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412 OF SUBJECTS. INDEX I. Meat, roost and broiled, II. vi. "V. 3: III. ii. II. 2; dried. III. ii. VI. 1; minced, IV. ii. IV. 4. See Flesh. Medallion-plant, I. xii. VII. Medlars, II. i. II. 4; IX. 3 ; ii. VII. 3 ; v. X. 8 ; vi. I. 1. Meeting, concerted, with a lady, I. iii. XVII.; of bride and bridegroom, I. viii. III. Melancholy, I. vi. I. Melon, earth-, I. iii. X.; fruit, I. xv. I. 6; seeds, I. v. III. Men, treated as if not, II. iii. X. Mercenary, be not, IV. i. p.] IV. Merit rewarded with a feast and a red bow, II. iii. I.; of the chief of Shin, III. iii. V. ; of the earl of Shaou, rewarded, III. iii. VIII. 4, 5 ; of king Woo, IV. i. [ii.] X.; [iii.] IX.; of officers of Loo, IV. ii. III. 6. Metal, ornaments of, III. i. IV. 5. Metals, southern, IV. ii. III. 8. Middle Kingdom, III. iii. I. 6 (See Centre}; period, the (before king T'ang), IV. iii. IV. 7. Mild, be, III. iii. II. : IV. iii. I. Milky way, the, II. v. IX. 5 : III. i. IV. 4;'iii. IV. Millet, I. vi. I.; ix. VII.; x. VIII.: II. vi. V. 1; VI. 3; VII. 1. 2: IV. i. [ii.] IV.; [iii.] VI. ; ii. IV. 1; sacrificial, I. vi. I.; x. VIII. : II. vi. V. 1; VI. 3 : IV. ii. IV. 1; young, I. xiv. IV. : II. viii. III.; early sown and late, I. xv. I. 7 : II. i. VIII. 4 ; white, II. iii. IV.: III. i. X. 8; grand, II. iv. III. 3; in dishes, II. v. IX. 1 : IV. iii. III. ; How-tseih gave his people the black, and double-kernelled, the tall red, and white, III. ii. I. 6; black, IV. ii. IV. 1 ; steaming, III. ii. VII. 1; spirits made from black, III. iii. VIII. 0. Minds, I can measure others', II. v. IV. 4. Minister of "War, II. iv. I.; chief-, III. iii. IV. 7 ; IX. 1; Heaven sent down a, IV. iii. IV. 7- Ministers, of Le and of Wei, I. iii. VII.; of Wei, greedy and idle, I. ix. VI.; a ruler entertains and praises his, II. ii. VII. ; three, of Hwanp-foo, II. iv. IX. 6 ; the three high, II. iv. X. 2; oppressive, of Yin-shang, III. iii. I. 2,3 ; who en larged the kingdom, III. iii. XI. 7 ; and officers, IV. i. [ii.] I.; ii. IV. 8: three aged, of duke He, IV. ii. IV. 4. Miraculous pregnancy of KeangYuen, III. ii. I. ; of Ke'en-teih, IV. iii. III. 1. Mire, in the, I. iii. XI. : II. i. VIII. 4. Mirror, the mind not a, I. iii. I. 2. Miseries of Chow, I. vi. VI. • II. iv VII.