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396 OF SUBJECTS. INDEX I. INDEX I. OF SUBJECTS. 397 a palace, II. iv. V.; the city of Seay, II. viii. III.: III. iii. V.; temples, IV. ii. IV. 9; iii. V. 6 ; walls, II. i. VIII. 3 ; iii. VII. 2; iv. V. : III. i. III. 6. Bull, sacrificing a red, II. vi. VI. 5: III. i. V. 4; a white and a red, 1V. ii. IV. 4 ; a black-muzzled, tawny, IV. iii. VI.; a noble, IV. ii. VII.; and a ram, a, IV. i. p.] VII. Bull-figured goblet, IV. ii. IV. 4. Burdens, carrying, II. viii. III. 2. Burdened, the people are heavily, III. ii. IX. Bury, some one will, a dead man, II. v. III. 6. Burying alive, barbarous practice of, I. xi. VI.; sacrificial offerings, III. iii. IV. 2. Bushes, clearing away, IV. i. [iii.] V. Bushy clumps, III. i. VII. 2. Buekins, II. vii. VIII. 3. Buttresses, the great families (feudal chiefs) are, II. vii. I.: III. ii. X. 7. Calabashes, used as cups, III. ii. VI. 4. Calamity, reduced to ashes by, III. iii. III. 2. Calumnies, rife among the people, II. iv. VIII. 1, 0 ; encouragement given to, by the king, II. vii. IX. See Slander. Cap of duke Woo of Wei, I. v. I. 2; the strings of a, I. viii. VI. 2; wearing a, I. viii. VII. 3: IV. i. [iii.] VII.; a white, I. xiii. II.; of spotted deer-skin, I. xiv. III.; a leather, II. vii. III. 1 ; peculiar, of Yin, III. i. I. 5 . Caps on one side, drunken men with, II. vii. VI. 4. Capital, the old of Chow, I. vi. I.; II. viii. I. ; of Chow, I. xiv. IV.; III. i. I. 5 ; II. 2, 6 ; IX.; X.; remove to the royal, II. iv. X. 7 ; the east ern, II. vi. IX.; of the State of Shin, III. iii. V. 2 ; of Shang, IV. iii. V. 5 : need of reformation in the, HI. ii. IX. Capitals, assigned within the sphere of Yu's labours, IV. iii. V. 3. Captives, II. iii. IV. 4: III. i. Vii. 8; iii. IX. 4. See Prisoners. Cararnbola tree, I. xiii. III. Careful as on the brink of a gulf, &c., II. v. I. 6 ; II. 6 ; be, III. iii. II. 6. Carnation-gem, I. vi. IX. Carp, the, 1. xii. III. : II. ii. III. 6 : IV. ii. VI. Carriage(s), I. ii. I.; iii. IX.; XII. 3 ; XVI. 3; iv. VI. 3 ; IX.; v. III. 3, 4; V. 4; vii. IX.; XIV.; ix. II.; x. II.; xi. II.; III.; xv. III. 1 : II. i. VIII.; vii. IV.; viii. VI. ; of the king's daughter, I. ii. XIII.; the great, I. vi. IX. ; of State, I. xi. IX. : II. vii. VIII. 1 : III. iii. V. 5: VII. 3 ; of a general, II. i. VII. 4; iii. IV. I; war-, II. iii. III.; loaded, II. iv. VIII. 9, 10 ; many, I. xi. I.: II. vi. VII. 4 : III. ii. VIII. 10. See Chariot. Carriage-cover, II. vi. VII. 4. Carriage-horses, splendid, IV. ii. I. See Horses. Carriage-officers, II. i. VIII. 1, 2. Carts, I. x. I.; box-, II. viii. X. 4. Caterpillars, I. xv. III. I. Cats, wild, I. xv. I. 4: III. iii. VII. 5. Cattle, herds of, II. iv. VI.; and