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Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology, Vol: 21, Supplement: 2, 2011 - www.psikofarmakoloji.org<br />

Poster Presentations<br />

[PP-103] Ref. No: 298<br />

Adult primary enuresis nocturna: A case report<br />

Yücel Yılmaz, Ömer Yanartaş, İshak Saygılı, Aytül Gürsü Hariri<br />

Erenkoy Mental Health Training And Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey<br />

E-mail: yilmazyucel@live.com<br />

Introduction: Nocturnal enuresis (bed-wetting) is a hereditary, medical condition, which effects both children and adults (1). Beside this<br />

there is few studies on pevalance of enuresis nocturna (EN) among adults. EN cases are seldomly reported. Although most of the patients<br />

recover spontaneusly from EN, in the resistant cases illness persist through adulthood (2). The patients who have frequent bed-wetting in<br />

their childhood have greater risk for persistence of symptoms (3).<br />

Case: A 29-year-old single, male patient does not work. The patient has been suffering from bed-wetting at nights, 2-3 times per week<br />

since his early childhood. He reports that he never had a long period free from bed-wetting at nights. He was suffering from bedwetting<br />

only at nights and never had daytime wetting. The patient reported that bedwetting becomes more frequent when he was under stress or<br />

felt unhappy about something and decreased in frequency when he felt less stressed out. While his military service, for a short period his<br />

symptoms had stopped when his millitary service was over his symptom has started again. In last six months, after he has suffered from<br />

thoughts of worthlessness, relationship issues with his father, and some economic problems his bed-wetting frequency increased. After<br />

his first application to the Erenkoy Mental Health Training And Research Hospital outpatient clinic, a consultation with a neurologist and a<br />

urologist was planned. He had been examined separately by a urologist, a neurologist and a psychiatrist. Several investigations had been<br />

performed in which they could not detect any organic disease. These investigations included urine analysis, abdominal USG, cranial MRI,<br />

and EEG. According to the results of these investigations, organic etiology was ruled out and 25 mg/day imipramine had been commenced.<br />

Later we increased imipramine dosage to 50 mg/day and added behavioral homework to the treatment. In his familiy history, there were<br />

similar symptoms in his brother wich had persisted until age 15th, and in his cousin which had persisted until he turned to 19 years old. The<br />

treatment response of the patient was good; his compliance with pharmacological treatment and behavioral therapy techniques was good.<br />

Discussion: Our case, according to DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria, was fulfilling the criteria for enuresis nocturna and major depressive<br />

disorder on axis I. His problems about his functionality and his relationship with his father have caused an increase in his depressive<br />

symptoms and his bed-wetting. We think that patient’s good response to treatment is related to his high motivation in his first psychiatric<br />

application and his compliance with behavioral threapy. It is compatible with literature data that the relatives of the patient have similar<br />

symptoms.<br />

Key words: Enuresis nocturna, imipramine, behavioral therapy<br />

References:<br />

1. Yaluğ İ, Ünsalan N, Özten E, Öztep Kuruoğlu S, Tufan AE. Erişkinde ikincil enürezis nokturna: Bir olgu sunumu. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi 2006; 7:185-190<br />

2. Burgu B, Gokce MI, Gucuk A, Soygur T. Prospective evaluation of factors affecting the response and relapse rates to desmopressin therapy in male monosymptomatic<br />

enuretic adults. Urology 2009; 74: 915–919<br />

3. Yeung CK, Sihoe JD, Sit FK, Bower W, Sreedhar B, Lau J. Characteristics of primary nocturnal enuresis in adults: an epidemiological study. BJU Int 2004; 341-345<br />

Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2011;21(Suppl. 2):S185<br />

[PP-104] Ref. No: 311<br />

Major depressive disorder and the 5-HTTLPR in Spanish and Mexican populations<br />

Pedro Dorado 1 , Hugo Trejo 2 , Elisa Alonso 2 , Eva Peñas Lledó 1 , Adrián Llerena 1 , Marisol López 3<br />

1Clinical Research Centre (CICAB), Extremadura University Hospital and Medical School, Badajoz, Spain<br />

2National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery Manuel Velasco Suárez. Mexico City, Mexico<br />

3Metropolitan Autonomous University-Campus Xochimilco, Mexico City, Mexico<br />

4Co-Principal Investigators<br />

E-mail: allerena@unex.es<br />

Preliminary evidence of an increased risk of suffering from MDD for individuals carrying the 5HTTLPR S allele was described in 70 Spanish<br />

patients [1].<br />

The present study aimed to analyze the potential relevance of the 5-HTTLPR genotypes and the risk of suffering from MDD in Mexicans<br />


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