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428 INDEX A-hang, E Yin, the minister of king T'ang, IV. iii. IV. 7. Chang, a city taken from Loo by Ts'e, IV. ii. IV. 8. Chang Chung, the filial and brotherly. II. iii. III. 6. Ch'in, the State of, I. iii. VI.; xii. title. Ch'ing, the king. 111. ii. VIII. : IV.; i. [i.] VI.; IX.; [ii.] II.; VIII.; [iii.] I. to IV.; ii. IV. 2. ' Ch'ing, the State of, I. vii. title. Ch'ing, a district in the ruyal domain, III. iii. IX. 2. Cliuo-lin, a city in Ch'in, I. xii. IX. Chow, the roval State, I. i. title; vi. title; vii. 1.; xiii. IV. ; xiv. IV. : II.i. II.; iv. VII. 3; VIII. 8; X. 2; v. III. 2; IX. I, 2; via. I. : III. i. I.; II.; III.; IV.; VI.; VII.; IX. ; iii. IV. 3 ; V. 1, 7; VIII. 5: IV. i. title; [i-1 III.; VIII.; [ii.] V.; [iii.] X.; XI. ; ii. II. 2, o. Chow, the duke of, I. w. III. to VII.: IV. ii. IV. 3, 8. Chow, a city of Ch'ing:, I. vii. V. Chow Keang = T'ae Keang, III. i. VI. 1. Chung, Mr, I. vii. II. Chung-hang, one of three men buried in the grave of duke Muh, I. xi. VI. Chung-nan, a mountain in Shen-se, I. xi. V. Chung Shan-foo, the minister of king Seuen, III. iii. VI. Chung-yun, the chief cook of king Ye'w, II. iv. IX. 4. Chuy, a wild tribe, III. iii. VII. 6. Chwang, the duke of Loo, IV. ii. IV. 3. Chwang Keang, the wife of one of tlie marquises of \Vei, I. iii. I. to V. notes; \. III. Fan, the minister of Instruction under king Yew, II. iv. IX. 4. Fang, a place overrun by the northern tribes, II. iii. III. 4. Fang Shuh, the leader of an expedition to the South, 11. iii. IV. Fei-ts'euen, a river in Wei, I. iii. XIV. 4. Foo, or Poo, the prince of, III. iii. V. 1. PEOPEE NAMES. Foo, a hunting ground, II. iii. ~\. 2. Fuh-kwan, name of a place, I. v. IV. 2. Fun, king Le, so called, III. iii. VII. 4. Fung, the name of the capital of Chow, and of a stream, III. i. X. Gaou, the name of a hill, II. iii. V. 3. Han, the State of, III. iii. VII. 5, 6. Han, the marquis of, III. ii. VII. Hail, the river, I. i. IX. : II. v. X. 6 : III. iii. VIII. H.tu, the name of a hill, III. i. V. Han K'eih, the bride of the marquis of Han, III. iii. VII. 5. Haou, a name of the western capital, II. iii. III. 4, 6; vii. VII.: III. i. He-sze, a brother of the marquis of Luo, IV. ii. IV. 9. Hea, the dynasty, III. iii. I. 8 : IV. iii. IV. 6. Hea Nan, the son of a mistress of the duke of Ch'in, I. xii. IX He'ah, a river. III. i. II. 4. Heang, a district in the royal domain, II. iv. IX. 6. Heen-foo, a noble of king Seuen, III. iii. VII. 3. Hesn-yun, a wild tribe in the north, II. i. VII.; VIII. ; iii. III.; IV. 4. Hcu, the State of, I. iv. X. : vi. IV.: IV. ii. IV. 8. Hew-foo, the earl of Ch'ing, III. iii. IX. 2. King, the State of, I. v. III. 1. Ho, the Hwang-ho river, I. iii. XVIII.; iv. I.; v. III. 4; VII.; vi. VII.; vii. V.; xii. III.: II. v. I. 6 : IV. i. [i.] VIII.; [iii.] XI.; iii. 111. Hoo and Yih. two hills in Loo, IV. ii. IV. 7. Hoo, the earl of Shaou, III. iii. VIII. How-tseih, the first ancestor of Chow, III. ii. I. ; iii. III. 2 : IV. i. [i.] X.; ii. IV. I, 2, 3. Hwse, the river, II. vi. IV. : III. iii. VIII.; IX. : IV. ii. Ill- 5, 7, 8; IV. 6, 7- Ilwan, the prince of Wei, I. iv. V. notes. Hwang-foo, the president of tlie INDEX II. PEOKEK NAMES. 