The Multicom Case.pdf

The Multicom Case.pdf

The Multicom Case.pdf


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In the name of the most high<br />

Images of Organizations<br />

X Reading and Shaping<br />

S. Alireza Feyzbakhsh, Ph.D.<br />

1386<br />

Organizational gn n Life fe<br />

Sharif University of Technology<br />

School of Management and Economics

Key words:<br />

• Diagnostic reading<br />

• CCritical iti l evaluation l ti<br />

• Creating a storyline<br />

• Dominant frame<br />

• Supporting fframe

I In this hi session i<br />

• <strong>Multicom</strong> case<br />

• Interpreting <strong>Multicom</strong><br />

Diagnostic D agnost c reading read ng<br />

Developing a storyline by 3<br />

perspective<br />

• IInterpreting t ti th the reading<br />


Th <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Multicom</strong> case

Interpreting <strong>Multicom</strong><br />

•A DIAGNOSIC READING, where by<br />

we strive to gain as comprehensive an<br />

understanding as possible,<br />

accompanied by<br />

E h<br />


integrates key insights.

Interpreting <strong>Multicom</strong> l<br />

Diagnostic reading d<br />

Critical evaluation<br />


<strong>The</strong> machine <strong>The</strong> organism<br />

metaphor metaphor<br />

<strong>The</strong> domination<br />

Metaphor<br />

<strong>The</strong> brain<br />

metaphor<br />

hhe fl flux andd<br />

<strong>Multicom</strong><br />

ansformation<br />

etaphor h<br />

<strong>The</strong> culture<br />

metaphor<br />

<strong>The</strong> psychic <strong>The</strong> political<br />

prison metaphor<br />


<strong>The</strong> organismic metaphor:<br />

An organization drifting out of<br />

alignment ag etwith t the t e challenge c a e ge oof tthe e<br />

external enviornment.<br />

A di diagnostic ti reading<br />


<strong>The</strong> brain metaphor:<br />

A holographic holographic, team based, based<br />

learning ea g oorganization ga at o tthat at is s be being g<br />

bureaucratized.<br />

A diagnostic diagnostic reading

<strong>The</strong> culture metaphor:<br />

A corporate culture in transition:<br />

Th <strong>The</strong> flexible fl ibl and d ddynamic i essence<br />

of “old old <strong>Multicom</strong>” <strong>Multicom</strong> is being<br />

reproduced in Media 2000.<br />

A diagnostic reading

<strong>The</strong> political metaphor:<br />

A politicized p organization g that has<br />

been factionalized and been<br />

ttransformed f d in i pursuit it of f the th<br />

competing interest of the four<br />

principle.<br />

A diagnostic diagnostic reading

<strong>The</strong> h psychic h prison metaphor: h<br />

An organization that has been<br />

shaped by conflicting ideologies of<br />

what it means to “get get organized” organized<br />

and by y unconscious needs to<br />

control and reduce uncertainty.<br />

A diagnostic g reading g

Developing a storyline:<br />

11.A A manager-consultant lt t ‘ ‘s<br />


Dominant Frame:<br />

Supporting Frames:<br />

<strong>The</strong> organismic metaphor<br />

<strong>The</strong> holographic g p <strong>The</strong> culture<br />

metaphor metaphor<br />

<strong>The</strong> political<br />

metaphor h<br />

<strong>The</strong> psychic<br />

prison i metaphor t h<br />

Storylines prioritize the insights of<br />

Storylines prioritize the insights of<br />

different metaphors

Dominant Frame:<br />

Supporting Frames:<br />

<strong>The</strong> political metaphor<br />

<strong>The</strong> holographic <strong>The</strong> culture<br />

metaphor<br />

metaphor<br />

<strong>The</strong> psychic <strong>The</strong> organismic<br />

prison metaphor metaphor<br />

A political storyline

Developing a storyline:<br />

22.A A social critic ‘ss perspective

Dominant Frame:<br />

Supporting Frames:<br />

<strong>The</strong> Domination metaphor<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>The</strong> Flux and<br />

Political<br />

transformation<br />

metaphor metaphor<br />

A social critic ‘ss storyline

Developing a storyline:<br />

33.A A policy li analyst l t ‘ ‘s perspective<br />


<strong>The</strong> Flux l and d<br />

Dominant Frame: Transformation<br />

Supporting Frames:<br />

metaphor<br />

<strong>The</strong> Political <strong>The</strong> Domination<br />

metaphor<br />

metaphor<br />

A policy analyst ‘ss storyline

Reading: g<br />

Reading and emergent emergent intelligent intelligent<br />

<strong>The</strong> process p of reading g is organic g<br />

<strong>The</strong> reading is not an end in it itself<br />

<strong>The</strong> process of reading a situation<br />

is always two-way two-way

By being open to frames and concepts<br />

generated by different metaphors<br />

1) be sensitive to the dimension of a<br />

situation<br />

2) Take account of this point of view<br />

3) Variety of insights

By being open to frames and concepts<br />

generated by different metaphors<br />

4) Use different frames and subframes<br />

5) RRelationship l ti hi bbetween t fi figure and d<br />

ground<br />

6) New horizons and deepen<br />

understanding<br />

7) Learn to keep open

11<br />

Images m g of f organization g<br />

U Using i metaphor h to manage i in<br />

a Turbulent Turbulent world

Key words:<br />

• Turbulent world<br />

• IImaginize i i

Thi This session: i<br />

Major implication for management<br />

t termites<br />


Our theories are just like<br />


Major implications for<br />

management: g<br />

1. Mobilize new ways of seeing.<br />

BBe aware of f the th constant t t link li k<br />

between theory and practice practice.

Major implications for<br />

management: g<br />

2. Develop capacities that will help you<br />

evolve with new challenges.

Major implications for<br />

management: g<br />

3. Remember that you are an “author”<br />

as well ll as a “ “reader d “ of f<br />

organizational g<br />


MMajor j implications impli ti ns f for<br />

management:<br />

management<br />

4. Imaginize!!! Don’t just organize.



Termite nets are product of random, self-<br />

organization i ti activity ti it whereby h b structure t t<br />

emerge and unfold in a piecemeal, unplanned<br />


Be successful!

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