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424 or SUBJECTS. INDEX I. INDEX I. OP SUBJECTS. 425 Tina, a space in the heavens, I. iv. VI. 1. Tithes, paying, II. vi. VII. 1. Toe-print, a, made by God, III. ii. Tokens of rank, IV. iii. IV. 4. Tombs, I. x. XI.; the gate of the, I. xii. VI. Tongue, words that come only from the, II. iv. X. 5; no one can hold my, for me, III. iii. II. 6; be the king's throat and, III. iii. VI.; mischief of a long, III. iii. X. 3. Torch, the, in the court-yard, II. iii. VIII. Tornado, II. v. VII. 2. Tortoises, large, IV. ii. III. 8; on banners. See Banner. Tortoise-shell, divination by, I. v. IV. 2 : II. i. IX. 4; v. I. "3: III. i. III. 3; X. 7. Tower, the New, I. iii. XVIII. ; on a wall, a, I. vii. XVII.; viii. XIX.; the Marvellous, III. i. VIII. Traces of a carriage, I. xi. HI. Trade, enormous profit in. III. iii. X. 4. Trains of gourds, long, III. i. III. Travellers between Loo and Ts'e, I. viii. X. Travelling through the country, II. iv. IV.; V. See Progress. Trays, II. vi. V. 3. Treading out pram, III. ii. I. 7. Treatment, bad, of a wife, I. iii. IV.; V. Tree, like a ruined, II. v. III. 5; "when a tree falls," &c. (a popular saying), III. iii. I. 8. Tree-clad hill, I. ix. IV. Tree-grub, the, I. v. III. 2. Trees, I. i. II. 1; IV.; IX.; iii. VI. : II. ii. V. 3; v. VII. 3: IV. ii. III. 8; fallen, III. i. VII. 2; felling, II. i. V.; v. III. 7 : HI. i. VII. 2 : IV. ii. IV. 9; V. 6; perched on, II. v. II. 6; of soft wood, II. v. IV. 5; the e, the fuiiff, and the tsze, I. iv. VI. 1 : II. ii. IX. 4; the k'aou and the new, I. x. II.: II»ii. VII. 4; the kow and the yu, II. ii. VII. 5 ; the tsze, II. v. III. 3; the e, II. v. X. 8; the ylh, III. i. III. 8; IV. 1; V. 5; VII. 3; thep'o/i, III. i. IV. 1. See Arrow-ihorn, Fir, Carambola, Haxel, Cedar, Hedge-tree, Cherry, Jujube, Chestnut, Medlur, Cypress, Mulberry, Elm, Oaks, Fetid tree, Papaya, Paper-mulberry, Stave-tree, Peach, Tamarix, Pear, Thorn, Pine, Varnish-tree, Plum, Willow. Sandal, Trial, on account of refusing to marrv, I. ii. VI. Tribes, savage, of King, II. iii. IV. 4: IV. ii. IV. 5; iii. V.; of th« Hwae, III. iii. VIII.; IX. : IV. ii. III. 5, 7, S; IV. 6, 7 ; of the West and North, IV. ii. IV. 5. See Wild, and in Index II., Heen-yun, Jung, Man, Mih. Tribulus, growing on walls, I. iv. II.; on the ground, II. vi. V. 1. Tribute, T'ang received the, IV. iii. IV. 5. Trident-spears, I. xi. III. Tiipe, III. ii. II. 2. Tripods, and pans, I. ii. IV. 2; large and small, IV. iii. VII. Troops, murmuring of, I. vi. IV.; de spatch of, to the north, II. i. VII.; return of, II. i. VIII.; IX.; of Yin-shang, in the wilderness of Muh, III. i. II. 7 : IV. ii. IV. 2 ; of king Wan, III. i. VII. 5, 6; three, III. ii. VI. 5 ; marching of, III. iii. VIII. 1 ; IX. 2, 3. Trunks, dead, and fallen trees, III. i. VII. 2. Tube, and reed, I. iii. XVII. 2. Turtle, roast, II. iii. III. 6: III. iii. VII. 3. Turtle-dove, I. xiv. III. See Dove. Turtle-foot ferns, I. ii. III.: II. v. X. 8. Two youths, the death of, I. iii. XIX. Uncle, the king's, III. iii. V. 5, 7: IV. ii. IV. 2. Uncles, I. iii. XII. S, 4 ; vii. XI.; patenial and maternal, invited to a feast, II. i. V. 2; and cousins, II. vi. V. 5. Unlawful connection, an, I. vii. XX. Unlikely things may be made useful, III. ii. VII. Upside down, putting on clothes, I. viii. V. Useful, unlikely things may be made, III. ii. VII. Valerian, I. vii. XXI.; xii. X. Valley, careful as on the brink of a, II. V. II. 6. Valleys, I. vi. V. ; great winds come from the large, III. iii. III. 12. Valour of T'ang, IV. iii. IV. 5. Vanity of a ruler of Kwei, I. xiii. I. Vapours, rising in the morning, I. xiv. Varnish-tree, the, I. iv. VI. 1; x. II.; xi. I. Vase, a gilded, I. i. III. 2; washing a spirit-, III. ii. VII. 2. Vases, a hundred, of spirits, III. iii. VII. 