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400 OP SUBJECTS. INDEX I. INDEX I. OF SUBJECTS. 401 II. i. IX. 4: in. i. III. 3; X. 7; of dreams, II. iv. V. 6, 7; VI. 4 ; plants for, I. xiv. IV.; with grain, II. v. II. 5. Diviner, the chief, II. iv. VI. 4; of dreams, II. iv. VIII. 5. Diving, I. i. IX.; iii. X. 4 ; fish, H. iv. VIII. 11; v. X. 7. Dodder, I. iv. IV. 1 : II. vii. III. Does, sleek and fat, in the Marvellous park, III. i. VIII. 2. Dog, I. ii. XH.; hunting-, I. xi. II. Dolichos, the, I. i. II. 1, 2; IV. 1; iii. Xn.; iv. III. 3; vi. VII.; Vin.; x. XL: III. i. V. 6; fibre, shoes of, I. viii. VI.; ix. I.: II. v. IX. 2. Domain. See Royal. Domestic life, a pleasant picture of, I. vii. VIII. Doom of the kingdom, the, III. iii. III. 2, 3. Door and screen, between the, I. viii. III.; of a recluse's hut, I. xii. III.; crickets about the, I. xv. I. 5. Doors of a palace, II. iv. V. 2. Dove, the, I. ii. I.; v. IV. 3; xiv. III.; the small cooing, II. v. II. Doves, Filial, II. i. II. 3, 4; ii. V. 4. Dragon, on upper robe, II. vii. VIII- 1: III. iii. VII. 2. Dragon-flag, II. i. VIII. 3 ; iii. IV. •2 ; vii. VIII. 2 : III. iii. VII. 2 : IV. i. [ii.] VIII.; ii. III. 1; IV. 3; iii. III. Draught Oxen, the, a constellation, II. v. IX. 6. Dreams, divining of, II. iv. V. 6, 7 ; VI. 4; VIII. 5. Dress, of great officers, I. ii. VII.; sorrow compared to an unwashed, I. iii. I. 5 ; colours of, I. iii. II.; of a ladv, I. iv. III.; v. III.; simplicity of, "II. viii. I. Drink and food, I. x. X. : II. i. VI. 5; viii. VI.: III. ii. VI. 3. Drinking wine or srjirits, II. i. I.; IV.; V.: IV. ii. III. 3; to excess, II. ii. X.; v. II. 2; vii. VI.; IX. 5; to the full, III. ii. HI.: IV. i. [i.] IX.; ii. II.; pleasure and, II. vi. I. 6 ; all round, II. vi. V. 3; the king happy while, II. vii. VII.; long life to the prince, I. xv. I. 8; the personator of the dead, III. ii. IV.; and dancing, IV. ii. II. Driver of a chariot, I. vii. V. 3: II. iv. VIII. Drought, I. vi. V.: III. iii. IV.; the demon of, III. iii. IV. 5; as in a year of, III. iii. XI. 4. Drummers and jinglers, II. iii. IV. 3. Drums, I. i. I. 3; xii. I. : II. i. V. 3 : III. ii. II. 2: IV. i. [ii.] V.; the roll of, I. iii. V. 1; II. iii. IV. 3; vi. IV. 2, 3 ; VII. 2: III. i. III. 6: IV. ii. II. ; iii. I. ; and bells, I. x. II.: II. iii. I. : II. vii. VI. 1, 2; viii. V. 5 : III. i. VIII. 3, 4 ; IV. • i. [i.] IX.; hand-, IV. i. [ii.] V. Drunk, not returning until, II. ii. X. 1; the Spirits have, or are, II. vi. V. 5, 6; I croon as if, III. iii. III. 13. Drunkenness, II. vii. VI. Dry provisions, faults in the matter o'f, II. i. V. 3. Dryandras, III. ii. VIII. 9. Ducal court-yard, I. iii. XIII. Ducks, wild, I. vii. VIII. 1: HI. ii. IV. ; tho Yellow, II. vii. II.; viii. V. 7. Duck-weed, I. i. I. 2, 3. Duke of Shaou, I. ii. V. : III. ii. VIII.; of Ch'ing, I. vii. IV. Duke of Chow, IV. ii. IV. 3; praise of the, I. xv. V.; VI.; VII.; ex pedition to the east, I. xv. III.; IV. ; vindicates his course, in the character of a bird robbed of its voung, I. xv. ii. Duke of Loo, the first, IV. ii. IV. 3. the ancient, T'an foo, III. i. III.; Lew, III. ii. VI.; Woo's counsels, III. iii. II.; of Sung1, at the court of Chow, IV. i. [ii.] IX.; Hoof Loo, IV. ii. IV. Dukes, I. iii. XIII. 3 : II. i. VI. 4 : III. iii. IV. 7. Dumplings, III. i. III. 3. Dust, do not raise the, II. iii. II. Duties, social, IV. i. [i.] X.; public IV. i. [ii.] I. Dutifulness of king Wan's queen, I. i. II. Dykes, IV. i. [iii.] V. Dynasties, the two earlier, HI. i. VII. 1: IV. i. [ii.] III. See IKa, bhang, Yin; INDEX II. Eagle, II. v. X. 7 ; like an, on the wing, III. i. II. 8. Ear, an, laid close to a wall, II. v. III. 8. Ears, stopced, I. iii. XII. 4 ; cutting off the left, III. i . VII. 8 : IV. ii. III. 5; I hold you by the, III. iii. II. 10. Ear-plugs, I. iv. III.; v. I. 2; viii. III.: II. viii. I. 3. Ears of grain, left in the field, II. vi. VIII. 3 ; like the teeth of a comb, IV. iii. VI. Earl of Shaou, the, building the city 'of