March 2009 Kommunikasie – 'n Sleutel tot sukses - Oudtshoorn ...

March 2009 Kommunikasie – 'n Sleutel tot sukses - Oudtshoorn ...

March 2009 Kommunikasie – 'n Sleutel tot sukses - Oudtshoorn ...


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Welcome to the second<br />

edition of this Newsletter for <strong>2009</strong><br />

<strong>March</strong> <strong>March</strong> <strong>2009</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong><br />

<strong>Kommunikasie</strong> <strong>–</strong> ‘n <strong>Sleutel</strong> <strong>tot</strong> <strong>sukses</strong><br />

Vele bekwame mense het nooit die <strong>sukses</strong> bereik wat hul kon nie. Die rede: hulle het nie ‘n (doelbewuste)<br />

poging aangewend om hulle vermoë om te kommunikeer verbeter nie. Die vermoë om sinvol en goed te<br />

kommunikeer is ‘n sleutel <strong>tot</strong> <strong>sukses</strong>.<br />

Sommige mense is van nature beter kommunikators as anders. Toegegee. Maar jy kan jou kommunikasievermoë<br />

sterker, beter, doeltreffender maak. Soos jy jou spiere sterk en doeltreffend maak in ‘n gimnasium,<br />

so maak jy deur oefening jou kommunikasie-vermoë sterker en beter.<br />

<strong>Kommunikasie</strong> sluit aspekte in soos:<br />

· Luistervaardighede<br />

· Beheersing van taal<br />

· Vermoë om te kan skryf<br />

· Vermoë om voor ‘n gehoor te praat<br />

· Jou idees duidelik oor te dra<br />

· Om te kan oortuig<br />

· Om ‘n goeie indruk te skep<br />

Dis nie nodig om jou te probeer oortuig kommunikasie is ‘n sleutel <strong>tot</strong> <strong>sukses</strong> nie. Kyk maar net rondom jou<br />

hoe mense se vermoë om te praat, standpunt in te neem, ‘n saak te beredeneer, en dit nog boonop goed te<br />

doen, hul aansien laat styg en hul in posisies van leierskap plaas.<br />

<strong>Kommunikasie</strong> is aksie!!<br />

Die een enkele helder doel van hierdie nuusbrief is om jou persoonlike groei en ontwikkeling as mens te<br />

ondersteun en te help. Dis waaroor dit in hierdie nuusbrief gaan, want dis my begeerte dat elkeen van ons<br />

<strong>tot</strong> ons volle potensiaal moet kom. Te veel goeie mense sit met die wonderlikste potensiaal wat begrawe lê<br />

onder dinge soos gebrekkige selfvertroue, nie genoeg kennis nie, vrees om te waag en swak kommunikasievermoë.<br />

Geleenthede kom klop aan ‘n mens se deur, jy kan oopmaak en geleentheid innooi. Ongelukkig wil<br />

die meeste mense nie uit hul gemaksone kom nie, en sal ook nooit weet wat hul werklik in die lewe mis nie.<br />

En so vertoef geleentheid ‘n rukkie by jou, maar wanneer jy nie geleentheid wil gebruik nie, bly dit nie veel<br />

langer by jou nie. Dan los geleentheid jou en stap verder aan.<br />

Dr. S.T Potgieter Pg 1 1 1 of 4<br />

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DONDERDAG 5 MAART <strong>2009</strong><br />

This long overdue meeting was conducted in a very positive<br />

manner and it creates the platform for an open and<br />

productive working relationship to the benefit of our<br />

members and the community of <strong>Oudtshoorn</strong> as a whole.<br />

Die belangrikste besprekingspunte was as volg:<br />


Die verspreiding van ‘n nuusberig sal binnekort aan alle<br />

belastingbetalers gestuur word en ‘n poging sal aangewend<br />

word om dit op ‘n gereelde grondslag te doen.<br />

The issue of outstanding correspondence with the<br />

municipality and its officials / councillors was discussed in<br />

detail. Vacancies in various senior positions were one of<br />

the main reasons for this problem and focus is placed by the<br />

mayoral committee to correct the situation.<br />

Indien daar enige lede is wat wag op antwoorde van die<br />

munisipaliteit is u welkom om ons kantoor of u wyksraadslid<br />

te skakel om die aangeleentheid verder te neem.<br />

2. ALGEMEEN<br />

• Tweemaandelikse vergaderings sal in die toekoms gehou<br />

word.<br />

• Behoefte word uitgespreek dat lede van die<br />

Besigheidskamer by die wykskomitees betrokke moet<br />

raak.<br />

• Die lede se kennis en ondervinding is aangebied om die<br />

Raad by te staan met die opstel en kommunikering van<br />

die G.O.P en die L.E.D. proses.<br />

This first meeting of the year concluded that it can only<br />

assist in building relationships and trust between the two<br />

parties.<br />



6 Maart <strong>2009</strong><br />

Volgende Gholfdag<br />

25 25 Maart Maart <strong>2009</strong> <strong>2009</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong><br />