3. Vast is God! III. iii. I. Vegetable, the^oo-, III. iii. VII. 3. Vegetables, I. iii. X. 6 : III. iii. VII. 3. Vegetation, luxuriant, I. xiv. II. (See Luxuriance); decay of, II. viii. X. Verses, I have made these few, III. ii. VIII. 10. Vessels, drawing water with, III. ii. VII.: of sauces and fruit, III. iii. VII. 3. Viands, II. i. V. 2 ; iv. VIII. 12; vi. V. 1: III. ii. II.; III.; IV. ; iii. VII. 3: IV. i. [iii.] V.; ii. IV. 4; good and abundant, II. ii. III. 4, 5, 6; vii. III.; no good, II. vii. IV. 3. Vice, and beauty contrasted, I. iv. III.; in the court of WTei, I. iv. V. Victim, I have grudged no, III. iii. IV. 1. Victims, red and black, II. vi. VIII. 4. Victories, three in one day, II. i. VII. 4. Victorious sovereigns of old, the, II. vi. IV. Victory of king Woo, III. i. II. 8. Villages, II. iii. IV. 2. Violets, III. i. III. 3. Virgins, companions of a bride, III. iii. VII. 4. Virtue of king Wiin's bride, I. i. I.; II.; IV.; V.: HI. i. II.; VI. 1; of the women about the Han, I. i. IX.; of the women about the Joo, I. i. X.; of the family of king Wan, I. i. XI.: III. i. I.; II.; of Tae Kwei, I. iii. III. ; of a husband, I. iii. VIII.; of a lady of Ch'in, I. xii. IV.; of a lord of Ts'aou, I. xiv. III.; of ministers, II. ii. VII.; of feudal princes, II. ii. IX.; brothers ex horted to maintain their own in bad times, II. v. II.; of a bride, II. vii. IV. ; cultivate your, III. i. I. 6; of king Wan's father and mother, III. i. II. 2; VII. 4; characteristics of. III. iii. II.; of king Wan, III. i. I to X. : IV. i. [i.] I.; II.; III.; V.; VII.; of some king, III. ii. V.: an indication of inward, III. iii, II, 1; of the chief of Shin, III. iii. V 8; of Chung Shan-foo, III. iii VI- i the people naturally love, III iii. VI. 1; is light as a hair, but few are able to lift it, III. iii. VI. 6; the old, III. iii. XI. 6; will be imitated, IV. i. IV.; of king Ch'ing, IV. i. [i.] VI.; I will cultivate ad mirable, IV. i. [i.] VIII.; of the marquis of Loo, IV. ii. III. 4, 5 ; of Keang Yuen, IV. ii. IV. I. Virtues, you forget my great, II. v. VII. 3; civil, III. iii. VIII. 6. Virtuous, sovereigns of old, II. vi. IV.; cultivate association with the, III. ii. IX. 3. Viscount, the, of T'an, I. v. III. 1. Visitant, a, from heaven, I. iv. III. 2. Visitor, the noble, IV. i. [ii.] IX. Visitors, the representatives of former dynasties, at court, IV. i. [ii.] III.; V.; we have admirable, IV. iii. I. Volume of flowing water, a large, II. iii. IX. Vows, broken marriage-, I. v. IV. 6. Waggon, do not push forward a, II. vi. II. Waggons, driving, II. viii. III. Wag-tail, the, II. i. IV. 3; v. II. 4. Wall, a rat bores through a, I. ii. VI. 3; meeting at the corner of a, I. iii. XVII.; tribulus growing on a, I. iv. II. ; a ruinous, I. v. IV.; leaping over a, I. vii. II.; building a, in the northern region, II. i. VIII. 3; and uioat, III. i. X. 3; the people are a, III. ii. X. 7 ; the circle of the king's relatives is a fortified, III. ii. X. 7; a wise man builds, but a wise woman overthrows a. III. iii. X. 3 ; sheaves high as a, IV. i. [iii.] VI. Walls, brothers may quarrel inside the, II. i. IV. 4; old, I. iv. VI. 2; building, II. iii. VII. 2; iv. V.: III. i. III. 6 ; attacking, III. i. VII. 7, 8; of Fung, III. i. X.; of the city of Han, III. iii. VII. 6. Wanderer, a, frum Chow, I. vi. VII. Wanderings, Great Heaven is with you in all your, HI. ii. X. 8. Wanton associations of young people of Ch'in, I. xii. II. War, keeping up the exercises of, I. xv. I. 4 : III. iii. II. -i ; Minister of, II. iv. I.; has done its work, II. iv. X. 4; the father of, III. i. VII. 8; apparatus of, III. iii. IX. 1. See Kxpedition. War-carnage, I.xi. III. See Chariot. Warfare, called out to, I. x. VIII. : II. iii. III. Warlike spirit of Ts'in, I. xi. VIII. ; preparations of king Wan, III. i. I )