sheep, III. ii. II. I. Caution, exhortations to, III. iii. II. ; IX. I; you employ, III. iii. III. 5. Caves made by T'an-foo, before there were houses, III. i. III. Cedar, I. v. V. 4. Celebrating, an officer, I. vii. VI.: II. iii. III.; the king feasting with his relatives, II. vii. III.; the services of the earl of Shaou, II. viii. III.; king Wan, III. i. I. to VII.: IV. i. [i.] I.; II.; IH.; V.; VII.; [iii.] X.; the mother and wife of king Wan, III. i. II.; VI. I; the ap pointment of the chief of Shin, III. iii. V.; Chung Shan-foo, III. iii. VI.; How-tseih, III. ii. I.: IV. i. [i.] X.; ii. IV. 1; the representa tives of two former dynasties, IV. i. ;ii.] III.; the duke of Sung, IV. i. ii.] IX.; a marquis of Loo, IV. ii. .; II.; III.; duke He of Loo, IV. ii. IV. ; S'eeh, and his descendants, IV. iii. IV. ; Woo-ting, IV. iii. V.; king Woo, IV. i. [ii.] X.; [iii.] IX. Celery, II. i. I. I. Cent, per cent., three times, III. iii. X. 4. Centre of attraction to the people, the sovereign should be, III. ii. VII. 2, 3 ; of the kingdom, the capital die, III. i. VII. 6; ii. IX.; iii. I. 4. Cereals, How-tseih sowed the ground with yellow, III. ii. I. 5. Ceremonies, provision for all, IV. iii. V. Chamber, a lovely girl in a, I. viii. IV.; you should not be ashamed when the light shines into your, III. iii. II. 7. Changes of the seasons, I. xv. I. Charge, king Seuen's, to the earl of Shaou, II I. iii. V.; to Chung Shan- foo, III. iii. VI. 3, 4; to the mar quis of Han, III. iii. VII.; to Hoo of Shaou, in. iii. VTIL; to Hwang- foo, III. iii. IX. Chariot(s), I. iii. XIV. 3; v. I. 3 ; VIII. I; vii. IV.; V. ; viii. X.; xiii. IV.: II. i. VIII. 3; viii. III.: III. iii. II. 4; VIII. I; description of, I. xi. III.; made of sandal- wood, I. ix. VI.: II. i. IX. 3 : III. i. II. 8 ; ten large, war-, II. iii. III. 4 ; three thousand war-, II. iii. IV.; hunting, II. iii. IV. ; VI.; and horses, II. iv. IX. 6; a hundred, III. iii. VII. 4; a thousand, IV. ii. IV. 5 ; very large war-, IV. ii. III. 7- See Carriage. Charioteer, I. xi. II.; III. Charioteers, numerous, III. iii. V. 7; and footmen, IV. ii. III. 7. Check, tripe and, III. ii. II. 2. Cheerfulness of the people of Tsin, I. x. I. Cherishing the thought of king Wan, IV. i. [iii.] X. Cherry tree, II. i. IV. 1; VII. 4. Chestnut trees, I. iv. VI. 1; vii. XV.; x. II.; xi. I.: xv. III. 3: II. v. X. 4. Chief of Shaou, memory of the, I. ii. V. ; of Seun, I. xiv. IV. ; of the States of the north, III. iii. VII. 6; an unkind, I. x. VII. Chiefs of the savage tribes, II. iii. IV. 4 ; of Joo and Juy, III. i. III. 9 ; of the region of Seu, III. iii. IX. 6. Child, a tender, I. viii. VII. 3; the little (the king), III. iii. VIII. 4 : IV. i. [iii.] I.; II.; III. Child's teeth, along with