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THE SHE AFTEE CONFUCIUS. THEEE DIFFERENT TEXTS. SECTION II. THE BOOK OF POETET FEOM THE TIME OF CONFUCIUS TILL THE GENERAL-ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF THE PEESENT TEXT. ' From confu- ^ v the attention paid to the study of the cms to the dy- Book of Poetry from the death of Confucius nasty of Ts'in. , ,1 • rj ,-, m ,. , , , to the rise ot the is in dynasty, we have abundant evidence in the writings of his graudson Tsze- sze, of Mencius, and of Seun K'ing. One of the acknow ledged distinctions of Mencius is his acquaintance with the odes, of which his canon for the study of them pre fixed to 'my larger volumes is a proof; and Seun K'ing survived the extinction of the Chow dynasty, and lived on into the times of Ts'in. 2. The Poems shared in the calamity which all the other classical Works, excepting the Yih, suffered, when the tyrant of Tsfin issued his edict for their destruction. But I have shown, in the prolegomena to vol. I., that only The Poems a few years elapsed between the execution of 3tSthe fire3 I decree and the establishment of the Han of Ts'in. dynasty, which distinguished itself by its labours to restore the monuments of ancient literature. The odes were all, or very nearly all, recovered; 1 and the reason assigned for this is, that their preservation de pended on the memory of scholars more than on their inscription upon tablets and silk. We shall find reason to accept this statement. 3. Three different texts of the odes made their appear- differ- auce early in the Han dynasty, known as the ent taxts. She of Loo, of Ts'e, and of Han; that is, the In the last section reference was made to the number of the odes, given by Confucius himself as 300. He might mention the round number, not thinking it worth while to say that they were 305 or 311. The Classic now contains the text of 305 pieces, and the titles of other 6. It is contended by Choo and many other scholars, that in Confucius' time the text of those six was already lost, or rather that the titles were names of tunes only. More likely is the view that the text of these pieces was lost after Confucius' death. I Book of Poetry was recovered from three different quarters. [i.] Lew Hin's catalogue 1 of the Works in the imperial library of the earlier Han dynasty commences, on the She King, with a Collection of the three Texts in 28 chapters, which is followed by two Works of commentary on the Text of Loo. The former of them was by a The Text of Shin P'ei, of whom we have some account in Lo - the Literary Biographies of Han. He was a native of Loo, and had received his own knowledge of the odes from a scholar of Ts'e, called Fow K'ew-pih. He was resorted to by many disciples, whom he taught to repeat the odes, bnt without entering into discussion with them on their interpretation. When the first emperor of the Han dynasty was passing through Loo, Shin followed him to the capital of that State, and had an interview with him. The emperor Woo, in the beginning of his reign (B.C. 139), sent for him to court when he was more than 80 years old; and he appears to have survived a considerable number of years beyond that advanced age. The names of ten of his disciples are given, all men of eminence, and among them K'ung Gan-kwoh. A little later, the most noted adherent of the school of Loo was a Wei Keen, who arrived at the dignity of prime minister, and published " the She of Loo in Stanzas and Lines." Up and down in the Books of Han and Wei are to be found quotations of the odes, which must have been taken from the professors of the Loo recension; but neither the text nor the writings on it long survived. They are said to have perished during the Tsin dynasty (A.D. 265 419). When the catalogue of the Suy library was made, none of them were existing. [ii.] The Han catalogue mentions five different works on the She of Ts'e. This text was from a Yuen Koo, a native of Tsfe, about whom we learn, from the The Text of same chapter of Literary Biographies, that he Ts'e- was one of the Great scholars of the court in the time of the emperor King (B.C. 155 142), a favourite with him, and specially distinguished for his knowledge of the odes and his advocacy of orthodox Confucian doctrine. He died in the next reign of Woo, more than 90 years old; 1 Proleg., Vol. I. p. 4.

