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404 OF SUBJECTS. INDEX i. Galloping, horses, I. iv. X.; II. i. III. Garden, a, fenced with willows, I. viii. V.; peach trees in a, I. ix. III.; vegetable, I. xv. I. 7 : II. iv. II.; a pleasant, II. iii. X.; the willow-, II. v. VI. 1. Garments, holding up the lower, I. vii. XIII.; embroidered lower-, I. xi. V.; with the hatchet, II. vii. VIII. I: III. i. I. 5. Gate, the north-, I. iii. XV.; the east-, I. vii. XV. ; XIX.; xii. II.; IV.; V.; of the tombs, I. xii. VI. ; my, II. v. V. 1, 3; of the temple, II. vi. V. 2; of the enceinte, and court. III. i. III. 7. Gatherers, consult the grass and fire wood-, III. ii. X. 3. Gathering, duckweed, I. i. I. 3; ij. IV.; the dolichos, I. i. II. 2 ; the mouse-ear, I. i. III. 1; plantains, I. i. VIII.; fire-wood, I. i. IX.; X.; II. viii. V. 4 ; southernwood, I. ii. II.; xv. I.: II. i. VIII. 6; vi. III. 3; ferns, I. ii. III. ; mus tard-plant and earth-melons, I. iii. X.; iv. IV. 3; x. XII. 3; dodder, I. iv. IV. 1; wheat, I. iv. IV. 2; lilies, I. iv. X. 3; sorrel, mulberry leaves, and oxlips, I. ix. II. ; liquor ice, I. x. XII.; mulberry leaves, I. xv. I. 2: III. iii. III. 1 ; sowthistlcs, I. x. XII. 2; xv. I. 6 ; hemp-seed, I. xv. I. 6 ; thorn-ferns, II. i. VII.; medlars, II. i. IX. 3; vi. I. 1: white millet, II. iii. IV.; sheep's- foot and poke-weed, II. iv. IV. 2,3; pulse, II. v. II. 3; beans, II. vii. VIII.; cresses, II. vii. VIII. 2: IV. ii. Ill- 1; the king-grass, II. viii. II.; the indigo-plant, II. viii. II. 2 ; the pond-weed, IV. ii. III. 2; mallows, IV. ii. III. 3. Geese, fiying, I. vii. IV. 2; xv. VI.: II. iii. VII.; shootins:, I. vii. VIII. 1; feathers of the wild-, I. x. VIII. Gem, a virtuous lady compared to a, I. ii. XII.; girdle, 1. v. V. 3; xi. V.; IX. : II. iii. IV. 2 : III. ii. VI. 2; elegant as a, I. ix. II.: II. iv. II. 4. Gems, the beautiful keu, yaou, and klw, I. v. X.; vii. IX.: III. ii. VI. 2; hwft' yniig and ying stones, I. viii. III.; stones fit for polishing, II. iii. X. 2; on a, scabbard, II. vi. IX. 2; the sonorous, IV. iii. 1. General of an armv, the, I. vii. V. 3: II. i. VII. 5 ; VIII.; Fang-shuh an aged. II. iii. IV. Generations, for a hundred, III. i. I. 2. Gentleman, a splendid, I. vii. XIV. Gentlemen, slight and elegant, II. v. IX. 2. Germ of life, each seed a, IV. iii. V.; Gifts and friendship, I. v. X.: part ing, I. xi. IX. Gilt rings, buckles, and spear ends, I. xi. III. Girdle, I. i. VIII. 3; v. IX. 2; vi. X. 3; xiv. III. 2 : II. viii. 1. 4; ornaments of a, I. v. V. 3; VI. ; vii. VIII. ; IX.; XVII.; ix. I.; xi.; V.; IX.: II. iii. IV. 2 ; v. IX. 5 : III. ii. VI. 2. Girl, a lovely, I. viii. IV. See Lady. Girls, about the Han, I. i. IX.; against lewdness of, I. iv. VII.; clouds of flaunting, I. vii. XIX. Gleanings left in the field for the wi dow, II. vi. VIII. 3. Gloom, consolation under, I. vii. XVI. Glow-worms, I. xv. III. 2. Goats, I. vi. II. Go-between, I. v. IV. ; viii. VI. 4; xv. V. Goblets, bull-figured, IV. ii. IV. 4. God, there is the great; does he hate ? II. iv. VIII. 4; this god (the king) is very changeable, II. vii. X. ; the appointment of, III. i. 1. 1: IV. iii. III.; king Wan in the presence of, III. i. 1.1; gave the command, III. i. 1.4 ; assessors of, III. i. I. 6; king Wan served, III. i. II. 3 ; ' is with you,' III. i. II. 7 : IV. ii. IV. 2 ; great is, III. i. VII.; hating the great States, turned to the west. III. i. VII. 1; brought an intelligent ruler, III. i. VII. 2; surveyed tho hills, Ill.i. VII. 3; raised the States and a ruler for them, III. i. VII. 3; king Ke was gifted by, III. i. VII. 4 ; king AVan received the blessing of, III. i. VII. 4 ; said to king AVan, III. i. VII. 5,7', in accordance with the pattern of, III. i. VII. 7; a toe- print made by, III. ii. I. 1; gave comfort, III. ii. I. 2 ; smells a sweet savour, III. ii. I. 8; has reversed who has caused this evil time, III. iii. I. 7 ; does not come to us, will not exempt me, grant me liberty, consider me. III. iii. IV. 2, 3, 4, 5; kinged by, IA". i. [i.] IX. ; appoint ed grain for the nourishment of all, IA*. i. [i.] X.; the bright and glori ous, IV. i. [ii.] I.; regarded Iveang Yuen with favour, IV. ii. IAT. 1; tho great and sovereign, IV. ii. IV. 3 ; INDEX I. OF SUBJECTS. 