gray hair, IV. ii. IV. 8. Child-like joy, II. i. IV. 6. Children, the people served king Wan as his, III. i. VIII. 1; though you may be as, III. ii. IX. 4 ; treat the people as your, III. iii. II. G. Chisel(s) and polisher, I. v. I. 1; we splintered our, I. xv. IV. 2. Chiseled ornaments, III. i. IV. 5. Cicada, the, I. xv. I. 4: II. v. III. 4 ; like the noise of the, III. iii. I. 6 ; a lady's forehead, like, I. v. III. 2. Circlet of water, a hall with a, III. i. VIII. 3, 4; X. 6. City, Hwang-foo built a great, for himself, II. iv. IX. 6 ; of Ts'e, fortifying the, III. iii. VI. 7, 8. Civil virtues of the king, III. iii. VIII. 6 ; and martial qualities, IV. ii. III. 4. See Peace. Clan, the head of the Yin-, 111. iii. IX. 2. Cluth, fine and coarse, I. i. II. 2;—v. IV. 1. Clothes, a queen washing her own, I. i. II. 3 ; putting on, upside down, I. viii. V. ; a bride making, I. ix. I.; of mourners, I. xiii. II. See Gar ments, Robes, & I. iii. IX.; v. IX.; vii. XIV. ; viii. V.; x. II. ; III.; xi. V.; VIII. Cloud, virgius like a beautiful, III. iii. VII. 4. Clouds of girls, I. vii. XIX. ; of at tendants, I. viii. IX. ; of snow, II. i. VII. 6 ; an arch of, II. vi. VI. 2; dense masses of, II. vi. VIII. 3; white, II. viii. V. 2. Cloudy weather, I. iii. V.; X. Clubs, I. xv. IV. 3. Cobras and other serpents, dreaming about, II. iv. V. 6, 7: and efts. II. iv. VIII. 6. Cock-crow, I. vii. VIII.; XVI.; viii. I. Coiffure, gray and madder-dyed, I. vii. XIX. Cold water from a spring, I. iii. VII. 3 ; xiv. IV. : II. v. IX. 3. Cold of winter, the, I. xv. I.; and heat, passing through, II. vi. III. Collar, a vermilion, I. x. III. ; a blue. I. vii. XVII. College of Loo, the state-, IV. ii. III. Colours, significance of, I. iii. II. Colt, a brilliant white, II. iv. II. Comb, ears of corn like the teeth of a, IV. iii. VI. Comb-pin of ivory, I. iv. III. 2. Commander of the guards, III. iii. IV. 7. Compassion for the people, the duke of Chow's, I. xv. IV.: have, III. iii. III. 1. Compassionate Heaven, arrayed in terrors, II. iv. X. I; v. I. I. Complaint, a wife's, I. iii. IV.; X. ; of the ministers of Le, I. iii. XII.; of the baroness of Heu, I. iv. X.; of a woman, I. vii. XV. ; of hard treatment by a great officer, I. x. VII.; of a eunuch suffering from slander, II. v. VI. ; of alienation of an old friend, II. v. VII.; of an officer on duty, II. vi. I.; II.; III.; of king Yew's queen, II. viii. IV.; of inferior against superiors, II. viii. VI.; of an officer against his fel lows, III. ii. X. See Lament. Compliments, frivolous and vainglori ous, I. viii. II. Confusion, breeders of, III. iii. XI. 2 ; the country all going to, III. iii. XI. 4. Congratulation of troops, II. i. VIII.; IX.; of king Ch'ing, HI. ii. VIII. \l

