On “The Right” Software

On “The Right” Software

On “The Right” Software


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<strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong><br />

Dines Bjørner<br />

Denmark<br />

Beijing 26–27 April 2011<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


2<br />

Summary<br />

• Boehm [Boehm81] is credited to have formulated the “Two Rights” of software:<br />

– the problem of getting the right software<br />

– and<br />

– the problem of getting the software right.<br />

• The development processes needed<br />

– to achieve software that is right, to us,<br />

∗ requires that a proper study of the application domain<br />

∗ be done before a serious requirements study is attempted; and<br />

– to achieve the right software,<br />

∗ that is, software that is correct, to us,<br />

∗ requires that a proper engineering degree of formalism<br />

∗ be applied to the entire development process;<br />

– that is, that we re-interpret classical development processes<br />

[Spiral-Model-Boehm-1988].<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

• We shall in this paper focus only on the issue of obtaining the right<br />

software.<br />

• In this talk we shall outline<br />

– what we mean by a proper study of the application domain<br />

– and how it influences the requirements development.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


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1.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

1.1. The Triptych Phases of <strong>Software</strong> Development<br />

• Before we can design software we must understand its requirements.<br />

• Before we can prescribe the requirements we must understand the<br />

domain,<br />

– that is, the application area for the contemplated software.<br />

• Thus we argue that software development consists of three major<br />

phases:<br />

– Domain engineering — which results in a carefully analysed (verified,<br />

checked, tested and validated) domain description;<br />

– Requirements engineering, based on the domain description — which results<br />

in a carefully analysed (verified, checked, tested and validated) requirements<br />

prescription; and<br />

– <strong>Software</strong> design, based on the requirements prescription — which results in<br />

carefully analysed (verified, checked, tested and validated) software code.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

1. Introduction 1.2. What Is Different ?<br />

1.2. What Is Different ?<br />

• Among several differences comparing the Triptych approach to conventional<br />

software engineering, we consider, in this talk, four differences.<br />

1.2.1. Domain Engineering<br />

• Classical software engineering focus on Requirements and <strong>Software</strong> design.<br />

• Although Requirements engineering do entail considerations of the Domain<br />

– there is no real attempt to establish<br />

– a comprehensive description and analysis of the domain<br />

– free from any considerations of requirements — let alone software.<br />

• The Triptych approach calls for such a free-standing description and analysis.<br />

– Yes, it is true that one understands far more of the domain after software<br />

design,<br />

– but it is sort of groping in the dark prescribing requirements without really<br />

having made an honest attempt at understanding the domain.<br />

• Including domain engineering into software development helps avoiding risks.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


6 1. Introduction 1.2. What Is Different ? 1.2.2. Derivation of Requirements From Domain Descriptions<br />

1.2.2. Derivation of Requirements From Domain Descriptions<br />

• We show a new approach to requirements engineering.<br />

– Whereas requirements conventionally are acquired,<br />

laboriously, from stake-holders,<br />

– major parts of requirements are now systematically “derived” from domain<br />

descriptions.<br />

– Of course, the burden has shifted,<br />

∗ facts about the domain is now acquired, laboriously, from stake-holders,<br />

∗ but the classical problem of “always changing requirements”<br />

has been partly alleviated:<br />

· domains are more stable than requirements<br />

· and arriving at “less fluctuating” requirements is made more<br />

deterministic in being based, to a large degree, on a more stable domain<br />

understanding.<br />

• Deriving requirements helps avoiding risks.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

1. Introduction 1.2. What Is Different ? 1.2.3. Duality of Narratives & Formalisation<br />

1.2.3. Duality of Narratives & Formalisation<br />

• For all specifications of<br />

– domain facts,<br />

– requirements and<br />

– software design<br />

• we mandate the use of informal narratives and formal specifications.<br />

– The formalisms serve the developers.<br />

– The narratives serve the stake-holders.<br />

– And narratives and formalism fit one-another: “hand in glove”.<br />

• Stating all domain facts, requirements as well as software<br />

architectures both informally and formally further helps avoiding<br />

risks.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


8<br />

• Engineering builds on science.<br />

1. Introduction 1.2. What Is Different ? 1.2.4. Domain Theory<br />

1.2.4. Domain Theory<br />

• And science is expressed through theories.<br />

• <strong>Software</strong> engineering, for every specific software (product)<br />

development, builds on usually three sets of theories:<br />

– theories of programming,<br />

– theories of the application domain and<br />

– theories of software development practice & management.<br />

• The example of this paper builds on a programming theory of<br />

formal specification, abstraction, refinement and verification.<br />

• The example itself builds a theory of a transport domain.<br />

• The person we are all honouring with this symposium has<br />

contributed, well, almost established the field of software<br />

development practice & management.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

1. Introduction 1.2. What Is Different ? 1.2.4. Domain Theory<br />

• The example of this paper does not really present a theory.<br />

• It primarily lays a foundation for such a theory.<br />

• A theory, in the sense as we shall mean it,<br />

– presents a set of axioms,<br />

– some proof rules, and<br />

– a set of theorems<br />

– that can then be proven.<br />

• The proof rules are those of the specification language.<br />

• The axioms is pretty much all the formulas<br />

(from Item 1 on page 27 to Item 27 on page 49)<br />

that we have written down — plus much more.<br />

• We need to express (and prove) far more theorems.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