Seay, &c., II. viii. III.: III. iii. V. of JUT'S ode, III. iii. III. Early, rising, II. v. II. 4: III. iii. II. 4; instruction, III. iii. II. 10; feasting, IV. ii. II.; and late, busy, III. iii. VI. 4; VII. 1. See Dawn. Earth, this lower, I. Hi. IV. See World. Earth used in building walls, II. iii. VII. 2; iv. V. 3 : III. i. III. 6. Earthen vessel, I. xii, I.; -ware stands, III. ii. I. 8. Ease, a little, desired for the people, III. ii. IX. East, the sun hi the, I. viii. IV.; dawn in the, I. viii. V. ; hills of the, an expedition to the, I. xv. I If.; IV.; VI. : II. viii. VIII. : III. iii. VI.; going to the, to hunt, II. iii. V.; those tribes of the, IV. ii. III. 6; the States of the, made to serve the West, II. v. IX.; gate, the, I. vii. XV.; XIX.; xii. II.; IV.; V. ; wind, gentle, I. iii. X.: II. v. VII. Easy and indifferent, I. iii. XIII.; the enlightening of people, III. ii. X. 6 ; and self-possessed was our prince, II. i. V.; ii. VII.; VIII. Eating the bread of office, III. iii. III. 6 ; and drinking to the full, IV. i. IX.; field labourers, their meal, IV. iii. V. Eaves, crickets under the, I. xv. I. 5. Eclipsed, the sun, II. iv. IX. Egrets, like a fiock of,' on the wing, IV. i. [ii.] III.; iii. II. Egret's feathers, and egret-fan, I. xii. Elegant carriage, an, like egretsfiying IV. i [ii.] III. Elephant's teeth, IV. ii. III. 8. Etas, thorny and white, 1. x. II.; xii. II.; Six, I. xi. VII. Embankment, the, I. xii. VII. Embroidered robes, I- vii. XIV.; x. III.; xi. V.; skirt, I. xv. VI. I. Embroidery, shell-, II. v. VI. 1. Enceinte, the gate of the, 1II. i. III. 7. Engines of onfall and assault, III. i. VII. 7, 8. Engraved and chiseled ornaments, III. i. IV. 5. Enjoyment, advising present, I. x. II. Enlightening the people, II. ii. X. 6. Enmities, the sovereign of Yin con tracting, III. iii. I. 4. Entertainment, a royal, II. i. I.; of friends, II. i. V.; a district-, II. ii. III.; of ministers by the king, II. ii. VII.; of feudal princes, II. ii. IX.; vii. I.; II.; VII.; VIII. ; oi relatives, II. vii. Ill: III. ii. II.; III.; of personates of the dead, III. ii. IV. Envoy, ode on despatching an, II. i. Ephemera, an, I. xiv. I. Equipage of the bride of a marquis, I. v. III. Error, and confusion, in government, III. iii. II. 3 ; king Ch'ing acknow ledges his, IV- i. [in.] IV. Escorting, a duke, his uncle, I. xi. IX. Eunuch, I. xi. I.; Mang-tsze, an, suffering from slander, II. v. VI. Eunuchs interfering with govt., III. iii. X. Evening, a happy, I, x, V. Ewes, (emaciated) with large heads, II. viii. IX. 3. Examination of prisoners, IV. ii. III. Example, bad, of the king, II. vii. IX.; good of king Wan, III. i. VI. 1. Excitement of a gentleman in love, I. xii. VIII.; X. Excursion, an, I. xii. II. Expedition, an, to the East, I. xv. III.; IV.; VI. : H.'viii. VIII.: III. iii. VI.; to the 'North, II. i. VII.; VIII.; IX.; iii. III. ; to the South, II. iii. IV.; viii. III.; to the West, II. vi. III. ; against the tribes of the Hwae, III. iii. VIII.; IX.: IV. ii. III. • against King-ts'oo, IV. iii. V.; a hunting, II. iii. V. ; VI.; the toil of an, II. viii. VI. Expeditions, manytoilsome, II. viii. X. Experiences, bitter, IV. iii. IV. Extortion, in Wci, I. ix. VII.; of the officers of Yin-shang, III. iii. I. 2. Eye-brows, bushy, of old people, I. xv. I. 6 : H. ii'. VII. 4 : IV. i. [ii.] VII. ; VIII.; ii. IV. 5, 8; iii. II. Eyes, clear, I. vii. XX.; beautiful, I. viii. XI. Fabrics, dark-yellow and red, I. xv. I. 3. Face, a prince's, rouged, I. xi. V. ; a wrinkled, IV. iii. II. Faces, unblushing, II. v. IV. 5. Falcon, I. xi. VII.; II. iii. IX. Falcon-banners, I. iv. IX. 2: II. iii. III. 4: HI. iii. III. 2; VIII. 1. False hair, 1. iv. III. 2. Fame, endless, of king Wan, III. i. I. 2; X.; and foes of T'an-foo, III. i. III. 8 ; of T'ae-sze, III. i. VI. 1; of king Ke, III. i. VII. 4; virtuous, without fail, H. ii. V. 3; iii. VIII. 6 : IV. i. [ii.] 111.; brilliant of the marquis of Loo, IV. ii. III. 2; of Woo-ting, IV. iii. V. 5. 26