398 OF SUBJECTS. INDEX I. Conjunction of the sun and moon, II. iv. IX. Conquest of Yin, IV. i. [ii.] X.; of King-ts'oo, IV. iii. V. Conscience, people who have no, II. vii. IX. 4. Constant social duties, the, IV. i. [i. J X. Constellation, II. v. VI. 2; IX. 5, 6, 7 : III. i. IV. 4. Constellations and Stars. See Draught Oxen, Orion, Fire Star, Pleiades, Hesperus, Rabbit Net, Hyadcs, Sieve, Ladle, Three Stars, Lucifer, Ting, Milky Way, Weaving Sisters. Contempt shown to a worthy man, I. iii. I.; of instruction, III. iii. II. II. Contrast of beauty with vice, I. iv. III. ; of a man's own poor wife with flaunting beauties, I. vii. XIX. Convivial entertainment, II. ii. X. Convolvulus, I. x. XI. Convoying with a feast, IV. i. [ii-l IX. Cook, the chief, III. iii. IV. 7. Cooking fish, I. xiii. IV. Correct and upright, the Spiritshearken to the, II. ii. III. 4, 0. Couches, to sleep on, boys shall have, II. iv. V. 8 ; lolling on, II. vi. I. 4. Counsels and plans, bad followed, and good rejected, II. v. I.: III. iii. III.; duke Woo's, III. iii. II. Counsellors, bad, II. v. I.: III. iii. III. Country, Chow was an old, III. i. I. I; groat, III. i. VII. 4, 5 ; reduced to order, III. iii. VIII. 2, 3; IX. 6. Courage, unprincipled men without, II. v. IV. 6. Court, the royal, I. i. X. ; groat officers of a, 1. ii. VII. ; of a duke, I. vii. I. ; early, I. viii. I. ; the open, I. viii. III.; irregularity of a, I. viii. V. ; of the temple of Chow, IV. i. [ii.] V.; [iii.] I.; II.; of Loo, IV. ii. II.; of Tsin, pleasure and freedom of, I. xi. I.; of Yin, III. iii. I.; princes who do not come to, III. iii. VII. 2 ; the marquis of Hail came to, III. iii. VIII. 1 ; the feudal princes at, II. ii. IX.; vii. I.; II.; VII.; VIII. ; holding, I. xiii. I. ; think ing, of the officers at, II. vi. III. Court-gate, III. i. III. 7. Court-yard, I. ix. VI.; x. II. • III. iii. II. 4"; a ducal, I. iii. XIII. 2: a torch blazing in the, II. iii. VIII.; of a palace, II. iv. V. 5. Cousin, 1. xi. IX. ; note, III. iii. V. 5. Cousins, I. iii. XIV. Covetous men try to subvert their peers, III. iii. III. 13. Cowries, a hundred sets of, II. iii. II. 3. Cows, I. vi. II. Cranes, I. xv. III. 3; the common, II. viii. V. 6; the cry of, II. iii. X. Creepers, the dolichos and other, I. i. IV.; vi. VII.: III. i. V. 6. Creeping grass, I. vii. XX. Cress, water, II. vii. VIII. 2 : IV. ii. III. 1. Cricket, I. x. I.; xv. I. 5. Crime, what is my ? II. v. III. 1 ; the net of, III. iii. X. 1; XL 2. Criminals indeed suffering, but the innocent also ruined, II. iv. X. 1. Crops, good, II. vi. VII. 3, 4. See Years. Cross-board of a carriage, II. ii. IX. 4. Crows, I. iii. XVI. 3 : II. iv. VIII. 3; v. III. 1; distinguishing the male and female, II. iv. VIII. 5. Cruelties of Yin, IV. ii. X. Cry, of birds, II. i. V. 1; of the oriole, II. i. VIII. 6 ; of wild geese, II. iii. VII. 3 ; of the crane, II. iii. X.; of a male child, loud, II. iv. V. 8 ; of the infant How-tseih, III. ii. I. 3. Cubit-line, IV. ii. IV. 9. Cubits, five thousand, of walls, II. iii. VII.; iv. V.: III. \ . III. 6. Culmination of Stars, I. iv. IV. 1; xv. I. 1. Cultivation of the fields, the common, III. ii. VI. 5. See Agricultural. Cup(s), I. iii. XIII. 3; XIV. 2, 3: II. iii. VI. 4 ; vi. V. 3; viii. VII.; of rhinoceros-horn, I. xv. I. 8: II. vii. I. 4; the pledge-, II. v. III. 7; vii. VI. 1; viii. VII. 4: III. ii. II. 2; of rest, II. vii. VI. 2; libation-, III. i. IV. 2; V. 2 ; iii. VIII. 5 ; calabashes used as, III. ii. VI. 4. Curses, oaths and, III. iii. I. 3. Cvpress-wood, I. iii. I. 1: II. i. VI. '6 ; vii. III. 1 : III. i. VII. 3 : IV. ii. IV. 9; V. 6. Daily inspects us, Heaven, IV. i. [iii.] Dam in a stream, a, I. iii. X. 3; v. IX. 1; viii. IX.; xiv. II.: II. v. III. 8; V. 1, 2,4; viii. V. 6, 7. Dancers, IV. ii. IV. 4. Dancing, I. iii. XIII.; viii. XI.; xii. II.: II. vi. IV. 4; vii. IV. 3. IV. iii. I.; riotous, II. vii. VI. Darnel, I. viii.VII. 1,2: II. vi.VIIL 2. INDEX I. or SUBJECTS. 309 Dates, (fruit), I. xv. 1. 