HTI HUISWERKOPGAVE 8: hout ULS & SLS Uitgaande van het ...

HTI HUISWERKOPGAVE 8: hout ULS & SLS Uitgaande van het ...

HTI HUISWERKOPGAVE 8: hout ULS & SLS Uitgaande van het ...


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<strong>HUISWERKOPGAVE</strong> 8: <strong>hout</strong> <strong>ULS</strong> & <strong>SLS</strong><br />

LES BRON http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=164188 PAGINA<br />

<strong>HTI</strong><br />

<strong>Uitgaande</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>het</strong> ontwerp en de door de constructeur aangehouden belastingen <strong>van</strong><br />

som <strong>HUISWERKOPGAVE</strong> 7:<br />

1. Ontwerp en controleer op basis <strong>van</strong> bovenstaande belasting de vloer met een<br />

overspanning <strong>van</strong> 2,44 [m] in <strong>ULS</strong> en <strong>SLS</strong>. De hart op hart is 0,406 [m])<br />

Lezen we nu <strong>het</strong> artikel in de bijlage:<br />

We vergeten even dat de door de Amerikaanse constructeur aangehouden 40lbs/ft2<br />

ofwel 40 loumbs ofwel poundforce per square feet = 2 kN/m2 niet geheel overeenkomt<br />

met onze EUROCODE, maar uitgaande <strong>van</strong> de eerder berekende balkafmeting, gaan we<br />

de gebruikssituatie bekijken<br />

STORT <strong>het</strong> aquarium IN en buigt de vloer teveel door?<br />

Aangenomen: in de werkelijke situatie rekenen we <strong>het</strong> eigen gewicht <strong>van</strong> de vloer en <strong>het</strong><br />

plafond, verwaarlozen we lichte scheidingswanden (die zullen in een kamer <strong>van</strong> 2,44m<br />

niet nog eens optreden). Naast <strong>het</strong> aquarium rekenen we nog 0,4*1,75 kN/m2 voor <strong>het</strong><br />

overige gebruik. Alles zonder veiligheid omdat we een gebruikstoestand controleren<br />

t.o.v. een eerder gemaakte NORM-toestand.<br />

2. CONTROLEER ZONDER VEILIGHEID, dus met γfg = 1,0 & γfq = 1,0, <strong>het</strong> werkelijk<br />

optredende MOMENT en DWARSKRACHT (in <strong>SLS</strong>) in de <strong>hout</strong>en balk <strong>van</strong> afbeelding:<br />

B&E en vergelijk dit met de opneembare waarden (in <strong>ULS</strong>). Het verschil is een maat<br />

voor de veiligheid<br />

3. CONTROLEER de werkelijk optredende doorbuiging (in <strong>SLS</strong>) in de <strong>hout</strong>en balk <strong>van</strong><br />

afbeelding: B en vergelijk dit met de maximaal toelaatbare doorbuigingen

Bijlage:Second Floor Fish tanks – beam loading for the non-engineer 1<br />

This is a question I see come up a lot and I haven’t seen a good answer yet. Also,<br />

articles I have read on the internet seem to be geared for another engineer. So, I am<br />

going to try to give an reasonable explanation for people who passed high school math.<br />

Also, from the questions and comments, I might rewrite a little of the article.<br />

The first assumption is going to be that the building is built to modern American building<br />

codes. These were implemented in about the 1920’s and modern codes haven’t<br />

changed much since the 1950s. (40lbf/ft2 room load 2 , 16” on center framing, etc) 3<br />

