Study of Baral Basin Development Project, Final Report.<br />


Figure 1 : Map of Bangladesh showing Atrai and Baral Basins.<br />

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National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

84. Water Resources Planning and Management in the face of<br />

Global Warming and Changing Climate<br />

* Pradeep K. Naik *P. K. Parchure *S. K. Bhatnagar<br />

Climate is changing<br />

Over the past century, India has built a vast<br />

and complex infrastructure to provide clean water<br />

for drinking and for industry, dispose of wastes,<br />

facilitate transportation, generate electricity, irrigate<br />

crops, and reduce the risks of floods and droughts.<br />

This infrastructure has brought tremendous<br />

benefits, albeit at a substantial economic and<br />

environmental cost. To the average citizen, the<br />

Nation’s dams, reservoirs, treatment plants, and<br />

pipelines are largely invisible and taken for granted.<br />

Yet they help insulate us from wet and dry years<br />

and moderate other aspects of our naturally variable<br />

climate. Indeed they have permitted us to almost<br />

forget about our complex dependence on climate.<br />

However, time has come we can no longer ignore<br />

these close connections. The scientific evidence that<br />

humans are changing the climate is increasingly<br />

compelling. Complex impacts affecting every sector<br />

of society, including especially the nation’s water<br />

resources now seem unavoidable.<br />

Don’t rely on uncertainties<br />

Most impact studies have been using<br />

information from global climate models that evaluate<br />

the effects of increases in greenhouse gas<br />

concentrations up to particular levels. Greater and<br />

greater impacts would be expected to result from<br />

ever increasing levels of climate change. Models<br />

have their limitations, and many uncertainties still<br />

remain. It is vital that uncertainties not be used to<br />

delay or avoid taking certain kinds of action now.<br />

Prudent planning requires that a strong national<br />

climate and water research program be maintained,<br />

that decisions about future water planning and<br />

management be flexible, and that the risks and<br />

benefits of climate change be incorporated into all<br />

long-term water planning. Policy makers must start<br />

considering climate change as a factor in all decisions<br />

about water investments and the operation of existing<br />

facilities and systems.<br />

Need for action<br />

A continued reliance solely on current<br />

engineering practice may lead us to make incorrect<br />

– and potentially dangerous or expensive –<br />

decisions. India has invested thousands of crores of<br />

rupees in dams, reservoirs and other concrete<br />

structures. These systems were designed and for<br />

the most part are operated assuming that future<br />

climatic and hydrologic conditions will look like past<br />

conditions. We now know this is no longer true.<br />

Accordingly, two of the most important coping<br />

strategies must be to try to understand what the<br />

consequences of climate change will be for water<br />

resources and to begin planning for and adapting to<br />

those changes.<br />

Coping and Adaptations – Public Policy<br />

1. Prudent planning requires that a strong<br />

national climate and water monitoring and research<br />

programme be maintained, that decisions about<br />

future water planning and management be flexible,<br />

and that expensive and irreversible actions be avoided<br />

in climate-sensitive areas.<br />

2. Better methods of planning under climate<br />

uncertainty should be developed and applied.<br />

3. Governments at all levels should re-evaluate<br />

legal, technical, and economic approaches for<br />

managing water resources in the light of potential<br />

climate changes. Improvements in the efficiency of<br />

* Scientist, Central Ground Water Board, Central Region, N.S. Building, Civil Lines, Nagpur – 440 001<br />

Ph.9423106185; Email. pradeep.naik@water.net.in<br />


end uses and the intentional management of water<br />

demands must now be considered major tools for<br />

meeting future water needs, particularly in waterscarce<br />

regions where extensive infrastructure<br />

already exists. There is great a potential for<br />

improving the “water efficiency” with which we<br />

produce food, by changing cropping patterns toward<br />

crops that require less water per calorie to produce,<br />

by reducing wasteful applications of water, by cutting<br />

losses between the field and the source, and by<br />

cutting diets.<br />

4. Water engineers should begin a systematic<br />

re-examination of engineering designs, operating<br />

rules, contingency plans, and water allocation policies<br />

under a wider range of climate conditions and<br />

extremes than has been used traditionally. For<br />

example, the standard engineering practice of<br />

designing for the worst case historical observational<br />

record may no longer be adequate. Recent flooding<br />

in Mumbai and the desert State of Rajasthan are<br />

examples.<br />

5. Cooperation between the water resources<br />

development agencies and leading scientific<br />

organizations can facilitate the exchange of<br />

information on the state-of-the-art thinking about<br />

climate change and impacts on water resources.<br />

6. The timely flows of information among the<br />

scientific global change community, the public, and<br />

the water-management community are valuable.<br />

Such lines of communication need to be developed<br />

and expanded.<br />

7. Traditional and alternative forms of new<br />

supply, already being considered by the water<br />

agencies, can play a role in addressing changes in<br />

both demands and supplies caused by climate<br />

changes and variability. Options to be considered<br />

include wastewater reclamation and reuse, water<br />

marketing and transfers, and even limited<br />

desalinization where less costly alternatives are not<br />

� � �<br />

487<br />

available and where water prices are high. None of<br />

these alternatives, however, is likely to alter the trend<br />

toward higher water costs.<br />

8. Prices and markets are increasingly important<br />

for balancing supply and demand. Because new<br />

construction and new concrete projects can be<br />

expensive, environmentally damaging, and politically<br />

controversial, the proper application of economics<br />

and water management can provide incentives to<br />

use less and produce more. Among the new tools<br />

being successfully explored are water banking and<br />

conjunctive use of groundwater.<br />

9. Even without climate change, efforts are<br />

needed to update and improve legal tools for<br />

managing and allocating water resources. Water is<br />

managed in different ways in different places around<br />

the country, leading to complex and often conflicting<br />

water laws. Lat’s remember that water is a State<br />

subject in India.<br />

10. The reliability of ground water as the most<br />

dependable source of irrigation has led to its overexploitation<br />

in many parts of the country. The<br />

development of this resource has not been uniform.<br />

The reason for this can be technical, socio-economic<br />

or political, but the non-uniform growth has created<br />

some management problems. Demand side<br />

management specially related to regulation, licensing,<br />

policing etc. are difficult to implement and are not<br />

appreciated by the users and public representatives.<br />

Supply side management of ground water resources<br />

and its augmentation through artificial recharge and<br />

rainwater harvesting would possibly bring positive<br />

results by increasing the water availability. Society<br />

and the common man need to be activated so that<br />

adequate water supply is ensured to everybody<br />

throughout the year. Rainwater harvesting schemes<br />

may be mandatory to all new buildings countrywide<br />

and the public needs to appreciate its advantages<br />

and necessity.

National Seminar on Rainwater Harvesting and Water Management 11-12 Nov. 2006, Nagpur<br />

85. Large Water Storage Structures and<br />

Rain Water Harvesting Structures- Limitations and Efficacy<br />

*R. S. Goel **Jay Narayan Vyas ***V. B. Patel ****Aditya Sharma<br />


This paper critically examines the controversies of large vs small dams and focuses<br />

on limitations and efficacy of large water storage versus small dams and rain water<br />

harvesting structures. Important conclusions of significant studies have been interwoven<br />

regarding comparative evaporation, submergence, seismic & hydrologic safety as well as<br />

the benefits and cost aspects of large dams versus RWH schemes and small dams. Basic<br />

objectives and drivers of Interlinking of Rivers (ILR) are also summarised. Few NGOs<br />

and self styled non-professional environmentalists leave no stone unturned to oppose almost<br />

each water storage dam, hydel plant and continue fighting tooth and nail against vitally<br />

needed inter-linking of rivers, perhaps also siphon off foreign funds mainly to garner<br />

awards, fame and monopoly. They are generally ignorant of even basic facts and intricate<br />

‘dose response functions’ of complicated environmental processes and techniques of water<br />

resources and hydro power development due to no professional background. Such persons<br />

repeatedly use media to create fantasies and tirade against water storage projects on<br />

many shifting grounds. In every sector other than water and power, specialists like doctors,<br />

surgeons, economists, space & atomic scientists etc. are considered competent but any<br />

