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16 <strong>THE</strong> SOURCES <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> ODES AS A COLLECTION.<br />

States; of the Books of the three August [rulers] and of<br />

the five emperors. They communicated to all parts of<br />

the kingdom the writings [in their charge] "l For want<br />

of fuller information it is not easy to give a thoroughly<br />

satisfactory account of the Histories and the Books refer<br />

red to in these brief sentences; but I quote them merely<br />

to establish the fact that, according to the constitution of<br />

the kingdom under the dynasty of Chow, not only were<br />

the literary monuments of the feudal States collected for<br />

the satisfaction of the kings, but they were again sent<br />

forth to the courts of the different princes, and became<br />

the common possession of the cultivated classes through<br />

out the whole country. The documentary evidence of<br />

the fact is scanty, owing to the imperfect condition in<br />

which the Books of Chow were recovered during the Ilan<br />

dynasty, and so we have no special mention made of the<br />

odes in the passages of the " Official Book/' which I have<br />

adduced; but that they, as well as the other writings<br />

which are vaguely specified, were made known to Loo,<br />

Tsfe, Tsin, and all the other States, seems to have the<br />

evidence of analogy in its favour, and to be necessary to<br />

account for the general familiarity witli them which, we<br />

know, prevailed.<br />

G. But if the poems produced in the several States<br />

were thus collected in the capital, and thence again dis<br />

seminated throughout the kingdom, we might conclude<br />

that the collection would have been far more extensive<br />

and complete than we have it now. The smallness of it<br />

now the coi- is to be accounted for by the disorder and<br />

Email" aid to- confusion into which the kingdom fell after<br />

complete. t}ie lapse of a few reigns from king Woo.<br />

lloyal progresses ceased when royal government fell into<br />

1 These Histories, it is held, related to everything about the feudal<br />

States, and the outlying barbarous tribes, the history of their princes and<br />

chiefs, their origin and boundaries, their tributes*, their ceremonies, music,<br />

customs, &c. We try in vain to discover what the Books of the three<br />

August ones were. The second sentence is the most important for my<br />

argument. I cannot accept the interpretation of " the writings," in which<br />

many acquiesce, as simply = the names of the written characters. Biot<br />

gives fcr the whole : " Us sont charges (le propafter les noms ecrits, o il,<br />

IPS signes de 1'ccriture, dans les quatre parties de 1'empire." I believe<br />

that I have given the sense correctly.<br />

<strong>THE</strong> SOURCES <strong>OF</strong> <strong>THE</strong> ODES AS A COLLECTION. 17<br />

decay, and then the odes were no longer collected.1 We<br />

Lave no account of any progress of the kings during the<br />

period of the Ch'un Ts'ew. But, before that period,<br />

there is a long gap of 143 years between kings Ch'ing<br />

and E, covering the reigns of K'ang, Ch'aou, Muh, and<br />

Kung, of which we have no poetic memorials, if we ex<br />

cept two doubtful pieces among the sacrificial odes of<br />

Chow. The reign of He'aou who succeeded to B is simi<br />

larly uncommemorated, and the latest odes are of the time<br />

of Tiug, when a hundred years of the Ch'un Tsfe\v had<br />

still to run their course. I cannot suppose but that many<br />

odes were made and collected during the 143 years after<br />

king Ch'ing. The probability is that they perished<br />

during the feeble and disturbed reigns of B, Heaou, B,<br />

and Le. Of the reign of the first of these we have only<br />

five pieces, of all of whioh Choo considers the date to be<br />

uncertain ; of that of the second, as has been observed '<br />

above, we have no memorials at all ; of that of the third<br />

we have only one piece, which Choo, for apparently good<br />

reasons, would assign to a considerably later date. Then<br />

follow four pieces, the date of which is quite uncertain,<br />

I and eleven, assigned to the reign of Le, some of them<br />

with evident error. To Le's succeeded the long and<br />

vigorous reign of Seuen (B.C. 828 781), when we may<br />

suppose that the ancient custom of collecting the poems<br />

was revived. Subsequently to him, all was in the main<br />

decadence and disorder. It was probably in the latter<br />

part of his reign that Ch'ing-k caou-foO, an ancestor of<br />

Confucius, obtained from the Grand music-master of the<br />

conrt of Chow twelve of the sacrificial odes of the previous<br />

dynasty, with which he returned to Sung which was held<br />

by representatives of the House of Shang. They were<br />

used there in sacrificing to the old kings of Shang, and<br />

were probably taken with them to Loo when the Kfung<br />

family subsequently sought refuge in that State. Yet of<br />

the twelve odes seven were lost by the time of Confucius.<br />

The general conclusion to which we come is, that the<br />

existing Book of Poetry is the fragment of various col<br />

lections made during the early reigns of the kings of<br />

Chow, and added to at intervals, especially on the oc-<br />

TOL. m.<br />

See Mencius, IV. ii. XXI.<br />


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