405 raised up a son (of Sung's daughter), and founded Shang, IV. iii. IV. 1; the favour of, did not leave Shang, IV. iii. IV. 3; T'ang reverenced God, IV. iii. IV. 3. Goddess, a lady compared to a, I. iv. III. 2. Gold, pure as, I. v. I. 3. Good man, the, I. x. I. V.; xi. III.; things should be enjoyed, I. x. II.; men destroyed, I. xi. VI. ; men neglected, L xiv. II.: II. iv. IX. 2: III. ii. X. 5 ; iii. III. 11,13; a fence, III. ii. X. 7 ; all are at first, IIL iii. I. 1; men, the sovereigns of Yin had no, III. iii. I. 4; and evil, when you did not know. III. iii. II. 10; and bad princes distinguished by Chung Shan-foo, III. iii. VI. 4; men are going away, III. iii. X. 5, 6 ; faith asserted, I. vii. XVIII. Oocse, wild, I. iii. IX. 3. Gourd-leaves, II, viii. VII. Gourds, I. iii. IX. 1: II. vi. VI. 4; the sparrow-, I. v. VI. ; the bottle-, I. iii. IX.; xv. I. 6 ; the heavenly, & the bitter, I. xv. III. 2; the sweet, II. ii. V. 3 ; in long trains. III. i. IIL ; How-tseih's, III. ii. I. 4. Government, affairs of, L iii. XV.; error and confusion in, III. iii. II. 3; X. ; mis-, III. iii. L; III.; the bonds of, relaxed, III. iii. IV. 7; spread abroad the king's, III. iii. VI. 3. Grain springing, L ix. VII.: II. iv. VIII. 7 ; four dishes of, I. xi. X.; different kinds of, I. xv. 1. 7 : IV. i. [iii-l V. ; VI.; all kinds of, II. vi. VI. 2; VIII. 1: IV. i. [ii.] II.; good and abundant, II. vi. VII. 3; for horses, II. vii. II. 3, 4 ; How- tseih's, III. ii. I. 4—7 : IV. i. X.; duke Lew's, III. ii. VI. 1; pecking up, II. v. II. 5 ; insects that destroy, II. vi. VIII. 2: III. iii. IV. 1. Granaries, thousands of, II. vi. VII. 4; high, IV. i. [ii.] IV. Grand, is the mountain Leang, III. iii. VII. Grand-daughter, I. ii. XIII. Grandly and clearly. III. iii. VIII. Grand-master, Yin, the, II. iv. VII.; Shang-foo, III. i. II. 7, 8 ; Hwangfoo, III. iii. IX. Grand-sons, sons and, II. vi. V. 6. Grapes, I. xv. I. 6. Grass, white, I. ii. XII.; iii. XVII. 3 ; v. III. 2 : II. viii. IV. 1, 2 ; the Small, I. xv. I. 4; ropes of, I. xv. ]. 7 ; dew on the luxuriant, II. ii. X. 2; a bundle of fresh, II. iv. II. 4 ; the way to Chow overgrown with, II. v. III. 2; dying, II. v. VII. 3 ; the king-, II. vii'i. II. ; the dark, II. viii. X. 4 ; How-tscih cleared away the thick, III. ii. I. 5; clearing . ' away, IV. i. [iii.] V. Grass-hoppers and insects, I. ii. III. : II. i. VIII. 5. Grass-gatherers, consult the, III. ii. X. 3. Grave, hoping to share the same, I. vi. IX. Greasing wheels, II. v. V. 5. Greed of ministers of AVei, I. ix. VI. Green colour, significance of, I. iii. II. Green-beaks, the, a kind of birds, II. v. II. 5; vii. I. Grcv hair, and wrinkled face, II. ii. VII. 5. Grief, of an officer, L ix. III.; at the frivolitv of some parties in Ts'aou, I. xiv. I.; II. Grind-stones, II. iii. X. 1. Groom, I. iv. VI. 3; of the chamber, an ode by a, II. iv. X. Growth of grain, IV. i. [iii.] V. Guards, the commander of the, III. iii. IV. 7. Guests, from the feudal States, II. i. L ; responsive ode of the, II. i. A~l.; admirable, II. ii. V.; iii. I. ; taking their places, II. vii. VI. 1: III. ii. II.; VI. 4 ; and visitors at ancestral service, II. vi. V. 3; VI. 3. Guilty and guiltless exchange places, III. iii. X. 2. Gulf, careful as on the brink of a, II. v. I. 6. Hair, mode of keeping the, I. iv. I. ; III.; v. IV. 6 : II. viii. L ; II.; of a child, I. viii. VII. 3 ; garments of, I. xv. I.; thick and straight, II. viii. I. 2; hoary, IV. ii. IV. 5, 8; iii. II.; virtue is light as a, III. iii. VI. 6. Halberds, I. v. VIII.; xiv. II. Half-mace (libation caps). III. i. IV. 2 ; ii. X. 6 ; a man not left, III. iii. IV. 3. Hall, IV. i. [iii.] VII.; waiting for in a, 1. vii. XIV.; viii. III.; the cricket in the, I. x. I.; of state, I. xiii. I. ; of oivr prince, I. xv. I. 8; of king AVan, with a circlet of water, III. i. VIII. 3,4; X. 6. Hamlet, I. vii. II. Hand, holding by the hand, I. vii. VII. ; in the, III. ii. X. 6. Hand-drums, IV. i. [ii.] V.; iii. I. Handfuls of grain left for the widow, II. vi. VIII. 3.