‘Tom’, ‘Dick’ and ‘Harry’ claims to be expert to oppose large dams, hydel projects and<br />

inter-basin transfer of water projects. Supreme Court’s admission of PIL by NCCL against<br />

NBA and Prime Minister’s direction for vigilance inquiries against NBA due to siphoning<br />

of foreign funds and over 200 FIR’s for stopping R&R works are matters of alarming<br />

concerns. Even though such presentation cannot be an exhaustive treatise; nevertheless,<br />

authors hope that the policy planners, administrators, professionals, media, NGOs and<br />

public at large should understand basic facts to avoid street fights and social tensions<br />

almost every where now in India, due to breaking down of water and power supplies.<br />

Key words- large dams, water harvesting, run of river projects, interlinking of rivers,<br />

relation of forest & water.<br />

*Chairman, Indian Water Resources Society, Gandhinagar Centre, Convenor, Coordination Committee, Water<br />

Related National Professional Societies, Chief Engineer, Narmada Tapi Basin Organisation, Central Water<br />

commission, Sector 10 A, Gandhinagar (Gujarat) – 382043 Fax- 079-23246115 E-mail - goelrscwc@yahoo.com<br />

**Former Minister for Narmada & Water Resources, Govt. of Gujarat, Chairman, Saket Projects Limited,<br />

Saket House, Panchsheel, Usmanpura, Ahmedabad 380013 Fax- 079- 27550452 E-mailmail@saketprojects.com<br />

***Vice-President, Indian Water Resources Society & Former Chairman, Central Water Commission & Ex- officio<br />

Seccretary to Govt. of India, Co-chairman, Coordination Committee, Water Related National Professional<br />

Societies,128, Manekbaug Society, Ambawadi, Ahmedabad – 38 00 52 FAX- 079- 26764099<br />

E-mail - vbpatel@multimantech.com<br />

****Convenor, Indian Water Resources Society, Gandhinagar Centre, Deputy Director, Narmada Tapi Basin<br />

Organisation, Central Water commission, Sector 10 A, Gandhinagar 382043 FAX- 079-23246115<br />