10 1. Introduction 1.3. Relation to Other Work on Domains<br />

• The terms<br />

1.3. Relation to Other Work on Domains<br />

– ‘domain analysis’,<br />

– ‘domain specific languages’ and<br />

– ‘domain engineering’<br />

are used,<br />

– by different authors,<br />

– in different contexts, and hence<br />

– with different meanings.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

1. Introduction 1.3. Relation to Other Work on Domains 1.3.1. Domain Analysis<br />

1.3.1. Domain Analysis<br /> An Information Science Viewpoint:<br />

Hjørland & Albrechtsen suggested domain-analysis as a new paradigm for Library<br />

and Information Science (LIS):<br />

• ‘The domain-analytic paradigm’ is a theoretical approach to Information<br />

Science (IS),<br />

• which states, that the best way to understand information in LIS<br />

• is to study the knowledge-domains as ‘discourse communities’, which are<br />

parts of the society’s division of labor.<br />

• Knowledge organization, structure, co-operation patterns, language and<br />

communication forms, information systems and relevance criteria are<br />

reflections of the objects of the work of these communities and of their role<br />

in society.<br />

• The individual person’s psychology, knowledge, information needs, and<br />

subjective relevance criteria should be seen in this perspective.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


12 1. Introduction 1.3. Relation to Other Work on Domains 1.3.1. Domain Analysis An Information Science Viewpoint:<br />

Our understanding of ‘domain analysis’ is less ambitious.<br />

• Our approach is involved in ‘discourse communities’, we refer to<br />

them as domain stake-holders.<br />

• Such terms as ‘knowledge organization, structure, co-operation<br />

patterns, language and communication forms, information<br />

systems and relevance criteria are here reformulated into simple<br />

entities, actions, events and behaviours.<br />

• We do not consider ‘the individual person’s psychology,<br />

knowledge, information needs, and subjective relevance<br />

criteria’.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

1. Introduction 1.3. Relation to Other Work on Domains 1.3.1. Domain Analysis An Information Science Viewpoint:<br />

• Our approach to ‘domain analysis’ is to create a model for a<br />

domain,<br />

– a model from which we can “derive” computable requirements,<br />

– a model which we can formalise in order to prove properties, and<br />

– in general, in order to create a domain theory.<br />

• We seek to describe only that in the domain which can be<br />

objectively “measured” and hence modelled mathematically.<br />

• Our technical approach thus appears to be quite different from that<br />

of Hjørland & Albrechtsen .<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


14<br />

1. Introduction 1.3. Relation to Other Work on Domains 1.3.1. Domain Analysis A More Conventional <strong>Software</strong> Engineering Viewpoint<br /> A More Conventional <strong>Software</strong> Engineering Viewpoint<br />

• The more conventional understanding of domain analysis is in<br />

connection with software product line R&D.<br />

– In [Champeaux et al.: Chap. 13: Domain Analysis, 1993],<br />

– in various papers by D. Batory and his colleagues,<br />

– and in The FODA Report: Feature Oriented Domain Analysis [Kang et al.,<br />

1990],<br />

• domain analysis is basically restricted<br />

– to consider only feature modelling<br />

– for a class of potential products (a product line),<br />

– and is hence bound to considerations of requirements and software design.<br />

• To us, domain analysis goes well beyond those concerns,<br />

– it is not restricted to be aimed at requirements and software design<br />

subsequent to domain description, but<br />

– stands alone and can be concerned with just understanding the domain, free<br />

from any concerns of IT.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

1. Introduction 1.3. Relation to Other Work on Domains 1.3.2. Domain Specific Languages<br />

1.3.2. Domain Specific Languages<br />

• ‘Domain specific languages’ (DSL) [M.Fowler: DSLs, 2010]<br />

– usually are programming (less often specification) languages<br />

– tailored for a very specific domain.<br />

– And usually one can program “whole” applications within such a<br />

DSL.<br />

– Thus DSLs are typically so-called “executable” and lack<br />

abstraction, refinement and proof systems.<br />

– We are not concerned with DSLs in this paper.<br />

• “Our” DSL is that of RAISE [RaiseMethod] formal Specification<br />

Language, RSL [RSL].<br />

– It allows abstraction,<br />

– facilitates refinements and<br />

– permits proofs.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


16<br />

1. Introduction 1.3. Relation to Other Work on Domains 1.3.2. Domain Specific Languages<br />

• The domain of RAISE includes<br />

– software development in general and<br />

– quite a number of real-life, also man-made universes of discourse.<br />

• But RAISE is not “universal”.<br />

– In fact, none of the leading formal specification languages<br />

(including RSL) can cope with<br />

∗ all facets of all possible software developments, but it can with<br />

quite a few, nor with<br />

∗ all observable phenomena of all domains, but again it can<br />

handle quite a few.<br />

– What, then, to do for cases where a DSL fails.<br />

– Well, as for DSLs (cf. [M.Fowler: DSLs, 2010]), one combine two<br />

or more DSLs.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

1. Introduction 1.3. Relation to Other Work on Domains 1.3.2. Domain Specific Languages<br />

• Besides RSL there are other formal specification languages, some<br />

leading ones are:<br />

–Alloy,<br />

–CafeOBJ,<br />

–CASL,<br />

–B, Event B,<br />

–VDM and<br />

–Z.<br />

• These are then to be used jointly with one or more of, for example:<br />

–DC,<br />

–Timed Automata,<br />

–MSC,<br />

–Petri nets,<br />

–Statechart and<br />

–TLA+.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


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1. Introduction 1.3. Relation to Other Work on Domains 1.3.3. Domain Engineering<br />

1.3.3. Domain Engineering<br />

• The term ‘domain engineering’ is commonly used synonymously<br />

with ‘software product line engineering’.<br />

• Our use of the term may not be that fortunate:<br />

– perhaps we should rather use the term ‘domain analysis and<br />

description engineering’.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

1. Introduction 1.3. Relation to Other Work on Domains 1.3.3. Domain Engineering<br />

• The distinguishing point between the ‘software product line<br />

engineering’ term and our use of the term ‘domain engineering’ is<br />

the following:<br />

– The ‘product line’ term refers to a usage<br />

∗ where domain analysis<br />

· (usually informal,<br />

· but except for its “tie-in” to software feature analysis,<br />

· like ours)<br />

is but part of the meaning of the ‘product line’ term.<br />

∗ The “larger” meaning of the ‘product line’ term<br />

∗ is that domain analysis plays a rôle,<br />

∗ but the goal is software versions.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