429 government under king Yew, II. iv. IX. 4, et seq. Hwang-foo, a Grand-master of king Seuen, III. iii. IX. Hwang valley, the, in Shen-se, III. ii. VI. 6. Hwoh, a place occupied by the north ern tribes, II. iii. III. 4. Hwun, a river in Wei, I. ix. II. Jin, T'ae Jin, the mother of king Wan, III. i. II. Joo, the river, I. i. X. Joo, a State on the east of the Ho, III. i. III. 9. Jung, wild tribes of the West, II. i. VIII. 5. Juv, the State of, on the east of the Ho, III. i. III. 9. Juy, the name of a stream running into the King, III. ii. VI. 6. Juy, the earl of, III. iii. III. Kan, the name of a place, I. iii. XIV. 3. K'ang, the king, IV. i. p.] IX. Kaou, a town in Tsm, I. x. III. Kaou-yaou, Shun's minister of Crime, IV. ii. III. a . Ke, king, the father of king Wan, III. i. II. 2; VII. 3,4. K'e, the river, I. iii. XIV. 1; v. I.; IV.; V.: IX. K'e, mount, III. i. III. 2; VII. 6: IV. i. [i.] V.; ii. IV. 2; -Chow, III. iii. VIII. 5. K'e-shang, the name of a place, I. iv. IV. Kea-foo, the author of an ode, II. iv. VII. 10. Kea-pih, the chief administrator under king Ye\v, II. iv. IX. 4. Kfe'angriver, the Yang-tsze, I. i. IX.; ii. XI.; II. v. X. 6 : III. iii. VIII. Keang of Te, tribes of the West, IV iii. V. 2. Keimg, a surname, I. iv. IV. 1; vii. IX.; xii. III. : III. i. III. 2 ; VI. 1. Keang Yuen, themotherof How-tseih. III. ii. I. : IV. ii. IV. I. Keeh of Hea, the tyrant, IV. iii. IV. 6. Keon-hoo, one of three men, buried in the grave of duke Muh, I. xi. VI. Keih, a great clan-name, II. viii. I. 3. K'eih, a surname, III. iii. VII. 5. Keih-foo, an officer who commandi an expedition to the North, II. iii. III. ; the author of odes, III. iii. V 8; VI. 8; IX. 2. Keun, barbarous tribes, III. i. III. 8 Keun-woo, a principality of Hea, IV. iii. IV. 6. Kew, the wilderness of, in the West, II. vi. III. 1. King, the barbarous region of the South, II. iii. IV. 4 : IV. ii. IV 6 ; -ts'oo, IV. iii. V. King, the river, I. iii. X. 3: II. iii. III. 4 : III. i. IV. 3 ; ii. IV. 1. King, the name of a hill near the capital of Shang, IV. iii. III. ; V. 6. Koo, a principality of He'a, IV. iii. • IV. 6. Kung, a place in the State of Yuen, III. i. VII. 5 . Kwan, barbarian tribes, III. i. VII. 2. Kwei, the State of, I. xiii. title. Kwei, a mountain in Loo, IV. ii. IV. 6. Kwei-foo, the father-in-law of the marquis of Han, ni. iii. VII. 4. Kwo valley, the, in Shen-se, III. ii. VI. 6. Lo, the king, III. iii. I.; III. notes. Le'ang, the mountain of, III. iii. VII. Lew, duke, the story of. III. ii. VI. Loh, the river, II. v. IX. Loo, the State of, I. viii. VI.; X. : IV. ii. title. Man, the wild tribes of the South, II. vii. IX. 8: IV. ii. IV. 7; wild trihes, III. iii. VII. 6. Miing-tsze, a eunuch, II. v. VI. 7. Maou, wild tribes in the West, II. vii. IX. 8. Mei, a district in Wei, I. iv. IV. Mei, a district in the royal domain, III. iii. V. 6. Meih, the State of, III. i. VII. 5. Mih, amid tribe, III. iii. VII. 6 : IV. ii. IV. 7. Muh, the wilderness or plain of, III. i. II. 7, 8 : IV. ii. IV. 2. Muh, the duke of Ts'in, I. xi. VI. Mung, a mountain in Loo, IV. ii. IV. 6. Nan-chung the leader of an expedition to the North, II. i. VIII. : III. iii. IX. 1. Naou, a hill in Ts'e, I. viii. II. Ne the name of a place in Wei, I. iii. XIV. 2. Pang, a city of Ch'ing, I. vii. V. Paou, a nobleman's friend suspected of slandering him, II. v. V. Paou Sze, the favourite of king Yew, II. iv. VIII.; IX. 4 : III. iii. X. 3. P'ci, I. iii. title. Pin, the State of, I. xv. title : III. ii. VI. 5, 6. I (