6. Daughter, of a king, I. ii. XIII.; of the house of Wei, i. v. V. Daughters, low estimate of, II. iv. V. 9. Dawn, early, I. ii. II. 3; VI. 1; X. 1; iii. IX. 3; iv. VI. 3 ; vii. VIII.; viii. I.; V. : II. v. II. 1. Day, one, like three months, &c., I. vi. VIII-; vii. XVII.; a lucky, II. iii. VI.; you turn the, into night, III. iii. I. 5; and night. See Night. Days and months, I. x. I.; passing, II. v. II. 4. Dead, antelope, I. ii. XII.; deer, ib. ; man, II. i. III. 6; representatives of the, II. vi. V. 1; VI. 3 ; vii. VI. 2 : III. ii. III. 3; IV.; X. 5. Death, and burial, II. i. IV. 2; of two youths, I. iii. XIX. ; we should enjoy our good things before, I. x. II: II. vii. III. 3 ; is approaching, III. iii. IV. 8. Decay of the power of Chow, I. xiii. IV. ; of filial piety, I. xiii. II. Decrees, the king's bright, III. iii. VI. 2, 3. Deep, fish in the, II. iii. X. ; v. X. 7: III. i. V. 3. Deur, I. ii. XII. 2 : III. iii. VII. 5 ; -fields, I. xv. III. 2; calling to one another, II. i. I. ; herds of, in a forest, III. iii. III. 9. Deer-skin cap, I. xiv. III. Defects in the king's duties, III. iii. VI. 6. Degradation of the eldest son of king Seuen, II. v. III.; of king Yew's queen, II. viii. V.; we are con stantly subjected to, III. iii. XI. 3. Deluge, the, IV. iii. IV. 1. Demeanour, 1 correctness of, in former Deportment, J times, II. viii. I. ; be careful of your, III. ii. IX. 3; X. 5 ; duke Woo on. III. iii. II.; of Chung Shan-foo, III. iii. VI. 2; of the marquis of Loo, IV. ii. III. i. Demon, the, of drought, III. iii. IV. 5. Denunciation of the Grand-master Yin, II. iv. VII. Descendant, the distant, II. vi. VI.; VII. ; VIII. : III. ii. II. 4 : IV. i. [i.] II.; filial, II. vi. V. : IV. ii. IV. 4; of Nan Chung, III. iii. IX. I; of tho duke of Chow, IV. i. [ii.] IV. 3 ; of king Tang, IV. iii. I.; II.; V. 1.; of Woo-ting, IV. iii. III. Descendants, of Wan and Woo, III. i. I. 2 : IV. i. [i.] IV.; V.; of Shang, III. i. I. 4; promised to the king, III. ii. III. 8; thousands and hun dreds of thousands of, III. ii. V. 2 ; in unbroken line, III. ii. II. 6 ; ensuring prosperity to, IV. i. [ii.] VII.; iii. V.; prayer that goodness may be transmitted to, IV. ii. II. Desolation of the State of Wei, I. iv. X.; of the old capital of Chow, 1. vi. I.; of the country, III. iii. XI. 1. Despatching an envoy, ode on, II. i. Deterioration of virtue brings distress, III. iii. II. 12. Devotion to duty, I. iv. VI.; v. IV. 5 ; of duke Lew to the people, III. ii. VI. Devourers of grain, II. vi. VIII. 2: III. iii. III. 7. Dew, morning, I. ii. VI- 1; exposed to the, I. iii. XI. ; loaded with, I. vii. XX.: II. ii. IX. 3, 4; white, I. xi. IV.; on southernwood, II. ii. IX.; on rushes and grass, II. viii. V. 2. Dew-lap, the wolf's, I. xv. VII. Difficulties of tho kingdom, the many, - IV. i. [iii.] IV. Dignity and happiness of the persona- tors "of the dead, III. ii. IV. ; and riches of king Tang, IV. iii. IV. 4, 5. Disappointment at not meeting a lady, I. iii. XVII. ; of an officer who re moved to another State. II. iv. III.; IV. Discretion of the people of Tsin, I. x.I. Dishes, I. xi. X.; made of bamboo and wood, II. vii. VI. 1 : III. ii. 111. 4 : IV. ii. IV. 4; at ancestral service, II. vi. V. 3 ; with food and drink, II. i. IV. 6; of grain, II. i. V. 2: III. ii. I. 7; of millet, II. v. IX. : IV. iii. III. Disorder of the times, II. iii. IX. ; iv. VII. to X.; v. I.; II. : IV.; IX.; X.: III. ii. IX.; X.; iii. III. X.; of drunkenness, II. vii. VI.; of the people, the cause of tho, III. iii. III. II, 15. Dissatisfaction and distress, III. iii. III. 3. Dissipation of the officers of Ch'in, I. xii. I. Distance, things more difficult to over come than, I. v. VII. Distent people, I. viii. VII. Distilling, III. ii. I. 7. Distress, former wealth contrasted with present, III. iii. XI. o. Ditches, T'an-foo dug the, III. i. III. 4. Dividing the land, III. i. III. 4; iii. VIII. 3: IV. iii. IV. 1. Divination, I. iv. VI. 2; v. IV. 2:

396 <strong>OF</strong> SUBJECTS. INDEX I. INDEX I. <strong>OF</strong> SUBJECTS. 397<br />

a palace, II. iv. V.; the city of<br />

Seay, II. viii. III.: III. iii. V.;<br />

temples, IV. ii. IV. 9; iii. V. 6 ;<br />

walls, II. i. VIII. 3 ; iii. VII. 2;<br />

iv. V. : III. i. III. 6.<br />

Bull, sacrificing a red, II. vi. VI. 5:<br />

III. i. V. 4; a white and a red, 1V.<br />

ii. IV. 4 ; a black-muzzled, tawny,<br />

IV. iii. VI.; a noble, IV. ii. VII.;<br />

and a ram, a, IV. i. p.] VII.<br />

Bull-figured goblet, IV. ii. IV. 4.<br />

Burdens, carrying, II. viii. III. 2.<br />

Burdened, the people are heavily, III.<br />

ii. IX.<br />

Bury, some one will, a dead man, II.<br />

v. III. 6.<br />

Burying alive, barbarous practice of,<br />

I. xi. VI.; sacrificial offerings, III.<br />

iii. IV. 2.<br />

Bushes, clearing away, IV. i. [iii.] V.<br />

Bushy clumps, III. i. VII. 2.<br />

Buekins, II. vii. VIII. 3.<br />

Buttresses, the great families (feudal<br />

chiefs) are, II. vii. I.: III. ii. X. 7.<br />

Calabashes, used as cups, III. ii. VI. 4.<br />

Calamity, reduced to ashes by, III. iii.<br />

III. 2.<br />

Calumnies, rife among the people, II.<br />

iv. VIII. 1, 0 ; encouragement given<br />

to, by the king, II. vii. IX. See<br />

Slander.<br />

Cap of duke Woo of Wei, I. v. I. 2;<br />

the strings of a, I. viii. VI. 2;<br />

wearing a, I. viii. VII. 3: IV. i.<br />

[iii.] VII.; a white, I. xiii. II.; of<br />

spotted deer-skin, I. xiv. III.; a<br />

leather, II. vii. III. 1 ; peculiar, of<br />

Yin, III. i. I. 5 .<br />

Caps on one side, drunken men with,<br />

II. vii. VI. 4.<br />

Capital, the old of Chow, I. vi. I.; II.<br />

viii. I. ; of Chow, I. xiv. IV.; III.<br />

i. I. 5 ; II. 2, 6 ; IX.; X.; remove<br />

to the royal, II. iv. X. 7 ; the east<br />

ern, II. vi. IX.; of the State of Shin,<br />

III. iii. V. 2 ; of Shang, IV. iii. V.<br />

5 : need of reformation in the, HI.<br />

ii. IX.<br />

Capitals, assigned within the sphere of<br />

Yu's labours, IV. iii. V. 3.<br />

Captives, II. iii. IV. 4: III. i. Vii.<br />

8; iii. IX. 4. See Prisoners.<br />

Cararnbola tree, I. xiii. III.<br />

Careful as on the brink of a gulf, &c.,<br />

II. v. I. 6 ; II. 6 ; be, III. iii. II. 6.<br />

Carnation-gem, I. vi. IX.<br />

Carp, the, 1. xii. III. : II. ii. III. 6 :<br />

IV. ii. VI.<br />

Carriage(s), I. ii. I.; iii. IX.; XII.<br />

3 ; XVI. 3; iv. VI. 3 ; IX.; v.<br />

III. 3, 4; V. 4; vii. IX.; XIV.;<br />

ix. II.; x. II.; xi. II.; III.; xv.<br />

III. 1 : II. i. VIII.; vii. IV.; viii.<br />

VI. ; of the king's daughter, I. ii.<br />

XIII.; the great, I. vi. IX. ; of<br />

State, I. xi. IX. : II. vii. VIII. 1 :<br />

III. iii. V. 5: VII. 3 ; of a general,<br />

II. i. VII. 4; iii. IV. I; war-, II.<br />

iii. III.; loaded, II. iv. VIII. 9,<br />

10 ; many, I. xi. I.: II. vi. VII. 4 :<br />

III. ii. VIII. 10. See Chariot.<br />

Carriage-cover, II. vi. VII. 4.<br />

Carriage-horses, splendid, IV. ii. I.<br />

See Horses.<br />

Carriage-officers, II. i. VIII. 1, 2.<br />

Carts, I. x. I.; box-, II. viii. X. 4.<br />

Caterpillars, I. xv. III. I.<br />

Cats, wild, I. xv. I. 4: III. iii. VII. 5.<br />

Cattle, herds of, II. iv. VI.; and sheep,<br />

III. ii. II. I.<br />

