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INDEXES. INDEX I. OF SUBJECTS. Parts of the whole Book are indicated ly I., II, tyc. ; separate Boohg ly i., ii.; Parts of a BooTt, ly [i.], [ii.],

394 OF SUBJECTS. INDEX I. INDEX I. OF SUBJECTS. Back of the aged, wrinkled, III. ii. II. 4: IV. ii. IV. 5. Back-bone, the, II. vi. I. 3. Bags, bottomless, III. ii. VI. 1. Bamboos, I. v. I.; V. 1; a clump of, II. iv. V. 1. Bamboo frames for bows, I. xi. III.: II. iii. I. 2; screens, I. viii. X. : II. iii. IV. 1: III. iii. VII. 2; hats, II. iv. VI. 2; flute, II. v. V. 7 : III. ii. X. 6 ; sprouts, III. iii. VII. 3; a mat of fine, II. iv. V. 6; dishes of, II. TO. VI. 1: III. ii. HI- 4 : IV. ii. IV. 4. Bands, green, IV. ii. IV- 5. Banks, of the Joo, I. i. X.; of a stream in the south, I. ii. IV.; of the K'e, I. v. I.; of the Ho, I. vi. VII.; of a river in Wei, I. ix. VI.; of the \Vei, III. i. II. 4, 5; of western rivers, III. i. III. 2; of the Ke'ang and Han, III. iii. VIII. 3; of the Hwae, III. iii. IX. 2, 4; the grace ful sweep of the, II. iv. V. I; dwelling on the, of a river, II. v. IV. 6. Banners, I. iv. IX.: II. iii. V.; VIII.: IV. iii. IV. 6, with tortoises and serpents, II. i. VIII. 2, 3; iii. IV. 2; iv. VI. 4 : III. iii. III. 2; falcon, II. i. VIII. 2; dragon, II. i. VIII. 3 ; iii. IV. 2 : III. iii. VII. 2: IV. i. [ii.] VIII.; ii. III. 1; IV. 3 ; iii. III. Barbarian foes, your great, III. iii. X. 5. Barbel, tie, II. ii. V. 1, 2. Barley, IV. i. [i.] X.; i. [ii.J I. Barns, II. vi. V. 1 : III. ii. VI. 1. Baroness Muh of Heu, the, I. iv. X. Barrenness of Ke'ang Yuen, III. ii. I. 1. Barrows, II. viii III. 2. Barter, I. v. IV. 1. Baskets, I. iii. X. 3; viii. IX. : II. i. III. 6; v. III. 8 ; shallow, I. i. III. 1; ii. IX. ; square and round, I. ii. IV.: II. vii. VIII. : IV. i. [iii.] VI.; deep, I. xv. I.; fish caught in, II. ii. III.; V.; of offerings, II. i. I. I. Battalions, II. viii. III. 3. Beacon, look to Yin as a, III. i. I. 6 ; the, of Yin is not far distant, III. iii. I. 8. Beams of a temple, the, IV. iii. V. 6. Beans, reaping, II. vi. III. 3 ; gather ing, II. vii. VIII.; How-tseih planting, III. ii. I. 4. Beau-sprouts, II. iv. II. 2. Bears and grisly bears, III. iii. VII. 5, 6; dreaming about, II. iv. V. 6, 7 ; furs of, II. v. IX. 4. Beasts, worse than, I. iv. V. See Antelope, Ewe, Badger, Fox, Bear, Goat, Boar, wild, Hare, Bull, Cat, wild, Cow, Deer, Dog, Doe, Elephant, Horse, Hound, Lamb, Leopard, Monkev, Ox, Panther, Pig, Rabbit, Ram, Rat, Rhinoceros, Seal, Sheep, Stag, Stallion, Tiger, Wolf. Beautiful man, a, I. vii. XX. Beauties, flaunting, I. vii. XIX. Beauty, female, I. iii. XVII.; iv. IV.; v. III.; xii. VIII.; X: II. vii. IV.; of duke Chwang, I. viii. XI.; and virtue of a lady, I. xii. IV.; and vice of a lady, I. iv. III. Beds, crickets under, I. xv. I. 5. Beginnings, small, of the House of Chow, III. i. III.; of evil, IV. i. [iii.] IV. Bells, I. i. I. 3 ; x. II.: II. vii. VI. 1: III. i. VIII. 3,4 ; ringing of, II. vi. IV.; V. 5 ; vii. VIII. 2; viii. V. 5 : IV. i. [i.] IX.; iii. I. ; at horses' bits, I. xi. II.: II. ii. IX. 4; iii. IV. 2; VIII.: IV. ii. III. 1; at the cross-board of a carriage, II. ii. IX. 4 ; eight, of horses tink ling, III. iii. VI. 7, 8 ; VII. 4 : IV. ii. III. 1; attached to a sacrificial knife, II. vi. VI. 5; attached to banners and front-boards, IV. i. [ii]. VIII. Benevolence of a prince celebrated the, I. ii. XIV. Besotted by drink, III. iii. II. 3. Betrothal, I. ii. VI. 2, 3. Bewailing his degradation, the eldest son of king Scuen, II. v. III. Bignonia, the flowers of the, II. viii. IX. Birdj Hie duke of Chow compares him self to a, I. xv. II.; Yellow, I. i. II. 1; iii. VII.; xi. VI.: II. iv. III.; a, flying up to heaven, II. vii. X. 3; a, screened and supported How-tscih, III. ii. I. 3 ; as a, on the wing is hit, III. iii. III. 14. Birds, II. iv. V. 3, 4 : IV. i. [iii.] IV.; the cry of, II. i. V. 1; the White, III. i. VIII. 2. See C ck, Crane, Crow, Dove, Duck, wild, Eagle, Egret, Falcon, Filial dove, Goose, wild, Green-beaks, Hawk, Magpie, Marabou, Oriole, Osprey, Owl, Pelican, Pheasant, Quail, Shrike, Sparrow, Swallow, Turtle dove, Wagtail, Widgeon, Wren, Yellow Bird. Birth, the, of king Wan, III. i. II. 2; of Woo, 6; the first, of the people of Chow (How-tseih), III. ii. I: IV. ii. IV. 1; of Foo and Shin, III. iii. V. I; Heaven gave, to the people, III. iii. I. ; VI. ; the, of the father of Shang, IV. iii. III. Bits, I. xi. II.: II. ii. IX. 4; iii. IV. 2; ornamented, I. v. III. 3. Bitter gourds, I. xv. III. 3. Black-haired race, the, II. i. VI. 5 : III. iii. IV. 3 ; heads, no, left, III. iii. III. 2. Blade of grain, the, IV. iii. V. Blesser, king Wan the. III. i. VII. Blessing, the great, III. i. II. 3 ; of God, III. i. VII. 4 ; without end, III. ii. V. 3 : IV. iii. II.; he seeks the, for himself, IV. ii. III. 4. Blessings, on the king from Heaven and his ancestors, II. i. VI.: III. ii. III. ; the king supplicates, on his ministers, II. ii. VII.; on the aged, III. ii. II. 4; conferred by Heaven, II. vi. VI. 4; vii. I. 1: III. i. IX. 5, 6 : IV. ii. IV. 8; by Spirits, II. v. III. o; V.; VI.; VII. ; vii. VI. 2: HI. i. V.: IV. i. [i.] IX.; [ii-] IV.; VI.; IX.; by king Tang, IV. iii. II. ; manifold, IV. i. [ii.1 VII. ; VIII.; ii. IV. 1,3,8. Blind. See