430 PEOPEE NAMES. INDEX II. P'oo, orFoo, the State of, I. vi. IV. 2 : III. iii. V. 1. Sang-chung, the name of a place, I. iv. Seang-t'oo, the grandson of Seeh, IV. iii. IV. 2. Seaou, a city of Ch'ing, I. vii. V. Seay, building the city of, II. viii. III. ; the capital of Shin, III. iii. V. Seeh, the father of the Shang dynasty, IV. iii. III. ; IV. Seu, a city of Wei, I. iii. XIV. Seu, the States of, about the river Hwae, III. iii. IX. : IV. ii. IV. 7. Seuen, the king, II. v. III. : HI. iii. IV. to IX. Seuen, a dissolute duke of Wei, and Seuen Keang his wife, I. iii. VIII. et seg., notes. Seun, a small State, I. xiv. IV. Shang1, the dynasty, III. i. 1.4 : IV. i. [iii.] IX.; ii. IV. 2 ; iii. title ; III.; IV.; Yin-Bhang, III. i. II. 2, 6, 7. Shang-foo, the Grand-master under king Woo, III. i. II. 7, 8. Shan-kung, the name of a place, I. iv. Shaou, an ancient city and principality, I. ii. title ; the duke of, I. ii. V.: III. ii. VIII.; iii. VIII. 4, 5, 6; XI. 7; the earl of, II. viii. III. : III. iii. V.; VIII. Shin, the State of, I. vi. IV.; the chief of, III. iii. V. Shoo, a half-civilized region, east of King, IV. ii. IV. 5. Show-vung, a mountain in Shan-se, I. x. XII. Shuh-twan, brother of duke Ch\vang of Ch'ing, 1. vii. III. ; IV. Sin, the State of, II. i. II. 4—6. Sin-foo, a hill in Loo, IV. ii. IV. 9. Sun Tsze-chung, a military com mander of Wei, I. iii. VI. Sung, the State of, I. iii. VI.; v. VII. ; xii. III. ; the duke of, IV. i. [ii.] IX. Sung, an ancient State, IV. iii. IV. Tae Kwei, a concubine of the marquis of Wei, I. iii. II. et seg., notes. T'ae, the king, III. i. VII. : IV. i. [i.] V.; ii. IV. 2. T'ae, the mountain, IV. ii. IV. 6. T'ae, a principality in Shen-se, III. ii. I. o. T'ae Jin, the mother of king Wan, III. i. II. 2 ; VI. Tae Keang, the wife of T'an-foo, III. i. III. 2 ; VI. 1. Tae Sze, the queen of king Wan, I. i. I. et seg. notes : III. i. II. ; VI. T'ae-yun, a district in Shan-se, II. iii. III. 5. T'an, the Stateof, I. v. III. 1. T'an-foo, the ancient duke, III. i. III. T'ang, a town in Wei, I. iv. VI. T'ang, the State of Tsin, so called, I. x. title. T'ang the founder of Shang, IV. iii. I. to V. Te, the Keang tribes of, IV. iii. V. 2. Ting, a constellation, I. iv. VI. 1. T'o, branches of the Kc'ang river, I. ii. XI. Too, a pKce near the capital, III. iii. VII. 3. Ts'aou, the State of, I. xiv. title. Ts'aou, a city of Wei, I. iii. VI. 1 ; XIV. 4 ; iv. X. Tse, the name of a place in Wei, I. iii. XIV. 2. Ts'e, the Stateof, I. v. III.; viii. title; VI. ; X. ; xii. III. : III. iii. VI. 8. Tse'aou, a place occupied by the north ern tribes, II. iii. III. 4. Ts'eih, a river in Pin, II. iii. VI. 2 ; III. i. III. I : IV. i. [ii.] VI. Ts'eu, a river in Pin, II. iii. VI. 2 : III. i. III. 1 : IV. i. [ii.] VI. Ts'euen-yuen, the Hundred Springs, the name of a river, the same as Feits'euen, I. v. V. Tseueii, a city of Wei, I. iii. VII. ; iv. IX. Tsin, the state of, called T'ang, I. x. title. Tsin, a river in Ch'ing, I. vii. XIII. ; Tsin, the State of, I. xi. title. Ts-ing, a city in Ch'ing, I. vii. V. Ts'uo, Ts'uo-kew, the new capital of Wei, I. iv. VI. Tsoo-lae, a hill in Loo, IV. ii. IV. 9. Tsow, the recorder of the Interior under king Yew, II. iv. IX. 4. Tsow-yu, a name of doubtful meaning, supposed to be " a righteous beast," I. ii. XIV. Ts'ung, the State of, III. i. VII. 7, 8 ; X. z. Tsze, the surname of the dukes of Sung, I. xii. III. Tsze-chung, a clan name in Ch'in, I. xii. II. Tsze-ke'u, the clan name of three men buried in the grave of Muh, duke of Ts'in, I. xi. VI. Tsze-too, and Tsze-ch'ung, two gentle men so designated, I. vii. X. Tun-k'ew, a place in Wei, I. v. IV. 1. INDEX II. PEOPEE NAMES. 431 Wan, the, name of a river, I. viii. X. Wan, the king, I. i. I. et seg. notes : III. i. I. to X.; ii. X.; iii. I.; VIII. 4: IV.i. [i.]I.toV.; VII.; [ii.] VII.; [Hi.] X.; ii. IV. 2. Wan, a duke of Wei, I. iv. VI. notes. Wei, the State of, mostly in the present Ho-nan, I. iii. note on title; XIV.; iv. X.; v. title, III. Wei, the State of, in the present Ke'ae Chow, Shan-se, absorbed by the State of Tsin, I. ix. title. Wei, a principality of Hea, IV. iii. IV. 6. Wei, the river, I. iii. X. 3: III. i. II. 4, 5; VII. 6; ii. VI. 6. Wei, a river in Ch'ing, I. vii. XIII.; XXI. Woo, the king, III. i. IX.; X. ; iii. VIII. 4: IV.i. [i.] VIII.; IX.; [ii.] VII.; VIII.; X.; [iii.] VIII. ; IX.; ii. IV. 2. Woo, duke of Wei, I. iv. I.; v. I. : II. vii. VI. : III. iii. II. only in the tiotet. Woo, duke of Ch'ing, I. vii. I. note.s. Woo-ting, a king of the Shang dynas ty, IV. iii. III.; V. THE END. Yen, the State of, III. iii. VII. 6. Yen, the name of a place, I. iii. XIV. 3. Yen-seih, one of three men buried in the grave of duke Muh, I. xi. VI. Yew, eclipse in the reign of king, II. iv. IX. Yih, a surname, I. iv. IV. 2. Yin, the dynasty, III. i. I. 0—7 : IV. i. rii.l X.: iii. III. V. 1; Shang, III. i. II.; iii. I. Yin, the clan-name of a great family in the royal domain, II. iv. VII. ; viii. I. 3:" III. iii. IX. 2. Yu, the Great, II. vi. VI. 1: III. i. X. 5 ; iii. VF. 1 : IV. ii. IV. 1; iii. IV. 1; V. 3. \u, the captain of the guards under king Yew, II. iv. IX. 4. Yuen, a State, III. i. VII. 5, 6. Yuen-k'tiw, the name of a mound, I. xii. 1.; II. Yuh, K'euh-yuh, a city of Tsin, I. x. III. Yung, a State, I. iv. title. Yuug, a surname, I. iv. IV. 3. JOHN CHILDd AND SOIf, PRINTERS.