Caution, exhortations to, III. iii. II. ;<br />

IX. I; you employ, III. iii. III. 5.<br />

Caves made by T'an-foo, before there<br />

were houses, III. i. III.<br />

Cedar, I. v. V. 4.<br />

Celebrating, an officer, I. vii. VI.: II.<br />

iii. III.; the king feasting with his<br />

relatives, II. vii. III.; the services<br />

of the earl of Shaou, II. viii. III.;<br />

king Wan, III. i. I. to VII.: IV. i.<br />

[i.] I.; II.; IH.; V.; VII.; [iii.]<br />

X.; the mother and wife of king<br />

Wan, III. i. II.; VI. I; the ap<br />

pointment of the chief of Shin, III.<br />

iii. V.; Chung Shan-foo, III. iii.<br />

VI.; How-tseih, III. ii. I.: IV. i.<br />

[i.] X.; ii. IV. 1; the representa<br />

tives of two former dynasties, IV. i.<br />

;ii.] III.; the duke of Sung, IV. i.<br />

ii.] IX.; a marquis of Loo, IV. ii.<br />

.; II.; III.; duke He of Loo, IV.<br />

ii. IV. ; S'eeh, and his descendants,<br />

IV. iii. IV. ; Woo-ting, IV. iii. V.;<br />

king Woo, IV. i. [ii.] X.; [iii.] IX.<br />

Celery, II. i. I. I.<br />

Cent, per cent., three times, III. iii. X. 4.<br />

Centre of attraction to the people, the<br />

sovereign should be, III. ii. VII. 2,<br />

3 ; of the kingdom, the capital die,<br />

III. i. VII. 6; ii. IX.; iii. I. 4.<br />

Cereals, How-tseih sowed the ground<br />

with yellow, III. ii. I. 5.<br />

Ceremonies, provision for all, IV. iii.<br />

V.<br />

Chamber, a lovely girl in a, I. viii. IV.;<br />

you should not be ashamed when<br />

the light shines into your, III. iii.<br />

II. 7.<br />

Changes of the seasons, I. xv. I.<br />

Charge, king Seuen's, to the earl of<br />

Shaou, II I. iii. V.; to Chung Shan-<br />

foo, III. iii. VI. 3, 4; to the mar<br />

quis of Han, III. iii. VII.; to Hoo<br />

of Shaou, in. iii. VTIL; to Hwang-<br />

foo, III. iii. IX.<br />

Chariot(s), I. iii. XIV. 3; v. I. 3 ;<br />

VIII. I; vii. IV.; V. ; viii. X.;<br />

xiii. IV.: II. i. VIII. 3; viii. III.:<br />

III. iii. II. 4; VIII. I; description<br />

of, I. xi. III.; made of sandal-<br />

wood, I. ix. VI.: II. i. IX. 3 : III.<br />

i. II. 8 ; ten large, war-, II. iii. III.<br />

4 ; three thousand war-, II. iii. IV.;<br />

hunting, II. iii. IV. ; VI.; and<br />

horses, II. iv. IX. 6; a hundred,<br />

III. iii. VII. 4; a thousand, IV.<br />

ii. IV. 5 ; very large war-, IV. ii.<br />

III. 7- See Carriage.<br />

Charioteer, I. xi. II.; III.<br />

Charioteers, numerous, III. iii. V. 7;<br />

and footmen, IV. ii. III. 7.<br />

Check, tripe and, III. ii. II. 2.<br />

Cheerfulness of the people of Tsin, I.<br />

x. I.<br />

Cherishing the thought of king Wan,<br />

IV. i. [iii.] X.<br />

Cherry tree, II. i. IV. 1; VII. 4.<br />

Chestnut trees, I. iv. VI. 1; vii. XV.;<br />

x. II.; xi. I.: xv. III. 3: II. v. X. 4.<br />

Chief of Shaou, memory of the, I. ii.<br />

V. ; of Seun, I. xiv. IV. ; of the<br />

States of the north, III. iii. VII. 6;<br />

an unkind, I. x. VII.<br />

Chiefs of the savage tribes, II. iii.<br />

IV. 4 ; of Joo and Juy, III. i. III.<br />

9 ; of the region of Seu, III. iii.<br />

IX. 6.<br />

Child, a tender, I. viii. VII. 3; the<br />

little (the king), III. iii. VIII. 4 :<br />

IV. i. [iii.] I.; II.; III.<br />

Child's teeth, along with gray hair,<br />

IV. ii. IV. 8.<br />

Child-like joy, II. i. IV. 6.<br />