E-mail- cwcmon_gandhinagar@yahoo.co.in<br />



Indian water sector is confronted with the<br />

controversies of inter-state disputes vs. integrated<br />

basin development, reliance on water-shed<br />

development vs. reservoir projects, government<br />

owned vs. private utilities and large vs. small<br />

projects. On one side, the technological advances in<br />

the fields of meteorology, hydrology, geology,<br />

seismology and the techniques of investigation,<br />

planning, construction and operation of the projects<br />

are making possible the optimisation of scarce<br />

national resources. On the other hand, a fear<br />

syndrome has been created against river valley and<br />

hydro projects by exaggerated likely or assumed<br />

adverse environmental impacts and by ignoring or<br />

suppressing their need and tremendous benefits by<br />

few non-credible NGOs like NBA and novelists self<br />

styled activists. As a result, many potential economic<br />

developmental activities, which could generate<br />

wealth and employment in India have been blocked<br />

in large cities, towns and villages due to acute<br />

shortage of water especially during the dry season.<br />

At the same time, fury of floods routinely continue<br />

to affect the economic activities causing large scale<br />

loss of life, properties and flora & fauna.<br />

Widely prevalent beliefs about the role of land<br />

use and its relation to hydrology must be critically<br />

examined in the light of scientific evidence. Simplistic<br />

views have created a mindset which not only links<br />

degradation with less forest but also rehabilitation &<br />

conservation with more forest. Most of the people<br />

imply the inevitable link between the absence of<br />

forests and ‘degradation’ of water resources. Same<br />

is the situation about relation to forestry, agro forestry<br />

and various hydrological elements; even though<br />

claims by enthusiastic agro foresters and nonprofessional<br />

ecologists are often not valid. When<br />

scrutinized, many of the mother statements relating<br />

to forestry and the environmental processes are seen<br />

to be either exaggerated or untenable. It is highly<br />

relevant and crucial to know what can be attached<br />

to these statements for the proper management of<br />

water resources and land use. This article presents<br />

basic facts on limitations and efficacy of large water<br />

storage versus small dams & popularly known as<br />

rain water harvesting structures and suggests serious<br />

examination of mother statements about relation of<br />

forests and hydrologic elements - Whether Forests<br />

increase rainfall, Forests increase runoff, Forests<br />

regulate flows, Forests reduce erosion, Forests<br />

reduce floods, Forests ‘sterilize’ water supplies and<br />

improve water quality and Agro forestry systems<br />

489<br />

increase productivity?<br />



The former captures rain in-situ and<br />

supplements/conserves soil moisture for a longer<br />

period, whereas the latter holds the run-off in<br />

storages of surface waters and make it available<br />

through canals for irrigation. The former has a crucial<br />

role in treatment of catchment area and noncommand<br />

areas of irrigation schemes. It recharges<br />

ground water for use in local drinking water needs.<br />

Also, it provides soil moisture to replace may be one<br />

or two irrigation watering, in kharif season. Its main<br />

role therefore is important for the vast rainfed areas<br />

of the country, which will not be irrigated through<br />

surface storages even in ultimate stage of<br />

development.<br />

Small dams and RWHS successfully operate<br />

within a narrow band of meteorological phenomena<br />

of intensity, duration, antecedent rainfall, potential<br />

evaporation, infiltration capacity dictated by<br />

topography, geology, slope, vegetative cover etc. Its<br />

contribution in increase in productivity of cropped<br />

land is rather limited. It is also essential that adequate<br />

investigations & foundation testing, detailed<br />

hydrologic analysis, hydraulic & structural designs,<br />

proper construction supervision are given needed<br />

attention even for small water projects, check dams<br />

and rain water harvesting structures. Large number<br />

of incidences have been noticed for washing away<br />

of too many check dams within a year or two due to<br />

structural, hydrologic, seismic and hydraulic failures.<br />

Both therefore are considered as<br />

complementary and not adversarial. Sediment<br />

generation is reduced in the former case. Erosion<br />

and deposition in downstream will continues due to<br />

hydraulic phenomena. Dams hold bed load of<br />

sediment in the designed pockets. Economic analysis<br />

on dams accounts for such siltation. Peak flood is<br />

reduced for local watersheds but does not have<br />

significant impact on generation of floods. Available<br />

data shows that when numerous small projects are<br />

constructed to substitute a single large storage project<br />

the cost per unit storage, relative submergence and<br />

relative evaporation losses are invariably many times<br />

more. Evaporation loss would obviously be more<br />

because of larger water spread. Claims that only<br />

small size (or some claim only large) of dams be<br />

adopted are wrong. Only small dams can not capture<br />

required quantity of water. In each basin, even if<br />

one wants, all dams can’t be of only large or only

small size. Each size has its advantages and<br />

deficiencies.<br />



Another important point quite often missed is<br />

the need of large dams in Peninsular India even for<br />

minor irrigation purpose (covering lesser than 2000<br />

ha.) due to the limited capacity of the valleys on<br />

account of the topography and configuration. On<br />

the other hand, large barrages of lesser than 15 m<br />

height are required for diversion of voluminous<br />

discharge for irrigation of large tracts of land in Indo-<br />

Gangetic plains as well as rivers’ deltas. It needs to<br />

be appreciated that the dams upto a height of 100 m<br />

are needed even for the run -of- river projects having<br />

no live storage in Himalayan rivers. The steep<br />

gradients in the river beds and the large rolling<br />

boulders down the hills quickly fill up the storage<br />

capacity, quiet often even during the construction<br />

period. Apart from cost, the issues of mortality,<br />

reliability, dependability, submergence, displacement<br />

of inhabitants, loss of forest and cultivated land,<br />

adverse impacts, multiplier effects are to be<br />

considered while making the decision. A recent study<br />

of proposal to revive the old tanks of south India<br />

indicates that contrary to popular perception, it will<br />

be economically too expensive.<br />

The proposition that a series of small dams<br />

can make up one large dam is an abstraction<br />

which is not always physically practicable and<br />

cost effective. It may often turn out that series of<br />

small dams submerge a far larger area and<br />

displace much greater number to store less water<br />

as a factor of valley geometry. Again one type of<br />

techno-economically viable development can not<br />

be replaced usually by another for example to<br />

replace a single large reservoir with a few small<br />

reservoirs will need a large number of alternative<br />

sites which is rarely available in practice<br />

necessitating again a curtailment in the<br />

envisaged development. In different studies<br />

carried out by CWC, it has been conclusively<br />

proved that when more reservoirs are constructed<br />

to substitute a single large reservoir, the cost of<br />

storage creation and submergence are high. Also<br />

there cannot be a small reservoir on a large river<br />

and even if a less storage reservoir is constructed<br />

on a large river, it has to be provided with a large<br />

spilling arrangement to tackle the expected large<br />

size flood. Hence the issue can only be the major,<br />

medium and minor reservoirs, each being<br />

490<br />

complementary to the other.<br />



It is a established fact that shallow storage<br />

causes proportionately greater loss of land area due<br />

to submergence. Shallower storage also means<br />

greater surface area and hence evaporation as per<br />

studies conducted in many river valleys by reputed<br />

scientific agencies. Further it is difficult to find large<br />

number of alternative sites for medium projects even<br />

if such an alternative is preferred over deeper<br />

storage. Small and medium projects have to be<br />

constructed generally in the upper reaches of hills,<br />

causing substantial loss of valuable forests.<br />

Construction of large dams, on the other hand, in the<br />

foothills involves submergence of large areas of<br />

cultivated lands per unit of storage. Of-course<br />

shortcoming is compensated in same ways.<br />

For this reason small and medium hydel projects<br />

are not only costlier than the large projects but they<br />

also submerge larger land areas for the equal amount<br />

of storage and in addition, they have increased<br />

evaporation losses. Steep gradients in the river beds,<br />

large rolling boulders and sedimentation problems<br />

further limit the efficacy of small and medium hydel<br />

projects. This became particularly evident in case<br />

of Ichhari and Maneri Bhali dams (60 metres and<br />

39 metres height respectively), both being run of the<br />

river projects. These were filled up to crest by<br />

sedimentation during construction, itself as planned.<br />



Roof Top Rain Water Harvesting (RTRWH)<br />

is an ancient technique of providing domestic<br />

water supply and still in use, especially in<br />