Musicians, Blood, weeping, II. iv. X. 7. Blue, collar and girdle-strings, I. vii. XVII.; flies, I. viii. I.: II. vii. V. Boars, wild, I. ii. XIV.; viii. II.; xv. I. 4 ; II. iii. VI. 4. Boat, I. iii. X. 4; XIX.; of cypress- wood, I. iii. I. 1; iv. I.; of pine, I. v. V. 4; of willow, II. iii. II. 4 ; vii. VIII. 5; a little, I. v. VII. 2; adrift, like a, II. v. III. 4. Boats, a bridge of, III. i. II. 5 ; on the King, III. i. IV. 3; crossing the AVei in, III. ii. VI. 6. Boatman, I. iii. IX. 4. Boatmen's sons, II. v. IX. 4. Bcehmeria, steeping the, I. xii. IV. Boilers, I. xiii. IV. Boiling soup, III. iii. I. 6. Bonds of the State, superior men are the, III. iii. III. 3. Bone, bows adorned with, IV. ii. III. Booths for strangers, III. ii. VI. 3. Bottle-gourds, I. iii. IX.; xv. I. 6. Bottles of spirits, two, I. xv. I. 8. ISorn, better not to have been, II. viii. IX. 2; in an unhappy time, III. iii. III. 4. See Birth. Boundaries, reaching to the four Seas, IV. iii. III. Bow-case of tiger's skin, I. xi. III. Bowing the head, III. iii. VIII. o, 6. Bows put in a case, I. xi. III.: II. iii. I. 3; viii. II. 3 : IV. i. [i.J VIII.; with ivory ends, II. i. VII. 5; red, II. iii. I.; adorned with horn, II. vii. IX.; with bone, IV. ii. III. 7; ornamented, III. ii. II. 3; two, in each chariot, IV. ii. IV. 5 ; and arrows, III. ii. VI. I ; iii. II. 4. Braggarts, noisy, III. ii. IX. Branches and stems, I. i. X. 1: III. i. V.'6. Breakfasting at Choo, I. xii. IX. Bream, the, I. i. X.; viii. IX.; xii. III. ; xv. VI. 1 : II. ii. 111. 2; viii. II. 4 : III. iii. VII. 5. Breast, beating the, I. iii. I. 4. Breast-bands for horses, II. iii. IV : III. iii. V. 4 ; VII. 2. Bride, the virtue of king Wan's, I. i. I.; II.; IV.; V.: III. i. II.; VI. 1; praise of a, I. i. VI.; marriage of a, I. ii. I.; iii. IX. ; and bride groom, first meeting of, I. viii. III.: II. vii. IV.; the delicate fingers of a, I. ix. I. ; of the marquis of Han, III. iii. VII. 4. Bridge of boats, a, III. i. II. 5. Brother, a younger, abroad thinking of his elder, I. ix. IV. Brothers, unfriendly, I. iii. I. 2; lov ing like, I. iii. X" 2; leaving, I. iii. XIV. 2 ; iv. VII.; v. V. 2 ; separ ation from, I. vi. VII. ; x. VI.; the words of, to be feared, I. vii. II.; the close relation that should subsist between, II. i. IV. ; ii. IX. 3; iv. V. 1 : III. ii. II. 1; cold treatment of, by the king, II. vii. IX. Brotherly duty of king Ke, III. i. VII. 3. Broussonetia. See Paper-mulberry. Bubbling of boiling soup, like the, III. iii. 1. 6. Buckles, gilt, I. xi. III. Buff-coat, I. xi. VIII. Building houses, III. i. III. 3, 5 ; the Marvellous tower, III. i. VIII. 1; , i