—X.; v. I.; II. Misery, I only am full of, II. v. III. ; VIII. 5, 6; X. 3 ; of the times, II. y. IX.; X.; viii. IX. : III. ii. X. ; iii. III. ; X.; XI.; of some officers, II. vi. I. ; of soldiers, II. viii. X. Mistletoe and dodder, II. vii. III. Moat, at the east gate, I. xii. IV. Moats, walls and, of Fung, III. i. X.; of Han, III. iii. VII. 6. Modking a lover, I. vii. X.; at the sad state of the nation, III. ii. X. 4. Model, to the nine regions, T'ang a, IV. iii. IV. 3 ; the capital of Shang, a, IV. iii. V. 5. Molar teeth, has the rat no ? I. ii. VI. 3. Monkey, teaching a, to climb trees, II. vii. IX. 6. Mouth, in the first, II. iv. VIII. 1; in the tenth, II. iv. IX.; in the fourth, II. v. X. I; the second, II. vi. III. 1. Months of the year, occupations of different, I. xv. I. Moods, the changing, of Heaven, III. ii. X. 8. Moon, the, I. iii. I. 5; IV.; viii. IV.: II. viii. VIII.; advancing to the full, II. i. VI. 6 ; rising, I. xii. VIII. Moor, I. vii. XX. Morning star, I. vii. VIII.; xii. V.; levee, II. iii. VIII. ; victory in one, III. i. II. 8; from, to night, IV- iii. I. Mortar, hulling grain in a, III. ii. I. 7. Moth, the silk-worm, I. v. III. 2. Mother, pain and toil of a, I. iii. VII.; invoking a, I. iv. I.; none to be de pended on like a, II. v. III. 3 ; the, of king Wan, lll.i. II.; VI. I; of king Woo, IV. i. [ii.] VII.; of the marquis of Luo, IV. ii. IV. 8. Mothers, obliged to do the cooking, II. iv. I. See Parents. Motherwort, I. vi. V. Mound, southernwood on a large, ll. iii. II.; an oriole on a, II. viii. VI.; the recesses of the, III. ii. VIII. Mountain, fine trees on the, II. v. X. 4 ; firm as a, III. iii. X. 5 ; nothing higher than a, II. v. III. 8. Mountains, I. vii. X.; x. II.; xi. VII. ; the happiness of the king like, II. i. VI. ; greatly lofty are the, Illftii. V.; ascending the lofty, INDEX I. OF SUBJECTS. 413 IV. i. [iii.] XI.; friendship like, IV. ii. IV. 4. See Hills, Heights. Mourning habit, the neglect of the, I. xii. II. Mouse-ear, a plant, I. i. III. 1. Mouth, good and bad words that are onlv from the, II. iv. VIII. 2: v. IV. 5. Mud, adding mud to a man in the, II. vii. IX. 6. Muddiness of the King river, I. iii. X. 3. Mud-fish, II. ii. III. 3: IV. i. [ii.] VI. Mug-wort, I. vi. VIII. Mulberry trees, I. iv. VI. 2, 3; v. IV. 3; vii. II.; X.; ix. II.; x. VIII.; xi. I.; VI.; xiv. III.; xv. I. : II. ii. VII. 2; iv. III. 2; v. III. 3 ; viii. IV.; V. 4 ; planters of, I. ix. V. ; roots of, I. xv. II. 2 ; -grounds, I. xv. III. ; the paper-, II. iii. X. 2; iv. III. 1; -insect, II. v. II. 3 ; the mountain-, III. i. VII. 2; that young, III. iii. III.; the fruit of, IV. ii. III. 8. Murmuring of troops, I. vi. IV.: II. viii. X.; of a wanderer from Chow, I. vi. VII. Music, II. vii. VI. 2 ; abandoned to the delights of, II. vi. IV.; of Chow, IV. i. [ii.] V.; inviting the spirit of T'ang with, IV. iii. I. Musical instruments, IV. ii. V. See Bell, Drum, Flute, Hand-drum, Lute, Organ, Pan-pipe, Whistle. Musicians, II. vi. V. 6 ; blind, III. i. VIII. 4 : IV. i. [ii.] V. Mustard plant, I. iii. X. 1; iv. IV. 3; x. XII. 