402 OF SUBJECTS. INDEX I. Families, the great, are buttresses, III. ' ii. X. 7. Family of king Woo, the, IV. i. [iii.] IX. Famine, I. vi. V.: III. iii. XI. 1 ; and death, II. iv. X. 1, 4: III. iii. IV. Farms, three hundred, I. ix. VI. Fat, offerings of, III. ii. I. 7. Fat and large, IV. ii. I.: and strong, IV. ii. II. Father and mother invoked, I. iii. IV. 4; thought of, I. ix. IV.; separa tion from, I. vi. VII.; none to be looked up to like a, II. v. III. 3. See Parents. Father of husbandry, the, II. vi. VII. 2; VIII. 2; of war, III. i. VII. 8 ; O great and august! IV. i. [iii.] I.; II.; Oh ! my great, IV. i. [iii.] I.; Favour of God, and of Heaven, on T'ang, IV. iii. IV. Favours conferred on feudal princes, by the king, II. vii. VIII. Favourite, indulgence of a, by king Yew, II. iv. VIII. Feast, a, I. vii. I.; a private, II. vi. V. 5 ; aparting, III. iii. V. C : VII. 3 : IV. i. [ii.] IX. Feasting, I. iii. X.; vii. III. : II. iii. III. 6: IV. i. [i.] IX. ; a bride, II. vii. IV.; drunken, II. vii. VI.; and deliberating, IV. ii. II. See Enter tainment, Festal. Feather, a pheasant's, I. iii. XIII.; egret's, I. xii. 1. Feather-figured shield, I. xi. III. Feathered streamers,!, iv. IX. 3; or naments, III. iii. VII. 2. Feathers, a screen of, 1. vi. III.; of the wild goose, I. x. VIII. ; chang ing, II. iv. V. 4; stuck in music- frames, IV. i. [ii.} V. Features, various ot a beauty, I. v. III. 2; V. 3. Felling trees, II. i. V. ; v. III. 7 : III. i. VII. 2 : IV. ii. IV. 9; iii. V. 6. Fence(s), II. vii. V. 1; good men are a, III. ii. X. 7. Ferns, I. ii. III.: II. i. VII.; v. X. 8. Festal ode, a, II. i. I.: II.; V. ; ii. III.; V.; VII.; IX.; X.; iii. I.; vi. V.: III. ii. II.; III.; IV. See Entertainment. Festivity of Ch'ing, I. vii. XXI. Fetid tree, the, used for firewood, I. xv. I. 6: II. iv IV. 1. Feudal princes, entertained bv the kin-, II. ii. IX. ; vii. I.; II. ;"VIL; VIII. ; a gathering of the, II. vi. IX.; X.; establishment of the, IV. i. p.] VIII. ; assisting at a sacrifice, IV. ii. VII. ; VIII. ; praise of, II. ii. IX. ; vi. X. ; vii. I. : IV. i. [i.] IV. Fields, should not be too large, I. viii. VII. ; of young millet, I. xiv. IV. ; public and private, II. vi. VIII. 3 : IV. i. [ii.] II. ; toiled in the open, II. iii. VII. 1 ; stony, II. iv. VIII. 7 ; laving out, II. vi. VI. : III. ii. VI. 5 ; iii. V. 3 : VII. 6 ; extensive, large, II. vi. VII. ; VIII. ; taken from the people, III. iii. X. 2. Field-work, I. iii. VI.; iv. VI. 3 ; xv. I.: IV. i. [ii.J I.; II.; iii. V. Filial feeling, the decay of, I. xiii. II.; of king Woo, III. i. IX. 3. 