tropical islands and semi arid rural areas. Many<br />

Ministries/Departments of State Governments<br />

have encouraged RTRWH with large scale<br />

subsidies. During last 20 years, under the hype<br />

of ‘traditional wisdom’ rain water collected from<br />

the roofs of entire country (

ut definitely they are not substitute for large dams<br />

and interlinking of river basins. RTRWH has<br />

assumed overriding priority due to unjustified<br />

hype created by several NGOs and self-styled<br />

environmentalists. RTRWH can hardly solve even<br />

fraction of the water requirement needs of the<br />

entire country. A family requires 300 cu m of<br />

waters per year of domestic use. In an area<br />

having rain fall 100 mm, the roof top size required<br />

would be 3600 m 2 . The roof top requirement for<br />

agriculture purpose would be eight times more<br />

than domestic use.<br />



MEDIA?<br />

Over 40 m.ha. of India experiences periodic<br />

floods. The average area affected by floods annually<br />

in India is about 7.5 m. ha of which crop area<br />

affected is about 3.5 m.ha. Floods have claimed on<br />

an average 1529 human lives and 94000 cattle ever<br />

year. Apart from loss of life and domestic property,<br />

the devastating effects of floods, sense of insecurity<br />

and fear in the minds of people living in the flood<br />

plains is enormous. The after effects of floods like<br />

the agony of survivors, spread of epidemics, non<br />

availability of essential commodities and medicines<br />

and loss of their dwellings make floods most feared<br />

natural disaster being faced by human kind. Crops<br />

grown in the flood plains suffer from congestion of<br />

water on the farmlands. Management of the surface<br />

water becomes a very tricky operation in the flood<br />

prone areas during periods of heavy rainfall. Floods<br />

also affect the vulnerable aquatic and wild life,<br />

forests, mangroves and precious bio-diversity in<br />

the flood plains. Large-scale damages to forests,<br />

crops & precious plants and deaths of aquatic<br />

and wildlife, migratory and native birds in various<br />

National Parks, Delta region, low altitude hilly<br />

areas and alluvial flood plains of Assam,<br />

Arunachal, Uttrakhand, U.P., Bihar, Orissa, West<br />

Bengal etc. are matter of serious concern but<br />

hardly reported by media. River Valley Projects<br />

moderate the magnitudes as well as frequencies of<br />

floods. While some projects are specially designed<br />

to provide flood cushion in the reservoirs along with<br />

other benefits, others also help in reducing the<br />

magnitude of floods with proper operation and control<br />

of gates.<br />



491<br />

MEDIA?<br />

Over 265 million people live in drought prone<br />

area of about 108 m. ha. (1/3 rd of the total area).<br />

Thus, more than 26% of total population of the<br />

country face the consequences of recurring<br />

droughts. During drought years, there is a<br />

marked tendency of intensive exploitation of<br />

ground water, resulting in abnormal lowering of<br />

ground water table thus accentuating the distress.<br />

Grave adverse impacts are borne by flora, fauna<br />

and domestic cattle and the very life itself fights<br />

against nature for its survival. Droughts affect<br />

rural life in several ways. This accentuates<br />

problems in cities in the form of mushrooming of<br />

slums and pressure on the existing civil amenities<br />

thereby adversely affecting urban life. River<br />

Valley Projects are designed to provide ‘carryover’<br />

storage in the reservoirs to help in<br />

mitigating the droughts.<br />



Thermal and hydro are the two major sources<br />

of powers. Thermal power production requires<br />

burning of fossil fuels, which seriously affect the<br />

environment adversely. Pollution caused by burning<br />

of fossil fuel to meet energy requirements is causing<br />

global concerns. Option lies in using the alternate<br />

non-polluting sources of energy like solar and<br />

hydropower. It is a matter of alarming concern that<br />

the share of hydropower in the total installed capacity<br />

in India has been declining in successive plans. In<br />

1962-63, hydro projects had a 50% share in the total<br />

installed capacity which has gradually declined to<br />

24% against ideal ratio of 40%. Such a dismal share<br />

of hydrothermal mix is adversely affecting the<br />

optimal utilisation of natural and financial resources<br />

besides resulting in failure of power grids. Economic<br />

rapid exhaustion of the exploitable sources and<br />

superiority of hydropower has been further enhanced<br />

in the recent years with the steep increases in the<br />

prices of fossil fuel. India has to import fossil fuel<br />

to meet the thermal power needs at a huge cost.<br />

Hydro power generation by constructing large and<br />

medium storage reservoir projects to use the head<br />

for water drop substantially helps in utilisation of<br />

water resources, 75% of which is presently draining<br />

down to the sea unutilised. Notwithstanding its<br />

inherent benefits and availability of vast potential in<br />

India, the pace of hydro development has so far been<br />

very slow. Major constraints for slow development<br />

of hydro potential are mainly obstacles by activists,

difficulties in investigations, R&R problems, delay<br />

in land acquisition, funds constraints and geological<br />

surprises. Policy on Hydropower Development may<br />

help in boosting the pace of hydro development in<br />

country.<br />



There are numerous incidental benefits from<br />

the construction of large and high dams such as<br />

improving environment, health, afforestation,<br />

fisheries development, tourism and recreational<br />

facilities, employment generation, development of<br />

agro-based industries, network of roads in catchment<br />

& command areas, development of land and<br />

improving general socio-economic standards.<br />

Numerous case studies prove that significant<br />

improvement occurs in food and nutritional level with<br />

higher per capita food availability and diversification<br />

of crop production, especially cash crops after<br />

introduction of irrigation. New employment<br />

opportunities generated by the intensification of<br />

agricultural and associated economic activities<br />

further improve financial conditions of people<br />

including landless labourers. As a multiplier effect,<br />

large river valley projects tremendously improve the<br />

health of rural population by significantly enhancing<br />

the education, health care, transportation facilities<br />

and the life styles particularly of women like Western<br />

U.P. and Punjab.<br />

Water resource development requires a<br />

judicious mix of large, medium or small reservoirs,<br />

which are location specific. Loss of forest area due<br />

to submergence is less than five per cent of the total<br />

forest area lost in the country in the last five decades.<br />

The loss of biomass through submergence is, far<br />

smaller than the biomass generated on account of<br />

the irrigation. A forest far superior to the original,<br />

sans the original bio-diversity, comes up after the<br />

creation of the reservoir. Adverse effects like water<br />

logging and salinity are being prevented through<br />

conjunctive use of groundwater, prevention of canal<br />

water leakage, reduction of seepage losses from<br />

water carrying bodies, implementation of adequate<br />

drainage and adoption of efficient irrigation methods.<br />

Reservoirs may create new conditions for<br />

growth of organisms, and ultimately, adjustments are<br />

made to, foster new eco-systems. Varieties of new<br />

organisms thrive on this new eco-lake system.<br />

Additional water made available for dry period of<br />

the year, when the environment tends to be harsh<br />

and makes the area inhospitable, supports the growth<br />

492<br />

of life around. Such projects provide a dependable<br />

source of drinking water. People from the irrigated<br />

areas enjoy better health and sanitation facilities, thus<br />

reducing the incidences of diseases. A very availability<br />

of water leads to improvement in the level of<br />

sanitation. The improved economic status also<br />

makes people health conscious and capable of<br />

availing of requisite health care. As per the UNICEF<br />

(1988) report, new water supply facilities sourced<br />

from large dams improved the sanitary conditions,<br />

which led to significant improvement in general<br />

health conditions. Vectoral risks can be reduced by<br />

removing sources of stagnant or slow-moving water<br />

and by ensuring continual maintenance of drains and<br />

canals.<br />

Substantial increase in numbers of tigers,<br />

panthers, elephants, cheetals and crocodiles have<br />

been observed in the famous Jim Corbett National<br />

Park with the availability of green fodder and clean<br />

water throughout the year improved climatic<br />

conditions and reduced risk of poaching on account<br />

of reservoir area on most of the sides of after<br />

construction of the Ramganga Multipurpose Dam<br />

Project. Rare species of birds flock there after the<br />

reservoir construction. Similar phenomenon of an<br />

increase in birds and wildlife has also been observed<br />

around Rihand and Matatila reservoirs, which were<br />

previously barren lands. Best tourist places area<br />

Ukai tourist resort, Periyar wild life sanctuary,<br />

Shalimar garden, Vrindavan garden, Pinjore garden,<br />

Kalindi-Kunj, Matatila Garden, Dhyaneshwar Udyan<br />

and Ramganga Udhyan, which are all bye products<br />

of river valley projects.<br />


Controversies concerning the rehabilitation of<br />

persons displaced by dams have muddied the entire<br />