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1. Introduction 1.3. Relation to Other Work on Domains 1.3.3. Domain Engineering<br />

– Our use of the term ‘domain engineering’<br />

∗ does not necessarily entail software;<br />

∗ we are focused only on the domain;<br />

∗ we entertain no considerations of software features;<br />

∗ we wish to establish, independent of software, a theory of the<br />

domain being considered.<br />

– But, as a derivative from domain engineering comes the<br />

possibility of “deriving” requirements.<br />

– In [Domains: Their Simulation, Monitoring and Control] we<br />

show how a single domain description can be the basis for a wide<br />

software product line.<br />

∗ In this sense the two interpretations of ‘domain engineering’<br />

converge.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

1. Introduction 1.4. Structure of This Talk<br />

1.4. Structure of This Talk<br />

1.4.1. General<br />

• We overview the Triptych model of software development (first<br />

part of Sect. 2), that is we highlight some, but far from all, aspects<br />

of<br />

– domain engineering (Sect. 2.1) and<br />

– requirements engineering (Sect. 2.2).<br />

– We omit detailed consideration of software design (Sect. 2.3).<br />

• Then we relate the Triptych approach to the “Two Rights”<br />

formulated in [Boehm81].<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


22 1. Introduction 1.4. Structure of This Talk 1.4.2. Rôle of The Example<br />

1.4.2. Rôle of The Example<br />

• In connection with the brief summarisations of<br />

– domain and<br />

– requirements<br />

engineering<br />

• we bring the rather large example.<br />

– Without a reasonably “substantial” example our brief summaries<br />

would be mere postulates.<br />

– With the example we can now better see<br />

∗ how a not insignificant number of domain description and requirements<br />

prescription development principles and techniques<br />

∗ warrant a far more detailed understanding of software engineering process<br />

models [Spiral-Model-Boehm-1988].<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

2. Introduction<br />

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development<br />

• Before software can be designed<br />

– one must have a solid grasp<br />

– of its requirements.<br />

• Before requirements can be precisely prescribed<br />

– one must have a solid grasp<br />

– of the [application] domain.<br />

• The Triptych model of software development hence evolves<br />

around<br />

– a phase of domain engineering,<br />

– a phase of requirements engineering and<br />

– a phase of software design —<br />

• properly reiterated while incrementing scopes and spans.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


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2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.1. Domain Engineering<br />

2.1. Domain Engineering<br />

2.1.1. Business Processes<br />

• The business processes of transport nets include:<br />

– (1) transport: vehicles entering and leaving the net at any hub<br />

or along any link and moving along routes seen as sequences of<br />

links and hubs;<br />

– (2) the maintenance, extension and reduction of nets through<br />

insertions and removals of hubs and links;<br />

– etcetera.<br />

• Telling a careful “story” here<br />

– is a good entry<br />

– to the more stringent domain descriptions to follow.<br />

• We later follow-up on BPE by BPR: business process<br />

re-engineering.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.1. Domain Engineering 2.1.2. Domain Description<br />

2.1.2. Domain Description<br />

• The core part of the domain engineering of an application area is<br />

the description of the domain.<br />

• A domain description tells us the facts of the domain —<br />

– of what can be objectively observed<br />

(by human senses and physical apparati):<br />

∗ simple entities,<br />

∗ actions,<br />

∗ events and<br />

∗ behaviours.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


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2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.1. Domain Engineering 2.1.2. Domain Description<br />

• A domain description tells us of<br />

– what the domain is, seen from certain points of view,<br />

– without any reference to software for that domain<br />

– let alone requirements to such software.<br />

• A domain description is a specification of the domain<br />

modulo any requirements.<br />

• Let us exemplify fragments of descriptions for a domain of<br />

transport nets.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.1. Domain Engineering 2.1.3. Simple Entities<br />

2.1.3. Simple Entities<br />

The basic simple entities of transport nets are their hubs<br />

(intersections, stations, airports, harbours) and links (road segments,<br />

rail tracks, air lanes and sea lanes, respectively).<br />

1. There are net, hubs and links<br />

2. From a net one can observe a set of<br />

one or more hubs and zero or more<br />

links.<br />

Hubs and links are sub-entities of composite nets.<br />

type<br />

1. N, H, L<br />

value<br />

2. ωHs: N → H-set, ωLs: N → L-set<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


28<br />

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.1. Domain Engineering 2.1.3. Simple Entities Unique Entity Identifiers:<br /> Unique Entity Identifiers:<br />

In order to identify how hubs and links are composed into nets we<br />

introduce the abstract concepts of unique hub and link identifiers.<br />

3. Hubs and links have unique and<br />

distinct identifiers.<br />

type<br />

3. HI, LI<br />

value<br />

3. ωHI: H → HI, ωLI: L → LI<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.1. Domain Engineering 2.1.3. Simple Entities Mereology:<br /> Mereology:<br />