4 : IV. i. [ii.] VII.; [iii.] I.; of king \Tan, III. i. X. 3; of king Ch'imr, IV. i. [ii.] VIII. ; [iii.] I- ; of the marquis of Loo, IV. i. [n.] III. 4; of the king's son, III. ii. III. 5 ; men of, III. ii. VIII. 5. Filial doves, the, II. i. II. 3, 4 ; ii. V. 4. Fingers, delicate of a bride, I. ix. I. Fir-trees, I. xi. V.: II. i. VI. 6 : III. i. VII. 3. Fire, used in hunting, I. vii. IV. ; drought like, III. iii. IV. 5 ; king T'ang compared to a blazing, IV. iii. IV. 6. Fire-star, the, I. xv. 1. Firj-wood, I. i. IX.; X.; vi. IV.; vii. XVIII.; viii. VI. 4 ; x. V.; xv. I. C : II. iv. VI. 3 ; VIII. 4 ; v. III. 7 ; IX. 3 ; vii. IV. 4 ; viii. V. 4 : III. i. IV. 1 ; V. 5. Fire-wood, the, gatherers of, consult the, III. ii. X. 3. First-bom sun, III. i. I. 1. 2. Fish, I. v. III. 4 ; viii. IX.; xii. III.; xiii. IV.: II. ii. I.; iii. X.; iv. VIII. 11 : IV. i. [ii.] VI.; fresh, III. iii. VII. 3 ; dreaming of, II. iv. VI. 4; among the pond-weed, II. vii. VII. ; leap in the deep, III. i. V. 3 ; in thu Marvellous pond, III. i. VIII. 2; -net, 1. iii. XVIII. 3; v. III. 4; -basket, II. ii. III.; viii. IX. 3. See Barbel, Bream, Carp, Jitcan, Mud-fish, Rud, Sand-blower, Sturgeon, Tench, Yellow-jaws. Five braidings, the, of an officer, I. ii. VII.; wild boars, I. ii. XIII. Flags. See Banners. Flames, blaring, may be extinguished, II. iv. VIII. 8; troubles like, III. ii. X. 4. INDEX I. OF SUBJECTS. 403 Flattering parasites, III. ii. IX. Flaw, a, in speech, worse than in white jade, III. iii. II. 5. Flesh, roast and broiled, III. ii. I. 7; IV. 5. Flocks and herds, the largeness of king Scuen's, II. iv. VI. Flowers, of the peach tree, I. i. VI.; ii. XIII. 2; of the sparrow-plum, I. ii. XIII. 1; of the plum, I. ii, XIII. 2; of the ephemeral hedge-tree, I. vii. IX.; of the lotus, I. vii. X.; xii. X. ; of valerian, I. vii. XXI.; of the thorn-mallows, I. xii. II.; of the carambola tree, I. xiii. II. ; of the cherry-tree, II, i. IV. 1; VII. 4 ; of the bignonia, II. viii. IX.; of millet, II. i. VIII. 4 ; elegant as, I. ix. II.; brilliant, II. i. II. 1; splen did are the, II. vi. X. Flute, I. iii. XIII. : IV. iii. I.; the bamboo-, II. v. V/7 : III. ii. X. 6; double, IV. i. [ii.] V. Fly, the blue, I. viii. I.: II. vii. V. Flying away from sorrow, impossible, I. iii. I. 5; aloft to heaven, II. v. X. 7 ; egrets, IV. i. [ii.] III. Followers taken from private citizens by govt., III. iii. X. 2; numerous, of duke He, IV. ii. IV. 5. Folly of pursuing objects beyond one's strength, I. viii. VII.; of not enjoy ing good things, I. x. II. Food, spirits and, II. iv. V. 9 ; vi. VI. 3 : III. ii. VI. 4 ; bringing, to field- labourers, II. vi. VII. 3; Till. 4: IV. iii. V.; difficulty in getting, II. viii. IX. 3. See Viands. Foot, marching