Honolulu Rainbow Film Festival

Honolulu Rainbow Film Festival

Honolulu Rainbow Film Festival


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S U N M A Y 3 0 6 3 0 P M | U S A 2 0 0 9 | 9 0 M I N | S P E C I A L G U E S T S I N A T T E N D A N C E : W I L S O N C R U Z ( M Y S O - C A L L E D L I F E ) & Q U E N T I N L E E<br />

D I R . Q U E N T I N L E E<br />

The People I’ve Slept With is a sex comedy about a promiscuous<br />

woman, Angela, who loves sex. She loves it so<br />

much she needs to make baseball cards of her lovers to<br />

help her remember whom she slept with. Angela finds<br />

herself with an unplanned pregnancy and left to figure<br />

out who the baby daddy is…NOW.<br />

Angela sets off on a quest with gay BFF Gabriel (Wilson<br />

Cruz) as she revisits her most recent sexual conquests<br />

highly likely to have impregnated her: 5-Second-Guy,<br />

Mystery Man, Nice-But-Boring-Guy, and Mr. Hottie.<br />

Along the comedic journey Gabriel finally meets someone<br />

special, he’s too scared to admit it and sabotages his own<br />

relationship. Heartbroken, he tries to win back the first<br />

guy he’s ever really loved. Hoping for the best, Angela<br />

and Gabriel decide to plan a double wedding. Their philosophy,<br />

“If we plan it, the grooms will come.”<br />

D O R I S D U K E T H E A T R E H O N O L U L U A C A D E M Y O F A R T S<br />

S U N D A Y M A Y 3 0 19

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