3. Myriad regions, the, III. i. I. 7 : IV. i. [iii.] IX. Myriads of blessings and of years, II. vi. V.; VI.; VII. ; IX.; vii. II. : III. i. IX. 0, 6 ; ii. III. I, 2, 6, 7 ; iii. VIIL 5, 6 ; IV. ii. IV. 5 ; of carts, II. vi. VII. 4 ; of measures of grain, IV. i. [ii.] IV. ; of stacks, tens of, II. vi. V. 1 : IV. i. [iii.] V. Nature, the, conferred by Heaven, III. iii. I. 1; VI. 1. Naves, of a carriage, I. xi. III.; bounc with leather, II. iii. IV. 2 : IV. iii. II. Xeglected officer, a, I. iii. I.; wife, a I. iii. II. Nest, the magpie's, I. ii. I. ; xii. VII. a robbed, I. xv. I. Net, the, of crime, III. iii. X. 1, 2; of Heaven, III. iii. X. 6. Nets, rabbit-, I. i. VII. ; fish-, I. iii XVIII. 3; v. III. 4; with nine bags, I. xv. VI. 1; bird-, II. vii. II. Sew Tower, the, I. iii. XVIII. ight and day confounded, I. viii. V. ; drinking long into the, II. ii. X.; How goes the ? II. iii. VIII.; busy, day and, III. iii. VI. 4; VII. I: IV. i. [i.] VI.; VII. ; [ii.] III. ; reverent day and, IV. i. [iii.J I. Nine, bags, a net with, I."" xv. VI.; regions, the, IV. iii. III.; IV. 3, 6. Ninetieth year, duke Woo in his, III. iii. II. Ninety black-lipped cattle, II. iv. VI. 1. Ninth pool of the marsh, the, II. iii. X. Noble, a, slandered by his friend, II. v. V. Noble men, the king addresses his ministers and lords as, II. ii. VII.; IX. Normal nature of man, the, III. iii. VI. 1. North, expedition to the, II. i. VII.; return from the, II. i. VIII.; in the, is the Ladle (a constellation), II. v. IX. 7; the States and tribes of the, III. iii. VII. 6 : IV. ii. IV. 5. Northern hill, the, II. vi. I. I. Note of the pho?nix, the, III. ii. VIII. 9 ; of the owl, IV. ii. III. 8. Notes of music, IV. i. [ii.] V. Oaks, scrubby, I. ii. XII.; bushy, I. x. VIII.; xi. VII.; xii. II. : II. i. II. 3; iv. III. 3; thorny, II. vii. IV. 4; VIII. 4 : III. i. III. 8; V. 5 ; VII. 4. Oars of cedar, I. v. V. 4; labouring at their, III. i. IV. 3. Oath, I will take an, II. v. V. 7. Oaths and curses, III. iii. I. 3. Octogenarians, I. xi. I. 2. Ode, I make this, III. iii. III. 14; of great excellence, III. iii. V. 8. Offering and sacrifice, a pure, III. ii. I. 1, 2. Offerings, baskets of, II. i. I. 1; to forefathers, II. i. VI. 4 : IV. i. [iii.] • V.; spirits and viands for, II. vi. V 1; I have brought my, IV. i. [i.] VI.; of fish, IV. i. [ii.] VI.; to father and mother, IV. i. [ii,] VII.; VIII.; without error, 1V. ii. IV. 3 ; of spirits and soups, IV. iii. II. ; chiefs coming with, IV. iii. V. 2. Office, the hazard of taking, II. iv. X. 6 ; husbandry preferred to, III. iii. III. 6. Officer, the wife of an, I. ii. III. IV.; an, bewailing neglect of his worth, I. iii. I.; mean services of an, I.

