Dr. Norm Catto Coastal Erosion in NL.pdf - Atlantic Climate ...

Dr. Norm Catto Coastal Erosion in NL.pdf - Atlantic Climate ...

Dr. Norm Catto Coastal Erosion in NL.pdf - Atlantic Climate ...


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<strong>Coastal</strong> <strong>Erosion</strong> <strong>in</strong> Newfoundland<br />

Op<strong>in</strong>ions expressed are exclusively my own<br />

<strong>Norm</strong> <strong>Catto</strong><br />


<strong>Coastal</strong> Zones<br />

Ris<strong>in</strong>g sea level & erosion are<br />

occurr<strong>in</strong>g<br />

If your property is erod<strong>in</strong>g, the cause is<br />

less important than is tak<strong>in</strong>g action<br />

Adaptive capacity exists & should be<br />


<strong>Coastal</strong> Zone - Research<br />

ongo<strong>in</strong>g monitor<strong>in</strong>g of sensitive coastal<br />

areas<br />

base-l<strong>in</strong>e data for coastal erosion<br />

<strong>in</strong>vestigation of the effects of<br />

storm surge activity<br />

analysis of wave &surge dynamics<br />

rates and processes of coastal bluff erosion<br />

consideration of the effectiveness of<br />

adaptation strategies

Study Parameters<br />

Newfoundland (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g adjacent islands)<br />

122 1:50,000 scale maps<br />

Field, office, laboratory research May 2010-2012<br />

March 2011 summary report<br />

Detailed community reports – Ferryland, Corner Brook,<br />

Irishtown-Summerside, Fortune, Lumsden, Indian Bay,<br />

Logy Bay-Middle Cove-Outer Cove<br />

Ongo<strong>in</strong>g study of other <strong>in</strong>dividual locations

Components<br />

Shorel<strong>in</strong>e Classification of coastal geomorphology &<br />

sedimentology at ~50 m <strong>in</strong>tervals (~193,000 pts)<br />

Sensitivity to short-term coastal erosion, through new<br />

<strong>Coastal</strong> <strong>Erosion</strong> Index (CEI) (1472 locations)<br />

Sensitivity to long-term coastal erosion & sea-level rise,<br />

<strong>Coastal</strong> Sensitivity Index (CSI) (1472 locations)<br />

Petroleum Vulnerability Index (PVI) (1472 locations)

Shorel<strong>in</strong>e Classification System<br />

“Substrate”: rock and /or sediment<br />

Sediment type: by texture<br />

Width: “wide” > 30 m, “narrow” ≤ 30 m<br />

Steepness: “steep” > 20°; gentle ≤ 20°<br />

27 possible categories

Ferryland (S): 13, wide gravel flat

Fortune E:<br />

18, Steep Gravel & Sand Beach

<strong>Coastal</strong> <strong>Erosion</strong> Index<br />

sediment type (parameter values 1-4)<br />

shorel<strong>in</strong>e classification (1-5)<br />

sediment flux (1-5)<br />

aspect (1-5)<br />

extent of seasonal ice and snow cover (1-2)<br />

CEI = (product of five parameter values / 10)<br />

Higher CEI value <strong>in</strong>dicates greater sensitivity to shortterm<br />

coastal erosion

Corner Brook CEI = 8.0

Middle Cove CEI = 20

CEI<br />

Very Low Sensitivity: CEI 20.0<br />

Median for Newfoundland 10.3

<strong>Coastal</strong> Sensitivity Index<br />

sea-level change (amount of rise or fall per year) (1-5);<br />

Relief (1-5);<br />

mean annual maximum significant wave height;<br />

rock and/or sediment type exposed along the shore;<br />

landform type (e.g. cliff, beach, salt marsh);<br />

shorel<strong>in</strong>e displacement (laterally, expressed <strong>in</strong> m/a); and<br />

tidal range<br />

CSI = √ (product of scores of all 7 parameters/7)<br />

Higher CSI values <strong>in</strong>dicate sensitivity to long-term<br />


Fortune Head CSI =7.3

Lumsden E CSI = 39.4

CSI<br />

Very Low Sensitivity: CSI 35.0<br />

Median for Newfoundland: 18.5

Petroleum Exposure<br />

Mar<strong>in</strong>e Exposure (M) (1-5)<br />

Terrestrial Exposure (T) (1-2.5)<br />

Current Direction (D) (1-2)<br />

Maximum Exposure Value = M 2 *T*D = 125

Petroleum Sensitivity<br />

Shorel<strong>in</strong>e Class and sediment type (S) 1-5<br />

Energy Level (E)<br />

Energy Regime (R)<br />

Maximum Sensitivity Value = S *E* R = 125

Petroleum Vulnerability Index<br />

PVI = √{(S *E* R) (M 2 *T*D)}<br />

The maximum possible value for the PVI is √(125)*(125)<br />

= 125<br />

Median 17.1

PVI<br />

Very Low Sensitivity: PVI 35.0<br />

Median for Newfoundland 17.1

Site Shorel<strong>in</strong>e CEI CSI PVI<br />

Belloram Gravel and Sand<br />

Beach<br />

11.3<br />

moderate<br />

Boxey Gravel & Sand Flat 22.7<br />

very high<br />

Harbour<br />

Breton<br />

Gravel and Sand<br />

Beach and Flat<br />

Dawsons Cove Sand and Gravel<br />

Beach<br />

Gaultois Gravel Beach and<br />

Rock Cliff<br />

St. Alban’s Gravel and Sand<br />

Beach and Rock Cliff<br />

11.3<br />

moderate<br />

33.7<br />

extreme<br />

12.0<br />

moderate<br />

8.0<br />

low<br />

24.7<br />

high<br />

30.1<br />

high<br />

21.2<br />

moderate<br />

27.8<br />

high<br />

14.4<br />

low<br />

27.2<br />

high<br />

19.6<br />

low<br />

18.0<br />

low<br />

18.0<br />

low<br />

Island median --- 10.3 18.5 17.1<br />

22.0<br />

moderate<br />

14.7<br />

Very low<br />

23.2<br />


Site Shorel<strong>in</strong>e Classification CEI CSI PVI<br />

Ferryland N 6: Gravel Beach w. Rock Cliff<br />

8.4<br />

24.5<br />

14.7<br />

9: Gravel & Sand Beach with Rock Cliff<br />

low<br />

high<br />

very low<br />

Ferryland Head 6: Gravel Beach w. Rock Cliff<br />

6.4<br />

15.9<br />

12.3<br />

3: Rock Cliff<br />

low<br />

moderate very low<br />

Ferryland 15: Steep Gravel Beach<br />

32.0<br />

28.7<br />

13.9<br />

18: Steep Gravel & Sand Beach<br />

extreme<br />

high<br />

very low<br />

Ferryland S 13/14/15: Wide to Narrow Gravel Flat; Steep 14.4<br />

22.6<br />

14.7<br />

Gravel Beach<br />

6: Gravel Beach w. Rock Cliff<br />

moderate moderate very low

t LaHaye

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