406 OF SUBJECTS. INDEX I. Handkerchief, I. ii. XII. Happiness of the king, II. vii. VII.; desired, II. vii. II.; secured, IV. iii. V. 4; like mountains and rivers, II. i. VI. ; and dignity of personators of the dead, III. ii. IV. Happy, land !—State!—Borders !, I. ix. VII.; pair!, I. x. V.; and cour teous sovereign, III. ii. VII.; VIII.; intercourse of a marquis with his officers, IV. ii. II. Hard-hearted man, a, III. iii. III.; and soft, popular saying: a-bout the, III. iii. VI. o. Hare, the, I. vi. VI.: II. v. III. 6 ; IV. 4. Harem, I. i. I. ; II.; ii. X. ; XI.; iv. Harvesting, I. xv. I. 4—7. Hatchets, I. xv. 1.3; IV. I; on lower garments, II. vii. VIII.; III. i. I. o. Hats, bamboo-, II. iv. VI.; of T'ae leaves, II. viii. I. 2; light splint, IV. i. [iii.] VI. Hawk, II. iii. IV. 3 ; v. X. 7; III. i. V. 3. Hazel trees, I. iii. XIII. 4 ; iv. VI. 1; xiv. III. 4 : II. vii. V. 3 ; III. i. V. 1. Head, bowing the, to the ground III. iii. Tin. o. 6. Head of the Yin clan, the, III. iii. IX. Heads of departments, III. iii. IV. 7. Head-ache, I. v. VIII. 3 ; pain like a, II. v. III. 2. Head-dress of a princess, I. ii. II. : iv. III. Heart, the toiled, of a lover, I. xii. VIII. ; of an officer, I. xiii. I.; of one deploring the decay of filial piety, I. xiii. II.; of one deploring the decay of Chow, I. xiii. IV. ; of the heir-apparent, degraded, II. v. III.; of a father disappointed in his son, III. iii. II. 11 ; the king's, at rest, II. viii. III. 5 : III. iii. VIII. 2 ; exerting all his, IV. i. VI. Hearts, son-owing, II. i. VII.; VIII.; IX.; iv. VII.; VIII.; v. II. 1; vi. III.; IV.; vii. III.; viii. I.; V.; IX.: III. iii. III. 1, 4 ; IV. 5 ; X. 6, 7. Heaven, submission to, I. iii. XV. ; invoked, 1. iv. I.; vi. I.; x. VIII. ; xi. VI.: II. iv. VII. 5, 6; X.; v. III. 3; IV.; VI. 5; vi. III.: III. iii. III. 1 ; a visitant from, I. iv. III. 2; pro tects and establishes the king, II. i. VI. 1—S; the son of, II. i. VIII. 1, 3; iii. III.; VI.; iv. VII. 3; X. 6; vii. VIII. 3, 4, 5 : III. ii. V. 4; VIII. 7 ; iii. VI.; VIII. 5, 6; IX. 3, 6 : IV. i. [i.J Till.; [ii.] VII ; iii. IV. 7 ; unpitying and unjust, II. iv. VII. ; dark but mighty, II. iv. VIII. 4, 7, 13 ; the ordinances of, II. iv. IX. 7, 8: IV. i. [i.] II.; not standing in awe of, II. iv. X. 3 ; v. V. 3; compassionate, II. iv. X. 1; v. I. 1 ; III. i. [iii.] XI. 1; the dove flies up to, II. v. II. 1; the hawk go., HI. i. V. 3 ; the phoenix do., HI. ii. VIII. 8; what H. confers, II. v. II. 2; what is my offence against ? II. v. III. 1; who gave me birth, II. v. III. 3 ; our parent, II. v. IV. 1; kindness of parents like great, II. v. VIII. 4; all under, II. vi. I. 2 : IV. i. [iii.] XI. ; the blessing of, II. vi. VI. 4; vii. I. 1; the way of, hard and difficult, II. viii. V . 