Download Heat Tracing catalog (pdf) 2 - Napa Tek Co., Ltd.

Download Heat Tracing catalog (pdf) 2 - Napa Tek Co., Ltd. Download Heat Tracing catalog (pdf) 2 - Napa Tek Co., Ltd.
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tqco<br />

Flow <strong>Co</strong>ntrol<br /><br />

Tyco Themal <strong>Co</strong>nlrols brings logether the knowledge, expedise, products and '<br />

services of lhe lve leading brands in industriaL heal-tracing: Raychem, lsopad,<br />

Pyrotenax, DigiTEce and T|acer.<br />

fyco fhemal<br />

Our heal-tracing syslems coverlhe complete range of applications: lrom irost<br />

protecuon ol water ljnes Jor general indust al opetations, to temperature<br />

COntrOlS<br />

malntenance up ro 800oC in many types of process plants. Tyco Thermal<br />

<strong>Co</strong>ntros offers the mosl apprcprlate technology for every application. Wth more<br />

We manaoe the hea(vou need lhan 50 years of experience, we have dellvered more than 500,000 km oJ<br />

healing cab e<br />

IBACER<br />

Tatal care in heat tncing<br />

Tyco Themal <strong>Co</strong>ntrols employs over 2500 people arcund the world, with<br />

operalons in 48 counlriesiwe can prcvlde soluiions {or all ol your h,Aat-tracing<br />

needs, backed up with a llexibe approach on a globalscale.<br />

<strong>Heat</strong>-lracing prcjecls require specalcare. Tyco Themal <strong>Co</strong>nlrcls also provldes a<br />

complete service for detailed engineering and nslallalion of tumkey projecls.<br />

Ulllising the entirc producl bag ol Tyco Thermal <strong>Co</strong>nlrols, Tracer can provide the<br />

mosi technologica ly appropriaie and economical heatlracing solulion lor each<br />

Olfe ng a fu Irange oJ heating syslem options isjust one parl of olr lull-seruice<br />

"turnkey<br />

commitment" to you. When you're ready to obtain the oprimal healtracing<br />

syslem lor yoLrr needs, Tyco Thermal <strong>Co</strong>ntrols will be ihere.<br />

We can assist wilh every phase of the projecl, including:<br />

. Prcject l\,lanagemenl<br />

. Feasibilily siudies/budgel quoles<br />

. Design<br />

.lnstallalion<br />

. Supetuision<br />

. Starl-Up and lvainlenance<br />

as welLas conducting complele audils of existing inslallations.<br />

On a worldwide basis, we have provided a very large number of designs,<br />

I t-f oFpurpose materlal seleciions, and consirucilon services (Engineering,<br />

Procurement, <strong>Co</strong>nslruclion) Jor complele heaftracing systems. You'Llbenefit<br />

lnrougn:<br />

System optimisalion: Years of expe ence n design, product seleciion, and<br />

conslruclion enables us 10 design it correclly, choose the ight heaHacing<br />

system, and inslall it properLy.<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nslruction seruices: Our globaland reglonalseryices include preconslruclion,<br />

mobilisation, conslruction, nslallalion, poslconslruction, and<br />

operational support<br />

Flexible conlracling services: We can acl as general contractor, manage<br />

lacioryitained labouflorce subconlraclors; help you employ local sub,<br />

conlraclors; or aci as youf heatlracing and insulalion construction manager.

Baychem<br />

Thermoheat by<br />

@<br />

Digifrace<br />

Baychem is o! r eading brand ior se I regu ating and power_ nrit ng systems<br />

which are idealfor ihe heal_tracing oi compex pjpe work and equipmenl<br />

Raychem ofiers ihe mosl complete heal-tracing svslem for temperatures up to<br />

256'C and a typical syslem length up to 250 m Ravchem para! el healing cab es<br />

are cul to englh and can be leminated in ihe fieLdi they are easv to oesrgn<br />

nsiall and malntain. Raychem sel regulaling and power_lmit ng heat ng cables<br />

and associaled componenls oller the highesl reliabillty with lhe mosl torg vrng<br />

technology.<br />

The lsopacl brand pfovldes our constant_wattage, paralle and polymer ns!lated<br />

(Pl)sef es heating cabes. In padcular our Pl seres heai ng cables are<br />

especia ly su lable ior longer heat ng circulls (i e >250 m) and can be used lor<br />

temperatures up to 300'C. Sinrlar to our Baychem bfanded heai ng cables<br />

lsopad healing cables can be tefminated nlheleld<br />

Pyfotenax consiani waltage, mineral nsulated (l\ll)syslems are recommenoeo<br />

for h gh lemperature app caions up to 600'C [,4 nefal insulaled (M ) cables<br />

cor.e n a vareiy of construclions lhat withsland lhe harshesl envLronmenls<br />

Pyrotenax aso provides a complele fange ol componerts and accessorles lhal<br />

ensure higlrest system rellabilly<br />

Tyco Thermal <strong>Co</strong>ntrols'D qiTrace brand offers the mosl compete llne ol heal_<br />

lrac ng conirol ancl monito ng syslems: irom single c rcu I mechanical<br />

thermoslals lo m!Lti-c rcu I, mjcro_processor based nelworked sysiems Our<br />

superyisory sollware links your conlrol ancl monitoring svslem back lo a PC ior<br />

cenlrallzed conlroL syster. rnon lonng<br />

With Traceca c Pro soltware, Tyco Therma <strong>Co</strong>nlrols provrdes vo! with tlr e<br />

ndusiry slandard, unive6al des gn tool fof heai lracing app icalions lhal rrelps<br />

you n selecting lhe optirnum heat-lracrng soluton ironr Tvco Therma <strong>Co</strong>nlrols<br />

iarge procluci ofiering. Iraceoalc Pro provides a common p aifom ior useB in<br />

dLtferenl counlries in the language ol preierence: Eng rsh French and Gennan,<br />

and supports worldwide codes and des gn praclices<br />

Tracecalc Pro sets new slandards in ihe leatures you need lor s mpe or<br />

soph slicated designs of industria heal tracing app Lcalrons

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"<br />

Selection<br />

rabte<br />

Selt.regutating heating cables<br />

waintain tempersture5 qp{o 65.C<br />

Illaintain<br /> up to 110,C<br />

1\larntain<br />

lemperarures up ro j20 c<br />

y1i"ta1q1*"r,,*" ,p r" rso.c<br />

Power limitine hearihs cabte<br />

IMainrain remperalures up to z3O C<br />

Gontents<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nstant wattage para et cilcuit heating cabtes<br />

Polymer Insulated {pt} series hearing cabtes<br />

l\4aintain temperalures up to 160.C<br />

ftlainlain temperarures up 1o 1a0.c<br />

6f<br />

BTV<br />

orva<br />

G) XTV<br />

@ KTV<br />

@ vPL<br />

8<br />

to<br />

i<br />

IHT 16<br />

C) FHT 18<br />

tcw-T 20<br />

@ xPl 22<br />

Mineral Insulated (Ml) series heating cables<br />

[!ineral Insulared (Ml) copper heating cable €) HCH/HCC 24<br />

[4ineral Insulaled (lMl) cupro nickel heating cable @ HOF/HDC<br />

llineral Insulated (Ml) sta'nless steel heating cable<br />

Mineral Insulated (lIl) inconel healing cable<br />

@ HSa<br />

@ Hta<br />

Polymer component overuiew ol selt-regulating and power limiting heating cable syslem<br />

Rayche/n<br />

Power connections<br />

Single-enlry power connection with iunction box<br />

€) JBS-1oo<br />

r4{!ql9j11y Polllgaonnection wiih junction box 6) JBrrI-100<br />

Junction box for modular sYslem o JBU-100<br />

J8.82<br />

<strong>Co</strong>ld applied connection kii 6) C25-100<br />

<strong>Heat</strong> shrink connection kit<br />

o c25 21<br />

Melalconnection kit, cold aPPlied<br />

lE} - c25-100-METAL<br />

c3/4-100-l!IETAL<br />

Low profile power cdneclior<br />

II99!t,g1ltryll<br />

cold applied<br />

6, c-150-E<br />

tEK-25 PIPE / IEK-25 04<br />

tEK-20-Pl/ tEK-25-06<br />

Abow insulalion end sealand lighled end seal<br />

under Insulation low Itrolile end seal cold applred €] unoer insutanon end seatkits, heat-shrink o<br />

E-150<br />

E-06<br />

End seals<br />

€)<br />

/ E-19<br />

E-100-E/E100-L+<br />

Splices and tees<br />

@ T-!L<br />

noove insutation sptice or lee conneclion kit<br />

6) s-150<br />

tlna"r l*ururi- rot p-rir" "plice. cold apPlied<br />

urd", i"rrl"ti..'* "pll"" kirjeat_sltink @ s-19 / S-21/ s-69<br />

57<br />

2A<br />

33<br />

35<br />

48<br />


<strong>Co</strong>mponent overuiew fol Polymer Insulated {Pll series heating cable system<br />

=!.r.!rrLl <strong>Co</strong>mponents for Polymer Insulated series resislance cables 6l<br />

f ''.<br />

Low prorile connection, cold apptied @ Csnso-uNl_Pl 65<br />

<strong>Co</strong>ld applied connection and splice kilwith silicone sealin9 Q csnso-xx-Pl 67<br />

Heal-Shrink conneclion or splice kir €) CS20-2.s-Pl-NH<br />

C) JB-EX-2o<br />

69<br />

-<br />

@ JB-EX-21<br />

Electrical connecrion sysrem lor Plheating cables<br />

Pl-TOOL-SEr-xx<br />

73<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mponent ovelview for Mineral<br />

@E lqqg rs t"r!r9l9l!1!!!9!91(M!E919r '9:''t'"99 "9!!9:<br />

7i-<br />

'ftt)<br />

Digtfrace<br />

Digifrace<br />

WDigilrace<br />

7,7<br />

t j ]<br />

Insulated (Ml) series heating cable system<br />

Nomenclature ol Mineral InsLrlaling (Ml) heat tracing syslems<br />

Accessories for llrlineral Insulated (lJlD healing cables<br />

Thermostats<br />

Thermostat applicarion lable<br />

a4<br />

Surlace sensing. mechanical @ RAYSTAT-EX-o2 85<br />

Surlace sensing, electronic @ RAYSTAT-EX-o3 88<br />

Ambient sensing, electronic<br />

@ FAYsrar-EX-o4 88<br />

Surface sensing. mechanical controller & limite-<br />

@ T-[4-20-S/+5+21sclEx 90<br />

Su{ace sensing. mechanical @ r-[,]-20-s/+70+350c/Ex 9o<br />

Sudace sensing, electronic<br />

AT-TS-13 and AT-TSj4 93<br />

Sudace sensing, eleclronic<br />


Ambient sensing, eleclronic<br />

BAYSTAT.ECO.lO 99<br />

Sudace sensing, mechanical<br />

f-N,t-20-s<br />

102<br />

Sudace sensing, mechanical<br />

T.tu-10-s 105<br />

Panel mount electlonic controller<br />

Single-circuit electronic temperalure conrroller<br />

DIN railmounlable elect ronic lhermosl al with display<br />

<strong>Heat</strong>-<strong>Tracing</strong> <strong>Co</strong>nlrol system<br />

Bemote monitoring modules (RIM['12)<br />

No enclosure<br />

With hazardous area enclosure<br />

rcoNTRoL-coNT-02<br />

TCON-CSD/20<br />

HTC-g15-CONT<br />

HTC-915-Lll\rl<br />

Multi-circuit electronic control and monitoring system<br />

NloNt-200N-E<br />

Femoie modules lor conlrol(RMC)<br />

Ease unit<br />

MONI.FIljIC.BASE 127<br />

ru<br />

'127<br />

2-channel relaY outPUt<br />

i,toNt-Rt\4c-2Ro<br />

2-channel digilal inPur<br />

tllloNt-RMC-2Dl<br />

127<br />

sensor lor non-hazardous area<br />

l,10Nt-PT100-NH<br />

130<br />

,il t\ltoNl-PT100-EXE<br />

131<br />

sensor for hazardous areas<br />

'132<br />

Temperature sensor wilh transmiltet 4/20 o rvloNl'PT100-4/20rl,lA<br />

sensor withoutenclosure Q tltroNr-PT100.EXE-SENSOR 133<br />

t?!9!"!1<br />

[" rl<br />

[i uj<br />

6)<br />

MONI.RI\4I!12-E<br />

t!'loNl-RMl\rl2-EX-E<br />

lland held cable tault locator DET-3000 134<br />

suppon brackets, labels, PiPestraps, spacer, rixins raPes, sranq143!t9M1d<br />

60<br />

76<br />

77<br />

81<br />

83<br />

111<br />

113<br />

117<br />

120<br />

'124<br />

124<br />


Typhal mainlain lempenlure range ('C)<br />

Selection table<br />

100 150 550 000<br />

IHT<br />

Seres <strong>Co</strong>nstanl wattage !ll<br />


flcH/HCC<br />

HDF/HDC<br />

HS0<br />

HIQ<br />

sTs<br />

Iechnology<br />

Paralle sei fequ aling<br />

Para jel<strong>Co</strong>nstanl Watta!le Zons<br />

Pan e <strong>Co</strong>nslantWallaqe Zone<br />

Seres <strong>Co</strong>nstanl wattage P<br />

Ser es <strong>Co</strong>nslantwatiaqe P<br />

Ser es <strong>Co</strong>nslantWallage M<br />

Serles <strong>Co</strong>nstanl Wattage l1/ll<br />

Ser es l]onstanl Wallage M<br />

Series <strong>Co</strong>nstanl Wattaqe [41<br />

Sk n Eltecl System STS

T<br />

lemperalure (.C)<br />

Class design<br />

DlassiliDalionmelhod<br />

Prel€rred contol method Ch€mical lllecl TypiDalpipe<br />

renglh range<br />

(m)<br />

65 T6 l :,'r':'i. 0-400<br />

110 T4<br />

t :l:l :<br />

,<br />

.::.<br />

:.i,.,.:<br />

0-400<br />

120<br />

150<br />

T2.T3<br />

I2<br />

:::,<br />

,L{,.<br />

'.t1,tj<br />

llr,:.: 'i..i.<br />

l<br />

,<br />

]<br />

l l<br />

0 ,{00<br />

0 400<br />

t0<br />

't2<br />

z5o' 1214<br />

,lt '<br />

, .t.' 0-450<br />

2l]o' Ord nary only<br />

. .<br />

0-400 16<br />

zoo' T2 T6<br />

, ...1::,:,.t,,,, :<br />

::i,l : 0-450 t8<br />

260'<br />

31]o'<br />

0rdrn,r,y on y<br />

T2.T6 .'<br />

]<br />

',,,.',:<br />

:u.rt,l.<br />

l r:t::t,,',:<br />

: 0 5000<br />

0 5000<br />

2A<br />

22<br />

80<br />

200<br />

T6<br />

T3.T6<br />

' , t',,.<br />

..r1.:t. r':r::rl<br />

'r,:.1'i<br />

,,,,,,,:,'.,: :it.:t.,::<br />

,:l,tl:t,:,:.<br />

i:t,:lt,tt,' l:",.,, 0 5000<br />

0 5000<br />

24<br />

24<br />

400 T] T6 tl:,::litlt.<br />

0 5000 26<br />

r,r,.rr:tr,: l]:::,:::1,<br />

..t:.t: 'rrt:i:rr,r:l :il:l::l,r,t,.:rtt.i<br />

600 ..r.:.1,i: 'a::::'::a::, :::':::a 0'5000 28<br />

1000 rrlr:r:.r: 0 5000 u0<br />

250 r2-r6 400 - 30000<br />

' Slab ise'i design,<br />

T2 T3 r lncond tiona<br />

" Slablised design. T2 ) uncondilional<br />

Seleciiofl table<br />


Raychem<br />

Electrica lrace heat.g for frosl proteclon<br />

wilho!t steam c eaning<br />

<strong>Heat</strong>ing cable construction<br />

6<br />

Max mum exposure lernPeralUre<br />

(conl nuous power on)<br />

lr'laxim!m exPos!re iemPeralure<br />

l nlermillent Power on)<br />

Temperal!re c assiiicauon<br />

t/l n Lnstallalon temperature<br />

Minim!m be.d rad us<br />

BIV<br />

The BTV-fam y of selt-regulal ng para el<br />

c fcuil heatlng cables is used lof ifosl<br />

proteclon of pipes and vesses<br />

t Sell-regulating healing cables<br />

It can also be used lor process<br />

tempefal!re ma nlenance up 10 65-C<br />

F uoropolymer o!terjacket (-CT) or<br />

nrodiried poyolel n outeriackel ( cF)<br />

(Max. reslslance 0.0r0 o/m)<br />

vlodiled polyo ei n nsuaton<br />

Sef reg! ating conduclve core<br />

i 2 mm'copper conduclors<br />

Hazardous, zone I Zane 2 \GasJ zane 21 zone 22 (D!st)<br />

Pa nled or lnpa nted mela<br />

For organrc corrosves: use -CT (rluoropolyrner ouler lackel)<br />

For m d norganic so ltions: use C R (modlfied po volei n olte r lacket)<br />

For aggressLve organ cs and cotrosives cons! t vour oca Tvco Thermal <strong>Co</strong>nlrols<br />

230 Vac (<strong>Co</strong>ntacl yotr ocal Tyo Thema <strong>Co</strong>nlro s representalive lor data on otlrer vollages)<br />

The BTV heating cables are approved ior lse ln hazardous areas bv PTB a'd<br />

Baseeta 2001 <strong>Ltd</strong>.<br />

t-\ 2 u D rF a\n '-o Pbb rao "<br />

E-\ z oo -' " ttr0<br />

$! e-e oa arcr ''or ' \S5lcA

Raychem<br />

Thermal output rating<br />

Nom nal power output al<br />

c<br />

10BTv2-CT<br />

1(]BTV2.CR<br />

8BTV2.CT<br />

5BTV2-CT<br />

5BTV2.CR<br />

3BTV2.CT<br />

3BTV2-CB<br />

3BTV2.CR<br />

3BTV2.CT<br />

40<br />

\<br />

30<br />

20<br />

'10<br />

B<br />

c<br />

D<br />

5BTV2-CB<br />

5BTV2.CT<br />

\<br />

\<br />

lr \<br />

\<br />

\L<br />

BTV<br />

\ --\<br />

\ --+-<br />

'"-.+-<br />

:-<br />

lo 20 30 40 50 60 70<br />

Pipe lemperal!re ('c)<br />

aBTV2-CF<br />

aBTV2.CT<br />

Nominal power output (w/m at 10'c) 16 25<br />

29<br />

Product dimensions (nominal) and weight<br />

55<br />

10 5<br />

Weght (g/m) 110<br />

5.5 55 55<br />

105 15.4 15 4<br />

110<br />

lvlaximum circuit lenglh based on type 'C' circuit breakers accotding to EN 60898<br />

. d1 ,p re -pd d ur6 llid.i .1\6dr 'o dbp pnol<br />

ioaTv2,cB<br />

toBTv2.ct<br />

164 2A'C 110<br />

70 45<br />

+10'C 200 160 110<br />

20A<br />

-20'c<br />

195 144<br />

90<br />

55<br />

.10'C<br />

200<br />

160<br />

125<br />

25A 20'c<br />

200<br />

160<br />

324<br />

.10'C<br />

200<br />

2Aa<br />

160<br />

'60<br />

125 105<br />

a<br />

200<br />

160<br />

125<br />

The above nL rnbers are lor c rcuil tength eslirnalion only For more .lelalled inlormal on please lse the Tyco Tlrerma contro s<br />

Tracecalc soitware or contacl yo!r ocalTyco Thermal<strong>Co</strong>.trols represe.tanve<br />

Tyco Therma <strong>Co</strong>ntroLs req uire; th e use of a 30 ma res d uaL cu ftenl devtce to prov de max mum saiely and prolection Jrom t re<br />

where desgn res! ts n a h gher teakage currenl, a maxim!m 3oo mA residua c!trenr device may be lsed Allsalety aspects<br />

38TV2.CR 5BTV2 CR 88ry2 CR 1OBTV2 CR<br />

914279 000 4r4309 000 479821 000 677245 000<br />

3BTV2 CT 5BTV2.CT 8BTV2 CT 1OBTV2'CT<br />

,169145 000 487509 000 008633-000 567513 000<br />

iyco Therma con1rcs offers a i! range ol componenlsfor power conn€clions' splices anclendseas<br />

These componenls must be useo 10 ensure propel tunction ng of lhe prodlct and comp ance wth elecrf'al

Raychem<br />

E eclrcal trace heat ng lor process<br />

lemperatore ma nlenance app catrons<br />

!p lo 110'C whch are not subject lo<br />

<strong>Heat</strong>ing cable consrruction<br />

(lTVR<br />

The QTVF iamily oi sei reg! ating.<br />

paralelcirclit heal ng cabes s lsed tor<br />

prccess lemperarure ma menance 01<br />

Hazardous, Zone 1, Zone<br />

Ordinafy<br />

t Sell-regulating heating cables<br />

ll can aso be used lor irost prolection oi<br />

arge pip-.s and ior applicauons requirnS<br />

medium lemperalure exposure capab ty<br />

Fluoropolymer ouler jackel<br />

lMax. resislance 0 010 (ltm)<br />

Fluoropolymer nsulalon<br />

sef-reg! aling conducl ve core<br />

1.4 mm' copper condlctors<br />

(10 and 15OTVF2 CT)<br />

2.3 mrn' copper conduclors<br />

(2ooTVF2 CT)<br />

Painled or unpalnled rnetal<br />

Organ cs and corrosLves<br />

Fo; aggressive organics and corosives consull vo! r ocal Tvco Therma <strong>Co</strong>ntro s<br />

230 Vac (<strong>Co</strong>nlact your loca Tyco Thermal controLs epresenlat ve lor dala on olher vo lages)<br />

The QTVFI heati.g cabes are appfoved for use ln hazardous areas by PTB and<br />

t-\ t,2 G D EF, dr 1r , T4 ,Dbo ' t3o u F-\ ll 'LD EE,F ll 14<br />

Q! ere oa et' " 0," \EY BA"osArr '' -/\<br />

The QTVR heat ng cab es are approved bv DNV for us€ on ships and mob le ofl shore lnfts<br />

DNV Cerulicate No E 5121<br />

They are also VDE approved.<br />

Max rnum exposure lemperature<br />

(conr nuo!s power on)<br />

110 c<br />

Temperature classif ical on<br />

T4 n accorclance with European Slandard EN 50 014<br />

Min mum installalion lemperature 60c<br />

N4inimum bend rad !s<br />

at 20'C: 13 mm<br />

at 60'C: 35 mnr<br />


Baychem<br />

Thermaloulput rating<br />

Nom nal power oltpLl a1 2OQTVB2-CT<br />

B<br />

c<br />

15oTVR2-CT<br />

lOQTVR2.CT<br />

Nominal power output (w/m at 10'C) 38 51<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

c<br />

\<br />

\<br />

2A 60 80 100 120<br />

'roQTvR2,Cr I5QTVB2.CT 20QTVB2.CT<br />

Producl dimensions (nominal) and weight<br />

4.5<br />

4.5 5.1<br />

I t.a 11.8<br />

Weighl (g/m) 126 126 180<br />

IMaximum circuil lengthbased on type C circuii breakers according to EN 60498<br />

\<br />

P pe lemperal!re (-C)<br />

Starl'up lemperalure lMaxrm!m heatng cabe englh percirc!t (rn)<br />

254<br />

20'c 95<br />

75 60<br />

+10'C<br />

95<br />

75<br />

324 2A'C<br />

115<br />

100 75<br />

I t5 100 95<br />

?o'c ioo<br />

100<br />

9B<br />

rr." nt*" nu.rr"o *" tot c rcuil length eslimation on y For more dela ed inlormalon pease use ihe Tyco Therma <strong>Co</strong>ntrols<br />

Tracecalc sollwarc or contacl your localTyco Themal<strong>Co</strong>nlrols represenlanve<br />

rv"" il"i..rconu"r" "q, res the use ot a 30 mA residuatcurrenl devce to provcte maxirn!m salety and prolecton from 1fe<br />

\ ihere design resuls In a higher eakage curent a max mum 300 rnA resdualcurfenl devce may be used. A satelv aspecls<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mponenls<br />

lOQTVR2.CT ]5OTVR2.CT ?!9ry!?!r<br />

391991 000 040615 000 93a967 000<br />

OTVR<br />

Tyco Thermal <strong>Co</strong>nlfols ol1ers a llll range of componenls Ior power connect ons spL ces and end sea '<br />

riese componenrs musr Oe used to ens!re propef l!nclLonlng oJ lhe product and cornpliance wilh electrrca<br />


Raychem<br />

E ectrica lrace heating lor process<br />

lenperat!re ma ntenance appticatiofs up<br />

lo 120 C wh ch may be subject lo sream<br />

<strong>Heat</strong>ing cable conslruction<br />

xTv<br />

The XTV lamiy oi self-regutal ng para el<br />

circ! t heal ng cabes s used lor process<br />

lenrperal!re ma ntenance ol pipes and<br />

@ Self-regulating heating cabtes<br />

l can aso be used lorlrost prolecton oi<br />

arge pipes and ror applications requir n9<br />

fr gh temperaiure exposure capabrtily<br />

H gh temperature froropoymer olter<br />

(l,Iax. res stance 0 010 o/m)<br />

H gh temperature I uoropoymer<br />

Self-regulal ng condlct ve libres<br />

2.3 mm' copper condlctors<br />

Hazardous Zone 1, Zone 2 (Gas) Zone 2i, zone 22 (Dusl)<br />

Painled or unpa nled metaL<br />

Orga. cs and cotros ves<br />

For aggressive organ cs and coftosves cons! t your loca Tyco Thermal<strong>Co</strong>ntrols<br />

230 Vac (<strong>Co</strong>ntact yolr Tyco Themal <strong>Co</strong>ntrols represenlat ve ior dala on olher vo tages)<br />

The xTV heal ng cab es are approved Jor use n<br />

and Baseeta 2001 Lld<br />

lL 2 G/D EEx e(m) I4Ir3l250'C1.12)<br />

tP66 T130',C, T195'C, T250'C<br />

PTB 98 ATEX ] ]05 X<br />

hazardous areas by PTB and by PTB<br />

IL2 GD EExe T3<br />

and 240'C (T2)<br />

BAS98ATEX2336X<br />

The XTV heaiing cables are approved by DNV ior lse o. sh ps and moble ofl shore u. ts<br />

DNV Cenllicate No E 5122<br />

They are also VDE approvecl.<br />

Max rnum exposure lemperature<br />

{connnuous power onl<br />

l"1ax exposure temperalufe<br />

(nterrnillent powef on and off)<br />

120'C<br />

2r 5'C (20 bar saluraled steam)<br />

Maximum cumulalve exposure 1000 hours<br />

Ternperaturc c assii cation<br />

r2:20XIV2-CI-I2<br />

13: 4XTV2 CT-T38XTV2.CT T3, ]2xry2 CT.T3 15XTV2.CT T3<br />

European Standard EN 50 014<br />

r.stallrl on lemperature 60'c<br />

a120'C: 13 rnm<br />


Raychem<br />

Thermaloulput rating<br />

Nom nal power oulpul al 20x1v2-cf-r2<br />

B<br />

c<br />

D<br />

15XTV2-CT-T3 ...--<br />

12xrv2 cr 13 w m<br />

8XTV2-CT-T3 7A<br />

E 4XTV2-CT-T3<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

2A<br />

c<br />

D<br />

E<br />

xTv<br />

2A ti0 80 100 124<br />

P pe lemperatrre (-c)<br />

4XIV2-CT.T3 aXTV2.CT-T3 12XTV2,CT-T3 I5XIV2.CT-T3 z!XfV2-Cf-f2<br />

Nominal power output (Wm at 10'C) 12 2a 38 63<br />

Producl dimensions (nominal) and weight<br />

72 T2 T2 7.2 7.2<br />

\r1/eiqht (grm)<br />

11.7<br />

117 117 117 11.7<br />

170 170 1TA 170 170<br />

Maximum circuit lenglhbased on type C'circuit breakers according to EN 60898<br />

E eclr cal<br />

szng<br />

Slart-up lernperai!re Maxmurn heal ng cab e englh per c rcuLl (nr)<br />

t6a<br />

20'c<br />

55<br />

40<br />

+r0'C 174 r05 75 60<br />

.15<br />

25A 20c 225 105 85 65<br />

+10'C<br />

165<br />

12Q 95 70<br />

32A -20'c 245<br />

125<br />

80<br />

,o<br />

2AC<br />

215<br />

175<br />

105<br />

r1O€<br />

245 175 140 135<br />

105<br />

Theabovenumbersalelolcrcujlenglhestimatjonony'Formoredelaed]njormalo.peaselsetie|r'.onermaUo|ro5<br />

Tfacecalc sollware or contacl yo!r localTyco Therma <strong>Co</strong>nlrols representanve<br />

rvi" ir,",rirc"*.r" ,"q, res the use ot-a 30 mA fesidlat cu(en1 dev ce ro provde max mum safety and prolection irom f re<br />

\lihere desrqn resuLls n a hiqher eakage cu(ent a mum 3oo mA resdua c!nenl devce mav be lsed AllsaJelv aspects<br />

9I!9M's derairs<br />

4XTV2 CT.T3 8XTV2 CT.T3 12XTV2 CT T3 15XTV2 CT T3 2OXTV2 CT T2<br />

002735-000 tzso:s{oo a2u 089{OO 214909 oOO 8,19015 000<br />

Ty.oTherma <strong>Co</strong>itros offe€ a 1u range ol componenls 1or power conneclrons splrcesand endseas_<br />

T;ese.omoonents mtst be lsed 10 ensure proPer l!nctio' nq ol the prod!'t and compliance wth eledri"<br />

11<br />

. .<br />

:.:,1.1,:<br />

a,.,:a\,:a:,)4<br />


Raychem<br />

Eieclrcaltrace heat ng ior process<br />

Iemperalure marntenance app calions !p<br />

to 150'C wh ch may be subleci to steam<br />

<strong>Heat</strong>ing cable construction<br />

Specilications<br />

Maxlm!rn expos!re temperalure<br />

(conr nuous power on)<br />

Lrlax exposurelemperal!re<br />

(inlemrltenl Power on afd on)<br />

Temperalure c ass I cation<br />

[4 .im!m nsla auon temperalure<br />

12<br />

t/l n mlm bend radils<br />

KTV<br />

The KTV fam y oi sell-reguatng, parattel<br />

c rcuii heatng cabes is used lor pfocess<br />

lemperaturc malnlenance ol p pes and<br />

€, Self-regulating healing cables<br />

It can aso be used 1or Jrost protection ol<br />

arq-a pipes and ior applcations requir ng<br />

h gh temperal!re expos!re capablily.<br />

High lemperat!re fluoropolymero!ler<br />

(Max resislance 0 007 (rm)<br />

High lemperat!re i uoropolymer<br />

Sell.rcgu at ng cond!dive fibres<br />

2.3 mm' copper condlctors<br />

Hazardous. Zone r, Zone 2 (Gas), zone 2r zone 22 (Dus1)<br />

Ordinary<br />

Pa nted or unpaifled mela<br />

Organics and coroslves<br />

For aggressve organics and conosves consu t your loca Tvco Thermal<strong>Co</strong>nlrols<br />

230 Vac (<strong>Co</strong>ntacl yolr ocal Tyco Therma <strong>Co</strong>nlrols representative 1or data on other voftages)<br />

The KTV healing cables afe apprcved for use in hazardous areas bv PTB and<br />

Baseela 2001 Lld<br />

ll 2 G/D EEx e(m) llT4/T3|226'C (T2) ll 2 GD EExe 11226'C(T2)<br />

P66 Tr30'C T195'C. T226'C<br />

BAS98ATEX2335X<br />

PTB 98 ATEX 1104 X<br />

The Kry heal ng cables are approved by DNV for lse on sh ps and moblLe o1i shore unts<br />

DNV Cerlilcale No. E-5122<br />

They are aso VDE apprcved<br />

150'C<br />

2l5'C (20 bar sal!raled steam)<br />

N4axLmum c!mulalve exposLrre 1000 rrours<br />

T2 In dLcordance w ih EuropFan SLa.dard EN50<br />

014<br />

60'C<br />

al20'C 26 mm<br />

al 60'C:s] mm

Raychem<br />

Thermaloutput rating<br />

Nom nalpower oulpll al 20KTV2-CT OO<br />

B<br />

c<br />

D<br />

50<br />

JO<br />

20<br />

c<br />

D<br />

KTV<br />

20 60 80 100 120 144 160<br />

Pipe lemperature ('C)<br />

5KTV2-CT AKTV2.CT t5KTV2.CT<br />

Nominal power output (Wm al 10'C) t6 25 65<br />

Product dimensions {nominal) and weishl<br />

76 76 76 76<br />

13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3<br />

Weight (g/m) 250 254 254 250<br />

Maximum circuit lenglh based on type C'circuit breakers according to EN 60898<br />

Stan up lemperature [r]axim!m healng cabe englh per c rcuLl (m)<br />

20'c 130<br />

95 60<br />

65 45<br />

254 20'c<br />

245 150 90<br />

65<br />

+10'C 230 165<br />

100 75<br />

32A 20'c<br />

234 180 lt5 a5<br />

+10'C 230 180<br />

130 95<br />

20'c 230 180 130 105<br />

+10'C 2:0 ta0 I3i)<br />

The above numb€rs are for circuit ength estimatlon ony. For mofe dela ed nforrnalion pease use lhe Tyco Thermalconirols<br />

Tracecac sollware or conlact your localTyco Therma <strong>Co</strong>nlrols represenlative<br />

Tyco Thematcontrots req! res the use ot a 30 mA residuarcunent devce to provde rnaxim!m salety and prolecton from i re<br />

\rlihere desLqn r€suls n a hiqher eakage currenr a nrax rnum 3oo mA resdua curr€nt devce may be used. Alsafely aspecls<br />

qd9!!9 991911:<br />

5KTV2.CT 8KTV2 CT 15KTV2 CT 2OKTV2 CT<br />

Pa( No 866752-000 196865-000 368748'000 790842-000<br />

TycoTherma <strong>Co</strong>n1rcs oiiers a 1! range ol componenls iof power conneclons splic_"s and endseas<br />

Tirese componenls must be used lo ensLre proper Iunclion ng oj the producl and cornpliance wth electi'a<br />


Raychem<br />

VPL is a fam y of power lim t.g heal ng<br />

cabes cles!ned ior pipe and equipment<br />

heat lracinq in indlstria app calons<br />

VPL can be lsed lorlrost proteclon and<br />

process remperal!re marnlenance<br />

requ rifg h gh power oulput and/or h gh<br />

lemperat!re exposure. VPL can provide<br />

process lemperature marnlenance up lo<br />

230 C and can wihsland roltine sleam<br />

Hearing<br />

N4ax exposurelernPerarure<br />

qt!!9!i pry9lqf)<br />

Temperalure class i canon<br />

14<br />

lrln mum nstallaton tempefaure<br />

Mif mum bend radius<br />

vPt<br />

purges and temperature exposure to<br />

250'C wth power ofi.<br />

PoweFlim ting cables are parale heaters<br />

formed by a co ed resisior aloy heaUng<br />

elernenl wrapped afou.d lwo para e<br />

conduclors The dstance between<br />

conduclor conlact poinls iorms the<br />

heatng zone englh This pafalel<br />

constrLctof a ows il to be cul lo length<br />

@ Hightemperature<br />

powerlimiling healing cables<br />

and lerminated on site. Tlre powef oltpul<br />

ol VPL healing cab es decreases wth<br />

ncfeas ng temperature. VPL heal ng<br />

cabies can be ovenapped The reativey<br />

lat Power lemPeralure curve of VPL<br />

e.sures a low slart-up c!nerl and h gh<br />

outpLl al elevated temperal!res VPL<br />

cables are approved ior lse n hazardous<br />

areas. Approvas are sted beow<br />

F gh lempefature ildofopo ymer<br />

H gh lemperature<br />

Powef lim t ng heal ng eement<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nd!ctor connecl on<br />