A A wise wise man man will will make<br />

make<br />

more more opportunities<br />

opportunities<br />

than than he he finds.<br />

finds.<br />

Francis Bacon<br />

Gholf!!!<br />

Gholf!!!<br />

4 Ball Betterball Stableford<br />

Geborg deur <strong>Oudtshoorn</strong> Besigheidskamer<br />

Eerste Eerste drie drie drie pare pare pare kwalifiseer kwalifiseer op<br />

op<br />

elke elke ronde ronde vir die finaal in in<br />

November November <strong>2009</strong><br />

<strong>2009</strong><br />

Borg ‘n putjie teen R200<br />

Gholfdae word die laaste Woensdag van<br />

elke maand gehou- Wees deel daarvan!<br />

Enige navrae?<br />

Kontak Helen by: 044 044 272 272 272 6637 6637<br />

6637<br />

Page 2 2 of 4


Has your company changed any of the following<br />

recently?<br />

Telephone number / E-mail address / Postal<br />

address / Company name / etc<br />

Please inform us of any changes on<br />

044-2726637 or E-mail:<br />

business@odnchamber.co.za<br />

Indien u ledefooie betaal, maak asseblief seker dat<br />

u die inligting aan die kantoor deurgee <strong>–</strong> stuur asb.<br />

‘n faks of e-pos as bewys van betaling van<br />

lidmaatskap.<br />

Geld is soos mis, dis niks<br />

werd behalwe as dit<br />

versprei word nie.<br />

Sir Francis Bacon<br />

Besoek www.ahi.co.za<br />

Diary / Dagboek<br />

19 <strong>–</strong> 22.03.09 Buffalo Rally (Mosselbay)<br />

29.03 <strong>–</strong> 01.04.09 SA Golf Summit (George)<br />

04 - 11.04.09 ABSA KKNK<br />

21 <strong>–</strong> 25.04.09 LIONS Fresh Air Convention (Odn)<br />

30.04 <strong>–</strong> 03.05.09 Pienk Loerie Mardi Gras (Knysna)<br />

May <strong>2009</strong> Prince Albert Half Marathon<br />

01 <strong>–</strong> 02.05.09 Prince Albert Town & Olive Festival<br />

01 <strong>–</strong> 03.05.09 Calitzdorp Port Festival<br />

01 <strong>–</strong> 02.05.09 Eco Festival (Ladismith)<br />

06.05.09 SWD High School Athletics<br />

07 <strong>–</strong> 10.05.09 Rotary Conference<br />

14.05.09 Western Cape School Athletics<br />

05 <strong>–</strong> 07.06.09 Wacky Wine Weekend (Robertson)<br />

03 <strong>–</strong> 12.07.09 Knysna Oyster Festival<br />

06 <strong>–</strong> 12.07.0 9 Drummies<br />

16 <strong>–</strong> 18.07.09 De Rust Volstruisfees<br />

24 <strong>–</strong> 26.07.09 George Cheese Festival<br />

14 <strong>–</strong> 16.08.09 Klein Karoo Klassique<br />

19 <strong>–</strong> 28.09.09 Whiskey, Whales & Jazz Festival (Plett)<br />

17.10.09 Seweweekspoort MTB Challenge<br />

17.10.09 Meiringspoort Half Marathon<br />

09.11.09 Animal to Hell and Back MTB (Odn)<br />

Surviving Surviving the the Crisis Crisis Crisis Mark Oliver Tijam<br />

It’s <strong>2009</strong> and all of us are facing the grim reality that the world’s economy is slowing down without knowing how long this would last. Everyday,<br />

more and more bad news are coming up and there seems to be no clear answer to this yet. Most of us may be feeling the pinch of this condition,<br />

especially the manufacturers and exporters. This is a period of what we may call “survival of the fittest”, and for many business owners like me, it<br />

brought a feeling of uncertainty for our future.<br />

How do we survive this crisis? Well, here are some suggestions on how we could be on top of this:<br />

1. Be flexible and quick to adapt <strong>–</strong> The market is evolving. Products that used to be easy to sell are now gathering dust on our shelves. If you don’t<br />

have an alternative plan to turn it into cash, you may be left with obsolete items that is tied with your capital.<br />

2. Just focus on a niche market that is faring better <strong>–</strong> Identify the best niche market for your products and concentrate on it. In these hard times, no<br />

matter how good your product is, if your market is suffering, so will your business. It’s better to have a smaller market that would give you a steady<br />

cash flow than aiming for the larger market which cannot help you sustain your business. Remember the 80:20 rule.<br />