428<br />

INDEX<br />

A-hang, E Yin, the minister of king<br />

T'ang, IV. iii. IV. 7.<br />

Chang, a city taken from Loo by Ts'e,<br />

IV. ii. IV. 8.<br />

Chang Chung, the filial and brotherly.<br />

II. iii. III. 6.<br />

Ch'in, the State of, I. iii. VI.; xii. title.<br />

Ch'ing, the king. 111. ii. VIII. : IV.;<br />

i. [i.] VI.; IX.; [ii.] II.; VIII.;<br />

[iii.] I. to IV.; ii. IV. 2. '<br />

Ch'ing, the State of, I. vii. title.<br />

Ch'ing, a district in the ruyal domain,<br />

III. iii. IX. 2.<br />

Cliuo-lin, a city in Ch'in, I. xii. IX.<br />

Chow, the roval State, I. i. title; vi.<br />

title; vii. 1.; xiii. IV. ; xiv. IV. :<br />

II.i. II.; iv. VII. 3; VIII. 8; X.<br />

2; v. III. 2; IX. I, 2; via. I. :<br />

III. i. I.; II.; III.; IV.; VI.;<br />

VII.; IX. ; iii. IV. 3 ; V. 1, 7;<br />

VIII. 5: IV. i. title; [i-1 III.;<br />

VIII.; [ii.] V.; [iii.] X.; XI. ; ii.<br />

II. 2, o.<br />

Chow, the duke of, I. w. III. to VII.:<br />

IV. ii. IV. 3, 8.<br />

Chow, a city of Ch'ing:, I. vii. V.<br />

Chow Keang = T'ae Keang, III. i.<br />

VI. 1.<br />

Chung, Mr, I. vii. II.<br />

Chung-hang, one of three men buried<br />

in the grave of duke Muh, I. xi. VI.<br />

Chung-nan, a mountain in Shen-se, I.<br />

xi. V.<br />

Chung Shan-foo, the minister of king<br />

Seuen, III. iii. VI.<br />

Chung-yun, the chief cook of king<br />

Ye'w, II. iv. IX. 4.<br />

Chuy, a wild tribe, III. iii. VII. 6.<br />

Chwang, the duke of Loo, IV. ii. IV. 3.<br />

Chwang Keang, the wife of one of tlie<br />

marquises of \Vei, I. iii. I. to V.<br />

notes; \. III.<br />

Fan, the minister of Instruction under<br />

king Yew, II. iv. IX. 4.<br />

Fang, a place overrun by the northern<br />

tribes, II. iii. III. 4.<br />

Fang Shuh, the leader of an expedition<br />

to the South, 11. iii. IV.<br />

Fei-ts'euen, a river in Wei, I. iii.<br />

XIV. 4.<br />

Foo, or Poo, the prince of, III. iii. V. 1.<br />


Foo, a hunting ground, II. iii. ~\. 2.<br />

Fuh-kwan, name of a place, I. v. IV. 2.<br />

Fun, king Le, so called, III. iii. VII. 4.<br />

Fung, the name of the capital of Chow,<br />

and of a stream, III. i. X.<br />

Gaou, the name of a hill, II. iii. V. 3.<br />

Han, the State of, III. iii. VII. 5, 6.<br />

Han, the marquis of, III. ii. VII.<br />

Hail, the river, I. i. IX. : II. v. X. 6 :<br />

III. iii. VIII.<br />

H.tu, the name of a hill, III. i. V.<br />

Han K'eih, the bride of the marquis<br />

of Han, III. iii. VII. 5.<br />

Haou, a name of the western capital,<br />

II. iii. III. 4, 6; vii. VII.: III. i.<br />

He-sze, a brother of the marquis of<br />

Luo, IV. ii. IV. 9.<br />

Hea, the dynasty, III. iii. I. 8 : IV.<br />

iii. IV. 6.<br />

