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Panic symptoms S122<br />

Paroxetine S156<br />

Pathological gambling S53, S174<br />

Pattern S168<br />

Pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) S118<br />

Perinatal depression S64<br />

Persistent symptoms S86<br />

Personality S34<br />

Personality disorder S178<br />

Personalized medicine S102, S157, S198<br />

PET S62<br />

Petechia S190<br />

Pharmacogenetics S63, S101<br />

Pharmacogenomics S102, S157, S198<br />

Pharmacological treatment S93<br />

Pharmacology S93<br />

Pharmacotherapy S53, S93<br />

Phobias S178<br />

Physical activity S91<br />

Physical health monitoring S149<br />

Physical symptom S123, S135<br />

Pica S182<br />

Pilots S103<br />

Piracetam S146<br />

Placebo S38, S123, S135<br />

Polymorphism S63, S100, S108, S176<br />

Polypharmacy S164<br />

Post traumatic stress disorder S141<br />

Post-partum blues S163<br />

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) S123, S175<br />

Pregnancy S35, S48, S71, S190, S196<br />

Pregnant women S149<br />

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder S193<br />

Premenstrual syndrome S123, S135<br />

Priapism S167<br />

Progesterone S77<br />

Progressive muscle relaxation S132<br />

Psychiatric S202<br />

Psychiatric disorders S37, S48, S62, S74, S77<br />

Psychiatry S65, S74, S101, S109<br />

Psychopathology S125<br />

Psychopharmacotherapy S71<br />

Psychosis S83, S167, S178, S192<br />

Psychospiritual interventions S42<br />

Psychostimulants S44<br />

Psychosurgery S61<br />

Psychotherapy S53, S95, S105, S106, S151<br />

Psychotic disorder S80, S162<br />

Psychotropic drugs S48, S88, S90, S103<br />

Psychotropics S140<br />

PTSD S59, S106, S175<br />

Quality of life S132, S191<br />

Quantitative EEG S58<br />

Questionnaire S151<br />

Racine scale S118<br />

Radial-arm maze S112<br />

Rape S127<br />

Rapid antidepressant efficacy S69<br />

Rat S68<br />

Rat behaviour S36<br />

Rational drug use S102<br />

Rats S141<br />

Reaction time S113<br />

Reboxetine S130<br />

Reference memory S112<br />

Referral pathways S129<br />

Rehabilitation S86<br />

Relapse S149, S198<br />

Religious beliefs S155<br />

Renal transplantation S161<br />

Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) therapy S58<br />

Resistant depression S176<br />

Risk factors S137<br />

Risky behavior S153<br />

Risperidone S135<br />

RTMS S176<br />

Safety S190, S201<br />

Schizophrenia S49, S50, S59, S61, S63, S77, S80, S86, S126,<br />

S129, S134, S143, S157, S164, S171, S177, S180, S188,<br />

S191, S192, S195, S201<br />

Scientific basis S63<br />

SCL-90 S144<br />

Seasonal affective disorder S89<br />

Self-destructive acts S181<br />

Self-perception S138<br />

Serotonin S49, S63<br />

Serotonin syndrome S36<br />

Sertraline S179<br />

Serum drug levels S149<br />

Sexual dysfunction S80, S103<br />

Sexual trauma S167<br />

Side effect S63, S103, S127, S130, S161, S167, S200<br />

Sigma receptor S112<br />

Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) S102<br />

SLC6A2 S148<br />

Subject Index<br />

Sleep S43, S89<br />

Sleep deprivation S87, S89<br />

Smoking cessation S162<br />

SNP genotyping S157<br />

SNP prioritization S198<br />

SNRI S55<br />

Social anxiety S173, S174<br />

Social behaviour S76<br />

Social Phobia Scale S174<br />

Social Interaction Anxiety Scale S174<br />

Sodium valproate S164<br />

Somatic symptoms S139<br />

Somatization S56, S105<br />

Somatoform S105<br />

Soviet times S128<br />

SPECT S62<br />

Spinal Cord Injury 141<br />

SSRI S55, S103<br />

St. John’s Wort S65<br />

Stress S111<br />

Structural brain abnormalities S169<br />

Substance abuse S83, S130<br />

Substance P S51<br />

Substance use S125, S159<br />

Subtypes S189<br />

Sucrose preference S166<br />

Sudden cardiac death S119<br />

Suicide rate S145<br />

Switching S130<br />

Synaptic plasticity S91<br />

Tardive akathisia S144<br />

Tardive dyskinesia S165<br />

Tardive dystonia S201<br />

Tardive syndromes S144<br />

Temperament S54<br />

Ten year period S145<br />

Teratogenicity S190<br />

Terlipressin S141<br />

Testicular mutilation S134<br />

Testosterone S77<br />

Thalamic EEG S118<br />

The quran reciting S145<br />

Therapeutic relationship S41<br />

Therapy S109, S123<br />

Thinking S34<br />

Thrombocytopenia S130<br />

Thyroid hormones S77<br />

Tianeptine abuse S197<br />

Tianeptine dependence S197<br />

Tic disorders S200<br />

TMS S59<br />

Topiramate S182<br />

Tourette’s disorder S160<br />

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) S60, S117<br />

Transcultural psychiatry S37<br />

Transcultural psychiatry in USA S37<br />

Transgenic S68<br />

Translational medicine S157<br />

Trauma S56, S80, S123, S127<br />

Treatment S87, S89, S93, S96, S101, S105, S126, S151, S174, S176, S196<br />

Treatment outcome S41<br />

Treatment principles and pitfalls S41<br />

Treatment resistance S86<br />

Treatment resistant depression S85<br />

Turkish American cases S37<br />

Typical and atypical antipsychotics S110<br />

Typical antipsychotics S164<br />

UGT1A4 S131<br />

Unintended pregnancy S163<br />

Units S202<br />

Urinary incontinence<br />

Vaginismus S178<br />

Vagus nerve stimulation S60<br />

Valproic acid S126<br />

Valsartan S198<br />

Varenicline S162<br />

VCAM-1 S143<br />

Venlafaxine S127, S175<br />

Ventricular arrhythmias S119<br />

Vigilance-promoting agents S44<br />

Visual and auditory tasks S113<br />

Vitamin D S72, S116<br />

Volumetry S193<br />

Vorbeireden S159<br />

Weight loss S139<br />

Well-being S34<br />

Wellness S34<br />

Wender-Utah rating scale S163<br />

Z hypnotics S202<br />

Zinc deficiency S116<br />

Zinc supplementation S73<br />

Ziprasidone S119<br />

Zuclopenthixol S167<br />

Zuclopenthixol acetate S125<br />

γ –hydroxybutyrate S44

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