'414 -OP SUBJECTS. INDEX I. iii. XIII.; hard lot of an, I. iii. XV.: II. vi. I.; II.; melancholy, of an, I. vi. I.; VI.; celebrating an, I. vii. VI.; grief of an, I. ix. III.; lamenting Ms master's frivol ity, an, I. xiii. I.; an, feasted on his return from an expedition, II. i. II. j abandonment of public life by an, II. iv. II. ; moving from one State to another, disappointed, II. iv. III.; IV.; a song made by an, II. v. X. 8; an, admonishing his fellows, III. ii. IX. ; X. Officers, easy dignity of some great, I. ii. VII.; refugees in Wei, I. iii. XI.; zealous to welcome men of worth, I. iv. IX.; attendant on a bride, I. v. III. 4; appeal from in ferior to superior, I. vii. XI.; of Wei, I. ix. II.; of Ch'in, dissipation of, I. xii. I.; of escort, I. xiv. II.; of king Seuen, praise of the, II. iii. VII.; of king Yew, named and accused, II. iv. IX. 4; deserting their places, II. iv. X.; unfair em ployment of, II. vi. I.; of the capi tal, II. viii. I.; of Chow all illus trious, III. i. I. 2, 3; of Yin, III. i. I. 0 ; iii. I. 2, 3; of king Wan, III. i. IV. 2; VI. 5 : IV. i. [i.] I.; of king Wuo, III. i. X. 8: IV. i. [iii.] IX.; proper ordering of, III. ii. V.; VI. 4 ; of king Ch'ing, III. ii. VIII.; my great, and excellent men, III. iii. IV. 8 ; tiger-. III. iii. IX. 4 : IV. ii. III. 0 ; and people in distress, III. iii. X. 1; Ah ! Officers and ministers, IV. i. [ii.] I.; of Loo, IV. ii. II. ; III. Oh ! yes, king Ch'ing, &c., IV. i. [ii.] Oh! great now is Chow, IV. iii. XI. Ointment, congealed, I. v. III. 2. Old together, growing, I. v. IV. 6; vii. VIII.; friendship, I. vii. VII.; through grief, II. v. III. 2; man's admonition, an, III. ii. X. 4; iii. II.; no, experienced men, III. iii. I. 7 ; ways, the, III. iii. II. 12. Olden time, life iu Pin in the, I. xv. I.; the example of the, IV. iii. IV. Omen, an eclipse, an evil, II. iv. IX.; a happy, IV. i. [i.] III. Omens, regardless of evil, III. iii. X. 0 ; of the dignity of Shang, IV. iii. IV. One man (the king), the, III. iii. VI. 4. Opportunities, a woman regrets lost, I. vii. XIV. Oppression and misery in Wei, I. iii. XVI.; ix. VII.; in Kwci, I. xiii. III.; in the kingdom, II. iv. VIII.; v. IV. ; IX.; X. : III. iii. III. ; X. ; XI. Order, and disorder, at a feast, II. vii. VI. ; of the capital of Shang, IV. iii. V. 6. Orders, should be determinate, III. iii. II. 2; or sorts, of men, III. iii. III. 5. Ordinances of Heaven, II. iv. IX. 7, 8 : IV. i. (iii.) II. Ordinatiuus of God, the, irregular, III. iii. I. 1. Organ-tongues, artful words like, II. v. IV. 5. Organs, I. xi. I. : II. i. I.; vi. IV. 4 ; vii. VI. 2. Origin of the people of Chow, III. ii. I. Oriole, the, I. xv. I. 2 ; III. 4 : II. i. VIII.; viii. VI. See Yellow bird. Orion, I. ii. X. Ornamented bows, III. ii. II. 3. Ornaments of metal and jade, III. i. IV. 5. See Girdle. Orphan, grief of an, II. v. VIII. 3. Osiers, I. vi. IV. 3. Ospreys, I. i. I. Owl, I. xii. VI. : IV. ii. III. 8; 0 owl! I. xv. II.; a wise woman is an, III. iii. X. 3. Oxen and sheep for sacrifice, II. vi. V. 1: IV. i. (iii.) VII.; protected How-tseih, III. ii. I. 3 ; leading, II. viii. III. 2. Ox-lips, a plant, I. ix. II. Ox-tails on staffs, I. iv. IX. : II. i. V1I1. 2; iii. V. 8. Paddocks, I. xv. III. 2. Paddy, I. ix. VI. : II. iv. III. I; vi. VII. 4; How-tscih's, III. ii. I. 4. Pairing, I. iv. V. Pairs, thousands of, IV. i. [ii.] II. , [iii.] V. Palace, the harem of a, I. iv. I; build ing a, I. iv. VI.; the completion and description of a, II. iv. A'.; drums and bells beaten in the, II. viii. V. 5 ; king Wan in the, III. i. VI. 3. Pan-pipe, IV. i. [ii. ] V. Pans, I. ii. IV. 2. Panther, the red, III. iii. VII. 6. Papaya, I. v. X. Paper-mulberry, II. iii. X. 2; iv. III. 1. Parasites, III. ii. IX. o. Parent(s), a queen going to visit her, I. i. II. 3; honouring, I. i. X.; in voking, I. iii. IV. : II. iv. VIII. 2; v. VIII. 4 : III. iii. IV. 4 ; leaving, I. iii. XIV. 2 ; iv. VII.; v. V. 2 : II. vi. I.; to be feared, I. vii. II.;. INDEX T. OF SUBJECTS. 