426 OP SUBJECTS. INDEX I. INDEX I. OP SUBJECTS. 427 VII. 5, 6, 7; energy of king Seuen, White colt, the brilliant, II. iv. II. ; III. iii. IX. 4 ; of" Woo-tiug, IV grass, the, I. ii. XII.; iii. XVII.: [iii.] V. 1. v. III. 2: II. viii. IV. 1, 2. Warnings to kins: Le, III. iii. I. Widgeons, III. ii. IV. Warrens for lisOv. i. [ii.] VI. Widow, a, protests against marrying Warrior, a, in charge of an expedition again, I. iv. I. ; loneliness of a, I. x. to the east, II. viii. VIII. XI.; pity for the, II. iii. VII. I; Washing, water good for, III. ii. VII vi. VIII. 3 ; III. iii. VI. 5. Wasp, IV. i. [iii.] IV. Wife, industry of a prince's, I. ii. II.; Watchfulness recommended, III. iii, a, bewailing her husband's absence, II. I. ii. III. ; Iii. VIII.; v. VIII.; vi. Water, a hot thing must be dipped in, II.; V.; xi. VII. : II. viii. II.; III. iii. III. 5 ; pleasant is the semi diligence of an officer's, I. ii. IV. ; circular, IV. ii. III. a, admiring her absent husband, I. Water-bow, a fabulous creature, II, ii. VIII.; iii. VIII. ; xi. III.; v. V. 8. jealousy of a, I. ii. XI.; a neglected, Water-plants attached to a tree, III I. iii. II.; bad treatment of a, I. iii. XI. 4. iii. V.; V.; v. IV.; a, supplanted, Water-polygonum, I. vii. X. 2. I. iii. X. ; a, longing for her native Waters, the fretted, I. x. III. ; cold, place, I. iii. XIV.; v. V.; joy of a, from a spring, I. xiv. IV.; a large at her husband's return, I. vi. III.; volume of flowing, II. iii. IX.; of vii. XVI.; a, rousing her husband the Hwae, II. vi. IV.; of the Loh kindly, I. vii. VIII.; viii. I.; a II. vi. IX.; of the deluge, IV. iii, man praises his own poor, I. vii. IV. 1. XIX.; taking a, I. viii. VI. 3, 4 ; Way-farers, II. v. I. 4; IV. 5. xii. III. ; happy meeting of husband Ways, the grand, IV. ii. III. 3. and, I. x. V ; and children, union Wealth, the, of former days, III. iii with, II. i. IV. 7, 8; bad, of king XI. 5. Yew, II. iv. VIII. ; IX. 4; virtue Weapons, I. iii. VI.; xi. VIII.: III. of king Wan's, III. i. II.; VI. 1 iii. II. 4. See Arrows, Bows, Axes, (See Bride) ; the marquis of Han's, Halberds, Hatchets, Shields, III. iii. VII. 4; there is given you Swords. a heroic, III. ii. III. 8; admirable, Weariness of life, I. vi. VI. of the marquis of Loo, IV. ii. IV. 8. Weaving, III. iii. X. 4. Wild, the, I. ii. XII.; x. XI. Weaving Sisters, the, a constellation, Wild tribes of the North, II. i. VII.: II. v. IX. o. III. iii. VII. 6 ; of Keun, III. i. Weeding, II. vi. VII. 1 : IV. iii. V.; III. 8 ; of Kwan, III. i. VII. 2; of VI. " the South, III. iii. II. 4 ; the Man, Weeds, I. viii. VII. the Chuy, and the Mih, III. iii. Weeping blood, II. iv. X. 7. VII. 6. AVelcoming men of worth, I. iv. IX. Wilderness, the, of Muh, III. i. II. West, fine men of the, I. iii. XIII. 7,8. 