10 THE SHE AFTEE CONFUCIUS. THE TEXT OP MAOU. 11 and we are told that all the scholars of Tsfe who got a name in those days for their acquaintance with the She sprang from his school. Among his disciples is the well- known name of Hea-how Ch'e-ch'ang, who communicated his acquisitions to How Ts'ang, a native of the present Shan-tung province, and author of two of the Works in the Han catalogue. How had three disciples of eminence, Yih Fung, Seaou Wang-che, and K'wang Hang. From them the Text of Ts'e was transmitted to others, whose names, with quotations from their writings, are scattered through the Books of Han. Neither text nor comment aries, however, had a better fate than the She of Loo. There is no mention of them in the catalogue of Suy. They are said to have perished even before the rise of the Tsin dynasty. [iii.] The Text of Han was somewhat more fortunate. The Han catalogue contains the titles of four works, all The Text of by Han Ying, whose surname is thus perpetu- Han Ying. ated in the text of the She which emanated from him. His biography follows that of How Ts'ang. He was a native, we are told, of the province of Yen, and a " Great scholar " in the time of the emperor Wan (B.C. 178 156), and on into the reigns of King and Woo. " He laboured/' it is said, " to unfold the meaning of the odes, and published an ' Explanation of the Text,' and ' Illustrations of the She/ containing several myriads of characters. His text was somewhat different from the texts of the She of Loo and Tsfe, but substantially of the same meaning." Of course Han founded a school; but while almost all the writings of his followers soon perished, both the Works just mentioned continued on through the various dynasties to the time of Sung. The Suy catalogue contains the titles of his text and two Works on it; the T'ang those of his text and his Illustrations; but when we come to the catalogue of Sung, published in the time of the Yuen dynasty, we find only the Illustrations, in 10 Books or chapters ; and Gow-yang Sew tells us that in his time this was all of Han that remained. It continues, entire or nearly so, to the present day. 4. But while these three different recensions of the She all disappeared, with the exception of a single frag ment, their unhappy fate was owing not more to the convulsions by which the empire was often rent, and the consequent destruction of literary monuments, such as we have witnessed in our own day in China, than to the appearance of a fourth Text which displaced them by its superior correctuess, and the ability with AfourthText- which it was advocated and commented on. that of Maou. This was what is called the " Text of Maou." It came into the field later than the others; but the Han cata logue contains the She of Maou in 29 chapters, and a commentary on the text in 30. According to Ch'ing K'aug-shing, the author of this commentary was a native of Loo, known as Maou Hang or the Greater Maou, who was a disciple, we are told by Luh Tih-ming, of Seun K'ing. The Work is lost. He had communicated his knowledge of the She, however, to another Maou, Maou Chang, or the Lesser Maou, who was " a Great scholar" at the court of king He'en of Ho-keen. 1 This king Heen was one of the most diligent labourers in the recovery of the ancient Books, and presented Maou's text and the Work of Hang at the court of the emperor King, pro bably in B.C. 129. Chang himself published his "Ex planations of the She," in 29 chapters, which still re main ; but it was not till the reign of the emperor P'ing (A.D. 1 5) that Maou's recension was received into the imperial college, and took its place along with those of Loo, Ts'e, and Han. The Chinese critics have carefully traced the line of scholars who had charge of Maou's text and explanations down to the reign of P'ing; Kwan Ch'ang-k'ing, Heae Yen-neen, and Seu Gaou. To Seu Gaou succeeded Ch'in Keah, who was in office at the court of the usurper Wang Mang (A.U. 9 22). He transmitted his treasures to Seay Man-k'ing, who himself commented on the She; and from him they passed to the well-known Wei King- chung or Wei Hwang, of whom I shall have to speak in the next chapter. From this time the most famous scholars addicted themselves to Maou's text. Ke'a Kwei (A.D. 25 101) published a Work on the " Meaning and Difficulties of Maou's She," having previously compiled a The petty kingdom of Ho-keen embraced three of the districts in the present department of the same name in Chih-le, and one of the two districts of Shin Chow. King He'en's name was Tih.

10 <strong>THE</strong> <strong>SHE</strong> AFTEE CONFUCIUS. <strong>THE</strong> TEXT OP MAOU. 11<br />