High lernperature r!uopo ymer<br />

Hazafdous, zone r, Zone 2 (Gas), zone2l,Zone22<br />

(D!st)<br />

Ordinafy<br />

3 3 mm: nckel paled copper conduclors<br />

Painled or unpalnled metal<br />

Organ cs and conos ves<br />

For aggressive organ cs and cotrosives consulyour<br />

ocalTyco Therma <strong>Co</strong>nlros<br />

234 at 254 va. (<strong>Co</strong>ntacl yo!r ocalTyco Therma <strong>Co</strong>nlros€ ror dala on<br />

@<br />

L heatng cabe s approvedfor<br />

use in hazardols areas by Baseela 2001 <strong>Ltd</strong><br />

II2 GD Ex eS L T,<br />

BASOOATEX2]63X<br />

230V<br />

5VPL2.CT 230 C 225'C<br />

10VPL2-CT 210.C 200'c<br />

r5vPL2-CT 180 C 115'a<br />

2OVPL2-CT 150'C Not a owed<br />

250 c<br />

to o" -.."o h"o inq n- p, rpp. o . ,o,.7pd d"'a<br />

Use Tracecalc deslgn:oftware or contact Tvco Thernra <strong>Co</strong>nlro s lor assislance<br />

-60'c<br />

al 60 C.20 mfi

Baychem VPL<br />

Thermal output rating<br />

230 V<br />

B<br />

c D<br />

To choose the cotrect<br />

heal ng cab e ior your<br />

2OVPL CT<br />

lOVPL CT<br />

5VPL.CT<br />

Adjustment Faciors lor 254V<br />

Power Outpul C rcL l Lenglh<br />

5VPL2 CT 120 1.05<br />

10vPL2 CT 1 t9<br />

15VPL2 CT I t9<br />

20VPL2 CT Nol a owed<br />

80<br />

7Q<br />

60<br />

50<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

B<br />

c _l n<br />

D<br />

2A 60 100 120 140 160 130 200 220 240<br />

P pe Temperal!re ('C)<br />

5VPL2-CT iovPL2.cT rsvPL2.cT 20vPL2.CT<br />

Nominal power output (Wm at 10'C) l5 30<br />

15<br />

Product dimensions (nominal) and weight<br />

79 7.9 7.9 T9<br />

w dlh lnrrn)<br />

'117<br />

11.7 11.7 11.7<br />

heating zone englh (mm)<br />

1219 914 610 508<br />

200 200 200 2AA<br />

Maximum circuit length based on type'C'circuit breakers according ro EN 60894<br />

230V 5VPL2-CT rovPL2-cT 't5vPL2.CT 20vPL2.CT<br />

Elecrfical<br />

Start-up<br />

sPrng<br />

Maximum healing cable length per circuit (m)<br />

164<br />

20'C 100 7A 50<br />

215 lr0<br />

75<br />

55<br />

254<br />

20'c 220<br />

105<br />

80<br />

+10'C 224<br />

85<br />

32A 224 130<br />

100<br />

22Q<br />

130<br />

110<br />

20'c<br />

220<br />

130<br />

I t0<br />

. 224<br />

tss<br />

i30<br />

tlo<br />

The above nlmbers are ior circ! t englh estmalon only. For more cletarLed nformation p ease use the Tyco Therma conlros<br />

Tracecac sonware or conlact your loca Tyco Thema conlro s represenratve<br />

Ty;o Therma <strong>Co</strong>ntros requirea ihe lse ol a 30 mA resi.lua curcnt devLce lo provide maximum salely and proteclon frorn 1tre<br />

Mihere design resutls in a higher eakage curcnt. a maximum 3oo mA resdlatcufie.r devce rnay be used A satelv aspecls<br />

o,d9!!9 9!!!tl9<br />

5VPL2 CT ] OVPL2 CT ]5VPL2 CT 2OVPL2.CT<br />

451828 000 892652-000 0b8380 000 589252 000<br />

r..o lherm"'co.ol olr" rll'" ctpo o'p ond''o "J<br />

i;;.:.:;;;";;.';; l"- "3 6"i 'p'6p"' 'n rolnoor"6ooou '" o o p 'F/rL'" ' '<br />


sw@<br />

lHf s a paralleic fc! t nredum powered<br />

conslant oulpLrt lracer whiclr can be clt<br />

lo any engrh. IHT ncoeorales an FEP<br />

outerjacket whiclr makes t dea ior use<br />

n chem caily aggressive industia<br />

<strong>Heat</strong>ing cable conslruction<br />

Size<br />

IHI<br />

ll is desgfed for high lemperature<br />

process rnainlenance applcations n<br />

chemcally aggressve env ronments such<br />

I can be used aso ior ireeze pfolecton<br />

and lhe heal ng oi pipe nes, vaves,<br />

p!mps, coma ners erc.<br />

C0nstant wattage parallel circuit heating cable<br />

(for ordinary area use)<br />

It has twin conduclors wth exlruded h gh<br />

qua ty Terlon FEP prmary and nnef<br />

ns! ation The heating eemenl is zone<br />

connected 10 rhe bus w res. FEP ourer<br />

ns! aton,linned coppef overbrald and<br />

FEP ouler lackel complele llre<br />

Ollertackel Tei on FEP<br />

(< r8.2 Ohm/km braid res stance)<br />

ouler nsulal on Teflon FEP<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nduclof conneclon<br />

lnner rns!!alLo. Teflon FEP<br />

E eclrcal .suLalon Te{o. FEP<br />

2 x 1.5 mm'conduclors<br />

tllf tHft2l2o-cf ||lT/?3O.CT<br />

Nomina power oulput r0/12 W/m 20124 \Nl-n. 30/36 Wm<br />

Supply vollage (AC) 220-240V<br />

Ordinary<br />

224-240V<br />

220-240\l<br />

120 m 90m 75m<br />

Max. wlthsland temperal!re 200'c 200"c<br />

200'c<br />

Max work P ece temPeralure<br />

Min. installal on temPefature<br />

125'C 100'c 75"C<br />

40'c<br />

40"c<br />

25 mm<br />

Mrn. spaong between rurns<br />

cotour<br />

whLle<br />

<strong>Co</strong>d ead / heal ng zone length I m 1 .<br />

t6<br />

,40 c

Ordering details<br />

HT/2/1o-CT tHT/2t20-C\ Hl2t30-Cr<br />

936 326 000 857 548 000 937 144 000<br />

Tyco Therma <strong>Co</strong>nlrols ofiers a l! range ol compofents for power connectons,<br />

splices and eid seals. These components musl be lsed to e.sure proper functon ng<br />

ot the producl and comp ance wlh eeclrcal reo! rements<br />

TSL TrKl/BS/M20 (hot app ed confection and end sealkil - M20 verson)<br />

162 084 000<br />

EK 25,06<br />

566 578 000<br />

Tyco Therma <strong>Co</strong>nlrcs requires lhe use oi a 30 mA resdua c!trenl device 10 provlde max mum saiety and prclection lrom fire.<br />

Where desgn resulls in a higher eakage c!nent. a maximum 300 mA residlalcurrent device may be !sed. A salety aspects<br />

IHT<br />


lLL(VrrlUh<br />

- ryrY<br />

FHT is a farn y of constant wattage<br />

para elcirc! t heating cabes clesigied for<br />

prpe and equipment trace heatng in<br />

rndlstria appicalons FHT can be lsed<br />

tor lrost prolecton and process<br />

lernperal!re ma.tenance requir.g fr gh<br />

power output and/or high temperat!re<br />

<strong>Heat</strong>ing cable construction<br />

Nomina power oulput<br />

l\laxa thsland temperaturc (power oll)<br />

Nrlax work piec€ lernperature (power on)<br />

Min. nstaL ation temperal!re<br />

ta<br />

NI n spac ng belween turns'<br />

<strong>Co</strong>Ld Lead / healing zone engllr<br />

FHT<br />

FHT can provide process temperature<br />

mairlenance !p to 200,C and can<br />

withsland roltne sleam purges and<br />

temperalure exposure to 260.c power oli<br />

FFT heating cables are zone para el<br />

healers constructed from a heating<br />

elemenl wrapped around two para e<br />

conduclors The d stance between<br />

@ <strong>Co</strong>nstanl wattage parallel circuit<br />

heating cable<br />

conduclor contacl points lorms lhe<br />

heal n9 zone length This paralle<br />

construclon arows il to be cul lo any<br />

le.gth and term naled in the ied<br />

ls round shape provides excelent<br />

iexbilily dlrng lnsla alio. as I a ows 1or<br />

bending in every d recl on FHT healing<br />

cabies are approved jor use n hazardous<br />

areas. Approvas are sted beow<br />

N cke -plared copper braid<br />

(< 18 2 Ohm,'km bra d res stance)<br />

nsLial on slranding PTFE<br />

Electr ca nsualof PTFE<br />

2x15mm'conduclors<br />

FttT/? r o-cT FHftz2o'cf FHfl2t3o-Cl<br />

Z 7.5 nm<br />

230 V<br />

20 W/rn<br />

230 V 230 V<br />

Hazardous Area, zone I or Zone 2<br />

The FHT heal ng cable is approved jor Lse n hazardous<br />

areas Zone I and Zone 2 by KEMA<br />

ll2 G EExe llTo lo 230'C (T2)<br />

KEMA OlATEX2O85X<br />

(Where T ls the app cable lernperal!re classicalon n<br />

accordance wth the cerlicale schedule)<br />

200 m i50m 120 m<br />

260',C<br />

260'C<br />

260'C<br />

Fefer to slab ised desgn tabes<br />

65'C<br />

65'C<br />

20 mm 20 rnm 20 mm<br />

1.5 m lsrn 15m<br />


slabilised desiqn rables<br />

The lemperature va les sted representlhe maxmum slabilised design s!rface lemperature permitled jor a work peceloriem<br />

perature cassijicaton TO T5, T4, T3 and 230'C (T2)<br />

FHI/2/xxx heating lape with 100 mm spacing when spirally wound on a surface lo be heaied:<br />

Temperalure classiricalion ( C)<br />

T6 T5 r4 T3 230"C (T2)<br />

10 12.7 50<br />

67 104 174 204<br />

20 25.5 1a a2 151 178<br />

30 182 35<br />

rHT/2/xxx hearing lape wilh 40 mm spacing when spirally wound on a surface to be heated:<br />

Temperature classiiication ('C)<br />

T6 T5 T3 230"C (T2)<br />

1A 127 63 142 196<br />

20 25.5 1T 7A 172<br />

30 38.2 9a 127<br />

FHT/2/]O.CT Ftll2l20 cI FHT/230 CT<br />

008144-000 124236-000 109452 000<br />

.t L,-<br />

FHT<br />

Tyco Thernra <strong>Co</strong>ntrols oflers a I! fange oi compo.ents tor power connectons,<br />

splices and end seals. These components rnusl be used to ensure proper tunfion ng<br />

oi rhe product and cornpliance wilh eectrica requiremenls.<br />

TSL TTK/F/1/NI]20 (cod applied co.neclon and end seal kt - [/]20 verson)<br />

509284-000<br />

TSL-TIKF/2/M2o {hot applred connecuon and end seal ki1 l\420 verson)<br />

s42J40-000<br />

Crimp tools (bolh crimP tools are required for TSL-TTKF/1/[t20 and TSL'TTKF/2M20)<br />

p."n o*loton<br />

TSL TTKF_o1 _CT (Cr mp loo for lse wilh TSL TTKF/] /M20 and<br />

TSL_TTKF/2/M20 FHT healincl cable conneclon kts)<br />

463026-000<br />

TSL-TTK/F O2-CT (Crmp too for lse with TSL T-TKF/j /M20 and<br />

S_TI(F'!1.0-F] a.',q,dble o plo L<br />

322998-000<br />

tEK 25 06<br />

566 578-000<br />

rvcorr.".".rco'.r'.t*q.,',eslh**"ofa30.Aresd,d",r'e"r.l*aetop*rcle."na"-',nrsaletyandprolectionlrcmfre<br />

uihere design rcsutls tn a h gher teakage cu fienl, a maxjm! m 3oo mA res dua cu ffenl dev ce may be used. All safely aspecls<br />


CW-T s a poymer insu ated (Pl)sefles<br />

heating cabe ior use n non hazardous<br />

areas. t has been deslgned lor use n<br />

lreeze proteclion and lemperat!re ma ntenance<br />

app calions of p pes tanks and<br />

olher eq! pr.enl. CW I s an econornica<br />

so utron 1or many heat lracing appicalons<br />

in non hazardols afeas especallyior<br />

P Pe €nglhs beyond the rnaximum<br />

<strong>Heat</strong>ing cable construction<br />

ICW-T<br />

c rcuil lengths ol parallelheat ng cabes<br />

(e.s 250 m)<br />

The selecton ol PTFE as nsu ation<br />

matera lor the conduclor and ihe ouler<br />

insulal on rnakes il a sale and reliab e<br />

product. li provides highest chem cal<br />

wthsland and mechan calslrength, if<br />

paaricu ar al elevated ternperal!res.<br />

Oruanics and corrosives<br />

Max. w thsland temperature<br />

260'C (contin!ous power ofi)<br />

l,I. " ma n1a. lemperarure 160'C (typcal conl nuols powe, on)<br />

M n nsla ation lernperallre<br />

60'c<br />

2.5 x cable dameler at 25'C<br />

6 x cabe diameter al 60'C<br />

20 m/n<br />

rnax 25 Wm (lyplcaLva !e. depending<br />

3oo/500 v Ac (ur/ u)<br />

20<br />

P0lymer Insulaled (Pl) series resistance heating<br />

cable (non-hazardous areas)<br />

ICW-T heating cabes can be lsed ior<br />

temperalures up to 260'C (conl nLrors)<br />

Tyco Therma <strong>Co</strong>ntrols ollers ICW T<br />

heal ng cables n a w de range of<br />

resislances. slarting lrcm 1.8 iifkm up<br />

to 8000 o/km as well as a complete<br />

prodlct range ol cornponents for the<br />

conneclion and sp cing ol lhe cables.<br />

O!terjrcIet PTFE (0.4 mm)<br />

Pfotecl ve braid oi nickel<br />

p areo copper s(anas<br />

PTFE insllal on (0.6 mm)<br />

Fesislance heal ng co.duclor

ICW.T<br />

ICW-T heating cabte references<br />

CWT18<br />

tcw-T 2 9<br />

lcwT44<br />

Pq:I7<br />

cw-T r0<br />

NomiEl re

......,.tt4.4.<br />

,;Ltiia.:t<br />

t/2t ::t.t,<br />

,a,'.::t 4..<br />

',:.,,.,r.4.<br />

:,,..t,t4<br />

ttaa,,.: ....,,,::<br />

! : - '<br />

aii:.:2r,|i.:.<br />

L.)a,tattar.a.<br />

,t ,r,''<br />

xPt<br />

@ Polymer Insulaled (Pl)<br />

Series Resistance Healing Cable<br />

XPI s a poymef ins!aled {P!)seres The selection ol PTFE as an ins! ation XP s easy 10 insla . becalse oj the h gh<br />

heatnq cabe suilabe lor lse . hazardousmaleria<br />

ior the conduclor and lhe ouler Iexib ty of lhe cable and lhe prlnled<br />

areas (ATEX) lt has been desgned for use i.s!la1on as wel as an addltionalwrap meteFrna s Tyco Thermal<strong>Co</strong>.lrols<br />

n treeze prolecton and temperal!re oi a poLy mide io makes XP a very oiiers XP heat ng cab es n a very wide<br />

ma ntenance applicatons ot pipes,lanks sale and reliabe prodLrcl lt provdes range of resislances, slarting lrom<br />

and olher equipne.t XP s an economica highesl chemica w thsland and 0I ()ikm up to 8000 ()/km as we as a<br />

solul on ior many heal lrac ng app calrons mecfranica sne.gth n parlcular al conp ele prod!c1 range oi componenls<br />

especa y ior pipe lengihs beyond lhe e evaled temperal!res. xPl healing for the conneclio. and splic ng ot the<br />

maxim!m c rc! I lenlths of para e heal ng cables can be lsed ior lemperatures !p<br />

lo 260"C (continuous) and 300'c<br />

( niem ttenl shon lerm exposure).<br />

<strong>Heat</strong>ing cable conslruction<br />

Aptlicatrcn<br />

Prolectve braid ol n ckelplaled<br />

copper slrands (max. 181)/km)<br />

Be.torc.9 polyLm<br />

de fol<br />

PTFE<br />

FIes stance heat ng conduclor<br />

Hazardous area Zone 1 of Zone 2 (Gas) or zone 2r or Zone 22 (Dusl)<br />

Orgar c and norsanc corrosves<br />

trlanuiactured n accordance wth VDE 0253<br />

svsrem: ,-\ PTB 03 ATEX 1218X<br />

'Gl/rtz"oLL^"tt<br />

rb oT2lP! ''90 80.<br />

BL F\ PTB 03 ATEX I101 U<br />

KV 2Goee.errrozooc<br />

lvlal willrsrand tempe .lure 260'C (co.tinuous),300'c (poweron max r000 h)<br />

lrl n n\la aron tcmp€r.lure 70.c<br />

2 5 x cab e diameler lor cable diarneler i 6 mm<br />

6 x cab e d ameter for cab e d ameter > 6 mm<br />

30 W/m (typcalvalue, depenclng on app ca1o.)<br />

450 750 V AC (U, U)<br />

Nl n spac.g<br />

3KVAC<br />


XPI healing cable .elerences<br />

xPt.0.8<br />

Nominalresistance<br />

[!J*m @ 20'C]<br />

0.8<br />

Temp.coetficient<br />

lx 10'/ Kl<br />

39 121<br />

Nom. weight<br />

lkg/kml<br />

398<br />

Order Number<br />

PN<br />

1 2,14 000189<br />

39<br />

303 1244 Aa02A1<br />

xP -1.8 t 8 39<br />

88<br />

206 1244 0Aa1A2<br />

xPl 2 9 29 39<br />

71 1244 004202<br />

39<br />

6.3 112 r 244 000190<br />

TO 39 57 83 1244-000203<br />

10 3.9 73 1244 AAa204<br />

117 39 5.2 62 1244,000183<br />

15 3.9<br />

58 1244 000r91<br />

xPt-17 8 39<br />

4.9 55 1244AA0178<br />

xP 25 25 19 49 55 1244-000192<br />

xP 31.5 31.5 13<br />

5.3 64 1244-000205<br />

XP .50 50 1.3<br />

55 1244 000r84<br />

XPI 65 65 13 4.8 1244 004246<br />

XPISO 80 4.7<br />

58 1244-000193<br />

100<br />

5.2<br />

1244 AA02AT<br />

xP -150<br />

55 1244-000185<br />

XP J8O 180 025 12.r4 000194<br />

xP!200 200 0.4 1244-000195<br />

xPt320 320 025 53 r244-000653<br />

xPt380 380 025 48 5l 1244 000180<br />

480 425 48 12.14-000208<br />

xP 600 600 4.25 45 1244 000196<br />

o.25 .15 1244 000186<br />

xP -810 810 0.04 46 48 1244 000209<br />

xPl-1000 I000 004 .1.5 46 1244 000197<br />

1440 004 43 1244'00021l<br />

xPt-1750 1750 Q04 4.3<br />

I244-000198<br />

xP -2000 2AOA 00 46<br />

1244-440187<br />

xP 3000 3000 00 1244 AOA212<br />

xP 4000 4000 1244 000199<br />

xPl-4400 4400 0.0 4.3 1244 00Q181<br />

xPl-5160 5160 4.3<br />

40 i2.14 00065.1<br />

xPr5600 0.0 4.2 39 r 244-000188<br />

xPt7000 7000 0 42 38 1244 440213<br />

xP -8000 8000 00 42 J8 1244 000200<br />

Fesistances < 31 5 o/ km: Pease consderlhe cod/warm resstance chanqe<br />

Recommended cold lead cables ror xPl<br />

tmm'l<br />

25<br />

t a I Imm nom.l<br />

5.7<br />

[tykm @ 20 q<br />

7.4<br />

l x 10'/K l<br />

39<br />

1244-000203<br />

42<br />

6.3<br />

3.9<br />

I244 000190<br />

71<br />

2.9 J.9<br />

XPI.2.9 1244 000202<br />

10 88<br />

1 a 3.9<br />

xP 1.8 1244 0AA1A2<br />

t6<br />

98<br />

10 3<br />

39<br />

1244-00Q201<br />

25 129 121 0.8 3.9<br />

i 2.14 000189<br />

Reslstance loleranc€ +10/ 5o/i as p-or EC<br />

Deivery lenglh depends or type o1fesslance and is in afy casc imledbymax weghroll20kg/spoo respectivelv 1000 m/ run<br />

Not alresstances are sla.dard lems and may su.h not be n stock. <strong>Co</strong>nlacl Tyco Therma <strong>Co</strong>ntrols 1o conftm ead lme<br />

Tyco Therma <strong>Co</strong>ntrots requnes the lse ol a 30 mA resdLa curcnl clevlce to provde maximum salely and proteclon from Ire. Where<br />

desqn resuts i. a hgher eakage c!trenr, a maxnLm 3oo mA resdla cuirent devce may be used. Alsately aspects need lo be<br />

xPl<br />


Thermoheat by<br />

lrl nera nsu aled <strong>Co</strong>pper heal ng cab e is<br />

s! iable ior use w ih n a w de varety of<br />

indlstria heat lracing and domeslc<br />

heal ng app cations. Tlre copper cabe<br />

offers a lo.g .e heali.! capabi ly where<br />

the max mlm operating sheath<br />

lemperat0re does not exceed 200'c<br />

<strong>Heat</strong>ing cable construction<br />

<strong>Co</strong>pper or <strong>Co</strong>pper Alloy <strong>Co</strong>nductor<br />

HCH/HCC<br />

<strong>Co</strong>pper cab es are exlensivey lsed in<br />

!nderloor, road and ramp heaing<br />

applicatons and are oiJered wnh FIDPE<br />

(H gh Densily Poyelhyene) oversheath<br />

in! lor enhanced coirosion proteclon up<br />

to 80'C For temperal!res ln excess of<br />

80'C FEP oversheathing is ava able 10 a<br />

<strong>Co</strong>pper Healing Cable<br />

Cable Shealh Maler al<br />

Cable nsu ation lvlalerial MgO (l\rlagnes um Ox de)<br />

Cab e <strong>Co</strong>nductor Maler al <strong>Co</strong>pper or <strong>Co</strong>ppef N cke aloy<br />

Up 10 300/500 VAC<br />

€, Mineral insulated c0pper heating cables<br />

. <strong>Co</strong>troson resislance<br />

. H gh performance olipu1<br />

. High resislance to meclranica abuse<br />

. Salety and f re resLstance<br />

lnsulalon Res stance<br />

1000 Mr/r000 m (Factory pass evel)<br />

lrlaxim!m Alowabe Shealh Temperature 200'C"<br />

3rnA,/100 m (Nom nala120'C)<br />

Minimum insla lalion lemperature 60'c<br />

[4 nim!m bend ng radius 6 x OD. (Cabe oulsde diameter )at 6O'c<br />

Baseela 2001 Lld G) 2 G EExe T6 to T3 Aclua T cass lcmperalure d€l.rm ned bv<br />

dcs gn 'T6 (30'c)tor HDPE ovcishealh<br />

M nim!m cable spac ng<br />

Besislance correct on faclor<br />

BAS02ATEX0046X (Uniis)<br />

BAS02ATEX0045U (B! k cable)<br />



Hazardous area, Zone 1 and Zone 2, Or.linary<br />

25 mm<br />

Tempefature coeilcenl oj resstance lor copperconduclor<br />

- 0= 0 00393 per'C<br />

"Nole<br />

Cabes avalable wilh oplonaladdlonalsevLng 1of coffosion protectio.<br />

HDPE (l,Iax Sheatlr temp 80'C) addHlorei (ie lloHl-l )<br />

FEP 140 (Max Sheath temp200"C) addPlorcl (e HCHP )<br />

For IIOPE add 1 I mm to cable OD For FEP dela savaiabeupon requesl<br />


@e<br />

HCH/HCC<br />

(mm,<br />

Resistance Nominalcoil<br />

Length (m)<br />

coit-<br />

(mm)<br />

npprox<br />

(ks/km)<br />

HCHtL2000',<br />

HCF1Ll250<br />

HCH!M800<br />

ltcH1M630<br />

FCts1M450<br />

HCHr M3t5<br />

!9t1!??L<br />

HCH1Nt140<br />

HCH1M100<br />

Flccll\463<br />

HCClM4o<br />

HCCtM25<br />

HCC1M17<br />

HCCtMll<br />

HCCIMT<br />

HCC1M2.87<br />

2A<br />

,8<br />

3.5<br />

4.e<br />

a2<br />

4 9<br />

53<br />

5.9<br />

99!!9!llloy<br />

<strong>Co</strong>pper AILoY<br />

coDDer ALov<br />

<strong>Co</strong>ppcr Alloy<br />

copperAloY<br />

<strong>Co</strong>ooer A lov<br />

cooDer<br />

<strong>Co</strong>oo"<br />

<strong>Co</strong>PPer<br /><br />

j!!<br />

0 81<br />

1 03<br />

1.29<br />

1s3<br />

229<br />

oo4<br />

1 14<br />

177<br />

234<br />

276<br />

2000<br />

i250<br />

800<br />

450<br />

224<br />

lll<br />

100<br />

63<br />

2<br />

17<br />

T<br />

2.a7<br />

r-<br />

120!<br />

r200<br />

814<br />

622<br />

538<br />

gq<br />

337<br />

2139<br />

6'<br />

516<br />

,160<br />

391<br />

660<br />

qrl<br />

610<br />

610<br />

915<br />

si5<br />

915<br />

!q<br />

915<br />

119<br />

915<br />

l1L<br />

915<br />

915<br />

915<br />

915<br />

3l<br />

32<br />

50<br />

65<br />

6T<br />

85<br />

142<br />

125<br />

!<br />

56<br />

85<br />

93<br />

tlL<br />

150<br />

170<br />

235<br />

HCC1tI108 83 <strong>Co</strong>pper 4.51 1.08 413<br />

llot"*tr"_t^.ta"G J;;-* "".'nal at ro'c. ('Not Ex approved maximum 3oo vAc )<br />

Tvco Th-"rmal <strong>Co</strong>ntrots reoL res the use ot a JU mA resjdua curcnt device lo provicle maximum safely and proteclon irom tire<br />

Where trre'e sama'LeO ncrease nnuisanceirppng,amaximrm300mAresdua clnenldevcemavDeusea<br />

;er".i"i"ito irl -.po"""rs section (pase 77) ior m;re clela s on heal ns lnils, accessorles and nomcn' antres'<br />

Maximum operaling remPeratures<br />

."tE<br />

obta n sheath lemperalure<br />

gu delifes from the graplr,<br />

Step 1: Bv des a n. denlrlv cable relerence to be used and ca culale watts/metre ral n9<br />

oicableTe ement a q. HCFll Nrloo (bare cable), 20 w/m<br />

Step 2: Feler ro rdl.o ld"oir"b.a "no I u py v dt

Thermoheat by HDF/TIDC<br />

Mineral Ins! ated (l/l ) Cupro-N ckel<br />

heal ng cab e is su table to operate to a<br />

max mum shealh temperalure ol.+00'C<br />

M Cupro N ckelcables are wdely used<br />

wilh n a range of nduslr al appl catiors,<br />

irom o and gas chem cals and<br />

perrocnenr. power generaron,<br />

<strong>Heat</strong>ing cable construction<br />

gas storage and many other induslra<br />

applicat ons The Cupro Nickelcopper<br />

conduclor range (HDC) has been<br />

developed to cornbal severe on-ste<br />

cotrosve cond tons. Th s range has ow<br />

eectrica resislance va les req! red lor<br />

long ppe ne app calions<br />

Cupro'Nickel Healing Cable<br />

Cab e Sheath Vlatera 70/30 Cupfo N cke<br />

Cab e lnsr aton Maleral NrgO (Ma9fcs um O, dP)<br />

Cabe <strong>Co</strong>nd!.tor Maler al <strong>Co</strong>pper or copper n ckelalloy<br />

up ro 300i500 vAc<br />

26<br />

1000 M!l/1000 m (Factory pass leve )<br />

Max rnunr A owabLe Slreath 400 c<br />

€t Mineral insulated (Ml) Cupro-Nickel<br />

heating cables<br />

3m4100 m (Nom nal at 20'C)<br />

Baseefa 200r <strong>Ltd</strong>. @ ll 2 G EExe llT6 to Tl<br />

. <strong>Co</strong>fioson res slance<br />

. H gh perforrnance outpul<br />

. H gh resislance to nrechanica abuse<br />

. Salety and fire resstafce<br />

Maqnesum Ox de lrs! al on<br />

<strong>Co</strong>pper orcopper a oy conduclor<br />

Aclua T cass lenperalu,e delemiied by<br />

lrl .lm!m .sra aron rempF .1!,e<br />

BAS02ATEX0046X (Unlts)<br />

BAS02ATEX0045U (B! k cab e)<br />



Hazardors area Zone 1 and Zone 2. Ordjnary<br />

-60'c<br />

M n mum bendLng rad us 6 x OD. (Oolsde diameler cabe) al 60'C<br />

r,,/ln mrm cable spac ng 25 mm<br />

Res slance cotrecton iaclor rrd.o 'p.r.ld-d or oppdr odr'o- 000.o.p- (

@'F<br />

HDF/HOC<br />

Resistance<br />

(!J*m)<br />

Nominai<strong>Co</strong>rl<br />

Lenglh rm)<br />

<strong>Co</strong>il<br />

Drameler<br />

lmm,<br />

Approx<br />

weighl<br />

rkg/km)<br />

3.2<br />

062<br />

1600<br />

a50<br />

0.79 1000<br />

450<br />

HDFlM63O 3l <strong>Co</strong>pper A loy 1.00 465<br />

850 55<br />

HDFlN44Ol]<br />

125<br />

850<br />

tsDF1M250 153 330<br />

450<br />

HDFl M]60<br />

<strong>Co</strong>pper AlLoy 1.97 160<br />

265 450<br />

HDCJM63 32<br />

63<br />

620<br />

850<br />

HDC]M4O<br />

<strong>Co</strong>pper 0 74<br />

ftDclM25 0q4 2a<br />

HDCltV17<br />

450<br />

HDC1M11 copper r.4l tl<br />

265<br />

850<br />

HDClM7<br />

225<br />

850<br />

HDC1N44 <strong>Co</strong>pper 2 34 180<br />

450<br />

i55<br />

Note: Al! resislances shown are nonr nala120'C.<br />

Tyco Therma <strong>Co</strong>ntrols req ! res the use of a 30 rnA fesidual currenl dev ce to prov {le max m um saiety and p rolection lrom i re<br />

Where th ere s a rnarkecl increase in nu sance lr pping, a maxim um 300 mA residLral curent devrce mav be used<br />

'Aso<br />

feler lo the cornponents seclon (page 77)lor more details on heating un ts accessores and nom€nclalures<br />

Maximum operating temperatures<br />

;<br />

Folow slcls beow lo oblain shealh lemperat!re qudelnes lrom the graph ior ordinarv area app catrons<br />

Fating r6clor lab e<br />

1!ct!9!<br />

stepl:Byc]es|gn,Ldenn]ycabeleterenLetobeusedandcacu|alewatts/metreralngofcabLe/e|ernente'oHDF1]V]25060W<br />

step2: Rete ti aLrng tactor rabte and m utlrp y wa1ls/metre rating oi cable/e ement by rating lacto r to obtarn ad lsled watts/metre<br />

valle. (60 W/m x 0 756 ='15 36 W/m)<br />

Step 3: Usng adllsted vaLle, enter grapn on watrs/meire axis anclobla n cable sheath temperal!re for applicauon ma nlarn<br />

temo;Gl!re CabLe sfrealh lemperature = 290'C 1or r00'C ma ntarn ' see graph<br />

MI <strong>Heat</strong>ing cable sheath conos'on resislance and temperalure dala<br />

llilrrgl<br />

sh99!!I9!E1Al<br />

Cuprc-Nicke 400 Cupro-N ckel shealhed cable<br />

70qlo copper 30% nlcke<br />

nore. f'rn lror recommenOed AacceptabLe GE Goocllo exceLenl x Check for specuc data<br />

'. eoooi d6p6 de ro rplp-d''ad d o<br />

pnlrat'on<br />

.9<br />

5<br />

'6<br />

,91L<br />

s { 6 - .<br />

: . : " ! i<br />

. e a ; : !<br />

= ! ' I i i a<br />


Thermoheat by<br />

[/l .eral ns! aled ([ll) sra.less sreel<br />

cabes can operate to a maxim!m shealh<br />

temperallre of 600 C M Sla n ess Slee<br />

cabLes oifer the lndlstrlal heal lracng<br />

market exceLent cofios ve properles<br />

against a range of harsh env ronments<br />

wth a h 9h temperalrre capabi ly.<br />

Hearing cable consrruction<br />

HSq<br />

HSO cabes are lypcaly rsed on<br />

btumen panls, gas planls, o refineres<br />

reactors and vessels sod !m oops and<br />

a varety ol other heal trac ng<br />

app cal ons where temperalLre,<br />

eflicency. durab ty and cabe safely is<br />

Stainless Steel <strong>Heat</strong>ing Cable<br />

Cable Slreath Maler a!<br />

Cable Lns! ation Maler al Mgo (Ma!nes !m oxide)<br />

cab e <strong>Co</strong>ndlctor Maler al<br />

ullglgqTgl1c<br />

1000 M01000 rn (Faclory pass leve )<br />

Max mun A owabe Sheallr 600'c<br />

Earlh Lea[.9-"<br />

Min murn nstallal on temperalure<br />

Min rnum bending rad us<br />

2A<br />

Min mum cab e spacing<br />

(d Mineral insulaled {Ml) stainless steel<br />

heating cables<br />

3mA/100 m (Nomina al 20'c)<br />

50'c<br />

6 xOD(Cable outside diameier )a1-60'o<br />

BAS02ArEXoo46X (Unrls)<br />

BAS02ATEX0045u (Bulk cab e)<br />



Fazardous area, Zone 1 or zone 2, Ord nary<br />

25 mm<br />

. <strong>Co</strong>rrosio. resstance<br />

. High peformance oulput<br />

. Higlr res stance lo mechan cal abuse<br />

. Saiely and I re resislance<br />

A.tual T c as! lemperalLre derermned ov

Fesistance Nominal<strong>Co</strong>il<br />

(!)/km) Length (m)<br />

HSQl MlOK 3.2 o37 10000 610<br />

HSO /16300 32 6300 39<br />

HSOlM4000 l2 059 4000 610<br />

HSQiM2500 639 610<br />

<strong>Co</strong>il<br />

(ks/km)<br />

HSQlIV]600 3.6 093 1600 610<br />

H SOI lr/ll 000 39 117 1000 499 610 62<br />

NSOllr/1630 43 1,18 405 TB<br />

flSQllr,4400 610<br />

HSQ1l,,l250 5.3 235 610 127<br />

HSO1tM160 65 2.93 180<br />

Note: A resslances shown are nomina at 20 C<br />

Tyco Thermal <strong>Co</strong>nlro s fequires lhe use of a 30 mA res dua c! trenl dev ce to prov de max mum salety and prolection ircnr i re.<br />

Where there is a marked ncrease n nuisance t ppng, a maxmum 300 mA resdua cutrenl devce rnay be used.<br />

'Also refer to the conrponenls section (page 77)ior nore delails on heatng unls, accessories and nomencatures<br />

Maximum operating lemperalures<br />

Folow sleps beow to obla n shealh temperat!re gLldeines fiom the graph. for ord nary area appications<br />

;e*<br />

HSO<br />

Stepl: Byclesgn idenliiycabe relerence 10 be used and caLculate watls/melre ralng oi cab e/e ement e.g HSQ]M1000,100Wm<br />

Step 2: Beter 10 ating laclor tab e and rnul pty waxs/metrc ral ng ol cable/element by rating laclor to obtain adjusted wans/metre<br />

valle 1100 W/m x 0 840 = 84 W/m)<br />

slep 3: Usi.g adjlstec]va|ue, enler gEph on walls/metrc axis and obla n cabe s|realh lemperature lor appicatjon rna|nta|n<br />

lernDeralure. Cable sheath ternperatufe = 540'C for400'C rnaLnta n see graph<br />

Iul <strong>Heat</strong>ing cable sheath corrosion resislance and temperalure data<br />

Sla nless SteeL<br />

321<br />

DIN I4541<br />

600'<br />

Do nol operaie HSolMlrlK<br />

18/8 ausien tic s1a nless sleel<br />

< ! i . 9<br />

e E 6 6<br />

Note: NR Not recommended, A acceplable, GE Good 1o excellent. x check lor specilc data<br />