The mereology of composite simple entities such as nets explains how<br />

its sub-entities are composed.<br />

4. From hub one can observe the<br />

identifiers of the zero or more links to<br />

which it is connected.<br />

5. From a link one can observe the<br />

identifiers of the two hubs that the<br />

link connects.<br />

6. Hubs and links so referenced in links<br />

and hubs are indeed hubs and links of<br />

the net.<br />

value<br />

4. ωLIs: H → LI-set<br />

5. ωHIs: L → HI-set<br />

axiom<br />

6. ∀ n:N,h:H,l:L•h ∈ ωHs(n)∧l ∈ ωLs(n) ⇒<br />

6. let lis=ωLIs(h),his=ωHIs(l) in<br />

6. card his = 2 ∧<br />

6. ∀ li:LI•li ∈ lis ⇒<br />

6. ∃ h ′<br />

:H • h ′<br />

∈ ωHs(n)∧ωHI(h ′<br />

)=li∧<br />

6. ∀ hi:HI•hi ∈ his ⇒<br />

6. ∃ l ′<br />

:L • l ′<br />

∈ ωLs(n)∧ωLI(l ′<br />

)=hi<br />

6. end<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


30<br />

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.1. Domain Engineering 2.1.3. Simple Entities Simple Entity Attributes:<br /> Simple Entity Attributes:<br />

Entities have attributes. These are properties. Essential properties<br />

cannot be “removed” from an entity of a certain kind without<br />

destroying its being an entity of that kind. Inessential properties<br />

can be so ‘removed’ without such a ‘destruction’.<br />

7. Nets have geographical area of<br />

location, names, owners and so on,<br />

attributes.<br />

8. Hubs 1 have geographical location,<br />

length, name, and so on, attributes.<br />

9. Links 2 have geographical locations,<br />

name, and so on, attributes.<br />

1 besides unique identification and the identification of its connected links<br />

2 besides unique identification and the identification of its connected hubs<br />

type<br />

7. Area, Name, Owner, ...<br />

8. Loc, Len, Name, ...<br />

9. Loc, Name, ...<br />

value<br />

7. ωArea: N → Area, ...<br />

8. ωLoc: H → Loc ...<br />

9. ωLocL: L → Loc ∗ , ...<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.1. Domain Engineering 2.1.3. Simple Entities States:<br /> States:<br />

The domain describer chooses a suitable subset of simple entities to<br />

serve a notion of state. Nets form an important state-notion. With<br />

hubs and links we associate observable state attributes.<br />

10. A hub (h) state, hσ, is a set of pairs of link<br />

identifiers (each pair (li, lj) stands for the<br />

ability to move from link li to link lj, where it<br />

is assumed that {li, lj, . . .} ⊆obs LIs(h)).<br />

11. A link (l) state, lσ, is a set of zero, one or two<br />

pairs of hub identifiers (each pair (hm, ln)<br />

stands for the ability to move on link l from<br />

hub hm to hub hn, where it is assumed that<br />

{hm, hn} =obs HIs(l)).<br />

12. A hub (h) state space, hω, is the set of hub<br />

states that a hub may take on.<br />

13. A link (l) state space, lω, is the set of hub<br />

states that a link may take on.<br />

type<br />

10. HΣ = (LI×LI)-set<br />

11. LΣ = (HI×HI)-set<br />

12. HΩ = HΣ-set<br />

13. LΩ = LΣ-set<br />

value<br />

10. ωHΣ: H ⇒HΣ<br />

11. ωLΣ: H ⇒HΣ<br />

12. ωHΩ: H ⇒HΩ<br />

13. ωLΩ: H ⇒HΩ<br />

axiom<br />

12. ∀ h:H •ωHΣ(h)∈ωHΩ(h)<br />

13. ∀ l:L •ωLΣ(l)∈ωLΩ(l)<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


32<br />

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.1. Domain Engineering 2.1.4. Actions<br />

2.1.4. Actions<br />

Actions occur. An action potentially changes a state.<br />

14. Nets are [de-]constructed from new<br />

net, insert and remove hub and insert<br />

and remove link actions.<br />

15. An insert hub (or link) action can be<br />

designated by providing a “fresh” hub<br />

(or link) with suitable unique identifier<br />

properties.<br />

16. A remove hub (or link) action can be<br />

designated by providing a suitable<br />

unique identifier.<br />

17. Insert and remove actions are<br />

commensurate with the net: the hub<br />

and link are new; so are their<br />

identifiers; inserted hubs are not<br />

connected, inserted links are<br />

connected.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.1. Domain Engineering 2.1.4. Actions<br />

type<br />

value<br />

14. ActDes = iH | rH | iL | rL xtr LIs: N → LI-set, xtr HIs: N → HI-set<br />

15. iH :: H<br />

xtr LIs(n) ≡ {ωLI(l)|l:L<br />

16. rH :: HI<br />

15. iL :: L<br />

16. rL :: LI<br />

axiom<br />

17. ∀ n:N,iH(h),rH(hi),iL(l),rl(li):ActDes ⇒<br />

17. h ∈ ωHs(n) ∧ l ∈ ωLs(n) ∧<br />

17. hi ∈ xtr HIs(n) ∧ li ∈ xtr LIs(n)<br />

17. ωLIs(h)={} ∧ ωHIs(l)⊆xtr HIs(n)<br />

•l ∈ ωLs(n)}<br />

xtr HIs(n) ≡ {ωHI(h)|h:H•h ∈ ωHs(n)}<br />

get H: HI → N ∼ → H,get L: LI → N ∼ → L<br />

get H(hi)(n) ≡<br />

let h:H•h ∈ ωHs(n) •hi=ωHI(h) in h end<br />

pre: ∃ h:H•h ∈ ωHs(n) •hi=ωHI(h)<br />

get L(li)(n) ≡<br />

let l:L•l ∈ ωLs(n) •li=ωLI(l) in l end<br />

pre: ∃ l:L•l ∈ ωLs(n) •li=ωLI(l)<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


34<br />

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.1. Domain Engineering 2.1.4. Actions<br />

