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340 THE BOOK OF POETET. [PAET III. " As served your fathers, so serve you. Be careful my commands to do. Early and late show active zeal; With reverence seek the kingdom's weal. And thus your fealty paid Shall strengthen the great fief I give;— Marquis of Han you long shall live. What princes come not to my court Deal with, until they here resort, And thus your sovereign aid." 2 Oh ! noble was the marquis' team. Both long and large, the steeds beseem His youthful state and port. His mace of rank he with him brought. When audience of the king he sought, And bowed within his court. The king his royal favour showed, And on him princely gifts bestowed. Those were—the dragon flag, whence streamed Its pennon that with plumelets gleamed; The brilliant yoke; the bamboo screen; The robe with dragon on it seen; Hed slippers; and the hooks to shine On his steeds' breasts; the frontlets fine, Whose carvings should their foreheads grace; The board across his car to place; The tiger's skin, to throw around That leaning board with leather bound. Then last there came the rein-ends bright, Tipt with gilt rings,—a splendid sight. 3 The court now leaving, home he hies ; But first he offers sacrifice, And prays the Spirit of the way Guidance to give. That night to stay At Too he planned. The parting feast Heen-foo there gives to speed the guest. The court sends forth its many lords, To taste the cheer the king affords. An hundred vases stand around, All with the choicest spirits crowned. BE III. VII.] THE BOOK OF POETET. The mats roast turtle and fresh fish Present, and many a lordly dish. And bamboo sprouts, and tender shoots, And sauces fine, and fragrant fruits, With their rich perfume fill the air. Oh! but it was a banquet rare ! It closed, and lo ! before the gate, With mighty steeds, a car of state ! 4 Now back in Han, its lord must wed, And home a wife shall bring. To Kwei-foo's child his suit he paid, The niece of Fun, our king. The union fixed, in grand array, To Kwei-foo's house he takes his way; An hundred cars attend. The tinkling music falls and swells, Emitted by their numerous bells, As on their course they wend. The glory of that day was great. Lo ! round the bride in fairest state, The virgins, her companions, stand, Close following her on either hand. As lovely clouds that slowly sail, And the moon's greater glory veil, So beautiful were they. The marquis looked, with rapture thrilled. Never was gate with splendour filled, As Kwei-foo's gate that day. 5 Great fame Kwei-foo has got in war, And every State has seen his car; But through the land, where'er he went, To settle his dear child intent, No State like Han he saw. Oh! pleasant is the State of Han! Kwei saw the mighty streams that ran Through all its length, and then the lakes, With forests girt and tangled brakes, That admiration draw. 841

342 THE BOOK OP POETET. [PAET III." III. Till.] THE BOOK OF POETET. 313 Big bream and tench the waters fill, And in the glades on every hill Are multitudes of deer. In wilder parts the grisly bear, Tigers and wild cats, make their lair. Hunters their prey find here. Kwei saw, and pleasure filled his breast, And here his child found joy and rest. 6 The multitudes of Yen had reared Han's walls, and made them strong. Its rulers then no foeman feared; There had they dwelt for long. The first of them a charge had got, From Han, as from a central spot, To rule the tribes around. The marquis now got wider charge, His jurisdiction to enlarge O'er all the northern ground. The Chuy and Mih to curb and awe, And bring to own Chow's sovereign law, Would his first care require. Then stronger walls and deeper moat Would silence each rebellious note, And all with fear inspire. The fields too he must now define, And the fixed revenue assign, As in the king's domain. His bearers shall to court repair, With skins stript from the tawny bear, The white fox and the panther red, In yearly course a tribute paid, The king's trust to maintain. VIII. The Keang San ; narrative. CELEBRATING AN EXPEDITION AGAINST THE MOEE SOUTHERN TEIBES OF THE HwAE, AND THE WORK DONE FOE THE KING IN THEIE COUNTRY BY HOO-HET, EAEL OF SHAOU, WITH THE MANNER IN WHICH THE KING REWARDED HIM AND HE RESPONDED TO THE ROYAL FAVOUR. This is another of the pieces of king Seuen's time, and the expedition celebrated in it is assigned to the second year of his reign, B.C. 825 or 826. The earl of Shaou who commanded in it is the same whose services at the formation of the State of Shin are commemorated in ode 5. The mention of the Ke'ang and Han together indicates to us their point of junction at the present Han-k'ow. The first earl of Shaou, duke K'ang, received the principality of Yen, but a branch of the family had remained in the royal domain, holding the appanage of Shaou ; and it is come increase of this, which is promised to earl Hoo. 1 On grandly flowed the Keang and Han; As grandly moved our mighty force. We rested not, nor idly strayed; Straight to the Hwae we held our course. Forth all our cars of war had come; Unfurled, our falcon banners flew. We rested not, nor were remiss,— Marshalled the Hwae tribes to subdue. 2 Again come to the mighty stream, The troops in martial splendour shone. Of the whole laud to order brought Announcement to the king had gone. Peace through the hostile region reigned ;— The king's State breathed, and was at rest. The battle-strife no longer raged, And quiet filled the royal breast. 3 The king had charged our Hoo of Shaou, Where the two streams their waters join :— " Go, open all the country up ; As law requires, its lands define. I would not have those tribes distressed, But this State must their model be. Their lands, in small and larger squares, Must stand, far as the southern sea." 4 And now thus says at court the king :— " Great lord, your work is nobly done- Your ancestor was their support, When Wan and Woo received the throne. Compared with them, a child am I; You are the great duke's worthy heir. Grand has your merit now appeared ; Your happiness shall be my care.