debate on the utility of water resources projects and<br />

caused much harm to the national economy. As per<br />

assessment by Central Water Commission (CWC)<br />

through the review of data of 2784 dams, total<br />

project affected persons (PAPS) range between 6<br />

to 7 millions. Opponents of large dams blow up this<br />

figure up to 70 million by taking the average of the<br />

recent few mega dams and multiplying the same by<br />

4291 (total number of dams over 15m height). It<br />

has to be borne in mind that most of the high dams<br />

(by definition every dam having height of more than<br />

15m is classified as high dam by ICOLD mainly for<br />

safety concerns) did not displace persons, firstly due<br />

to very thin population in their submergence in earlier<br />

dams during construction, secondly very few dams

having the height greater than 50m would have the<br />

submergence impacts on the upstream habitation<br />

those days. Displacement of human settlements is<br />

indeed a painful necessity and must be handled with<br />

compassion, fairness and even generosity to ensure<br />

better quality of life than left behind by PAPs.<br />

Most of such PAPs reside in areas of extreme<br />

environmental fragility and largely deprived of<br />

nutritional food, potable water, health facilities and<br />

productive employment. Employment benefits of<br />

river valley projects have been widely experienced.<br />

Typically, 60 percent of the capital costs of a major<br />

irrigation projects payment to construction workers.<br />

Further sizeable recurring onfarm employment<br />

benefits are generated because labour use in irrigated<br />

farming is more than in unirrigated farming. Irrigation<br />

development in a tract stems out migration of job<br />

seekers from that tract to distant centers. Availability<br />

of water from Sardar Sarovar Project will benefit<br />

about 1.91 lakh of people residing in 124 villages in<br />

arid and drought-prone border areas of Jalore and<br />

Barmer Districts of Rajasthan, which have been<br />

suffering grave hardship and on account of scarcity<br />

of water, besides checking the advancement of Thar<br />

Desert. Voluntary migration in India has been highest<br />

from these areas due to scarcted water. National<br />

Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy has already<br />

been notified. Judgements of Supreme Court and<br />

Shanglu Committees Report have amply proved that<br />

liberal provisions and comprehensive plans for<br />

implementation are being implemented in recent<br />

water resources project (Sardar Sarovar, Tehri,<br />

Almatti, Narmada Sagar Dam) ensuring better<br />

conditions of PAPs after rehabilitation.<br />




There are many beliefs about the role of land<br />

use and its relation to hydrology, which need to<br />

be examined in the light of scientific evidence.<br />

Simplistic views, have created a mindset which<br />

not only links degradation with less forest but<br />

rehabilitation and conservation with more forest;<br />

particularly because they imply the inevitable link<br />

between the absence of forests and ‘degradation’<br />

of water resources. This is also true in relation to<br />

forestry, agro forestry and hydrology, claims by<br />

enthusiastic agro foresters and foresters are<br />

often not supportable. When scrutinized, many<br />

of the mother statements relating to forestry and<br />

the environment are seen to be either exaggerated<br />

493<br />

or untenable. It is highly relevant to know what<br />

can be attached to these statements for the proper<br />

management of water resources and land use.<br />

The overwhelming hydrological evidence<br />

supports that forests are not generators of rainfall.<br />

In fact, afforestation has a limited impact in terms<br />

of changing hydrological conditions. Tributaries<br />

of the Brahmaputra come from more forested<br />

areas than the southern ones and yet create more<br />

floods. Afforestation will help the local economy<br />

but will not contain large floods in the Himalayan<br />

regions. Floods have been taking place in the<br />

Himalayan plains since time immemorial. The<br />

perceptions that deforestation in the Himalayan<br />

hill is a primary cause of devastating seasonal<br />

floods is totally wrong. It is believed that forests<br />

mitigate drought by storing water and releasing<br />

it over time through more even stream flows. We<br />

should also account for the loss due to evapotranspiration<br />

by the forest. The net water balance<br />

will vary in accordance with conditions and<br />

circumstances.<br />

Adverse effects of forests on water quality are<br />

more likely to be related to bad management<br />

practices than the presence of the forests<br />

themselves. There is little scientific evidence to show<br />

that enhanced productivity can be achieved in agro<br />

forestry systems. Enhanced productivity from agro<br />

forestry systems must be largely regarded as a myth.<br />

Many such misconceptions are routinely reinforced<br />

by the media and is all pervasive; it has become<br />

enshrined in some of our most influential<br />

environmental policy documents.<br />

Numerous scientific studies made<br />

worldwide and research by Centre for Science<br />

and Environment (CSE) & National Institute<br />

of Hydrology (NIH) in India are in contrast of<br />

seven ‘mother statements’ in relation to<br />

forests, productivity and hydrology. It is widely<br />

believed that deforestation causes floods by<br />

reducing infiltration and augmenting run-off. The<br />

following findings of India’s environment – a<br />

Citizen’s Report, 1991 on “Floods, Flood Plans<br />

and Environmental Myths”, prepared by the<br />

Centre for Science and Environment, are eye<br />

opening while considering the widely prevalent<br />

beliefs about relationship of forests with<br />

hydrological elements :-<br />

“Floods are nor new to the Indo-Gangetic<br />

plains. During the 3500 years of recorded human<br />

settlement in the Ganga basin alone, there have been<br />

many floods of gigantic proportions. Run off and silt

tend to move out of the Himalayan region in explosive<br />

ways. Landslides seem to be a major contributor of<br />

deposits of soil to the rivers. Himalaya rivers have<br />

constantly changed their course long before<br />

deforestation began. For example, archaeologists and<br />

scientists now believe that at the time of the Indus<br />

civilisation, Yamaha probably did not flow into the<br />

Ganga, nor Satluj flew into the Indus. Instead they<br />

flowed into the Ghagar, a small seasonal river that<br />

emerges from the Shivalik foothill in Chandigarh –<br />

to make it a mighty, perennial river that flowed<br />

straight into the Arabian Sea without joining the<br />

Indus-probably the much worshipped Saraswati of<br />

the Vedic times. The forests can tolerate minor and<br />

medium floods but the human society will have to<br />

learn to live with the major floods. Afforestation has<br />

a limited impact in terms of changing hydrological<br />

conditions. It is interesting to note that de-forestation<br />

as a cause of floods has come to be cited only<br />

recently. The District Gazetteer Of Poornia and<br />

Saharsa regions in the last century though concerned<br />

about the high silt load of the river Kosi, have never<br />

eluded to de-forestation as a contributor factor.<br />

Instead their recurrent occurrences was on the<br />

geological instability of the rivers’ upper catchment.<br />

To understand the problem of increasing floods in<br />

the Indo-Gangetic plains, it may be more instructive<br />

to study the logical changes that have taken place in<br />

the flood plains themselves. Natural factors contribute<br />

more to floods in Assam, than de-forestation or<br />

shifting cultivation. Tributaries of the Brahmaputra<br />

come from more forested areas than the southern<br />

ones and yet create more floods. Natural erosion<br />

processes in the Himalaya are so intense that they<br />

dwarf the changes posed by deforestation.<br />

Afforestation will help the local economy but will<br />

not large floods in the Himalayan regions”.<br />

‘The deep gorges of Himalayan rivers seem<br />

sufficient to transport excess rainwater. Surprisingly,<br />

this is not true. Floods have been taking place in the<br />

Himalayan plains since time immemorial. The<br />

breathtaking photograph of the landslide that blocked<br />

the Bhagirath showed a densely green hillside had<br />

come tumbling down. Was it the fragile Himalayan<br />

geology or deforestation that was the main trouble?<br />

While reviewing this report, the New York Times,<br />

New York, reported “So this report takes little known<br />

fact; the impact of environmental degradation on<br />

floods in densely populated Assam and the Indo-<br />

Gigantic plains”. So this report takes on a very big<br />

myth; that floods in the plains are forced by<br />

deforestation in the Himalayas. An Indian<br />

494<br />

environmentalist has touched off a furious debate<br />

by challenging the conventional view that<br />

deforestation in the Himalayan hill is a primary cause<br />

of devastating seasonal floods”.<br />

Late Dr. Anil Aggarwal, Director, Centre for<br />

Science and Environment in the introduction of<br />

the above report highlighted “In fact this report<br />

points out some of the environmental myths that<br />

cam crop up when we continue to deal with major<br />

problems which occur in different ecological<br />

settings. For instance, the report points out that<br />

floods in the plains below the vast Himalayan<br />

ranges may not be greatly exacerbated by deforestation.<br />

Floods are, in fact, and will remain<br />

an inherent feature of these plains where the<br />

Himalayan mountains are well cleared with a<br />