2 ; the way of, evident, IV. i. [iii.] HI. ; king Wan is in, HI. i. I.: IV. i. [i.J I.; the appointment of, III. i. I 4, 5 ; II. X. 2 : IV. i. p.] VI.; i. pii.l III. ; the will of, III. i. IX. 2; ii. IX. 1; look at Yin in the light of, III. i. I. 7 ; the doings of High, III. i. I. 7 ; not readily to be relied on, III. i. II. 1; surveyed this lower world, III. i. II. 4 ; like a fair deni zen of, III. i. II. 5 ; raised up a help-meet, III. i. VII. 2 ; the three sovereigns were in. III. i. IX. 1; the king receives his dignity from, HI. ii. HI. 7 ; V. 1; is sending down calamities, exercising oppression, displaying its anger, III. ii. X. 2,4, 5; iii. II. 12 ; enlightens the people, III. ii. X. 6; revere the anger & changing moods of, III. ii. X. 8 ; great, is intelligent, is clear-seeing, & is with you, III. ii. X. 8 ; iii. II. 11 ; gave birth to the people, III. iii. I. 1 ; VI. 1; made the ministers of Yin with their insolent disposition-s, III. iii. I. 2 ; it is not, that flushes your face with spirits, III. iii. I. 5 ; those whom great, docs not ap prove of, III. iii. II. 4; great, makes no mistakes, III. iii. II. 12 ; does not nourish us, III. iii. III. 3 ; the severe anger of, III. iii. III. 4 ; is sending down death and disorder, III. iii. III. 7; IV. 1; God, in. the great, III. iii. IV. 3, o, 6; I look up to the great, III. iii. IV. 7,8; X. 1; beheld the ruler of Chow, III. iii. VI.; disorder does not come down from, III. iii. X. 3 ; is reprov ing us, III. iii. X. 5; is letting down its net, III. iii. X. 2,6; mysteriously great, III. iii. X. 7; arrayed in angry terrors sending down ruin, INDEX I. OF SUBJECTS. 407 III. iii. XI. 1; made the lofty hills, IV. i. p.] V. ; accept my offerings! IV. i. [i.] VII. ; revere the majesty of, IV. i. p.] VII. ; How-tseih the correlate of, IV. i. [i.] X.; giving rest even to great, IV. i. [ii.] VII.; does not weary of its favours, IT. i. pii. ] IX.; king Woo was glorious in the sight of, IT. i. [iii.] IX.; the purpose of, carried out in its time, IV. ii. IV. 2 , will give great bless ings to our prince, IV. ii. IV. 8; our prosperity is sent down from, IV. iii. II. ; commissioned the swal low, IV. iii. III.; king T'ang re ceived the favour of, IV. iii. IV. 5; sent down a minister, IV. iii. IV. 5; has given their appointments to princes, IV. iii. V. 3; by its will is inspecting the kingdom IV. iii. V. 4. Heavens, high, and earth, thick, II. iv. VIII. 6 ; over head one arch of clouds, II. vi. VI. 2 ; the points of the, III. ii. VI. 5; mountain- masses reachingto the. III. iii. V. 1. Heavenly seat, the (the throne), III. i. II. 1. Hedge-tree, the, I. vii. IX. Height, the acred, II. v. VI. 7. Heights, ascending, I. i. III. ; ii. III.; iv. VI.; X.; ix. IV.: II. i. IX. 3; iii. VI. 1; vi. I. 1; vii. IV. 4 : III. i. VII. 6 ; ii. VI. 2, 3, 5 : IV. i. [iii.] XI.; peas growing on, I. xii. VII.; southernwood