The following action specifications should be “obvious”:<br />

value<br />

newN: Unit → N<br />

newN() as n<br />

post (ωHs,ωLs)(n)=({},{})<br />

emptyN: N → Bool<br />

emptyN(n) ≡ (ωHs,ωLs)(n)=({},{})<br />

insertH: iH → N ∼ → N<br />

insertH(iH(h))(n) as n ′<br />

pre iH(h): axiom 17.<br />

post ωHs(n)=ωHs(n ′<br />

) ∪ {h} ∧<br />

ωLs(n)=ωLs(n ′<br />

)<br />

removeH: rH → N ∼ → N<br />

removeH(rH(hi))(n) as n ′<br />

pre iH(hi): axiom 17.<br />

post ωLIs(get HI(hi)(n))={} ∧<br />

ωHs(n ′<br />

)=ωHs(n)\{get HI(hi)(n)}<br />

18. The above action definitions can be proven to result in nets that<br />

satisfy previously stated axioms.<br />

theorem:<br />

18. ∀ n:N,h:H,hi:HI•h∈ ωHs(n)∧hi=ωHI(h)<br />

18. ⇒ removeH(rH(hi))(insertH(iH(h))(n))=n<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.1. Domain Engineering 2.1.5. Events<br />

2.1.5. Events<br />

• A domain event can be characterised<br />

– a time or a time interval (“the” time [interval] of the event),<br />

– a pair of states of the domain: just before and right after the<br />

event, and<br />

– a predicate over time and the state pair.<br />

• Examples of transport events could be:<br />

– a mud slide covering a link or a hub and<br />

– a vehicle veering off a link.<br />

• We shall omit more detailed descriptions, including formalisations,<br />

of events in this paper.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


36<br />

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.1. Domain Engineering 2.1.6. Behaviours<br />

2.1.6. Behaviours<br />

• Behaviours are sets of sequences of actions, events or behaviours.<br />

• Our example shall model such sequences by a function from time to<br />

states of nets and positions of vehicles on the net.<br />

19. Vehicle traffic<br />

(a) There are vehicles and there is time.<br />

(b) Vehicles are positioned at hubs<br />

(c) or fractions down links.<br />

(d) Vehicles either do not move or move<br />

monotonically.<br />

(e) Vehicles may leave or enter the net.<br />

type<br />

19(a). V, T<br />

19(b). VP == atH(hi:HI)|onL(fhi:HI,f:F,li:LI,thi:HI)<br />

19(c). F = Real axiom 0≤f≤1<br />

19(d). TF = T → (N × (V →m VP))<br />

19(e). etcereta.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.1. Domain Engineering 2.1.7. Discussion<br />

2.1.7. Discussion<br />

• We have hinted at what a domain description contains and what it<br />

might look like.<br />

• Our descriptions form pairs of narratives and formalisations.<br />

• The narrative is what the stake-holders read and validate.<br />

• The formalisations should fit, “hand-in-glove”, the narratives.<br />

• The formalisations are what the domain engineers construct<br />

‘hand-in-hand’ with constructing the narratives.<br />

• Requirements engineers read and transform domain descriptions.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


38<br />

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.2. Requirements Engineering<br />

2.2. Requirements Engineering<br />

2.2.1. The Machine = Hardware + <strong>Software</strong><br />

• By ‘the machine’ we shall understand the<br />

– software to be developed and<br />

– hardware (equipment + base software) to be configured<br />

• for the domain application.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.2. Requirements Engineering 2.2.2. Requirements Prescription<br />

2.2.2. Requirements Prescription<br />

• The core part of the requirements engineering of a computing<br />

application is the requirements prescription.<br />

– A requirements prescription tells us which parts of the domain<br />

are to be supported by ‘the machine’.<br />

– A requirements is to satisfy some goals.<br />

– Usually the goals cannot be prescribed in such a manner that<br />

they can served directly as a basis for software design.<br />

– Instead we derive the requirements from the domain descriptions<br />

and then argue (incl. prove) that the goals satisfy the<br />

requirements.<br />

– In this talk we shall not show the latter but shall show the<br />

former.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


40<br />

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.2. Requirements Engineering 2.2.3. A Suitable Decomposition of the Requirements Prescription<br />

2.2.3. A Suitable Decomposition of the Requirements Prescription<br />

• We consider three forms of requirements prescription:<br />

– the domain requirements,<br />

– the interface requirements and<br />

– the machine requirements.<br />

• Recall that the machine is the hardware and software (to be<br />

required).<br />

– Domain requirements are those whose technical terms are from<br />

the domain only.<br />

– Machine requirements are those whose technical terms are from<br />

the machine only.<br />

– Interface requirements are those whose technical terms are from<br />

both.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.2. Requirements Engineering 2.2.4. An Aside on Our Example<br />

2.2.4. An Aside on Our Example<br />

• We shall continue our “ongoing” example.<br />

• Our requirements is for a toll-road system.<br />

• The goals of having a toll-road system are:<br />

– to decrease transport times between selected hubs of a general<br />

net; and<br />

– to decrease traffic accidents and fatalities while moving on the<br />

toll-road net as compared to comparable movements on the<br />

general net.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


42<br />

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.2. Requirements Engineering 2.2.4. An Aside on Our Example<br />

• The toll-road net, however, must be paid for by its users.<br />

– Therefore toll-road net entries and exits occur at toll-road plazas<br />

– with these plazas containing entry and exit toll-booths<br />

– where tickets can be issued, respectively collected and travel paid<br />

for.<br />

• We shall very briefly touch upon these toll-booths, in the Extension<br />

part (as from Slide 53) below.<br />

• So all the other parts of the next section (Sect. on page 44) serve<br />

to build up to the Extension part.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.2. Requirements Engineering 2.2.5. Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)<br />