on, II. viii. III. 3 ; of the hill Han, III. i. V. Footmen, numerous, III. iii. V. 7; 30,000, IV. ii. IV. 5 ; and chariot eers, IV. ii. III. 7. Footsteps, successors treading in the, of predecessors, III. i. IX. Forage, and grain, II. vii. II. 2,.3. Forces, Ts'in raising, I. xi. VIII. Forcing a lady to marrv, I. ii. VI. Ford, I. iii. IX.; v. IX. Forefathers, thinking of our, II. v. II. 1; appeal to, II. v. X. 1. Forehead, a fine, I. iv. III.; vii. XX.; viii. Xl. Forest, I. i. VII. 3; ii. XII.; iii. VI.: II. iv. VIII. 4; vii. IV. 2; viii. V . 6: III. iii. Ill- 9; troops like a, HI. i. II. 7; How-tseih placed in a, III. ii. I. 3. Forgetfulness, the plant of, I. v. VIII. 4; of a husband, I. xi. VII. Former wealth and present distress, III. iii. XI. 5; kings, III. iii. XI. 7 : IV. i. [i.] IV; men, example of, IV. iii. I. Fortifying Ts'aou, I. iii. VI.; the city of Ts'e in the east, III. iii. VI. 7, 8. Forwards or backwards, impossible to go, III. iii. III. 9. Fountain, a, by a recluse's hut, I. xii. Four, a chariot and, I. vii. IV.; V. (See Horses) ; dishes of grain, I. xi. X. ; quarters, God surveyed the, III. i. VII. 1; quarters, the people of the. III. i. X. 4—6; seas, IV. iii. III. Fowls, I. vi. II. Foxes, I. iii. XVI.; v. IX. ; viii. VI.; xv. I. 4; the long-tailed, II. viii. X. 4; the white. III. iii. VII. 6. Fox-furs, I. iii. XII. 3; xi. V.; xiii, I. : II. viii. I. 1. Fragrance of a sacrifice, II. vi. VI. 6 : III. ii. I. 8. Frames, for building earthen walls, II. iv. V. 3: III. i. III. o, 6; music-, IV. i. [ii.] V. Friend, slandered by an old, II. v. V.; alienation of an old, II. v. VII. Friends, no, equal to brothers, II. i. IV.; left alone in office by, II. iv. IX. 8; insincere, III. iii. III. 9, 14; the king giving repose to his, III. ii. V. 4. Friendship, and gifts, I. v. X.; vii. VIII.; old, I. vii. VII.; the duty and value of, II. i. V.: like hills and mountains, IV. ii. IV. 4. Front-board of a carriage, IV. ii. VIII. Frontiers of the north, guarding the, Frontlets, carved, for horses, III. iii. Frugality and politeness, II. viii. VII. Fruits, the peach, I. i. VI. ; the plum, I. ii. IX.; the carambola, I. xiii. III.; grapes, sparrow-plums, dates, and bottle-gourds, I. xv. I. 6; heavenly gourds, I. xv. III. 2; bitter gourds. I. xv. III. 3; pears, II. i. IX. 1; medlars, II. i. IX. 3; gourds, II. vi. VI. 4; mulberries, IV. ii. III. 8; vessels of, III. iii. VII. 3. Fugitives, collected, II. i. IV. 2; the people are all wandering, III. iii. XI. 1. Fur-dress, I. vii. VI.; xv. I. 4: II. v. IX. 4. Furnace, a small, II. viii. V. 4. Furnaces, II. vi. V. 3. Gags, the ranks with the, I. xv. III. 1: III. ii. II. 8; III. 2.