4 ; going to the, I. xiii. IV.: II. Wilds, d solate, II. viii. X. 3. vi. III.; our hearts in the, I. xv. Will, the clear, of Heaven, III. i. IX. III. 1 ; the sons of the east made to 2; ii. IX. I. serve those of tile, II. v. IX. 4; Willow tree, I. vii. II. ; viii. V.; xi. from east to, no quiet, III. iii. III. I. ; xii. V.: II. i. VII. 6; ii. VII. 4; the marsh in tile, IV. i. [ii.] 2; X. 3; iii. II. 4; v. III. 4; vii. III.; tribes of the, IV. ii. IV. 5. VIII. 5; X.; garden, II. v. VI. 7. Wheat, I. iv. IV. 2 ; X. 4; vi. X. 2; Wily and obsequious, the, III. ii. IX. ix. VII.; xv. I. 7 : IV. ii. I.; How- Wind, fierce, I. iii. V.; xiii. IV.: II. tseih's. III. ii. I. 4 : IV. i. [i.] X.: v. VIII. 5, 6; X. 3 ; genial south, [iii.] IV. I. I. iii. VII.: III. ii. VIII. I; gentle Wheel-aids, II. iv. VIII. 9, 10. east, I. iii. X. : II. v. VII.; cold Whetstone, II. v. IX. 1: III. ii. VI. 7- north, I. iii. XVI.; cold, and rain, Whirlwind, I. xiii. IV. I. vii. XVI.; cold, I. xv. I.; and Whistle, the porcelain, II. v. V. 7 : rain, I. xv. II. 3 : II. v. VII. 1; III. ii. X. 6. soothing like a quiet, III. iii. VI. 8; Whistling and singing, I. ii. XI.; iu a slanderer like a violent, II. v. V. sorrow, II. viii. V. 3. 4; like going in the teeth of the, Whits, worn by mourners, I. xiii. II. III. iii. III. 5. Windows, I. ii. IV. 3; stopped up, I. XV. I. O. Winds, great, have a path, III. iii. III. 12, 13. Wine, I. iii. I. 1; good, II. i. I.; sweet, IT. iii. VI. 4. See Spirits. Wings, a man has no, to fly from sor row, I. iii. I. 5; of the pheasant, I. iii. VIII.; of the ephemera, I. xiv. I.; of the pelican, I. xiv. II.; variegated, II. vii. I. 1; left of yel low ducks gathered up, II. vii. II. 3 ; men who act as, to the sovereign, HI. ii. VIII. 5 ; swift, as if on, III. iii. IX. Winter, I. iii. X. 6; the long nights of, I. x. XI.; preparation for, I. xv. I. 5; a sacrifice in, II. vi. V. : IV. iii. II. ; stormy, II. v. X. 3. Wise men still might be found in a bad age, II. v. I. o; and ignorant, different effects of drinking on the, II. v. II. 2 ; men plant trees of soft