394 <strong>OF</strong> SUBJECTS. INDEX I. INDEX I. <strong>OF</strong> SUBJECTS.<br />

Back of the aged, wrinkled, III. ii. II.<br />

4: IV. ii. IV. 5.<br />

Back-bone, the, II. vi. I. 3.<br />

Bags, bottomless, III. ii. VI. 1.<br />

Bamboos, I. v. I.; V. 1; a clump of,<br />

II. iv. V. 1.<br />

Bamboo frames for bows, I. xi. III.:<br />

II. iii. I. 2; screens, I. viii. X. :<br />

II. iii. IV. 1: III. iii. VII. 2; hats,<br />

II. iv. VI. 2; flute, II. v. V. 7 :<br />

III. ii. X. 6 ; sprouts, III. iii. VII.<br />

3; a mat of fine, II. iv. V. 6;<br />

dishes of, II. TO. VI. 1: III. ii. HI-<br />

4 : IV. ii. IV. 4.<br />

Bands, green, IV. ii. IV- 5.<br />

Banks, of the Joo, I. i. X.; of a stream<br />

in the south, I. ii. IV.; of the K'e,<br />

I. v. I.; of the Ho, I. vi. VII.; of<br />

a river in Wei, I. ix. VI.; of the<br />

\Vei, III. i. II. 4, 5; of western<br />

rivers, III. i. III. 2; of the Ke'ang<br />

and Han, III. iii. VIII. 3; of the<br />

Hwae, III. iii. IX. 2, 4; the grace<br />

ful sweep of the, II. iv. V. I;<br />

dwelling on the, of a river, II. v.<br />

IV. 6.<br />

Banners, I. iv. IX.: II. iii. V.;<br />

VIII.: IV. iii. IV. 6, with tortoises<br />

and serpents, II. i. VIII. 2, 3; iii.<br />

IV. 2; iv. VI. 4 : III. iii. III. 2;<br />

falcon, II. i. VIII. 2; dragon, II. i.<br />

VIII. 3 ; iii. IV. 2 : III. iii. VII.<br />

2: IV. i. [ii.] VIII.; ii. III. 1;<br />

IV. 3 ; iii. III.<br />

Barbarian foes, your great, III. iii. X.<br />

5.<br />

Barbel, tie, II. ii. V. 1, 2.<br />

Barley, IV. i. [i.] X.; i. [ii.J I.<br />

Barns, II. vi. V. 1 : III. ii. VI. 1.<br />

Baroness Muh of Heu, the, I. iv.<br />

X.<br />

Barrenness of Ke'ang Yuen, III. ii.<br />

I. 1.<br />

Barrows, II. viii III. 2.<br />

Barter, I. v. IV. 1.<br />

Baskets, I. iii. X. 3; viii. IX. : II. i.<br />

III. 6; v. III. 8 ; shallow, I. i. III.<br />

1; ii. IX. ; square and round, I. ii.<br />

IV.: II. vii. VIII. : IV. i. [iii.]<br />

VI.; deep, I. xv. I.; fish caught in,<br />

II. ii. III.; V.; of offerings, II.<br />

i. I. I.<br />

Battalions, II. viii. III. 3.<br />

Beacon, look to Yin as a, III. i. I. 6 ;<br />

the, of Yin is not far distant, III.<br />

iii. I. 8.<br />

Beams of a temple, the, IV. iii. V.<br />

6.<br />

Beans, reaping, II. vi. III. 3 ; gather<br />

ing, II. vii. VIII.; How-tseih<br />

planting, III. ii. I. 4.<br />

Beau-sprouts, II. iv. II. 2.<br />

Bears and grisly bears, III. iii. VII.<br />

5, 6; dreaming about, II. iv. V. 6,<br />

7 ; furs of, II. v. IX. 4.<br />

Beasts, worse than, I. iv. V.<br />

See Antelope, Ewe,<br />

Badger, Fox,<br />

Bear, Goat,<br />

Boar, wild, Hare,<br />

Bull,<br />

Cat, wild,<br />

Cow,<br />

Deer,<br />

Dog,<br />

Doe,<br />

Elephant,<br />

Horse,<br />

Hound,<br />

Lamb,<br />

Leopard,<br />

Monkev,<br />

Ox,<br />

Panther,<br />

Pig,<br />

Rabbit,<br />

Ram,<br />

Rat,<br />

Rhinoceros,<br />

Seal,<br />

Sheep,<br />

Stag,<br />

Stallion,<br />

Tiger,<br />

Wolf.<br />

Beautiful man, a, I. vii. XX.<br />

Beauties, flaunting, I. vii. XIX.<br />

Beauty, female, I. iii. XVII.; iv. IV.;<br />

v. III.; xii. VIII.; X: II. vii.<br />

IV.; of duke Chwang, I. viii. XI.;<br />