on, II. iii. II.; level, II. i. III.; IV. Heir-apparent, an, bewailing his de gradation, II. v. HI. Helmets, IV. ii. IV. 5. Helpers, a good ruler seeks, III. iii. III. 8; in agriculture, IV. i. [iii.] V. Hemp, I. vi. X.; planting, I. viii. VI. 3 ; twisting, I. xii. II.; steeping, I. xii. IV.; robes of, I. xiv. I.; -seed, I. xv. I. 6, 7. Herb-flavoured spirits, III. iii. VIII. 5. Herds of game, II. iii. VI. 1; of cattle and sheep, II. iv. VI.; of pigs, III. ii. VI. 4. Herdsmen, II. iv. VI. Hero, a, I. v. VIII.; a large and peerless, I. x. IV. Hesperus, II. v. IX. 6. Hewing timber reverently, IV. iii. V. 6. High-way, I. vii. VII. 1. Hill, thunder on the southern, I. ii. VIII. (See South) ; hazels grow ing on a, I. iii. XIII. 4; trees on the sides of a, I. xi. I.; absurdity of dcnjing that a, is high, II. iv. VIII. 5; the northern, H. vi. I. 1; Heaven made the lofty, IV. i. p.] V. ; the high is looked up to, II. vii. IV. 5. Hills, of the east, I. xv. III. 1 ; en during as the southern, II. i. VI. 6; of the north, II. ii. VII. ; grind stones and gems found in, Ii. iii. X.; falling down, II. iv. IX. 3; ferns on the, II. v. X. 8; and streams, II. viii. VIII.; God sur veyed the, III. i. VII. 3 ; our, small and large, III. i. VII. 6; on the west of the, HI. ii. VI. 5 ; parched. III. iii. IV. 5; lands, and fields, III. iii. VIII. 5 : IV. ii. IV. 3 ; Spirits of the, IV. i. [i.] Till. Hill-tops, rock-covered, II. v. Til. 3. Hoarfrost, I. ix. I.; xi. IT.: II. iv. VII. 1; v. IX. 2. Hoary age, III. ii. II. 4; hair, IT. ii. IT. 5, 8 ; iii. II. Hoes,. IT. i. [ii.] I.; [Hi.] TI. Home, a soldier's thought of, I. ix. IT.; choosing a, III. iii. VII. 5. Hooks, for trappings, II. iii. IV. 1 : III. iii. V. 4; VII. 2. Hordes of Keun, the, III. i. III. 8; of the South, III. iii. II. 4. See Tribes. Horn, rhinoceros', cups of, 1. i. HI. 3 ; xv. I. 8 : II. vii. I. 4 ; a bow adorned with, II. vii. IX. Horns, has a sparrow no ? I. ii. TI. 2; no old ram is without, II. vii. VI. 5; don't look for, on a young ram, III. iii. II. 8; of a bull, IV. i. [iii.] VI.; ii. IV. 4. Horned sheep, II. iv. VI. I. Horse, an old, thinks himself a colt, II. vii. IX. 5; the master of the, III. iii. IV. 7. Horses (almost always mentioned in teams of four), I . i. III.; IX. 2, 3; iv. VI. 3; IX.; X.; v. III. 3; vii. IV.; viii. X. ; x. H.; xii. IX.: II. i. Til. 4, 0 ; IX. 3 ; iii. VI. ; vi 1.3; vii. II. 2, 3; IT. 5 ; Till. 1, 2 ; black, II. iii. III. : III. iii. H. 4; with white foreheads, I. xi. I. ; iron-black, I. xi. II.; piebald, with white left feet; bay with black mane ; yellow with black mouth ; and black, I. xi. III.; bay, I. xi. IX. ; bay, and red, flecked with white, I. xv. III. 4; white with black mane, II. i. II.; vi. X. 3 ; young, piebald, white and black- maned, and gray, II. i. III.; pie bald, II. iii. IV. 1; yellow, H. iii.

