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Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology, Vol: 21, Supplement: 2, 2011 - www.psikofarmakoloji.org<br />

Poster Presentations<br />

inpatient treatment in the Department for Addiction at Samsun Neuropsychiatry Hospital. Diagnostic interviews were conducted for<br />

cannabis dependence syndrome (ICD 10; DSM-IV); the earliest interview was after 21 days of detoxification therapy. For assesment, the<br />

Adult ADD/ADHD DSM IV based Diagnostic Screening and Rating Scale was used. The reliability, validity, and transliteral equivalance study<br />

had been performed by Günay et.al in 2005 (Günay 2006). The scale was developed by Prof. Dr.Turgay, former Director of the Toronto<br />

ADHD Clinic, Ontario,Canada. It is a self assessment scale.<br />

General total and subscale mean scores and standard deviation of the ADHD scale according to group factors were calculated. Mean<br />

ADHD total and subscale scores were compared by using the group variable independent t test. The analyses were conducted using SPSS<br />

for Windows 16.00.<br />

Results: The ADHD general total mean scores and subscale mean scores were compared between the groups. Considerably higher scores<br />

were observed in cannabis dependent individuals.<br />

Twenty-two patients met the criterion of inattention whereas 24 patients met both the criteria of hyperactivity and inattention. Twentyfour<br />

patients were re-evaluated and interviewed and Adult ADHD was diagnosed.<br />

Five individuals in the control group met the criterion of inattention, and there were no individuals who met the criteria for both<br />

hyperactivity and inattention.<br />

All three subdimensions of the Turgay Adult ADHD Scale were found to be statistically higher in the cannabis dependent patients.<br />

Conclusions: As this study shows, Adult ADHD is highly represented in cannabis dependent patients.(in our sample 35% of patients were<br />

diagnosed with Adult ADHD).<br />

The awareness of the ADHD diagnosis in Turkey has rapidly increased over time. However it is not commonly researched, diagnosed, or<br />

treated in adult psychiatric units. A major difficulty may be that ADHD has been misdiagnosed because comorbidity is common and 90%<br />

of A-ADHD patients present with another psychiatric disorder in clinical practice. Recent studies clearly show a strong relation between<br />

ADHD and addiction, which supports the idea that a high percentage of drug dependent individuals are also suffering from undiagnosed<br />

A-ADHD. Individuals who are diagnosed and treated are less vulnerable to addiction (Biedermann 1999)<br />

Key words: Adult ADHD, cannabis dependency, substance use<br />

References:<br />

1. Biederman J, Mick E, Faraone SV (2000) Age-de¬pendent decline of symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: impact of remission definition and<br />

symptom type. Am J Psychiatry 157:816–818<br />

2. Wilens TE (2006) Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and the substance use disorders: the nature of the relationship, subtypes at risk, and treatment issues.<br />

Psychiatr Clin North Am 27:283–30.<br />

3. Fayyad J, De GR, Kessler R et al (2007) Cross-national prevalence and correlates of adult attentionDeficit hyperactivity disorder. Br J Psychiatry 190:402–409<br />

Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2011;21(Suppl. 2):S158-9<br />

[PP-063] Ref. No: 270<br />

Ganser syndrome as a dissociative disorder: A case report<br />

Beliz Soyer, Jülide Kenar, Kader Semra Karataş<br />

Erenkoy Mental and Nervous Diseases Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey<br />

E-mail: blz_syr@hotmail.com<br />

Ganser syndrome was first described in 1898 by Sigbert Ganser in 4 prisoners. Initially, it was believed to be rare, occurring mainly in<br />

forensic settings. Hence, it was referred to as prison psychosis. Later, such cases were reported more frequently in non-forensic settings.<br />

The syndrome has found a place in both the ICD-10 and DSM-IV, despite controversy about its existence and distinctiveness. This disorder<br />

was previously classified as a fictitious disorder; currently, it is classified under ‘dissociative disorder not otherwise specified.’ We report a<br />

case of a 38 year old woman with Ganser syndrome. The symptoms started 9 months after the death of her brother’s children.<br />

Key words: Ganser Syndrome, vorbeireden, dissociative disorder<br />

Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2011;21(Suppl. 2):S159<br />


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