and virtue of a lady, I. xii. IV.;<br />

and vice of a lady, I. iv. III.<br />

Beds, crickets under, I. xv. I. 5.<br />

Beginnings, small, of the House of<br />

Chow, III. i. III.; of evil, IV. i.<br />

[iii.] IV.<br />

Bells, I. i. I. 3 ; x. II.: II. vii. VI.<br />

1: III. i. VIII. 3,4 ; ringing of, II.<br />

vi. IV.; V. 5 ; vii. VIII. 2; viii.<br />

V. 5 : IV. i. [i.] IX.; iii. I. ; at<br />

horses' bits, I. xi. II.: II. ii. IX.<br />

4; iii. IV. 2; VIII.: IV. ii. III.<br />

1; at the cross-board of a carriage,<br />

II. ii. IX. 4 ; eight, of horses tink<br />

ling, III. iii. VI. 7, 8 ; VII. 4 : IV.<br />

ii. III. 1; attached to a sacrificial<br />

knife, II. vi. VI. 5; attached to<br />

banners and front-boards, IV. i. [ii].<br />

VIII.<br />

Benevolence of a prince celebrated<br />

the, I. ii. XIV.<br />

Besotted by drink, III. iii. II. 3.<br />

Betrothal, I. ii. VI. 2, 3.<br />

Bewailing his degradation, the eldest<br />

son of king Scuen, II. v. III.<br />

Bignonia, the flowers of the, II. viii.<br />

IX.<br />

Birdj Hie duke of Chow compares him<br />

self to a, I. xv. II.; Yellow, I. i.<br />

II. 1; iii. VII.; xi. VI.: II. iv.<br />

III.; a, flying up to heaven, II. vii.<br />

X. 3; a, screened and supported<br />

How-tscih, III. ii. I. 3 ; as a, on<br />

the wing is hit, III. iii. III. 14.<br />

Birds, II. iv. V. 3, 4 : IV. i. [iii.]<br />

IV.; the cry of, II. i. V. 1; the<br />

White, III. i. VIII. 2.<br />

See C ck,<br />

Crane,<br />

Crow,<br />

Dove,<br />

Duck, wild,<br />

Eagle,<br />

Egret,<br />

Falcon,<br />

Filial dove,<br />

Goose, wild,<br />

Green-beaks,<br />

Hawk,<br />

Magpie,<br />

Marabou,<br />

Oriole,<br />

Osprey,<br />

Owl,<br />

Pelican,<br />

Pheasant,<br />

Quail,<br />

Shrike,<br />

Sparrow,<br />

Swallow,<br />

Turtle dove,<br />

Wagtail,<br />

Widgeon,<br />

Wren,<br />

Yellow Bird.<br />

Birth, the, of king Wan, III. i. II.<br />

2; of Woo, 6; the first, of the<br />

people of Chow (How-tseih), III. ii.<br />

I: IV. ii. IV. 1; of Foo and Shin,<br />

III. iii. V. I; Heaven gave, to the<br />

people, III. iii. I. ; VI. ; the, of the<br />

father of Shang, IV. iii. III.<br />

Bits, I. xi. II.: II. ii. IX. 4; iii. IV.<br />

2; ornamented, I. v. III. 3.<br />

Bitter gourds, I. xv. III. 3.<br />

Black-haired race, the, II. i. VI. 5 :<br />

III. iii. IV. 3 ; heads, no, left, III.<br />

iii. III. 2.<br />

Blade of grain, the, IV. iii. V.<br />

Blesser, king Wan the. III. i. VII.<br />

Blessing, the great, III. i. II. 3 ; of<br />

God, III. i. VII. 4 ; without end,<br />

III. ii. V. 3 : IV. iii. II.; he seeks<br />

the, for himself, IV. ii. III. 4.<br />

Blessings, on the king from Heaven<br />

and his ancestors, II. i. VI.: III. ii.<br />

III. ; the king supplicates, on his<br />

ministers, II. ii. VII.; on the aged,<br />

III. ii. II. 4; conferred by Heaven,<br />

II. vi. VI. 4; vii. I. 1: III. i. IX.<br />

5, 6 : IV. ii. IV. 8; by Spirits, II.<br />

v. III. o; V.; VI.; VII. ; vii. VI.<br />

2: HI. i. V.: IV. i. [i.] IX.; [ii-]<br />

IV.; VI.; IX.; by king Tang, IV. iii.<br />

II. ; manifold, IV. i. [ii.1 VII. ;<br />

VIII.; ii. IV. 1,3,8.<br />