2.2.5. Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)<br />

• Before embarking on the detailed elaboration of requirements<br />

– it is advised that a thorough, rough-sketching of the<br />

re-engineering of the business processes take place.<br />

– We refer to our earlier mentioning of business processes.<br />

– Our example focus on following up on Item (1) of BPE:<br />

∗ A toll-road system is a special net consisting of a linear sequence of toll-road<br />

links separated by toll-road hubs.<br />

∗ Vehicles gain access to these hubs and links by entering (and leaving) the<br />

toll-road net at toll plazas, through entry (respectively exit) booths<br />

connected to the toll-road hubs by plaza to toll-road hub hubs.<br />

∗ Vehicles collect tickets upon entering the toll-road net.<br />

∗ Vehicles move around the toll-road hubs and links.<br />

∗ And vehicles return tickets and pay for using the toll-road net upon leaving<br />

that net.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


44<br />

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.2. Requirements Engineering 2.2.6. Domain Requirements<br />

2.2.6. Domain Requirements<br />

• Domain requirements cover all those aspects of the domain —<br />

– simple entities,<br />

– actions,<br />

– events and<br />

– behaviours —<br />

• which are to be supported by ‘the machine’.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.2. Requirements Engineering 2.2.6. Domain Requirements<br />

• Thus domain requirements are developed by systematically<br />

“revising” cum “editing” the domain description:<br />

– which parts are to be projected: left in or out;<br />

– which general descriptions are to be instantiated into more<br />

specific ones;<br />

– which non-deterministic properties are to be made more<br />

determinate; and<br />

– which parts are to be extended with such computable domain<br />

description parts which are not feasible without IT.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


46 2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.2. Requirements Engineering 2.2.6. Domain Requirements The Domain to Domain Requirements Operations<br /> The Domain to Domain Requirements Operations<br />

• Projection, instantiation, determination and extension are the basic<br />

engineering tasks of domain requirements engineering.<br />

• An example may best illustrate what is at stake.<br />

• The example is that of a toll-way system — in contrast to the<br />

general nets covered by description Items 1–19(e).<br />

• See Fig. 1.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.2. Requirements Engineering 2.2.6. Domain Requirements The Domain to Domain Requirements Operations<br />

links<br />

hubs<br />

General Net<br />

plaza<br />

to<br />

plaza<br />

hub<br />

toll−way<br />

p1 links p2 p3<br />

p7 p8<br />

.....<br />

.....<br />

h1 h2 h4 h7 h8<br />

"twinned" toll−way hub<br />

toll−way links<br />

Toll−way Net<br />

Figure 1: General and Toll-way Nets<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


48<br />

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.2. Requirements Engineering 2.2.6. Domain Requirements Projection<br /> Projection<br />

We keep what is needed to prescribe the toll-road system and leave<br />

out the rest.<br />

20. We keep the description, narrative and<br />

formalisation,<br />

(a) nets, hubs, links,<br />

(b) hub and link identifiers,<br />

(c) hub and link states,<br />

21. as well as related observer functions.<br />

type<br />

20(a). N, H, L<br />

20(b). HI, LI<br />

20(c). HΣ, LΣ<br />

value<br />

21. ωHs,ωLs,ωHI,ωLI,<br />

21. ωHIs,ωLIs,ωHΣ,ωL Σ<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.2. Requirements Engineering 2.2.6. Domain Requirements Instantiation<br /> Instantiation<br />

• From the general net model of earlier formalisations<br />

• we instantiate the toll-way net model now described.<br />

22. The net is now concretely modelled as<br />

a pair of sequences.<br />

23. <strong>On</strong>e sequence models the plaza hubs,<br />

their plaza-to-toll-way link and the<br />

connected toll-way hub.<br />

24. The other sequence models the pairs<br />

of “twinned” toll-way links.<br />

25. From plaza hubs one can observe their<br />

hubs and the identifiers of these hubs.<br />

26. The former sequence is of m such<br />

plaza “complexes” where m ≥ 2; the<br />

latter sequence is of m − 1 “twinned”<br />

links.<br />

27. From a toll-way net one can abstract a<br />

proper net.<br />

28. <strong>On</strong>e can show that the posited<br />

abstraction function yields well-formed<br />

nets, i.e., nets which satisfy previously<br />

stated axioms.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


50<br />

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.2. Requirements Engineering 2.2.6. Domain Requirements Instantiation<br />

type<br />

22. TWN = PC ∗ × TL ∗<br />

23. PC = PH × L × H<br />

24. TL = L × L<br />

value<br />

23. ωH: PH → H, ωHI: PH → HI<br />

axiom<br />

26. ∀ (pcl,tll):TWN •<br />

26. 2≤len pcl∧len pcl=len tll+1<br />

value<br />

27. abs N: TWN → N<br />

27. abs N(pcl,tll) as n<br />

27. pre: wf TWN(pcl,tll)<br />

27. post:<br />

27. ωHs(n) =<br />

27. {h,h ′ |(h, ,h ′ ):PC •(h, ,h ′ )∈ elems pcl} ∧<br />

27. ωLs(n) =<br />

27. {l|( ,l, ):PC •( ,l, )∈ elems pcl} ∪<br />

27. {l,l ′ |(l,l ′ ):TL •(l,l ′ )∈ elems tll}<br />

theorem:<br />

28. ∀ twn:TWN • wf TWN(twn) ⇒ wf N(abs N(twn))<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

51<br />

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.2. Requirements Engineering 2.2.6. Domain Requirements Instantiation Model Well-formedness wrt. Instantiation<br /> • Model Well-formedness wrt. Instantiation•<br />

• Instantiation restricts general nets to toll-way nets.<br />

• Well-formedness deals with proper mereology: that observed<br />

identifier references are proper.<br />

• We shall omit showing a formalisation of well-formedness.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark

52<br />

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.2. Requirements Engineering 2.2.6. Domain Requirements Determination<br /> Determination<br />

• Determination, in this example, fixes states of hubs and links.<br />

• The state sets contain only one set.<br />

– Twinned toll-way links allow traffic only in opposite directions.<br />

– Plaza to toll-way hubs allow traffic in both directions.<br />

– Toll-way hubs allow traffic to flow freely from<br />

∗ plaza to toll-way links<br />

∗ and from incoming toll-way links<br />

∗ to outgoing toll-way links<br />

∗ and toll-way to plaza links.<br />

• We omit formalisation.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.2. Requirements Engineering 2.2.6. Domain Requirements Extension<br /> Extension<br />

• For our example we choose to consider the toll plazas.<br />

• A toll plaza,<br />

– in addition to its hub,<br />

– also contains vehicle<br />

∗ entry and<br />

∗ exit<br />

booths.<br />

• We refer to Fig. 2 on the next page.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


54<br />

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.2. Requirements Engineering 2.2.6. Domain Requirements Extension<br />

Vehicle<br />

Direction<br />

Ticket Dispensor<br />

Entry Booth<br />

Exit Gate<br />

Entry Booth<br />

Exit Booth<br />

Enter Sensor Exit Sensor<br />

Car<br />

Entry Booth<br />

Exit Sensor<br />

Exit<br />

Booth<br />

Entry<br />

Booth<br />

Car<br />

Exit Booth<br />

Enter Sensor<br />

Figure 2: Entry and Exit Toll Boths<br />

Exit Booth<br />

Exit Gate<br />

Payment Display & Acceptor<br />

Ticket Collector<br />

Vehicle<br />

Direction<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.2. Requirements Engineering 2.2.6. Domain Requirements Extension<br />

• Surely the mechatronics of toll-booths warrants a detailed<br />

prescription;<br />

– it is therefore, with regret, that we omit such a prescription.<br />

– The “bare-bones” of a plausible prescription would take up an<br />

additional four pages of narratives and formalisation.<br />

– So we refrain.<br />

– Instead we refer to [Olderog & Dirks 2008] for a convincing story<br />

on how to domain model and develop provably correct software<br />

for real-time, safety critical embedded systems.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


56<br />

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.2. Requirements Engineering 2.2.7. Interface and Machine Requirements<br />

2.2.7. Interface and Machine Requirements<br />

• Interface requirements take into consideration both<br />

– the domain description and<br />

– the machine:<br />

∗ the hardware + base systems software<br />

∗ upon which the software to be designed<br />

is to be implemented.<br />

• So interface requirements are not exclusively “derived” from the<br />

narrated and formalised domain description.<br />

• And the machine requirements<br />

– make hardly any concrete reference to the domain description.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.3. <strong>Software</strong> Design<br />

2.3. <strong>Software</strong> Design<br />

• We shall likewise omit any serious coverage of the software design<br />

process — except for these remarks:<br />

– As the domain description serves as a model for the development<br />

of the requirements development,<br />

– so do the requirements prescription serve as a model for software<br />

design; that is,<br />

– our whole software development is model-oriented.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


58<br />

2. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development 2.4. A Summary<br />

2.4. A Summary<br />

• We have over-viewed the Triptych approach to software<br />

development:<br />

– core aspects of domain engineering and<br />

– core aspects of requirements.<br />

• The conclusions that one may be able to draw from the example —<br />

– or at least a reasonable small number of such examples —<br />

are<br />

– that domains can be described, informally as well as formally;<br />

– that domain requirements can be systematically (but not<br />

automatically) “derived” from domain descriptions; and<br />

– that this approach puts requirements engineering in a<br />

rather new light.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

3. An Example of Triptych <strong>Software</strong> Development<br />

3. Relations to Boehm’s Work<br />

• In this section we shall discuss the issue of<br />

– how the Triptych approach secures “the two rights” of<br />

software.<br />

• Barry W. Boehm is often quoted [The2Rights:Boehm1989] as<br />

having expressed:<br />

– “verification is building the product right, and<br />

– validation is building the right product.”<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


60<br />

3. Relations to Boehm’s Work 3.1. Correct <strong>Software</strong><br />

3.1. Correct <strong>Software</strong><br />

• The Triptych approach to software correctness is based on the<br />

use of formal specification.<br />

– Ideally, and eventually, one can prove properties of even large<br />

scale software systems.<br />

– This includes proving correctness of software with respect to<br />

requirements.<br />

• Verification proofs<br />

D, S |= R<br />

– show that the <strong>Software</strong> is<br />

– correct with respect to the R<br />

– while making assumptions about the Domain.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

3. Relations to Boehm’s Work 3.1. Correct <strong>Software</strong><br />

• But just the use of formal specification of software helps.<br />

• Then the rigorous “derivation” of<br />

– software designs from requirements, and<br />

– domain requirements from domain descriptions,<br />

• contributes towards “building the product right”.<br />

• The above claims are supported by numerous reports on the<br />

industry-scale use for ‘formal methods’. 3<br />

3 See also: http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/˜db/fm-industry-project-survey/<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


62<br />

3. Relations to Boehm’s Work 3.2. The Right <strong>Software</strong><br />

3.2. The Right <strong>Software</strong><br />

• Our approach to getting the right software differs from that of<br />

Boehm’s [Boehm-Lifetime-Achievements-2007].<br />

– It is not sôlely based on validation.<br />

– It is first based on<br />

∗ a careful domain analysis,<br />

∗ resulting in a detailed narrative and formal description,<br />

– and then ending with a likewise careful validation<br />

∗ of that description, by the stake-holders<br />

∗ who, in the first place, provided the “input” to the domain analysis.<br />

• But we claim that Boehm’s coinage<br />

– “verification is building the product right, and<br />

– validation is building the right product”<br />

has been very inspirational and influential.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