'Temoeralure milalon based on cofslrlction ol heating eement<br />

_ <strong>Co</strong>(oslon resstance data s dependenl on lemperature and concemralon<br />

P<br />

i . 9<br />

- t<br />

GE<br />

4 E<br />

I<br />

9<br />


Thermoheat by HIQ<br />

Nl nera ins! ale.l (Ml) nconeL heat ng<br />

cabes can operate to a rnaxinrum shealh<br />

temperallre of 600'c M jnconel cab es<br />

ofler lhe nduslra heat tracing markel<br />

exce enl corrosive properries aga nsl a<br />

range oi harsh env ronmenls wth a h gh<br />

temperalLre capabr ly<br />

<strong>Heat</strong>ing cable conslruction<br />

Cables are typically used on btumen<br />

pan1s, gas planls, ol refinefes. reactors<br />

and vesses sod !m loops and a variely<br />

ol olher heat lracing applicalons where<br />

lernpemture. eli ciency durabliry and<br />

cab e salely s paramounl<br />

Inconel 600 <strong>Heat</strong>ing Cable<br />

Cable Sheath l,4a1era<br />

Cable Lns! ation Maler al Mgo (Magnes !m ox cle)<br />

Cab e <strong>Co</strong>nduclor Malerial<br />

Supply Vo lage up 10 300/500 vac<br />

30<br />

1000 M!)/1000 m (Factory pass €veL)<br />

Maxrm!m Al owable Sheath 600'c<br />

3mA/r00 m (Nornlna al20'c)<br />

M n mum nstallalon lemperature €0c<br />

Min rnuan bending rad us 6 x OD. (Cable ollside diarneler ) a1-60'C<br />

Baseera 2001 <strong>Ltd</strong>. @ ll 2 G FExe ll T6lo T1<br />

BASO2ATEXO046X {UN tS)<br />

BAS02ATEX0045U (Bu k cable)<br />



Hazardous area, zone 1 or Zone 2, Ord nary<br />

Mif mum cdbe \paLiig 25 mrn<br />

(, Mineral insulaled (Ml) inconel heating cables<br />

. <strong>Co</strong>rros on reslslance<br />

. H gh performance o!lp!1<br />

. High reslslance to mechanica abuse<br />

. Saieiy and f re resstance<br />

Aclua T cass tcmp€rature delermned<br />


Fesistance Nominal<strong>Co</strong>il <strong>Co</strong>il Approx<br />

(o/km) Length (m) Diameter weiqht<br />

(!!) EqlrL<br />

HAl lrtl OK 32 037 10000 772<br />

610 39<br />

r.lrQ1M6300 i.2 6300 610<br />

39<br />

Hto1M.1000 3.2 059 610 39<br />

H Ol M2500 34 2504 689<br />

610<br />

H Ot N4r 600 36 093 617 610<br />

52<br />

HLQlMlOOO J.9<br />

117 1000 524<br />

610<br />

62<br />

llro1M630<br />

630<br />

610<br />

H!O1M400<br />

364 610<br />

96<br />

H Ql t/1250 53<br />

2.35 250<br />

292 410 127<br />

H O1[4160 65<br />

293 160 194 915 191<br />

Note: A resislances shown are .om.a at 20'C.<br />

Tyco Thermal<strong>Co</strong>ntrots requ res the use ol a 30 mA residualcutrent device lo provide maximum safely and proteclon from l re<br />

Where there s a nrarked increase in nusance lrpping. a nraximum 300 mA residua cunent device may be used<br />

'Aso referlo the components seclion (pages 77) lor more detais on heali.! un ts accessores and nonrenclal!res.<br />

Maximum operating temperarures<br />

Follo* srep" b"l*ti; "bl.r "h""ih f".p",at"re g|l(:ld m ihe graph,lor ordinafy area app calons<br />

600<br />

b .100<br />

: 2oo<br />

50 100 150 200 250 100<br />

84 100 150 200<br />

H 41M6300<br />

Hro1M2s00<br />

H O1M630<br />

Htorll250<br />

Slep 1 : By des g n. denlLiy cable relerence 10 be used and ca culale watls/rnelre ral ng ol cab e/element e g H O 1 f,li 000<br />

Slep 2: Feler 10 rat ng iactor tab e and mullipy walls/melre ratinq ol cable/eement by raUng laclor to obtain adllsted<br />

watts/metre valle. (100 w/m x 0 840 = 84 W/m)<br />

Step 3: Us ng adjlsted value, enler graph on watts/metre axs and oblaln cabe shealh lemperalure for app cation man1a.<br />

temperallre Cable slreath temperallre = 540'C lor 400'C rnainla n see grapir.<br />

tl]ll Hearing cable sheath corrosion resistance and lemperature data<br />

sheath<br />

;-)<br />

Alloy 600<br />

DtN 2 4816<br />

600'<br />

fl gh nicke, h gh<br />

9 E -<br />

: : 1 r<br />

: E 5 ! P t<br />

: ! E ; : . :<br />

i.ii g e s<br />

; i i i 2 6<br />

c r r r o . - - ' u r x x e x x c e<br />

loy 600<br />

Note: NR Nol recommended. a acceptabe, GE Good lo exce enl xCheckiorspectcdala<br />

'TemDeralure rnitalLon based on construclon ot heal ng elemenl<br />

"<br />

<strong>Co</strong>troson resstance dala is dependent on temperalure and concenlfaron<br />

. : B<br />

GE<br />

HIO<br />

p<br />

e<br />


Raychem<br />

Nole:5 r5Lr E1503C i50 No I r JrrLforVPL<br />

32<br />

C0mponent 0veruiew f0r Sell Regulating<br />

and P0wer Limiting <strong>Heat</strong>ing Gable Systen<br />

E 150

Raychem<br />

The JBS-100 kjl s designed lo connect<br />

power to one Raychem BTV, QTVR, XTV.<br />

KTV or VPL nduslral paralle heating<br />

cable. I is approved by Fl'4, CSA and<br />

PTB ior lse in hazardous locatrons.<br />

The JBS-100 i.legrales llre lunctrons<br />

of both conneclion kls and nsulalon en_<br />

1res. The ruqged stand protecls the heat<br />

jng cabe and allows tor lrp lo<br />

100 mm (4 ) ol lhermal lns! at on.<br />

JBS.tOO.A<br />

JAS-100-L.A<br />

JBS-100<br />

The core sealLng bool does no1 requ re a<br />

heal gun or lorch forlhe Lnstallalon (no<br />

hot work permil necessary) The non<br />

cur ng seaanl (siLcone lree) n the bool<br />

allows easy installalon and laclilales<br />

@ Single-entry power<br />

connection wilh iunction box<br />

nnovalive CAGE C LA[/]P' lermina s lrom<br />

WAGO provde fasl irstallalon and sale.<br />

reliab e, mainlenance lree operaton<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mpared to existlng systems, lh s<br />

JBSIOO.A<br />

This kil is for use in North<br />

America and has one lhro'rgh<br />

hole lor use wilh 3/4 condurl.<br />

luncl on box wlh lermLnals<br />

Lghl module (ror -L on Y)<br />

green/yellow earthrng sleeve<br />

*<br />

@.<br />

Raychem<br />

Dimensions (nominal)<br />

JBS.100-A<br />

JBS-lOO-L.A<br />

JBS.tOO.E<br />

JBS. tOO.L-E<br />

j/-\ir<br />

JBS.,IOO.EP<br />

JBS,IOO.L.EP<br />

I<br />

JBS-100<br />

Faychen product specilicalions<br />

Heal ns cable capab lily BTV CR. BTV CT, OTVF CT, XTV CT, KTV CT. VPL CT<br />

NEMA Type 4X<br />

2 x M25 incud ng power cabe 2 x N425<br />

gand for diarneter g 17 mm<br />

Ambre.l lernperalure range -50'C to +40'C -50_C lo +40_C (JBS 100 E)<br />

40'C lo +40'C (JBS 100 L E)<br />

50'C 10 +40'C (JBS-r00-EP)<br />

40'C 10 +40'C (.lBS 100 L EP)<br />

Min. nstallaton temperature 50'C ,50,c 50'c<br />

Max. p pe temperature Rel€r to heal ng cable specilcation<br />

WAGO 28r - p (-r' ") WAGO 84 -r-s(ft\F)<br />

1 phase, I neltral I earlh<br />

WAGo 284 seres (EEx e)<br />

1 phase 1 neulra,1 eanh<br />

10 rnm' slranded, 10 mm'solid l0 mm'stranded 10 mnr' so id<br />

lUax operating volage 254 Vac 254 Vac<br />

50 A heal ng<br />

[4aterials ot construction<br />

EncosLre, d, and stand Engineering po ymers, b ack Eng.eer.g polymers black Ensineering po ymers. b ack<br />

Lld gr.let<br />

Oplional LED indicator lighl<br />

N/A N/A Steel zinc plaled and<br />

100 277 Vac<br />


045947-000 (2 5 b) e29939 000 (1 2 rq) 158251-000 (1 3 kg)<br />

Power connection with lighl<br />

JBS 1OO L A JBS 1OO.L.E .]BS 1OO L-EP<br />

944699 000 (3.5 b) 054j63-000 (1 6 f,q) 075249-000 (1 7 kg)<br />

JB-DRAIN-PLUG 3/4 N (prevenis lrom condensaie collecl ng ln the box) OIILI FOt JBS 100 L_,4<br />

JBS SPA, rcquired lor plpes < 1 (DN 25)i E90515-000 (bag of 5 adaplors)

Raychem<br />

Thc .lBM 100 k I s designed lo connect<br />

Power to up to three Faychem BTV.<br />

QTVF XTV, KTV orVPL ndustral<br />

para e heal ng cable and is approved by<br />

Fl,l CSA. and PTB tor use if hazardous<br />

The JBM 100 nlegrates the functons<br />

olbolh connecton kils and insu alion en<br />

tries. The rugged stand prolects the heat<br />

ng cabe and allows ior !p to<br />

100 mrn (4 )or lhermal nsuaton<br />

JBM-100,A<br />

JBM.'IOO.A<br />

JBM.IOO.L.A<br />

JBM.IOtl<br />

The core sealing bool does not requ r€ a<br />

heal gun or lorch ror the installalon (no<br />

hot work permil nec€ssafy) The non cur<br />

inq sealanl (s cone lree) in the boot a<br />

lows easy lnslalalon and fac tales<br />

@ Muliple-entry power/tee<br />

conneclion with junction box<br />

lnnovative CAGE CLAMP tem nals frorn<br />

WAGO prov de lasl inslalalon and sa1e,<br />

re ab e, mainlenance jree operalon<br />

compared to exLst.g syslems,lrr s<br />

ThLs ki is ior lse n Norlh<br />

Amerca and has 1wo 3/4<br />

thfough hoes ior use wth<br />

3/4 condlil One sloppLng<br />

p u9ls suppled in lhe kt.<br />

1<br />

I<br />

l<br />

3<br />

3<br />

juncton box wth term nals<br />

ghl module (1or -L on Y)<br />

green/yeLow eadh ng sleeve<br />

Raychem<br />

JBM-'IOO-A<br />

JBM.IOO.L.A<br />

Dimensions (nominal)<br />

I<br />

t<br />

JBM-'IOO.E<br />

JBM.IOO.L.E<br />

JBM.IOO,EP<br />

JBM.iOO.L.EP<br />

! 1l l<br />

r T<br />

I<br />

JBM.lOl)<br />

Baychem product specilicalions<br />

Heal ng cable capab lity Bry CR BTV-CT. OTVR CT, XTV.CT. KTV CT. VPL.CT<br />

NEI\rlA Type 4X<br />

P66<br />

tP66<br />

Enlres 1x3l4 2 x 1,425 inc uding power cabe<br />

gland lor d ameter 8-17 mrn<br />

2 x 1,425<br />

Arnbrent temperature range 50Clo+40C 50'C to +40'C (!BM r00-E)<br />

40'C to +40'c (JBl\l-r00 L E)<br />

MLn nstalaton temperature 50c<br />

-50'C<br />

Max. p pe temperature Reier to healing cable specilcalion<br />

WAGO 28a 6rp..E,o, so"C to +40'C (JBN|-100 EP)<br />

40'C to +40'C (JBM 100-L-EP)<br />

-50'c<br />

ltAGOla4,er-./l E.F\<br />

2 phase 2 neulra. 2 earth<br />

WAGO 284 series (EEx e)<br />

2 phase.2 neulra.2 earth<br />

Max. operaling vo lage<br />

10 mm'slranded, 10 mm'so d l0 mm'slranded, 10 mm'so d<br />

2:!fL<br />

50 A healing cable ctrcuil 40 A heating cabe cir.rr i 40 A heaung cabe c rcL t<br />

Materials of conslruction<br />

Enclos!re lld and s1a.d Engineering polymers black Engineefng poymers, oack Fnglneer ng polymers, b ack<br />

oql!!91!!q indicator li9ht<br />

ordering delails<br />

100-277 vac<br />

100-254 Vac<br />

.lW<br />

slee, zlnc plate.l an.r<br />

100-254 Vac<br />

Pafi D€scipt on JBM.1OO.A JBtl-100'E JBN4.]OO.EP<br />

r 799s5-000 (4 3lb) 831519-000 (1.s kg)<br />

986415-000 (2.1 kg)<br />

Power connection with light<br />

!BM.1OO L A JBlr/l-100 L E<br />

JB[T] 1OO.L EP<br />

65608r-000 (5 3lb) 39585s 000 (2.3 kg) 300273-000 (2.5 kg)<br />

Accessories<br />

_"."*n<br />

*t ,O' ,uoBA['| PLUGnai\ (p."e 5 l'tt co"d""t"re ctrr"trnq t ti" lo") ONLY FOrt JBw laa L A<br />

ffi'o- "0"0,-:a f t*""^r"t,,t* - *"" . t (DN '?s) D5s6?3{oo (bas tf s aoapo'tF

Raychem<br />

The JBUr00 ki1 is des gned to connect<br />

powerto up 10 three Faychem BTV<br />

OTVF. XTV. KTV or VPL indlstria<br />

paralle heatng cabe and s approved lor<br />

use i. hazardols ocal o.s<br />

l.novative CAGE CLAMP'lermlna s irom<br />

WAGQ provide iast nstalaton and saie.<br />

re iab e, mainlenanceJree operauon.<br />

00 L E shown wilh lrgh0<br />

JBU-100<br />

The box s parl oi the modular componenl<br />

syslem t alows lor max murn llex bilily<br />

and ca. be ether wa orppemo!nted.<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nnection kls (M25) ancl nsulaton enlry<br />

kis have to be ordered separalely<br />

The box s offered n two basc versions<br />

cuslomised to oca installalon practces.<br />

,rBu-loo'E<br />

JBU.IOO"L-E<br />

This box s lor use ln Europe and Provdes<br />

foLr [r]25 threaded entrles, sloppinq<br />

pllgs an.l one paslic power cabe g and<br />

1 junction box with lermrnas<br />

1 ighl module (lor L only)<br />

I IV25 gland ior I 17mm drameter<br />

2 M25 sloppi.g P ugs<br />

t--\ ! GDEE.e llp66<br />

(lv) L2 G D EE^em LllP66<br />

\:i/ PTB ca ATEt rro8 u<br />

A* E etlr'<br />

Glll' Ex em r'(r., LonLyr<br />

€, Junction box for modular system<br />

nNV C-on I cales Nro E 5121 and<br />

No E 5122<br />

'ForT<br />

raln! see heatng cabie or des gn doclmenlal on<br />

A kls arc a so ava able as a qhled vcr<br />

son(L) rhese ncudeaunqle ghl<br />

module wilh a supebright greef LED thal<br />

simpy pugs inlolhe lerminas anda efs<br />

n the ld Th s provldes ind ca1o. lrrel<br />

JEU-tOO.EP<br />

JBU'IOO.L.EP<br />

Ths box s Ior lse n Europe ancr Pro<br />

vldes 10!r N/125 enlrLes. an eann ng p are<br />

ancl an exlerna earth slud ll is deslgned<br />

for use wth armo!red power.ables a.d<br />

i l!nc1io. box wlh term nals wrlireanh<br />

plate and exlernal eanh slud<br />

1 lghl modlle (for L only)<br />

2 [425 stopp ng P]ugs<br />

2 GrD EEx enr I P 66<br />

(D. Ei:il-.u",."",,,,<br />

BIY 8T,ii,li[. *" . .,,, *o

Baychem<br />

Description (nominal)<br />

JBU.iOO-E<br />

JBU.IOO.L.E<br />

a) '- il<br />

JBU.IOO.EP<br />

JBU.'IOO.L-EP<br />

Baychem producl specif icalions<br />

4tM25<br />

P66<br />

4xM25<br />

lr'l n ambenltemperature sO'C 10 +40'C (JBU-100-E)<br />

40'C to +40'C (JBU 100 L E)<br />

50-C lo +40'C (JBU 100 EP)<br />

40'C lo +40'C (JBU-100-L EP)<br />

WAGO 284 series (EEx e)<br />

2 phase 2 nellfal 2 grolnd<br />

WAGO 284 seies (EEx e)<br />

2 phase, 2 nellral 2 grou.d<br />

10 mrn'stranded, l0 mm'solid 10 mm' slranded, 10 mm" solid<br />

ac 550 v AC 550 V<br />

lvlaterials of construction<br />

Optional LED indicator lighl<br />

G ass liled eng neer ng<br />

poymers carbon filled, back<br />

.t<br />

100 254 Vac 100 254 Vac<br />

T<br />

--,<br />

Glass l €d eng neering<br />

polyrners, carbon f led, back<br />

JBU-1()(]<br />

I<br />

Sleel zinc pLated and ye ow chromaled<br />

Heal ng cab e conneclon kts c25 100, c25 21 c25 104. C25-21<br />

IEK-25-04 or IEK-25 P PE EK-25 04 or lEh 25-P PE<br />

GL 36 M25 ( ncllded) GL 38-1,/125-lvlETAL (opt ona )<br />

J!.clio. box slpport brackel (opUona) sB-100 sB 10i sB 100 sB-101<br />

3a<br />

Junclion box wilh light<br />

JBU lOO E JBU.l OO EP<br />

051976-000 (t 7 kg) 243948 000 (r I kg)<br />

JBU.]OO.L-E JBI.].100 L EP<br />

PN (Weighl) 069262 000 (2.1 kg) 11397+000 {2.2 kg)

Raychem<br />

The JB 82 is a slandard ord nary poly<br />

carbonalel!nclon box lt rnay be usedlo<br />

make a power conneclon splice. powered<br />

splice, powered lee or s rnple tee,<br />

for use wth qaychem sell-regulat ng<br />

Entries<br />

ExposLre lemperature<br />

<strong>Co</strong>.,l.-cf p FK6 lO<br />

Vo tage rat ng<br />

Ouantily<br />

-"----i#<br />

".*t"'<br />

JB-82<br />

Junclion box<br />

Up to four heating cabies orthree heal ng<br />

cables and the approprate size power<br />

cable can be accommodaled thfough llre<br />

lour enlfes and connected to the rai<br />

JB.A2<br />

Od nary (lndoors and outdoorsl<br />

tP66<br />

4 M2olza<br />

35'C lo +115'C<br />

crey glass I lled poycarbonale<br />

Foanred poly!relhane<br />

750 V<br />

$,<br />

0.5 10 mm'(solid and sifanded)<br />

61 A<br />

Two cross-connecte.l qrolps or lwo<br />

2 <strong>Co</strong>nra-Clp SLI0/35<br />

For p pe mounl ng t s recommend,"d<br />

thal lh s box s lsed wnh a Raychem<br />

39<br />

:i**,:t:,<br />

:i;<br />

:<br />


Ravchem<br />

JB.A2<br />

, *1<br />

h,o ,qn ho.. , ould.o _ f e od p o' h- j, _qio' bo'<br />

115 x ll5 mm<br />

t ;ll<br />

a't--<br />

f-.<br />

tr]<br />

TPno<br />

Sze<br />

Cab e gland Polyam de wlh ocknut lor cable<br />

diamelers from 910 16 mrn<br />

J!nciion box suppon brackel sB-100, sB 101<br />

sB-]10, SB 111<br />

JB 82<br />

PN (weight) 53s679 000 (47r g)<br />

40<br />

1<br />

i! :<br />

I<br />


Raychem<br />

Th s connecuon kil is des gned ior term<br />

nal ng all Flaychem BTV, QTVR. XTV,<br />

KTV and VPL industria para el heal ng<br />

cabes to a lunclion box. whllsl ma ntain<br />

ng electrca insL.r alion oi lhe heatng<br />

cab e conduciors and core.<br />

Faychem Product sPecification<br />

N4i ambenl lernPemlure<br />

Max expos!re temPeral'rre (g ano)<br />

9d"!!91"!!"<br />

Pan descripl o.<br />

G25.100<br />

It s approved ior use in hazardols areas.<br />

The core sealing boot does not require a<br />

heal gun oriorch ior the insiallalon (no<br />

hot work permil necessary) The non cur<br />

in! sealanl (s lcone lree) a ows easy nsla<br />

alion and iaci lates ma ntenance puF<br />

@ cold applied connection kit<br />

Two grommets suppled nlhskt€nabe<br />

the gland lo rnalnla n optmum sealing<br />

!nder varous anrbenl co.d tions<br />

An addlonal ocknul s provided ior<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nfeclon kit for BTV. QTVF, xIV KTVandVPLpara elhealng cables<br />

l gLand 2 grommels, 1 ocknut. l core seaLer, l greenlve ow tube r installalon<br />

inslruciion (mu I lng!al)<br />

lL 2 G/D EEx e ll by PTB accofdlng to EN 50 0l4 EN 50 019<br />

FTB 93 ATEX 1015 U<br />

DNV Cerificate No E 5121 and E 5122<br />

c25-100<br />

t"zo Oo. '7on- ..^ '2 Oa. /ane^ Zo P22 Dt l<br />

Ni25 x 1.5<br />

110"C<br />

c25-100<br />

263012 000 (70 g)<br />

41<br />

taa,r..<br />

- l

Raychem<br />

Th s conn€clion kl is desqned ior lermi<br />

nat ng all Raychem BTV. OTVR, XTV<br />

KTV and VPL indlstria paralelheal ng<br />

cabes to a i!nclion box, whilsl ma nlainn9<br />

electrica insu alion ol lhe heating ca<br />

Raychem producl specification<br />

42<br />

c25-21<br />

€t Heal-shrink conneclion kil<br />

The sealing ol lhe heal ng cable core s<br />

provded by Faychem heal shrinkable<br />

sleeves lwo !rommets suppied in ths<br />

kts enabe the gland to maintain opl mum<br />

sealing undervarous arnbient condil ons<br />

An addilonal ocknut s provded for<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nnection kt lor BTV, OTVR XTV. KTV and VPL parale heatin! cables<br />

I gland 2 grornmels, 1 ocknul, 1 green/yelow lLbe. heal-shrinkabe sleeves ior core<br />

seaLng 1 nslalalion nstr!cuon (m! t!ling!al)<br />

ll2 G/D EEx e lP66 by PTB ac.ording 10 EN 50 014. EN 50 019<br />

PTB 99 ATEX3128X<br />

(compete kil rcletred in heatng cabe syslem approvas)<br />

DNV cerllcale No. E 5121 and E 5122<br />

c25-21<br />

Hazardous zone 1. Zone 2lcas) Zone 21, zone 22 {D!st)<br />

M25x15<br />

l,/lf. arnb ent temperature<br />

Max expos!re temperature (g and) I t0'c<br />

c25-21<br />

PN (Weisht) 311147-000 (60 g)

Raychem<br />

Tlrcse conneclion kls are designed lor<br />

term nal nq a Flaychem BTV. QTVR<br />

XTV. KTV and VPL ndlstralpara e<br />

heal ng cab es lo a juicton box. wh s1<br />

ma ntalni.u e eclrca fsulalon oi lhe<br />

heal ng cable conduclors and core<br />

The brad s d recly connecled lo llre<br />

mela qland body The conneclon kils<br />

can be lsed wth meta boxes or paslic<br />

boxes wlh nterra eairhing plale.<br />

Specilicalion lor gland<br />

They are approved for use in hazardous<br />

The core sealng boot does nol require a<br />

heat gun or torch ior the inslalalon (no<br />

hoi work permlt necessary) The non cur<br />

inq sealafl (s cone lree) a ows easy ns1a<br />

ation and iaci iates ma ntenance p!r<br />

.--it'*<br />

..o* z<br />

Mrn. ambrent teniPeralure<br />

Nlax exposurelemPeralure<br />

et'l tw"ight)<br />

G25-1O0-MEIAL and<br />

c3/4-1oo-MErAt<br />

€, <strong>Co</strong>ld aoDlied melal conneclion kit<br />

The lwo gronmets supp ed n these kts<br />

enab e the gland lo manla n optrm!m<br />

sea ng ol the nner and outerjacket Lrnder<br />

varous amb e.l cond t ons for a speci<br />

The C25 100 METAL kt s designed<br />

for !se wilh I/125 entries,lhe<br />

C3/4 100 METAL lof 3,'.1 NPT entries.<br />

A metallockn!1 s prov ded for carlh<br />

bonding n paslic juncton boxes<br />

(C25-1 00-NIETAL slrown)<br />

con neclLon k t fo r BTV.OTVB XTV. KTV and VPL para el heal .g cables<br />

ocknlt and sea ng washer (only M25). 1 core sea er,<br />

(multili.guaL).<br />

rr 2 GD EEx d I C / EEx e (Ta= 50 c to +180 c]<br />

Sira 01ATEX1270X<br />

according lo EN 50 0l4, EN 50 018 EN 50 019<br />

(comp ete kil also referred n heal ng cable svstem approva s)<br />

c25-roo-METAL<br />

Hazardols zone 1 and 2 (Gas),<br />

Zone 2l and 22 (Dust). ordrnary<br />

l\425 x 1 5<br />

Brass<br />

60'c<br />

te0'C<br />

c25100-METAL<br />

87s016 000 (310 g)<br />

ca/4.ioo.METAL<br />

Hazardous Zone I a.d 2 (Gas)<br />

zone 2l and 22 (D!st), orcirnarv<br />

180 c<br />

c3/4 r0o-NIETAL<br />

q+Ose8 000 COa g)<br />

43<br />

'lt;,.<br />

:,t):t:,,t,:<br />

.<br />


Raychem<br />

The C 150 E s a cod applied low pfoiile<br />

power conneclion Th s kt enabes n ne<br />

conneclon of Flaychern nduslral heal ng<br />

cabes, BTV, QTVB, XTV and KTV, to a<br />

llexbie power cable tcanbeused n<br />

app calions with temperalure ratng from<br />

50'C lo 215'C lt s approved lor use n<br />

c-150-E<br />

A Flaychem s!pplied power cabe such as<br />

C 150 PC may be used or any suilabe<br />

standard indlslria power cab e lype<br />

3 x 1 5 mm. or 3 x 2.5 mm wlh stranded<br />

copper condlctoB and an outer insu ation<br />

iackel. The power cable is connecled by<br />

means ol scfew terminas lo lhe condlc<br />

lors and the brad ol the heal ng cabe.<br />

€, Low prolile p0wer connecti0n - cold applied<br />

C 150-E s lsed as conneclor:<br />

. where conneclon to a lunclion box is<br />

diJlcult e.g because oi space milaton<br />

. on inslrumenl or oading arms<br />

. where nstallalon of 'under<br />

nsulalon'<br />

componenls is Preterred<br />

. as a cost effecl ve solulon ior shoi(<br />

heal trac ng nes as an allernalve lor<br />

JBS ]OO.<br />

<strong>Co</strong>ld app ed low profile sp ce for connection ol BTV. QTVF, XTV<br />

and KTV heating cables to a power cable<br />

1 spLce hous ng assembly inc uding<br />

'1 sealing gromrnet assembly ior heater<br />

. I pressLre pare / stra n reiei assembly<br />

'I<br />

core seaer for heater<br />

1 spacer i.clud ng screw lermina<br />

I sealing grommet assembly forthe power cabe<br />

1 pressure pate / stn n relef assenrbly ior lhe power cabe<br />

1 identliicaUon label<br />

1 insralalion nstructiof

Baychem<br />

Raychem product specilications<br />

Hcaiing cdb e c.pab ty BTV.CB, BTV CT OTVR CT YTV.CT KTV.CT<br />

Power cabe capab ty<br />

For use wilh Raychem's high lemperature power cab e C 150_PC<br />

or for use wth olher I exib e cable such as: H07RN_F, Si cone lns! ated cabes<br />

Min mum and max rnum installalon and operaling lemperalures. give. by cabLe<br />

manlfaclurer have lo be consdered by deslqner ancl nsla er<br />

Power cab e dimens on<br />

Max mum power cab e le.gth<br />

> ouler d ameter range 7.8 mm 12.5 mm<br />

> 3 stranded copper concluclors (3 x 2 5 mm' or 3 x 1.5 mm )<br />

> temperaiLre range depe.d ng on the app calo.<br />

dependi.g o. power cable volage drop and max mum cu(en1<br />

ior Baychem power cable C r50-PC (3 x 2 5 mm)<br />

cB16A 40m<br />

CB20A 32m<br />

CB25A<br />

P66<br />

25m<br />

Mlnim!m lnsla alion lemPeral!re 50'c<br />

Maxim!m pipe lenrperalufe<br />

MaxmLm operal ng vo tage<br />

215'C (Dossibe milalon becalse of max mum lemperature ralin!<br />

Max mum c!rrenl ralrng .lependifg on the power cable use.l and max mum.Lrtrenl<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nstftrction Materials<br />

Holsng, end pate shirn and spacer<br />

Eng neer ng po ymers.<br />

Sedlr.g 9 omrnds<br />

Screws, compression spr ng Suintess steO<br />

PN (We ghl)<br />

c-150.E<br />

073704 000 10.4 kg/O.8 lb)<br />

r oag<br />

c-150 PC<br />

3-corc lexibe powef cable for conneclon io CS_150 UNI-P<br />

3 x 2 5 mm: silLcone insllalion,lemperature ftnge: 40'C lo +r80'C'<br />

short ierm: 215"C<br />

c-150-E<br />


Raychem<br />

ns! alion entry kns are desgned io<br />

prolecl cabes when pass ng throlgh the<br />

thermal nsu ation cladd ng The EK s<br />

are sulable tor alltype ol paralelheal ng<br />

cables as wellas power cabes.<br />

Insulalon enlry kts may be lsed in<br />

hazardous and non hazardous areas.<br />

IEK-25-PIPE<br />

Product specilications<br />

IEK-25-PIPE and IEK-25-04<br />

Insulation enhy kil<br />

The gland and llre sromrnet provded<br />

n lhe kil provde slran reliel and<br />

environmental sea ng to avod waler<br />

ngress n lhe nsu ation<br />

The IEK 25 PIPE conlains a prolective<br />

g! ding irbe which s Ixed to the pipe<br />

and a ows lhe lface heal ng nsla ation<br />

R<br />

ffi<br />

fia<br />

IEK-25-PIPE<br />

Insuation entry kil tor PiPe<br />

mounl ng for heating and<br />

power cabes wrlh an oltsrde<br />

diamelef i. lhe range ol<br />

x pastic gland (fi,425) wlth rouncl<br />

hoLe gromrnel ior power cables<br />

x bag wilh 2 s lcon grommets<br />

1o be compleled ndependenl y lrom 1lr e<br />

insu alion work The olher type contarns<br />

a sta n ess stee pate which can be<br />

screwed to the cladd ng.<br /> auon enlry kts can be used lor<br />

nsla atiofs on p pes tanks and vessels<br />

tEK-25-04<br />

gano 110'C I10'C<br />

260'C<br />

Height 135 mm, wjdllr 120mm<br />

@<br />

@ R<br />

ffi^<br />

6,,16<br />

@<br />

tEK-25-04<br />

ns! ation enlry kt lor PPes,<br />

tanks and vesse s UsabLe<br />

lor a ltypes ol poLymer<br />

heating cab es and Power<br />

cab es wilh an oulsde<br />

diarneter in the range<br />

1 x stain ess steelfix ng Pale<br />

1 x pastic gland (t\425) wLlh round<br />

hoe grommet lor Power caDles<br />

I x bag willr 2 siLcon grommels<br />

lor healLng cab!es<br />

DNV Cenri cate No<br />

E-5121 and E 5122<br />

PLate 60 x 60 mrn (22SWG)<br />

Ordering inlormalion<br />

Pa number (Weght) 1244 00r0s0 (130 g) 332523 000 (60 g)<br />


Insr atron enlry kts are designed to<br />

p olectcEbles when pass.g th ough rhe<br />

rlrerm.l insu.lion c addrnq. The tEK s<br />

are sutabe lor va oushealngandcod<br />

ead cabes;lEK 20 P forp healng<br />

cables. IEK-25 06 for rHT, FHT and<br />

Produci specilications<br />

l,1o(. exposure iemp. gland<br />

Orderin9 inlormation<br />

Pa,1<br />

"r.b"r 0,1ieigr,l)<br />

tEK-20-Pl<br />

IEK-20-Pl and IEK-25.06<br />

Insulation enlry kil<br />

FG220 heating cables as we as ror<br />

power caa'res. nsulal on en1ry k ls may<br />

be lsed in hazardous and non<br />

The gand and the grommel prov.ted in<br />

lhe kt provide strain re el and<br />

,4i<br />

"a\ v<br />

R<br />

ffi<br />

tid<br />

A<br />

\€/<br />

envronme.tar sealing lo avoid waler<br />

rngress n the ns! aton. Bolh lypes<br />

contain a stai. ess stee pate which can<br />

be screwed lo llre cadding. Insularon<br />

entry kils can be lsed for nsta alions on<br />

p pes.lanks and vessels etc.<br />

tEK-2s-06<br />

@<br />

".1\<br />

-../<br />

ffi<br />

tiu a<br />

4t\<br />

tEK-20-Pl tEK-2s-06<br />

Two pack nsuLat on enlry<br />

Insulalon en1ry kl for pipes<br />

kil for p pes tanks and<br />

lanks afd vessels. For lse wth all<br />

vessels. Usable for a lypes<br />

IHT FHT and FG220 heal ng cabe<br />

otP cod Leads as we!as all<br />

olher round cables wth<br />

an ouler d ameter in the<br />

2 x slanless stee iix ng plales<br />

2 x plastic glands (M20) wilh<br />

ro!nd hole grommets tor<br />

poweF or cod ead.abes<br />

Pate 60 x 60 mrn (22 SWG)<br />

x stain ess steeLfix ng pate<br />

x paslLc gand (1,425) wlh<br />

round hole grommel<br />

110'c<br />

E-5121 and E-5122<br />

Plale 60 x 60 mm (22SWG)<br />

1244-000689 (80 g) 566578 000 (60 g)<br />

47<br />

- t"<br />

r<br />


Raychem<br />

Both the E-100-E and E 100-L-E are ac<br />

cesslble, re enlrab e end seals, lhe E 100<br />

wilholt a gh1 the E ioo L wnh a signal<br />

gh1 Bolh end seals can be used with all<br />

Faychem BTV, OTVF XTV, KTV or VPL<br />

induslria paralle heatng cabes They<br />

are approved lor use n hazardous areas.<br />

They are extremey rlgged - made or a<br />

strong, moulded part wlth 4 mm wa<br />

48<br />

E-l00-E and E-100-['E<br />

€t End seal and lighted end seal<br />

The heating cable is lirm y kepl in place Tlre ghl modu e of lhe E-100-L E uses<br />

by the lnlegralslrain reliei<br />

an anay of slpeFbrlghl green LEDS ior<br />

Sealing s done 1w ce Firsl a dry compan_ ongliie and excellent vsib ty irom<br />

ment ior the heating cable s crealed then amosi any angle. Tlre robusl indLrslral<br />

a bool li ed wilh a non curng sealant (sili grade electronics are encapsulated to<br />

cone lree) ls placed overlhe end or lhe re ably sea olt morslure.<br />

hearng cable inside the compadmenl<br />

The end seas are mounted on lhe PPe Exrra sealanl filLed boots lor the E 100-E<br />

and project lhrolgh lhe cladd ng. end sea can be ordered separalely<br />

E-loo-E E-too-L.E<br />

1 end seal with indicator light<br />

Hazardo!s or ordinary (indoors and oulcloors)<br />

PTB Nr 93 ATEX 110i U<br />

| 2 G/D EEx em LllP 66<br />

PTB NI 98 ATEX 1101 U<br />

@".,",,-. @'.,".,.<br />

'ForTiarn! see lreatnq cab e or d€s gn docume.lalion

Ra,ychem<br />

E-too-E E.!OO.L-E<br />

Baychem product specif ications<br />

Max. ppe temperalure Reler to heal ng cabe speciication<br />

Max. operal ng voltage 254 V 254 V<br />

AmbLent iemperature range 50'C 1o +40'C 50'C lo +40"c<br />

M n ns!a atio. lempe!al!re 50'c -50'c<br />

Overallheghl<br />

46 mrn approx. 66 mm approx<br />

Usab e wilh up lo 100 mm therrnal insu ation<br />

tP65 tP65<br />

EN 50 014, > 7 jou es EN 50 014, > 7 jou es<br />

UV slabilily No degradatjon aller > 1000 h No degradano. alle ' 1000 h<br />

Strain re el >250N >250N<br />

E eclromagnetic lmm!nlty/em ssions<br />

Green LEDS<br />

208-230 Vac, 50/60 Hz<br />

E-100-E and E-100-L-E<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mplies wilh EN 50 0a2-2:1995<br />