Tina, a space in the heavens, I. iv.<br />

VI. 1.<br />

Tithes, paying, II. vi. VII. 1.<br />

Toe-print, a, made by God, III. ii.<br />

Tokens of rank, IV. iii. IV. 4.<br />

Tombs, I. x. XI.; the gate of the, I.<br />

xii. VI.<br />

Tongue, words that come only from<br />

the, II. iv. X. 5; no one can hold<br />

my, for me, III. iii. II. 6; be the<br />

king's throat and, III. iii. VI.;<br />

mischief of a long, III. iii. X. 3.<br />

Torch, the, in the court-yard, II. iii.<br />

VIII.<br />

Tornado, II. v. VII. 2.<br />

Tortoises, large, IV. ii. III. 8; on<br />

banners. See Banner.<br />

Tortoise-shell, divination by, I. v. IV.<br />

2 : II. i. IX. 4; v. I. "3: III. i.<br />

III. 3; X. 7.<br />

Tower, the New, I. iii. XVIII. ; on<br />

a wall, a, I. vii. XVII.; viii. XIX.;<br />

the Marvellous, III. i. VIII.<br />

Traces of a carriage, I. xi. HI.<br />

Trade, enormous profit in. III. iii. X. 4.<br />

Trains of gourds, long, III. i. III.<br />

Travellers between Loo and Ts'e, I.<br />

viii. X.<br />

Travelling through the country, II.<br />

iv. IV.; V. See Progress.<br />

Trays, II. vi. V. 3.<br />

Treading out pram, III. ii. I. 7.<br />

Treatment, bad, of a wife, I. iii. IV.; V.<br />

Tree, like a ruined, II. v. III. 5;<br />

"when a tree falls," &c. (a popular<br />

saying), III. iii. I. 8.<br />

Tree-clad hill, I. ix. IV.<br />

Tree-grub, the, I. v. III. 2.<br />

Trees, I. i. II. 1; IV.; IX.; iii. VI. :<br />

II. ii. V. 3; v. VII. 3: IV. ii. III.<br />

8; fallen, III. i. VII. 2; felling,<br />

II. i. V.; v. III. 7 : HI. i. VII.<br />

2 : IV. ii. IV. 9; V. 6; perched on,<br />

II. v. II. 6; of soft wood, II. v.<br />

IV. 5; the e, the fuiiff, and the tsze,<br />

I. iv. VI. 1 : II. ii. IX. 4; the<br />

k'aou and the new, I. x. II.: II»ii.<br />

VII. 4; the kow and the yu, II. ii.<br />

VII. 5 ; the tsze, II. v. III. 3; the<br />

e, II. v. X. 8; the ylh, III. i. III.<br />

8; IV. 1; V. 5; VII. 3; thep'o/i,<br />

III. i. IV. 1.<br />

See Arrow-ihorn, Fir,<br />

Carambola, Haxel,<br />

Cedar, Hedge-tree,<br />

Cherry, Jujube,<br />

Chestnut, Medlur,<br />

Cypress, Mulberry,<br />

Elm, Oaks,<br />

Fetid tree, Papaya,<br />

Paper-mulberry, Stave-tree,<br />

Peach, Tamarix,<br />

Pear, Thorn,<br />

Pine, Varnish-tree,<br />

Plum, Willow.<br />

Sandal,<br />

Trial, on account of refusing to marrv,<br />

I. ii. VI.<br />

Tribes, savage, of King, II. iii. IV.<br />

4: IV. ii. IV. 5; iii. V.; of th«<br />

Hwae, III. iii. VIII.; IX. : IV. ii.<br />

III. 5, 7, S; IV. 6, 7 ; of the West<br />

and North, IV. ii. IV. 5. See Wild,<br />

and in Index II., Heen-yun, Jung,<br />

Man, Mih.<br />

Tribulus, growing on walls, I. iv. II.;<br />

on the ground, II. vi. V. 1.<br />

Tribute, T'ang received the, IV. iii.<br />

IV. 5.<br />

Trident-spears, I. xi. III.<br />

Tiipe, III. ii. II. 2.<br />

Tripods, and pans, I. ii. IV. 2; large<br />

and small, IV. iii. VII.<br />

Troops, murmuring of, I. vi. IV.; de<br />

spatch of, to the north, II. i. VII.;<br />