green covered area or are deforested and<br />

deprived. The Himalayan mountains constitute<br />

an extremely fragile geological system. They are<br />

the youngest mountains in the world and<br />

therefore, highly erodable. They are lashed by<br />

rain streams by an intensity that probably no other<br />

mountain system faces. Water and silt move out<br />

of the mountain in a flood and shifting of river<br />

courses is, therefore, inevitable. Deforestation<br />

can aggravate the problem but afforestation can<br />

not get rid of it.<br />

Once the soil is saturated, all excess water must<br />

run-off as rejected recharge or be lost to evaporation.<br />

Forests do increase residence time by intercepting<br />

rainfall and letting it down gradually, by absorbing it<br />

in humus and leaf litter and in facilitating infiltration<br />

through the root structure which too acts both as a<br />

passage and sponge, but once the sponge is full its<br />

retention capacity is exhausted. A cloud burst<br />

produces torrential rain of an order that no forest<br />

can absorb, resulting in severe flash floods such as<br />

many parts of the basins experience every year with<br />

regular frequency. To blame these floods on<br />

deforestation is mistaken. What forests do is to<br />

reduce erosion and consequent sedimentation.<br />

It is believed that forests mitigate drought<br />

by storing water and releasing it over time through<br />

more even stream flows. This is only related to<br />

the point of saturation storage. We also should<br />

account for the loss due to evapo-transpiration<br />

by the forest which drinks up water for its<br />

sustenance. Forest interception of rain can also<br />

enhance evaporation loss from leaves. The net<br />

water balance will vary in accordance with<br />

conditions and circumstances.<br />

Forests are also believed to create or induce

ain. There is no conducive evidence of this belief.<br />

This is not to denigrate soil conservation, watershed<br />

management and forests or afforestation in the<br />

slightest but to caution against being diverted too far<br />

along what could be false trails. We have to avoid<br />

large generalisations on limited data. Every one<br />

knows about large rainfall on the seas, which occupy<br />

much larger area than the land mass. There are no<br />

trees on the seas and still the average rainfall on sea<br />

is higher than average rainfall on land, which carries<br />

forests.<br />

After collecting worldwide research<br />

findings, renowned international expert Ian R.<br />

Calder in his book Blue ‘Revolution- Integrated<br />

Land and Water Resources Management’,<br />

Published by Earthscan, London, UK, 2005 has<br />

alarmed, ‘Clearly it is important to know what<br />

can be attached to meant mother statements about<br />

forest and water for the proper management of<br />

water resources and land use. Many forestry<br />

projects in developing countries are supported<br />

because of assumed environmental/hydrological<br />

benefits, whilst in many cases the hydrological<br />

benefits may at best be marginal and at worst<br />

negative. The evidence for and against each of<br />

these ‘mother statements’ is taken in turn and<br />

appraised; the need for further research is also<br />

assessed.’ Hence we must seriously examine-<br />

Whether Forests increase rainfall, Forests increase<br />

runoff, Forests regulate flows, Forests reduce<br />

erosion, Forests reduce floods, Forests ‘sterilize’<br />

water supplies and improve water quality and Agro<br />

forestry systems increase productivity ?<br />


Considerably more satisfaction and benefit<br />

can be obtained from the present water supply<br />

system, if managed efficiently. Costly systems are<br />

constructed, but for want of proper operation<br />

and maintenance, the benefits are not received<br />

by the people who have to incur considerable<br />

private costs and have to resort to alternate<br />

means or supplementary sources. Fast catching<br />

up practice of selling mineral water bottles at<br />

rates even more than milk and more than 1000<br />

times than the tap water in India is paradoxical.<br />

While half of our population is unable to afford<br />

even the absolute minimum needs to quench their<br />

thirst. Only water supply utilities should be<br />

allowed to bottle and market the bottled water to<br />

generate much-needed funds for modernization<br />

and proper maintenance of existing<br />

495<br />

infrastructure.<br />


Although India receives some waters from the<br />

upstream countries, the precipitation is the main<br />

source of water availability, Which has a very uneven<br />

distribution, with an annual rain fall of more than<br />

10m in parts of Meghalaya to less than half a metre<br />

in semi arid parts of Rajasthan and Gujarat. In arid<br />

regions it could be less than 10 cm. Much of the<br />

water is received in a few months of the monsoon,<br />

and that to within around 100 hours of the rainy days.<br />

As per International standard the limit of 1700 KL<br />

of water per person per year is considered<br />

satisfactory. If it falls below 1000 KL, it creates<br />

condition of stress. The requirement of agriculture<br />

for producing food alone is 700 KL. Other<br />

requirements like that of domestic use, industries,<br />

ecological requirement, hydro power etc. takes the<br />

requirement above 1000 KL. The chart below shows<br />

availability of water per capita in the main river<br />

basins of India.<br />

Most of the basins in India have availability<br />

below 1000 KL whereas in Brahmaputra availability<br />

is around 10000 KL and in Narmada, Mahanadi<br />

above 2000 KL. Ministry of Water Resources, had<br />

recognized need of interlinking of rivers (ILRI) and<br />

prepared a National Perspective Plan in 1980 after<br />

studying all major basins of the country. National<br />

Water Development (NWDA) Agency was set up<br />

in 1982, to work on preparation of feasibility reports.<br />

A Task Force was constituted in 2002 to develop<br />

consensus for ILR. Supreme Court also advised to<br />

prepare action plan and time schedule for completion<br />

of ILR so as to finish the project by end of the year<br />

2016. Thus, more than 25 years have passed, since<br />

need for Inter-basin transfer of water was recognized<br />

If effective actions are not taken quickly the country<br />

would face serious water crisis.<br />

Food requirement by 2050 is estimated as 450<br />

Million tons. If prompt actions are not taken, the<br />

country may have to face serious food crisis and<br />

may have to start importing food grains like realuheut<br />

(PL480) in 450 and 60. Similarly if hydro power is<br />

not developed fastly it would result not only in<br />

shortage of power particularly in peak noun but,<br />

the country will have to go for more expensive<br />

options, which will make our products create<br />

significant less competitive in international market<br />

Broad objectives for inter-basin transfers could<br />

be envisaged as equitable distribution of the available<br />

water resources, increased economic efficiency; self

sufficiency in food and energy; providing livelihood<br />

and employment opportunities in situ to avoid<br />

migration of population from rural to urban areas.<br />

The water resources of India are very unevenly<br />

distributed within the basins. National Commission<br />

for Integrated Water Development has shown that<br />

the per capita availability of waters varies widely<br />

from around 300 m.cu per person per year in basins<br />

like Sabarmati to very large quantities in the<br />

Brahmaputra, with a National average of about 2000<br />

m.cu per person per year. Very large disparities are<br />

also noticed in the per capita irrigated and rain fed<br />

land available to the rural population for derived lively<br />

hood from land. These disparities are likely to<br />

increase in future. Self sufficiency in food grains<br />

could again be an important driver for planning of<br />

inter-basin transfers.<br />

In order to be self sufficient in food, increased<br />

irrigation through long distance water transfers may<br />

be required. Investments in long distance water<br />

496<br />

transfers may be economically less efficient as<br />

compared to say industrial and other commercial<br />

investments. It may not be prudent to make<br />

investments to achieve complete food sufficiency<br />

through long distance transfer of water. Deficiency<br />

in any out put including food if it occurs can be met<br />

from imports, from those who can produce that out<br />

put more efficiently.<br />

There are instances where many smaller<br />

nations depend on import for meeting their food<br />

requirements. Countries like Japan, England, Saudi<br />

Arabia etc. depend on imports to meet a large part<br />

of their food requirements. How-ever many others<br />

feel that a nation of the size of India cannot afford<br />

to be not self sufficient in food requirements. The<br />

world trade in food grains is not large enough to meet<br />

the needs of a large country like India. World trade<br />

in rice for example is only 18 million tonnes at<br />

present. Large imports by India would affect the<br />

price stability. Also many of the nations who do not

chase food self sufficiency as a goal seem to occupy<br />

a more commanding position, politically and<br />

economically. Thus, the threat of use of food as a<br />

weapon may not be a deterrent to them. After<br />

consideration of these aspects, most decision makers<br />

feel that food self sufficiency should be an explicit<br />

objective of interlinking of rivers.<br />



In India, the planners are familiar with the social<br />

and environmental concerns caused by small, medium<br />