EN 50 081-1:l991<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mp es wilh EC 60068-2-6.<br />

I0-150l-lz,20 m/sr<br />

<strong>Co</strong>rnplies wth IEC 60068 2 7, 50 g,<br />

Cabe knite, w re cullers, screwdriver Cable knle, w re cullers, screwdrivef,<br />

cf mp too, lonq nose pliers<br />

E-100-E ElOOL2E<br />

PN (Weighl) i 01255 000 (220 g) 726985 000 (630 g)<br />

Boot pack for E 100 E<br />

E=w)<br />

"W<br />

E-100-BOOT-5-PACK<br />

PN (Weighl) 281053 000 (140 g)<br />

Req!ires one pjpe slrap (nol supplied) Fequircs one pipe slrap (not supp ed)<br />

JBS- SPA, feq! fed for pipes < 1 (DN 25), E 90s15-000 (bag oi 5 adaplors)<br />

5 seaanl frlled bools and 5 cable ties<br />


Raychem<br />

E-l50<br />

€t Low prolile end seal - cold applied<br />

The E r50 is a co d app ed ow proi e<br />

e.d seal. Tlr s !n versa end seal s de<br />

sgned lo iil wlh a Raychem induslra<br />

healing cablesj BTV, QTVR, XTV and<br />

KTV mean ng simp fed prodlct selecton<br />

and reduced nvenlory to stock. I can be<br />

lsed in app calions wth temperatures<br />

ranging irom -50'C 10 215'Q lt sapproved<br />

lor lse n hazardols areas<br />

The un que desgn oi the E-150 suils the<br />

demanding requ rements oi lhe ndlstrial<br />

env ronment The low prolile holsing ca.<br />

be nsla ed on p pes and olher surtaces<br />

A spring oaded grommet makes a i rst<br />

sea lo mainla n a watertight connecton<br />

wh e lhe non-curing sealanl (s icone<br />

free) lsed in Raychem's core sea ng boot<br />

adds a second seal, provding additiona<br />

proleclion. The rulged construclon of the<br />

suilabe lor h gh temperalure varialons<br />

and aggfessive chemica exposure The<br />

end sea is re-enterab e The E 150 de<br />

sign provdes a safe 'rnder the insu alion<br />

end sea llrat can be relied Lpon ovef<br />

The end seal requircs no heal so!rce ror<br />

lnsla ation, ftraking ma ntenance lasi and<br />

easy. Each kil conlans allthe necessary<br />

end seal makes t resislant to mpact and malerials 10 do one end lermination.<br />

50<br />

<strong>Co</strong>ld appied end sealior use wth BTV, OTVF XTV and KTV healng cables.<br />

end sea enclosure hous n9<br />

searng grommer assy<br />

installalon instructon<br />

f-\ r2cDEE." LP66<br />

Ey<br />

PrB eB ArEx rr2r u<br />

DNV Cen lcale No E-5121anJE-5122<br />

Cms Dv 2.GroupsA,B,C D<br />

,;- Cass Dv 2 GrouDS F G<br />


Raychem<br />

Dimensions (in mm)<br />

Baychem product specif ications<br />

Hearing cabe capab ty BTV CF, BTV CT, QTVFI CT, XTV CT, KTV.CT<br />

Min rnum inslall.lon lernperat!re 50'c<br />

Max rnum pipe lemperature 215'C<br />

277 V ior FlVl and CSA, 254 v lor PTB<br />

Nlalerials ol constrr'ction<br />

Enclosure. end plale, and sh m Englneef ng po ymers, b ack<br />

Sealng grommel and core sealer<br />

Screws compresson spring,<br />

Ordering details<br />

E.d seal<br />

E 150<br />

PN (Weishl) 979099 000 10.3 kg/o 6 lb.)<br />


Raychem<br />

These end sea kls are deslgned Ior lhe<br />

term nalLon of Faychem s nduslr al heal<br />

The E-06 s designed lor lse wth BTV<br />

and QTVB heal.9 cab es, wlrere as the<br />

E-]9 is desgned lor use wlh XTV and<br />

E-06 and E-l9<br />

A kts are approved lor use n hazardous<br />

The end sea kts empoys easy lo use<br />

heat shr nkabe tubing wth an adhesive,<br />

thal when heated lorms a semilexibe<br />

mo sture prooi encapsL auon.<br />

€t End seal kils-heal-shrink<br />

E-O6 E-t9<br />

End seal ior BTV and QTVF<br />

sell-regr ating heating cab es<br />

Adhes ve coated sleeves<br />

Instalauon instrucl on<br />

2 c/D EEr e I lry PTB and<br />

Base€ja 2001 <strong>Ltd</strong>. according to<br />

Due 1o ils low proi e design lhe fnished<br />

term nation can be installed d recly on<br />

One end sea kl is required lor each tets<br />

End seal fof XTV and KTV<br />

seli-regulal ng healing cables<br />

<strong>Heat</strong>-shr nkable sleeves<br />

lnsla ation instruclion<br />

l2 G/D EEx e I by PTB and<br />

Baseefa 2001 Lrd accordng 10<br />

DNV Ceirilicate No.E-5121 DNV Cedncare No E-5r22<br />

175'C<br />

2 2 l\rlv/n<br />

200'c<br />

englh approx. 120 rnm englh app oN 135 mrn<br />

Heal shr nkab e lubing 175'C 200'c<br />

Gas torch or equ valeni min 1460 w hol air gun min. 1460Whotargun<br />

Ordering inlormalion<br />

E06<br />

E 19<br />

PN (weLght) 582616-000 (30 g) 090349 000 (50 g)<br />


Raychem<br />

The T-r00 s an above- nsulalon splice<br />

or lee kt desgned for use willr up 10<br />

lhree Raychem BTV. OTVB, XTV. KTV or<br />

VPL ndustralpara el healing cables. l ls<br />

approved lor lse n hazardous ocalons<br />

T-100<br />

The rugged sland prolecls the heating<br />

cabe and allows ior up to 100 mrn (4 )<br />

The core sealing booi does not requrc a<br />

hear gun or lorch for the installaron (no<br />

hot work permil necessary)<br />

This kl is an above nsuauon sp celee,<br />

appropriale lor lse wordwide wth no<br />

requ rements ior oca clstorn zalion.<br />

1 sp cellee enclosure and ld<br />

3 green/yelow earlh nq sleeve<br />

3 compr€ssron crimps<br />

3 crmp ng nsuating lrbes<br />

1 slra n reliel assemby<br />

I nsla alion nstrucuon<br />

6 splice or tee connection kit<br />

The non-curng seaant (silicone free) in<br />

the boot alows easy nstaLauon afd<br />

fac tales ma ntenance<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mpared lo ex sting syslems,lhe<br />

T-100 s gnii cantly redlces nsla alion<br />

and ma ntenance t nre and ellod<br />

l<br />

.,-. -\ .." .D. l.C.o-psr B, D /C-_\ | UDL- e llD66<br />

\;7 rL I rf - \qv D-B.3^r' r0.0u<br />

6E<br />

D\/ Foo,<br />

x D\. -n "," \o _<br />

Cass zoncl AEx€lc No E.5122<br />


Raychem<br />

Raychem pfoducl specifications<br />

<strong>Heat</strong>ng.abe cap.b ly<br />

M .. .st.lalon temperature<br />

NEl,4A Type 4X lP66 and lP67<br />

50'c<br />

Max. p pe temperature RelF ro heal.g crbe spFcilcatio.<br />

Max. operal ng vo tage 277 Vac lor FM, CSA 254 Vac ior PTB<br />

Max co.linlols operal ng current 50 A heal ng cabe c rc! I lor Fl,4 CSA<br />

40 A heal ng cabe c rcL I ior PTB<br />

Materials of conslruction<br />

Enclosure, lid. and sland polymers, black<br />

T 100<br />

447279 OAA \2.5 h 11.2 kg)<br />

T- 1 00-CT (not ncLlded in the kil. eq uiva enl to Pand! t: CT- I 570)<br />

954799-000<br />

Spare cimps and lns! ating lub€s T r00-CRll,4P-KIT (spare parl ony)<br />

Raychem<br />

The S-150 is a cod appled ow proi e<br />

sp ce for ln Lne connecton This !n versa<br />

kl lils wth all Baychem nduslrlal<br />

heat ng cabes BTV, QTVB XTV a.d<br />

KTV. meaning s mpLle.l product seeclon<br />

and reduced inventory 10 s1ock. lt can be<br />

used in app calons with temperal!res<br />

fang ng irom 50'C lo 21s'C lt s approved<br />

lor use n hazardous areas<br />

The !nique design ol lhe S'150 suils the<br />

d-amand ng req! rements oi lhe nduslr al<br />

s-150<br />

env ronment The low protile housing can<br />

be nsla ed on pipes and olher slrfaces<br />

Sprifg oaded grommets make a I rst seal<br />

ro mainta n a waler lght connection wh le<br />

lhe non-c!ring sealafl (s coielree) used<br />

in Raychem's core sealer adds a second<br />

sea. provd ng add tiona proleclon. The<br />

rugged construclon oi the sp ce makes t<br />

resstanl lo impacl and slitabe ior h gh<br />

temperal!re varations and aggressive<br />

chern ca expos!fe. The conneclon s<br />

made uslng scfew term nas The splice s<br />

€t Low prolile splice - c0ld applied<br />

re-enlerab e The S 150 is a sale under<br />

lhe nsuaton nl ne sp ce thal can be<br />

rc eo upon over rme.<br />

The splice requ res no heal so!rce 1or nsla<br />

alion, making ma ntenance work last<br />

and easy Each kl contains a the necessary<br />

malerals to do one jn- ne splice<br />

<strong>Co</strong>d-app ed !n- ne splce kt tor use wilh BTV OTVR, XTV and KTV heating cables.<br />

I spacer inc uding screw lerminas<br />

I ident fical on labe<br />

@ :::: ?t'."dl'ni?"<br />

"<br />

@"<br />

@><br />

c"r" zone 2 AEx € | r'<br />

@. .^" 't'<br />

DNV Cenl cale No E.5121 and E 5122<br />

'For T ralng see healng calrl. or des 0n

Raychem<br />

Raychem product speciiications<br />

Heaii.g cable.apab lty BTV CF. BTV.CT. OTVR.CT. XTV-CT KTV,CT<br />

lvln mum nstallal on lemperature<br />

P66<br />

-50'c<br />

Ma^ mum p pe lFmperature Bele lo heal.g cabe spe.ilcation<br />

Max mum operating vollage 277 Vac lor FM, CSA 254 vac for PTB<br />

\4a"imum.uirent raUng 40 A healing cable c rcuil for PTB<br />

Ivlaterials ol construction<br />

Holsing, end pate shim and spacer Eng neer ng poymers, back<br />

Screws compression sprng<br />

s-150<br />

497537 000 (0.4 k9/0.8 lb.)<br />


Raychem<br />

These sp ce kis afe desgned for the in<br />

lne lolning ol Raychem sefreg! ating<br />

The kit S-r9 is desgned lor use wth BTV<br />

healing cables,lh€ S 2l for QTVF and<br />

lhe 5-69 is lor use wth XTV and KTV<br />

S-19, S-21 and 5-69<br />

@ In-line splice kit<br />

All kits are approved for use in hazardols<br />

The sp ce kils employs easy to use heatshrnkabe<br />

lubing wth an adhesve, that<br />

when healed lorms a semillexble mosture<br />

prool encapsu ation<br />

t/<br />

s-t9 s-21 s.69<br />

Electdca contnualon s mainla ned via<br />

crirnps for the conduclors and a solder<br />

conneclon lor lhe braid oi the heating<br />

Dle lo ts ow proiie desgn the 1in shed<br />

sp ce can be installed under the nsu alon<br />

direcly on lhe ppe<br />

BTV healing cables OTVF heating cables KTV and xTV heating cables<br />

heal shrinkable adhesive heat shr nkab e adhesve heal shrinkable adhesive<br />

L2 GID EEx e I by PTB and Bas€efa 2001 Lld<br />

accordng lo EN 50 014. €N 50 019<br />

DNV cenifcate No E 5121<br />

h gh temperalLre so der

Raychem S.19, S-21 and S.69<br />

s.t9 s-2r s.69<br />

Max. exposlre temperature 85:c 135"C 160'c<br />

Maxim!m cutrent<br />

rat ng<br />

1.3 3.5 MV/m 2 2 [/]V/m > 6 ilv/m<br />

rength approx 180 mrn length approx. 180 mrn englh approx. 300 mm<br />

drameter approx 20 mm<br />

tseat shrinkable<br />

tub ng 125 C and 175 C 125'C and 175'C 200'c<br />

124'C 120'C<br />

Gas torch or equ valenl min. 1460 W hot air gLn min. 1460 W hor air gln mn 1460Wholafgln<br />

Ordering inlormation<br />

s-19 s69<br />

PN (Wesht) 669854 000 (50 g) 358745-000 (50 g) 933309-000 (r 15 g)<br />


Raychem<br />

Typical conligurations for Pt hearihg cabte sys.ems<br />

Gomponent overview for Polymer<br />

Insulated (Pl) <strong>Heat</strong>ing Gable Systems<br />

Single loop ot Pl heating<br />

(direclly connected with rlexible power cable - max.2sA.) c-]50 PC<br />

.< I 0llNlPl r)edc. ol.oo.o 4J t olp.t'g<br />

cabes and one flexble power cable<br />

Single loop ol Pl healing cable with cold lead<br />

60<br />

Crcuil denli cal on abeL<br />

IEK 20 PI<br />

used as hol hot sPice (optDnal)<br />

IEK 20 P<br />

CS-150-UNl Pl used as hol cod<br />

spice wlh one heating cab e

Raychem<br />

Siee '"ao<br />

cs r50 uNt-P<br />

cs-]50-2 5 Pl<br />

.'T$*lEh<br />

20 P<br />

hs<br />

C0mponents f0r Polymer Insulated (Pl)<br />

heating cables<br />

Universal lnder nsulalon connection kil tor p heatng cabes<br />

Approved for use in hazardous areas, cod apptiect. !sng screw<br />

Forlhe sp cing and the connection oi P heal ng cabres lo cotd<br />

leads (rnax.32A)or a 3 core llexbte powef cabte (max 25A).<br />

G ands ([420) and appropriate nsulat on entry kils, n€ed to be<br />

ofdered separaley Dela s on page 65<br />

und- 5rt"ton ' on.", ro. I I o, D 6d ng. oop.<br />

Approved lor use n lrazardous areas, s cone 1i ed lsing cr mp<br />

Forlhe sp cing and lhe connection ol P heat ng cabes to cotd<br />

leads wth a max rnum cross secl on oi 2 5 mrn Glands (M20)<br />

and appropfate ins! ation entry kts as wet as the cofduclor<br />

crmp need lo be ordered separaley Dela s on page 67.<br />

cs-150 6 P Under ins! ation conneclon klt for P heal ng cables.<br />

Approved lor use in hazardous areas. silicone flled. rs ng cimp<br />

For lhe splic ng and the conneclon oi Pl heating cabes to cod<br />

leads willr a cross seclon lrom 4 to 6 mm, Glands (M20)a.d<br />

appropr ate ins! alion entry kits as we as the conduclor crimp.<br />

need to be ordefed separatey. Details on page 67.<br />

cs-150-25'Pl Under ins! alion connecton kil ior P heal.g cables<br />

App ovFd<br />

'o r - rn hald o ll-d. ,1S r i p<br />

For lhe splic ns and the conneclon oi Pl heating cabes to cod<br />

leads wilh a cross seclion lrom 10 to 25 mm'. G ands (Irl20)<br />

and appropral-a ins! alion entry kils as we as the condLctor<br />

crmp need lo be ordered separaley Dela s on page 67.<br />

cs20 25 Pr Nll Non hazardous afea under nsulalon confecton kil for Pl heat<br />

For lse in non hazardous areas only. <strong>Heat</strong> shrlnk technology<br />

rs ng cnmp connecrors.<br />

For lhe splic ng and the conneclon oi Pl heating cabes to cold<br />

leads wilh a max mum cross seclon oi 2.5 mm Krl inc udes<br />

malerialfor conneclon of lwo cold leads and a dlal hole grom<br />

rnel/g and (Nrl20) Dela s on page 68.<br />

Ins! ation entry kit for two PIcod Leads lncLldes two cabe<br />

glands (1,120) and a mounl ng p ate. Diarneler range s_ 1 3 m m<br />

Deiais on page 47.

W Raychem <strong>Co</strong>mponenls l0r Polymer lnsulated {Pt} heating cabtes<br />

62<br />

:<br />

:.<br />

;<br />

:.<br />

'a::::.<br />

JB,EX 20 Junclion box 3 x [r]20 enlres and I x [42s wfth gtand<br />

approvedror use in hazardols areas<br />

Typica use as power-box lor Pt/t4l healing cabtes. Derais on<br />

page 69.<br />

.lB-EX 21 Junclon box, 6 x N120 and i x 11432 enties for use in hazarctous<br />

Power cable gand (M32) needs to be purchased separatety<br />

Typ cal use as poweF, sp ce and end-box for 3 phase systems<br />

wlh Plll\,1] heatng cabes Deta s on page 71.<br />

,JB-82 Jufcton box,4 x l\,120/M25 pre punched holes and M25 cable<br />

gland lor use in non ha2a.dous areas. Details on page 39<br />

Mouniing brackels for iunclion boxes and pipe srraps are availabl€,<br />

please reler to page 136.<br />

c-150-PC 3-core llexble power cable ior conneclon lo CS 150 UNI P,<br />

3 x 2 5 mm' silicone nsulaton temperalLre range: 40'C to<br />

+l80-C, shorl ierm: 215'C.<br />

GL 44 [j]20 KrT Cable gland EExe (M20). polyamlde for use wlh Plcables wth<br />

a diameler range of 5 13 mm Aso ncludes green/yellow<br />

sleeve (80rnm) for bra d<br />

GL:15 M32 Cable gland EExe (M32), poyamide iof use wth power cab es<br />

wth a d ameter range ol 12 2i mm.<br />

HWA PLUG-N120' Slopping p ug EExe (t\'I20), poyamrde, spare pan lor varrous<br />

EXE-PLAST C junction boxes<br />

CW.LAB.EX.KIT Crrcuit denlllcalon abelfor Pl heal ng cables, aum n um<br />

reqLr red for marking in hazardous area applicaUons, Incudes

@@<br />

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Baychem<br />

:<br />

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@<br />

@<br />

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<strong>Co</strong>mponents lor Polymer lnsulated (Pt) heating cabtes<br />

CW LAB.NH C rcuil identilication labe lor Pt healing cabtes, alurnini!m<br />

strong y recornmended ior mafkng tn non-ha2ardous a.ea<br />

LAB I 01 Sell adhesive warning labet y rfacect, tor L,roper<br />

markng oi electrica lrace heal ng syslems. one abe per 5 m<br />

GS 54<br />

Glass I ber fixing tape for poyrner tns! ated heat ng cabes on<br />

20 m/foll, width: 12 nrm<br />

Glass i bei fixing lape for polymer ns! ated heal ng cab es o.<br />

Low rraogene 16 m/ro . wdlh: t2 mm<br />

ATE.]80 A um n um adhesive lape ow ha ogene, rof po ymer insulatecl<br />

cables on lanks and p pes. lvlin. installalon temperature:0.C<br />

55 m/ro , wdrh: 63 5 mm.<br />

G-02 Si cone rubber sleeve mechanica y protecls heating cables on<br />

edges rlanges lnsu ation cadding. Clt lo ength on s e.<br />

I m long, Temperature resslant !p lo 215 C<br />


25tvt[4-25[4<br />

PI]ASE<br />

EARTH<br />


.]UMPEF<br />

Pre punched slanless steelslrap, which allows ixed dislances.<br />

who- !ao.i.9.dbloq ora atrd.hod to.-rd -. or biaoe pioe)<br />

Puich ntetua: 25 rnm, length 25 m<br />

Phase/neulra lermina (EEx e), spare part for va ols l!nclon<br />

boxes, max. 10 mm' so d/slranded.<br />

Earlh lermifa (E Ex e). spare pan for var ols l! ncl on boxes,<br />

max. l0 m rn' solid/stranded<br />

End pate lorterrninas HWA WAGO spare part<br />

.lurnper lo brdge terrn nals HWA_WAGO , spare parl

I<br />

t<br />

Raychem<br />

itf<br />

i.i.<br />

.lLl illl<br />

+ J<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mponents lor Polymer Insulated (Pl) heatjng cables<br />

PI.TOOL.SET O1 Mela loolbox contain n9 a mechan cat crim p loot cimping d es<br />

an'j llre crmps required lor lhe conneclon of p heilr rrs caoes<br />

and coid leads in conjuncton wilh the conneclon/sp ce kil rype<br />

CS-]50 2 5 Pl(cross section up to 2 5 mrn.) Thisloo s<br />

require.llor a reiiabe connecton and is atso recommended tor<br />

mainlenance purposes. Dela s on page 73.<br />

P.TOOL SET.O2 Metal too box conta ning a hydraulic crimp toot c mptng dies<br />

and lhe crimps required for the connection ol Pl heating cables<br />

and cold leads n conj!nction wlh lhe connecl on/sptice k s type<br />

CS-150-6 Pl (cross secton 4-6 mm,)and CS-150-25-P (crcss<br />

seclion 10 25 mmJ This 1oo is rcqured ior a rel able connec<br />

ton and is aso recomrnended lor mainlenance p!rposes<br />

CW.CT.KT Crimp loollor nsla atio. ol crmps for the.onneclion/sp ce kils<br />

lype: CS20-2 5<br />

CWCTDE Spare sei ol des ior crimp toolCW-CT-KT and cr mps ol<br />

2.5 mm'.<br />

cv-1983-220V-3060W High power heat gun ior heal shink componenls sLrch<br />

as CS20 2 5-PINH

Ihe CS-r50 UNI'P saunversa low<br />

profle heal ng cab e conneclorJor lhe<br />

d rect conneclion ol s ng e condlctor<br />

Po ymer insulaled (Pt)series heating<br />

cabies. I can be used n d iferent<br />

contig!rations:ior the connecton of a<br />

cs-150-u1{t-Pt<br />

cold ead lo a heating cable (Varanl C),<br />

as an under nsulalon conneclinq syslern<br />

lor the conneclon of a lhree core pow-ar<br />

cabre lo a heating cable loop (Varianl L),<br />

as wer as ior splicing 1wo healing cabtes<br />

(Vafanl S) The conrector is ced i ed lor<br />

(, Low prolile connecti0n for Pl healing cables<br />

use in hazardols areas and doesnl<br />

req! re a rrol work pefmit The eectrica<br />

conneclion s realized by means ol screw<br />

termlnas. so no specia crrnp toos are<br />

required. I used as a connecton ki1 af<br />

add tiona g and needs lo be ofdered<br />

<strong>Co</strong>ld app ed conneclion/sp ce ior a sing e conductor polyrnef nsulaled (P ) seres<br />

heal ng cables wlth an exlerna damelerbetwee.32and64mm.<br />

In lrazardous arca lse ony wth ATEX approved heal ng cable<br />

The CS-150 UNL Plcan be used in dlierenl co.fig!rations:<br />

' conneclion of a heallng cable to a cold ead cable I x 2 5 mm'? or I x 4 mm/ (Varanl c)<br />

.conneclon olaheatngcabeloa powercabe 3x25 mm' ( VarantL)<br />

. splice ot lwo heatins cables (Vara.t S)<br />

1 x lemperature reslstant and impact prooi body<br />

I x screw term nal block<br />

4 x rlbber seals (1o be Lsed according 1o appicalon)<br />

2 x strain re eve cLamps wth screws<br />

x lnsla ation nslruction<br />

ParlLcular meas!res to ma ntain the T_casslcalion ol poymer rnsulaled<br />

healing cables are to be taken Ln accodance wilh the approprale EC _ TJ/pe<br />

examination certiiicate (also reler to nsla ation instruclons).<br />

Type exam nalion cerlilcalion applies lor lh€ lse of ATEX certilied poymer insulaled<br />

(P ) seres heal ng cabes

Materials of conslruction<br />

Suppofr r ng spacer. screws and spring<br />

cs{50-uNt-Pl<br />

ICW T X Pl po ymer nsulaled (P ) ser es resislance cab e. lor other types conlact<br />

Tyco Theffia <strong>Co</strong>nlrols<br />

G ass libre reiniorced lemperature resstanl eng neer ng p aslc<br />

l,'laximum operating temperature (') Power on: I 80'C (may be miled by lhe lemperature res stance oi lhe supp y cable)<br />

Power on: 210'C (us ng variant L, depende.t on the type oi supp y cab e e.g. 200'C<br />

for si con cabes uness the power cable conneclon s benl suiicenlly jar<br />

away lrom the heated s!rrace).<br />

Minimum insiallation temperalurc<br />

Max. operating vollage VarianlCandS=750V<br />

VaianlL=420V<br />

l,rlax. allowed wattage The max alowed cabe oulput s mlted depend ng on lhe applicaton. Reier 10 lhe<br />

inslalalon nslr!ction lor details.<br />

Max. permitled nominal current (') VaranlS:32A<br />

VarantCwilhl x 2 5 mm'slpply cab e 25A<br />

VariantC wlth I x 4 mm'supply cab e:32 A<br />

Variant L w th 3 x 2.5 nrm' slpply cab e !p lo 150'C: 25 A<br />

Variant L w th 3 x 2 5 mm' supply cab e l5l"C to 180'C: 20 A<br />

Supply cable dimensions l,,lull -stranded copper conduclors 3 x 2.5 nmr,, 7 A 12 5 mn'<br />

S ng e conductor coLd lead. max. I x 4 rnm'?, Z 3 2lo 6.4 mm<br />

Supply cable requirements The maxlmu m perm ssib e vo tage drop s lo be laken inlo co.siderauon wlre n<br />

selecl ng the cross-section oi the power cabe<br />

The rnax rnum working lemperature ol lhe CS 150 UN _Plcan be feduced thro!!h the<br />

maxim!m perrn tled continlols use temperalufe of the suppy cable unessthes!pply<br />

cabe s aid {al a sulicie.l d stance irom the healed surface)so that the max mlm<br />

permitled conlinlous use lemperature wL notbeexceeded.Asutabepowercableis<br />

the sil con nsu ated cable type C-1 50-PC<br />

66<br />

Cab € g and<br />

CS 150 UNI.PI<br />

Parl n!rnber (Weght) 44537r-000 (0 4 kg)<br />

GL 36 Il25 hazardous area approved g and for S l7 nrm cables drarneler<br />

GL 44 [r]2o-KlT hazardous area approved gland ior 5_13 mm cab es d ameter<br />

(,) For the futr range ot lechnicat design detaits of rhe cs-150-uNlPl refer to the installalion instructions (INSTALL-064)

The kts CS 150-xx-P are ctesigne.llo<br />

connect a Plcold lead cabe lo a poymef<br />

ns! ared (Pl)series heat ng cab e as we<br />

as to splice lwo Plhealing cabes Thekl<br />

empoys a two component s con-p<br />

compoond lo provide durable and rtex b e<br />

mosture prcor encapsulalion<br />

Electrica conlinlaton ls mainla ned via<br />

speciary eng neered crimps that provide a<br />

h gh y reliab e eleclrcalconnecton lgas<br />

light) lt s very important thal lhe eectrica<br />

crmp conneclions are perrormed willr llre<br />

The conduclor cr mp s not ncluded n<br />

the kt and has 10 be ordered separaley.<br />

N4ax. op€ral fg temperatur-"<br />

l,4ax operalrns voltage {UJU)<br />

Max. operatrng c!ftenl<br />

CS-150-xx-Pl<br />

coffect cf mp 1oo (P-TOoL-xx)<br />

Due to its low profile desig.,lhe<br />

inished conneclion can be eas y<br />

nsla ed under the ins! alion d fecty on<br />

the p pe. li lsed as a conneclon kt<br />

a cabe g and, an nsulal on entry k t as<br />

we as a cr mp iof lhe connection<br />

between lhe cold lead and the heat ng<br />

cable need lo be ordered separatery. It<br />

lsed as a splce kt jusl lhe lreating<br />

cable conduclor crimp is needed<br />

K.9 Uold applied connecti0n and splice kit with<br />

silic0ne sealing f0r P0lymer Insulated (Pl)<br />

healing cables<br />

<strong>Co</strong>ld applied s conesealed connect on / splice jor Plheating cabes<br />

For simpified installalon and<br />

ma ntenance wolk, we oller a cr mp<br />

too box thal contains the s! table<br />

instalalon lool crimp ng dies and a<br />

varety ot crimps exacly match ng<br />

cornmon cable types. Fof a deta s<br />

concern ng the crinp ng syslem rejer lo<br />

lhe datasheel of the eieclrcalconneclon<br />

syslem lor Pl heating cabes<br />

(P TOOL'SET-xx).<br />

. . -<br />

2xPTFEpugs<br />

1 x PTFE crmp sepafalor<br />

1 x 1wo component s cone compo! nd ln plasl c bag (she f I€ s12months)<br />

mu t ingual nslalalon nslrucuon<br />

PTB 03 ATEX 'I] 28 U<br />

@<br />

2 G/D EEx e ll lP 65<br />

CS 150-2.s-Pl: OveE lenglh -120 mrn, Z -17 mm<br />

CS 150 6-Pl:Ovefall englh -120 mm a -26 mm<br />

CS-]50 25 Pl:Ovefall ength -135 mm a -35 mm<br />

cs-150-2.5-Pl cs-150-6-Pl cs-150-25-Pl<br />

200'C contnuous (260 C nlermlttent)<br />

450/750 V<br />

Only hn ted by heating cable used<br />

cs-150 2 5-Pl cs 150-6 P! cs 150 25-P<br />

ear, ^rn o",1W" gh1) 124.1 000586 (0 1 kg) 1244-000548 (0 2 kg) I 244 00058710.3 kg)<br />

Cabe g and ior connecnon kt<br />

i]Fvzoxtr ton"<br />

pie"" per cold lead connecuoni lo be odered separaleLv)<br />

' ' . - j<br />

-"";l<br />

;::ra::a<br />

taan:..::at ?<br />

l:,2i;i\lli1L2<br />

':": :<br />

: : : " !<br />

'.,,],4:::tta,:.t<br />


The CS20-2 5-P -NH kil is desgned 1or ier<br />

mlnal ng polymer nsulaled (Pl) seies<br />

resislance heal ng cables.<br />

The CS20 2 5 Pl NF may be used . nonhazardous<br />

areas on y. The kit conla ns<br />

componenls req! red for the lnsla ation ol<br />

elher a connection 01 (2)cold leads to a<br />

heatng cabe or ior (2) sp ces belween lwo<br />

cs20-2.5-Pt-ilH<br />

heal ng cabes The sp ce kil empoys<br />

easy lo use hear shf nkabe lubing llrat<br />

after installalon forms a semiiexible<br />

moisl!re proof encapsulalon Eleclrcal<br />

conlinualion s rnainla ned via crmps lor<br />

both: conduclof and brad. Thanks lo ls<br />

ow proj e design lhe I nished connec<br />

lon can be easly nsla ed under lhe<br />

8/9;p{t eoo

Raychem TRACER JB.EX-20<br />

ZDTaI-,<br />

II&.li!]:XJ<br />

Raychem W!<br />

Materials of construclion<br />

Box & ld<br />

Sealing gaskel<br />

106<br />

/"f/"trt<br />

@b<br />

Slainless stee (caplNe)<br />

Ambienl temperalure range 30 to +70 C<br />

99!'Y<br />

[4axim!m conductor size<br />

l,4ax mum operanng vo tage AC 550 V<br />

Nlaximum operat ng currenl<br />

53A<br />

90<br />

1,2+2xPE<br />

l0 mm' (solid and stranded)<br />

i l<br />

Accessories (lo be ordered separaiery)<br />

Oplional suppoft brackel<br />

sB-100, sB 101, sB 110, SB-111<br />

GLand , -44Mzo-hlI d/drao| -''d app o po q'ano o dba a,r!r1 '<br />

Phase/neulrallerm nal<br />





70<br />

JB EX.2O<br />

1244'000590 (1 2 kg).<br />

(') n lotal no more lhan 6lerminals of this iype shorrd be nsla ed<br />

122<br />


Raychem TBACER JB-EX-21<br />

ATEX approved poyeslef j!nction box<br />

ior lse n hazafdous areas This box can<br />

De used to make connecrons belween<br />

power cabes, heatng cabes and cotd<br />

ead cabes using lr./120 connecion ki1s.<br />

Depending on lhe coniig!ration oi the<br />

qb$<br />

Entries 6 x N420<br />

1 x [432<br />

Materials of construclion<br />

Box & d<br />

Ambient lemperarure range<br />

@ Junclion box<br />

syslem the box can accommodate six<br />

heat ng cabes / cold leads and a power<br />

cabe 1,420 connecton kils have to be<br />

ordered separalely depending on the<br />

lype ot healing cabe beng used. Cable<br />

connecion is accomp shed va DIN rail<br />

moln1ed cage c amp lerminas.<br />

The box can be eillrer wallor pipe<br />

rnounled v a the iour holes molded n lhe<br />

base oi the box For ppe nrolntrng use<br />

one ot the slandard support bracket<br />

Power suppy box, end-box. splice box (3 phase and !oop), marsha ngbox<br />

1 x juncuon box wllh terrninas on DIN rail<br />

4 x 1,,120 sloppLng plugs<br />

2 x l/20 ra n p ug (iemporary)<br />

1 x [432 stopping p !g<br />

1 x lermina iu mper a low ng various wiri.g configu ralions (re nrove lermina p ate)<br />

PTB OO ATEX 1OO2<br />

@ r2GDEE,eIT6rP66<br />

c ass filled polyester<br />

StainLess stee (caplve)<br />

tP66<br />

-lo lo +70 C<br />

-<br />


Raychem @W@t<br />

I<br />

r60 lt0<br />

!<br />

Quanlty<br />

Labeliiq<br />

160<br />

< 140<br />

,,HP'A# JB.EX-21<br /> PE<br />

,6mm<br />

Max murn conduclor sze 10 mm'(so d & stranded)<br />

l,4ax mum operalifg vo tage AC 550 V<br />

Maxim!m operating culrenl 53A<br />

Accessories (to be ordered separately)<br />

G and ior Pl cod eads<br />

GLa.d ior power cable<br />

90<br />

al i) t.-,,t<br />

i!.1<br />

t:r t:!<br />

sB 100, sB-101<br />

GL-44-1,420 KIT hazardous area approved gland lor cables a 5_13 mm<br />

GL-45-M32 hazardous area approved gland lor cables a l2_21 mm<br />

Phase/neulral tenn nal<br />

JB EX-2]<br />

1244 000579 (1 2 kg)<br />

(') ln tola no rnore thanr0lerminas<br />

shou d be nsla ed<br />




Pl-T001-SET-xx<br />

The PITOOL-SET xx is a handy meta conneclons,lhe crmp s to be<br />

box cortaining a materals required lo w th lhe specii ecl cr mp too (PI-TOOL xx)<br />

connect Poymer Inslrated (P ) heating equ pped w lh the approprale cr mp ng<br />

carr es io a suilabe cod lead as we[ as to des (CD-Pl-xx). Diiiefeit tools are<br />

spL ce lwo P heal ng cab es. Etectrical ava abe: a ratchelng type loolior<br />

contrnLralon s maintaned via speciaty connecting sma sze cabes (up lo<br />

eng neered crimps, that prcvide a h glr y 2 5 mm')and an hyclrallc toolior large<br />

re abe eectrca (gas ligh1)connection sze cabes (irom 41o 25 mm,)<br />

h order to asslre consistently relab e Aparttrom lhe crmp loo and des, the kil<br />