415 who has no? II. iii. IX. ; announce ment of marriage to, I. viii. VI. 3; providing for, I. x. VIII. : II. i. II. 3 — 5; ministers the, of the people, II. ii. VII. 3; daughters should only not cause sorrow to, II. iv. V. ; thinking of our, II. v. II. I; Heaven called our, II. v. IV. 1 ; a son prevented from rendering the last service to, II. v. VIII.; the sovereign should be the, of the people, III. ii. VII. 1. Parsimoniousness of the rich in Wei, I. ix. I.; of officers, I. ix. II. Passes, the dangerous, of King, III. iii. V. 1. Pasture-ground, II. i. VIII. 1. Path, of the temple, the middle, I. xii. VII.; the Spirit of the, III. ii. I. 7; iii. VI. 7; VII. 3. Pattern, one axe-handle the, for an other, I. xv. V.; a, to all the States, II. iii. III. 5 ; they sought me to be a, II. iv. VIII. 7 ; the ancients a, II. v. I. 4 ; take your, from king WSn, III. i. I. 7; the, of God, III. i. VII. 7; king Woo a. III. i. IX." 3, 4 ; king Ch'ing a, III. ii. VIII. 5, 6; to the people, III. iii. II. 2, 4, 8 : IV. ii. III. 4 ; the chief of Shin, to the States of the south, and to all officers, III. iii. V.; Chung Shan-foo a, III. iii. VI. 3. Pea, the beautiful, I. xii. VII. I. Peace, or war, an officer fit for, II. ii. III. 5; there is no, III. iii. III. ; X. 1; restoration of, III. iii. VIII. 2; gifts, both of, and war, IV. i. [ii.] VII.; ii. III. 4; universal, IV. i. [iii.] IX.; enjoyed by Woo- ting, IV. ui. V. 5, 6. Peach, tree, I. i. VI.; ii. XIII. ; ix. III. ; fruit, I. v. X. 2 ; I return a plum for a, III. iii. II. 8. Pear tree, I. ii. V. ; the russet, I. x. VI.; X. : II. i. IX. I, 2; the wild, I. xi. VII. Peasantry of WTei, straits of, I. ix. V. Pebbles, I. v. I. 2. Pedlar's wares, I. iii. X. Pelicau, I. xiv. II. Pen for pigs. III. ii. VI. 4. Pendants of a banner, like the, IV. iii. IV. 4. Peonies, I. vii. XXI. People, the, regathered into communi ties, II. iii. VII.; the innocent, II. iv. VIII. 3; deplorable state of the, II. iv. IX.; X.; alas for us the toiled ! II. v. IX. 3; happy, II. vi. VII.: III. ii. VIII.; like prince, like, II. vii. IX.; God seeking for some one to give settlement to the, III. i. VII. 1; the resort of the lower, III. i. VII. 6; of Chow, first birth of the, III. ii. I. ; find rest in the king, III. ii. V. 4 ; duke Lew's devotion to the, III. ii. VI. ; the, are heavily burdened, and sor rowing, III. ii. IX. ; misery of the, III. ii. X.; iii. X.; enlightening the, III. ii. X. 6; Heaven gave birth to the, III. iii. I. 1; VI. 1; are disorderly, why the, III. iii. III. 11—16 ; the lower, to be feared, IV. iii. V. 4. Pepper, like, is the smell of spirits, IV. i. [iii.] V. Pepper-plant, I. x. IV.; xii. II. Person, Chuug Shan-foo was wise, protecting his. own, III. iii. VI. 4. Personators of the dead. See Dead, Representatives. Perversities, the people have now many, III. ii. X. 6. Pheasant, the male, I. iii. VIII.; IX.; pheasant's feathers, I. iii. XIII. 3 ; v. III. 3 ; -figured robe, I. iv. III. 2 ; easily caught, I. vi. VI.; flying, II. iv. V. 4; crowing in the murning, II. v. III. 5; long-tailed, II. vii. IV. 2. Phoenix, the male and female, III. ii. VIII. 7, 8, 9. Pickles, II. vi. VI. 4 : III. ii. II. 2. Pig, roast, IV. ii. IV. 4; duke Lew took a, from the pen, III. ii. VI. 4. Pillars, of a courtyard, II. iv. V. 5 ; of a temple, IV. iii. V. 6. Pine tree, I. v. V. 4; vii. X. 2 : II. iv. V. 1; vii. III.: IV. ii. IV. 9; V. 6. Pins, hair-, I. iv. III. Pint measure, I. x. IV. Pitcher and jar, II. v. VIII. 3. Plain in the south, the, I. xii. II. ; in the middle of the, II. v. II. 3; the, of Chow, III. i. III. 3: of Muh, IV. ii. IV. 2. Plains, and marshes, II. vi. VI. 1; viii. III. 5; the finest of the, III. i. VII. 6; duke Lew surveyed the, III. ii. VI. 2; of the far distant borders, IV. ii. I. Plans, recklessness of the king's, II. v. I.; wisely arranged, II. v. IV. 4: III. iii. III. 8; IX. 6; far- reaching, III. iii. II. 2: IV. i. [iii.] II.; not far-reaching, III. ii. X. Plant of forgetfulness, the, I. v. VIII. 4. Plants, dividing, I. xiv. IV.; the t'ae and the lae, II. ii. VII. 1.

