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Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology, Vol: 21, Supplement: 2, 2011 - www.psikofarmakoloji.org<br />

Abstracts of the Invited Speakers<br />

because both effective pharmacological agents and untreated maternal anxiety seem to be associated with several negative outcomes<br />

on the course of pregnancy and the fetus. Despite the absence of practical guidelines for pharmacological management of panic disorder<br />

during pregnancy and lactation, some general points about pharmacological treatment include the following: (1) Pharmacotherapy<br />

should be preferred when the potential impact of untreated maternal panic disorder is higher than the impact of the pharmacological<br />

agent on the fetus or new mother. (2) The patient and relatives should be informed about the benefits and risks of pharmacological<br />

treatment or nontreatment of the current maternal psychiatric picture and written informed consent forms should be obtained. (3)<br />

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors except paroxetine and low dose imipramine may be preferred during pregnancy. (4) Sertraline,<br />

paroxetine, orlow doses of imipramine or clomipramine appear to be appropriate pharmacological agents during the lactation period.<br />

Key words: Panic disorder, pregnancy, lactation<br />

Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2011;21(Suppl. 2):S70-1<br />

Psychotropic drug treatment during pregnancy and lactation in obsessive compulsive disorder<br />

Servet Ebrinç<br />

GATA Haydarpasa Training Hospital, Clinic of Psychiatry, Istanbul, Turkey<br />

E-mail: sebrinc1@gmail.com<br />

According to recent studies, obsessive compulsive disorder(OCD) is one of the leading cause of disability and the prevalence of OCD is<br />

found to be 0.2-3.5% in pregnancy and 2.7-9% in the postpartum period.<br />

The efficacy and tolerability of SSRIs and SNRIs in the treatment of OCD are well-determined in many double-blind randomized controlled<br />

trials. Despite the fact that it is well known that OCD patients may benefit from antiobsessional therapy during pregnancy and the<br />

postpartum period, very little data are available about the efficacy of the treatment and no evidence suggests that patients would react<br />

differently to these drugs. Hence, OCD women who are pregnant and in the postpartum period might be treated using standardized<br />

treatment approaches.<br />

During pregnancy and the postpartum period, the treatment of OCD should clinically take the risks and benefits of several treatment<br />

modalities and the expectations of the patient into account. While cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is the leading choice in nonpharmacological<br />

treatment of OCD, pharmacoterapy might be used if necessary.<br />

If CBT is inadequate and pharmacotherapy is needed, during pregnancy, fluoxetine, and during the lactation period, paroxetine, are<br />

proposed to be the first line treatments. Although evidence is limited, other SSRIs are acceptable as alternative treatment options.<br />

All of the antidepressant drugs are transferred to the nursing infant during breastfeeding. The American Academy of Pediatrics classifies<br />

psychotropic drugs as “drugs whose effects are unknown, but may be of concern.” The best way of determining the exposure to the drug is<br />

measuring the drug concentration in the plasma of the baby. Clinical evaluation is important to identify any side effects while monitoring the baby.<br />

There is no evidence indicating an increase in the rates of intrauterine death or malformation in the case of exposure to tricyclics or<br />

SSRIs. Whether exposure to SSRIs causes a decrease in birth weight or an increase in premature births is not certain and the evidence is<br />

controversial. Nonetheless, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has determined that first trimester exposure to paroxetine might<br />

cause an increase in the risk for congenital malformations particularly cardiac defects. Therefore, the FDA has changed paroxetine’s<br />

pregnancy category from C (risk can not be ruled out) to D (positive evidence of human fetal risk).<br />

A “withdrawal syndrome,” consisting of symptoms in the locomotor, central nervous, respiratory and gastrointestinal systems may occur<br />

in newborns exposed to SSRIs in the third trimester. Although monitoring is required in an exposed newborn, this syndrome is relatively<br />

mild, can be managed with supportive therapy and diminishes within 2 weeks. Some evidence points out an increase in the rates of<br />

persistent pulmonary hypertension in infants exposed to SSRIs during the third trimester. Before delivery, lowering the dosage of the<br />

mother’s drugs that might have been augmented due to the symptom severity of OCD, is recommended.<br />

Key words: lactation, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), psychopharmacotherapy, pregnancy<br />

References:<br />

1. Clinical Management Guidelines for Obstetrician-Gynecologists Use of Psychiatric Medications During Pregnancy and Lactation. ACOG Practice Bulletin,<br />

(Reprinted with permission from Obstetrics & Gynecology 2008; 111:1001–1020)<br />

2. Brandes M, Soares CN, Cohen LS. Postpartum onset obsessive-compulsive disorder: diagnosis and management. Arch Womens Ment Health 2004; 7:99–110<br />

3. Use of Psychoactive Medication During Pregnancy and Possible Effects on the Fetus and Newborn Amerikan Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Drugs Pediatrics<br />

2000; 105; 880-887<br />

4. Koran LM, Hanna GL, Hollander E et al. Practice Guidline for theTreatment of Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Copyright 2010, American Psychiatric<br />


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