9'<br />

P TOOL.SET 01<br />

Crirnps<br />

Elechical conneclion syslem lor<br />

Pl healing cables<br />

PI TOOL SET.O2<br />

E eclricat connection system lor Polymer Insu ated (Pl) heating cabes<br />

Pt.TOOL-SET-Ol<br />

Pt TOOL-o1<br />

cD P -01, CD Pl-02<br />

CRP Pl01 lo<br />

CFP-Pl 06 {50 Pc each)<br />

ordering details<br />

Order reierence (Weight) 1244 000583 (2 5 kg)<br />

Pt-TOOL.SET.O2<br />

P .TQOL 02<br />

co.ta ns a varely ot crmps (cRP P xx)<br />

The labes on th s dalasheel are provid ng<br />

an ovewiew oi the possibe combnalons<br />

of lools d es and crimps lor varoos P<br />

heating cabes Packs conlain n! l0 pc ol<br />

cr mps are available as spare pans<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nneclon kls providnq lhe nsllation<br />

011fre connecton. have lo be order-ad<br />

co pr-osrcD Proarcof ro5Jo_et oo<br />

CBP-Pl 07 to CRP-P -17 (50 Pc each)<br />

cRP P -181o cFP-Pl 24 (25 pc each)<br />

1244 000584 (12 5 kg)<br />


General accessories<br />

Crimp lool set wilh various pat number<br />

P TOOL.SET<br />

01<br />

ptrooL-srr oz<br />

Crimp tools (spare parl)<br />

PTTOOL<br />

01<br />

r244-000583 oo "dd, Frt o;bt-. .p to - 5 1n<br />

1244 000584 <strong>Co</strong>rnpele sel ior cod eads / heat ng cab es trom 4 to 25 mm?<br />

Crimping dies (spare pan)<br />

1244-000549 CDP 01<br />

CD.PI02<br />

I244 000551 cD-Pt-03<br />

cD-Pt-04<br />

CD PI05<br />

cD Pr06<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mpalibiljiy- and seleciion charl and setection for crimps, dies and roots.<br />

Table I P -TOOL SET-01 lor conductor size < 2,5 rnmr<br />

Possible combinarions lor<br />

xPl healing cables (Qr'km)<br />

Possible combinations for<br />

lCw-T heating cables ((Ykm)<br />

TO<br />

TO<br />

74<br />

65 / 200<br />

380 / .180<br />

600 / 700<br />

65 / 200<br />

340 / 440<br />

600 / 700<br />

25 | 31 .5<br />

50/64<br />

78 / 150<br />

174 | 2QQ<br />

370 / 430<br />

600 / 730<br />

820<br />

1440<br />

Ttll)<br />

25/31 5<br />

50/68<br />

78 / 150<br />

170 | 240<br />

370 | 430<br />

600 / 730<br />

810,1000 8r0 i000<br />

1440 | 1750 144a | 175Q<br />

2000 / 3000 2000 / 3000<br />

4000 / 4400 4000 /.1400 / 1000 820 1000<br />

5600 r'7000<br />

8000<br />

5600 / 7000<br />

8000<br />

| 173A<br />

2r60 (')<br />

1440 | 173A<br />

21 60 ( )<br />

117 65 | 200<br />

340 i /,9c<br />

116 25/3i 5<br />

50/68<br />

600 / 700<br />

78 / 150<br />

810 / 1000<br />

170 | 240<br />

1444 | 1754<br />

370 / 430<br />

2000 / 3000<br />

600 / 730<br />

4000 / 4400<br />

420 / 1000<br />

5600 / 7000<br />

440 / 1730<br />

8000<br />

2160 f)<br />

117115 11 .7 115 1t 6/15 11,6 /<br />

17 41 25 17.8 t25 178/100 17,8 |<br />

50180 50/80 330 330<br />

100 / 150 100 / 150<br />

320 320<br />

7t10 65 / 200 7t1A 25/31 5<br />

380 / 480<br />

50/68<br />

600 / 700<br />

78 / 150<br />

810 / 1 000<br />

170 | 2AO<br />

14,+0 / I750<br />

370 / 430<br />

2000 i 3000<br />

600 / 730<br />

4000 / 4400<br />

820 / 1000<br />

5600 / 7000<br />

8000<br />

1440 | 1734<br />

2160 (")<br />

71101 15 i 1?3<br />

1l 7 / 31.5 25/50/80<br />

100 150 / 320<br />

7 t10111.7 7t10t117<br />

31.5 / 100<br />

I 244 000550<br />

1244-000554<br />

1244-000552<br />

1244-000553<br />

1244 000555<br />

1244 0Q0556<br />

1244 000558<br />

1244'000559<br />

tz++-ooogor<br />

(') For !se wth condlctor constrlctons ol ICW wilrr hgher resislances conta'l Tvco Thermal<strong>Co</strong>nlros<br />

Die<br />

PI-T001-SET-xx<br />

CDP 01<br />

(while)<br />

cD-Pt-02<br />

{Back)<br />


Crimp selection and instaltation tabte.<br />

Table 2: P TOOL SET-02 lor condlctor size.110 25 mm<br />

Kit<br />

Possible combinalions lor<br />

XPI healing cables (l)/km)<br />

Possible combinations 10r<br />

ICW-T heating cables (!rkm)<br />

TO TO Die<br />

14t117 t15 10/rr.6/15 2.14 000563<br />

cBP-Pt-08 2.14 000564<br />

29 10 t117<br />

31.5 / 100<br />

2.9 10 / 11.6<br />

244-000546<br />

1244-000565<br />

2.9 2.9 1244-000566<br />

2.9 2.9 1244-0AA567<br />

29 2.9 29 2.9 t3 124.+-000564<br />

1.4 .a 1244 000569<br />

1.4 .8 t5 1244 000570<br />

I a 2.9 .8 2.9 t6 1244 0QQ571<br />

1.8 18 .8 1.8 17 1244.000548<br />

1.1 1 t8 1244 000572<br />

1.1 2.9 1 2.9 t9 1244 AAA573<br />

1.1 I a 1 1 8 "20 1244-AQQ571<br />

t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1244 0QQ575<br />

Pl-T001-SET-xx<br />

cD Pt 03<br />

(Grey)<br />

cD Pt 04<br />

(Blue)<br />

cD-Pt,05<br />

V+N<br />

08 29 08 29 22 1244 0Q0576 co-Pt-06<br />

08 t 8 0.8 1.8 23 1244 044577<br />

08 t l 0.8 1 l 1244 000574<br />

The electrica insllalion lor lhe crimp conneclon has 10 be ordered separately (CS 150 xx Plon page 67)<br />

The crimp tor rhe elecrrical conneciion of the braid is included in lhe CS-lso-xx-Pl kit.<br />

Tdbe 3 CS 150 XX P bracl.rmps<br />

cs15025Pl cBP-BB-2,s-2 5 [4tt<br />

cs,150-6 Pt<br />

cs-r50-25-P<br />

cFP-BB-6-4 Mt4.<br />

cD Pl03<br />

V+N<br />

P -TOOL 02<br />

o<br />


Thermoheat by <strong>Co</strong>mponent<br />

Typicdl configuration tor t\4t-heating cabte system<br />

Junction box JB EX 20 or olhers<br />

depend ng on applcat on<br />

c rcu t ide.tiication tag<br />

(nc uded w1h heati.g unt)<br />

Overview for Mineral<br />

Insulated (MlI <strong>Heat</strong>inq Cable System<br />

Srqe oop of M

Fixing / Installation Materials<br />

..,:a , '<br />

.t.<br />

.,'|'<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mponents for Mineral lnsulated (Ml)<br />

heating cables<br />

JB EX 20 Juncton box, 3 x [420 entries and ] x tvt25 wth g and, approved<br />

for use in hazardous areas<br />

Typcaluse as power box for P /lvll hearing cabes. Delaris on<br />

page 69<br />

JB 82<br />

Jlnction box, 6 x [420 and 1 x M32 enlres ior lse ]n<br />

rrazardous<br />

areas. Power cab e gland M32 .eeds 10 be p!r<br />

Typica lse as power splice and end-box ior 3 phase syslems<br />

with P /[4] heating cables Details on page 71<br />

JLnction box.4 x [420/l\r]25 pre p!nched hoes and M25 cabte<br />

gand tor use in non hazafdols areas Dela s on page 39<br />

Mounting brackets rorjunction boxes and pipe sthps are available,<br />

prease<br />

refer to page 136.<br />

GL :15-[432 Cable gland EExe (M32), poyamide ior lse wth power cables<br />

wth a d ameter range ol l2-21 mm.<br />

HWA-PLUG-|\r120- Slopping pug EExe ([420) poyamide, spare parlrorvarous<br />

EXE PLAST C juncton boxes<br />

PHASE<br />

EARTH<br />


JUMPER<br />

Phase/neulralierm nal (EEx e), spare parl tor varous luncton<br />

boxes, max l0 mm'so d/slranded.<br />

Eadh tem nal (EEx e), spare parl lor varous juncton boxes<br />

max 10 mm' so d/slranded<br />

End plale ior lerm nals HWA WAGO .. . spare parl.<br />

Jumper to bridqe term nals HWA WAGo .. , spare parl<br />

Pre Dunched strap, whlch conirols spacing distances, when heal ng cables are<br />

attaah€d to surlaces ol lrqger pipes and vessels. Punch nterva:25 rnm<br />

Availabe ln clillerenl mat€rias copper, m d stee and stanless steel Ony lse<br />

sla nless steelslraD on sta n ess sleel ppeslvesses<br />

SNI\,1C<br />

SNM<br />

HARD.SPACER.SS 25mm.25TN<br />


@#b<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mponenls l0r lMineral Insulaled series heating ca0res<br />

Sla n ess sleelpipe slfaps lor hoCtng lvtt cabb odo prpe<br />

Arow one slrap per 30 cm ol p pe<br />

Available Pipe Straps<br />

PB 125 '.lll1 !?r!)<br />

PB 3OO<br />

PB 600<br />

PB 1000<br />

PB 1200<br />

PB 2400<br />

PB 3600<br />

SNLK<br />

Allowances lor tie wire and banding on pipes<br />

Required 0I<br />

length (m)<br />

\ aulon \<br />


Temperature <strong>Co</strong>ntrols<br />

7A<br />

1 1/2 to 3 (38 75 mm)<br />

Packin9 Oly<br />

50 pc<br />

3 1/2 lo 6 (89150 mm) 25 pc<br />

6 lo r0 (150 250 mml<br />

ro r2 (300<br />

mm)<br />

10 2.+ (600 mm)<br />

10 36 {900 mm)<br />

P ain s1a nless sleelband ng / strp ior hold ng [4lcabres n<br />

pace on p pes 30mrol.Securedwlhbuckles.<br />

Allowances as pef table beow<br />

S1a n ess sleelbuckes ior lse wilh meta band ng strip<br />

type SNLS<br />

Tie wire lor lasten ng stee heat ng cab es on p pes. Esp€ca y<br />

suiiabe for neg! ar shaped objects such as pumps valves<br />

fanges. Supp ed n 50 m reels<br />

Do nol use wlh copper or c!pro nicke sheathed healing<br />

cablesi lse straps wherever poss be<br />

A owances as pef labe below.<br />

100 150 350 500 750<br />

1200<br />

12 1€ 21 28 35 4.6 52 5.9 6.5 79 98 I1.8 157<br />

LAB I O1<br />

Self a.lhesve warnlng labe: Eectrica y lraced for proper<br />

marking ol eectrica lrace heal fg syslerns Qne labe per 5 rn<br />

Aftach lo outside ol th erma insu alion w-"ather baft er on bolh<br />

scles ol pipe and aso al equ prnenl slch as vaves. pumps<br />

rea!iinq perlodic malnlenance<br />

La6es ; other lanqlaqes afe availabe. refer to page 138<br />

See conlrol and monilor ng prodlct range, on page 86 inc ldlng ]!ne se'slnq

<strong>Co</strong>mponenls lor lllineral Insulated series heating cables<br />

Termination Accessories RGI,1 lrletric brass glands are standard more dela/ts on aucessores<br />

lor mineral nsuated lrearing cabtes, datasheer page 83.<br />

'.d6)<br />

Btr<br />

RLrrl20<br />

RLM25<br />

SATP2O<br />

SATP25<br />

BHG2O<br />

RHG25<br />

M20 brass lock nuls lor securing gands.<br />

[,,125 bEss ock nuls lor securing g ands<br />

Fibre washers lor glands, LI20<br />

Fibfe washers ior glands M25.<br />

lvl20 g and shrouds ior enhanced g an.l proieclion.<br />

lM25 gland shrouds iof enhanced gtand proteclo.<br />

Hazardous and ordinary afea seas are suppted wth 300 mm<br />

tails inc !din! earth tail.<br />

More details on nr nera insulaled accessores dalasheel.<br />

page 83.<br />

Seals can be suppled wtholt earih tail<br />

S.]P Splices lorloining lwo seclons of M heaiing cable are avalabe<br />

lor copper and cupfo n cke slreathed N4l heating cabes.<br />

Preiened sollton inc ldes a shorl section oj cold lead toined<br />

benxeen the two lvll heating cabe seclions wth two hot/cold<br />

loinls, contacl Tyco Thermal<strong>Co</strong>nlrois ior advise.<br />

SJK/N Hot/ cod brazed loinl seection more details on mineral<br />

insulaled accessories dataslreet. page 83<br />


Fabrication <strong>Co</strong>nsumables SABAGl3 S lver so der for bEzed loinls<br />

ao<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mponenls l0r Mineral Insulaled series heating cables<br />

S lver so der ror brazed joinls<br />

Braz ng I ux (250s)<br />

stltP-300 tvlagnesium ox de powder (2509)<br />

Grey polt ng cornpound<br />

2SU Large slrpp ng lool alcable sizes. spare blades ZSUB<br />

zsus Sma slrpp ng lool- cable o< gmm, spare blades ZSUSB<br />

ZB Ring ng lool<br />

ZPM2O Potting lool 25 mm also availabe<br />

zoc20 Crmp ng tool, 25 mm aso avaiLabe

for Ml heating<br />

Dold leads and cables,<br />

heating units<br />

Thermoheat by Nomenclatures<br />

Nomenclature for Ml heating cables Tyco Themal <strong>Co</strong>ntrols ollers a va ely oi trlt healing cabtes:<br />

llCC/HCH <strong>Co</strong>pper sheathed lr/ll healing cabtes<br />

FDF/FDC Cupro n cke sheathed tMt heali.g cabtes<br />

HSO: Slanless stee sheathed [4] heating cabtes<br />

HIO .cone sheaihed N4 heal ng cables<br />

Feferlo the datasheels on pages 26-33 ior more detated inlormalon<br />

Bulk heatng cabes are s!pplied in a range of d fferent constructons, rhe producl<br />

feferences lor healing cables are constucted as 10 owsl<br />

Example: HCHHlL2000BK<br />

H H de.otes a heatng Cabe: tt=t-teating Cabe<br />

C Sheath Maleria: C=<strong>Co</strong>pper D=Cupro-Nicke S=Sla ntess Sleel<br />

l= fconel<br />

H <strong>Co</strong>nduclor l,4alerial: C=<strong>Co</strong>pper H=Kulherm F=Feny Q=Nchrome<br />

H Oversheath Maleral H=HDPE F=FEP<br />

I Nurnber ol <strong>Co</strong>ndlctors: 1 at 2<br />

L Norma Operal ng Voftages L=!p lo 300 VAC tv1=!p to 500 VAC<br />

2000 <strong>Co</strong>ndlctor Resstance n Q/km e 2000=2000 !)/km<br />

BK Overshealh <strong>Co</strong>our: BK=Black OF=Orange<br />

Nomenclalure for Ml heating unirs Tyco Thermal <strong>Co</strong>nirols strongly recommends the lse of iactory ternr naled heating<br />

un ls. which glamntee a consislenlly hgh eveloj qua ty For use in hazardous<br />

areas M heal ng unls need to be assembe.l by Tyco Thermal<strong>Co</strong>nlros or an<br />

aulhorized sub rnan!lac1!rer<br />

Single conductor IMI heating unils will be supplied in Units Design lype B<br />

(formerly lype 2)<br />

' 'r'i'-'""<br />

t_-<br />

The cod ead length lnc ldes 300 mm ong flex ble tails. Eai(h talls are srpp ed as<br />

standard on allheating un ts Olhef conlig! rations availab e on request.<br />


@#P<br />

The order reference of Mt healing units uses the fo owing nomenctarure<br />

B/HSQ1 lM 1 000/43.0M/ 1217 t230t2-OMtSC.lH2.5tXtM20tEX<br />

T I T<br />

C0mponenls lor Mineral Insulaled series healing ca0te<br />

Apd.t"...idton E{ OoD<br />

t .-<br />

\jta. a ./-<br />

Hovcotd joint matqa lype X -staintess steer, y brass<br />

cod €ad size and shealh I<br />

<strong>Co</strong>/d lead tength M melre<br />

eat ng lnir votlage<br />

Heal ng unit - tola wattage<br />

ur d ohM 4dI6<br />

F6d Ino aop .e,er4..o<br />

r-tealifg<br />

cabte unil lype<br />

When orderng the complete order reJerence oi the Mt heatng unit needs to be pro<br />

vided. For hazardols areas, inlormaton musr aso be pfovided aboul lhe T ralina and<br />

ternperal!re data re evant lo the apptication (max shealh lemperature dala) 10 enabte<br />

the cofiecl representalon of data on hazardols area tags altached to the compteled<br />

heating Lnt n the faclory Any m ss ng dela I fiay eadlo pole.tialdeays ntheorder<br />

Seleclion of llllcold leads CC copper shealh. coppef conductor<br />

CCH - HDPE jacketed copper sheath .opper condlctor<br />

DC - cupfo n cke sheallr. copper conduclor<br />

sc sla n ess sleel shealh. copper condlctor<br />

a2<br />

cc1H2 5 CC1H6 cc1u10cc1H16<br />

CC1H25 CC1H35<br />

ccF1H2 5 CCH1H6ccHl<br />

ft10ccH1H16<br />

DC1H2 5 DC1H6 DCI ft 10 DC1H16<br />

sc1H2 5 SClH6<br />

Cutrent ral n9 Amps 57 142 133<br />

M20 M20 M25 M25 [432 M32<br />

For selection ol lhe cold ead, consider the chemica exposurc as we as llre c!trent<br />

ral ng Flecommendal ons lor typ cal cold lead s zes are also g ven n the M<br />

Accessores dalasheet (see page 85). Other gland szes are avalabe on request<br />

P11(iofPgil),P16(rorPg16) P21 (ior Pg2I ) e1c. Brass g ands are standard on all<br />

heat ng unils PVC gland shrolds avaiab e on request<br />

- sta n ess sleeland inconelsheath stainess stee jo nt s slandad.<br />

copper and cupro nicke sheallr brass<br />

loinl is standard

Thermoheat by Accessories for Ml <strong>Heat</strong>ing Cables<br />

For the term nalion oi b! k M heal ng<br />

cabres. a ot accessories inc lding<br />

g ands. seals jo.ts andcoid ead cab e<br />

<strong>Heat</strong>ing Cable Accessories - Design B Units<br />

Lead in Cable Fer: Lead in<br />

Prel x CC lor <strong>Co</strong>pperCCH ror Cable Size<br />

HDPE/copper HDCror Cupro (mm)<br />

Nick€l/SC lor Stainless Sleel<br />

is ava able. n panicu ar for hazafdous<br />

area app cations iaclory term nation ol<br />

the healin! !n ts is slrongly<br />

recommended. Reievant comb nalions of<br />

cold ead cab es glands etc are dela ed<br />

n the follow ng iab es.<br />

Lead in Cable End Seal<br />

EExe<br />

NCrrrrroon ltsrlHr.sro 300 RPALr H,<br />

Hc,|rlrlr8oo lHr 5<br />

HCf1M630 FFS iF , 0 00 qcv P.<br />

2 5 SJK40 53 FPSL]H2 520 300<br />

SJK45 53 FPSL]H2 520 3OO<br />

RGM]H2 520<br />

HCH1M100<br />

n Mo<br />

2s SJKs2.s3 RFSL1H2520300<br />

oos .. oro<br />

BPAL1H2520300<br />

""" o o,r ".rJ | 0<br />

HcclMrT<br />

HCC1Mll<br />

1H6 6<br />

6<br />

SJK46 q4<br />

SJK,19 6,1<br />

RPSL]H620 300 FFALIH620 300<br />

RFAIrn62oJoo<br />

FGf.r1H2 5:"<br />

FGM1rr620<br />

ncr!l1t6r0<br />

FGM11r025<br />

HCCTU2 87<br />

HCCjMT 72<br />

lHU SJ(64f13<br />

FrPsLlHrb,jr0oRFAljHr5.5"00RcMjH<br />

BiAL rHrs'5 300 RGM1tsr!?L<br />

FPSLrHl62si300<br />

PAL1H'53'IOO RGN1]H25:'<br />


HoFrr,rrboo lHri ,s sJK3rcs3 nesrrc i2919q 3 nzs:o:oo RcfrllH2s20<br />

-HDFrMrooo<br />

r-i i" .<br />

ij.*^;;' .r* r sJK37E53 p,psL1H2rro<br />

300 RPALrH2520j0o ncMrl2 5?q<br />

ir'ffi ,.irri 25 .sJKaacs3 qts!l!?l?!!!q FPALlHz5ru ro0 RGr4rF4aL<br />

ii" rr'5 ' -o r']o ::! o oo o vr' o<br />

*tr-t-.-,....'--r"]-'<br />

t*,r!l'1u.1<br />

::*]']*",,"t,tr--:::::+::,<br />

D 'V<br />

o r' ,. .<br />

c" o oo oPi, o o<br />

.-oo -i::::<br />

Dpl- 0 .00 -.r.1<br />

|<br />

-fu<br />

ll,:::<br />


:l::,,,,..<br />

. :<br />

: 1<br />

. . :<br />

.'"j:-',-*-&*--fl;--.'---ff*e,",'".-H=;.<br />

'r<br />

:': ;<br />

=i'<br />

-r $ ::l . i 1ts2 r ,l<br />

ll li . .,<br />

HsorMiootr ':xis- ;:! !r '-x; "^"i.: '3" 3'!r' '<br />

*l#+$- -.,,--* *', -:^,*_,r-#*"*ffi<br />

'<br />

iconeL(F!a. ) cab es use same reiefences as HSO cabes<br />

a3<br />

l<br />

: :<br />

.t:::t:,<br />

:',:\,2i:itt<br />

,,,,Lt..,,,;:iaa<br />

. .<br />


tt:::. :::<br />

DigiTrace Thermoslal applicalion lable<br />

sunrnc. sersnc l_Q<br />

ffi<br />

tr<br />

tr dependlng<br />

Hd'doc @<br />

ot",a"r"a"","o Q<br />

EI -.<br />

ll<br />

ffi<br />

Io&,1<br />

tta.aroous<br />

@<br />

t.t."t'""i"a<br />

AT TS 13 5'C +15'C -20 c +80 c<br />

AT.T5-14 0'C +120'C 20 C +160'C<br />


TCONTBOL CONT.02 conrgurabe berween depeh.lng an type<br />

1999 and +9999 ofserso/ rsed '<br />

TCON CSD/20 200'C +500"C<br />

FTC-g15 CONT 60"c 10 +570.C<br />

HTC 915,LIM<br />

T M 10 S/0+50C 0'C +50'C lAC+60C<br />

T M 10 S/0+200C 0'C +200'C 2A'C +234'C<br />

T M 10 S1+50+300C +50'C +300"C 2A'C -34s C<br />

on lype +20 C to +450'C<br />

ofsersor lsed' (Tl to T6)<br />

Temp. Selting Exposure<br />

Limjter temp. senso.<br />

T M 20 S10+50C 0'C +50 C 4A'C +60'C +20'C +]50'C -4A'C +17A'C 1A2<br />

T M 20 S/0+200C 0'C +200'C 2A'C +23A C +r30'C +200"C 2A'C +234'C 102<br />

T-M-20-S/+50+300C +50'C +300'C 20'C +345'Q +20"C +400'C 4A'C +'AA'C 102<br />

Temp. Setting Exposrre<br />

Limiler temp. sensol<br />

0'C +.199'C 50'C +585'C<br />

-1 C +163 C 50 C +215 C 87<br />

T-M-20-S/+5+215C/EX +5 C +215'C 30'C +250'C +40 C +300_C 30'C +330'C<br />

T.M-20-S/+70+350C/EX +70'C +350'C -3A'C +330 C +70'C +350'C 3a C +3ao C<br />

AT TS 13 5C+r5C 93<br />

FAYSTAT.ECO.lO 0'c +30'c<br />

T M i0 S/0+50C 0'C +50"C<br />


a4<br />

0'C +49'C<br />

se ectab e depend nO dependng q the cantol<br />

na.te chasen and ne VPe<br />

belwean 7"C and 316'C ofs.nsorlsed -<br />

(') These syslens can depend ng on rlre 6pp calon be uscd wlh re lo owing sensors: MON'PT]00 EXE and<br />

t'torterr6o exe ser'lson lnu.ard.usarea) MoN PTI01] NH {ordnarvareal MoNlPrl00 4i20MA<br />

(intinsc saie T<strong>Co</strong>NTFOL CONI02 onV)<br />


DigiTrace<br />

This EEx d approv€d surface sensing The swilch ng curreni capacily is 22 A.<br />

therr.oslat provides temperat!re conlroi blt lh s thermostat lras a cont nuous c!r<br />

for a Faychem BTV OTVF. KTV and rent mil ol 32 A a owin! l10 be used<br />

XTV heai ng cabtes in hazardoLs areas wlh lofger englhs of seli regulat ng heal<br />

The swilch ng tenperallre range s 4,,c ng cabe lt lras a slnge poe change-<br />

lo +163'C and ls adilstabte exlerna y 10 ovef swtch wilh volt-lree contacts<br />

the Ex encosure by a dia mounted under Cabe enlry is through a s ngte 3/4 NpT<br />

a bolled on cover and seal<br />

lhread enlry Flaychem cabe g ands are<br />

avalabe lo sut non armoured and<br />

Lkr l"t'g<br />

Enlry<br />

Amb enl operalrng lemperature 40'C to +60'C<br />

Temperature sensing<br />

RAYSIAT-EX.02<br />

€, Surlace sensing mechanical therm0slal<br />

Hazardous area:zone I Zone 2 (Gas). zo.e 21 zone 22 (D!st)<br />

2 G/D EExd llC,lP 65. T80'c<br />

LCIEQ2ATEX6O26<br />

The 3 m ong stain ess stee 1l! d I ed<br />

bulb and cap ary give lreedom lo ocale<br />

the encosure remote iron lhe b! b The<br />

burrr exposLre range s 50.C to +215,C.<br />

The cast a umin !m consrruclion wth<br />

sla n ess slee liUngsqvesa ghtweghl<br />

Ln t whrch can be p pe mounled lsing<br />

Faychem slppoft brackels or s!rface<br />

LacqLer coaled casl allm nilm wth stain ess slee i and nLlr e<br />

rubber inlerna lid sea!<br />

P 65 ij lnslaled wth Faychem cabe g ands GL-33 or GL 3.1<br />

Screwihread d ocked n p ace by a 2 mm hexagona key grlb screw<br />

1 x 3/4 NPT<br />

Flud I ed bulb dnd rap a y<br />

Caprlary 3 m ong b!b197mm"8mm<br />

Sla nless steel (Type 55316)<br />

E^pos!re temperalu e 50'C lo +21s'C<br />

lllnim!m bend rad us<br />

DO NoT BEND BULB, r5 mrn lor capilLary<br />


DigiTrace RAYSTAT.EX-02<br />

f<br />

'l<br />

l-<br />

;t<br />

Swilching<br />

Tvpe po e .hange over vo I rree conla.l5 (SPDT)<br />

22 A al250 Vac, sw tching (100 000 cycles).32 A conlinlols curent mi1<br />

Setting<br />

4'C lo +163'C<br />

5K<br />

4.5'C a1 21'C anrb ent and 50"C sensor lemperal!re<br />

Exlernal knob and dia<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nnection terminals<br />

suppv 3lerminas lor 1 to 4 mm'conduclors<br />

s ngle bot ior 1 lo 4 mf. conduclors<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nnection deiails and thermoslat control syslem<br />

a6<br />

rl<br />

S ng e bol and camp Ior l lo 4 mm'condlctors

Digilrace RAYSTAT-EX-02<br />

Maimum recommended heating cabte tengihs (230 V suppty)<br />

ne,m€xmo m remm fie nded h eating cab e englh s restricled by the electrica protect on s zing or th e sw tchi. g capacily ot ihe<br />

RAYSTAT.EX 02<br />

For crcuits and eleclrical protection rated up to and inctuding 20 A use lhe maxim!m recommende.r heal ng cabte tengths.<br />

menroned . Ine cable dalasheel<br />

For circuits and electrical proteciion rated above 20 A but less than or equat to 32 A use the shoder tength oi the vatles<br />

g F in h6 abpodo. pp dnd.ho.po.-r'o, /o...rir. ng<br />

For crcurls and etectricat protection raled above 32 a, FAysrAT-Ex-o2 must Nor be connected for direct swilchinq.<br />

Heal ng cab e reierefce<br />

3ATV2 5BTV2 33TV2 joBTV2 loOTVB2 15QTVR2 200TVF2 4XTV2 axTv2 12XTV2<br />

-cTtcR<br />

15XTV2 20XTV2<br />

.cT/-cF<br />

5XTV2<br />

.cT/-cB cT/,cB .CT -CT -CT CT_T3 -cT.T3 .Cr.r3 CT T3 -CT.T2 CT<br />

lqllql r! .. 115 95 110 250 r3o ra5 130 rlu !s jlo ,,s rso q r30 jlo<br />

.. 2s0 130 110 225 |O<br />

Power cabe g and for armo!red cabe<br />

Power cab e g and ror<br />

(to be ordered separale y)<br />

Baychem support brackel SB 100 S8101 SB-110 SB-11lor<br />

slrface mounl ng wilh 4lix ns holes (M6) on 101 5 x i 0i 5 mm canlres<br />

GL 33<br />

GL 34<br />


PN (We ghl) 404385-000 (1770 g)<br />

493217 000<br />


Digiirace<br />

These eeclron c surlace sensing and<br />

amD enr thermoslals provide accurale<br />

lemperal!re conlro jor heating cabes<br />

The lhermostats are approved to the<br />

req! renenls oj EN 50 014, EN 50 019<br />

EN 50 020 and EN 50 028. The !i ts can<br />

be supplied at.omina volages ol eilher<br />

I10V 50/60 Hz or 230V 50/60 Fz afd<br />

nave a doube po e swilch rated at 16 A<br />

The swilch conlacts can be arranged lo<br />

be volt tree. Temperature setting is<br />

accurate via digialthumb whee swtches<br />

The surlace sensing version is supptied<br />

wilh a P1 100 sensor and a 2 m tong<br />

stain ess sleel sheathed exlension cabte<br />

gN ng lreedom to locate the eleclronics<br />

remote rrom lhe sensor The amberl ver<br />


@ Elechonic lhermoslats<br />


son is supp ed wilh a oca Pt 100 sensor<br />

The encosure is manufacl!red irom high<br />

mpact resislant g ass filled polyester<br />

orier ng lP66 protection.<br />

Fof p pe Lp lo 215'C, rhe<br />

un ts can be mounied on the pipe using a<br />

Hazardous area: Zonei or zone 2 (Gas) or zone 21 or zone 22 (Dusl)<br />

2 GIDT=ss'C EEx em a CT6<br />

(Ta 50'C 1o +5s C) ro EN so or4<br />

EN50 019. EN s0 020 and EN 50 023<br />

Product specificalion<br />

Temperalure range 0'C lo 499 C O'C to .19'C<br />

aa<br />

Swilching dlierenla<br />

Interna Power <strong>Co</strong>nsumPuon<br />

2 GrDT=45'C EEx ema llc T6<br />

(Ta 50'C 1o +55'C)to EN 50 014<br />

ENso 019. EN 50 020 and EN 50 023<br />

Passed Shel UK requ rements Passed she uK requtremenls<br />

!1i; of setpo nt above 1OQ'c<br />

' 1'C at 100'C<br />

.- 2'C al204'C<br />

., 5"C al 499"C<br />

Dua poe change ovenype (DPDT)<br />

164 at 110/230V/254V 50/60llz,<br />

resisl ve oad<br />

50'C 10 +55'C<br />

eC I t OizSo V-1o?.izsavtlO%<br />

1r0/117V,4VA<br />

230 V - 3VA<br />

.- 1'C<br />

Dua poe change over type (OPDT)<br />

164 at 110/230V/254V 50/60 flz,<br />

50'C lo +55'C<br />

AC r10/230 V 10%/254V+10%

DigiTrace RAYSTAT"EX-03 and FAYSTAT-EX-04<br />

Dimensions (in mm)<br />

Typical wiring diag€m lor direct swilching<br />

'<br />

circ! t breaker contig!rations rnay vary accordinq<br />

lo ocal slandards/requ rements<br />

"<br />

L nk 1 8 and/or 3-5 can be rernoved lo pro_<br />

vide potenl altree contacls<br />

lvlounting meihod<br />


I<br />

,ry<br />

I'IilE<br />

2 x Nrl20 glands (cabe ,7.5 13 mm)<br />

1 x N425 wth M25(1,4)/M20(F) adaplor<br />

and (M20) PLlg<br />

2 wire Pl 100, staif ess slee sensor,<br />

2 m lo.g<br />

Baychem support bracket SB_100 or<br />

SB-101 or surJace mounting wilh 4lxng<br />

hoes on 110x140 mm cenlres<br />


333472-000 (3.0 kg)<br />

I<br />

+:<br />

i.) {.)<br />

:ol<br />

2 x 1,420 glands (cable a 7.5 13 mm)<br />

1 x [/]25 wilh M25(f,4)/[r]20(F-) adaptor<br />

and (M2o) p uq<br />

2 wire Pl l0O. stainless steelse.sor<br />

complele wLlh w.d shield<br />

Raychem sLrpporl brackel SB 100 or<br />

sB-1ol or sudace rnounl nq wiih 4 fixrng<br />

holes on 110x140 mm ceftres<br />

462a34 000 (3 1 kg)<br />


DigiTrace<br />

An EEx de suriace sensing thermostais<br />

provrd ng remperalure controtand 1emperalure<br />

mil in hazardous areas<br />

The high mi1.ut oul prevents the heat<br />

rng sysrem exceedrng a preset maxim!m<br />

lemperal!re sho! d lhe contro 1!nction<br />

ra ro operale or an unsafe process temperalure<br />

occur The maxrmurn rated vo[<br />

age s 400VAC The swilchrng cLrrenl<br />

capacty s 164 max mum via independ<br />

T.M-20-S+x+y/EX<br />

@ Surface sensing<br />

thermoslal with limiler<br />

enl EEx d s ngle poe change over micro<br />

swiches wth voll lree contacts.<br />

The switches are molnted wthir an<br />

EExe encosLfe logelher wilh a cage<br />

camp lermina bock iof iast easy connecton<br />

The sensors are 2 rneter tong<br />

starn ess sleeli uid filed butb and capit-<br />

The lhermostal is de vered wth EEx<br />

approved power cable grands an.l p lqs<br />

and the enlres offer the poss bifty ior a<br />

variely ol conneclons such as: ooping<br />

the power suppry (dasy cha n ng) in order<br />

to save j!nctio. boxes poss bllily 10 con<br />

nect [425 and M20 gands for dire.t healifg<br />

cab e en1ry. aarm oulput<br />

The lhermostal witlr lirn ter s ava abte in<br />

2lemperature rarges +5'C +215.C and<br />

+70'C +350'C<br />

T-M"2O-S/+5+215CIEX T.M-20.S/+70+35OC/Ex<br />

Hazardous area: Zone I or Zone 2 (Gas) or Zone 21 or Zone 22 (Dust)<br />

ll2 G EEx ed llc T6<br />

!2 D tP 65 T80"C<br />

PTB O] ATEX 1075<br />

2GEExedlC16<br />

2 D tP 65 T80"C<br />

PTB O] ATEX 1075<br />

Product specificalion<br />

N4ax ralecl vollage (.om)<br />

4OO VAQ<br />

+5'C +215'C<br />

+70'C +350'c<br />

+40'C +300'C<br />

+70'C +350'C<br />

Sw tch ng type Sing e pole change over (SPDT)<br />

>100 000 cycles at I nom<br />

>50.000 cycles al5 x nom<br />

S ngle poe change over (SPDT)<br />

>100.000 cyces at I nom<br />

>50 000 cycles al 5 x I nom<br />

Swilch ng capacily Mar 164 al 400VAC. resrslve ord Max 164 at 400vAC. resislve oad<br />