and we are told that all the scholars of Tsfe who got a<br />

name in those days for their acquaintance with the She<br />

sprang from his school. Among his disciples is the well-<br />

known name of Hea-how Ch'e-ch'ang, who communicated<br />

his acquisitions to How Ts'ang, a native of the present<br />

Shan-tung province, and author of two of the Works in<br />

the Han catalogue. How had three disciples of eminence,<br />

Yih Fung, Seaou Wang-che, and K'wang Hang. From<br />

them the Text of Ts'e was transmitted to others, whose<br />

names, with quotations from their writings, are scattered<br />

through the Books of Han. Neither text nor comment<br />

aries, however, had a better fate than the She of Loo.<br />

There is no mention of them in the catalogue of Suy.<br />

They are said to have perished even before the rise of the<br />

Tsin dynasty.<br />

[iii.] The Text of Han was somewhat more fortunate.<br />

The Han catalogue contains the titles of four works, all<br />

The Text of by Han Ying, whose surname is thus perpetu-<br />

Han Ying. ated in the text of the She which emanated<br />

from him. His biography follows that of How Ts'ang.<br />

He was a native, we are told, of the province of Yen, and<br />

a " Great scholar " in the time of the emperor Wan (B.C.<br />

178 156), and on into the reigns of King and Woo.<br />

" He laboured/' it is said, " to unfold the meaning of the<br />

odes, and published an ' Explanation of the Text,' and<br />

' Illustrations of the She/ containing several myriads of<br />

characters. His text was somewhat different from the<br />

texts of the She of Loo and Tsfe, but substantially of the<br />

same meaning." Of course Han founded a school; but<br />

while almost all the writings of his followers soon perished,<br />

both the Works just mentioned continued on through the<br />

various dynasties to the time of Sung. The Suy catalogue<br />

contains the titles of his text and two Works on it; the<br />

T'ang those of his text and his Illustrations; but when<br />

we come to the catalogue of Sung, published in the time<br />

of the Yuen dynasty, we find only the Illustrations, in 10<br />

Books or chapters ; and Gow-yang Sew tells us that in his<br />

time this was all of Han that remained. It continues,<br />

entire or nearly so, to the present day.<br />

4. But while these three different recensions of the<br />

She all disappeared, with the exception of a single frag<br />

ment, their unhappy fate was owing not more to the<br />

convulsions by which the empire was often rent, and the<br />

consequent destruction of literary monuments, such as<br />

we have witnessed in our own day in China, than to the<br />

appearance of a fourth Text which displaced them by its<br />

superior correctuess, and the ability with AfourthText-<br />

which it was advocated and commented on. that of Maou.<br />

This was what is called the " Text of Maou." It came<br />

into the field later than the others; but the Han cata<br />

logue contains the She of Maou in 29 chapters, and a<br />

commentary on the text in 30. According to Ch'ing<br />

K'aug-shing, the author of this commentary was a native<br />

of Loo, known as Maou Hang or the Greater Maou, who<br />

was a disciple, we are told by Luh Tih-ming, of Seun<br />

K'ing. The Work is lost. He had communicated his<br />

knowledge of the She, however, to another Maou, Maou<br />

Chang, or the Lesser Maou, who was " a Great scholar"<br />

at the court of king He'en of Ho-keen. 1 This king Heen<br />

was one of the most diligent labourers in the recovery of<br />

the ancient Books, and presented Maou's text and the<br />

Work of Hang at the court of the emperor King, pro<br />

bably in B.C. 129. Chang himself published his "Ex<br />

planations of the She," in 29 chapters, which still re<br />

main ; but it was not till the reign of the emperor P'ing<br />

(A.D. 1 5) that Maou's recension was received into the<br />

imperial college, and took its place along with those of<br />

Loo, Ts'e, and Han.<br />

The Chinese critics have carefully traced the line of<br />

scholars who had charge of Maou's text and explanations<br />

down to the reign of P'ing; Kwan Ch'ang-k'ing, Heae<br />

Yen-neen, and Seu Gaou. To Seu Gaou succeeded Ch'in<br />

Keah, who was in office at the court of the usurper Wang<br />

Mang (A.U. 9 22). He transmitted his treasures to<br />

Seay Man-k'ing, who himself commented on the She;<br />

and from him they passed to the well-known Wei King-<br />

chung or Wei Hwang, of whom I shall have to speak in<br />

the next chapter. From this time the most famous<br />

scholars addicted themselves to Maou's text. Ke'a Kwei<br />

(A.D. 25 101) published a Work on the " Meaning and<br />

Difficulties of Maou's She," having previously compiled a<br />

The petty kingdom of Ho-keen embraced three of the districts in<br />

the present department of the same name in Chih-le, and one of the two<br />

districts of Shin Chow. King He'en's name was Tih.

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