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Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology, Vol: 21, Supplement: 2, 2011 - www.psikofarmakoloji.org<br />

Poster Presentations<br />

[PP-091] Ref. No: 228<br />

Diagnostic confusion about OCD and schizophrenia: A case report<br />

Sevgi Gül Kabak, Mustafa Burak Baykaran, Selma Bozkurt Zincir<br />

Erenköy Mental Health Training and Research Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey<br />

E-mail: sbozkurtzincir@yahoo.com<br />

Introduction: Both obsessions and delusions are based on wrong, absurd and extreme ideas and it is thought that they could be<br />

separated on the basis of the presence of insight. Between obsessions and delusions there is the protection of insight and the ability to<br />

resist compulsive thoughts and/or behaviors. The insight of obsessive patients against obsessions may be protected or completely lost<br />

(1). In this paper, the diagnostic process in a patient with OCD, who also had delusions, is discussed.<br />

Case: A 30 year-old, married, female patient applied to the hospital with complaints of unhappiness, suspiciousness, self-reproach, thoughts<br />

of death, hearing noises and insomnia. The patient had a four year medical history. She considered her 6 year-old son as her “love.” Four<br />

years ago she had sexual feelings towards her female collegues and she thought that her feelings were mutual and her thoughts could be<br />

read by them. During psychiatric examination, her thought content had Schneiderian symptoms such as paranoia, thought withdrawal,<br />

thought insertion, and reference delusion. Just after the hospitalization and evaluation, the patient was medicated with 6 mg/day risperidone<br />

and 2 mg/day biperiden for a preliminary diagnosis of schizophrenia. Later the preliminary diagnosis was changed to atypical obsessivecompulsive<br />

disorder and her treatment was changed to sertraline 200 mg/day, quetiapine 300 mg/day and clonazepam 2 mg/day. Due to the<br />

fact that after a 10-day period of improvement, her reference delusion and fear of death had restarted, and inappropriate affect was detected,<br />

a treatment regimen of pimozide 2mg/day, sertraline 200mg/day, clomipramine 75mg/day, clonazepam 2mg/day had been prescribed.<br />

The difference between the facts and the idea had been discussed through a cognitive approach. After 12 days, her affect recovered and<br />

obsessive thoughts decreased, therefore the patient was discharged from hospital on the previously mentioned treatment. After 2 months,<br />

there had been no psychotic symptoms, she had been able to cope with distress better and her psycho-social functioning had been fine.<br />

Discussion: The frequency of psychotic symptoms in OCD was detected at the ratio of 0.7-12.3% in a former study and 14% psychotic<br />

symptoms and 4% schizophrenia was reported in another study. Thomsen and Jensen demonstrated that 5% of 135 OCD patients, who<br />

applied to the hospital for the first time, were later diagnosed as schizophrenic (3). Despite the psychotic nature of OCD that has been<br />

noticed for a long time, modern classification systems still refer to OCD as an anxiety disorder. Although the DSM-IV mentions poor<br />

insight in OCD, there has been no objective description for what degree of insight should be accepted as poor. The diagnostic criteria and<br />

treatment of schizo-obsessions and whether the patients who have schizophrenia and OCD comorbidity should be considered as schizoobsessive<br />

disorder are still under discussion(2).<br />

Key words: Comorbidity, differential diagnosis, obsessive compulsive disorder, schizophrenia<br />

References:<br />

1. Aydın A. Ceylan ME. Türkcan A. Şizofrenide Obsesif Kompulsif Fenomenler: Bir Gözden Geçirme. Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni 2008;18:222-234<br />

2. Demir EY. Aslan S. Şizo-Obsesif Bozukluk: Tanı, Sınıflandırma ve Tedavi. Türkiye’ de Psikiyatri 2005;7(1):38-43<br />

3. Güleç G. Güneş E. Yenilmez Ç. Obsesif Kompulsif Belirtileri Olan Şizofreni Hastalarının Şizofreni ve Obsesif Kompulsif Bozukluk Hastaları İle Karşılaştırılması. Türk<br />

Psikiyatri Dergisi 2008;19(3):247-256<br />

Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2011;21(Suppl. 2):S177<br />

[PP-092] Ref. No: 232<br />

Is vaginismus a specific phobia?<br />

Ramazan Konkan 1 , Meltem Bayrak 1 , Oya Güçlü 1 , Ömer Şenormancı 1 , Mehmet Z. Sungur 2<br />

1 Bakırköy Research and Training Hospital for Psychiatry, Neurology and Neurosurgery, İstanbul, Turkey<br />

2Marmara University School of Medicine, İstanbul, Turkey<br />

E-mail: ramazankonkan@gmail.com<br />

Objective: Although vaginismus is classified under the title of “sexual pain disorders”, its etiological roots are still controversial. It has been<br />

suggested that vaginismus should be considered as a phobic reaction resulting in an avoidance behavior due to a dominant fear of pain. It<br />

has also been argued that, in patients with vaginismus, other fears usually accompany the fear of pain during coitus. Excessive sensitivity<br />

particularly in the genital area is said to prevail in vaginismus. In our study, patients with vaginismus were compared to a healthy group<br />


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