400 OP SUBJECTS. INDEX I. INDEX I. <strong>OF</strong> SUBJECTS. 401<br />

II. i. IX. 4: in. i. III. 3; X. 7;<br />

of dreams, II. iv. V. 6, 7; VI. 4 ;<br />

plants for, I. xiv. IV.; with grain,<br />

II. v. II. 5.<br />

Diviner, the chief, II. iv. VI. 4; of<br />

dreams, II. iv. VIII. 5.<br />

Diving, I. i. IX.; iii. X. 4 ; fish, H.<br />

iv. VIII. 11; v. X. 7.<br />

Dodder, I. iv. IV. 1 : II. vii. III.<br />

Does, sleek and fat, in the Marvellous<br />

park, III. i. VIII. 2.<br />

Dog, I. ii. XH.; hunting-, I. xi. II.<br />

Dolichos, the, I. i. II. 1, 2; IV. 1;<br />

iii. Xn.; iv. III. 3; vi. VII.;<br />

Vin.; x. XL: III. i. V. 6; fibre,<br />

shoes of, I. viii. VI.; ix. I.: II. v.<br />

IX. 2.<br />

Domain. See Royal.<br />

Domestic life, a pleasant picture of, I.<br />

vii. VIII.<br />

Doom of the kingdom, the, III. iii.<br />

III. 2, 3.<br />

Door and screen, between the, I. viii.<br />

III.; of a recluse's hut, I. xii. III.;<br />

crickets about the, I. xv. I. 5.<br />

Doors of a palace, II. iv. V. 2.<br />

Dove, the, I. ii. I.; v. IV. 3; xiv.<br />

III.; the small cooing, II. v. II.<br />

Doves, Filial, II. i. II. 3, 4; ii. V. 4.<br />

Dragon, on upper robe, II. vii. VIII-<br />

1: III. iii. VII. 2.<br />

Dragon-flag, II. i. VIII. 3 ; iii. IV.<br />

•2 ; vii. VIII. 2 : III. iii. VII. 2 :<br />

IV. i. [ii.] VIII.; ii. III. 1; IV.<br />

3; iii. III.<br />

Draught Oxen, the, a constellation, II.<br />

v. IX. 6.<br />

Dreams, divining of, II. iv. V. 6, 7 ;<br />

VI. 4; VIII. 5.<br />

Dress, of great officers, I. ii. VII.;<br />

sorrow compared to an unwashed, I.<br />

iii. I. 5 ; colours of, I. iii. II.; of a<br />

ladv, I. iv. III.; v. III.; simplicity<br />

of, "II. viii. I.<br />

Drink and food, I. x. X. : II. i. VI.<br />

5; viii. VI.: III. ii. VI. 3.<br />

Drinking wine or srjirits, II. i. I.;<br />

IV.; V.: IV. ii. III. 3; to excess,<br />

II. ii. X.; v. II. 2; vii. VI.; IX.<br />

5; to the full, III. ii. HI.: IV. i.<br />

[i.] IX.; ii. II.; pleasure and, II.<br />

vi. I. 6 ; all round, II. vi. V. 3; the<br />

king happy while, II. vii. VII.;<br />

long life to the prince, I. xv. I. 8;<br />

the personator of the dead, III. ii.<br />

IV.; and dancing, IV. ii. II.<br />

Driver of a chariot, I. vii. V. 3: II.<br />

iv. VIII.<br />

Drought, I. vi. V.: III. iii. IV.; the<br />

demon of, III. iii. IV. 5; as in a<br />

year of, III. iii. XI. 4.<br />

Drummers and jinglers, II. iii. IV. 3.<br />

Drums, I. i. I. 3; xii. I. : II. i. V. 3 :<br />

III. ii. II. 2: IV. i. [ii.] V.; the<br />

roll of, I. iii. V. 1; II. iii. IV. 3;<br />

vi. IV. 2, 3 ; VII. 2: III. i. III. 6:<br />

IV. ii. II. ; iii. I. ; and bells, I. x.<br />

II.: II. iii. I. : II. vii. VI. 1, 2;<br />

viii. V. 5 : III. i. VIII. 3, 4 ; IV.<br />

• i. [i.] IX.; hand-, IV. i. [ii.] V.<br />

Drunk, not returning until, II. ii. X.<br />

1; the Spirits have, or are, II. vi.<br />

V. 5, 6; I croon as if, III. iii. III.<br />

13.<br />

Drunkenness, II. vii. VI.<br />

Dry provisions, faults in the matter<br />

o'f, II. i. V. 3.<br />

Dryandras, III. ii. VIII. 9.<br />

Ducal court-yard, I. iii. XIII.<br />

Ducks, wild, I. vii. VIII. 1: HI. ii.<br />