Hysler€sis/ Diierenla<br />

Digifrace<br />

Dimensions<br />

{in mm)<br />

I<br />

Oulput parameters<br />

220<br />

244<br />

124<br />

T-M.2O-S/+5+215ClEX T.M-20"S/+70+35oC/EX<br />

Clrange over sw tch w lh poss b ty for alarm<br />

Cap llary eakaqe detecton syslem<br />

tP65 P65<br />

90<br />

T-M-20-S+x+y/EX<br />

220 x 120 x 90 mm 220 x 120 x 90 rnm<br />

Materias body a.d ld Back, gass filled polyester encosurc Black g ass Ji ed poyesier enclosure<br />

Lid lix ng<br />

4 captive screws. stain ess stee 4 caplve screws. stanless steel<br />

Temperature sensor<br />

rvpe<br />

Vatera<br />

Expos!re lempefature<br />!m bend.g rad !s<br />

1!!"1!!!!9t<br />

x M25 g and (Z 8 l7 mm): power slpply<br />

x M25 g and w lh p ug (O I 17 mm): da sy cha n ng oJ power<br />

x 1,425 reducef M25/1M20 nc. M20 I and w th p ug (t-r 5 13 mm) ollplt to heal ng<br />

2 x M2O plw: oulprt lo healing cables (possib ty to confect conduclor lrealrng<br />

2 x lt'120: cap ary se.sors<br />

Fluid i ed cap ary. 2 rn lo.g Fldfllledcap ary,2m ong<br />

<strong>Co</strong>ntroler t7 mmi ef91h senslng eement = 88 mm<br />

a 4.7 mm le.gth sens fg eLemenl = 191 .nm<br />

t 7 mm lengtlr senslng eemenl = 33 mm<br />

4 47 mrn; enqth sens nq elemenl= 191 m<br />

I .1435 s1a. ess steel<br />

1 .1435 stalnless steel<br />

<strong>Co</strong>ntro er<br />

Lrm ter<br />

30'C +250'C<br />

30'C +330'C<br />

30 C +380'C<br />

30'C +380'C<br />

r0 mrn ior cap ary (.ot ior scnsof) 10 mm for cap ary (nol lor sc.sor)<br />

SB-120 or s!rface mount ng via 4 tix.q<br />

165a86 000<br />

holes al 204 x 82 centrcs<br />


DigiTrcce T-M-20-S+x+y/EX<br />

9,!!!I!19t"1"<br />

Ordering relerences: Weighl:<br />

T lvl-20-Sa5+21<br />

5C/EX 576404 000 2kg<br />

T-[r]-20<br />

S/+70+350C/EX 655212-000 2ks<br />

lleaning ot relerence: T-tLt-20-S/+x+y/EX<br />

M = rneclranrcal thermoslat<br />

20 =.onrro rhermostat + im l€r<br />

x = mrn temperalure or control ranle<br />

y = lernperal!re oi conlro ranqe<br />

L]<br />

N<br />

PE<br />

L milef <strong>Co</strong>ntro er<br />

.ll + t ?<br />

PE L 32 34 21 22 24 PE<br />

f<br />

I<br />

.<br />

L<br />

1<br />

rl<br />

noi lloating contact<br />

I<br />


Raychem<br />

A s!rtace sensng thermostal provdes<br />

lemperature control n safe areas. The<br />

rnaxrmum fated votage s 230vAc The<br />

e eclrc sw tch ng e ement is raled tor<br />

164 max murn al 250VAC The tempera<br />

l!re sei point can be checked through a<br />

wndow n lhe daswe asllreLEDrnd<br />

The sensor s a 3 meler rong PTC cabe<br />

and can be shodened lor ambrent sensng<br />

operation D recl conneclon of the<br />

heal ng elemenl ls possble throlgh the<br />

\--:<br />

\<br />

. ll;.<br />

q,ll<br />

AI-IS-13 and AT-TS-14<br />

Surface sensing lherm0stat, eleclronic<br />

AT.TS.t3 aT-TS.t4<br />

M25 cab e qiand. The lhernrostal is ava<br />

able in 2lemperalure ranges: 5'C +15'C<br />

and 0'A +120 C<br />

Ord nary area, orldoors Ordifary area, o!ldoors<br />

Suppy voltage 230 VAC +10% 159;50/60 Hz 230 VAC +109i 159" 50/60 Fz<br />

Mai sw lching c!nent 16 A 250 Vac<br />

Sw ching diferental<br />

0.6KlorK<br />

06Kto1K<br />

11 K al5'C (calibfation pont) 2 K at 60"C (ca branon ponl)<br />

SPST (norrnally open) SPST lnofmally open)<br />

Adlustabe temPeraltre €nqe 5'C to +15 C 0'c 10 +120'c<br />

Housing<br />

Exposure lernperature<br />

Entries<br />

-20'C 10 +50'C<br />

20'C lo +50'C<br />

P65 according lo EN 60529<br />

lP65 a.cordins lo EN 60529<br />

i x M2o for suppLy cable (o8 13 mm)<br />

1 x Il25 for heating eement (o11_17 mm)<br />

1 x [r]16 ior the sensor<br />

1 x M20lor supply cabe (o8 13 rnm)<br />

1 x M25 ior heating elemenl (o11 17 mm)<br />

1 x l,,ll6 forlhe sensor<br />

ABS<br />

ABS<br />

nicke Dlaled qurck release screws nckel-pated quLck reease scfews<br />

sB I t0 afd sB']11<br />

SB 110 and SB-111<br />


Raychem AT-TS.13 aod AT-TS-14<br />

Dimensions (in mm)<br />

-ir<br />

Rawhem<br />

;l<br />

l a \ l<br />

'r tt,,'<br />

t<br />

r!) _ _ ll<br />

- -<br />

rl ffi Fr<br />

. , - : a l<br />

B<br />

C<br />

Temperature sensor<br />

B<br />

c<br />

Green LED <strong>Heat</strong>ng cabe on<br />

Red LED Sensor break<br />

Bed LED Sensor short c rcuil<br />

|<<br />

a<br />

122<br />

AT-TS-13 AT.TSN4<br />

I<br />

55<br />

: n<br />

a' l<br />

PTC KIY 83 110 PTC KTY 83 1]O<br />

3m 3m<br />

D ameter sensor cable 5.5 rnm 5.5 rnm<br />

D am€ter sensor head 6.5 'nm 6.5 rnm<br />

[/]ax exposure lernperal!re sensor cab e 80'C 160'C<br />

The sensof cable may be extended to a maxim!m ol 100 m using a 2-conductor wire<br />

wilh a cmss-seclion of 1.5 rnm'. The sensor cable sho! d be sh elded I il is lad n<br />

cable ducts or in the vicin ty of h gh vo tage carrying cables The shie d of the extension<br />

cabe shoud be grornded al the controller end on\<br />

Green LED Heaung Cabe ON<br />

Fed LED: Sensor break<br />

Red LED: Sensor shor'1c rcuil<br />

Green LED Heal ng Cab e ON<br />

Red LED: Sensor break<br />

Fled LED: Sensor short circ! t<br />

AT TS 13<br />

AT TS ]4<br />

PN (We ghl) 728129-000 (440 g) 648945 000 (.140 g)<br />

Spare ternperal!re sensor<br />

(AT IS 13 and AT TS_r4)<br />

94<br />

PN (We ghl)<br />

BEDUCEB.[425/M2O PA<br />

N425 ma e/M2o fema e<br />


lrl25 male/lvl2o lemale<br />

184856 000<br />

184856-000<br />

HARD.69<br />

HARD 69<br />

(Max. exposure lernperat!re 160'C)<br />

'133571-000 (180 g) 133571 000 (r80 q)

Raychem AT-TS-13 and AT-TS-14<br />

Wiring diagram for thermosrat AT-TS-13 or AT-TS-14<br />

L1<br />

AT.IS 13n4 ndh coota.ror<br />

L1<br />

L2<br />

L3<br />

I<br />

X ]<br />

t-<br />

Serl requ ariq heatng carr e<br />

Sel r€gu alinq healin!.ab€<br />

5 1 2<br />

\ril<br />

I;<br />

YsYi<br />

6 8 9<br />

,<br />

Two- oriour pote etectrcatprolection by crcuil breaker rnay be neededior localcircLmstances standards and regulalLons<br />

"<br />

Depend.g on ihe applicaton, one or lhree_pole circut'breakefs or conlactors may be used<br />

"'Oplonal: Polenlia Jree circ! t breaker for conneclon lo the BlrlS<br />


DigiTrace<br />

The BAYSTAT CONTBOL-10 surface<br />

sens ng lhermostal s designed to pro<br />

vde user Jrendly meas!rement and con<br />

lro lor heal ng cables. Tlre thermostat<br />

has a 25 A control relay (llrat can be<br />

amnged 10 be vot iiee)and a 2 A vot<br />

free SPDT alarm re ay<br />

Parameler and eventua a arm cond tions<br />

are shown on lhe d gila dsplay and settings<br />

can be progfammed eas y even<br />

wilhout power supp y<br />

The RAYSTAT-CO NTROL-1 0 lhermostal<br />

s slpp ed wilh a P1100 sensor This<br />

sensor lras a 3 rn ong silicone exlension<br />

RAYSTAI.COI{IROt.1ll<br />

Surlace sensing<br />

Pr0grammable thermostal with alarm relay<br />

cable giv ng lreedom lo ocaie the eeclronics<br />

rernole from lhe sensor<br />

Two M25 enlres allow ior lhe power<br />

cable and heat ng cab e lo be connected<br />

d rectly inlo the un t The unils can be<br />

mounted on the p pe lsing the<br />

SB 100 or SB 101 slpport bracket.<br />

Ord nary area (indoo6, olldooB)<br />

Sens no in zone 1 or zone 2 possble willr l'4ON PT1oo_ExE (seperale v avaiLable)<br />

Amb enl operating temperal!re range 40'C to +40 C<br />

Supply vo tage (nomina )<br />

230 Vac. +10"; 109; 50/60 Hz<br />

Inlernal power consumption<br />

Ld f xing<br />

Enles<br />

G and plug<br />

tP65<br />

Grey polycarbonate base<br />

2x1425 1 x M20, l x lv116<br />

D rect enlry of heat ng cabe ntounit wilh [r]25 connection kil<br />

1 x 1,120

DigiTrace RAYSTAT.CONTROT-10<br />

< 160<br />

ii,l:<br />

Temperature<br />

sensol<br />

r48<br />

'Li:1, \<br />

^<br />

,.,<br />

ri{)<br />

-,l:ri-<br />

88 r08<br />

3-w fe Pt 100 according lo tEC Ctass B<br />

Max mum expos!re lemperature 200'c<br />

I<br />

L<br />

45 F 90<br />

bensorc.foeerlende.rwthalw eshieded.abeolmax.20!)perconduclor(max. l50nrwlha3xl5mnr,cabte).<br />

Sens ng in hazardous area zone 1 or zone 2 can be done w rh t4ONt pT1Oo-EXE<br />

The sensor cable shou d be sh elded il il is tai.l in cabe ducls of n lhe vcinity of h gh vo[age carryng cabes. The shetd 01<br />

|re extenson cable shou d be grounded at the controler end ontv.<br />

S ngle poe singe lhrow reay rat ng: 2sA a1 250 Vac<br />

Sno.ooeooLoFrhrow pl.y,or^g 2aa..(OV. j ro .ee<br />

Programmable parameter sellings<br />

0'c to +150'c<br />

1K to 5K<br />

Low Temperalure Alarrn 40'C lo +148'C<br />

F gh Temperal!re Alarrn +2'C lo +1sQ'C or swtched OFF<br />

Neater Operalon i Sensor Erior<br />

YES or NO<br />

Parameterscanbeprogrammedwilhoulpow€rsuppy(nlernalballery)andparametersareslofed..onvoatilememory<br />

B<br />

i:lL<br />

1<br />

,a!<br />

.<br />

2<br />

; O 3 .<br />

'a.]r' l.i 4<br />

Sensor shoa Sensor open .ir.! t<br />

F gh temperal!re / Low temperalure<br />

Low supp y voltage /Oulput vollage iaull<br />

A LED Dispay (parameter<br />

and erior ndicaions)<br />

2. Pararneler seleclon<br />

3.5<br />


IrigiTtace FAYSTAT-CONTROL-10<br />

L<br />

iA<br />

T<br />

L J i r l<br />

'**'** i11iili1:-<br />

'i<br />

r i<br />

ii..t<br />

;-t<br />

rl<br />

11<br />

'll<br />

\\<br />

1 I\<br />

l<br />

] ro, r-o- "<br />

T rF -'tr<br />

Remove links Wl and W2.<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nnection terminals<br />

Srpply 3lermifas for 0 75 mm'to 4 mm'<br />

4lerminas ior 0 75 rnnr: to 2.5 md'<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nlrol relay connecl on 3lerminas ior 0 75 mm'to 4 mm'<br />

Alarm 'e ay co..e.1 o. 3lerminas lor o 75 nm'to 2 5 mm'<br />

9a<br />


Eeclr.a pd€don bycr<br />

culbre6ker may rre needed<br />

srandards and regu alons<br />

Depend nq on the apptca<br />

ron lne or lhrca-p.e.n<br />

Su{ace mounl ng wilh 4lixLng holes on l4a x l0A rnm cenlres. M4 c earance<br />

Suppoar bracket SB 1OO SB lOI<br />


828er0-000 (800 g)<br />

BEDUCEB [I25lM20'PA<br />

M25 ma e/M20 iema e<br />


DigiTrace<br />

The RAYSTAT ECO-10 temperature<br />

conlroler is desgned to conlro heating<br />

cabes lsed for frost proteclion applica<br />

tors ll contrnuo!sly adj!sts the trace<br />

heal ng oulplt based on the ambent<br />

tenrperal!re Using a prcpretary ago<br />

ri1hm. lhe RAYSTAT ECO 10 contro er<br />

measures ambient ternperal!re and<br />

delermines lhe apprcprlale cyce I me<br />

drf ng which lhe healirg cabes willbe<br />

enefgised. S nce ambenl temperalrres<br />

n winl€r are oflen beow freez ng polnl,<br />

bul we above lhe minirnum desgned<br />

amb enl lemperature, s gniiicant €nergy<br />

sav ngs are rcalised. Pararneters are d s<br />

Played and can be sel eas y The con<br />

lro er nclldes a 25A reay which a ows<br />

d rect swilching ol lhe heating c rcuit.<br />

The enclosure can easily be installed<br />

oltdoors. The un I includes a Pl r00<br />

sensortor determ ning ambienl iempera<br />

Ord nary area ouldoors<br />

Ambient operal.g tempe arure ra.9e 40'C 10 +40'C<br />

230 Vac, +10?" 109., 50/60 Hz<br /> powe cons!mptio.<br />

Base a"d ld<br />

Lid I' .g<br />

GLand plug<br />

P65<br />

Grcy polycarbonate base<br />

RAYSTAT-ECll-10<br />

Ambient sensing<br />

Energy saving lrosl prolecti0n c0nholler<br />

2 x M25, 1x[/20,1x1/16<br />

Dtrec € \ olh'drn.r ao'F Iour r, q\4 r'o p o- t<br />

1 i [r]20<br />

The RAYSTAT-ECO r0 contro er s<br />

desiqned lo pfovide 1ro!bleJr€e on!<br />

lefm operation. I addton to the dispay<br />

lhe conlro er nclldes an aarm reay thal<br />

swilches ether upon ow suppy votage,<br />

!pon orlplt laull or upon RTD faifure<br />

lhus allowng rernote ndicaton of syslem<br />


DigiTrcce BAYSTAT-ECO-10<br />

Dimensions (in mm)<br />

Temperature sensor<br />

ft,<br />

3-w re Pt 100 according ro EC Class B<br />

Sensor can be exlended wllh a 3-w re shjelded cable ol max 20 o per conductor (max. 1s0mwtha3x1.5nrm cabe)<br />

The sensor cab e shou d be shieded f t s Lad n cabe ducts of in lhe vc nily ol high-voltage carryng cabes. The slr ed ol the<br />

exlenson cabe sholld be gro!nded ai the controLef end on y.<br />

S ngle poe singe lhrow reay raling:25A at 250 Vac<br />

Snglepoedoubethrowreay ral nq: 2 A al 250 Vac volllfee<br />

Ma ntain lemperature sel poi.t 0'C lo + 30'C (heating 09'. powered)<br />

M n mum ambienl 1em! re 30 C to 0 C (heaung 100'. powered)<br />

<strong>Heat</strong>er Operation il Sensor Etror ON (1009a) or OFF user defined ON or OFF<br />

Vollage Free Operalion YES or NO<br />

Paramelers can be proqram med w thorl powe. supp y (inlerna balte ry) and paramete rs are slored n non'vo alile memory.<br />

Energy saving wiih Propodional Ambient Sensing <strong>Co</strong>ntrol (PASc)<br />

Duty cycle (power to heater ON) .lepends on the ambienl temperalure.<br />

For example:<br />

It minimum temperature= -15'c and if maintain temperaiure (set point)= +5'c<br />

%oN<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

5<br />

Resull: Al ambient lemperalure of -5'C<br />

Sensor sho / Sensor open ctrcun<br />

[/]n expecled ambent temperalure reach€d<br />

Vollage e rors Low supp y \rolTag€ / oulputvoltage laull<br />

'| oo<br />

B<br />

,/^\ : I<br />

eha"CE.i.l,., 3<br />

t i1)<br />

a a<br />

A. LED D splay (palameler and error ind cations)<br />

2 Parameler seeclion<br />

4i"-"as€ ".r*<br />

-15 10 -5<br />

2A<br />

0<br />


Digifrace<br />

ftl '1<br />

Hearnq cabre<br />

I<br />

1 Il<br />

l<br />


,Tt<br />

A B C<br />

Voltage Free operation: Remove links W1 and W2.<br />

I<br />

-- ,<br />

L.-.i<br />

I<br />

1<br />

'l<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nnection terminals<br />

Supply<br />

<strong>Co</strong>flrol relay connect on 3lerminas<br />

Aarm re ay corneclion 3 tem nals<br />

3 term nals for 0 75 mm'lo 4 mm'<br />

4lerminas for 0 75 mm'to 2 5 mm'<br />

lor 0 75 mm'to 4 rnm'<br />

iof 0 75 mm'lo 2.5 mm'<br />


BAYSTAT-ECO.1(|<br />

'<br />

Eeclrca proteclion by cr<br />

cul breake, may be nee'le'J<br />

standards and regual0ns<br />

app cal0n on€ or lrlee<br />

.r.onEcrcE may De useo<br />

Mounting method Surlace mounting with 4 fixing holes on 148 x 108 mm centres' ll,l4 clearance<br />

SB-r 00, SB 101 (SB-110 or sB_111)<br />


PN (We ghl) 145232-000 (800 g)<br />

REDUCEB-[425l[T]20 PA<br />

M25 male/[420 fema e<br />

184856 000<br />


DigiTrace<br />

A surlace sens ng thermostat provd ng<br />

temperalufe conlro and lemperalrre<br />

miler Ln saie areas The h gh rnil cul<br />

olt prevents the heal ng syslem exceed<br />

ng a preser max mrm remperaure<br />

should llre contro luncton failto operate<br />

or an !nsale process temperal!fe occur<br />

I-M-20-S/+x+y<br />

Surface sensing<br />

Thermostal wilh limiler<br />

Ternperature set poinl adiustment and<br />

lim ter reset can be cornpleled, wthout<br />

opening the enclosure, via rernovabe<br />

pllgs n lhe d<br />

Bolh 2 meter long stain ess stee ll! d<br />

filled b! b and caplllary are prolected a1<br />

the encos!re by a i exib e condL L<br />

t_<br />

\<br />

D recl conneclon of lhe heal ng cable is<br />

The thermoslal is ava able in 3 tempera<br />

lure ranles. 0 50"C 0 200'C;50-300'C<br />

-n<br />

T-M.20-S/O+5|,C T.M-2o-S/O+20oC T.M-20.S/+50+3oOC<br />

Product specification<br />

N4ax raled voltage (nom) 230 VAC 230 VAC 230 VAC<br />

Temperature settng <strong>Co</strong>nlro er 0'C +50'C<br />

0'C +200'C<br />

+50'C +300"C<br />

+20'C +150'C<br />

+130'C +200'c<br />

+20'C +400"C<br />

Sw t.hL.g caP<br />

Fysteresis / Diljerential<br />

199L.!L<br />

Seling<br />

Ambienl operalLng lernP range<br />

102<br />

srngle pole change over lSPDT)<br />

100.000 cvces a1 16,4 (contro er)<br />

500 cycles at 10A (limiter)<br />

AC M" oa a _J0 VA<br />

M:i 164 at 230 VAC Ma' lba ai zru v<br />

r,r"" r on "i iio vnc Max I oA at 230 vac r!1a{9r {:!'r<br />

v1c<br />

3 oova<br />

i:oo vr<br />

oovA<br />

23oo vA<br />

lY:':<br />

i3o9l1-<br />


Digifrace T-M-20-S/+x+y<br />

,;'.<br />

t: t:i€ c,<br />

\.:t ,.<br />

220<br />

204<br />

I<br />

124<br />

T.M.20.S/O+50C T-M.2O-S/O+2ooc T-M.2O-S/+50+30OC<br />

Change over swilch (SPDT)<br />

Changeover switch wlh po$ b ily lor externa aarm (SPDT)<br />

P65 LP65 P65<br />

222 x 120 x 90 mm 222 x 120 r 90 mm 222 x 120 x 90 mm<br />

l4atera s body and d Grey, polyester encosrre Grey, poyeslef encloslre Grey, po yesler encos!re<br />

4 caplve screws. staLn ess slee<br />

Temperalure sensor<br />

D mefsons: <strong>Co</strong>nlroller ta:<br />

length sens ng e ement<br />

L nriler L:<br />

englh sensing e ernenl:<br />

ExposLre l€mperalLre:<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nlro er<br />

L miler<br />

lV nlmurn bend ng radrus<br />

1 x M25 reducer M25/M20 inc. 1,420 gland ((.r 8 13 mm)<br />

1xM20gand(?8 i3 mm)<br />

I x M20 gand (O 8 13 mm)<br />

F uid lilLed capiLary 2 meler ong<br />

8 mrn<br />

166 mrn<br />

80 rnm 7a nrrn<br />

40'C +60'C<br />

40'C +170'C<br />

r0 mrn lor capi ary (not<br />

SB 120 or sudace rnounl<br />

20'C +230'C<br />

20'C +230'C<br />

lor sensor)<br />

56 mm<br />

-20'C +345"C<br />

-40'C +500'C<br />


DigiTrace T-M-20-S/+x+y<br />

ordering relerences:<br />

T M 20-S/0+50C 260448 000<br />

I M 20-S/0+200C 750502 000 525 9<br />

T-lr 20 S/+50+300C 604706 000<br />

IMeaning ol refererce: T-M-2o-S/+x+v<br />

l,I= rnechan cal thermostat<br />

20= conlro lhermoslat + tmiler<br />

x= m n temperalure ot controt range<br />

y= max ternperalure ol contro range<br />

104<br />

^t... j 2<br />

{,I<br />

ill-<br />

I<br />

I<br />

a<br />

fr<br />

I<br />

I<br />


DigiTraee<br />

A surlace sens ng thermostal provd ng<br />

temperalure conlro n saie areas.<br />

Iemperalure sel po nt adlustment can be<br />

compreled, w tho!t opening the<br />

encosure, va a removabe p !g n the<br />

T-M-10-S/+x+y<br />

ld. The 2 meler ong sla n ess slee cap<br />

I afy s prolected<br />

at lhe encloslre by a<br />

D recl conneclon of the heatng cabe s<br />

Surface sensing thermostat<br />

/.<br />

,.- .<br />

.tt \<br />

:-..<br />

"<br />

The thefrnoslat s ava able in 3 tempera<br />

ture ranges: 0-50'Ci0 200'C: 50 300'C<br />

,-,, /<br />

l.M-lo-S/O+5OC T.Illt.1O.S/O+2ooC T.M-lO-S/+5o+3ooc<br />

Product specification<br />

N4ax raled vollage (nom) 230 VAC 230 VAC 230 VAC<br />

0'c-50 c 0c 200c 50"c 300'c<br />

S nge poe change ovef<br />

(SPDT) 100 000 cycles<br />

s ngle poe change over<br />

(SPDT) 100.000 cyc es<br /> pole over<br />

(SPDT) 100.000 cyc es<br />

Hysteress / D fferent al<br />

Serrng<br />

'<br />

f,la" i 6,4<br />

2.5 ?. of temperallre range 2.5 % ol lemperailre range 2 5'n ol temperalure<br />

rl S"r" ot setpoint tor lempefalure setting in upper thkd oi range (meas!red al22'c)<br />

Internaldial through lid lnterna da.throlgh d Interna dLa.lhrough d<br />

Ambient operat ng temp range -20_Q +80'C 20"C +80"c 20'C +80'C<br />

g{ry!p3."I"t1"<br />


IligiTrace T-M-10-S/+x+y<br />

122<br />

't<br />

T-M-lO.S/O+5OC T-M.lO-S/O+2OOC T-M.1O-S/+5O+3OOC<br />

P65 P65<br />

122 x 120 x 90 mm i22 x 120 x 90 rnrn 122 r 120 ^ 90 mm<br />

f,4aler als body and ld Grey, po yesler enclosure<br />

Ld fix ng<br />

Enlres<br />

4 captive !(rews, slainless stee<br />

I x M25 reducer M25/M20 inc. M20 gland (? 8'13 mm)<br />

I x M20 gand (O 8-r3 mm)<br />

Temperature sensor<br />

Fludl ed.apllary,2 m Lo.g<br />

Dim€nsons e:<br />

englh sensing e ement: 166 mm 56 rnm<br />

Expos!re temperalure 40'C +60'C 20'C +230'c 2O'C +345'C<br />

[/]in m!rn bend ng radius 10 mrn lof capL ary (nol lor sensor)<br />

'| 06<br />

sB rr00r sB-1ll SB-110 or SB-111<br />

SB-110 or SB 1r l

Digilrace T-M-10'S/+x+y<br />

Ordering description<br />

Ordering reterences:<br />

T M 10 S/0+50C 105336-000 1lq<br />

T-[/]-10 S/0+200C<br />

$7348 000 rks<br />

r/ lo€/+so"JOOC<br />

lvleaning ot reference: T-tU-lo-S/+x+y<br />

607672-000 rKs<br />

M = mechanlca thermosiat<br />

r0 = conlro lhermostat<br />

x = min temperallre oi contro range<br />

v - ma\ e ofconlro ra.9e<br />

L<br />

;"1<br />


DigiTrace<br />

The D giTrace ICONTROL CONT 02 Allconlguralon ls done va lhe 4 ifonl<br />

m cropfocessor based e ectronc cof pane lolch keys The un t s lactory con-<br />

troller provides accurate controt anct monfigured as an ON/OFF conrro er suilabe<br />

torng lor ndivduattrace healing c fcuils. ror most trace-heatng app calions<br />

Tlre cornpact panel mounled temperarure Other type ol conlro agorilhm such as<br />

controller has lwo 4 dig l7 segmeni dis Proporiona contro (P) and P D can be<br />

pays ror process value ted) an.t ser selecled by simpy changtng the configu<br />

po nt (qreen) Durng programming rhe ration code. llpon adva lhe conlro er is<br />

0 sprays are provd ng comnrents and conlgured ior PTi00 npul {3 wire) wth<br />

vsua ad 10 s mpliJy sel-lp<br />

three oltplt re ays lrom whiclr one s<br />

a,<br />

h$sr<br />

*],<br />

Od nary area (indools, panel mo!nted)<br />

1t o 10 240 vac. +109', / 159'" 50/60 Hz<br />

6VA<br />

s.rew le,mifa s (1 5 mm )<br />

amb enr operar.g lempe'ature O'C to +55'C<br />

Anbenl slorage temperal!re<br />

40'C to +70'C<br />

Felal ve hum d ty<br />

75olo rnax , no condensalron<br />

ABS<br />

roa<br />


Single-circuil electr0nic conholler<br />

no data oss on power ourage<br />

2 temperal!re dispays; actlalvalue (red) and sel po nt (gree.):<br />

4 keys tor setting changes<br />

LED for slatus ind calon<br />

used as lhe conko er oltpul and the oth<br />

ers lof aarm. Sold slate oulplts can be<br />

controled va one of the ogic oltpuls.<br />

The PTi00 resrstance sensor and the<br />

connection cabe are monilofed for brcak<br />

and short c rcuil n the event of a iaull<br />

the oulplt switches lo a defned slate<br />

(oN or OFF) clepend ng on the users

Digifrace TCONTROL-CONT-02<br />

[lounting and dimensions<br />

Qulput<br />

Paramelers and facrory setlings<br />

,1EtrN<br />

flr<br />

,-r ,-'1 '<br />

Ei 6r i^i €l<br />

i-,Lr(--r [f<br />

llfflff . Ft<br />

,J +<br />

E J I ) ( ] ] -<br />

I<br />

.ttr<br />

S'r'<br />

r trl<br />

Pl 100, Pl r000, 0/4...20rnA 0/2. 10V, common llrermocouptes<br />

3 Mechanica . slng e pole conlads, raled 3 A al 250 Vac. iie >5 x 1 0! cyctes.<br />

The reays are derau I configlred as (Kl) control reay. (K2) iow remperallre a anr,<br />

1K3) h gh tenrperal!re alarm<br />

H !h. ow, band and sensor break / sensor shot<br />

On/On (seeclabe P D wlh auto tun ng)<br />

5'C (serecrable 199 9',C lo 999.9.C)<br />

2'C (sereclabre 0'c 1o 999.9'C)<br />

13'C (seeclabe i99 9',C to 999.9 C)<br />

Pl I 00, 3 w re (se eclab e see lisl above)<br />

XXXX (Seectabe xXX.x xx.Xx)<br />

Electromagnetic compalibility (EIMC) <strong>Co</strong>niom 10 EN 50 082 2 (heavy induslra ) and EN 50 081 1 ( gh1 lndlstriaL)<br />

llounting Pafe mou.l (lhrorgh the pane)<br />

Accessory selection table<br />

SeLect the appropriate accessories based on the specijics oi lhe app caiion. N4ore delalls about lhe accessories can be 1o!nd in<br />

the accessofes seclon of lhls dalabook.<br />

Pl 100,3 w re<br />

(Note<br />

1)<br />

Pl100wih4 20 mA lransm<br />

(NOIE 3)<br />

N"i" i, s""mt<br />

. [r]ON PT]00-NH<br />

. JB-S8.26<br />

tter (EEx L) 'TCONTROL_CONT 02<br />

' MONIRMC'PS24<br />

' t\4ONl PT100-4/20MA<br />

. JB-SB-26<br />

. NtoNr PT100'EXE (Nore 2)<br />

. JB'SB-26<br />

. TCONTBOL CONT 02 (Nole 4)<br />

. T<strong>Co</strong>NTRoLISOL 01 (Note 4)<br />

. MON -RN4C PS24 (Nole 4)<br />

. MONI PT100'.+/20MA<br />

. JB.SB.26<br />

p", co"ar'.r"'<br />

1,""' lso. wilh a I 5 mm'<br />

The sensor cabe should be sh elded I il is laid in cabe ducts or n lhe vci.ily ol h glr_vollage carry ng cabes<br />

The sheld otlhe extenson cable sholld be gro!nded at lhe conlroller end on v<br />

Nole 2: The MON I pT 1 OO- EXE lemperature sensor ;an be direct y connected 1o the TQoNTFIOL-CQNT 02 lhere is no need to<br />

use cutrent lm ting devces such as zener baniers or solalors<br />

Nole 3r For conneclon detais see TCONTROL SOL_o1 in accessories sectlon<br />

Note 4 Insla ed in ordrnary area<br />

'I 09

DigiTrace<br />

; r r t<br />

L::tl<br />

e<br />

r-<br />

t1, i ltrr<br />

,^ ' ;1-<br />

-in,'? 'a t\lr'l'\'\<br />

{ill J<br />

-r"'i."":".,1 ,;_ ] ,,,<br />

' . r--i I1 \<br />

lr- r",t<br />

r I<br />

ars ,..d i \'\<br />

t r, I \<br />

?" '1,,.1.r<br />

I<br />

-I<br />

l.*'<br />

i*TT<br />

I lnt<br />

ill rI Hsh Low ,_.- ,1,J<br />

plioo-sensor Temp Temp<br />

ararm A.rm<br />

E<br />

!<br />

(K])<br />

Heal fq cable<br />


'<br />

Two or lour poe eeclrcalpro<br />

lection by circ! t breaker may be<br />

needed ior ocalc rc!mslances,<br />

standafds and reg! alions<br />

"<br />

Depending on the applicalon<br />

one- or llrree poe c rcuil'break<br />

ers or conraoors may 0e used.<br />

ordering details<br />

Temperature controller TCONTFIOL CONT.02 330714 000 0.4 kg<br />

TCONTROL ISOL O] 670021 000 o.l k9<br />

24 vdc Power supply MONI.RI,lC.PS24 972049-000 0.7 kg<br />

Temperature sensors<br />

[40Nr PT]00-NH 140910 000 02rg<br />

Pt 100, hazardols area (EEx e) [T]ON.PTlOO EXE 967094 000 0.6 kg<br />

Pt 100 wilh 4 20mA lransmLli€r N10Nl PT100-4/20MA 704058-000 00kg<br />

hazardous area (EEx )<br />

Pl 100 hazafdous area sensor [T]ONI.PTlOO EXE SENSOF 529022 000 02kg<br />

Support brackel for sensor<br />

tto<br />

JB SB 26<br />

338265-000<br />

0.2 kg

DigiTrace<br />

The TCON-CSD/2O is a compact dgital<br />

lherrnostal for simpte ON/OFF tempefalure<br />

conlrol The temperature is meas-<br />

!red through a temperal!re sensor and<br />

shown on a LCD dispay The aclLa sla<br />

tus ol ihe oulpul relay is signated via a<br />

LED.<br />

TC0r{-GSD/20<br />

Tlre nstr!ment is commisstoned and<br />

operaled va three soft key push buttons<br />

on lhe unils troni pane.<br />

Throlgh ts compact desgn and robusl<br />

conslrlclion lhe TCON CSD/20 a ows<br />

for sinrpe and space-saving instattalon<br />

'dlii<br />

:i<br />

!<br />

DIN rail m0unlable electronic lherm0stat<br />

wilh display.<br />

. T me-delayed contro lef activation after<br />

inilalpower up (can be lsed to avod<br />

peak demands on power during slad-up)<br />

' Parameter evelcan be prorecled by<br />

rneans of a secrel code<br />

. Adluslabe swilch nS diierenlal.<br />

. Inpul sensors are permanently moni<br />

tored lor cab e shorl or breakage.<br />

U sable lor alL applical ons req ui ng I g ht temperatu rc contro ior eilher ne sens ng o r<br />

amb enl sensing contro<br />

D N ra mounl ng n panes or enclosures installed in non hazardous area Sens.g<br />

temperalure n hazardous afea zonel spossbewhenused n conjurcton wilh<br />

MONI PT100 EXE or MONI-PT100-EXE SENSOF (separately ava able)<br />

Temperature control range 200 to +500'C (acclracy 0.1'l.)<br />

Arnb enl operalrng lemperature 0 to +55'C<br />

-40 lo +70'C<br />

IDigiTrace TC0N.CSD/20<br />

Dimensions<br />

{in mm) Wning Diagram<br />

+=l<br />

[)s<br />

-ugJ,-";_<br />

-x-<br />

93.5<br />

t^l<br />

,0"<br />

- - l<br />

@ ]<br />

0roe<br />

T<br />

i<br />

Power slppy & own power consumplon230 VAC +10/ 15% 48 - 63 Hz<br />

L1 (t+)<br />

N(L)<br />

5-.z 4<br />

3NC<br />

Supply<br />

230V AC +10/ 15%<br />

r 1c0mrn0rl 10A/250v AC<br />

5 rav .p'r '.1,lo s a {rl q. d{m-rn c o!s-se(lon or 1.5 mm<br />

10A rated changeover conlact (SPDT)<br />

A min mum liletime ol 150 K ooeral ons at toA / 250V 50 Hz res slive oad<br />

Temperature sensor Ptl00. Ptl00Q or KTY2X 6 allconnecled n 2 wire circlit<br />

Sensor open and sensor shoi( w be altomatcaly detected and w lcause lhe<br />

oulplt lo swilch lo lhe cuslomer prcgrammed delau t e ther perrnanenty QN or OFF<br />