and large in-basin projects. Few NGOs have<br />

expressed that inter-basin transfers may cause socioeconomic<br />

and environmental impacts much different<br />

from those caused by in-basin developments. The<br />

social and environmental concerns associated with<br />

these inter-basin transfers would mainly on account<br />

of the largeness of the totality of the measures in<br />

the region in which the system of links passes. Each<br />

individual storage dam such as the Ichampally, the<br />

Polavaram, the Manibhadra/ Tikarpara etc involved<br />

in the peninsular links would not be much different<br />

in its storage or in its displacement from the large<br />

reservoirs like Gandhisagar, Sardar Sarovar,<br />

Srisailam, Nagarjunasagar etc which are existing.<br />

Similarly, we already have experienced about large<br />

canals exceeding discharge capacities of 1000<br />

cumec and the link canals would be not of much<br />

larger magnitude through these would be of much<br />

larger links. The existing inter-basin transfers in India<br />

do not seem to have experienced any such problem.<br />




Short vs. long term considerations:- There are<br />

some fundamental dichotomies on the time<br />

framework for sustainability of water resources<br />

projects for practical application. For example, the<br />

life period of a small check dam, run-off river barrage<br />

and a large multi-purpose dam can not be considered<br />

to be similar. Accordingly, there should be<br />

considerable flexibility in terms of the type of projects<br />

being considered while applying the fundamental<br />

assumption behind the concept of sustainable<br />

development that it would be viable over the long<br />

term. Many times, sustainable development is<br />

referred vaguely to several generations. Further, we<br />

have to reconcile the short term expectations of the<br />

main users (farmers in an irrigation project) with the<br />

long term needs of the society.<br />

497<br />

Externalities : In most of the projects, the private<br />

costs or benefits do not equal to social costs or<br />

benefits. The internalisation of such costs has not<br />

been easy through taxes, subsidies and regulations<br />

due to main reasons of difficulties in calculations of<br />

precise value of externalities, forceful difference of<br />

considerable private advantages by powerful<br />

individuals and organisations, time gap between<br />

realisation of such costs and regulations to control<br />

such externalities in the developing countries.<br />

Risks and uncertainties : The water resources<br />

development is confronted with large scale risks and<br />

uncertainties due to highly complex environmental<br />

system. The existing knowledge and data base is<br />

inadequate to identify the parameters that could<br />

indicate the passage from sustainable to<br />

unsustainable stage. Further if, on already complex<br />

issues, additional factors such as potential climatic<br />

changes are superimposed; the degree of<br />

uncertainties increases tremendously in terms of<br />

detecting or predicting the transition process.<br />

Above concepts should be systematically<br />

analysed by multi-disciplinary experts for their<br />

scientific application in real life. Commonly used<br />

words ‘holistic approach’ and ‘sustainable’ are<br />

difficult to be understood in specific sense.<br />




Even a layman can appreciate that in the<br />

situation of monsoonic weather in our country,<br />

storage of river flows during floods is unavoidable<br />

not only to meet the basic needs of bulging population<br />

for diverse uses but also to moderate the floods,<br />

droughts and poverty. Most of the people associated<br />

with environmental activism and press reporting in<br />

India have very little understanding of the complex<br />

multi-disciplinary environmental processes. Most of<br />

the personnel associated with the tirade against water<br />

storage projects have very little understanding of the<br />

‘dose-response functions’ of the complex<br />

environmental processes and are ignorant of intricate<br />

multi-disciplinary techniques of water resources<br />

development. An overview of the environmental<br />

impacts of the water resources development in India<br />

is of particular interest at the present stage of<br />

development. It is evident that large water storage<br />

projects are surely better alternatives wherever<br />

the parameters such as the volume of water flow,<br />

geological and topographical considerations and

egional requirements are satisfied. Historical<br />

records establish that dynamic nature of<br />

environmental effects, which seem adverse to the<br />

environment at the time of construction, generally<br />

tend to stabilise and become less unfavourable.<br />

In fact extensive green cover develop in<br />

submergence and irrigation commands. Large<br />

number of migratory bird and wild life starts<br />

developing after construction of large dams (case<br />

studies for Aswan, Ramganga, Rihand, Matatila,<br />

Indira Gandhi Nehar, Beas Sutluj Link, Bhakra<br />

and Hirakud projects).<br />

We should aim at minimising the adverse<br />

environmental effects through appropriate changes<br />

in projects design along with adopting environmental<br />

management plan. It is necessary to take a balanced<br />

view considering both direct and indirect benefits as<br />

well as cost together with positive and negative<br />

impacts on environment and socio-economic status<br />

of the society. The environmental impacts should<br />

be analysed not only ‘before and after’ but also ‘with<br />

and without’ of the proposed water resources project.<br />

Many of the NGOs believe in myths even; when<br />

though such myths are clearly contradicted by<br />

scientific facts. Multi-disciplinary teamwork, though<br />

advocated easily, is indeed a difficult task to<br />

accomplish, specially when the individual’s training<br />

is in the narrow disciplinary field of specialisation.<br />

Subjects of water resources management,<br />

environmental concerns and the process of planning<br />

and operation of various types of water projects<br />

should be rightly taught at different levels of<br />

education as well as to the experts of different<br />

disciplines.<br />



Following excerpts of Hon’ble Supreme Court<br />

in their judgement delivered on 18 th October, 2000<br />

for Narmada Project, in writ petition of Narmada<br />

Bachhao Andolan Vs. Government of India and<br />

Others are eye opening. (C.A. No. 6014/1994<br />

W.P.(C) Nos. 345/94 with 104/1997, S.L.P. (C) No.<br />

3608/1985 & T.C. (C) No. 35 of 19995 ).<br />

Dams and Environment -Supreme Court in its<br />

majority judgement stated ‘that in the present case,<br />

they were not concerned with the polluting industry,<br />

but a large dam. The dam is neither a nuclear<br />

establishment nor a polluting industry. The<br />

construction of a dam undoubtedly would result in<br />

the change of environment but it will not be correct<br />

498<br />

to presume that the contruction of a large dam like<br />

Sardar Sarovar will result in ecological disaster.’<br />

‘India has an experience over 40 years in the<br />

construction of dams. The experience does not<br />

show that the construction of a large dam is not<br />

cost effective or leads to ecological or<br />

environmental degradation. On the contrary, there<br />

has been ecological up-gradation with the<br />

construction of large dam. What is the impact on<br />

environment with the construction of a dam is well<br />

known in India and therefore, the ‘precautionary<br />

principle’ and the ‘polluter pays principle’ will have<br />

no application in the present case. So far, a number<br />

of such river valley projects have been undertaken<br />

in all parts of India. The petitioner has not been<br />

able to point out a single instance where the<br />

construction of a dam has, on the whole, had an<br />

adverse environmental impact. On the contrary,<br />

the environment has improved. That being so, there<br />

is no reason to suspect, with all the experience gained<br />

so far, that the position here will be any different<br />

and there will not be over all improvement and<br />

prosperity. It should not be forgotten that poverty is<br />

regarded as one of the causes of degradation of<br />

environment. With improved irrigation system, the<br />

people will prosper. The construction of Bhakra Dam<br />

is a shining example for all to see, how the backward<br />

area of erstwhile undivided Punjab has now become<br />

the granary of India with improved environment than<br />

what was before the completion of Bhakra Nangal<br />

Project. We are not convinced that the construction<br />

of dam will result in there being an adverse ecological<br />

impact. There is no reason to conclude that the<br />

Environmental Sub-group is not functioning<br />

effectively. The Group, which is headed by the<br />

Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests is a<br />

high powered body, which can not be belittled merely<br />

on the basis of conjectures or surmises.’<br />

Hon’ble Court was satisfied that substantial<br />

compliance of stipulated environmental<br />

safeguards was undertaken in SSD Project.<br />

Surprisingly, the Supreme Court noted that the<br />

Narmada Bacchao Andolan (NBA) had not even<br />

allowed surveys for demarcation for R&R of the<br />

PAFs and that the NBA’s efforts to stall SSDP<br />

through FMG had failed. The NBA’s plea that<br />

environmental clearance for Sardar Sarovar Dam<br />

Project had lapsed; was not agreed to by the<br />

Supreme Court. It was ruled that Narmada<br />

Bachhao Andolan (NBA) could not give a single<br />

example of the whole advese environmental<br />

impacts of even a single dam in India.