Blind. See Musicians,<br />

Blood, weeping, II. iv. X. 7.<br />

Blue, collar and girdle-strings, I. vii.<br />

XVII.; flies, I. viii. I.: II. vii. V.<br />

Boars, wild, I. ii. XIV.; viii. II.;<br />

xv. I. 4 ; II. iii. VI. 4.<br />

Boat, I. iii. X. 4; XIX.; of cypress-<br />

wood, I. iii. I. 1; iv. I.; of pine, I.<br />

v. V. 4; of willow, II. iii. II. 4 ;<br />

vii. VIII. 5; a little, I. v. VII. 2;<br />

adrift, like a, II. v. III. 4.<br />

Boats, a bridge of, III. i. II. 5 ; on the<br />

King, III. i. IV. 3; crossing the<br />

AVei in, III. ii. VI. 6.<br />

Boatman, I. iii. IX. 4.<br />

Boatmen's sons, II. v. IX. 4.<br />

Bcehmeria, steeping the, I. xii. IV.<br />

Boilers, I. xiii. IV.<br />

Boiling soup, III. iii. I. 6.<br />

Bonds of the State, superior men are<br />

the, III. iii. III. 3.<br />

Bone, bows adorned with, IV. ii. III.<br />

Booths for strangers, III. ii. VI. 3.<br />

Bottle-gourds, I. iii. IX.; xv. I. 6.<br />

Bottles of spirits, two, I. xv. I. 8.<br />

ISorn, better not to have been, II. viii.<br />

IX. 2; in an unhappy time, III. iii.<br />

III. 4. See Birth.<br />

Boundaries, reaching to the four Seas,<br />

IV. iii. III.<br />

Bow-case of tiger's skin, I. xi. III.<br />

Bowing the head, III. iii. VIII. o, 6.<br />

Bows put in a case, I. xi. III.: II. iii.<br />

I. 3; viii. II. 3 : IV. i. [i.J VIII.;<br />

with ivory ends, II. i. VII. 5; red,<br />

II. iii. I.; adorned with horn, II.<br />

vii. IX.; with bone, IV. ii. III. 7;<br />

ornamented, III. ii. II. 3; two, in<br />

each chariot, IV. ii. IV. 5 ; and<br />

arrows, III. ii. VI. I ; iii. II. 4.<br />

Braggarts, noisy, III. ii. IX.<br />

Branches and stems, I. i. X. 1: III. i.<br />

V.'6.<br />

Breakfasting at Choo, I. xii. IX.<br />

Bream, the, I. i. X.; viii. IX.; xii.<br />

III. ; xv. VI. 1 : II. ii. 111. 2;<br />

viii. II. 4 : III. iii. VII. 5.<br />

Breast, beating the, I. iii. I. 4.<br />

Breast-bands for horses, II. iii. IV :<br />

III. iii. V. 4 ; VII. 2.<br />

Bride, the virtue of king Wan's, I. i.<br />

I.; II.; IV.; V.: III. i. II.; VI.<br />

1; praise of a, I. i. VI.; marriage<br />

of a, I. ii. I.; iii. IX. ; and bride<br />

groom, first meeting of, I. viii. III.:<br />

II. vii. IV.; the delicate fingers of<br />

a, I. ix. I. ; of the marquis of Han,<br />

III. iii. VII. 4.<br />

Bridge of boats, a, III. i. II. 5.<br />

Brother, a younger, abroad thinking of<br />

his elder, I. ix. IV.<br />

Brothers, unfriendly, I. iii. I. 2; lov<br />

ing like, I. iii. X" 2; leaving, I. iii.<br />

XIV. 2 ; iv. VII.; v. V. 2 ; separ<br />

ation from, I. vi. VII. ; x. VI.;<br />

the words of, to be feared, I. vii. II.;<br />

the close relation that should subsist<br />

between, II. i. IV. ; ii. IX. 3; iv.<br />

V. 1 : III. ii. II. 1; cold treatment<br />

of, by the king, II. vii. IX.<br />

Brotherly duty of king Ke, III. i.<br />

VII. 3.<br />

Broussonetia. See Paper-mulberry.<br />

Bubbling of boiling soup, like the, III.<br />

iii. 1. 6.<br />

Buckles, gilt, I. xi. III.<br />

Buff-coat, I. xi. VIII.<br />

Building houses, III. i. III. 3, 5 ; the<br />

Marvellous tower, III. i. VIII. 1;<br />

, i

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