Modern rooms are designed to withstand a force of 40lbs per square foot. This is a<br />

confusing notion because you can safely place an aquarium that has a floor pressure of<br />

more than 40 lbs/ft2. This standard means that you can place 40lbs/ft2 everywhere in<br />

the room and still be safe. This is a matter of how to safely load a beam.<br />

So, let’s imagine that we did place steel plates that are 1’X1’ 4 and weigh 40 lbs<br />

everywhere in a room. We will use a room that is 8’X16’ for an example. This is a safe<br />

room load.<br />

A.<br />

Now, we can re-stack these plates and redistribute the load. This is simplified<br />

representation of the plates. This is also a safe room load.<br />

1 Second Floor is in US eerste verdieping<br />

2 40*4.448222N/(0,304m*0,304m)=1925N/m2 is circa 2kN/m2 (veranderlijk)<br />

3 16’’ on center framing=406 mm hart op hart <strong>van</strong> de balken<br />

4 Elke 1footx1foot=0,304mx0,304m 40 LbF =[poundforce] komt overeen met voetnoot 1 : 2kN/m2<br />

LES BRON http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=164188 PAGINA<br />


B.<br />

Things can be moved around again. This is also a safe room load. 5<br />

C.<br />

But don’t do this. This is an unsafe room load.<br />

5 De schrijver heeft de 8 platen staal die in de breedte <strong>van</strong> kamer stonden nu in <strong>het</strong> midden opgestapeld.<br />

320Lbf=320*4.448222N=1423N Puntlast in <strong>het</strong> midden <strong>van</strong> de overspanning:L=8feet=8*0.3048=2.44m<br />

LES BRON http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=164188 PAGINA<br />


D.<br />

As you can see in the examples, if you take the beam length and multiply it by<br />

40lbs/ft2, you get the total load that a beam can withstand. The longer a beam the<br />

more weight it can hold because it is thicker.<br />

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<br />

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<br />

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<br />

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<br />

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<br />

++++++++++++++++++++++++++<br />

Find your fish tank weight<br />

Water is 8.33lbs/gal. 6 A safe assumption to include the stand, filtration, rocks, and the<br />

water in filtration is use 10lbs/gal. 7 Then add the dry tank weight.<br />

Full Tank weight=10lbs/gal + Dry tank weight<br />

Now, you can see if the tank can be placed safely using the 40lbs/ft2 stacked load<br />

concept. Let’s use a 125 gallon glass tank (200 lbs dry weight) for an example in our<br />

room. Also, the stand will be 18” wide and 6’ long. 8<br />

Full Tank Weight = (125 * 10) + 200 = 1450lbs 9<br />

Since we are concerned about weight per linear foot<br />

6 H20=10kN/m 3<br />

7 De schrijver heeft zelf een veiligheidsfactor toegevoegd<br />

8 18’’=18 inch = 1,5’ = 1,5 foot = 0,457 m bij 6’ foot lengte<br />

9 Zonder veiligheid(125*8,33)+200=1241 lbs = 1241*4.448222N = 5521N = 5.5kN totaal op 6*0.304m<br />

LES BRON http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=164188 PAGINA<br />


<strong>HTI</strong><br />

(Total weight)/(stand length) ---- 1450/6 = 241 lbs per linear foot<br />

We could have calculated the pounds per square foot, but we used the same stacking<br />

principal as we did with the steel tiles in example 1.<br />

Now, let’s put it into our room. And see what we get.<br />

E.<br />

Since 241 lbs/ft2 per beam is less than our 320lbs/ft2 per beam this is a safe room<br />

load. 10<br />

Summary:<br />

Calculate the safe beam load ---- Beam length * 40lbf<br />

Calculate the aquarium weight --- 10lbs * #gallons + dry tank weight<br />

Calculate the lbs per linear foot of the stand ---- full aquarium / stand length<br />

Make sure the lbs per linear foot of the full aquarium don’t exceed the safe beam load<br />

Assumptions: The room is up to modern building codes, the beam direction is known<br />

10<br />

241lbs komt overeen met 1072 N op elke feet breedte 3,5 kN/m1 met hart <strong>van</strong> de lijnlast op ½ * 1<br />

foot=0,15 [m] uit de wand.<br />

LES BRON http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=164188 PAGINA

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