3. Keep an eye on your cash flow <strong>–</strong> Cash will always be King, as they say. This is the lifeblood of the business. Make sure you always have cash<br />

on hand when the rainy days come.<br />

4. Keep costs low <strong>–</strong> In these competitive times, it is an advantage to have the lowest cost in coming up with your products. This will not only<br />

conserve cash but this will put you in a strong position in case a price war ensues.<br />

5. Keep your customers happy <strong>–</strong> This is the most important advice I can give you. Your customers are the reason why you are in business. Always<br />

keep in mind that customers will always be with you through the best and worst of times as long as you are able to provide their needs and keep<br />

them happy.<br />

Always remember that no matter how difficult the current business situation is, there will always a silver lining of opportunities that will appear. Let’s<br />

just be ready that when that rainbow of hope comes out, we will be the first ones to discover that pot of gold. Good luck!<br />

Page 3 of 4

Excerpt from the Management Meeting held<br />

28 February <strong>2009</strong><br />

FINANCES: Jacobus Maloney discussed the finances of<br />

the Chamber and is of the opinion that the financial<br />

status of the Chamber is healthy.<br />

Melcus Nel discussed the capital expenses at the Centre<br />

of Hope and said that a separate bank account would be<br />

opened for the centre.<br />

AIRPORT: A discussion ensued regarding the airport and<br />

the controversial issues surrounding its development. A<br />

press statement had been released by the Municipality<br />

regarding the airport.<br />

Melcus Nel discussed the Mayoral Committee meeting that<br />

had not yet taken place. He said that a date would be<br />

provided by the end of the week. His intention was to<br />

include the airport as a topic on the agenda. He stated the<br />

importance of getting the processes in order.<br />

COMMUNITY/OEF: Melcus Nel discussed the <strong>Oudtshoorn</strong><br />

station and said that this had been discussed at the<br />

previous OEF meeting.<br />

MUNICIPALITY: The ward numbers of the town had not<br />

been put on the municipal accounts as requested last year.<br />

The importance of maintaining a good relationship with the<br />

Municipal Council was stressed.<br />

WARD COMMITTEES: Geoff Wilck had written an article<br />

regarding the attendance of ward meetings, which was<br />

included in the previous newsletter.<br />

OTHER FORUMS: POLICE FORUM: Melcus Nel reported<br />

on the meeting held with Dir. Jordaan. Hennie Davel had<br />

accompanied him. He said that a meeting would be<br />

arranged to meet with Spt. Dreyer, Hennie Davel and the<br />

Chief Magistrate regarding the car guards. He discussed<br />

the car guards and how their presence would discourage<br />

the children on the street.<br />

Enige Flink Idees vir ons<br />

Nuusbrief?<br />

Epos Helen: business@odnchamber.co.za<br />


URE<br />

Maandag Maandag <strong>–</strong> Vrydag<br />

09h00 09h00 <strong>–</strong> 13h00<br />


moves forward and we try to deliver more, we require<br />

the assistance of our members to share their<br />

successes, developments and expertise with us <strong>–</strong><br />

communication is a two way street <strong>–</strong> we are only as<br />

strong as our members. If there are areas in which<br />

members think we are weak, we would like to know<br />

about this so that we may improve our service and<br />

the manner in which our experienced staff deliver to<br />

our members.<br />

NETWORKS: It was decided that Christo Vermaak, Liesel le<br />

Roux and Melcus Nel would deliberate the overall winner of<br />

the overall business leader in <strong>Oudtshoorn</strong>, sponsored by Die<br />

Burger.<br />

GENERAL: It was decided that all new members would be<br />

given an opportunity to send a brief description of their<br />

business and a link, if necessary, which would be sent by email<br />

to all members. This would enable the reader to decide<br />

what the next step will be and thereby showing no favouritsm<br />

from the chamber’s side.<br />

Besigheidspersoon Besigheidspersoon van van die die Jaar<br />

Jaar<br />

2008<br />

2008<br />

Kwartaalikse Kwartaalikse Wenners:<br />

Wenners:<br />

Brett Pyper (KKNK)<br />

Peter Lodder (Agri Klein Karoo)<br />

Geoff Wilck<br />

Andries van Schalkwyk<br />

(Buffelsdrift Game Lodge)<br />

Algehele Wenner:<br />

Geoff Wilck<br />

Baie Baie Baie Baie Geluk!<br />

Geluk!<br />

Geluk!<br />

Geluk!<br />

Success Success usually usually<br />

usually<br />

comes comes to to to those those who<br />

who<br />

are are too too busy busy to to be<br />

be<br />

looking looking for for it<br />

it<br />

Henry David Thoreau<br />

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