Hea Nan, the son of a mistress of the<br />

duke of Ch'in, I. xii. IX<br />

He'ah, a river. III. i. II. 4.<br />

Heang, a district in the royal domain,<br />

II. iv. IX. 6.<br />

Heen-foo, a noble of king Seuen, III.<br />

iii. VII. 3.<br />

Hesn-yun, a wild tribe in the north,<br />

II. i. VII.; VIII. ; iii. III.; IV. 4.<br />

Hcu, the State of, I. iv. X. : vi. IV.:<br />

IV. ii. IV. 8.<br />

Hew-foo, the earl of Ch'ing, III. iii.<br />

IX. 2.<br />

King, the State of, I. v. III. 1.<br />

Ho, the Hwang-ho river, I. iii.<br />

XVIII.; iv. I.; v. III. 4; VII.;<br />

vi. VII.; vii. V.; xii. III.: II. v.<br />

I. 6 : IV. i. [i.] VIII.; [iii.] XI.;<br />

iii. 111.<br />

Hoo and Yih. two hills in Loo, IV. ii.<br />

IV. 7.<br />

Hoo, the earl of Shaou, III. iii. VIII.<br />

How-tseih, the first ancestor of Chow,<br />

III. ii. I. ; iii. III. 2 : IV. i. [i.]<br />

X.; ii. IV. I, 2, 3.<br />

Hwse, the river, II. vi. IV. : III. iii.<br />

VIII.; IX. : IV. ii. Ill- 5, 7, 8;<br />

IV. 6, 7-<br />

Ilwan, the prince of Wei, I. iv. V.<br />

notes.<br />

Hwang-foo, the president of tlie<br />


government under king Yew, II. iv.<br />

IX. 4, et seq.<br />

Hwang-foo, a Grand-master of king<br />

Seuen, III. iii. IX.<br />

Hwang valley, the, in Shen-se, III.<br />

ii. VI. 6.<br />

Hwoh, a place occupied by the north<br />

ern tribes, II. iii. III. 4.<br />

Hwun, a river in Wei, I. ix. II.<br />

Jin, T'ae Jin, the mother of king Wan,<br />

III. i. II.<br />

Joo, the river, I. i. X.<br />

Joo, a State on the east of the Ho,<br />

III. i. III. 9.<br />

Jung, wild tribes of the West, II. i.<br />

VIII. 5.<br />

Juv, the State of, on the east of the<br />

Ho, III. i. III. 9.<br />

Juy, the name of a stream running<br />

into the King, III. ii. VI. 6.<br />

Juy, the earl of, III. iii. III.<br />

Kan, the name of a place, I. iii. XIV.<br />

3.<br />

K'ang, the king, IV. i. p.] IX.<br />

Kaou, a town in Tsm, I. x. III.<br />

Kaou-yaou, Shun's minister of Crime,<br />

IV. ii. III. a .<br />

Ke, king, the father of king Wan, III.<br />

i. II. 2; VII. 3,4.<br />

K'e, the river, I. iii. XIV. 1; v. I.;<br />

IV.; V.: IX.<br />

K'e, mount, III. i. III. 2; VII. 6:<br />

IV. i. [i.] V.; ii. IV. 2; -Chow,<br />

III. iii. VIII. 5.<br />

K'e-shang, the name of a place, I. iv.<br />

IV.<br />

Kea-foo, the author of an ode, II. iv.<br />

VII. 10.<br />

Kea-pih, the chief administrator under<br />

king Ye\v, II. iv. IX. 4.<br />

Kfe'angriver, the Yang-tsze, I. i. IX.;<br />

ii. XI.; II. v. X. 6 : III. iii. VIII.<br />

Keang of Te, tribes of the West, IV<br />

iii. V. 2.<br />

Keimg, a surname, I. iv. IV. 1; vii.<br />

IX.; xii. III. : III. i. III. 2 ; VI. 1.<br />