406 <strong>OF</strong> SUBJECTS. INDEX I.<br />

Handkerchief, I. ii. XII.<br />

Happiness of the king, II. vii. VII.;<br />

desired, II. vii. II.; secured, IV. iii.<br />

V. 4; like mountains and rivers, II.<br />

i. VI. ; and dignity of personators<br />

of the dead, III. ii. IV.<br />

Happy, land !—State!—Borders !, I.<br />

ix. VII.; pair!, I. x. V.; and cour<br />

teous sovereign, III. ii. VII.; VIII.;<br />

intercourse of a marquis with his<br />

officers, IV. ii. II.<br />

Hard-hearted man, a, III. iii. III.;<br />

and soft, popular saying: a-bout the,<br />

III. iii. VI. o.<br />

Hare, the, I. vi. VI.: II. v. III. 6 ;<br />

IV. 4.<br />

Harem, I. i. I. ; II.; ii. X. ; XI.; iv.<br />

Harvesting, I. xv. I. 4—7.<br />

Hatchets, I. xv. 1.3; IV. I; on lower<br />

garments, II. vii. VIII.; III. i. I. o.<br />

Hats, bamboo-, II. iv. VI.; of T'ae<br />

leaves, II. viii. I. 2; light splint,<br />

IV. i. [iii.] VI.<br />

Hawk, II. iii. IV. 3 ; v. X. 7; III. i.<br />

V. 3.<br />

Hazel trees, I. iii. XIII. 4 ; iv. VI.<br />

1; xiv. III. 4 : II. vii. V. 3 ; III.<br />

i. V. 1.<br />

Head, bowing the, to the ground III.<br />

iii. Tin. o. 6.<br />

Head of the Yin clan, the, III. iii. IX.<br />

Heads of departments, III. iii. IV. 7.<br />

Head-ache, I. v. VIII. 3 ; pain like a,<br />

II. v. III. 2.<br />

Head-dress of a princess, I. ii. II. :<br />

iv. III.<br />

Heart, the toiled, of a lover, I. xii.<br />

VIII. ; of an officer, I. xiii. I.; of<br />

one deploring the decay of filial<br />

piety, I. xiii. II.; of one deploring<br />

the decay of Chow, I. xiii. IV. ; of<br />

the heir-apparent, degraded, II. v.<br />

III.; of a father disappointed in his<br />

son, III. iii. II. 11 ; the king's, at<br />

rest, II. viii. III. 5 : III. iii. VIII.<br />

2 ; exerting all his, IV. i. VI.<br />

Hearts, son-owing, II. i. VII.; VIII.;<br />

IX.; iv. VII.; VIII.; v. II. 1;<br />

vi. III.; IV.; vii. III.; viii. I.;<br />

V.; IX.: III. iii. III. 1, 4 ; IV.<br />

5 ; X. 6, 7.<br />

Heaven, submission to, I. iii. XV. ;<br />

invoked, 1. iv. I.; vi. I.; x. VIII. ;<br />

xi. VI.: II. iv. VII. 5, 6; X.; v. III.<br />

3; IV.; VI. 5; vi. III.: III. iii. III.<br />

1 ; a visitant from, I. iv. III. 2; pro<br />

tects and establishes the king, II. i.<br />

VI. 1—S; the son of, II. i. VIII. 1,<br />

3; iii. III.; VI.; iv. VII. 3; X. 6;<br />

vii. VIII. 3, 4, 5 : III. ii. V. 4;<br />

VIII. 7 ; iii. VI.; VIII. 5, 6; IX.<br />

3, 6 : IV. i. [i.J Till.; [ii.] VII ;<br />

iii. IV. 7 ; unpitying and unjust, II.<br />

iv. VII. ; dark but mighty, II. iv.<br />

VIII. 4, 7, 13 ; the ordinances of,<br />

II. iv. IX. 7, 8: IV. i. [i.] II.; not<br />

standing in awe of, II. iv. X. 3 ; v.<br />

V. 3; compassionate, II. iv. X. 1;<br />

v. I. 1 ; III. i. [iii.] XI. 1; the dove<br />

flies up to, II. v. II. 1; the hawk go.,<br />

HI. i. V. 3 ; the phoenix do., HI. ii.<br />

VIII. 8; what H. confers, II. v.<br />

II. 2; what is my offence against ?<br />

II. v. III. 1; who gave me birth,<br />

II. v. III. 3 ; our parent, II. v. IV.<br />

1; kindness of parents like great, II.<br />

v. VIII. 4; all under, II. vi. I. 2 :<br />

IV. i. [iii.] XI. ; the blessing of,<br />

II. vi. VI. 4; vii. I. 1; the way of,<br />

hard and difficult, II. viii. V . 2 ; the<br />

way of, evident, IV. i. [iii.] HI. ;<br />

king Wan is in, HI. i. I.: IV. i. [i.J<br />