412 <strong>OF</strong> SUBJECTS. INDEX I.<br />

Meat, roost and broiled, II. vi. "V.<br />

3: III. ii. II. 2; dried. III. ii.<br />

VI. 1; minced, IV. ii. IV. 4. See<br />

Flesh.<br />

Medallion-plant, I. xii. VII.<br />

Medlars, II. i. II. 4; IX. 3 ; ii. VII.<br />

3 ; v. X. 8 ; vi. I. 1.<br />

Meeting, concerted, with a lady, I. iii.<br />

XVII.; of bride and bridegroom,<br />

I. viii. III.<br />

Melancholy, I. vi. I.<br />

Melon, earth-, I. iii. X.; fruit, I. xv.<br />

I. 6; seeds, I. v. III.<br />

Men, treated as if not, II. iii. X.<br />

Mercenary, be not, IV. i. p.] IV.<br />

Merit rewarded with a feast and a red<br />

bow, II. iii. I.; of the chief of Shin,<br />

III. iii. V. ; of the earl of Shaou,<br />

rewarded, III. iii. VIII. 4, 5 ; of<br />

king Woo, IV. i. [ii.] X.; [iii.] IX.;<br />

of officers of Loo, IV. ii. III. 6.<br />

Metal, ornaments of, III. i. IV. 5.<br />

Metals, southern, IV. ii. III. 8.<br />

Middle Kingdom, III. iii. I. 6 (See<br />

Centre}; period, the (before king<br />

T'ang), IV. iii. IV. 7.<br />

Mild, be, III. iii. II. : IV. iii. I.<br />

Milky way, the, II. v. IX. 5 : III. i.<br />

IV. 4;'iii. IV.<br />

Millet, I. vi. I.; ix. VII.; x. VIII.:<br />

II. vi. V. 1; VI. 3; VII. 1. 2:<br />

IV. i. [ii.] IV.; [iii.] VI. ; ii. IV. 1;<br />

sacrificial, I. vi. I.; x. VIII. : II.<br />

vi. V. 1; VI. 3 : IV. ii. IV. 1;<br />

young, I. xiv. IV. : II. viii. III.;<br />

early sown and late, I. xv. I. 7 : II.<br />

i. VIII. 4 ; white, II. iii. IV.: III.<br />

i. X. 8; grand, II. iv. III. 3; in<br />

dishes, II. v. IX. 1 : IV. iii. III. ;<br />

How-tseih gave his people the black,<br />

and double-kernelled, the tall red,<br />

and white, III. ii. I. 6; black, IV.<br />

ii. IV. 1 ; steaming, III. ii. VII. 1;<br />

spirits made from black, III. iii.<br />

VIII. 0.<br />

Minds, I can measure others', II. v.<br />

IV. 4.<br />

Minister of "War, II. iv. I.; chief-,<br />

III. iii. IV. 7 ; IX. 1; Heaven sent<br />

down a, IV. iii. IV. 7-<br />

Ministers, of Le and of Wei, I. iii.<br />

VII.; of Wei, greedy and idle, I.<br />

ix. VI.; a ruler entertains and<br />

praises his, II. ii. VII. ; three, of<br />

Hwanp-foo, II. iv. IX. 6 ; the three<br />

high, II. iv. X. 2; oppressive, of<br />

Yin-shang, III. iii. I. 2,3 ; who en<br />

larged the kingdom, III. iii. XI. 7 ;<br />

and officers, IV. i. [ii.] I.; ii. IV.<br />

8: three aged, of duke He, IV. ii.<br />

IV. 4.<br />

Miraculous pregnancy of KeangYuen,<br />

III. ii. I. ; of Ke'en-teih, IV. iii.<br />

III. 1.<br />

Mire, in the, I. iii. XI. : II. i. VIII. 4.<br />

Mirror, the mind not a, I. iii. I. 2.<br />

Miseries of Chow, I. vi. VI. • II. iv<br />

VII.—X.; v. I.; II.<br />

Misery, I only am full of, II. v. III. ;<br />

VIII. 5, 6; X. 3 ; of the times, II.<br />

y. IX.; X.; viii. IX. : III. ii. X. ;<br />

iii. III. ; X.; XI.; of some officers,<br />

II. vi. I. ; of soldiers, II. viii. X.<br />

Mistletoe and dodder, II. vii. III.<br />

Moat, at the east gate, I. xii. IV.<br />

Moats, walls and, of Fung, III. i. X.;<br />

of Han, III. iii. VII. 6.<br />

Modking a lover, I. vii. X.; at the sad<br />

state of the nation, III. ii. X. 4.<br />

Model, to the nine regions, T'ang a,<br />