Children, the people served king Wan<br />

as his, III. i. VIII. 1; though you<br />

may be as, III. ii. IX. 4 ; treat the<br />

people as your, III. iii. II. G.<br />

Chisel(s) and polisher, I. v. I. 1; we<br />

splintered our, I. xv. IV. 2.<br />

Chiseled ornaments, III. i. IV. 5.<br />

Cicada, the, I. xv. I. 4: II. v. III. 4 ;<br />

like the noise of the, III. iii. I. 6 ;<br />

a lady's forehead, like, I. v. III. 2.<br />

Circlet of water, a hall with a, III. i.<br />

VIII. 3, 4; X. 6.<br />

City, Hwang-foo built a great, for<br />

himself, II. iv. IX. 6 ; of Ts'e,<br />

fortifying the, III. iii. VI. 7, 8.<br />

Civil virtues of the king, III. iii.<br />

VIII. 6 ; and martial qualities, IV.<br />

ii. III. 4. See Peace.<br />

Clan, the head of the Yin-, 111. iii.<br />

IX. 2.<br />

Cluth, fine and coarse, I. i. II. 2;—v.<br />

IV. 1.<br />

Clothes, a queen washing her own, I.<br />

i. II. 3 ; putting on, upside down, I.<br />

viii. V. ; a bride making, I. ix. I.;<br />

of mourners, I. xiii. II. See Gar<br />

ments, Robes, & I. iii. IX.; v. IX.;<br />

vii. XIV. ; viii. V.; x. II. ; III.;<br />

xi. V.; VIII.<br />

Cloud, virgius like a beautiful, III.<br />

iii. VII. 4.<br />

Clouds of girls, I. vii. XIX. ; of at<br />

tendants, I. viii. IX. ; of snow, II.<br />

i. VII. 6 ; an arch of, II. vi. VI. 2;<br />

dense masses of, II. vi. VIII. 3;<br />

white, II. viii. V. 2.<br />

Cloudy weather, I. iii. V.; X.<br />

Clubs, I. xv. IV. 3.<br />

Cobras and other serpents, dreaming<br />

about, II. iv. V. 6, 7: and efts. II.<br />

iv. VIII. 6.<br />

Cock-crow, I. vii. VIII.; XVI.; viii.<br />

I.<br />

Coiffure, gray and madder-dyed, I. vii.<br />

XIX.<br />

Cold water from a spring, I. iii. VII.<br />

3 ; xiv. IV. : II. v. IX. 3.<br />

Cold of winter, the, I. xv. I.; and heat,<br />

passing through, II. vi. III.<br />

Collar, a vermilion, I. x. III. ; a blue.<br />

I. vii. XVII.<br />

College of Loo, the state-, IV. ii. III.<br />

Colours, significance of, I. iii. II.<br />

Colt, a brilliant white, II. iv. II.<br />

Comb, ears of corn like the teeth of a,<br />

IV. iii. VI.<br />

Comb-pin of ivory, I. iv. III. 2.<br />

Commander of the guards, III. iii. IV.<br />

7.<br />

Compassion for the people, the duke of<br />

Chow's, I. xv. IV.: have, III. iii.<br />

III. 1.<br />

Compassionate Heaven, arrayed in<br />

terrors, II. iv. X. I; v. I. I.<br />

Complaint, a wife's, I. iii. IV.; X. ;<br />

of the ministers of Le, I. iii. XII.;<br />

of the baroness of Heu, I. iv. X.;<br />

of a woman, I. vii. XV. ; of hard<br />

treatment by a great officer, I. x.<br />

VII.; of a eunuch suffering from<br />

slander, II. v. VI. ; of alienation of<br />

an old friend, II. v. VII.; of an<br />

officer on duty, II. vi. I.; II.; III.;<br />

of king Yew's queen, II. viii. IV.;<br />

of inferior against superiors, II. viii.<br />

VI.; of an officer against his fel<br />

lows, III. ii. X. See Lament.<br />

Compliments, frivolous and vainglori<br />

ous, I. viii. II.<br />

Confusion, breeders of, III. iii. XI. 2 ;<br />

the country all going to, III. iii.<br />

XI. 4.<br />

Congratulation of troops, II. i. VIII.;<br />

IX.; of king Ch'ing, HI. ii. VIII.<br />


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