I.; the appointment of, III. i. I 4,<br />

5 ; II. X. 2 : IV. i. p.] VI.; i. pii.l<br />

III. ; the will of, III. i. IX. 2; ii.<br />

IX. 1; look at Yin in the light of,<br />

III. i. I. 7 ; the doings of High, III.<br />

i. I. 7 ; not readily to be relied on,<br />

III. i. II. 1; surveyed this lower<br />

world, III. i. II. 4 ; like a fair deni<br />

zen of, III. i. II. 5 ; raised up a<br />

help-meet, III. i. VII. 2 ; the three<br />

sovereigns were in. III. i. IX. 1;<br />

the king receives his dignity from,<br />

HI. ii. HI. 7 ; V. 1; is sending down<br />

calamities, exercising oppression,<br />

displaying its anger, III. ii. X. 2,4,<br />

5; iii. II. 12 ; enlightens the people,<br />

III. ii. X. 6; revere the anger &<br />

changing moods of, III. ii. X. 8 ;<br />

great, is intelligent, is clear-seeing,<br />

& is with you, III. ii. X. 8 ; iii. II.<br />

11 ; gave birth to the people, III. iii.<br />

I. 1 ; VI. 1; made the ministers of<br />

Yin with their insolent disposition-s,<br />

III. iii. I. 2 ; it is not, that flushes<br />

your face with spirits, III. iii. I.<br />

5 ; those whom great, docs not ap<br />

prove of, III. iii. II. 4; great,<br />

makes no mistakes, III. iii. II. 12 ;<br />

does not nourish us, III. iii. III. 3 ;<br />

the severe anger of, III. iii. III. 4 ;<br />

is sending down death and disorder,<br />

III. iii. III. 7; IV. 1; God, in.<br />

the great, III. iii. IV. 3, o, 6;<br />

I look up to the great, III. iii. IV.<br />

7,8; X. 1; beheld the ruler of Chow,<br />

III. iii. VI.; disorder does not come<br />

down from, III. iii. X. 3 ; is reprov<br />

ing us, III. iii. X. 5; is letting down<br />

its net, III. iii. X. 2,6; mysteriously<br />

great, III. iii. X. 7; arrayed in<br />

angry terrors sending down ruin,<br />

INDEX I. <strong>OF</strong> SUBJECTS. 407<br />

III. iii. XI. 1; made the lofty hills,<br />

IV. i. p.] V. ; accept my offerings!<br />

IV. i. [i.] VII. ; revere the majesty<br />

of, IV. i. p.] VII. ; How-tseih the<br />

correlate of, IV. i. [i.] X.; giving<br />

rest even to great, IV. i. [ii.] VII.;<br />

does not weary of its favours, IT. i.<br />

pii. ] IX.; king Woo was glorious<br />

in the sight of, IT. i. [iii.] IX.; the<br />

purpose of, carried out in its time,<br />

IV. ii. IV. 2 , will give great bless<br />

ings to our prince, IV. ii. IV. 8;<br />

our prosperity is sent down from,<br />

IV. iii. II. ; commissioned the swal<br />

low, IV. iii. III.; king T'ang re<br />

ceived the favour of, IV. iii. IV. 5;<br />

sent down a minister, IV. iii. IV. 5;<br />

has given their appointments to<br />

princes, IV. iii. V. 3; by its will<br />

is inspecting the kingdom IV. iii.<br />

V. 4.<br />

Heavens, high, and earth, thick, II.<br />

iv. VIII. 6 ; over head one arch of<br />

clouds, II. vi. VI. 2 ; the points of<br />

the, III. ii. VI. 5; mountain-<br />

masses reachingto the. III. iii. V. 1.<br />

Heavenly seat, the (the throne), III.<br />

i. II. 1.<br />

Hedge-tree, the, I. vii. IX.<br />

Height, the acred, II. v. VI. 7.<br />

Heights, ascending, I. i. III. ; ii. III.;<br />

iv. VI.; X.; ix. IV.: II. i. IX.<br />

3; iii. VI. 1; vi. I. 1; vii. IV. 4 :<br />

III. i. VII. 6 ; ii. VI. 2, 3, 5 : IV.<br />

i. [iii.] XI.; peas growing on, I.<br />

xii. VII.; southernwood on, II. iii.<br />

II.; level, II. i. III.; IV.<br />