When rsng 2-w re ternperalufe sensors there w be an enor on the temperal!re<br />

r€adout oi apprcximately 1'C pef 0 39 Qhm lead resislance added.<br />

TCDN CSD/20 un ls are eqL pped wlh an optiof 10 cornpensate lor the cabe<br />

resislance added norderlo mprove lhe acc!racy Reier lo lhe installalon nslruclio.s<br />

Swilching po nl acc!facy<br />

Swilchlng dill€renla<br />

When the sensor cable s aid in cab e dlcts or in the vic n ty of h gh vollage carrying<br />

cabes the sensor exiension cable should be shieded The sh eld ol the exlensio.<br />

, "b" . oLd b" I o' -dFd "r h6 o 0116 6 d o1l<br />

Adluslable frorn 0.25% lo 5% (iaclofy set at minim!m value)<br />

Enables match ng oi the swlching po nt and probe accuracy (offsel)<br />

Eleclromagnetic compatibility To EN 61 326 Emisson approved 10 CLass B. mmlnlty to nduslral reqLr fements<br />

Order relerence & wergrrt<br />

'| 12<br />

To EN 61 0ro, Part 1 overvotage calegory ll, po ulion degree 2<br />

EEPFIOM (!nil does not oose conlig!ration seltngs aller power oulaqe)<br />

1244-001133 (0.1rkg)

DigiTrace<br />

The Dg Trace HTC-915 system is a<br />

.ompacl, iu Jealured microprocessor<br />

bas€d singe-po nt heat-1race contro ef<br />

The HIC 915-CONT prcvdes conlrol<br />

and mon loring ol e ectrica heat trac ng<br />

c rcL is ror both ireeze proleclon and<br />

temperalure mainlenance and can be set<br />

to mon tor and alarm tor h gh and tow<br />

ternpeGlure high and ow currenl,<br />

grolnd fa! t evel and volage The<br />

Dgrllace HTC,gr5 CONT is provded<br />

w th two oLlputs: one 1o drve an externa<br />

conractor coi, and lhe other to drive an<br />

exlernalsolid-state re ay (SSB).<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mmun calions capab ty s ncud-"cl<br />

tor remole coniroland conlguralon<br />

complele wth Supervlsor sollware<br />

The DigTrace HTC 915 CONT<br />

meas!res temperar!re va 3 wire<br />

p alin!m PTi00 connected direcl y lo lhe<br />

!ni1 When used wth an Ex approved<br />

PTr00 sensor (as s lhe<br />

MONI-PT100 EXE) the controller can<br />

measure lemperatures in a hazafdous<br />

area. Open, shorlecl. or olt ol range<br />

PT100 res stance s altomat catty<br />

delecled. li an PT100la lre occurs,lfre<br />

control oulput trips open and an alarm is<br />

generaled The controller can be lsed n<br />

line sensing. ambent sens ng.<br />

propod onal am b enl sens ng and power<br />

Hrc.915-C01{r<br />

Heal-Trace <strong>Co</strong>ntrol syslem<br />

A broad variety of paramelers are<br />

meas!red ncl!ding: lempefature.<br />

vollage. power. conlactor cyces hoLrs n<br />

!se, load resislance, toad curent. and<br />

gro!nd lau t curent To ens!re syslem<br />

Inlegrily, the system can be programmed<br />

10 perodica y check the heat ng cabe ior<br />

1a! ts, alertng ma ntenance personne of<br />

a heat-lracrng problem A poterla tfee<br />

relay is provded ior aalnr annuncation<br />

back 1o a Distributed <strong>Co</strong>nrrot Syslem<br />

(DcS) or alarrn ndicator<br />

Ground{ault Alarming<br />

Optiona y the HTC 915 CONT can be<br />

programmeo lo rneas!re gro!nd eakage<br />

cLrtrent. This opton allows ior the<br />

generation oi earry warn ngs betore the<br />

ELCB lrps Tlrelrp eve ol llre earty<br />

alafrn s lser del nabe and can be sel al<br />

any va ue belween 10 and 250mA The<br />

ground la! t aaffis a ow lor prevenlve<br />

manlenance 10 be schedu ed beiore the<br />

sately devce trips and causes dow. t me<br />

ol imporlant pipe nes. Note thal this<br />

aarnr may only be ls€d to generate a<br />

warn ng t s not nlended lo.epace rhe<br />

BCD (ELCB), which is mandalofy ior<br />

Overtemperalure prevenlion<br />

In order lo assure lhat T class<br />

ternperal!res ins de hazard<br />

nol be fg exceeded lhe HTC 915 CONT<br />

can be equipped wlth the temperalure<br />

rniter FTC-915-L M The HTC 915-L [/]<br />

s a compact rn croprocessor based<br />

temp€rat!re miter that provides<br />

prolection aga/nsl overtempefalLre ot<br />

heatrng cabes (Reler to lhe nstalaton<br />

rnstruclons ol the HTc 915 L|!4 for the<br />

The Dglrac€ HTC 915 CONTcomes<br />

ready to nsta , and lhe DtN rait mount<br />

paslc encosure rs approved lor lse n<br />

indoor locailons. The HTC 91s-CONT<br />

operalor nteriace ncludes LED dispays<br />

and tuncion keys llrat make t easy 10<br />

sel-up and marnta n - no addnional<br />

devces are needed Alarrn condilons<br />

and pfogram setUngs are easy to<br />

inlep.el on the i! lexl f.ont panel<br />

Settings are stored in nonvoalie<br />

rnemory n lhe evenl ot power ia ure<br />

Mullipe D giTface HTC 915-CONT un ts<br />

may be nelworked lo a host Pc rlnn.9<br />

Windows based S!pevisor soitware lor<br />

cenlral programm.g. status revew, and<br />

arafm annLncalion. The HTC 915-CONT<br />

sLppo/ls the Modbls protoco and<br />

inc udes an RS 485 communcations<br />


Digifrace HTC-915-C0ilT<br />

rvpe S!rf ace sensing/ambrenl<br />

sensing<br />

\on dz"roou."r"d ,ooo /pi " /pdn" , onFo<br />

CE mafked<br />

Product specitication<br />

Temperal!re range controiter 60'C ro 570.C in steps oi 1K<br />

EMF L,ne se.sing o. oft amb e.i<br />

SSB Line sensinq on/oA, proporliofat, propoftionat ambient. power tim nng, sott starl<br />

Electrical properties<br />

aba to. ,t.dnd-o d.o .otid or".onnecton<br />

cables having a cross seclon belween O 5 and 2.S mmr (24 to 12 Awo)<br />

100 to 250 Vac nom, +/ 10%, 5O/6OHZ,<br />

0.154 to 0.064<br />

Max 20 VA wilh lim ter connecled<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nlactorconiro ou\ru1<br />

rE]VP.Fa lro16. dn,d.<br />

Solid stale relay control oltput<br />

p,"l rr-o.5OV .a O"OHz<br />

ScFl l-Vd,. /5 rA. nd,. too -norid ,oo- 5s,,6.."1-1-^,9*6 q61<br />

t^o o I .ee oL d. -. ^rr, - nq -t-i pn., ha,p to oF -.Fd. Lco o<br />

srate rerays ar€ no1 inc uded)<br />

Sw tching capac ly O"pe' o. ol r F ,p" ot qw . h atoTpnt u 60<br />

(The swlch element is exlernat)<br />

Flelay contacl rated 250V/3A 50/60Hz. Outpul is user programrnabte ro open or to<br />

12 Vdc,200 mA max.<br />

1 00 l) p aiinum PT100, 3 w re. d = 0.00385 o/.C. Can be extended w th a rhree<br />

core shieded cabe of maxirnum 20 !t tead resislance per concllctor<br />

OLanlily 2 RTD npLls availab e<br />

Programmin9 and setting<br />

Modbls FITU or ASC<br />

Mullidrop / daisycha n<br />

s ngLe sh elded lwisled pair 0 5 mm' (24Awg) or arser<br />

Typica 2.7 lm ma| @ 9600 Baud<br />

Up lo 32 devces willroul repeater<br />

Va prog'ammable leypad orvia 85485 inlerface<br />

Dig ra Dlspay Actlal temperature, controL tem peral! re healer c! ffenl. oad power, vo tage,<br />

rcsstance gro!nd far t evel alarm status, progranrrning parumelervales<br />

LED ifd calors LEDS ava able ior:d splav mode. heaier QN. alafm condilon. receive/transmil dala.<br />

Nonvolal e reslore afler power loss<br />

Slored parameters (measured) Min rnum and max mum process lemperature.<br />

Max murn ground lault curent max rnum heater current Power acclmu ator.<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nlaclor cycle counter. Time n use clock<br />

Low/hgh temperallre, Lo high currenl, Lodhigh votage. Lo high resstance.<br />

Groundfa! I aarm/tip RTD la ure, loss oi programmed va ues swilch lalure<br />

Other<br />

lrl! ti anglage supporl, password prolecton.<br />


DigiTrace ITC-915-C0t{T<br />

Low / rr gh atam range 60.C to s7o.C or OFF<br />

Ground lallt (via exlernatCT oplionat) Aa m Tflp rr.qe l0 mAlo 250 mA orOFF<br />

Load cLrrrenl (va externalCT, optonal) Low / Higlr alarm range 0.3A to r00A of OFF<br />

(can be alusted 1o match heatef curen0<br />

Low F 9h a arm ranqe 10 V ro 3JOV o, OFF<br />

Low resislance range I to t OOq. Oevtar on (can Oe ajLstecr to m"r"L r,eate*,,,",,1<br />

H gh resstance fanoe 1 io 250% deviauon<br />

Power 3 W to 33KW<br />

Art*ycle<br />

Ouoro r, p re."t"O.o"oFnoa I o.40ai, ..p,o.r to.40.ourg<br />

amb enl ope'at'nq tempe.iure, -40'C 1o +50'C<br />

Amb enr sloraqe te.rpe sjLre ra.9e -40'C lo +85'C<br />

Enclosure dimensions<br />

0% lo 90o/" Non condensng<br />

Fousing: 1P40, Terminas tP20<br />

ASA-PC .olo,:9 ee.<br />

v0 (u194)<br />

Panel mouning on 35 mm DIN rai<br />

90 105<br />

trtrHHtrtr<br />

-<br />

I t5

DigiTrace HTC-915-C0<br />

t<br />

r -I,:!1lF5 Fn<br />

:++<br />

TEtrtrtrT<br />

HTC 91s-CONT<br />

PN (Weighl) 8550 000002 (400 gt<br />

PN (Weght)<br />

flTc 915 LtM<br />

8550 000001 (200 gr)<br />

HTC-9r5/CT 1244 000276<br />

(oad crrrenl transiorme0<br />

HIC 915/ELCT<br />

1244 OOO277<br />

(earrh eakage cuirentlranslormer)<br />

FITD 1or Hazardous area zone 1 I'T]ON PT]OO.EXE<br />

967094-000<br />

FTD for non hazardous area MON.PTlOO NI]<br />

140910 000<br />

<strong>Co</strong>rnmunlcalon cable<br />

1r6<br />

l<br />

T<br />

MONI.RS485 W RE 549097 000<br />

10 <strong>Co</strong>mmr rmlrdrs (FS 485r<br />

11 <strong>Co</strong>mm!ifttions lfls 435 I<br />

l2 Sh ed<br />

13 Dqri conmon (to L ler 1l<br />

1l +l2vdc olt no Linrhr 2)<br />

16 RN dah lirom L mfff4l<br />

l3 M! rs lnpn<br />

iL2rntulra)<br />

23 PE

DigiTrace<br />

The Dg Trace HTC 915 L Nt is a<br />

compacr. m croprocessor-based<br />

temperature lm ler ltrat provdes<br />

proteclon aga nsl oveFlemperature. The<br />

HTC-g15 Llf,1 has 1wo outpll reays, one<br />

norma y closed im ter reray (open ng tn<br />

occurrence or over lemperatu re) and one<br />

aarm reay. The HTC-915 L l\4 is<br />

ava able in lwo versons:ihe i rsl ofe s<br />

the base unil lor Lrse n conlunclon wilh<br />

ihe FTC-g15 CONT (Beal Trace conrro<br />

syslem). The ock olt temperal!re or this<br />

devce can be programmed and arerecl<br />

vLa tlre tront pane of lhe HTC,g15 contro<br />

un t The miler can be sel al any vatue<br />

between 20 and 450'C in steps of tK.<br />

A seconclverson of the FTC 915-L Vl<br />

has a preprogrammed ock olt<br />

lemperalure HTC 915-L lu mltefs are<br />

avaiable 1or T1 T2, T3. T4 and T5<br />

cassted areas as ndicated n tabe at<br />

lrre lrollom ol next page ( )<br />

The D! Trace HTC 915 L [4 rneaslres<br />

lemperaure va a 3-wire PTl00<br />

connecled dlrectly 10 lhe npul terminas<br />

of the un I In order to asslre the hottesl<br />

lemperal!re rs ben9 measured the<br />

measurng tp ol lhe PTl00 needs 10 be<br />

nsla ed at a represenlatve localion.<br />

When lsed wlh an Ex approved sensor<br />

(as is the rvloNl PT100 EXE), llre<br />

HTC 915-L 14 can measure lemperalures<br />

HTC-915-UM<br />

Temperal re limiter<br />

n hazardous area Open shoded or<br />

oLl-ol fange PTl00 res stance s<br />

automatica y delecled As a resllt of that<br />

lrre conlroloulpul w trip open and an<br />

aarm w I be generated. When in .orma<br />

operaton lhe sel pont temperature of lhe<br />

miler s exceeded the contro outpli wtl<br />

trip open Once trpped.lhe control<br />

oulplt wi rema n open even ii the<br />

measured temperature drops beow ltre<br />

sel poinl. The un t wittnor r€s1art unli<br />

manua y reset The HTC-915 L [4 can be<br />

resel va lhe tront pane of the un t by<br />

press ng and lrold ng the resel bltton for<br />

2 seconds or va lhe alam menu ol the<br />

HTC 91s-CONT when the lmiter is used<br />

n contunclon wlh a HTC 915 CONT<br />

<strong>Heat</strong> Trace contro sysl-arn Another<br />

possbi ty to resel the lrniler s va the<br />

remote ifput oj the HTc-g1s-coNl<br />

contro er or via lhe oplona DgiTrace<br />

When the miler s used n conllnclon<br />

w th the D giTrace FTC 91s-CONT. the<br />

comb nalon caf be lsed as a i! ly<br />

ieatured contro and mon torng syslem<br />

lhat measures a broad varety oi<br />

parameters such as temperature,<br />

votage power, contactor cyces, hou6 in<br />

use load resstance load cutrent, and<br />

ground-ta!t currenl. To ens!re system<br />

ntegfty lhe conlfoller can be<br />

programmed to per od caly check lhe<br />

heatrng cable for ia!ts, aerling<br />

manlenance personne oi a heal iracing<br />

Problem Addtiona aarm oltputs are<br />

available on llre conlro er (referro the<br />

conlroller daiasfreel forthe l! | isl ol<br />

Overtemperature allowance<br />

The D giTrace FTC 915 L N4 can be<br />

configlred such thai il wi a ow ils<br />

setpo nt temperal!re to be exceeded<br />

wthout lrpp ng n ths .stance the lnit<br />

s programnred to meas!re load current,<br />

and wi a ow a lernporary over<br />

lemperal!re cond lion on y when no<br />

currenl tlows to the load. This leature<br />

sha only be lsed under cenan we<br />

del ned c rcunrstafces such as when the<br />

process is healed by external heat<br />

sources. or when lhe nsla alion s be ng<br />

The DigTrace HIC 915 LIM can be lsecl<br />

as a stand aone un t wth a fixed<br />

preprogmmmed ock'out temperal!re as<br />

wellas in combination wth a DigTrace<br />

HTC 915 QONT conlro uni1.<br />

The D N rall mount plaslc encosure s<br />

lor use in safe area on y<br />

The HTC-9r5-CONT operalor ntedace<br />

nclldes al j!nclions requ red lo s mp iy<br />

set !p and inlegralon ot the lmlter.<br />


Digiirace HTC-St5-UM<br />

Product spectication<br />

TemperatLrre range tirn ter 20 to 450'C<br />

Eleclricalpropenies<br />

1..!94ji9r!",<br />

Q!antily<br />

Ordinary area ocalons tndoors<br />

CE nrarked<br />

dbt6 o. I.dnd6o o. o .o,o. or6 o-le_lon<br />

cables havlng a cross secton berween o'5 and 2.5 mm, (24 to 12 Aws)<br />

1?: rvO. ooo,orav", ,"ntrur-, r.oOr" po.o. "Drgt.".-<br />

HTC 91s-CONT)<br />

NC reay contact raled 25oV/3A 5o/6oHz<br />

Fe'r,.o ".lrarpo.rOVJasOOOUz \t ' op""ro-openrng on alarm or power<br />

100 O plalinum RTD 3-wire. u = 0.OO3B5 1l/.C<br />

Can be exlended wrth a three core shieded cable oi maxmum 20 i) ead resstance<br />

per conduclor. Qpen, shoiled of out-ol-range FTD resislance s detecled tf an FITD<br />

fai!re s detected, the control oulpul trips open<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mmunications (lo Digirrace 91s controtter)<br />

Topoogy Ponl ponl {l,rn ter >. .o.trolle,)<br />

Four conduclor cable, 0.5 rnm (2.+Awg) or largef<br />

Programming and setting<br />

V a the keypad ol lhe D giTrace HTC 915 CONT or Supervisory software<br />

'C<br />

or !F. depending on lhe units sell ng of the programm ng device<br />

Overtemperalure RTD la ure,CTia ure,lossof proqrarnnred vales imler resel.<br />

llonitoring<br />

LED ndicators LE Ds availab e for powe r presence ol heate r cuffent milef 1r p, Tx/Rx, a arm<br />

Currenl (va extema CT. optiona) Presence oi <strong>Heat</strong>er currenl, 0.2A rn n<br />

Ambent operali.g teffperature 40 C to +50"C<br />

Amb enl slorage temperalure range 40'C to +85'C<br />

0% lo 909; Non condensirg<br />

llo!sing: 1P40, Term nals: LP20<br />

Panel moLnting on 35 mm D N ra<br />

f)<br />

T1<br />

r2 T3<br />

T5<br />

HTC-915-LtM T1 HTC-915-LlNl 12 HTC-915-Lll,4 T3 HTC-g15-L [r 14 HTC.915 LIM T5<br />

Lock out lemperature 450'c 300'c<br />

200'c 135'C 100'c<br />

wh"**d n (o"f*r^,'L li'e HTC qr5{ONT (Hea1_Tface controLsvstem)the pre programmed sei po nt can be allerd<br />


Digifrace HTC-915-LtM<br />

'i j. l<br />

I<br />

!<br />

Ordering details<br />

Pl'r 0 ierght)<br />

PN {Weight)<br />

!9"di{r!tls!!!<br />

75<br />

'91<br />

FTD for llazardous area zone 1<br />

FlFru,rrrril<br />

r f -<br />

bisir,*" , ,:.?<br />

l<br />

r;r+ -<br />

z !t r.:l<br />

'<br />

lvir nq lor l]omm!i 0tons<br />

r 1r HTc 915 coNT<br />

l]o[1ro { om rled lor cartl<br />

Fel{ro nsralatoi istru}<br />

''<br />

C! rent sensor opl oial aid<br />

HTC 915.CONT<br />

8550-000002 (400 gr)<br />

2 rl2Vd. n tlmm HTC 1,11<br />

3 BX dala (fron flTc l5 )<br />

HTC 915 Lll,1<br />

8550-000001 (200 gr)<br />

FTC-915 LtM base unil for use wth HTC_915 CONT 8550-000001<br />

HTC 915 LlNl/Tl<br />

HTC-915 LrM/T2<br />

p -o oorol nea to rr o a. i'0. o o t<br />

e pproe dn.ed o . rp "r<br />

e'"o-ooooo8<br />

"oo HTC 915 L M/T3<br />

c . 'o ro r<br />

"reo o,r',.r'l'E ro r'o, . OO L O _' r '<br />

8 'q!qq'<br />

8cc0_0000 0<br />

Hrc.sr5rlM,'ra Preprosrammed 10 tnp al 135'C (+0/ 5'K) a550 000011<br />

fficGo 5'K) 855!-oooo12<br />

Hrc 91s/CT<br />


967094-000<br />


DigiTrace<br />

M0lil-200il-E<br />

Multi-circuit hace-heating c0nhol<br />

and moniloring unit<br />

The N4on T.ace 200N E !ni1is the centra<br />

Based<br />

eemenl<br />

on lemperat!re<br />

01a rnlltictrcu<br />

nputs 1rcm Ff,,tNts<br />

t eteckonic conlrol Healng cabe ckcuils are swtrched ON the MonTrace<br />

and moniloring<br />

200N-E determines<br />

system<br />

wh<br />

for lrace,heating<br />

ctr<br />

and OFF lsifg !p to t0 remote modu es<br />

Lrsea n process<br />

heating cabe circuils are to<br />

lemperal!re<br />

be energised<br />

manlenance ror conlrol(RMCs) lypicaty tocate.t tn<br />

and rrost proi-action<br />

and sends th s nJormalon lo FtA4cs<br />

app<br />

that<br />

calons The unil lrace-heatrng power d stribulion panets lhen<br />

contro<br />

lurn the heal<br />

s<br />

ng cable power<br />

Lrp 10 l30lrace<br />

contac-<br />

heal ng ctcuils n Each FMC uil can be contgured for 2lo tors ON or OFF Because<br />

ether s!rJace<br />

FtvtMs<br />

sensing<br />

are tocal<br />

ambent sensn.t. 32 reay oltputs. which are w red d fec|v to temperalLrre<br />

or PASC<br />

sensors and BN4Cs are<br />

to heating cabie power contaclors. FN4Cs locallo conractors n dislribution panets,<br />

are connecled va a singte, twisted pair w nng cosrs and<br />

PASC<br />

compexity are redlced<br />

RS-4a5 cable 10 the l4oniTrace 2OON E<br />

The propodona ambenl sensing contro<br />

(PASC) mode lses a proprielary asorlhm<br />

thal measLrres ambient temperature The [4on Trace 200N E monilors up lo 16 set-up pararnelers systern stalus, and<br />

ano cacuates lhe cyce tirne durng wh ch remole rnon torng mod! es (FN,,t[4s)rhat aarm condirons are available loca y ar<br />

lrre trace-r-realng w lbe energsed On each have inpuls lor e ght lhree w re ihe N4on Trace 200N-E pafel or rernolety<br />

cold.rays, ihe heating cabes are €ner Pl 100lemperaure sensors The Rt1[r]s va an FS 232lRS-48s ink to a host sys<br />

grsed rrequently. On warrn days they are are typca y localed as cose as possibe tem s!pponing the lvlodb!s protoco s!ch<br />

energrsed less frequentty. or nol al at lo the applcalon in ordef to m n mze the as a PC runn ng Raychems N4on TEce<br />

amolnl ol FTD wircs required RMM2 Superysor software. For localuse the<br />

Us ng PASC. the r,4oniTrace 200N-E unr unrls are connecled to lhe MoniTrace MoniTrace 200N-E fealures a iunction<br />

can be used 10 conlro grolps ot<br />

200N-E conlro unil Lsng lhe sarne keypad and 4 ne LCD dsplay that make<br />

trace heating c rc! ls based soley on RS-485 nelwork as beng Lsed by lhe conlroler set-up and syslem slatus review<br />

ambrenl ler.peral!re Thereforc. tow palh RMC-s and are connected by the same<br />

design consideralors can be e m naled. RS 4a5 cabe 10 lhe MoniTface 2OON,E.<br />

greaty reduc ng the number ol c rc! ts Addil ona mofiloring of the statls of<br />

req! red. thus sav ng circuil bfeakers. RCDs and conlactors is provded lhforgh<br />

pane space, w nng and conlrollers The inpuls n lhe NlonTrace 200N E un t and<br />

res! I rs a s mper. more re abe system n FMCs.<br />


DigiTrace tM0Nt-200N-E<br />

! , \<br />

:<br />

'l<br />

,t :,<br />

Ord nary ar€a ndoors<br />

a@,@*<br />

Rernovabe g and plale on bottom of<br />

Suppy vollase (nomna) 1 00 10 I 20 Vac 208 lo 24Q Vac. a] 0'/". sw tch se eclab e 50/60 l lz<br />

Interna powef consumpton<br />

Base and lid lMatera:steeL, coating:powder panled, d seal neoprene<br />

Lld fix ng<br />

Enlres None provded, space for 6 x M20 enlres on rernovabe gand plale<br />

I x 1.120, 6 12 mm cabe lP54 m n.<br />

1 x M20 5-9 mrn cable, lP54 mif.<br />

Sensor/nelwork cable gLands 3 x Nrl]6.2-6 mrn cable, P54 min.<br />

Amb enl operaling lemperat! re range 0'C lo +50'C<br />

Amb enl slorage temperalure range -20 C io +60'c<br />

Mrx. 95', no.condens iq<br />

3K3. pef EN 60 721<br />

Also availab e as Dane molnl vers on suilab e for cuslom pane! appl cations (MON | 200N_ Pl\rl)<br />

Ambient or ppe temperalures<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nlaclol actual on rnonlor<br />

one ortuo Pt 100 sensors directlv connecled lo MoniTrace 200N E<br />

The sensor cabe mav be exlended wth a 3 (+PE)_wire sgnalcable add ng 20 Ohms<br />

lead resislance maximlm When us ng 1.5 mm' cable this eqla s to i1 50 m of cable<br />

When the se.sor cab e s aid ln cab e ducts or in the vicin ty of h gh vollage carry ng<br />

cabes ihe sensor extenson cabe should be sh elded The sh e d ot lhe exlens on<br />

cable should be grounded at ihe conlroller end on v<br />

up to 128 Pt 100 sensors connecled via Remote Montofln!<br />

2 digilal npuls per MonTrace 200N_E or<br />

oplionq one per c rcul va N4ONI_Rl,'lC and VIONI FMC_2D<br />

2 dq talinputs per fi,4oniTrace 200N E or<br />

opl;na one per circu t vla MONI-R[/]C and MONI RlrlC-2Dl<br />

Number ot oulput re ays m.oeo--d--i/.{.r"hinq o o' -,d). 1-r dl<br />

-o<br />

up o r:6 o oieat<br />

prrao\dF\,1.)d o vor\r-B\'1' Ro<br />

One dam relay (rnierna )<br />

Double pole change over NC. Ratlng: 5 A 120/240 Vac, 24 vdc<br />

Closes lo energLse trace_heal ng<br />

Double Dole pole chanqe change over. Ral ng 5 A A. 120 120/240 vac<br />

Normally energised;closes I aarm mooe<br />

N!mber ot re ay operatons<br />

5 x 10' al raled current<br />


DigiTrace M0Nt-200N-E<br />

I<br />

lrace heating system gro!p conrro<br />

(or lndvrdua control, nol shown)<br />

K1 = <strong>Co</strong>ntrot.onlactodforcroup 1<br />

K2 = Power monitor conlactor ror croup 1<br />

K3= <strong>Co</strong>nttu c.ntactorror ndvdu<br />

" r"r,,<br />

K4: c.nro c.nr6crortor irr vidu<br />

K5=<strong>Co</strong>nrro.onradorrof indvduat.onrothealns<br />

n".,'nn "uo" heal nq.ab e heatna cabe<br />

rrace-heal ng system ndividual<br />

conrrol or group control<br />

p,<br />

: .<br />

o re. r<br />

I1:-:j,!1':!:1" :"* il"a<br />

on by . rc ! r.breaker may be needed ro r oca c rcumsrances, standarcrs and res! arions<br />

uoo6_or9o Iedoptr oton on- o t b,eato..o.,onra,.o,.na/oe,e.l<br />

Nelwork conneclions<br />

<strong>Co</strong>.neclon to FMIMs a.d FIMCs FIS-4a5 shie ded tw sted pa r network cabte, max murn length j2OO m<br />

(MONt-RS485 W RE)<br />

Up lo 16, indrvidually addressable, each wth up to I 3 wjre pl IOO inplts<br />

Up 10 10, individually addressabte. each wirh 2 to 32 retay olipuls.<br />

llosl cornmLn calion connecl on s-'"lpod. F

IrigiTrcce<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nneclion rerminals<br />

2 term nals 1or 0.2 mm'10 4 mm'<br />

1 clanrp lor 0.2 mm'lo 10 mm:<br />

2 x 3 lerminas for 0 2 mrn: to 2 5 mnr,<br />

<strong>Co</strong>ntrol relay connecl on 2 x 2 lerminals for 0.2 nrrnr to 2 5 mm.<br />

RCD a arm reay connecton 2 x 2 lerminals for 0.2 mm. to 2 5 mm.<br />

<strong>Co</strong>ntaclor re ay connecuon 2 x2 lerminas ior02 nrrn to 2 5 mm!<br />

Alarm re ay connecion 3 ierm nals for 0.2 rnm:10 2.5 mm.<br />

RS-485 conneclion to RMl,4 and B[r]C 3 term nals for 0.2 rnmr to 2.5 mm.<br />

RS 485 connedron lo hostcompul€r BS-485: 3 telnr nas lor 0.2 mm! io 2.5 rnm'<br />

BS-232: 6 term nas lor 0 2 mm' 10 2 5 mm'<br />

Electromagnetic compatibility<br />

<strong>Co</strong>rnplies wlh EN 50 082'2 (heavy nduslral)<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mpies wilh EN 50 081 1 ( ghl indusirLa)<br />

Surlace rnountng wlh 4l xlng hoes on 261 mm x 200 mrn cenlres<br />

ordering details (Weigh0 PN Weight<br />

MoniTrace 200N-E conrroller including MQNI 2Q0N E<br />

supervisory soltware on CD<br />

266.129 000 3.9 kg<br />

Pane mounl version wlhout encosure t\rtoN -200N-PM<br />

746245 AA0 3.2 kg<br />

Pt 100 temperal!re sensor for Zone 1 MON -PT1OO EXE<br />

967094-000 06rg<br />

Pt 100 temperalure sensor ior MONI PTlOO NH 140910.000 02kg<br />

t40Nt-8S485 W|RE 5.+9097-000 75 [9<br />

note: Easy lo lse windows based contiguration sortware (Mon Trace Supervso4 inc udedior conforlable coniguralon and<br />

M0Nt.200N-E<br />


DigiTrace<br />

MOI{FRMM2-E<br />

€t Trace-heating<br />

remole<br />

m0niloring<br />

m0dule<br />

Monilrace Bemote Monitorna Mod! es circu rs<br />

(Rrr,/llM2)<br />

or lrace-heal<br />

provde<br />

ng based<br />

remperature<br />

on ambi Mon<br />

mon<br />

Trace<br />

toina<br />

200N pane<br />

enr or p pe<br />

Additionat 6iarms<br />

temperai!res.<br />

capabilily ior<br />

Mon<br />

lhe<br />

Trace<br />

MoniTEce<br />

are<br />

20ON<br />

lrggered<br />

1r..e:<br />

tor la<br />

F[,4[,,12<br />

ed temperal!fe<br />

may<br />

sen<br />

be used<br />

neanng<br />

lo<br />

controland<br />

co]lecl bolh<br />

monrtorinct<br />

ambi sors and<br />

untt The<br />

commun carion<br />

enr and ppe<br />

eftofs. Alarms<br />

temperal!res<br />

R[4f12 accepts<br />

for<br />

npuls<br />

controtor<br />

from<br />

may<br />

!p lo<br />

oe reponed<br />

eahr<br />

remoley<br />

ror<br />

lhrough<br />

_axrens<br />

an<br />

ve mon<br />

Pt<br />

toring<br />

l00lemperature<br />

ot the lrace-hea1-<br />

sensors<br />

aarm reay<br />

that<br />

n<br />

m;asur-"<br />

ltre [/]oniTrace<br />

ng syslem<br />

200N or<br />

prpe<br />

l\,lon Trace<br />

or<br />

BMM2<br />

ambenl<br />

unrrs ar'a<br />

ternperalures<br />

throlgh<br />

naIrace<br />

a BS<br />

placed<br />

485 connedon to<br />

near<br />

a host<br />

desired<br />

nearng<br />

monilorng<br />

syslem.<br />

locatons,<br />

Mu[ pe<br />

compuler<br />

BMiV2 un<br />

support<br />

ts<br />

ng rhe N,,todbus protoeven<br />

rn hazafdols areas (Zone<br />

communrcale<br />

2)<br />

wth<br />

Mutri<br />

a s ngle Mon Trace pre remperal!re sensor<br />

200N<br />

npLls<br />

un t lo provide<br />

afe net<br />

centratisect monitor worked over a sngte cabie, sign itcanty<br />

reouc ng nsla ation<br />

A<br />

cost for<br />

s ngre,<br />

temperal!re<br />

twsted pair<br />

The<br />

RS<br />

l\,lon Trace<br />

485<br />

FftM2<br />

cable<br />

rs<br />

con-<br />

an etectron c<br />

necls up 10 16 FMMS<br />

devce<br />

for<br />

thai clips<br />

a totat<br />

io<br />

mon tor-<br />

a D N 3b ra The<br />

ng capacity ot r28<br />

comp ere<br />

remperal!res per<br />

kt ior ordinary and hazardous<br />

areas (zone 2) nctlde an Rt1[r]2 rnounl<br />

Low and h gh temperalure atarms may be eo In a rugged potyesler enctosure wilh<br />

ser ror sensors connected 10 rh'a<br />

<strong>Co</strong>ntrol<br />

approprate<br />

and moniloring<br />

terrn nais and cabe ctlands<br />

lMoniTrace RlrlM2 Aarm limils are set<br />

The lr]oniTrace<br />

For olher instattalon<br />

2o0N controts<br />

options.<br />

up io<br />

co;1act<br />

130 and alarm cond nons are reporled at the Tyco Therma <strong>Co</strong>ntrors<br />


DigiTrace M 0 N r-R tlt tlI2<br />

.)ta.) 1.:i.:': a );Jt!.:) i..:. l a.,,.r t) al i. , f<br />

:*: l " -.'<br />

-. . "..:r". ." .<br />

' " P D a D<br />

- @ "<br />

l t t t t l<br />

((<br />

Hazarclous area (Zone 2) or non hazardols afea<br />

MONI-FIA?IM2 EX E hazardous area zone 2 or non hazardols area<br />

MONI'Bl\rl[42-E panel mount saie area<br />

3 G/D EEx n F T6 lP66 T=70'C<br />

EN 50 021<br />


c( ordmryd4s:a<br />

Ar bpnr op" " g r" .pe,c |e'" 9e 10 C _o 60 C<br />

Amb enl slorage temperal!re range 51'C to +60'C<br />

max.95%, noncondens ng<br />

Supp y voltage (nom na) 115/230 Vac +10'! jumper seLectabe,50/60 Hz<br />

nrerna power consunrpron 3VA<br />

RIIM2 hazardous area enclosure NIONI-RMIVI2-EX.E<br />

tP66<br />

| 3 G/D EEx n B T6 LP66 T=70'C per EN 50 021<br />

Materia:gasslbre feiniorced poyesler, d seal sihcone<br />

Ambie.l lemperature r..qe<br />

Black<br />

20'C lo max +60'C<br />

Ld fixinq<br />

4 x [r]6, cheese-head caplve sla n ess sleel<br />

Entries<br />

i2 x M20 lor cab e dlameters ranging lrom 6lo 12 mm<br />

G ands provided (EEx e) 12 x M20 wth nlegral slopping pLlgs<br />

Suriace mo!.ting wth 4 ixing hoes on 240 x 110 mm.enlres<br />

Temperature sensors<br />

TYPe<br />

ouanl ty to be connecled<br />

3 w re Pl 1 00, lempefalu re coellcenl per EC 751 1983<br />

Up lo I Pt 100 per RIIM2<br />

The sensor cable may be exlended wth a 3 (+PE) wke srgnalcable add '9 20 ohns<br />

ead reslslance maximurn when using 1 5 mm'cabe this equas lo 1l50 fir ol cable<br />