340 <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>OF</strong> POETET. [PAET III.<br />

" As served your fathers, so serve you.<br />

Be careful my commands to do.<br />

Early and late show active zeal;<br />

With reverence seek the kingdom's weal.<br />

And thus your fealty paid<br />

Shall strengthen the great fief I give;—<br />

Marquis of Han you long shall live.<br />

What princes come not to my court<br />

Deal with, until they here resort,<br />

And thus your sovereign aid."<br />

2 Oh ! noble was the marquis' team.<br />

Both long and large, the steeds beseem<br />

His youthful state and port.<br />

His mace of rank he with him brought.<br />

When audience of the king he sought,<br />

And bowed within his court.<br />

The king his royal favour showed,<br />

And on him princely gifts bestowed.<br />

Those were—the dragon flag, whence streamed<br />

Its pennon that with plumelets gleamed;<br />

The brilliant yoke; the bamboo screen;<br />

The robe with dragon on it seen;<br />

Hed slippers; and the hooks to shine<br />

On his steeds' breasts; the frontlets fine,<br />

Whose carvings should their foreheads grace;<br />

The board across his car to place;<br />

The tiger's skin, to throw around<br />

That leaning board with leather bound.<br />

Then last there came the rein-ends bright,<br />

Tipt with gilt rings,—a splendid sight.<br />

3 The court now leaving, home he hies ;<br />

But first he offers sacrifice,<br />

And prays the Spirit of the way<br />

Guidance to give. That night to stay<br />

At Too he planned. The parting feast<br />

Heen-foo there gives to speed the guest.<br />

The court sends forth its many lords,<br />

To taste the cheer the king affords.<br />

An hundred vases stand around,<br />

All with the choicest spirits crowned.<br />

BE III. VII.] <strong>THE</strong> <strong>BOOK</strong> <strong>OF</strong> POETET.<br />

The mats roast turtle and fresh fish<br />

Present, and many a lordly dish.<br />

And bamboo sprouts, and tender shoots,<br />

And sauces fine, and fragrant fruits,<br />

With their rich perfume fill the air.<br />

Oh! but it was a banquet rare !<br />

It closed, and lo ! before the gate,<br />

With mighty steeds, a car of state !<br />

4 Now back in Han, its lord must wed,<br />

And home a wife shall bring.<br />

To Kwei-foo's child his suit he paid,<br />

The niece of Fun, our king.<br />

The union fixed, in grand array,<br />

To Kwei-foo's house he takes his way;<br />

An hundred cars attend.<br />

The tinkling music falls and swells,<br />

Emitted by their numerous bells,<br />

As on their course they wend.<br />

The glory of that day was great.<br />

Lo ! round the bride in fairest state,<br />

The virgins, her companions, stand,<br />

Close following her on either hand.<br />

As lovely clouds that slowly sail,<br />

And the moon's greater glory veil,<br />

So beautiful were they.<br />

The marquis looked, with rapture thrilled.<br />

Never was gate with splendour filled,<br />

As Kwei-foo's gate that day.<br />

5 Great fame Kwei-foo has got in war,<br />

And every State has seen his car;<br />

But through the land, where'er he went,<br />

To settle his dear child intent,<br />

No State like Han he saw.<br />

Oh! pleasant is the State of Han!<br />

Kwei saw the mighty streams that ran<br />

Through all its length, and then the lakes,<br />

With forests girt and tangled brakes,<br />

That admiration draw.<br />


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