Keang Yuen, themotherof How-tseih.<br />

III. ii. I. : IV. ii. IV. I.<br />

Keeh of Hea, the tyrant, IV. iii. IV. 6.<br />

Keon-hoo, one of three men, buried in<br />

the grave of duke Muh, I. xi. VI.<br />

Keih, a great clan-name, II. viii. I. 3.<br />

K'eih, a surname, III. iii. VII. 5.<br />

Keih-foo, an officer who commandi<br />

an expedition to the North, II. iii.<br />

III. ; the author of odes, III. iii. V<br />

8; VI. 8; IX. 2.<br />

Keun, barbarous tribes, III. i. III. 8<br />

Keun-woo, a principality of Hea, IV.<br />

iii. IV. 6.<br />

Kew, the wilderness of, in the West,<br />

II. vi. III. 1.<br />

King, the barbarous region of the<br />

South, II. iii. IV. 4 : IV. ii. IV 6 ;<br />

-ts'oo, IV. iii. V.<br />

King, the river, I. iii. X. 3: II. iii.<br />

III. 4 : III. i. IV. 3 ; ii. IV. 1.<br />

King, the name of a hill near the capital<br />

of Shang, IV. iii. III. ; V. 6.<br />

Koo, a principality of He'a, IV. iii.<br />

• IV. 6.<br />

Kung, a place in the State of Yuen,<br />

III. i. VII. 5 .<br />

Kwan, barbarian tribes, III. i. VII. 2.<br />

Kwei, the State of, I. xiii. title.<br />

Kwei, a mountain in Loo, IV. ii. IV. 6.<br />

Kwei-foo, the father-in-law of the<br />

marquis of Han, ni. iii. VII. 4.<br />

Kwo valley, the, in Shen-se, III. ii.<br />

VI. 6.<br />

Lo, the king, III. iii. I.; III. notes.<br />

Le'ang, the mountain of, III. iii.<br />

VII.<br />

Lew, duke, the story of. III. ii. VI.<br />

Loh, the river, II. v. IX.<br />

Loo, the State of, I. viii. VI.; X. :<br />

IV. ii. title.<br />

Man, the wild tribes of the South, II.<br />

vii. IX. 8: IV. ii. IV. 7; wild<br />

trihes, III. iii. VII. 6.<br />

Miing-tsze, a eunuch, II. v. VI. 7.<br />

Maou, wild tribes in the West, II. vii.<br />

IX. 8.<br />

Mei, a district in Wei, I. iv. IV.<br />

Mei, a district in the royal domain, III.<br />

iii. V. 6.<br />

Meih, the State of, III. i. VII. 5.<br />

Mih, amid tribe, III. iii. VII. 6 : IV.<br />

ii. IV. 7.<br />

Muh, the wilderness or plain of, III.<br />

i. II. 7, 8 : IV. ii. IV. 2.<br />

Muh, the duke of Ts'in, I. xi. VI.<br />

Mung, a mountain in Loo, IV. ii.<br />

IV. 6.<br />

Nan-chung the leader of an expedition<br />

to the North, II. i. VIII. : III. iii.<br />

IX. 1.<br />

Naou, a hill in Ts'e, I. viii. II.<br />

Ne the name of a place in Wei, I. iii.<br />

XIV. 2.<br />

Pang, a city of Ch'ing, I. vii. V.<br />

Paou, a nobleman's friend suspected of<br />

slandering him, II. v. V.<br />

Paou Sze, the favourite of king Yew,<br />

II. iv. VIII.; IX. 4 : III. iii. X. 3.<br />

P'ci, I. iii. title.<br />

Pin, the State of, I. xv. title : III. ii.<br />

VI. 5, 6.<br />

I<br />


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