REPORT<br />

NBA and particularly Ms. Arun Dhatti Ray<br />

even dared to censor their lords for Ms. Ray was<br />

token imprisoned for a day ‘being a lady’. Later-on,<br />

Ms. Medha Patkar (main spirit behind NBA) became<br />

judge of World Commission on Dams (WCD) and<br />

her spokesperson Sh. Jain ( nominee of NBA in<br />

Govt. of India Committee) was appointed Vicechairman<br />

of WCD. Total reliance in INDIA<br />

COUNTRY STUDY REPORT (ICSR) was laid on<br />

the figures given by the NGOs especially regarding<br />

the displaced persons, submerged forests or the<br />

effective command; on the other hand, the<br />

government figures were stated to be unreliable<br />

inferring that such departments interpret and present<br />

the data to promote their own interests best. The<br />

achievement of water resources development of last<br />

50 years in India have been totally neglected in<br />

ICSD. Large beneficial environmental and social<br />

impacts of the Bhakra Dam, Hirakud Dam, Ukai<br />

Dam, Nagarjuna Sagar Dam, Pong Dam, Ramganga<br />

Dam and several other major dams were available<br />

in numerous publications. Tremendous environmental<br />

and social benefits of Brindavan Garden (Krishna<br />

Raj Sagar Dam), Ukai & Ramganga Gardens,<br />

Periyar wildlife resorts, Kalindi Kunj, as by-products<br />

of large dams and improved environmental and social<br />

conditions in Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana and<br />

western UP after the construction of large dams<br />

were left out in the study report. On the other hand,<br />

the three on-going projects namely, the Tehri, Indira<br />

Sagar and Sardar Sarovar Projects were cited,<br />

without associating the project authorities but laying<br />

total reliance on the views of activists fighting against<br />

these three projects.<br />

Thus ICSR was a true malafide play enacted<br />

under the shadow of the WCD. Surprisingly,<br />

against all norms of decency and law, the<br />

litigants and their prime supporters in Indian<br />

Supreme Court against the Sardar Sarovar and<br />

Tehri Dam Projects were either positioned as<br />

Commissioners of the World Commission on Dams<br />

or authors of India Country Study Report. Sh.<br />

Shekhar Singh, a lecturer in IIPA (petitioner<br />

against Tehri Dam) and Sh. Ramaswami R. Iyer (<br />

an IAAS officer who was connected with water<br />

for about 2 years only as Union Secretary Water<br />

Resources) were commissioned as authors of<br />

India Country Study Report (ICSR) for WCD.<br />

499<br />

WCD report was critically reviewed by 3 top<br />

International Professional Organisations<br />

International Commission on Large Dams<br />

(ICOLD), International Commission on Irrigation<br />

& Drainage (ICID), International Association of<br />

Hydropower Association (IHPPA). Their valuable<br />

observations were conveyed to prominent<br />

international organizations, professional bodies<br />

and Governments of various countries. They<br />

pointed out serious flaws & ambiguities in WCD<br />

Report and impracticability of the WCD<br />

recommendations.<br />

How can WCD recommendations regarding<br />

joint negotiations with the stake holders leading<br />

towards negotiated agreements at national and<br />

international levels, be accepted by India; in view<br />

of the massive programme for utilization of water,<br />

power and environmental resources; for<br />

accelerated economic development. Govt. of<br />

India had to very rightly reject the WCD Report<br />

since the report was not only being biased &<br />

ambiguous but also due to one-sided India<br />

Country Study Report wherein, the minor adverse<br />

environmental impacts of large dams were highly<br />

blown up and tremendous socio-economic and<br />

environmental benefits of even major dams like<br />

Bhakra, BSL, IGNP, Damodar, Ramganga,<br />

Nagarjunasagar, etc. were omitted.<br />


A series of smaller dams, even if feasible, would<br />

entail higher costs, greater submergence, far more<br />

displacement, greater evaporation losses, increased<br />

maintenance cost and far less benefits. Small dams<br />

are prone to fall in critical years of drought because<br />

they depend on tiny catchments. Moreover, a large<br />

dam site is a natural resource depending on the rock<br />

formation, geometry of valley, foundation-conditions<br />

and hydrological features. Medium and small water<br />

projects as well as water harvesting schemes cannot<br />

substitute the need of large water storages but can<br />

at best complement the larger projects. This, too,<br />

depends upon the hydrological, geological,<br />

topographical and regional limitations. A large dam<br />

site is a natural resource depending on rocks<br />

formation, geometry of valley, foundations and<br />

hydrological features. Catchment area treatment<br />

and watershed management are development<br />

projects in their own right and should be planned<br />

and executed as such independently without putting<br />

undue financial burden on water resources projects.<br />

At best, treatment of direct draining sub-watersheds

along the reservoir rim could be charged to the cost<br />

of the reservoir project.<br />

Supreme Court in their judgement in PIL filed<br />

by NBA expressed its deep concern that against the<br />

utilisable storage 690 cu. km. of surface water<br />

resources out of 1869 cu. km.; so far storage capacity<br />

of all dams in India is only 174 cu. km., which is<br />

incidentally less than the capacity of Kariba Dam in<br />

Zambia/Zimbabwe with capacity of 180.6 cu. km.<br />

and only 12 cu. km. more than the Aswan High Dam<br />

of Egypt. Supreme Court observed that the Public<br />

Interest Litigation (PIL) is ballooning and can’t<br />

be allowed to burst. The lords in majority<br />

judgment stated that that PILs cannot be<br />

allowed to degenerate into “Publicity Interest<br />

Litigation” nor “Private Inquisitiveness<br />

Litigation”. Supreme Court very clearly observed<br />

that with channelisation of development, ecology<br />

& environment gets enhanced and that biggest<br />

dam to smallest structures are water harvesting<br />

structures. Supreme Court ruled that “Dam is<br />

neither nuclear establishment nor an industry.<br />

Since long, India has derived benefits of river<br />

valley projects. High dam decision can’t be<br />

faulted. Large dams upgrade ecology”.<br />

Environment is either science or engineering,<br />

which can not be so well understood by novelists,<br />

journalists and self styled activists. Such persons<br />

repeatedly use media to create fantasies since they<br />

have excellent command on language, media<br />

relationship and have nothing else to do except whole<br />

hearted full time tirade against water storage<br />

projects, on many shifting grounds. In every sector<br />

other than water and power, specialists like<br />

doctors, surgeons, economists, space & atomic<br />

scientists etc. are considered competent but any<br />

‘Tom’, ‘Dick’ and ‘Harry’ claims to be expert to<br />

oppose large dams, hydel projects and inter-basin<br />

transfer of water projects. Supreme Court’s<br />

admission of PIL by NCCL against NBA and Prime<br />

Minister’s direction for vigilance inquiries due to<br />

siphoning of foreign funds and over 200 FIRs for<br />

stopping R&R works are now matter of media<br />

coverage.Adequate laws & Governing mechanism<br />

should be quickly evolved so that such non<br />

credible NGOs & self styled environmentalists<br />

are no longer allowed to create obstacles in<br />

national task of water and power supply for<br />

competing uses for such a vast humanity.<br />

Note- Views in the article do not belong to the Author’s<br />

Organisations. Valuable publications used for reference are<br />

cited below for further reading.<br />

� � �<br />

500<br />


• Abdul Kalam A.P.J. and Rajan Y.S. ‘2020- A Vision for<br />

the New Millenium’, Penguin Books India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.<br />

• Calder R. Ian, “ Blue Revolution- Integrated Land and<br />

Water Resources Management”, Earthscan, London, UK, 2005.<br />

• Centre for Science and Environment, “Floods, Flood Plains<br />

and Environmental Myths-State of India’s Environment – A<br />

Citizens, Report”, Centre for Science and Environment, New<br />

Delhi 1991.<br />

• Central Water Commission, 2000 ‘River Valley Projects<br />

and Environment-Concerns and Management’, Publication No.<br />

61/2000, New Delhi.<br />

• Goel R.S.(Editor), (1993), ‘ Environmental Impacts of<br />

Water Resources Development’, M/S Tata McGraw Hill<br />

Publishing Company, New Delhi.<br />

• Goel R. S.(Editor), (2000), ‘Environment Impacts<br />

Assessment of Water Resources Projects – Concerns, Policy<br />

Issues, Perceptions and Scientific Analysis’ M/S Oxford & IBH<br />

Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., ISBN-81-204-1422-5, New Delhi.<br />

• Goel R. S.(Editor), (2000), “Environmental Management<br />

in Hydropower and River Valley Projects – Techniques of<br />

Management, Policy Issues, Case Studies and Application of<br />

Scientific Tools’, ISBN-81-204-1423-3, M/S Oxford & IBH<br />

Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.<br />

• Goel R.S., (2000) “The Unquiet Narmada - The<br />

Antagonism Against River Valley Projects Is Unjustified”, Invited<br />

Article Published in The Economic Times, New Delhi, Editorial<br />

Page, 31 st December 2000.<br />

• Goel R.S., 2003, Keynote Address, ‘India’s Hydropower<br />

Vision to 2030 – Environmental Issues’ National Seminar on<br />

India’s Energy Vision -2030 – Issues, Constraints and the way<br />

Ahead, IJPRVD, 19-21, Dec, 2003, Kolkata.<br />

• Goel R. S. and Srivastava R.N.(Editors), 2000,<br />

“Hydropower and River Valley Development- Environment<br />

Management, Case Studies and Policy Issues”, M/S Oxford &<br />

IBH Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.<br />

• Goel R. S. and Patel V.B. 2002, ‘Scientific Public Awareness<br />

about Ecological Concerns and Integrated Water Resources<br />

Management in India’, IWRA Regional Symposium on Water<br />

for Human Survival, 27-30 November 2002, New Delhi<br />

• Indian Water Resources Society, 1999, “Water Vision<br />

2050-Theme Paper Water Resources Day 1999”, Indian Water<br />

Resources Society, New Delhi.<br />

• National Council for Civil Liberties, 2006, ‘PIL against<br />

Narmada Bachao Andolan admitted by Supreme Court’ and<br />

‘Letters to Prime Minster against NBA regarding Siphoning of<br />

Foreign Funds and over 200 FIRs for stoppage of R&R’.<br />

• Patel V.B. 2003, Dr. Kanwar Sain Memorial Lecture, Indian<br />

Water Resources Society, New Delhi.<br />

• Postel Sandra, 1992, “Last Oasis-Facing Water Scarcity”,<br />

World Watch Environmental Alert Series, Worldwatch Institute,<br />

W.W. Norton & Company, London.<br />

• Supreme Court Judgement, 2000, Narmada Bahao Andolan<br />

Vs. Union of India, AIR, SCC, 2000.<br />

• Verghese B.G., 1994, “Winning Future - from Bhakra to<br />

Narmada, Tehri, Rajasthan Canal”, Konark Publishers, New<br />

Delhi.<br />

• Vyas J.N. 2001, “ Inter-basin Transfer of Water : Issues<br />

and Policy Directions to Avert a Crisis Situation in India”, Dr.<br />

Kanwar Sain Memorial Lecture, Indian Water Resources Society,<br />

New Delhi.<br />

• Water Management Forum, 2002, Theme Paper on Inter-<br />

Basin Transfers of Water – Challenges and Opportunities, New<br />


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