IV. ; tho Yellow, II. vii. II.; viii.<br />

V. 7.<br />

Duck-weed, I. i. I. 2, 3.<br />

Duke of Shaou, I. ii. V. : III. ii.<br />

VIII.; of Ch'ing, I. vii. IV.<br />

Duke of Chow, IV. ii. IV. 3; praise<br />

of the, I. xv. V.; VI.; VII.; ex<br />

pedition to the east, I. xv. III.;<br />

IV. ; vindicates his course, in the<br />

character of a bird robbed of its<br />

voung, I. xv. ii.<br />

Duke of Loo, the first, IV. ii. IV. 3.<br />

the ancient, T'an foo, III. i. III.;<br />

Lew, III. ii. VI.; Woo's counsels,<br />

III. iii. II.; of Sung1, at the court<br />

of Chow, IV. i. [ii.] IX.; Hoof Loo,<br />

IV. ii. IV.<br />

Dukes, I. iii. XIII. 3 : II. i. VI. 4 :<br />

III. iii. IV. 7.<br />

Dumplings, III. i. III. 3.<br />

Dust, do not raise the, II. iii. II.<br />

Duties, social, IV. i. [i.] X.; public<br />

IV. i. [ii.] I.<br />

Dutifulness of king Wan's queen, I.<br />

i. II.<br />

Dykes, IV. i. [iii.] V.<br />

Dynasties, the two earlier, HI. i. VII.<br />

1: IV. i. [ii.] III. See IKa, bhang,<br />

Yin; INDEX II.<br />

Eagle, II. v. X. 7 ; like an, on the<br />

wing, III. i. II. 8.<br />

Ear, an, laid close to a wall, II. v.<br />

III. 8.<br />

Ears, stopced, I. iii. XII. 4 ; cutting<br />

off the left, III. i . VII. 8 : IV. ii.<br />

III. 5; I hold you by the, III. iii.<br />

II. 10.<br />

Ear-plugs, I. iv. III.; v. I. 2; viii.<br />

III.: II. viii. I. 3.<br />

Ears of grain, left in the field, II. vi.<br />

VIII. 3 ; like the teeth of a comb,<br />

IV. iii. VI.<br />

Earl of Shaou, the, building the city<br />

'of Seay, &c., II. viii. III.: III. iii.<br />

V. of JUT'S ode, III. iii. III.<br />

Early, rising, II. v. II. 4: III. iii. II.<br />

4; instruction, III. iii. II. 10;<br />

feasting, IV. ii. II.; and late, busy,<br />

III. iii. VI. 4; VII. 1. See Dawn.<br />

Earth, this lower, I. Hi. IV. See<br />

World.<br />

Earth used in building walls, II. iii.<br />

VII. 2; iv. V. 3 : III. i. III. 6.<br />

Earthen vessel, I. xii, I.; -ware stands,<br />

III. ii. I. 8.<br />

Ease, a little, desired for the people,<br />

III. ii. IX.<br />

East, the sun hi the, I. viii. IV.; dawn<br />

in the, I. viii. V. ; hills of the, an<br />

expedition to the, I. xv. I If.; IV.;<br />

VI. : II. viii. VIII. : III. iii. VI.;<br />

going to the, to hunt, II. iii. V.;<br />

those tribes of the, IV. ii. III. 6;<br />

the States of the, made to serve the<br />

West, II. v. IX.; gate, the, I. vii.<br />

XV.; XIX.; xii. II.; IV.; V. ;<br />

wind, gentle, I. iii. X.: II. v. VII.<br />

Easy and indifferent, I. iii. XIII.; the<br />

enlightening of people, III. ii. X. 6 ;<br />

and self-possessed was our prince,<br />

II. i. V.; ii. VII.; VIII.<br />

Eating the bread of office, III. iii. III.<br />

6 ; and drinking to the full, IV. i.<br />

IX.; field labourers, their meal, IV.<br />

iii. V.<br />

Eaves, crickets under the, I. xv. I. 5.<br />

Eclipsed, the sun, II. iv. IX.<br />

Egrets, like a fiock of,' on the wing,<br />

IV. i. [ii.] III.; iii. II.<br />

Egret's feathers, and egret-fan, I. xii.<br />

Elegant carriage, an, like egretsfiying<br />

IV. i [ii.] III.<br />

Elephant's teeth, IV. ii. III. 8.<br />