return of, II. i. VIII.; IX.; of<br />

Yin-shang, in the wilderness of<br />

Muh, III. i. II. 7 : IV. ii. IV. 2 ;<br />

of king Wan, III. i. VII. 5, 6; three,<br />

III. ii. VI. 5 ; marching of, III. iii.<br />

VIII. 1 ; IX. 2, 3.<br />

Trunks, dead, and fallen trees, III. i.<br />

VII. 2.<br />

Tube, and reed, I. iii. XVII. 2.<br />

Turtle, roast, II. iii. III. 6: III. iii.<br />

VII. 3.<br />

Turtle-dove, I. xiv. III. See Dove.<br />

Turtle-foot ferns, I. ii. III.: II. v.<br />

X. 8.<br />

Two youths, the death of, I. iii. XIX.<br />

Uncle, the king's, III. iii. V. 5, 7:<br />

IV. ii. IV. 2.<br />

Uncles, I. iii. XII. S, 4 ; vii. XI.;<br />

patenial and maternal, invited to a<br />

feast, II. i. V. 2; and cousins, II.<br />

vi. V. 5.<br />

Unlawful connection, an, I. vii. XX.<br />

Unlikely things may be made useful,<br />

III. ii. VII.<br />

Upside down, putting on clothes, I.<br />

viii. V.<br />

Useful, unlikely things may be made,<br />

III. ii. VII.<br />

Valerian, I. vii. XXI.; xii. X.<br />

Valley, careful as on the brink of a,<br />

II. V. II. 6.<br />

Valleys, I. vi. V. ; great winds come<br />

from the large, III. iii. III. 12.<br />

Valour of T'ang, IV. iii. IV. 5.<br />

Vanity of a ruler of Kwei, I. xiii. I.<br />

Vapours, rising in the morning, I. xiv.<br />

Varnish-tree, the, I. iv. VI. 1; x. II.;<br />

xi. I.<br />

Vase, a gilded, I. i. III. 2; washing a<br />

spirit-, III. ii. VII. 2.<br />

Vases, a hundred, of spirits, III. iii.<br />

VII. 3.<br />

Vast is God! III. iii. I.<br />

Vegetable, the^oo-, III. iii. VII. 3.<br />

Vegetables, I. iii. X. 6 : III. iii.<br />

VII. 3.<br />

Vegetation, luxuriant, I. xiv. II. (See<br />

Luxuriance); decay of, II. viii. X.<br />

Verses, I have made these few, III. ii.<br />

VIII. 10.<br />

Vessels, drawing water with, III. ii.<br />

VII.: of sauces and fruit, III. iii.<br />

VII. 3.<br />

Viands, II. i. V. 2 ; iv. VIII. 12; vi.<br />

V. 1: III. ii. II.; III.; IV. ; iii.<br />

VII. 3: IV. i. [iii.] V.; ii. IV. 4;<br />

good and abundant, II. ii. III. 4, 5,<br />

6; vii. III.; no good, II. vii. IV. 3.<br />

Vice, and beauty contrasted, I. iv. III.;<br />

in the court of WTei, I. iv. V.<br />

Victim, I have grudged no, III. iii.<br />

IV. 1.<br />

Victims, red and black, II. vi. VIII. 4.<br />

Victories, three in one day, II. i.<br />

VII. 4.<br />

Victorious sovereigns of old, the, II.<br />

vi. IV.<br />

Victory of king Woo, III. i. II. 8.<br />

Villages, II. iii. IV. 2.<br />

Violets, III. i. III. 3.<br />

Virgins, companions of a bride, III.<br />

iii. VII. 4.<br />

Virtue of king Wiin's bride, I. i. I.;<br />

II.; IV.; V.: HI. i. II.; VI. 1;<br />

of the women about the Han, I. i.<br />

IX.; of the women about the Joo,<br />

I. i. X.; of the family of king Wan,<br />

I. i. XI.: III. i. I.; II.; of Tae<br />

Kwei, I. iii. III. ; of a husband, I.<br />

iii. VIII.; of a lady of Ch'in, I. xii.<br />

IV.; of a lord of Ts'aou, I. xiv. III.;<br />

of ministers, II. ii. VII.; of feudal<br />

princes, II. ii. IX.; brothers ex<br />

