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3.2 Alien status<br />

Only six Welsh bryophyte species were considered to be of recent introduced origin by Hill<br />

et al. (2007) (i.e. they are neophytes, meaning they were introduced after 1500AD):<br />

Atrichum crispum, Campylopus introflexus, Didymodon umbrosus, Hennediella<br />

stanfordensis, Lophocolea semiteres and Orthodontium lineare. The Didymodon and<br />

Lophocolea are rare in Wales but have not been assigned to a threat category because of<br />

their non-native status. It is possible that other Welsh bryophytes are archaeophytes<br />

(introduced before 1500AD), especially some arable taxa and metalophytes (species of<br />

substrates rich in heavy metals, such as some mine spoil). Hill et al. considered<br />

Anthoceros agrestis, Bryum ruderale, Bryum violaceum, Cephaloziella massalongi*,<br />

Cephaloziella nicholsonii*, Dicranella staphylina, Didymodon tomaculosus*, Ditrichum<br />

plumbicola, Phaeoceros carolinianus*, Scopelophila cataractae*, Targionia hypophylla<br />

and Weissia squarrosa* to be possible archaeophytes, but the lack of proof means that all<br />

have been included in the Red Data List analysis and several of them (marked *) have<br />

been assigned a threat category.<br />

3.3 Geographic coverage<br />

This Red Data List covers the country of Wales, including the 13 vice-counties of<br />

Monmouthshire (vice-county number 35), Glamorgan (41), Brecknockshire (42),<br />

Radnorshire (43), Carmarthenshire (44), Pembrokeshire (45), Cardiganshire (46),<br />

Montgomeryshire (47), Merionethshire (48), Caernarvonshire (49), Denbighshire (50),<br />

Flintshire (51) and Anglesey (52).<br />

In the absence of more detailed tetrad recording, decline statistics were based on data for<br />

Welsh hectad (10 km square of the Ordnance Survey grid) records from the British<br />

Bryological Society database held by the Biological Records Centre. Almost all these<br />

records are correctly attributed to a vice-county, but a few records from the Welsh border<br />

result from hectad record cards put together for the bryophyte Atlas (Hill et al., 1991-<br />

1994) and could come from England (R.G. Woods, pers. comm.). The western distribution<br />

of most of Wales’ threatened bryophytes means that <strong>this</strong> is unlikely to be much of an<br />

issue when assessing declines.<br />

Rhestr Data Coch Bryoffytau ar gyfer Cymru<br />


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