Etas, thorny and white, 1. x. II.; xii.<br />

II.; Six, I. xi. VII.<br />

Embankment, the, I. xii. VII.<br />

Embroidered robes, I- vii. XIV.; x.<br />

III.; xi. V.; skirt, I. xv. VI. I.<br />

Embroidery, shell-, II. v. VI. 1.<br />

Enceinte, the gate of the, 1II. i. III. 7.<br />

Engines of onfall and assault, III. i.<br />

VII. 7, 8.<br />

Engraved and chiseled ornaments, III.<br />

i. IV. 5.<br />

Enjoyment, advising present, I. x. II.<br />

Enlightening the people, II. ii. X. 6.<br />

Enmities, the sovereign of Yin con<br />

tracting, III. iii. I. 4.<br />

Entertainment, a royal, II. i. I.; of<br />

friends, II. i. V.; a district-, II. ii.<br />

III.; of ministers by the king, II.<br />

ii. VII.; of feudal princes, II. ii.<br />

IX.; vii. I.; II.; VII.; VIII. ;<br />

oi relatives, II. vii. Ill: III. ii. II.;<br />

III.; of personates of the dead,<br />

III. ii. IV.<br />

Envoy, ode on despatching an, II. i.<br />

Ephemera, an, I. xiv. I.<br />

Equipage of the bride of a marquis,<br />

I. v. III.<br />

Error, and confusion, in government,<br />

III. iii. II. 3 ; king Ch'ing acknow<br />

ledges his, IV- i. [in.] IV.<br />

Escorting, a duke, his uncle, I. xi. IX.<br />

Eunuch, I. xi. I.; Mang-tsze, an,<br />

suffering from slander, II. v. VI.<br />

Eunuchs interfering with govt., III.<br />

iii. X.<br />

Evening, a happy, I, x, V.<br />

Ewes, (emaciated) with large heads,<br />

II. viii. IX. 3.<br />

Examination of prisoners, IV. ii. III.<br />

Example, bad, of the king, II. vii.<br />

IX.; good of king Wan, III. i. VI. 1.<br />

Excitement of a gentleman in love, I.<br />

xii. VIII.; X.<br />

Excursion, an, I. xii. II.<br />

Expedition, an, to the East, I. xv. III.;<br />

IV.; VI. : H.'viii. VIII.: III. iii.<br />

VI.; to the 'North, II. i. VII.;<br />

VIII.; IX.; iii. III. ; to the South,<br />

II. iii. IV.; viii. III.; to the West,<br />

II. vi. III. ; against the tribes of<br />

the Hwae, III. iii. VIII.; IX.:<br />

IV. ii. III. • against King-ts'oo,<br />

IV. iii. V.; a hunting, II. iii. V. ;<br />

VI.; the toil of an, II. viii. VI.<br />

Expeditions, manytoilsome, II. viii. X.<br />

Experiences, bitter, IV. iii. IV.<br />

Extortion, in Wci, I. ix. VII.; of the<br />

officers of Yin-shang, III. iii. I. 2.<br />

Eye-brows, bushy, of old people, I.<br />

xv. I. 6 : H. ii'. VII. 4 : IV. i. [ii.]<br />

VII. ; VIII.; ii. IV. 5, 8; iii. II.<br />

Eyes, clear, I. vii. XX.; beautiful, I.<br />

viii. XI.<br />

Fabrics, dark-yellow and red, I. xv. I.<br />

3.<br />

Face, a prince's, rouged, I. xi. V. ; a<br />

wrinkled, IV. iii. II.<br />

Faces, unblushing, II. v. IV. 5.<br />

Falcon, I. xi. VII.; II. iii. IX.<br />

Falcon-banners, I. iv. IX. 2: II. iii.<br />

III. 4: HI. iii. III. 2; VIII. 1.<br />

False hair, 1. iv. III. 2.<br />

Fame, endless, of king Wan, III. i. I.<br />

2; X.; and foes of T'an-foo, III.<br />

i. III. 8 ; of T'ae-sze, III. i. VI. 1;<br />

of king Ke, III. i. VII. 4; virtuous,<br />

without fail, H. ii. V. 3; iii. VIII.<br />

6 : IV. i. [ii.] 111.; brilliant of the<br />

marquis of Loo, IV. ii. III. 2; of<br />

Woo-ting, IV. iii. V. 5.<br />


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