Heir-apparent, an, bewailing his de<br />

gradation, II. v. HI.<br />

Helmets, IV. ii. IV. 5.<br />

Helpers, a good ruler seeks, III. iii.<br />

III. 8; in agriculture, IV. i. [iii.]<br />

V.<br />

Hemp, I. vi. X.; planting, I. viii. VI.<br />

3 ; twisting, I. xii. II.; steeping, I.<br />

xii. IV.; robes of, I. xiv. I.; -seed,<br />

I. xv. I. 6, 7.<br />

Herb-flavoured spirits, III. iii. VIII.<br />

5.<br />

Herds of game, II. iii. VI. 1; of<br />

cattle and sheep, II. iv. VI.; of<br />

pigs, III. ii. VI. 4.<br />

Herdsmen, II. iv. VI.<br />

Hero, a, I. v. VIII.; a large and<br />

peerless, I. x. IV.<br />

Hesperus, II. v. IX. 6.<br />

Hewing timber reverently, IV. iii. V.<br />

6.<br />

High-way, I. vii. VII. 1.<br />

Hill, thunder on the southern, I. ii.<br />

VIII. (See South) ; hazels grow<br />

ing on a, I. iii. XIII. 4; trees on<br />

the sides of a, I. xi. I.; absurdity<br />

of dcnjing that a, is high, II. iv.<br />

VIII. 5; the northern, H. vi. I. 1;<br />

Heaven made the lofty, IV. i. p.]<br />

V. ; the high is looked up to, II.<br />

vii. IV. 5.<br />

Hills, of the east, I. xv. III. 1 ; en<br />

during as the southern, II. i. VI. 6;<br />

of the north, II. ii. VII. ; grind<br />

stones and gems found in, Ii. iii.<br />

X.; falling down, II. iv. IX. 3;<br />

ferns on the, II. v. X. 8; and<br />

streams, II. viii. VIII.; God sur<br />

veyed the, III. i. VII. 3 ; our, small<br />

and large, III. i. VII. 6; on the west<br />

of the, HI. ii. VI. 5 ; parched. III.<br />

iii. IV. 5; lands, and fields, III. iii.<br />

VIII. 5 : IV. ii. IV. 3 ; Spirits of<br />

the, IV. i. [i.] Till.<br />

Hill-tops, rock-covered, II. v. Til. 3.<br />

Hoarfrost, I. ix. I.; xi. IT.: II. iv.<br />

VII. 1; v. IX. 2.<br />

Hoary age, III. ii. II. 4; hair, IT.<br />

ii. IT. 5, 8 ; iii. II.<br />

Hoes,. IT. i. [ii.] I.; [Hi.] TI.<br />

Home, a soldier's thought of, I. ix.<br />

IT.; choosing a, III. iii. VII. 5.<br />

Hooks, for trappings, II. iii. IV. 1 :<br />

III. iii. V. 4; VII. 2.<br />

Hordes of Keun, the, III. i. III. 8;<br />

of the South, III. iii. II. 4. See<br />

Tribes.<br />

Horn, rhinoceros', cups of, 1. i. HI.<br />

3 ; xv. I. 8 : II. vii. I. 4 ; a bow<br />

adorned with, II. vii. IX.<br />

Horns, has a sparrow no ? I. ii. TI.<br />

2; no old ram is without, II. vii.<br />

VI. 5; don't look for, on a young<br />

ram, III. iii. II. 8; of a bull, IV. i.<br />

[iii.] VI.; ii. IV. 4.<br />

Horned sheep, II. iv. VI. I.<br />

Horse, an old, thinks himself a colt,<br />

II. vii. IX. 5; the master of the,<br />

III. iii. IV. 7.<br />

Horses (almost always mentioned in<br />

teams of four), I . i. III.; IX. 2,<br />

3; iv. VI. 3; IX.; X.; v. III. 3;<br />

vii. IV.; viii. X. ; x. H.; xii. IX.:<br />

II. i. Til. 4, 0 ; IX. 3 ; iii. VI. ;<br />

vi 1.3; vii. II. 2, 3; IT. 5 ; Till.<br />

1, 2 ; black, II. iii. III. : III. iii.<br />

H. 4; with white foreheads, I. xi.<br />

I. ; iron-black, I. xi. II.; piebald,<br />

with white left feet; bay with black<br />

mane ; yellow with black mouth ;<br />

and black, I. xi. III.; bay, I. xi.<br />

IX. ; bay, and red, flecked with<br />

white, I. xv. III. 4; white with<br />

black mane, II. i. II.; vi. X. 3 ;<br />

young, piebald, white and black-<br />

maned, and gray, II. i. III.; pie<br />

bald, II. iii. IV. 1; yellow, H. iii.

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