When llre sensor cable rs lacl n cable ducts or nthevcinilvolhLgh voltage carryLng<br />

cables the sensor exlension cable sholld be shieded The shied oi the extenson<br />

cabe shoud be gro!nded al lhe controLer end onlv<br />

Us" ""nsors *'ln tne apptopiale approvals requ red for the area oi use<br />


DigiTrace MONI-FMM2<br />

Hazardous area enclosure<br />

t!,loNt-BMllt2-Ex-E<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mmunicarion to 200N<br />

91<br />

T<br />

160<br />

L<br />

C I o o o<br />

o e 0 € )<br />

@-"F_.-.-_<br />

RS-4a5<br />

1 shielded twisled pair<br />

Lenglf 1200 rl1 max<br />

Olanlly up to 16 R[41,42 connecled lo one 200N<br />

Swilch se eclab e on BlrlM2<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nneclion terminals<br />

S!pply (in'oul) 4lerminas for cabes 0 2 mm" lo.1mm'<br />

Earrh 10 ierm nals lor cables up 10 4 mm'as de the RMl,,l2 unil<br />

a x 3 terminas lor cabes 0.2 mm'10 2.5 mm'<br />

2 x 3 term nas lor cables 0.2 mm'10 2 5 mm'<br />

Electroma9netic compalibility<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mplies wth EN 50 082 2 (heavy ndrstrial)<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mplieswth EN 50 081-r (liglrl induslra)<br />

Ordering details PN Weighl<br />

t\rtoN FMlrl2-E 307988-000 1 2lg<br />

Wth hazardols afea enclosure<br />

Pipe temperature sensors (Pl 100)<br />

MONI RI,IM2.EX.E 676040-000 3.2 kg<br />

Pl l00lemperature sensor lor Zone 1 MONI-PT1OO FXE 967Q94-000 0.6 kg<br />

Pt 100 temperalure sensor for N]ON PTIOO.NH 140910-000 02kg<br />

't26<br />

,65<br />


DigiTrace<br />

Mon Trace remote .nodutes tor control<br />

(Flv1c) provde mu ipte retay oulputs for<br />

swrcn ng heat nq cabte circu ts controled<br />

by the Mon Trace 2OON trace healinq<br />

conrrorand monrtorng !n t FIMCuf ts<br />

are moduar and may be contgured wth<br />

2lo 32 reay oulputs A s nqte tvton Trace<br />

200N !. l comm!ni.ates w th !p ro 1o<br />

RNIC v a a s ngle. rwsled pdtr BS 485<br />

cable to provde dlslrbuted conlro of up<br />

lo 128 ireal nq cable circu ts<br />

<strong>Co</strong>ntroland monitoring<br />

The lr/loniTrace 200N controts and moni<br />

lors mullipe lrace-healing c rcuils bas€d<br />

on ppe or ambent temperalures These<br />

lemperalrres are cotected oca y by<br />

[.4on Trace rcmote nronftoring modues<br />

(RlvlM)connecled on the same BS-485<br />

nelwork. Based on lernperat!re npuls<br />

MONI-RMC-BASE unit wilh four<br />

[IONI-FIMC-2FO modul€s removed<br />

MOI{I.RMC<br />

lrom R[/1,4. the \1on Trace 2OON derer<br />

mines whrch heating cabte circ! ts are to<br />

be energised and sends rhis inlormalon<br />

10 RIMC which lhen lurn on or oif the<br />

healing cable powe. conraclors. Beca!se<br />

remperalure npuls and conlrot ourputs<br />

are rocared near equipmenl to be sensed<br />

or controlled wiring costs are reducecl<br />

Each B[,4C un t nclldes two inputs to<br />

rnonnor lhe stalus ol c rcuil breakers or<br />

power contactors. For exampe one input<br />

may be used for a common circuil break<br />

er rnp aarm, provrding an aam ind ca<br />

lron at lhe l,4on Trace 200N panet f any<br />

c rcuils ia due to earlh laul or overcurrenl<br />

events Alarms may be<br />

reponed remotely lhrough an aarm reay<br />

Trace-healing remole module for c0nhol<br />

ln the Mon Trace 2O0N or throlgh an<br />

RS 485 conneclion lo a host computer<br />

supporl ng the Modbus prolocot uplot6<br />

MONI-FMC-20 2 channet d gila input<br />

mod! s can be added i required<br />

The Mon Trace B[4C are mod! ar, etec<br />

tron c devrces llrat mount on a D N 35<br />

ra . FN4C unils rnust be nsla ed n panes<br />

or enclos!res suilabe for the area<br />

cassication and environrnenl. For each<br />

B[/C installalon purctrase one lv]ON<br />

R[/]C BASE kt which inc ldes the net<br />

work processor, dig la nputs, and end<br />

lermrnator one ]\/lONl-RMC PS24 24 Vdc<br />

Power s!pplyjand up 10 16 [4ON FMC,<br />

2RO 2-channe reay oulplt rnodu es as<br />


Digifrace MONI.RMC<br />

l.-<br />

) . ) : '<br />

L ] ra<br />

F.<br />

i<br />

Overa w dth = 125 mm + 12 rnm per re ay mod! e<br />

(+ 90 mm lor optona power<br />

suppy)<br />

General<br />

,o<br />

Ambenl operating temperaiure range 0'C ro 55.C<br />

Amb enl siorage temperature range 40'C ro 70'C<br />

[r]ax 95%, noncondens ng<br />

P2X per IEC 529<br />

Supp y vollage<br />

Qrantiiy per Fl,4C 1 10 161wo-channe modules (2lo 32 reay oulputs)<br />

Tora relry ourputs via B[/]Cs<br />

128<br /> norma y open no.-floar ng<br />

250 Vac, 30 Vdc<br />

AC/DC 2 A<br />

60W500VA (resisi ve)<br />

Digitalinpuls<br />

::<br />

:::<br />

I x 10" a1 0 35 Alo0.2 x 10"at2 A<br />

0.08 rnm:-2.5 mm':(cage clanrp)<br />

230 VAC/DC<br />

Cage camp type lor cabes lrom 0 08 rnm'to 2 5 mm'<br />

Quanl ty per RNIC -p lo o lwo dnr a I od- ps .- ro J2 o qrl" r_o r.-<br />

So d slate 24 Vdc source<br />

t2a<br />

500 v<br />

0 08 mm' 2 5 mrn (cage cLamp)<br />

rts-i<br />


DigiTrace tlr0Nt-RMc<br />

rF<br />

fj L<br />

rtrri = rlfn<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mmunication to MONt200N-E<br />

'(5<br />

BS-485<br />

iliii ..<br />

EI<br />

0 08 mrn -2.5 mm. (cage clrmp)<br />

1 shie ded twisted pair<br />

Lengih 1200 rn max<br />

Q!anrry Up to 10 R[4C may be connected to one 200N<br />

Sw lch-se eciab e on R[4C 10 addresses, 50 59<br />

Electromagnetic compatibility<br />

Ordering derails & Weight<br />

Monilrace remote module for control<br />

(Rr!1C)<br />

Clips ro DIN 35 rai<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mpliF5 wlh EN s0 082-2 (heavy nduslr al)<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mplies wlh EN 50 081 2 (heavy ndustral)<br />

MQNI FIIVIC BASE 309735 000 0.5 t9<br />

Two channel relay oltpul mod!le" MONI FIMC 2RO 920455-000 559<br />

Two-chan nel dig la npul modue"' [4ON.RMC.2D 062367 000 50s<br />

[r]oN -RMC-PS24 972049 000<br />

07kg<br />

'<br />

Purchase one base ro, €ach FNlc<br />

imum or one mod! e (2 €l.y oulpuls). mdmum or r6 (32 re ay ottpuls) Der RMc rrase<br />

_'Purchaseonemodueloreachselolfxodqra'npubrequnedMnnunoioncmodue(2dgranpuis).maxmunror16(32.rqlanplrtperRMCbase<br />

Addlona modueforeachparofdgla npuG requ red one MoNlRlvlc 2Dlmod!e s icluded neachFMcBASEunl<br />

:i<br />

-<br />


DigiTrace<br />

MONI.PTlllll.I{H<br />

Temperalure<br />

sensor<br />

l0r ordinary<br />

area<br />

2 w fe Ptl00 sensor wilh glass tber reintorcecl po ycarbonaie junclon box for instaitalon n ordinary area<br />

Ptloo-Sensor (2 wire)<br />

D N EC 7sr, Crass B<br />

Extension cable: s lcone<br />

Temperalure measuring range 50'C to +180"C<br />!re extens on cabte 50'C to +180'C (+215'C max mum 1000 hrs), max exposure lemp. rip: +4OO.C<br />

2n<br />

Exienson cabe ca 4 6 mrn,lp ca 6.0 mm<br />

l/ln mrm bend ng radius E.-. or "oe 5nr.r'"1p"..nq.ip.ho.o o D- b-ndeo<br />

tP66<br />

lll.f"ri'd<br />

Glass lber re nforced polycarbonate (gray)<br />

Wilh = 65 mm He ghl = 6s rnm Deplh = 57 mm<br />

M20 (polyamide) slltab e lor cable diamelers ranging jrom 10 mm to 14 mm<br />

Operal ng temperature<br />

-30'C lo +80'C<br />

Ld sealing gaskel rnateria CFC free PoyLrethane<br />

lvlounl ng For pipe mount use JB-SB-26 wa mounl<br />

Surlace mounl via moded hoes at 50 x 50 mm<br />

lnslallation and conneclion<br />

'| 30<br />

Pan Descr plion MQNI PTlOO NH<br />

3lronl enlry caqe camp terrn nals (lerminas 2 and 3 are br.lged)<br />

Term."l. - kb e lor "dble- hom 0.15 mm lo2.5mm<br />


DigiTrace M0ilt-PTl00,EXE<br />

@ Temperature sens0r f0r hazard0us areas<br />

(Zone l)<br />

3 wre Pr100 sered conn*ted io a b ack grass I ber rei.rorced poryester runcl on box w lh 4 iroft entry cale c atrrp rerm nars<br />

I\r120 EEx e cab e qand preinslaled<br />

Hazardous env ronmenl Zo.e I<br />

2 G/D T=85'C EEx e llT6 (Ia 50'c lo +55'C)<br />


D N EC 751 Class B.<br />

exlension cabe and 1ip both stain ess stee (Ml)<br />

Temperalrre meas!r ng rang-" -100'C lo +500'C<br />

Maxim!m exposure lemp I p +5a5'C<br />

2m<br />

ca3mm tip ca 5 mm<br />

rvl nimum bend ng radirs extenson cabe:20 mm,lhe meas!rlng tip sho! d nol be bended<br />

G ass riber relnjorced poyesler (back)<br />

P66<br />

Wlh = 80 mn Height = 75 mm Deplh = 55 mm<br />

M20 ( EEx e) suilab e for cab e d ameters rang ng rrom r0 nrrn lo r.1 mm<br />

OpeEl n9 temperal!re 50Clo+55C<br />

Sealing gaskel materia tongle and groove syslem wilh s cone sea<br />

Stain ess slee lr/14 threaded<br />

l,4ounting For ppe mounl use J8-58-26 wallmounl<br />

S!rface nrounl va molded lroles a168 x 45 mm<br />

Installation and connection<br />

.l ironl enlry cage c amp term naLs<br />

slitabe lor cables lrom 0.5 mm to 2 5 mm'<br />


967094-000<br />

l<br />


Digiirace M0r{r-PTl00-4/20MA<br />

€t 3 Wire PT100 sensor with 4 to 20 mA<br />

lransmilter lor hazard0us area {Z0ne I )<br />

PT I 00 sensor connecled lo a 4-20 rnA transmiller bu ll n a black g ass fiber re nforcecl polyeste r I uncl on box wilh [r]20 cabte<br />

glancl (B ue).<br />

Tenrperaure meas!ring range<br />

l/laximum erposure tenrp lp<br />

Hazardo!s environment Zone L<br />

cestoe ntEx I ts,@ rr rc EEx eia tc16(€0722<br />

BASEE FAo3ATEXo2oi u @ 2c EExett(€1180<br />

cte or atex toot u. @ rr2G EEx eL T6 ( (0123<br />

D N EC 751 Class B.<br />

extenson cabe and lip bolh siainless steeL([r]l).<br />

50'C to +250'c (lransrn tte4<br />

+585'C<br />

ca3mm tip ca 5 mm<br />

Minimum bending rad !s exlensio. cable:20 mm. the measurng tp shoL d not be bended<br />

Cab e gland<br />

OperaUng ternperal!re<br />

sea lng gaskel maler al<br />

For ppe mo!nnng use<br />

lnstallation and connection:<br />

Tetrr"lslzts<br />

!",' eTSlq<br />

'| 32<br />

tP66<br />

G ass riber reniorced poyesler (back)<br />

Willr= 80 mm Hcrglh = 75 mm Deplh = 55 mm<br />

Nl2o blue ( EEx e) suilable for cab e clameiers rang ng irom I0 mm 10 14 mm<br />

20'C to +55'C<br />

tongle and groove system wrllr s .one seal<br />

Stainless stee Nl4 threaded<br />

JB.SB 26<br />

2 screw lermrnals<br />

s! tabLe lor cables lrom 0 5 mm lo l 5 rnm!<br />

t\,10N1 PT100 4/201,44<br />

704058 000

DigiTrace M0Nt.Prl<br />

00-ExE-sEils0R<br />

\ev lemperature sensor wilh0ul iuncli0n b0x f0r<br />

hazardous area (Zone 1)<br />

EEx e ll cable gland pre nsla ecl on the sensor ead (Mj6, Brass rncllsive sea ng washer tocknut and earltr 1ag<br />

Hazardors environment Zone<br />

EEx e ll<br />


D N IEC 75r, Cass B<br />

Sta. ess sleel (M ).<br />

Ternperature measur ng range 100'C lo +500'C<br />

Max mLm expos!re temperalur-a +585'C<br />

errensro. cable c.3 mm.lp ca 5 mm<br />

lilnimum bend nq radius exlension cab e' 20 mm,lhe meas!ring rp slrould nol be bended<br />

lnstallation and conneclion<br />

Mi6 (Brass) compresson gland pre-installed on lhe sensof<br />

Sealing washer. earlh tag and locknul inc uded<br />

t/laxjmum operat ng temperal!re 50'C 10 +55 C<br />

Ordering details<br />


529022.000<br />


DigiTrace<br />

DET-3000<br />

Hand held cable lault localor<br />

The DET 3000 s a cabe fa! t ocater<br />

worklng on the prnc ples of Time Domain<br />

Bel ectronretry or TDF The DET 30OO is<br />

a hand hed cabe faut ocalerlrom the<br />

lalesl generation The DET 3000 g ves<br />

genuine un versal pedo rmance tor short<br />

ancl ong range app catons on alllypes<br />

oi mela ic cable ncfud ng many lypes oi<br />

heal ng cabe. nnovative lealufes resut<br />

in a versati€ cabe tesl instrurnenl lhai is<br />

remarkaby easy to use. Large back t<br />

dspay 1ac1ie push bu ons afd abi ty ro<br />

operate in lemperaures as ow as 20'C<br />

alow use in a vast range of locations and<br />

cofdilons The DET-3000 operales acc!<br />

rale to 20 cm on shortest ALtomalc<br />

cab e ane.uaton compensaton ens!res<br />

easy ocalon oi iauls at alldstances.<br />

Principles of operation.<br />

t a cabe s rnelal and it has ai east<br />

two conductorsj I can be lested by a<br />

TDF. TDFs w llroubeshool and meas<br />

ufe al types oi cables. Tlre TDR works<br />

on lhe same pf ncip e as radar. A pu se<br />

oi energy s tfansmrtled down the cable<br />

!nder tesl. When lhat pu se reaches<br />

lhe end ol lhe cab e, or a lault aong<br />

the cable, parl or a I of lhe pu se energy<br />

s rellecled back lo lhe inslrumenl The<br />

TDR measures the t me il lakes for lhe<br />

sgnaito trave down lhe cab e see the<br />

pfoblem, and rellect back. The TDR<br />

then convens rhis lime to d slance and<br />

d splays the nlormaton as a waveiorm<br />

and/or distance read.g.<br />

The DET-3000 can be !sed lo locale<br />

and idenlify fallts in a types of meta ic<br />

paired cables nclud ng heatng cables.<br />

TDRs can locate bolh rnajor or minof<br />

cabhng prob erns inc ldingi sheaih<br />

faults, broken conducloF. waier dam<br />

age oose connecrors. cr mps. c!rs,<br />

smashed cables. slroited conductors<br />

syslem componenls and a varety oi<br />

other lau t condit ons ln addilion. TDRS<br />

can be lsed lo iesl reels of cab e lor<br />

sh pping darnage, cable shonages.<br />

cab e !sage, and nvenlofy management.<br />

The speed and acc!racy oi lhe<br />

DET 3000 makes l rodays prelefred<br />

method ol cab e fault localion.<br />

134<br />

Easy handed operal on<br />

Lghl Fand hed nslru menl lor long and shon range appLcatrons<br />

Usable 1or h gh va ety of rnetaL c cables<br />

Cabe atlenla1ion compensalio. and nafiow p! se for clear and<br />

Large. lr !h feso ution drspaY<br />

Back lt LCO ellective down to 20'C

DigiTrace DET-3000<br />

'r0<br />

m 30 m, 100 rn,300 m, 1000 rn,3000 m<br />

Varable veocily iactor, 0.21o 0 99 pv,t<br />

Un t remembers<br />

ast figure used<br />

Wh h.lo - droaa.i.d, "h.t"orr* r.ut.L..-d,ur.9,d,g-<br />

Amp lude 5V nomifa when unlerminated (SOUARE p! ses)<br />

D 5play<br />

25 .50 75 and 1001) swilchable<br />

Tne OET-SOOO comes with rOO Otrm t".U".d"<br />

2x4mmonl9mmptch<br />

The !n t will nol be danrage.l Oy raOvertent O*a co.mecti^. h. tOO Otrm<br />

tesleads lo 250vac. However it s lnsate lo use the lnil in this wav. nsta atons<br />

should always be isoated Jrcm the ma ns slpply pror of laking measurernenls wih<br />

the DET-3000.<br />

Fot satety reasons the DEr-3000 shoutd not be usect on tive insta ations.<br />

Atways verify ptior of sl€tting the measurcments that the comptete instaration is<br />

isolated trcn the nains-<br />

L quid crysta, 128 x 64 p xe s w th back tight<br />

Cursor S nge venica Ine<br />

rnelers or leet user seeclable.<br />

9 VDC nom na<br />

6 i AA q/- ao A ."1 e od.lo p\ not ,6c d.g6dbt6<br />

Bailery ve 116 ho!rs @20'C anbienl no backtighl<br />

Operation Temperature 20'C to +55'C<br />

30'C lo +70<br />

Safely<br />

EMC<br />

waler resislant to BS 2011. Parl2 I R/IEC 68-2-18. Tesl Fa<br />

EC Directive 73/23/EEC, as amended by 3/68/EEC<br />

BS EN 41003:1997<br />

EC Directive 89/336/EEC, as arnended byEC<br />

directve 93/68/EEC BS EN 50082 1<br />

1992 BS EN 55011: 1991 (Group I ClassB)<br />

The eq! pment s specled for operation n resdenlal commercia and ght ndustrial<br />

Size (mm) 250 x 100 x 55 mm<br />

weght (kg) 1 1 Kg (!nc uding batteres sol case. rest ead, manua<br />

)<br />

DET 3OOO<br />

546866-000<br />


Raychem Accessories<br />

AT TS 13<br />

AT.TS.]4<br />

JB16-02<br />

J8.82<br />

.lB-EX 20<br />

JB EX 21<br />

JBU ]OO E<br />

JBU IoO+P<br />


MON.PT]OO NI]<br />

MONlPT100 4/20[r]A<br />



RAYSTAT.EX 02<br />

FAYSIAT.EX 03<br />

T Ll 10-S/+x+y<br />

T M 20 S/+x+y<br />

SLppod brackels afe used 10 lix equ pment slch as thermoslars or l!nc1io. bores on<br />

pipes Suppod brackels rcqlne Pack conlents addilonalpipe slraps which are to be<br />

,'<br />

i<br />

They .clude a set ol M6 and/or M4 iixing screws, n lts waslrers and spr ng ock<br />

washers lor lhe ixalon of one junclon box orthermostat<br />

The lable beow oul nes the typcalcompatibi ty of each bracket wth relevant eq! p<br />

ment for other equipmenl please conlact yourTyco Therma Qonlros rep.esenlalve.<br />

sB-100<br />

192932-000<br />

sBn01<br />

990994-000<br />

sB-110<br />

707366-000<br />

pure *" O.t x,. v 160 x 230 160 x 160 130<br />

100<br />

d stanc€ plpe pate (mrn)<br />

-100<br />

number o1 pipe slraps reqLr red<br />

max pipe lernperature ('c) 234 234 234<br />

t36<br />

^ 130

Raychem Accessoties<br />

AT TS ]3<br />

AT TS 14<br />

JB16 02<br />

J8.82<br />

JB.EX.2O<br />

JB.EX.21<br />

JBU.1OO.E<br />

JBU.lOO.EP<br />

[4ONI.PT1OO,EXE<br />

t\loN PTl00-NH<br />

N10Nt PT100-4/20[4A<br />


RAYSTAT ECO 10<br />


RAYSTAT EX 03<br />


T M 10 S/+x+y<br />

T M 20.S +N+y<br />

sB-111<br />

579796-000<br />

sB-120<br />

165886,000<br />

JB"SB-26<br />

338265-000<br />

plale sze (mrn) x Y Y<br />

d stance pipe'plale (mm)<br />

130 x 130<br />

100<br />

220 x 124 a0x80<br />

100<br />

number oi ppe straps requtred<br />

max. ppe temperalure ('c)<br />


Raychem Accessories<br />

\ caurror'r<br />

\ ;<br />

HARD-SPACER-SS-25MI\1I.25M<br />

t3a<br />

Warnlng labels ind cate the presence ot e ectrcat lrace healinc Lnder the insu alion of<br />

heoopo ohe 60,io1pn .n-.o I'doetpFro ro r" e-i:ri.s' "r<br />

Language<br />

ETL.HF 938764-000<br />

ETL CZ 731605-000<br />

Dan sh ETL DK c97690 000<br />

Dulch<br />

LABI-23 749153 000<br />

Erulsh LAB I 01 938-947-000<br />

LAB ETL SF 756479-000<br />

LAB I 05 88306r-000<br />

German / Ffench / la an LAB.ETL CH 144648 0Q0<br />

ETL.G 597779 000<br />

LAB ETL H 623725 QQQ<br />

ETL c97688 000<br />

LAB. .32 8.11822-000<br />

LAB ETL L]T 105300 000<br />

ETL.N c97689 000<br />

Notuegian / English LAB'ETL NE 165899-000<br />

ETL PL 258203-000<br />

LAB ETL POFI 945960 000<br />

ETL.RO 902104 000<br />

LAB ETL R 574738 000<br />

ETL.SLO 538156-000<br />

EIf 9P9'r!!11<br />

c97646 000<br />

Swed sh LAB.ETL.S 691703-000<br />

N4e1a slfapsiorppe mounting ol inlegraled power con neclLons. abovelhe nsuaton<br />

lees and end seals as well as support brackets and the lubular insu ation eniry<br />

BandLng: starn ess sleel<br />

Pipe outer diameter in mm (inches) Pipe strap<br />

2Q 47 l1l2 1 ia ) PSE.O47 700333 000<br />

40-90 (tr/4 3') PSE-090 976935 000<br />

6Q 248 (2 - 10) PSE 280 664775 000<br />

60-540 \2,2O) PSE 540 364489 000<br />

S1a nless sleel spacer for iix ng ihe heal ng cabe on wals tanks and vesses, etc<br />

Widlh spacer: 12 5 mm<br />

Fxing dstance for cabes each 25 rnm<br />

Lenglh:25 rn/ro<br />

PN 107826-000

Raychem<br />

o<br />

Sell adhesve tape lor lxrng the heating cabes on pipes or other eq! pment<br />

GT.66 G ass clolh lape ior attach ng heal ng cabe io pipe<br />

Not lor stainess sleel pipes or ior installalon<br />

iemperatures be ow 4 4'C<br />

20 m per roll 12 mm w dth<br />

PN C77220 000<br />

GS 54 G ass coth tape lor allaching heating cabe to ppe.<br />

For slain ess-steel pipes or lor any nsla ation<br />

16 m per roll, 12 rnrn wdlh<br />

PN C77221 000<br />

ATE 180 Alum nium lape'for allaching lreating cabes<br />

and thermoslat sensofs to pipes and lanks.<br />

Min mum installal on temperalufe:0'C<br />

55 m per ro ,63.5 mm wdth<br />

PN 846243 000<br />

Accesso es<br />

'Power<br />

oulpul oi selregr ating heatng cabes might increase when nsla ed wilh<br />

alum nium lape or olhef heal transfer aids. Pease rse Tracecac or conlact your<br />

Tvco Therma <strong>Co</strong>nlrols reDresentative forfudher dela s<br />

G-A2<br />

TSTAT KlT<br />

PI]ASE<br />


Silicone grommel thal protecls lhe heating cabe at sharp edges<br />

such as endplales oi nsulalon cladd ng flanges etc lt can be<br />

cut-lo-englh and ressts lemperatures !p lo 215'c<br />

PN 4l2549 000<br />

Thermostal kil wilh s!pplemenlary lerminas lo connect lrrermoslals<br />

of lype RAYSTAT EX 02lo lhe lunclon boxes JBS. JBM<br />

The kil inc udes 2lerminas WAGO 284 series (1 x L 1 x PE)<br />

1 power cable glanclGL-36-f,425. 1 end pate and 1 nsla alion<br />

PN 966659 000<br />

Phase/Feulral terminal (EEx e). spare pa'l brvarousl'rncfoi<br />

boxes max 10 mm? so d,'slrancled<br />

PN 633476 000<br />

Idr| ",- | " \LL. er 'pd " o. |'o .. ioL .1 o'bo.e.<br />

max 10 mm: sold/stra.ded.<br />

PN 9l1505 000<br />

End pate 1or termnas FWA WAGO , spare pan<br />

PN 98367r.-000<br />

Jurnperlo brdqe lerrninals HWA WAGo spare pan<br />


Raychem Accessories<br />

t40<br />

GL.33 3/4 NPT power cable glancl lor FAYSTAT-EX-o2 (EEx d tt C)<br />

GL-34<br />

GL-36 M25<br />

GL 38 M25<br />

[4ETAL<br />

For use wlh armo!red power cables wlh outer sheaur orarferer<br />

oi 12 mm 21 mm and nner sheatlr d ameler ot I 5 r.m - 16 mm<br />

PN 493217 000<br />

3/4 NPT power cable glancl lor FAYSTAT-EX 02 (EEx d C)<br />

For lse with non-amoured power cabes wth ouler shealh<br />

d ameter of I5 mrn - l6 mm<br />

PN 931945-000<br />

M25 power cabe g and (EEx e)<br />

For lse wiih non-armo!red power cables wih ouler orameler<br />

Spare pan ior.lBS-100 JBM 100 and JBIJ-1OO<br />

PN 774124 AO0<br />

rM25 power cable glan.l (EEx e I and EEx d I C) for use w th<br />

llnclion boxes wlh nterna eadh prare ( EP) or rnera boxes.<br />

For use wilh armoured power cables wilh sheath diarneler ol<br />

12 mm - 2l mm and inner shealh d ameler ol 8.5 mm 16 mm<br />

PN 056622-000<br />

GL-44-t\rt20-KtT Cabe glAnd EExe (M20), po yarn de for use wilh Pl cab es wlh<br />

a diameter range oi 5 13 mm Wthgfeen/yellowseeve<br />

PN 1244 000 848<br />

GL-45-M32 Cabe g and EExe (M32), po yarn de lor lse wilh power cabes<br />

wilh a diameter range of 12-21 mm.<br />

PN 1 244 000 847<br />

N425 EEXE<br />


I,125/PG]6 EEXE<br />


N]25l2O.EEXD<br />

REDUCER.<br />

M25t2A<br />

Pg16 (temae) ro N425 (mae)adaplor (EEx e)<br />

Polyamide. ATEX approved adaptor wilh captive sea ng ri.g<br />

(o rns)<br />

For use wlh cables wlh outer diameters up to l5 mnr<br />

PN 541892 000<br />

l\r125 (lemae)lo Pgl6 (mae) reducer (EEx e)<br />

Poyamide, ATEX approved reducer wlh captrve sea ng rrn!<br />

(o 'ns)<br />

For lse wilh cables w lh outer diameters up to 13 mm<br />

PN 953780-000<br />

r,425 (male)10 M20 (iemae) feducer EExd<br />

Brass, ATEX approved reducer wth captive sealng ring<br />

("o''r ns)<br />

PN 404287-000<br />

1125 (ma e)to 1,120 (iemale) redlcer EEx d lncludjng a locknul<br />

Brass, ATEX approved reducer wth caplLve seahng rng<br />

(o-rns)<br />

PN 630617 000

Raychem Accessories<br />

@<br />

@)<br />

@<br />

FEDUCEF M25l<br />

M20-PA<br />


NI25 EEXE<br />

ADPT M2O/25.<br />

EEXD<br />

M25 (male)10 [r]20 (lemae) reducer lor ordinary area<br />

PN 184856,000<br />

M32 (ma e) to M25 (iemale) reducer (EEx e)<br />

ATEX approved reducer Poryamide.<br />

PN 1244 000 a59<br />

M20 (ma e)lo Na25 (female)<br />

Brass, ATEX approved adaptor wth captive sea ng ring<br />

( orr ns)<br />

For use w lh cables w th outer diamelers up to t4 mm<br />

PN 684953-000<br />

Small pipe adaptors with part number JB)-SpA Smal pipe adaplor requireclior ppes I r'(DN25)<br />

applicable for JBS 100, E-100, E 100 L<br />

E90515-000 (bag or 5 adaplors)<br />

Plugs HWA PLUG I,I2O,<br />


JBM SPA Sma ppe adaplor requ red iof pipes< 1 (DN25),<br />

app cable ior.lBM-r00, T r00<br />

D55673 000 (bag ol5 adaptors)<br />

1,420 slopping p !g EExe<br />

Spare pair Ior vaiols llnclon boxes<br />

PN 1244-000 845<br />

HWA-PLUG-N125- Ll25 slopping pl!g<br />

EXE PLASTIC Polyarn de<br />

Spare part ior JBS 100 JBM 100. JBU 100<br />

PN 43499.1 000<br />

TCONTROL SOL0l ATEX approved isoator for MON -PT100 4/20MA<br />

Gavanicaly solated modu e ior EEx ia prolection ol<br />

MONI-PT100-4/20lMA sensor between lhe hazardo!s area and<br />

the ord nary area. D N 35 ra mounted.<br />

A seperate 24 Vdc power suppy slch as MONI-Rlvlc-PS24 s<br />

req! red<br />

PN 670021-000<br />

fi/0N -Rf,1C-PS24 24 Vdc power supp y<br />

wde npul (r0o-2.10 Vac) power supply to provde<br />

24 Vdc npul for MON'R|,4C-BASE or TCONTROL' soL_o1<br />

prcducls. Surrace or DIN 35 rail motnted<br />

PN 972049 000<br />




Raychem<br />

Thermoheat by<br />

Digilrace<br />

TBACER<br />

Belgii / Belgique<br />

Tel. (016) 213 511<br />

Bulgafia<br />

Italia<br />

Tyco Elec{ronics Raychem SPA<br />

Kompl. Bralja Mi adinov /b157&ch.4ACenlo<br />

Dnezionale irilanolion<br />

BG-8000 Burgas<br />

Mobile (33) 639 903<br />

Fd (UK) +44 e7013687S7<br />

deskdBepubllka<br />

Tyco Themal <strong>Co</strong>ntro s NodicAB<br />

Te. 30 34 29 92<br />

Tyco Themal <strong>Co</strong>nlro s GmbH<br />

Kdher SiraBe 46<br />

Te 0a00131a205<br />

EspaFa<br />

Tel. (34) 977 290 039<br />

Ty@ Thermal <strong>Co</strong>nlrols SA<br />

95004 Ceroy Ponlo se Cedex<br />

T6t. (01) 34 40 73 30<br />

C ( hfflr"n"ffi""rffi"""<br /><br />

Tel. (1) 6050188<br />

Tet.<br />

{02)57 57 61<br />

-rel. (9) 341156<br />

Ter. (1) 2s3 7617<br />

Tyco Themal <strong>Co</strong>nlrols b.v<br />

van lleuven Goedhartlaan 121<br />

Tel. (020)6400411<br />

Norge<br />

Tyco Thema <strong>Co</strong>nlrols NofrayAS<br />

Posrboks 6076 - Elte6lad<br />

Oslerr€ich<br />

Tyco Thema <strong>Co</strong>ntros N.V Lubbeek<br />

Brown Bove strasse 6/14<br />

Te (0 22 36) 86 00 77<br />

Fax (0 22 36) 86 00 77-5<br />

Baychem Poska Sp. z o.o.<br />

Ter. (022) s4 s2 Sso<br />

St Clln Radu escu Molru Nr6<br />

Bl. 35, Sc C, Ap 117, Sect 4<br />

Te . (1<br />

) 330 71 99,2591<br />

Tyco Thermal <strong>Co</strong>nl@ls N.V<br />

Te. (041) 766 30 30<br />

Tyco Thermat conlrots Nodic aB<br />

Telekopio 0800 1 1 a6 74<br />

Sverige<br />

Ty.o Thema controts Nodicaa<br />

Tel.0301 22a 00<br />

Ttirkiye<br />

HENA<strong>Ltd</strong>.<br />

Ressam Vec h Berekeioglu Sokak<br />

Tel. (216)3631212<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Tyco Th€mal <strong>Co</strong>ntrc s (UK) Lld<br />

slephenson lndlsr al Esrare<br />

Washinglon, Tyne & Wear<br />

NE37 3HX, U.ited Kiigdom<br />

Tel 44 (191) 419 3200<br />

POCCI4F x Apyrre crpa8br CHr<br />

PA14XEM<br />

125315,r Mocxea<br />

IleH,HrpaacKninpocn6xr,AoMT2,<br />

Ten.:{095)7211888<br />

Minel-Keying<br />

Oositeieva 24<br />

Te . (230) 3451 9<br />

DglTrace, lsopad, Raychem, BAYSTAT and Tracer are lradenarks ol Tyco Eleclroncs.<br />

Cage canrp is a llademalk ol WAGO.<br />

lnponant: All intomation, including illusttalians, is believed ta be rcliable. Users, hawever shoul.l independenw evaluate the suitabifily<br />

ot each product for theit panicuiar appiiation. Ty@ fhetnal <strong>Co</strong>ntrals nakes no warcnties as Io the a@uracy at enpleleness of the<br />

infomation, and disclains any liabi|ty rcgatuing its use. Ty@ Themal <strong>Co</strong>ntrcls oniy obligatiohs ate those in the Tyco Thernal <strong>Co</strong>ntrols<br />

Slandard Iens and <strong>Co</strong>nditions af Sale fat this ptoclu.l, and in no case will Tyco Ihemal <strong>Co</strong>ntrcls or its distnbulors be liable lor anv incidental,<br />

indned ot consequential dahages atising lrch the sale, tesale, use ot nisuse afthe prcdrcl. Specilicatians arc subiect to change<br />

without natice. ln addiion, Tytu Themal Cantols rcsetues the right to make changes, withaut noltbalian lo lhe Buyer. ta prccessing or<br />

naterials that do not afiect @npiiance wilh any appliable specifiaion.<br />

ttgco<br />

Flow <strong>Co</strong>ntrol<br />

fyco fhermal<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nJroIs<br />

We manage the heat you need<br />

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