3. Relations to Boehm’s Work 3.2. The Right <strong>Software</strong><br />

• The Triptych approach to obtaining the right software is<br />

– ultimately based on its starting the whole development process<br />

– with understanding the domain thoroughly;<br />

– then on “deriving” domain and interface requirements from the<br />

domain description.<br />

• An important aspect of achieving the right software is<br />

– the dual expression of domains and requirements both<br />

– in terms of narratives, i.e., informal specifications,<br />

– and in terms of formalisations:<br />

– ensuring a thorough, deep and comprehensive<br />

∗ understanding of the domain and<br />

∗ of the requirements.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


64<br />

• The repeated use<br />

3. Relations to Boehm’s Work 3.2. The Right <strong>Software</strong><br />

– of both [i.e., informal and formal expression], together, and<br />

– for domains, requirements and software design,<br />

– and across many distinct stake-holder groups<br />

has shown to lead to very low numbers of misunderstandings.<br />

• All this has been experienced in many industry-scale projects since<br />

the early 1990s [UNU-IIST-10-Years].<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

3. Relations to Boehm’s Work 3.3. Process Models<br />

3.3. Process Models<br />

• There is a much larger area of SE concern so carefully worked on<br />

by Boehm.<br />

– That area is epitomized<br />

∗ by his books<br />

· [<strong>Software</strong> Engineering Economics 1981]<br />

· [Risk Management 1989]<br />

and<br />

∗ by his project as of late [LeanMBASE 2006].<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


66 3. Relations to Boehm’s Work 3.3. Process Models<br />

• Supporting — indeed implied by — the Triptych approach,<br />

– there is a general set of generic process models<br />

[The SE Book Vol.3, Chaps. 16, 24, 30].<br />

• Paired with, for each instance of a domain-specific development, a<br />

[smaller] set of software development graphs<br />

[misc. 1980s papers],<br />

– the generic process models can be instantiated with the software<br />

development graphs,<br />

– to achieve specific practices process models.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

3. Relations to Boehm’s Work 3.3. Process Models<br />

• A [formal] domain, requirements or software specification<br />

– can itself be developed in stages<br />

– and each stage can be understood as a 360 o revolution<br />

– with respect to Boehm’s Spiral Model.<br />

• Assuming a reasonably comprehensive and complete domain model,<br />

– a development into requirements and software design<br />

– which unravels the development, “a bit at a time”, that is,<br />

“spiraling”,<br />

– now makes sense — as has been shown in a number of projects<br />

already in the 1980s and 1990s.<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


68<br />

3. Relations to Boehm’s Work 3.3. Process Models<br />

• These spiral process models can now be used by management for<br />

process assessment and improvement.<br />

– The care with which process models are chosen and<br />

deployed as described in the LeanMBASE model .<br />

– including, notably, the intricately laid out pragmatic<br />

concerns: issues, checkpoints, resolutions, etcetera,<br />

– is something that need be considered by Triptych users.<br />

• I have been much inspired and derived several benefits from<br />

Boehm’s work in this area — as witnessed, alas, only to a tiny<br />

extent by [The SE Book Vol.3, Sect. 2.4].<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

4. Relations to Boehm’s Work<br />

4. Conclusion<br />

• It seems that the R&D of LeanMBASE<br />

– originally took its departure point in observing how software<br />

engineers performed their tasks<br />

– and then went on to apply empirical evidence and statistically<br />

observable measures<br />

– in monitoring and controlling such developments;<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


70<br />

4. Conclusion<br />

• whereas the R&D of Triptych<br />

– originally took its departure point in results from programming<br />

methodology: program specification and verification<br />

– and then went on to apply the academic ideas of programming<br />

methodology to larger and large scale projects,<br />

– ending up, in the case of Triptych, with exactly that:<br />

Triptych.<br />

• A final claim of this talk is then going to be<br />

– that these two diametrically “opposed” and “originating”<br />

approaches<br />

– are now merging into one another.<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

4. Conclusion<br />

• Both the LeanMBASE and the Triptych approaches may<br />

appear, to some,<br />

– to only apply to conventional, usually large scale software<br />

systems<br />

– such as compilers, operating systems, military information,<br />

command and control systems, banking systems, air traffic<br />

control systems, etc.<br />

• It is, however, also fully applicable, according to our experience,<br />

also from observation<br />

– of the kind of software development that goes on in about a<br />

dozen software houses started by our students, and now in their<br />

15th–25th year of existence,<br />

– to the development of software that in many aspects can be<br />

characterised as representing “immaterial labour” so aptly<br />

described in [ImmaterialLabor2011].<br />

April 1, 2011, 12:27 <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark<br />


72 5. Conclusion<br />

5. Acknowledgements<br />

• I gratefully expresses his thanks to<br />

– Prof. Lu RuQian, Mathematics Institute, CAS, a friend since<br />

1980 (The IFIP Congress in Melbourne, Australia), and<br />

– Prof. Li MingShu, <strong>Software</strong> Institute, CAS, a friend also of<br />

quite a few years<br />

– for enticing him to submit and partially<br />

– supporting him to present this paper.<br />

• I also gratefully acknowledges the tremendous support received<br />

from Prof. Lee Osterweil and the anonymous referees in their<br />

refereeing this paper.<br />

• Final acknowledgements should be given to Barry W. Boehm for<br />

bringing all this about !<br />

c○ Dines Bjørner 2011, Fredsvej 11, DK–2840 Holte, Denmark <strong>On</strong> <strong>“The</strong> <strong>Right”</strong> <strong>Software</strong> April 1, 2011, 12:27

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