horted to maintain their own in bad<br />

times, II. v. II.; of a bride, II. vii.<br />

IV. ; cultivate your, III. i. I. 6; of<br />

king Wan's father and mother, III.<br />

i. II. 2; VII. 4; characteristics of.<br />

III. iii. II.; of king Wan, III. i. I<br />

to X. : IV. i. [i.] I.; II.; III.;<br />

V.; VII.; of some king, III. ii. V.:<br />

an indication of inward, III. iii, II,<br />

1; of the chief of Shin, III. iii. V<br />

8; of Chung Shan-foo, III. iii<br />

VI- i the people naturally love, III<br />

iii. VI. 1; is light as a hair, but few<br />

are able to lift it, III. iii. VI. 6;<br />

the old, III. iii. XI. 6; will be<br />

imitated, IV. i. IV.; of king Ch'ing,<br />

IV. i. [i.] VI.; I will cultivate ad<br />

mirable, IV. i. [i.] VIII.; of the<br />

marquis of Loo, IV. ii. III. 4, 5 ; of<br />

Keang Yuen, IV. ii. IV. I.<br />

Virtues, you forget my great, II. v.<br />

VII. 3; civil, III. iii. VIII. 6.<br />

Virtuous, sovereigns of old, II. vi.<br />

IV.; cultivate association with the,<br />

III. ii. IX. 3.<br />

Viscount, the, of T'an, I. v. III. 1.<br />

Visitant, a, from heaven, I. iv. III. 2.<br />

Visitor, the noble, IV. i. [ii.] IX.<br />

Visitors, the representatives of former<br />

dynasties, at court, IV. i. [ii.] III.;<br />

V.; we have admirable, IV. iii. I.<br />

Volume of flowing water, a large, II.<br />

iii. IX.<br />

Vows, broken marriage-, I. v. IV. 6.<br />

Waggon, do not push forward a, II.<br />

vi. II.<br />

Waggons, driving, II. viii. III.<br />

Wag-tail, the, II. i. IV. 3; v. II. 4.<br />

Wall, a rat bores through a, I. ii. VI.<br />

3; meeting at the corner of a, I.<br />

iii. XVII.; tribulus growing on a,<br />

I. iv. II. ; a ruinous, I. v. IV.;<br />

leaping over a, I. vii. II.; building<br />

a, in the northern region, II. i. VIII.<br />

3; and uioat, III. i. X. 3; the<br />

people are a, III. ii. X. 7 ; the circle<br />

of the king's relatives is a fortified,<br />

III. ii. X. 7; a wise man builds, but<br />

a wise woman overthrows a. III. iii.<br />

X. 3 ; sheaves high as a, IV. i. [iii.]<br />

VI.<br />

Walls, brothers may quarrel inside<br />

the, II. i. IV. 4; old, I. iv. VI. 2;<br />

building, II. iii. VII. 2; iv. V.:<br />

III. i. III. 6 ; attacking, III. i. VII.<br />

7, 8; of Fung, III. i. X.; of the<br />

city of Han, III. iii. VII. 6.<br />

Wanderer, a, frum Chow, I. vi. VII.<br />

Wanderings, Great Heaven is with<br />

you in all your, HI. ii. X. 8.<br />

Wanton associations of young people<br />

of Ch'in, I. xii. II.<br />

War, keeping up the exercises of, I.<br />

xv. I. 4 : III. iii. II. -i ; Minister<br />

of, II. iv. I.; has done its work, II.<br />

iv. X. 4; the father of, III. i. VII.<br />

8; apparatus of, III. iii. IX. 1.<br />

See Kxpedition.<br />

War-carnage, I.xi. III. See Chariot.<br />

Warfare, called out to, I. x. VIII. :<br />

II. iii. III.<br />

Warlike spirit of Ts'in, I. xi. VIII. ;<br />

preparations of king Wan, III. i.<br />

I<br />


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