IV. iii. IV. 3 ; the capital of Shang,<br />

a, IV. iii. V. 5.<br />

Molar teeth, has the rat no ? I. ii.<br />

VI. 3.<br />

Monkey, teaching a, to climb trees, II.<br />

vii. IX. 6.<br />

Mouth, in the first, II. iv. VIII. 1;<br />

in the tenth, II. iv. IX.; in the<br />

fourth, II. v. X. I; the second, II.<br />

vi. III. 1.<br />

Months of the year, occupations of<br />

different, I. xv. I.<br />

Moods, the changing, of Heaven, III.<br />

ii. X. 8.<br />

Moon, the, I. iii. I. 5; IV.; viii.<br />

IV.: II. viii. VIII.; advancing to<br />

the full, II. i. VI. 6 ; rising, I. xii.<br />

VIII.<br />

Moor, I. vii. XX.<br />

Morning star, I. vii. VIII.; xii. V.;<br />

levee, II. iii. VIII. ; victory in one,<br />

III. i. II. 8; from, to night, IV-<br />

iii. I.<br />

Mortar, hulling grain in a, III. ii. I. 7.<br />

Moth, the silk-worm, I. v. III. 2.<br />

Mother, pain and toil of a, I. iii. VII.;<br />

invoking a, I. iv. I.; none to be de<br />

pended on like a, II. v. III. 3 ; the,<br />

of king Wan, lll.i. II.; VI. I; of<br />

king Woo, IV. i. [ii.] VII.; of the<br />

marquis of Luo, IV. ii. IV. 8.<br />

Mothers, obliged to do the cooking, II.<br />

iv. I. See Parents.<br />

Motherwort, I. vi. V.<br />

Mound, southernwood on a large, ll.<br />

iii. II.; an oriole on a, II. viii. VI.;<br />

the recesses of the, III. ii. VIII.<br />

Mountain, fine trees on the, II. v. X.<br />

4 ; firm as a, III. iii. X. 5 ; nothing<br />

higher than a, II. v. III. 8.<br />

Mountains, I. vii. X.; x. II.; xi.<br />

VII. ; the happiness of the king<br />

like, II. i. VI. ; greatly lofty are<br />

the, Illftii. V.; ascending the lofty,<br />

INDEX I. <strong>OF</strong> SUBJECTS. 413<br />

IV. i. [iii.] XI.; friendship like,<br />

IV. ii. IV. 4. See Hills, Heights.<br />

Mourning habit, the neglect of the, I.<br />

xii. II.<br />

Mouse-ear, a plant, I. i. III. 1.<br />

Mouth, good and bad words that are<br />

onlv from the, II. iv. VIII. 2: v.<br />

IV. 5.<br />

Mud, adding mud to a man in the, II.<br />

vii. IX. 6.<br />

Muddiness of the King river, I. iii.<br />

X. 3.<br />

Mud-fish, II. ii. III. 3: IV. i. [ii.] VI.<br />

Mug-wort, I. vi. VIII.<br />

Mulberry trees, I. iv. VI. 2, 3; v. IV.<br />

3; vii. II.; X.; ix. II.; x. VIII.;<br />

xi. I.; VI.; xiv. III.; xv. I. : II.<br />

ii. VII. 2; iv. III. 2; v. III. 3 ;<br />

viii. IV.; V. 4 ; planters of, I. ix.<br />

V. ; roots of, I. xv. II. 2 ; -grounds,<br />

I. xv. III. ; the paper-, II. iii. X.<br />

2; iv. III. 1; -insect, II. v. II. 3 ;<br />

the mountain-, III. i. VII. 2; that<br />

young, III. iii. III.; the fruit of,<br />

IV. ii. III. 8.<br />

Murmuring of troops, I. vi. IV.: II.<br />

viii. X.; of a wanderer from Chow,<br />

I. vi. VII.<br />

Music, II. vii. VI. 2 ; abandoned to<br />

the delights of, II. vi. IV.; of Chow,<br />

IV. i. [ii.] V.; inviting the spirit<br />

of T'ang with, IV. iii. I.<br />

Musical instruments, IV. ii. V. See<br />

Bell, Drum, Flute, Hand-drum,<br />

Lute, Organ, Pan-pipe, Whistle.<br />

Musicians, II. vi. V. 6 ; blind, III. i.<br />

VIII. 4 : IV. i. [ii.] V.<br />

Mustard plant, I. iii. X. 1; iv. IV.<br />

3; x. XII. 3.<br />

Myriad regions, the, III. i. I. 7 : IV.<br />

