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Abstracts of the Invited Speakers<br />

Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most common form of genomic variations and the main genetic reason behind<br />

individual phenotypic differences. Also SNP variations are suggested to be the underlying reason of many complex diseases, they are<br />

considered as a good candidate for personalized medicine and pharmacogenomics applications. Genome-Wide Association Studies<br />

(GWAS) of SNPs are among the promising approaches for the identification of disease causing variants. The high-dimension of the SNP<br />

genotyping data presents a challenge for the understanding of the genotype and its possible implications for the etiology of the diseases<br />

and also for the identification of the representative SNPs to design the follow up studies for the validation of the associations. One of<br />

the bioinformatics tools developed to overcome this challenge is METU-SNP (http://metu.edu.tr/~yesim/metu-snp.htm), which aims to<br />

fasten the identification of associations described through GWAS. Today through genomic research and meta-analysis of genotyping<br />

experiments we are able to reveal SNP biomarkers associated with disease and drug reactions. Next, translational research has to be<br />

conducted in order to develop genomic diagnostics to apply this information into practice in medical clinics. Design of diagnostic assays<br />

for the diagnosis and prediction of drug response in psychiatric disorders can especially guide the initial selection of antipsychotics or<br />

antidepressants based on the individual genomic information of the patients.<br />

Development of personalized medicine approaches and utilizing genomic diagnostic assays like the examples will be presented in this<br />

talk will eliminate or decrease the number of trial-and-errors in selection of right therapy and dosage for the right patient and will also<br />

minimize emergency visits due to side effects of the drugs. Also prescription of right medicine and therapy plan at the initial diagnosis<br />

will increase trust between the healthcare professionals and the patients, which in return expected to provide higher cooperation and<br />

adherance rates of patients to their therapy. Application of pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine approaches in clinical decision<br />

making is expected to decrease the cost of healthcare in psychiatry as in other disciplines, while offering higher quality healthcare..<br />

Key words: Personalized medicine, biomarkers, molecular diagnostics, pharmacogenomics, Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs), METU-SNP,<br />

rational drug use<br />

Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2011;21(Suppl. 2):S101-2<br />

[PS-24]<br />

Symposium Title: Effects of psychotropics and other drugs on quality of life, employee security, flight and traffic safety<br />

The effects of psychotropic and other drugs on flight and flight safety<br />

Muzaffer Çetingüç<br />

Aviation and Space Medicine Center, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey<br />

E-mail: mcetinguc@hotmail.com<br />

There are data that the side effects of many prescription drugs impair the psychomotor and cognitive performance of patients; with<br />

psychotropic drugs having even more of these negative side effects. Particularly drugs like benzodiazepines, antipsychotics, barbiturates,<br />

trycyclic antidepressants, stimulants, narcotic analgesics, and antihistamines that affect the central nervous system top the list for risks of<br />

accidents, injuries, and cognitive impairments. Along with these, anticoagulants, chemotherapeutic agents, antidiarrheals, antiemetics,<br />

and steroids should not be allowed for pilots. It is debatable that SSRIs have a mild side effect profile. SSRIs and bupropion are given<br />

to military pilots up to 6 months after resolution of anxiety and depressive symptoms in Canada and Australia. But the civil aviation<br />

authorities did not grant any privileges to these drugs.<br />

The gold standard in aviation for a pilot to fly efficiently and safely is to be in good mental and physical health and not to be affected by<br />

any medication during flights. The regulations both international and national have clear rules that permanently or temporarily restrain<br />

pilots from flying activities in the case of any sickness or medication treatment. The rules stating that a sick person cannot function as<br />

a pilot in a plane or an air traffic controller in a tower are rational. However since the notion of being sick and the tasks during a flight<br />

spread over a wide range, local health authorities can issue “waivers” for special situations. For example pilots with conditions like type-2<br />

diabetes, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis, or melanoma cannot fly; but in certain forms of these conditions that are stabilized<br />

with treatment, that have not caused serious limitations, and that do not affect performance, the pilot may be allowed to fly. Atopic<br />

dermatitis that recover with application of pomades, allergic rhinitis that is treated with nasal sprays, asthma that is treated with steroid<br />

inhalers, type-2 diabetes that is controlled with metformin are examples of allowed conditions. The drugs that are assumed not to have<br />

any side effects that might affect flight safety are: Aspirin, paracetamol, most antibiotics, depot penicillins, gout and thyroid medication,<br />

antiacids, nasal decongestants, oral contraceptives, topical analgesics and steroids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins,<br />

metformin, modafinil, caffeine, etc. Clearly, the patients need to be monitored for the first few days of use considering these drugs may<br />

have idiosyncrasies.<br />

S102 Bulletin of Clinical Psychopharmacology, Vol: 21, Supplement: 2, 2011 - www.psikofarmakoloji.org

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