i. [iii.] IX.<br />

Myriads of blessings and of years, II.<br />

vi. V.; VI.; VII. ; IX.; vii. II. :<br />

III. i. IX. 0, 6 ; ii. III. I, 2, 6, 7 ;<br />

iii. VIIL 5, 6 ; IV. ii. IV. 5 ; of<br />

carts, II. vi. VII. 4 ; of measures<br />

of grain, IV. i. [ii.] IV. ; of stacks,<br />

tens of, II. vi. V. 1 : IV. i. [iii.] V.<br />

Nature, the, conferred by Heaven, III.<br />

iii. I. 1; VI. 1.<br />

Naves, of a carriage, I. xi. III.; bounc<br />

with leather, II. iii. IV. 2 : IV. iii.<br />

II.<br />

Xeglected officer, a, I. iii. I.; wife, a<br />

I. iii. II.<br />

Nest, the magpie's, I. ii. I. ; xii. VII.<br />

a robbed, I. xv. I.<br />

Net, the, of crime, III. iii. X. 1, 2; of<br />

Heaven, III. iii. X. 6.<br />

Nets, rabbit-, I. i. VII. ; fish-, I. iii<br />

XVIII. 3; v. III. 4; with nine<br />

bags, I. xv. VI. 1; bird-, II. vii. II.<br />

Sew Tower, the, I. iii. XVIII.<br />

ight and day confounded, I. viii. V. ;<br />

drinking long into the, II. ii. X.;<br />

How goes the ? II. iii. VIII.; busy,<br />

day and, III. iii. VI. 4; VII. I:<br />

IV. i. [i.] VI.; VII. ; [ii.] III. ;<br />

reverent day and, IV. i. [iii.J I.<br />

Nine, bags, a net with, I."" xv. VI.;<br />

regions, the, IV. iii. III.; IV. 3, 6.<br />

Ninetieth year, duke Woo in his, III.<br />

iii. II.<br />

Ninety black-lipped cattle, II. iv.<br />

VI. 1.<br />

Ninth pool of the marsh, the, II. iii. X.<br />

Noble, a, slandered by his friend, II.<br />

v. V.<br />

Noble men, the king addresses his<br />

ministers and lords as, II. ii. VII.;<br />

IX.<br />

Normal nature of man, the, III. iii.<br />

VI. 1.<br />

North, expedition to the, II. i. VII.;<br />

return from the, II. i. VIII.; in<br />

the, is the Ladle (a constellation),<br />

II. v. IX. 7; the States and tribes<br />

of the, III. iii. VII. 6 : IV. ii. IV. 5.<br />

Northern hill, the, II. vi. I. I.<br />

Note of the pho?nix, the, III. ii. VIII.<br />

9 ; of the owl, IV. ii. III. 8.<br />

Notes of music, IV. i. [ii.] V.<br />

Oaks, scrubby, I. ii. XII.; bushy, I.<br />

x. VIII.; xi. VII.; xii. II. : II. i.<br />

II. 3; iv. III. 3; thorny, II. vii.<br />

IV. 4; VIII. 4 : III. i. III. 8; V. 5 ;<br />

VII. 4.<br />

Oars of cedar, I. v. V. 4; labouring<br />

at their, III. i. IV. 3.<br />

Oath, I will take an, II. v. V. 7.<br />

Oaths and curses, III. iii. I. 3.<br />

Octogenarians, I. xi. I. 2.<br />

Ode, I make this, III. iii. III. 14; of<br />

great excellence, III. iii. V. 8.<br />

Offering and sacrifice, a pure, III. ii.<br />

I. 1, 2.<br />

Offerings, baskets of, II. i. I. 1; to<br />

forefathers, II. i. VI. 4 : IV. i. [iii.]<br />

• V.; spirits and viands for, II. vi.<br />

V 1; I have brought my, IV. i.<br />

[i.] VI.; of fish, IV. i. [ii.] VI.;<br />

to father and mother, IV. i. [ii,]<br />

VII.; VIII.; without error, 1V.<br />

ii. IV. 3 ; of spirits and soups, IV.<br />

iii. II. ; chiefs coming with, IV. iii.<br />

V. 2.<br />

Office, the hazard of taking, II. iv. X.<br />

6 ; husbandry preferred to, III. iii.<br />

III. 6.<br />

Officer, the wife of an, I. ii. III. IV.;<br />

an, bewailing neglect of his worth,<br />

I. iii. I.; mean services of an, I.

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